How to open a service center? Certification for the repair of household appliances.

V modern society it is difficult to imagine human life without the use of household appliances. And despite the manufacturer of this equipment, the quality of its assembly, the equipment wears out during operation and there is a need for repair. Therefore, the demand for equipment repair services has always been and will always be, which means that good business idea.

But is it profitable to organize this home repair business? Certainly yes. In the event of a breakdown of small household appliances, there are no special problems - you can easily find service center and take it here for repair. But when large household appliances break down, its owner faces a lot of problems - how to deliver it to a service center and back, how to reconnect it later. In addition, it is extremely difficult for a modern working person to find time in his work schedule for such trips, since they can take at least half of the working day. At the same time, the owner of this equipment spends time, money on transportation and very expensive repairs, as well as his own strength. Therefore, the provision of services for the repair of household appliances at home seems to be relevant.

Consider the main aspects of the implementation of this business. Firstly, on-site repair services are carried out in relation to refrigeration equipment, hobs and ovens of various modifications, microwave ovens, dishwashers and washing machines, boilers, as well as any other household appliances that do not require a license to repair. (air conditioners, measuring devices - for repair this equipment must be trained and operate under a license). It would not be superfluous to offer services for the repair of small household appliances at home, because not everyone has the time and opportunity to repair them in service centers (for example, working people, pensioners).

How is home repair done? First, the client calls the wizard. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify the problems that have arisen, data on the model and brand of equipment, and others. important points. If you suddenly have problems or incomplete awareness of solving this problem, you have time to find the necessary information on the Internet. Next, the master diagnoses faulty equipment on the spot. In case of further repair by the master, this service is provided free of charge. If the client decides to limit himself to only diagnostics, then payment for the departure of the master is made according to the established tariffs. If the client agrees to your conditions for the repair of equipment, then you bring to his attention the cost of spare parts and the repair itself, discuss possible nuances and agree on a repair time. Further, at a certain time, repairs are carried out, the client is provided with a receipt and warranty card(the warranty period for these services is three months).

To carry out these services, you need to register with the tax authorities as individual entrepreneur. It does not require special time and financial costs. The most important condition for opening this business is that you have the necessary knowledge and tools. If with tools the issue can be solved with small investments, with knowledge and experience it will be more difficult. It is unlikely that you will have many clients if you do not understand anything in the repair of equipment and do not have any theoretical and practical knowledge.

This business is always in demand, regardless of the region of your residence and seasonality. The undoubted advantages over service centers and stationary workshops are the mobility, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your services. In the future, it is possible to expand the services provided by attracting other masters, as well as by providing related services (connection new technology, electrical services). To start a business, you will need 15 thousand for the purchase of tools, and of course the most important aspect are your skills and abilities.

The consequences of the past crisis still affect the purchasing power of the population of our country. Consumers even now prefer not to buy new expensive household and industrial appliances, but to get by with the use of the old one. But old equipment has such a feature as failure, it often breaks down and is repaired. Consequently, there is a growing demand for authorized service centers to repair this equipment.

Hence the conclusion: your own authorized service center is a promising option for a profitable business. In order to understand how to open a service center, we will consider what actions will need to be taken step by step for this, which form a business plan for the structure and activities of the service center.

A service center is an enterprise that provides services for the repair, maintenance and service support of industrial and household appliances, production equipment and other various products. In addition, the scope of services of authorized service centers (ASC) includes such activities as the implementation of pre-sales, warranty and after-sales repairs of equipment.

Goals, objectives and ways to create the future business

Before you open your service center, first of all you need to decide which equipment will be repaired by the SC. Will it be an authorized SC, which has a narrow specialization and is engaged in servicing one specific type of equipment, or is it planned to open big company providing a wide range of services. In order to occupy a successful and profitable niche in the services market, you will need a thorough study of the market, an analysis of the ways of doing business of all kinds of competitors and, based on the analysis, competent calculation and planning of your own entrepreneurial actions.

Then you need to correctly and competently assess your capabilities and choose one of three ways to start your business: from scratch, buying an already operating ASC, acquiring a franchise. Opening your service center, starting from scratch, is, of course, the most difficult path. Here it would be nice to have some professional connections to help and support in establishing a business. The purchase of an already functioning and existing enterprise will significantly reduce difficulties and reduce risks, because there is already a base of attracted customers, a reputation, a trained staff of employees and workers. It is worth noting that opening a service center by acquiring a franchise does not give much more chances to start. successful business than other ways of becoming a business.

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Registration and licensing of the service center

, including the opening of authorized service centers, begins with the registration of the enterprise. It is necessary for this tax office, located at the place of residence, register the company, and after you have officially registered as a legal entity, you need to take care of ordering stamps and the seal of the organization. Then, you will definitely need to open a current account in the bank to carry out transactions on non-cash payment with other legal entities. You will also need to issue a license for the right to conduct activities that your company will be engaged in, purchase or rent premises, and also document this premises.

It should be noted that a license does not need to be obtained for every type of activity. For example, if authorized service centers are engaged in the repair of garden equipment, a license is not required. But the maintenance of medical equipment is subject to licensing.

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Why do you need a service center authorization?

If it is planned to carry out warranty or post-warranty repair of equipment in the service center being opened, it must be authorized and have a legal right to such type of activity. The authorized service center can be contacted by the buyer of equipment that failed during the warranty period. ASC in this case carries out free repairs or replaces faulty equipment.

Most manufacturers of any equipment do not have the opportunity to locate their service centers in the vicinity. In this case, manufacturers enter into an agreement with an authorized service center to repair their branded equipment. In order for the service center to meet the requirements of the manufacturer and be able to fully function, it must have its own collection point, an equipped repair shop, and vehicles adapted for transporting bulky cargo.

All current issues that arise in the process warranty repair, directly decides the service center. The manufacturer is interested in the prompt and high-quality repair of its products and therefore supplies its branded parts and components for replacement free of charge, replaces equipment that is no longer repairable, and pays for repair work.

The service center, for its part, must also diligently treat its duties in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer. Repair shops must be equipped with high-tech equipment in order to carry out high-quality repairs. Personnel must be qualified professionals who must be neat, tidy and courteous.

The authorization of the service center is confirmed by the manufacturer with a special certificate. Between both parties is individual contract, on the basis of which the equipment is repaired by the service center. In addition, even at the initial stage of the service center, it is necessary to establish partnerships with several suppliers of parts and spare parts for the repaired equipment. This is necessary to speed up the repair period of equipment and avoid possible interruptions in the supply of spare parts. After all, the timing of the repair depends on the speed of delivery of the necessary part.

Our company certifies the services of organizations that repair computers and home appliances. After passing the assessment, a valid document is issued, which gives its owner a lot of advantages. In particular, it ensures customer loyalty. Let's take a closer look at the questions: how, why and why?

Is the procedure for certification of services obligatory?

The certification procedure for repairing computers and household appliances is not required by law. This is a voluntary step of every entrepreneur who is engaged in activities of this kind. Despite the complete freedom of action, the service is in great demand among business representatives. Having received a certificate, your organization becomes several steps ahead of hundreds of competitors. Let's see why.

Why do I need certification for computer and home appliance repair services? What benefits do you get

In the field of computer and household appliances repair, those who need these services want to be handled by genuine specialists who know a lot about their business. This is due to the fact that illiterate diagnostics or poor-quality repair of such complex devices can lead to more serious consequences and the appearance of a number of other malfunctions. In turn, such mistakes of inept craftsmen lead to additional expenses for repairs, and this translates into quite large sums. Therefore, many users of equipment in the event of a breakdown prefer to acquire a new device rather than send it in for repair. People's distrust of service centers is the main reason why services should be certified.

What are the benefits of the certification process

  • - Increase in the number of new customers and, as a result, an increase in profits. The certificate becomes a sign of a quality repair, so your credibility increases.
  • - Opportunity to open a new line of business. Upon receipt of a certificate, a new service becomes available to repair organizations - examination of equipment, for which you can earn extra money.
  • - Expanding the company's capabilities. Certified centers can carry out their activities at a new level ━ participate in tenders and competitions, conclude lucrative contracts with large organizations etc.
  • - Improving the quality and efficiency of work. When conducting certification, it is necessary to carefully prepare. This means that during the examination you will be able to optimize the work of your company, train your staff in new opportunities, which in the future will have a positive impact directly on the repair of equipment.
  • - The ability to write off the failed technical means necessary for work. Despite the fact that certification is a voluntary procedure, without it it is impossible to draw up acts for the write-off of equipment.
  • - A privilege over competitors. Now your organization will have significant advantages over other non-certified companies, user trust and open new perspectives will be on your side.

Get a certificate in our company: how to do it

To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to send screenshots of the following documents through the form of our website or to the specified e-mail box (send copies of them by mail or come with a package of originals to our office):

  • - application (the form is presented below);
  • - TIN and OGRN of your organization;
  • - company card;
  • - lease agreement or proof of ownership.

After the procedure and paperwork, the certificate made by the specialists of our company will be delivered to you personally.

How is the certification process

  1. When all the necessary documentation is submitted by you, the employees of our company will check it for compliance.
  2. Further, the customer, together with our expert, will decide on what standards and other regulatory documents will be evaluated.
  3. The review phase will include an assessment of your organization's performance and the maintenance of related documentation.
  4. Based on the work received, our specialists will draw up a valid certificate.

Why customers are increasingly choosing our center

  • - Our company has the appropriate accreditation for the provision of certification services.
  • - Specialists who work for us will advise you free of charge on the smallest details of the procedure and further actions at any time when such a need arises. To do this, the site has round-the-clock online support.
  • - We have a transparent and flexible payment system.
  • - Examination is carried out by qualified specialists who competently draw up and conduct all related documentation.
  • - With us, you can easily apply for a certificate using a convenient contact form, after which our specialist will contact you and explain in detail about your next steps.
  • - Fast execution of appraisal works. You will receive your certificate within 3 business days of submitting your application.
  • - Our service is constantly improving. We strictly monitor the quality of work of specialists who cooperate with us.
  • - Work experience speaks for us about the professionalism of our company. We have been on the certification services market for over 10 years.

It is easy to get a certificate for the provision of computer and home appliance repair services - just call hotline 8 800-700-11-80. The expert on duty will tell you how to proceed and in 3 days your organization will receive the status of a certified organization.

In our daily work, we are faced with typical tasks that our clients have to solve. From a legal point of view, the utilitarian foundations of legislation, workflow, taxation, etc. - have a lot in common different areas business, which allows you to find the right solution quickly enough (if you have the appropriate experience and the necessary professional qualifications).
As an example, consider our recommendations for the implementation of a full-fledged professional activity Service Center, and this example can be extrapolated to related industries and activities to provide different kind services to both individuals and legal entities.

Basis for activity legal entityregulations governing this activity:

I. Civil Code RF (including, but not limited to, art. 161, 432);
II. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (including, but not limited to, Chapter 39);
III. Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (mandatory in the current edition);
IV. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55 List non-food items of proper quality, not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration;
V. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2011 N 924 "On approval of the list of technically complex goods";
VI. Rules for consumer services for the population in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1025.

The list is not so voluminous, but it is important to understand and correctly interpret its content. In addition to the main regulations, depending on the specifics of the type of activity of your business, the list may be supplemented by local laws and regulations, documents on industry specifics.

We equip the "Corner of the consumer"

In any type of business that provides certain services, it is necessary to provide mechanisms for informing consumers-clients about the services provided and additional mandatory information regarding the protection of their legitimate rights and interests.
One of these ways is to equip the “Consumer's Corner”, in the form of a stand or a specially designated place for this, a section of the wall in a prominent place. It can be called whatever you like - "Corner of the consumer", " information stand”, “Information for the consumer” and the like (there is no strict regulation).
All laws, codes, rules must be presented in the form of printing publications (to exclude the possibility of replacing individual pages or their fragments). All documents must be submitted in the form of copies certified by the Company (signature CEO and the seal of the Company - so that the consumer or regulatory authorities also do not doubt their authenticity).

But what about the information contained on the stand, or rather its minimum mandatory list are legally established:

  1. Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (in the current version);
  2. Rules for consumer services for the population in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1025;
  3. Fire safety rules;
  4. Escape plan in case of fire;
  5. Book of reviews and suggestions, registered in the Council;
  6. Logbook of inspections of a legal entity, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2009 No. 141;
  7. Phone numbers of emergency services and regulatory authorities (state trade inspectorate, consumer protection department / department consumer market, phone number of the district ATC / ATS, Administration, Prefecture, Fire Supervision Inspectorate);
  8. Information about extraordinary services for certain categories of citizens (disabled people, veterans, etc.);
  9. Price list for the services provided (price list, the most complete list);
  10. Information about the Company (copy of state registration certificate);
  11. Documents certifying the quality of the goods sold (licenses/certificates), in the case of selling goods directly at the Service Center;
  12. Before entering the Service Center, there should be a sign with the name of the company, including the legal form and mode of operation of the organization.

Internal documents required for the operation of the Service Center

In their work, the Service Center (and similar organizations) use internal documentation, the development of standard samples of which will greatly facilitate the work, streamline and structure how internal processes and relationship with clients.
With regard to our example under consideration, we can distinguish the minimum mandatory group of documents that can be expanded (or reduced) depending on your real needs:

  1. Regulations (the main document, which spells out the basics of the organization's activities);
  2. Work rules (specify the production process);
  3. Request for technical support(allows the client to fill in unified form, taking into account all the nuances, including those affecting the calculation of the cost);
  4. Work order (the employer can easily control the performance of labor functions by employees);
  5. Warranty card (the consumer receives complete and up-to-date information about the warranty and signs for its receipt);
  6. Request for the supply of spare parts (allows you to control the contents of the warehouse and vary the operating balance);
  7. Sale Notice vehicle(always useful)
  8. The act of acceptance of equipment after repair (allows you to avoid unreasonable claims and lawsuits);
  9. Certificate for employees who have completed training (indicates high quality services provided by your organization);
  10. Agreement for the performance of repair work (to control the risks and obligations of the parties);
  11. Legal opinion on the exchange and return of goods of good quality (if necessary).

The thus formed documentary base of any organization provides for all aspects of its activities and allows you to develop regular actions in the event of a particular situation. Of course, it will not be possible to foresee everything - but it is very important to prepare for common situations and know how to act in them without harming your business.

Our company FLC specializes in comprehensive service business and will take over the entire legal component, develop impeccable document templates, contracts, provide accounting services and consider options for optimizing the tax burden. Our arsenal includes the experience of hundreds of medium and large enterprises not only in the Russian business segment, but also abroad.

FLC is a complex of legal and accounting services for business.
Our practice allows us to quickly and efficiently solve any issues and problems