Famous businesswomen. The most successful business women in the world

It is no secret that women in politics are a minority. Of course, the fair sex (also called the weak) has achieved some success. The examples of Indira Gandhi and Benazir Bhutto, who came to power and gained respect in countries where many prejudices reigned for centuries, are impressive. Today the situation is gradually changing in better side. A list is compiled annually (according to the Business Insider portal), which includes the most influential people in the world. These are not only politicians, among the most important people there are show business figures, economists, and TV presenters. It is too early to talk about gender equality in our world. The list also contains female names, but they are much less than half. Actually, there is no quarter. In addition, not all the ladies mentioned in this top parade objectively (and subjectively) deserve the right to be role models. And by the way, this also applies to the most influential men. So, a dozen women who have achieved a lot in life:

Isabelle dos Santos

In fact, Isabel is the daughter of the president of Angola, which explains a lot. It is much easier to engage in investments and entrepreneurship if you have a “strong rear” in the person of loving relatives. The average citizen of this African country lives on $ 2 a day, but forty-two-year-old Dos Santos managed to earn as much as 3 billion and another 400 million with a ponytail. The area of ​​detail of the capable daughter of the president extends to the telecommunications sector and the banking business. Owning the Angolan media holding Unitel, Isabel dos Santos also invests abroad, for example, in Portugal and Spain.

Meg Whitman

She is 59 years old and holds a post CEO Hewlett-Packard, one of the leading electronics manufacturers in the United States. To Ms. Whitman's credit, it was she who brought the company out of the crisis, which at the time of her entry into office (2011) was on the verge of bankruptcy and was torn apart by internal corporate scandals. It carried out swift and effective structural reform. Wasted acquisitions were written off, thousands of unnecessary workers were laid off, and other measures were taken to increase profitability. Whitman previously served as the CEO of e-commerce site eBay. Arriving there, she led a team of only 30 employees who earned a miserable 4 million a year. Now Meg Whitman is a billionaire, her equity is $ 2.1 billion. The staff of eBay during her ten-year leadership has grown to 15 thousand people, and revenue has reached $ 8 billion a year. Besides, Whitman is no stranger to politics. In 2010, she ran for governor of California (albeit unsuccessfully), spending $119 million on the election campaign.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton, 68, entered politics as First Lady of the United States, but was not satisfied with this secondary role, and later took the chair of Secretary of State. In 2016, she plans to become President of the United States, running for the Democratic Party. This case may be the first in history when the mistress of the White House lives in it twice in different guises. Despite many absurdities and rather naive reasoning, voters like Hillary Clinton. She won special sympathy for the dignity with which she behaved in a difficult situation of a scandal that arose on the basis of her husband's infidelity.


The American singer, known by this pseudonym, is actually called Larry Busakka. She is 34 years old and one of the most successful artists in modern show business. Her albums are sold in millions of copies, and concerts are always sold out. Beyoncé is also noted for her frequent Grammy Awards nominations, 53 times and winning 20 times. In addition, the singer is actively involved in social activities, struggling with global issues, including hunger, poverty, pollution and lack of proper health care. Beyoncé is a strong advocate for the rights of women and children and has made humanitarian trips to Haiti and other poor countries.

Jeannie Rometty

To introduce herself so easily - Ginny - at the age of 58, only a very outstanding and self-confident woman can afford. Virginia Rometty is nothing less than the CEO of IBM. Last year, she had to take the very unpopular step of refusing to pay her promised $20 dividend per share. This was done for the sake of fulfilling a daring plan for investing in new projects. As a result, the company's profits are expected to double by 2018. At the same time, the profile of the main areas of investment is changing significantly, the company is reducing the production of hardware equipment, in which it has specialized for decades. Now more attention will be paid to research and technology. Miss Rometty herself comments briefly on this risky decision: "Perestroika is not a defense of the past!"

Park Geun Hye

This woman became the first female president of South Korea, her age is 63 years. At the same time, one should take into account the unfortunate fact that this state stands out for its monstrous gender inequality among all industrialized countries.

The Republic of Korea is currently experiencing an unprecedented threat from the DPRK. Park Geun-hye shows rare restraint and self-control, very reserved, but steadfastly reacting to aggressive attacks from the North.

Oprah Winfrey

The fortune of this 61-year-old woman is almost $ 3 billion. Oprah Winfrey is the only black female billionaire in the United States. However, she achieved success with the most modest initial conditions, Oprah Winfrey grew up in poverty and lawlessness. The woman showman prefers to invest the money she has earned in stocks, and she concludes large-scale transactions that affect the quotes of securities.

Christine Lagarde

In 2011, this French woman was appointed managing director of the IMF. Now Christine Lagarde is 59 years old, and she determines the direction of the international financial organization, which includes 188 countries.

The approval of the Chinese yuan as the IMF's reserve currency was a historic step that could lead to a reduction in the influence of the dollar. The issue of providing financial assistance to Greece was also difficult.

Dilma Rousseff

Brazil's first female president. Running the largest Latin American country with the seventh largest economy in the world is not easy. The merit of Rousseff is considered to be the almost complete eradication of poverty during her first presidential term and the increase in monthly benefits to needy families.

Now the time has become especially difficult, the Brazilian economy is experiencing a recession caused by a decrease in world prices for raw materials and the devaluation of the national currency. The case may reach impeachment, although Dilma Rousseff does not intend to give up yet.

Abigail Johnson

Since 2012, CEO of Fidelity Fund, the second largest in the US, overseeing a financial power of $5.2 trillion. She is 53 and started working as an analyst in 1988. The measures taken by her to increase returns are not harsh in a womanly way. Abigail Johnson cuts costs and fires underperforming managers without further ado or sentiment. She even tried in 2004 to expel her own father from the top management structures of the fund due to disagreements, but the attempt failed.

Fidelity's CEO is responsible for millions of Americans' retirement accounts. Abigail Johnson has a 24% stake in the company and has a vested interest in the fund's success. Her personal fortune is estimated at $18.5 billion. She is one of the richest women in the world.

Janet Yellen

This 69-year-old woman serves as chairman of the Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve System. In fact, it is the custodian and guarantor of the US economy. Thanks in part to Janet Yellen's efforts, this year ends on a bang, with 271,000 jobs added in October and unemployment down 5%. She insists on the inevitability of an increase in interest rates. The head of the US Federal Reserve all the time has to balance between possible inflation and a slowdown in growth. Janet Yellen is still coping with this difficult task.

Angela Merkel

The German chancellor is 61 years old and is considered a very strong European leader. There are enough problems, this is an unprecedented influx of refugees, and the Ukrainian crisis, and difficulties in the Middle East. Not everything is going well inside the eurozone either, but Frau Merkel is still at the helm of the strongest country in the Old World and is trying to play a stabilizing role, which she succeeds with varying degrees of success.

Reading time 12 minutes

How to become a rich and successful woman? This question worries many girls and women striving for independence and realization in life. Of course, you can find a successful spouse and live like behind a stone wall, but in part there is a desire to reach your own heights in life. How to do it? In the article, we will look at the stories of formation and success secrets of the best female managers who manage large companies or have created their own business.

Top 6 best female managers

So, let's talk about successful women modernity. Who are they and how did they achieve success? Here is a list of the most influential female managers according to Forbes magazine:

  1. Sheryl Sandberg- one of the most famous top managers of women. In 2008, she took the post of Director of Operations at Facebook, received her first managerial work experience in financial management of the United States of America, then in the newly created Google where she was responsible for sales.
    The founder of Facebook invited her to his team and was grateful to fate for such valuable employee she provided constant growth company's income, by 100% annually. This woman has earned respect and is on the board of directors of several large companies, including Facebook, Starbucks, Walt Disney Company, V-Day and others.
    What are the secrets of Sheryl Sandberg's success? Career advice can be found in Cheryl's book Dare to Take Action:
  • Strive to work- for successful implementation and building a family, creating conditions for children is better when both parents build their own careers and receive decent pay. It is not necessary to oppose family and work, it is necessary to maintain balance and harmony.
  • fight fear- the main reason for life's failures is inner fear. All people are talented and worthy of great results, often we ourselves limit our own capabilities, we drive them into limits, we are afraid of career growth, decision-making. Having got rid of fear, we can boldly act and achieve the incredible.
  • Build confidence- this is the scourge of all women, even successful ones sometimes feel a lack of confidence. It seems that everything happens by chance - they were lucky, they helped, they cannot objectively evaluate their own merits. It is useful to remind yourself or ask loved ones how much you have achieved, or you can do even more.
  • be bolder- Often women prefer to be in the shadows, rather than play an active position in business, to show their own individuality. This is an erroneous way, you need to be able to talk about thoughts, ideas, interests.
  • Take the initiative- Cheryl draws attention to the need to be among the first in meetings, to participate in discussions, to raise hands with suggestions. Hiding behind men, we can never be equal and successful like them.
  • do it all- impossible - a successful woman and a wonderful mother talks about the impossibility of being a superwoman in all matters, it is important to prioritize, take care of the main issues, knows how to distribute homework and not worry about the little things. The atmosphere in the family is much more important than the order on the shelves.
  • Organization of family life- Cheryl believes that in an ideal family everything is divided equally - each spouse participates in the budget and family responsibilities equally. Then the family is stronger, there is more mutual understanding, and the wife has the opportunity to pay more attention to children and her beloved husband.
  • Refuse concessions- women subconsciously feel that they will have to leave, to give up work for the sake of the family in the future. As a result, internal complexes - the willingness to work more for less and other concessions. It is important to maintain confidence and adhere to one's own policy, to defend interests, to understand that they deserve better.
  • Forget about stereotypes- to successfully build a career or business, you must be - active, decisive, purposeful. Of course, business women are considered not feminine enough, but it is important to make a decision and act to achieve your own goals, not paying attention to public opinion. It's not enough to just be nice to build a career.
  • Rejection of female competition- an interesting fact is that successful women are least supported by non-feminists, adherents of old patterns of behavior, even men do not oppose equality so vehemently. Sheryl Sandberg is active in public activities, gives lectures and helps women to believe in themselves, to discover their potential.

The main secrets of the success of this wonderful woman are love for work, dedication to her work, activity and willingness to take risks, the ability to take responsibility and go beyond the usual work, expand the scope of responsibilities, learn new things, and experiment.

How to become a rich and successful woman? To show activity, initiative, develop confidence, strive for the highest results.

2. - a woman who has received the highest awards and ratings in world business, in different years ranked among the 50 most successful women in the world and 100 influential people in the world, and is also the leader in the Forbes list among the most influential women (3- th place) and the first according to Fortune.

She became famous as the head of PepsiCo, where she built a career, starting her journey in the team from the 94th year. Indra joined PepsiCo at a time when the company was experiencing difficulties and declining sales, the proposed reforms resulted in a seventy percent increase in profitability and overall company value, a significant expansion in the beverage market, and a new line of products related to healthy eating.

Born in India, Indra received her education and first work experience at Mettur Beardsell ( textile production) and Johnson&Johnson as sales manager, making the products more popular in the Indian market. However, there was a desire to conquer America, where she also received a higher education at Yale University of Management, even without the support of her parents and the lack of faith in success on their part. Independently built a career in another country. At the same time, she got married, is the mother of two children and the president of the largest company PepsiCo.

We often think: how did successful women become successful? Indra talks about the following secrets of success:

  1. The main thing in life is not money or prestige- there must be a desire for self-realization, a vocation that inspires one to achieve. Find interest in life and don't waste your efforts on things that don't bring you pleasure. For Indra, PepsiCo is his own child, to whom he gladly devotes his time, energy, gladly gains knowledge, and develops for the sake of the success of his beloved company.
  2. Must be able to set high standards- do not waste your life on trifles, set challenging goals, do not be afraid to be ambitious in your career and aspirations. Everyone gets what they want in life.
  3. Continuous development- a true leader and leader must be in development, master new knowledge in theory and practice. To obtain objective information, he likes to go shopping, communicate with customers, finds time for such "walks" every week.
  4. Teamwork- it is important to be able to unite employees common goals, be able to set goals and motivate, maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team, among colleagues, regardless of nationalities and differences in character. "A true leader can lead people even to the ends of the earth," says Indra Nooyi.
  5. Life values- Indra Nooyi considers family, friends and faith to be the main values ​​of a business woman. She often goes to the temple, turning to higher powers for support, especially before important meetings, making deals. Without a close-knit family and loved ones, a full-fledged happy life is also impossible.

The main thing is to get rid of remorse, which cannot devote a large amount of time to the family. Over time, a balance can be found. These areas ideally complement each other, give strength for further activities.

Among important points there are such: openness, honesty in communicating with colleagues, employees, understanding the interests of other people, the ability to notice details, calculate important transactions, as well as the development of leadership skills.

How to become a rich and successful woman? Clearly understand your own goals, strive for the highest results, do not stop there, be in development.

3. Irene Rosenfeld- Heads Kraft Foods, is a member of the Board of Directors. She joined the company in 1996 and four years later received the highest position. And in 2010, according to Fortune, she was awarded the title of the most influential woman in business. And her income is calculated in millions of dollars, in 2001. - 21.9 million dollars
How did this successful woman achieve such high results?

Irene Rosenfeld's Success Secrets:

  • Striving for leadership - in her childhood, a business woman went in for sports, later every deal and important step in the life of the company planned as preparation for the competition, trying to overtake rivals, surprise and get the maximum result.
  • Decisiveness in actions - Irene has always worked for the maximum result - the growth of the company's profitability and the profitability of shareholders. Of course, she took into account the interests of consumers, but at times she took unpopular measures - staff reductions, fierce competition. Knows how to navigate the situation on the market, make a decision to buy other enterprises that are experiencing difficulties, expand the business.
  • High goals - in her school years she dreamed of becoming a president, as a result she became the main head of a huge company, which is also a high result. Plans for a political career have already been forgotten, she is too busy and passionate about working at Kraft Foods. The company is popular all over the world, its products are also sold in the territory of the post-Soviet space - Alpen Gold and Milka chocolates, Carte Noire coffee, Jacobs, Danone yogurts, Dirol chewing gum. The company's products are known to all.
  • Confidence in actions - Irene works, focusing on the interests of the company and her own experience, the opinion of others does not influence decision-making, only other directors or founders. Believes that it is impossible to be good for everyone, rejoices that she has received recognition as the best and most influential leader.

Irene is called the "iron lady", ready for drastic measures in business, but her policy brought huge profits to the business and made the company incredibly popular.

How to become a rich and successful woman? Be dedicated to work, enthusiastic, ready for constant development, develop confidence and determination.

4. Virginia Rometty- For the first time in the history of IBM, a woman manager has become its helm. This woman has been with the company for over thirty years and started as a simple engineer. Interesting fact- the staff of a huge company is over four hundred thousand people, and consumers of services live in one hundred and seventy countries of the world.

How was Virginia able to lead such a large company that helps to cope with responsibilities?

  • Responsibility, striving for development - Virginia has always loved her job, she was happy to receive new knowledge, master new areas, as a result she received an offer to move up the career ladder. A successful woman is convinced that it is important to be passionate about your work, putting your soul into your work. It was the dedication to work that was noticed and appreciated by the company's management.
  • Do not be afraid of new responsibilities - initially Virginia was extremely self-critical, lacked confidence. The first promotion was rejected, believing that she was not yet ready. However, the husband convinced that she was worthy of heights and career growth. Men never refuse such proposals, and she agreed to a change in life. Confidence is necessary for a leader, self-criticism must be hidden, only at risk, development is possible, says Virginia.
  • Constant innovation - no company can rest on its laurels, content with the success of services, products, only the use of new technologies and the desire for development lead to market leadership. IBM has a hundred year history and continues to surprise consumers and other market participants.

The director of the company identified 5 components of the transformation:

  • Growth in value due to constant investment in development, an example of venture capital companies.
  • Market expansion, search for new categories of goods, unexplored niches, growth in consumer demand, territories for the use of services.
  • Franchise update.
  • Training of employees, search for new talents, work with personnel.
  • The company's exit to a new level, a turn.

How to become a rich and successful woman? Believe in yourself, strive for heights, take an active life position, create your life, not go with the flow.

5.Ursula Burns- holds the post of CEO of Xerox. She devoted 30 years to work in a corporation and achieved great success, even being an African American, she was able to reach the highest position. An interesting fact is that Ursula initially joined the company as an intern, not thinking about managerial activities and a career. What helped her to become known as a female leader?
Ursula herself claims that management noticed her as a result of a discussion of teamwork issues - a dispute with a colleague regarding women at the helm and their ability to manage the company. Thus, honesty, openness and confidence in her position helped her to make an excellent managerial career. It is worth noting that she received a technical education and always gravitated toward engineering, so she was able to realize herself as much as possible in this company.
Strong successful women prove by their own example that everything is possible in life!

Ursula gives the following tips for women to be successful:

  • Reliable rears - it is important for a woman that her husband supports her in social implementation, building a career, helping with household chores. It is better when a man is more experienced, wiser and can be a reliable life partner.
  • Keep your balance - often women cannot organize their lives, have time to work and live, it is worth taking this issue more calmly and considering it as a whole, and not on a particular day. It happens that one day you need to work longer, and the next - there is an opportunity to free yourself earlier and be with your family.
  • Remember about your own interests - for a woman, especially a leader, it is necessary to remember about her own interests - beauty, health. A successful person must be energetic and full of energy for accomplishments. Is this possible in the absence of health, lack of sleep?
  • Forget about guilt - a woman cannot be at a matinee and a meeting at the same time, you should not reproach yourself for this. Forget about standards and define your priorities, alternate the interests of family and business. Of course, it is not always possible to reschedule an important meeting, but on the weekends you can go to the cinema or the game room with the whole family.
  • Develop managerial skills - to build a business, a career requires the following qualities: leadership, strategic planning for the development of the company, financial indicators, usage Money ability to effectively manage a team of employees famous brands focus on the principles of ethics.

The female leader claims that by going beyond the usual, a person acquires new knowledge and experience, and self-confidence increases.

How to become a rich and successful woman? Constantly move forward, overcoming fear, learn new things, explore new areas of activity, try yourself in various fields, roles, learn to take responsibility for own life, career, company development.

6.Meg Whitman- currently heads Hewlett-Packard Company. For ten years she was the director of the largest Internet auction eBay, increasing its turnover from millions to billions. According to Forbes, her fortune is one billion and seven hundred million US dollars.

How did Meg come to lofty goals what helped in life?

  • Striving for high performance- Meg used to set tasks of the highest order and solve them, surprising others. She repeatedly brought companies to profitability, even those on the verge of bankruptcy. The first high post was obtained 8 years after starting work in the field of enterprise economics. Later, many companies dreamed of getting her as a director. The eBay owner struggled to get her consent. However, she made a huge breakthrough in the company, making it the market leader with a billion-dollar turnover.
  • Love for work- Meg did not immediately feel a vocation for economics and management, initially there was a desire to become a doctor, but during her studies she realized that there was a more interesting area for her - business and economics. As a result, she received a bachelor's degree in economics and graduated from Harvard Business School.
  • Professionalism- Meg has always made the right decisions for the development of the company, developed new strategies, built relationships with employees and customers, strived for the highest quality of services and the formation of the best team.
  • no tight control- Margaret believes that there is no need to constantly monitor employees, customers. It is important to create a friendly team aimed at a common result, to help employees develop;
  • confidence- an important aspect in the work, employees should feel respect, understanding from the head, support for initiatives, undertakings, aspirations;
  • listen to colleagues No man has absolute knowledge collective decisions the most effective, it is worth taking into account the opinion of colleagues, constantly learning, developing;
  • use the experience of companies, countries- Meg loves to travel, considers it useful to learn the culture and principles of work of other countries and enterprises, strives to use new knowledge in her work.

How to become a rich and successful woman? To strive to be the best in my field, to become a professional, to command respect among colleagues and managers, to be able to build relationships with employees, to focus on customer needs and excellent service.

Can a woman be more successful than a man? In some areas, women have established themselves as excellent leaders and specialists - tourism, recruiting, IT technologies. Of course, managing large companies requires a person to be a determined, purposeful, effective manager.

However, women also have their advantages - the presence of intuition, the ability to easily communicate, establish partnerships, create comfortable working conditions, motivate and inspire employees.

The most successful women are taught not to give up, to go forward, to believe in themselves, to achieve the highest results, to live contrary to stereotypes. Women are also smart, talented and worthy of being successful, but often there is not enough confidence to move up the career ladder, build a business.

So, how to become a successful woman? To believe that you are worthy of the highest positions, results in life, you can be the leader and head of the company. Take the first step towards your dreams - learn, develop and build your own life!

By the way, among the most successful entrepreneurs and public figures under 30, almost half are representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. I bring to your attention a list of the brightest of them. Attractive appearance, inspiring success stories, breakthrough business ideas - it's all about them.

So, the 20 most successful entrepreneurs under 30 according to Forbes:

20. Betsy Fore, 28

What does: Founder of Wondermento

For creates a wide variety of applications to use smartphones to control the operation of various equipment, such as webcams or home computers. Their first product is the Wonderwoof app, which allows you to keep track of your pets through your smartphone. The company plans several more similar programs. In the meantime, Wondermento has received a grant to move the office to St. Louis.

19. Elizabeth Beatty, 24

What does: PhD, PhD student, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Pennsylvania

Beatty has developed a titanium arm that works like an exoskeleton, increasing muscle strength by an order of magnitude. Now she is working on an invention of a different scale. Beatty creates a microscopic apparatus that could move around the body with the help of bacteria, such as E. coli E. coli. The purpose of the device is to detect toxins, chemicals in the body. Potentially, they can also conduct small local studies and deliver drugs to the necessary organs.

18. Ishvin Anand, 29

What does: founder of Open Sponsorship

Anand, an Englishwoman with Indian roots, created the first online platform for sponsorship contacts between commercial companies and professional athletes, leagues, tournaments and teams. Her clients include Indian cricket star M.S. Doni and the Force India Formula 1 team. In addition, it was thanks to Anand that Bridgestone signed its first sponsorship contract in India (with the national cricket team).

17. Jesse Becker, 25

What does: co-founder of InPress Technologies

Becker and colleagues are developing a device that helps to quickly stop bleeding after childbirth and ease contractions. By far the most common cause of death for women worldwide during childbirth is blood loss. Becker has raised more than $1.5 million for her project from venture capitalists, including legendary California inventor and venture capitalist Thomas Fogarty.

16. Alice Andrew, 25

What does: founder of I F-ing Love Science

Englishwoman Alice Andrew launched a science blog in 2012 and within two years it has grown into a fascinating and popular resource. Andrew succeeded in what school teachers rarely do - to show that science is an interesting and exciting thing. On the site you can find fun facts, infographics, ratings, now it is the most popular science page on Facebook with 18 million subscribers. Andrew herself lives in Canada and is developing a cycle scientific programs with Discovery Channel.

15. Daniel Weisberg, Carly Zakin, 28 each

What do they do: co-founders of theSkimm

Among the connoisseurs of the product of these rating participants are Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Jessica Parker and more than a million people (80% of them are women), who every morning receive e-mail theSkimm's "news you need to know" newsletter. The founders of the project met while studying in Rome. After both got jobs at NBC News, they quickly became disillusioned with the media pipeline. Weisberg and Zakin felt like “information concierges” for their educated acquaintances, who did not have enough time to follow the agenda. Seeing no career prospects in the traditional news business and finding a shortage in the media niche for the new generation, journalists simultaneously quit their jobs. Three days later, the first issue of theSkimm fell into the mailboxes of acquaintances Weisberg and Zakin. Four days later, NBC morning show host Hoda Kotb spoke about the project of former colleagues on the air - both Danielle and Carly were inundated with applications for inclusion in the mailing list from users. Over the past year, theSkimm's popularity has helped raise $6.25 million in funding, grow its staff to eight people, and become the exclusive partner of Oprah Winfrey's website Oprah.com. “Our goal is to make news a lifestyle brand,” Zakin explains. And mailing is only the first step in achieving this goal. Who else is theSkimm hoping to get into its female readership? "Tina Fey, Jane Fonda and all the 2016 US presidential candidates," Weisberg lists.

14. Alison Chemla, 26

What does: jewelry designer, founder of Alison Lou

Chemla launched her own jewelry brand, Alison Lou, in 2012. One of her famous works is a gold necklace with emerald eyes smiley face pendant for $590. More than 50 Americans have already written about the brand fashion magazines- Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Glamor and others. Her jewelry is worn by many stars, including Rihanna, Beyoncé, Emma Roberts. In 2014, sales exceeded $450,000.

13. Michelle Feng, 27 years old

What does: founder of the ipsy portal, video blogger

12. Yifan Zang, 26

What does: co-founder of Pact

Harvard graduate Zang came up with one of the first applications that allows you to track a person’s nutrition, fitness schedule and transmit information directly to insurance companies. The main goal is additional motivation for clients. Pact users receive monetary rewards if they achieve results in sports or diet, or lose money otherwise. Many Pact clients use the app for corporate fitness programs.

11. Nikki Kaufman, 28

What does: founder of Normal

Kaufman created a company that makes custom-made headphones to fit the size of the ear. Each pair is created on a 3D printer, the order can be placed using a mobile application. And the headphones themselves are made at a factory and a store in New York, where, in front of the client, the form is printed on a 3D printer, assembled, tested and immediately issued or sent to the buyer.

10. Eleni Antoniadu, 27 years old

What does: co-founder of Transplants Without Donors

Antoniadou is trying to solve one of the most urgent problems of modern medicine and biotechnology - to find a way to create human organs in the laboratory and use them, and not donor organs, for transplantation. Antoniadu created the company with her own and partners' money in 2012, having invested several tens of thousands of dollars in it. Now they are actively looking for investors to develop the business and continue their research.

9. Hannah Alexander, 24

What does: co-founder of Sole Power (with Matt Hunter)

Hanna and Matt's invention is a shoe insole that generates electricity to charge a battery. mobile device. Outwardly, it looks like the most common insole and is inserted into any shoe. Sole Power consists of a special generator that generates electricity while walking, and a battery connected to the generator with a thin wire and attached either to the ankle or to the top of the boot. For a 15-minute walk, you can charge your smartphone. So far, this invention has no commercial use, but soon its authors plan to establish mass production.

8. Blake Lively, 27

What does: actress, founder of Preserve

Blake has been a fan of businesswoman Martha Stewart since childhood, but the actress managed to create her own brand only after the phenomenal success of the TV series Gossip Girl, in which Lively was invited to play the main role when she was only 19. Seven years have passed since then. Blake built a reputation as one of Hollywood's most promising stars and launched her first website, Preserve. Emulating Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop project, the portal has become an online store named after its founder, selling clothes, food and household items that Lively liked. "I have competitive advantage- a promoted brand, ”the actress admits. Preserve is not just a hobby for her: Blake is personally involved in all the operational processes of managing the portal, from choosing photos to finding investments. The star's credo is to never stop fighting: “I never feel like I've reached my goal. The people who inspire me keep going, and so will I.”

7. Julien Hellman, 28

What does: Founder of Realty Mogul

In 2012, Helman stepped down as Vice President of Union Bank and founded Realty Mogul. The company is engaged in crowdfunding of commercial real estate and is growing rapidly. During this time, Realty Mogul has raised more than $50 million on 150 properties in 20 states and returned more than $6 million to investors. Hellman's goal for the coming year is to continue to scale up the business and compete with players at the federal level.

6. Olga Vidischeva, 29 years old

What does: Founder of Shoptiques

Vidischeva was born in Kyrgyzstan, went to work as a model, graduated with an MBA from Harvard and is now running her own business. Her idea is to create an online platform for small shops and boutiques that cannot afford their own website. Already more than 1200 small shops around the world use the Shoptiques platform, and their number is constantly increasing. 2015 promises to be a year of even stronger business growth.

5. Emily Weiss, 29

What does: Founder of Glossier

Former Vogue and W Magazine fashion assistant, NYU alumnus Emily Weiss launched Into The Gloss as a private side project in 2010. At first, she spent four hours a day on him, waking up at 4 in the morning and studying until 8 in the morning, when she left for her main job. Readers liked Weiss's style, taste and presentation so much that in a few years her standalone project grew in popularity to 10 million page views per month, with 60% of the audience visiting Into The Gloss daily - such loyalty is especially appreciated by investors and advertisers. After three years of talking to celebrities and fashionistas about their fashion habits and picking up on all the hottest trends in the industry, Weiss discovered a whole unfilled niche in the market - beauty products with a reputation for luxury, but without a touch of luxury, at the same time affordable and convenient. Under new project Emily managed to raise $2 million and employees from Index Ventures, Google and cosmetics corporation MAC. In October 2014, she launched Glossier, a line of cosmetics "you'll want to be friends with". A month later, the company raised $8.4 million in funding from a pool of investors led by venture capital fund Thrive Capital.

4. Jacqueline Johnson, 28

What does: Founder (No Subject)

Johnson opened an event and marketing agency with the original name (No Subject) in 2010 in Los Angeles. Her clients include Levi's, Farmer's Insurance Group and Nasty Gal. Jacqueline's blog about fashion and lifestyle Some Notes on Napkins collects 50,000 monthly views, she writes for Elle and Glamor magazines. Johnson has collaborated with various fashion brands as a fashion expert, participates in international conferences. Once she even performed on the same stage with the Dalai Lama. Forbes estimates Johnson earned $2 million in 2014.

3. Azita Ardakani, 29 years old

What does: Founder of Lovesocial

A sociologist by training, Ardakani founded her own marketing agency in 2009, and before that she worked strategic planning and smm for Summit on the Summit, a global clean water campaign. Her clients include Converse, NPR and TED Active. One of the advisors is Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, and the first investor is former Warner vice president Todd Moskowitz. The main work of the agency is the creation of a marketing strategy for companies. Ardakani came up with an effective model of social business, with the help of which she tries to solve social and environmental problems, for example, helps flood victims in Pakistan. She also teaches the TechStars EdTech Program in New York and a course at Columbia University.

2. Jenny Gottstein, 29

What does: Head of Games at The Go Game

Gottstein is the author of popular interactive games that involve mobile technologies and professional actors. Games are created for marketing, educational programs and trainings, the company's clients are Google, Bank of America and Johnson & Johnson.

1. Alice Brooks, 26

What does: co-founder of Roominate

Brooks founded Roominate the year she graduated from Stanford Engineering. Its production is also connected with the diploma. Roominate makes engineering toys for girls, building blocks that can be connected to each other to build houses with elevators, amusement parks or windmills. The goal of the company is to instill in girls an interest in science and the profession of an engineer. Billionaire Mark Cuban and inventor investor Laurie Greiner invested $500,000 in Roominate and received a 5% stake in the company. The Brooks project managed to "light up" in the popular American reality show Shark Tank. Already, Roominate toys are sold in major US retail chains - Toys "R" Us, RadioShack and Walmart.

Society is accustomed to imagine that successful people are, first of all, men. Such a stereotype is quite easy to dispel, especially if you quote the stories of successful women who had nothing at first. This article will talk about the success of some Russian business women.

Women's success - what is it?

According to the most common public opinion, women's and men's success are completely different things. When it comes to men, success should be measured by power and finances. With the opposite sex, everything is more difficult. Society believes that women's happiness is always healthy children and a strong family. However, opinions change over time. It is unlikely that today someone will argue that a good career for a woman is bad.

The fact of independence in the affairs of a woman remains fundamentally important. A real business woman is, first of all, an independent and strong personality. It is not for nothing that the stories of successful women who at first had nothing are so popular in the world. It is unlikely that anyone will be interested in the life of their daughter successful billionaire or sister of a famous politician. Society is initially suspicious of such people: rumors spread that a rich father helped in everything, the business was not built from scratch, but only inherited.

A successful woman is always a strong-willed and hardworking person. It is necessary to have a serious stock of intellectual and business qualities to be able to build something without outside help. Own office work, work for the benefit of the state, a prestigious place in big company- these are just some of the scenarios that are typical for successful women.

Political success

Are there stories of successful Russian women? Of course they do. However, statistics show that there are not so many of them - only 3% of the total list of the richest people. The criterion of independence "cuts" a few more women from here.

Before starting a story about Russian business women, you should pay attention to high-ranking officials. Are there many women politicians in our country who have managed to achieve success on their own? The stories of successful women who were able to get a high position in power are quite numerous. Here it is worth remembering Svetlana Ganeeva, head of the investment policy department of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, and Elena Fastova, director of the finance and accounting department. The notion that the persons represented do not play a special role, and their positions are small, will be quite misleading. After the administrative reform of 2004, Ganeeva and Fastova became equivalent to the Deputy Minister under Mikhail Kasyanov. In addition, at the time of receiving their duties, both women were not yet 40 years old, which, by the way, is a rarity even by today's standards.

Do you remember women politicians? regional level. The brightest representative here is Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, the former governor of St. Petersburg and once a deputy prime minister. The success story of this woman is idealized by some people, criticized by others. Some argue that Valentina Ivanovna could not have achieved anything without the goodwill of the president. Others say the opposite - that only thanks to a strong and strong-willed character this woman was able to reach such heights.

Ekaterina Azimina - Vice President for Finance of Baltika

Finally, it is worth paying attention to the stories of successful women in business. Ekaterina Azimina - the brightest representative Russian entrepreneurship. Born in 1967 in Leningrad, in the same city she received her education at the University of Engineering and Economics. After awarding her diploma, Ekaterina got the opportunity to teach at the department for the organization of production, and at the same time defend her candidate's work.

In 1995, Ekaterina came to the Baltika brewery, where she soon received the position of chief accountant. Four years later, Azimina headed the financial department, and in 2003 she assumed the post of financial director. But Catherine did not stop there. After working for a few more years, she received the position of Vice President for Economics and Finance.

What does Catherine herself say about her success? "Moving up the career ladder as a woman is not so easy," says Ms. Azimova. The activities of Ekaterina Azimova have long attracted attention, like other successful business stories of women entrepreneurs. Here is a truly outstanding case: thanks to this woman, a very "masculine" plant has developed. Baltika has changed significantly over the past 20 years, largely thanks to Ekaterina Azimova.

Svetlana Ganeeva - Head of the Investment Policy Department of the Ministry of Economic Development

What are they, successful women in Russia? The success stories of the fair sex are truly fair only in the absence of outside helpers and "producers". The life and work of Svetlana Ganeeva is an excellent example of such fair success.

Ganeeva's parents were simple physicists. Svetlana followed in their footsteps: she showed great love for the exact sciences. After graduating from school, Svetlana enters MEPhI. In the 90s she works as a programmer. But this seemed to her insufficient: not wanting to stay with what she had, Ganeeva enters the magistracy high school economy. There she wins a major competition, after which she receives a prestigious position as a consultant at the World Bank.

In 2000, Svetlana got a job at the Ministry of Economic Development. There she soon receives the position of deputy head of the department. Ganeeva's career went uphill: she was offered a place in the reform strategy department, and soon in the investment policy department. Thanks to Svetlana, the mechanisms of the private-state apparatus have received their qualitative development. It would seem that a woman who has already achieved success should remain in her workplace. However, Svetlana fundamentally disagrees with this: today she is studying the basics of jurisprudence at MGIMO.

What does Svetlana herself say about her success? Ganeeva believes that replenishing the stories of successful women is not very difficult. In her opinion, today there are all opportunities for obtaining the coveted success. The main thing is to have motivation and healthy gnosticism, not to be upset because of problems and not to stop there.

Irina Gofman - ex-general director of Rambler

The story of Irina Hoffman is truly unique. If somewhere there is a list illustrating the stories of successful women in the world, then Hoffman simply must be in the forefront of it. At the moment, Irina Gofman manages the largest Swedish enterprise Modern Times Group. Prior to that, she managed to head one of the most famous media platforms in Russia - Rambler Media.

Irina has always been interested in the media technology industry. After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism, Hoffmann worked as a translator, business consultant, and director of an Italian construction firm. Irina was trained in the USA, after which she managed to collaborate with some publishing houses. Wherever Hoffmann appeared, the accumulated problems were quickly and efficiently corrected.

Arriving in Russia, Irina Gofman began cooperation with the Rambler studio. Here she quickly achieved success: in just a few years, Irina grew from a simple employee to a general director. Irina believes that not everyone is given to be an entrepreneur. This is the destiny of only courageous, hardworking people who are truly interested in their work.

Hoffman, like many other business women, is not a fan of "staying up" in one workplace. According to her, a real entrepreneur often goes through "transitional stages": you really want to quit everything and start creating something new. So do all the most successful women in the world. In the entire history of women's entrepreneurship, Hoffman believes, only a very few ladies have remained committed to their cause and continued to develop it. In the near future, Irina plans to create her own independent company.

Marina Zharkovskaya - editor-in-chief of the magazine "Glavbuh"

The success story of Marina Zharkovskaya is striking in its amazing simplicity. All the activities of this woman make it clear that nothing is impossible, and success can only be achieved through quality work and constant striving for something more. What allowed Zharkovskaya to add herself to the list, which contains the stories of successful women in Russia?

Marina was born in 1975 in Bryansk. She graduated with honors from school, after which she entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Law. For some time the woman worked as a simple lawyer. But one day Marina saw an ad with an invitation to the position of an accounting consultant. There she was noticed by employees of the newspaper "Accounting. Taxes. Right." By 1999, Zharkovskaya became the editor-in-chief of this publication. Thanks to its efficient labor activity Marina quickly climbs the career ladder and soon becomes the head of the Glavbukh company. This is the largest magazine today, with a circulation of more than 180,000 copies.

The stories of successful women show that few business women decide to stop there. Marina Zharkovskaya was no exception. She decides to create her own independent project - the so-called Association of Accountants. Today this organization includes workers from more than 51 regions.

Marina herself characterizes herself as a modest, sometimes even doubting person. According to her, such character traits allow you to constantly work on yourself, see mistakes and try to correct them in a timely manner.

Tatyana Lysova - editor-in-chief of the Vedomosti newspaper

Tatyana Lysova, before becoming the head of the largest news publication in Russia, changed many positions and professions. What is it, the path to the success of a Russian woman in modern realities?

Tatyana Lysova was born in 1968 in Moscow. After graduating from the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Tatyana begins to build a career as a programmer at a defense research institute. However, in the 1990s, the company ran out of funding. Lysova had to leave the organization. The woman managed to work as a manager in trading, computer and even construction company, until in 1994 she got a job as an intern at Kommersant. The profession, according to Tatyana herself, was very difficult. But the mindset "sharpened" for exact sciences allowed Lysova to quickly settle into a new workplace.

According to Tatyana herself, the main difficulty in the work of an editor is communication with unpleasant and evil people. Perhaps it was because of disagreements with her colleagues that Lysova left Kommersant and got a job at Expert magazine. However, Tatyana could not stay here either. In 1999, she took over as editor of the Vedomosti newspaper. In just three years, she builds a dizzying career, and by the end of 2002 she becomes the editor-in-chief of the publication. Thanks to Tatyana, the audience of the newspaper increases by 40%.

According to Tatyana herself, the effective term of work for a top manager can be 5-7 years, no more. Further, a person becomes a "hostage of his previous experience." Tatyana Lysova should definitely be included in a list that illustrates success stories. There are not so many successful women in Russia, and therefore the editor-in-chief of Vedomosti is an excellent example for the whole society.

Svetlana Mironyuk - editor-in-chief of RIA Novosti

As you might guess, many of the stories of successful women entrepreneurs are related to journalism. Svetlana Mironyuk, born in Moscow in 1968, went through a number of positions before becoming editor-in-chief of Russia's most widely read news agency.

Mironyuk studied at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Geography. However, she failed to make a career as a geographer: Svetlana was expelled from graduate school without the right to restoration. In the late 80s, Mironyuk entered the Eötvös University of Hungary, and three years later began his career in the Most group. For several years of work, Svetlana "grew up" to Vice President for Public Relations.

Not wanting to become a hostage to one position, Svetlana leaves to work for the RIA company. Perhaps it was thanks to the effective work of Ms. Mironyuk that the income of the news outlet began to grow incredibly fast. At the moment, RIA Novosti is included in the top 100 world news publications, and Svetlana herself has almost 1,300 subordinates.

Who are they - the most successful women in the history of Russian journalism? A person who asks such a question is simply obliged to pay attention to Svetlana Vasilievna Mironyuk.

Marina Zhigalova-Ozkan - CEO of Disney CIS

Marina Zhigalova-Ozkan was born in 1971 in Moscow. In 1994, she graduated from MGIMO, after which she got a job in the Interros group. By the age of 26, Marina becomes the vice-president here, and a little later - the deputy general director of the North-Western Shipping Company. Guided by cognitive needs, Zhigalova-Ozkan entered the Harvard Business School in 1999. After studying there for two years, Marina returns to Moscow. Here she is invited to work at Prof-Media.

Since 2006, Marina has been the head of the Russian branch of the Disney company. Its tasks include licensing products, selling rights to movies and cartoons, publishing printed publications, and much more. Thanks to Mrs. Zhigalova-Ozkan, Disney is on Russian market feels quite confident and comfortable.

Perhaps Marina Zhigalova-Ozkan should top the list of successful business stories of women entrepreneurs in Russia. The head of the Russian "Disney" - for real successful person and strong personality.

Successful women of Russia

The success stories above are only a small part of what would be worth telling. All these biographies illustrate only one thing: you can achieve any heights only through high-quality work and your own efforts. It is quite possible to start building from scratch, the main thing is to have the right motivation and understanding of what needs to be done and why.

Women are no different from men. In many ways, they even surpass the stronger sex: as a rule, in their determination and cognitive needs. By the way, Gnosticism plays a big role in the lives of many successful individuals. As has already been seen from the examples presented, almost all women studied a lot and effectively. This fact alone calls into question the assertion that education in modern Russia is not necessary and "does not play a special role."

Our article presents far from full list stories of strong and successful women, and it's nice that every year new faces of the fair sex appear in this list.

Do not be upset if you still have not found your calling. The most valuable successes in life do not come overnight. Most successful people came to their successful self-realization much later than they wanted in their youth.

Below are life examples that are known in the history of business, when success came only closer to the second half of life. But, nevertheless, no one regrets anything. After all, their achievements, which they gave to this world, will benefit people for decades to come. Self-realization of each of us benefits the whole world. Therefore, every person should devote his whole life to his self-realization. After all, this is the main success in the life of each of us.

People who became successful businessmen in retirement age

Businessmen who have achieved success in old age:

  1. Ray Kroc founded McDonald's at age 52.
    All his life, Ray strived to create own business. Whatever he had to do. From a paper cup dealer to a real estate agent (performed in a jazz band, worked at a radio station). Some time had to sell mixers for enterprises Catering. Once I met the McDonald brothers, who ran an unusual restaurant with the fastest customer service in the small town of Des Plaines. In fact, the business idea itself found Ray and he put all his life experience into it. Ray bought the restaurant, did not change the name, but significantly improved the business. Equipped with all the necessary equipment for fast food preparation. Experience in the work of a real estate agent brought the idea to create a whole network of such restaurants. In addition, sell franchises and earn on renting real estate (their own restaurants). During his life, starting at the age of 52, Ray managed to create: the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants "McDonald's"; University of Hamburgerology; several charities.
  2. Amancio Ortega, owner Zara networks (large network clothing stores).
    Amancio was born into a poor family and did not even finish high school. At the age of 13, he already worked as a messenger for a tailor who sewed only for wealthy clients. Then he was engaged in corrugation of fabrics and drapery, and later switched to an apprentice to an Italian fashion designer. The young man not only sewed, but also learned the pricing scheme in his craft. Even then, he had the idea to reduce the number of markups, which is the basis of the concept of the Zara clothing empire. At 25, Amancio worked as a sales manager for a clothing store. At that time, his concept was confirmed: the narrow market for expensive clothes can be expanded by reducing costs. Then, for the experiment, Amancio bought expensive fabrics and, using his own designed patterns, sewed clothes, significantly saving on material. The clothes sold out quickly. Its price was affordable even for ordinary students. At the age of 27, Amancinio and his wife decided to open their own knitwear factory. The main products were dressing gowns, nightgowns and lingerie. But the business developed very slowly. When Amancio was 39 years old, he unexpectedly received the largest order for the supply of white linen. For the implementation of a large order, it was necessary to invest all the available capital. From the proceeds of a large order, the first Zara store in Spain was created. And after 10 years, the Zara chain of stores spread throughout Europe. In the European market, where there is high competition for expensive clothes, the then unknown Zara brand did not cause fear of losing market share. But Zara, with each opening of a new store, created a stir among buyers. Clothes attracted low prices, high quality fabrics and trendy designs. So Paris, New York and other major cities around the world later submitted. Another important "secret weapon" of Zara was the ability to change collections in just a few days. In 2001, Amancio Ortega decided to list a quarter of the shares on the public exchange. Demand soared instantly by 22% the very next day. So Amancio Ortega became the third richest man in Spain.
  3. Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay cosmetics for women and men.
    Until the age of 45, she was engaged in direct sales, working as an agent in various companies. After 25 years of successful career, Mary Kay Ash trained men in her craft. So it was until one of the students was put in charge of Mary with a salary 2 times higher than his teacher. This fact prompted Mary Kay Ash to write a book that would help women achieve greater opportunities in their careers. The book was written in the format of a marketing plan that served as a tool for creating her own Mary Kay company. At 45, Mary decides to invest all her experience and all her savings of $ 5,000 into creating her own business based on direct sales of cosmetics. The secret of the Mary Kay concept is simple: inspire employees to success and career growth, taking into account all the standards of the business world. During her life, Mary Kay Ash wrote 3 books that became bestsellers. The book with her autobiography has sold 1 million copies worldwide in several languages. The book "On the ability to work with people" is now a teaching material at Harvard Business School. The book "All this can be yours" became a bestseller in the first days of sales.
  4. Henry Ford created Ford his own car company after 40 years.
    Born into a family of farmers in the vicinity of Detroit. At 16, he ran away from home to work in Detroit.

    Over time, he held the position of acting mechanical engineer, and after a while he already worked as a chief engineer. When Henry turned 30, in his free time, he assembled his first car. At 36, he became a co-owner of the Detroit Automobile Company. But due to controversy, he left at the age of 39 to create his own company for the production of affordable cars. The company's slogan is "a car for everyone". Immediately after the start of work, the Ford Motor Company faced a competitor with a monopoly in the segment of affordable cars. Success came to the company when Ford was already 45 years old. Then the company released successful model Ford T in 1908 During his life, Henry defended 161 US patents. He pioneered the use of an industrial assembly line for the mass production of automobiles. He wrote the book "My Life, My Achievements", which became the basis for the political economy phenomenon - Fordism.

  5. J. K. Rowling and "Harry Potter" author of a series of books.
    The famous British writer, before her popularity, worked as a secretary-translator of scientific works of Amnesty International. Over time, she divorced her husband. By the age of 32 she was a single mother and lived on welfare. The idea to write a book arose at the age of 25, it was 1990. But at first it was more like a hobby. In 1997, the first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was published, and JK Rowling's life changed dramatically. In 10 years, 6 sequels to Harry Potter have been published. In total, over 400 million books have been sold and several awards have been collected.

    Now J.K. Rowling is writing adult books, such as the crime novel The Call of the Cuckoo.

Each of these people, achieving success in their lives, brought great benefits to other people. In the history of business, there are many more successful personalities and life examples when people do not immediately find their purpose, but spend their whole lives on it. And it's worth it.

The richest women in Russia in 2016. A PHOTO

Named the richest Russian women in 2016. The rating is headed by Elena Baturina, Elena Rybolovleva and Tatyana Bakalchuk.

Elena Baturina, Elena Rybolovleva and Tatyana Bakalchuk are in the lead in the top 25 richest Russian women.

1. Elena Baturina - $1.1 billion

Once again, the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow, Elena Baturina, topped the list of the richest women in Russia. Her fortune is estimated at $1.1 billion.

Most of the time, Luzhkov's ex-wife spends in London, and prefers to invest in Europe and the USA. The 53-year-old entrepreneur, philanthropist and philanthropist is the president of Inteco Management and owns a chain of hotels.

2. Elena Rybolovleva - $600 million

Elena Rybolovleva, a graduate of the Perm Medical Academy, is the ex-wife of Perm billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev. In 2015, as a result of the divorce proceedings with Dmitry Rybolovlev, she sued her ex-husband for 604 million dollars. Now, together with her youngest daughter Anna, she lives in Switzerland.

3. Tatyana Bakalchuk - $500 million

CEO of Wildberries online store.

In 2004 teacher of English language on maternity leave, she decided to earn some money by reselling clothes from the German catalogs Otto and Quelle on the Internet, and seeing the success of her wife, her husband Vladislav helped Tatyana Bakalchuk establish an online store. “We did not expect that this would be a super project,” Bakalchuk admitted to reporters. Today, a small family business is the largest online clothing store in Runet.

4. Olga Belyavtseva - $400 million

Member of the Board of Directors of Progress Capital.

The founder of the Assol company, which was the main distributor of the Lebedyansky plant. In 2004, Olga exchanged her company for a 20% stake in the plant, using overseas experience business planning, and did not lose. Already in 2008, Belyavtseva sold her part of the shares for $330 million.

At the moment, she owns a 25% stake in the Progress plant, which was previously withdrawn from the patronage of Lebedyansky, which produces mineral water and baby food, and is a member of the board of directors of the company.

5. Natalia Lutsenko - $325 million

Co-owner of GC "Sodruzhestvo".

Natalia and Alexander Lutsenko started their business in 1994 in Minsk trading in feed and feed additives, later they bought several poultry farms in Russia and Ukraine and a plant for the production of protein and vitamin supplements in Denmark.

Now Sodruzhestvo Group of Companies is the largest supplier of soybeans in Russia and a manufacturer of vegetable oils, including soy. Factories are located in Russia, Denmark and Brazil. Sodruzhestvo Group of Companies is developing a logistics business: building terminals for transshipment of agricultural products (in particular, it owns a terminal for transshipment of tropical vegetable oils in Kaliningrad).

6. Irina Abramovich - $300 million

Private investor.

The ex-wife of the famous oligarch Roman Abramovich.

7. Evgenia Guryeva - $260 million

Member of the board charitable foundation Andrey Guryev.

The wife of the former senator from the Murmansk region Andrey Guryev.

8. Maria Sharapova - $260 million

Famous Russian tennis player.

9. Natalia Kasperskaya - $190 million

CEO of the InfoWatch group of companies, founder of Kaspersky Lab.

10. Natalia Fileva - $190 million

The main owner of Siberia and Globus airlines.

In 1997, the spouses Natalia and Vladislav Filev bought out the shares of Siberia Airlines from employees. Immediately after the 1998 crisis, they became the owners of a controlling stake in the enterprise and began to develop the business through the acquisition of small air carriers. Now the liners of Siberia Airlines carry over 10 million passengers. Natalya Fileva graduated from the Novosibirsk State Technical University and postgraduate studies at the Moscow State technical university civil aviation.

11. Lyudmila Antipova - $170 million Co-owner of the Ariant group.
12. Marina Sedykh - $160 million. CEO and co-owner of the Irkutsk Oil Company.
13. Guzelia Safin – $145 million. Deputy General Director of TAIF.
14. Hob's Love - $140 million Member of the Management Board of NK Lukoil.
15. Elena Kretova - $135 million Co-owner of the Ariant group.
16. Olga Shuvalova - $125 million Private investor.
17. Lyudmila Andreeva - $100 million Co-owner of "220 Volt".
18. Lyudmila Aristova - $100 million Co-owner of the Ariant group.
19. Olga Golubeva - $95 million Chairman of the Board of the Petersburg City Bank.
20. Svetlana Bortsova - $90 million Co-owner of Progress Capital.
21. Nina Metlenko - $90 million Vice President for Economics, MPBK Ochakovo.
22. Alisa Chumachenko - $80 million Private investor.
23. Tatyana Orlova - $75 million Member of the Board of Directors of Flybridge Asset Management.
24. Alla Rakshina - 75 million dollars. CFO"Mary-Ra".
25. Galina Rakshina - $75 million Co-owner trading network"Mary-Ra".

She was looking for a rich husband. The answer she received from the banker just killed everyone on the spot!

This girl was looking for a rich husband using dating forums. She wrote the following:

“I'm not going to lie why I'm here. This year I turn 25 years old. I am very attractive. With good taste and sense of style. I want to marry a guy who earns 500+ thousand dollars a year. You may assume that I am greedy. But no. This is not true. So you understand: in New York, someone who earns a million dollars a year is considered to be a member of the middle class. And I don't want to be a beggar.

My conditions are not so unrealistic. There is someone on this site whose annual income is 500 thousand dollars.

dollars? Or are you all already married? Another question: "What do I need to do to marry a rich man like you?"

Everyone I've dated before didn't make more than $250,000 a year. So that seems to be the ceiling for me. Can you answer a few of my questions? For example:

1) Where do you - rich bachelors - usually hang out? (Please write your favorite bars, restaurants, gyms, preferably with addresses).

2) What ages of men should I best target?

3) Why are most rich men's wives so ugly?

4) How do you know who is suitable for you as a wife, and who - only as a girl? The role of a girl does not interest me as much as the role of a future wife.

I can't wait for your reply.

Your beauty."

The CEO of one of the largest US banks answered her this way:

"Dear Beauty!

I read your post on the forum with great interest. I suppose that many girls have the same. Let me analyze your situation from an investment point of view.

My annual income is over $500,000. This is exactly what you are looking for. So I'm sure I'm not wasting my time. As a businessman, I can say that marrying you is a bad decision. Everything is very simple. Let's explain to you why.

What you are trying to do is barter "beauty" for "money", i.e. subject A offers beauty and subject B pays for it. There seemed to be no tricks.

Despite this, a big problem is that your beauty will fade, and my money will not be lost for no apparent reason. In the future, my income is likely to multiply, unlike your beauty.

In economic terms, we are two assets. My value will go up and yours will go down. And not just like that, but exponentially.

Imagine that the relationship with you is an act of trading. Like any trade on Wall Street, they have their position.

If the market price of you as an asset falls, we will sell it. To continue to own such an asset is simply pointless. The same goes for the marriage you're longing for. As cruel as it sounds, the most optimal solution to the issue of assets that quickly and rapidly depreciate is to sell or lease them.

Any man who earns more than 500 thousand dollars a year, a priori, cannot be a fool. Of course, people like me will only date you, but will never marry you. My advice to you is to tie up with these searches. Instead, look for ways to get rich and make that much money a year on your own. Then the chances of finding a rich fool will increase.

I hope that my answers will be useful to you.

And it's true. True beauty is not a colorful wrapper, but what lies deep inside.

Something that never fades - not tomorrow, not in 50 years.

Many people want to start their own business, but the fear of failure prevents them from realizing their dream: little money, no own premises, nothing to buy equipment, corruption ... The stories of those who have achieved success show that you can make a profit even in difficult times. Their secret is in development interesting ideas, diligence, development orientation, cost reduction and building strong relationships with customers and partners.

Is it worth starting a business in a crisis? What are the prospects? What to do if not start-up capital? How to act when there is not enough knowledge and experience? There are many reasons why would-be entrepreneurs give up their dream of starting a business (see Figure 1).

Fig. 1 Key problems at the stage of starting a business

For some, these difficulties become a real obstacle, someone believes that the crisis is not the most right time to start a successful business from scratch. The examples of those who, in spite of difficulties, open their own business, convince us of the opposite.

Story 1. Minigolf for everyone

The idea of ​​creating a mini-golf club belongs to Nizhny Novgorod students Philip Mazurov and Ksenia Zhirkova. In the summer of 2015, the guys developed a business plan, rented premises in a popular shopping and entertainment complex in the center of Dzerzhinsk, purchased equipment via the Internet and organized an advertising campaign.

Initial investment - 200,000 rubles.

Self-sufficiency - 3 months.

Now, according to Philip, there is a payback period for equipment and advertising.

What is the secret of success?

  • In democracy. Even in the regional center there is only one mini-golf course - in a closed club, it is not intended for everyone. Philip and Ksenia made mini-golf affordable by giving lessons for 150 rubles per hour
  • In the absence of hired employees: entrepreneurs still manage on their own
  • The mini-golf club is in a good location: its regular visitors are families with children, local entrepreneurs, lovers of this sport of all ages
  • In health benefits: minigolf develops coordination, dexterity, eye, accuracy, the ability to control your body.
  • In easy promotion: the minigolf club quickly became popular through word of mouth, flyer distribution and stationary advertising in the mall.

The nearest plans include holding a city mini-golf tournament.

Story 2. Prepare gifts in summer

The idea of ​​distribution of New Year's gifts belongs to the head of the Snezhel company from Nizhny Novgorod Ilya Petrov.

The entrepreneur saw that the demand for products not of "conveyor" quality, but focused on a specific customer, was growing on the market, and he occupied a free niche.

Initial investment - 600,000 rubles.

Profitability in the first year - 50%.

To date, the company's turnover is more than 5 million rubles.

The history of this enterprise is a prime example successful business from scratch, which its founder objectively calls "off-season": the New Year holidays are only a few days, and preparation for them lasts all year: from the formation of the assortment to the packaging of gifts.

What is the secret of success?

  • In active development and maintenance of the client base. Not a single corporate customer was lost during the crisis
  • From reliable suppliers. 7 years ago, gifts from Snezhelya were based on ROSHEN products, now sweets from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Belgorod, Murmansk
  • In the exit to the retail segment (kindergartens, schools). Shop gifts of low quality "Snezhel" contrasts products carefully selected in accordance with the tastes of customers with obligatory novelties in the assortment
  • At democratic prices: the enterprise “works without attracting additional capital and borrowed money, which allows not to raise prices, laying interest on the loan in them.

This type of business has a number of risks: you can “not guess” with the assortment, do not sell the packaging ordered in advance with the symbols of the year, do not have time to hire packers during the season and rent a room for a temporary warehouse. The success of "Snezhelya" is in competent planning of activities: early study of the assortment, demand for the composition of gifts. Instead of hired employees in the New Year's "marathon" to redistribute the functionality between staff members who have experience, conclude a long-term contract with a warehouse, taking into account the seasonality of the business.

Story 3. Family photo studio

Photo studios are one of the most competitive segments of the service market, but active and creative people succeed here too. An example is the family photo studio "On the Moon" by Nizhny Novgorod photographer Alena Beznosova.

The initial investment is 170 thousand rubles for the renovation of the premises, the purchase of equipment, the installation of decorations and interiors.

Payback - 4 months.

Tatyana Alekseeva, 2016-07-31

17 Inspiring Movies About Great Women You Should Know About

The cure for despondency in a convenient dosage!

All of us have those days when we give up and want to hide from the whole world in a closet, turn off the phone and pretend to be dead.

At such moments, more than anything in the world, I want to see some kind of proof that all is not lost. And the best consolation is to look good film about those who have achieved dizzying success, despite much more difficult obstacles ...

Here are 17 biopics about strong women that will make you believe in yourself again:

17. Diana: A Love Story (2013).

Princess Diana is the most popular woman of her time, even during her lifetime called "the princess of human hearts." She won the hearts of millions, everyone confessed their love to her - from the Prince of England to powerful billionaires.

But who did she love?

16. Lovelace (2013).

The life story of the famous porn actress Linda Lovelace, who played the main character in the film Deep Throat.

A young, inexperienced girl meets her future tormentor, and part-time husband, who, without thinking twice, leads her into the porn business. Once in sexual slavery, Linda becomes completely dependent on her husband and is doomed to fulfill all his whims and desires.

To force his young wife to be obedient, the husband beats her. It is on beatings and coercion that the porn career of a girl known to millions of fans of this genre is built ...

15. Joan of Arc (1999)

One day, during the Hundred Years War, 19-year-old Frenchwoman Jeanne has a vision in the forest, which eventually comes true. She knew that her village would be burned to the ground, her own sister would be raped and then killed.

And so it happened, and the seer could not prevent troubles.

After the incident, the strong-willed d'Arc goes to the Dauphin Charles with new clues from above and asks for an army to endure several battles. The girl is given a detachment, and within four days she neutralizes the enemy, not suspecting that such heroism will play a cruel joke on her ...

14. Iron Lady (2011).

Margaret Thatcher is not just a woman, and the "iron lady" is not just a nickname. This absolutely unique person has become an example for many, and almost everyone is familiar with her great achievements.

But what was Thatcher's life like from the inside? That's what the movie is about. The biography of the 71st Prime Minister of Great Britain from the very beginning of a career in politics to the present day will allow the viewer to get to know an amazing woman who was able to reach unprecedented heights and win the respect of millions of men...

13. Selena (1997).

The inimitable Jennifer Lopez starred in a biopic about the life of Selena Quintanilla-Perez, a famous Latin American performer of the early 1990s.

Selena was from a Texas Mexican family. The singer's creative path began in early childhood, when the girl was only 9 years old. Already at the age of 12, Selena recorded a studio album with the group, and after 3 years the young singer received her first award.

At a very young age, Selena gained incredible popularity and began to release her own collection of clothes. The picture tells the story of a resounding success that fell on the head of a talented Latin American woman, and of the tragic events that ended the singer's bright life...

12. Joanna - a woman on the papal throne (2009).

The plot of the film takes place near the Vatican in 814, when the amazing girl John is born. From childhood, she grows up as a smart child, ahead of many boys in her thirst for knowledge.

Soon John realizes that it is impossible for a woman to achieve high positions and recognition of society on an equal footing with men. Having received better education As best she can, Joanna disguises herself as a boy, cuts ties with the family who can give her away, and goes to the Vatican to serve the church. There she becomes the personal physician of Pope Sergius, and soon she herself takes his place ...

11. Coco before Chanel (2009).

The history of Coco Chanel before she became famous all over the world.

Growing up in an orphanage, Gabrielle and her sister are used to relying only on themselves in life. During the day they work as seamstresses, and at night they entertain the audience with light songs in the restaurant. Because of the then especially popular chansonette, our heroine was given the nickname Coco.

Gabriel meets officer Etienne Balsan, a wealthy visitor to their establishment. He invites the girl to visit his estate. It is assumed that there will be a big interesting company.

The Englishman Arthur stands out among the guests, and Koko is intrigued by him. Strong feelings swept over the couple, but will the lovers be able to be together? ..

10. Jackie (2016).

About Jacqueline Kennedy - the first lady of the United States in the early 1960s, the most popular woman of her time, an icon of style - dozens of books have been written and many films have been shot, but the huge interest in her life does not fade over the years.

In this tape, the authors reproduced one of the tragic moments in American history- the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas - and the few days that followed, showing these events through the eyes of Jacqueline herself. The whole world admired her fortitude, dignity and self-control. But what did this woman really experience?

9. Gia (1998).

Angelina Jolie played the famous 1970s model Gia Carangi, who became the first dark-haired girl on the cover of glossy magazines. The story that formed the basis of the film is woven from many memories of the girl's friends, her relatives and people who once worked with her. From an incredibly bright and extraordinary person by the age of 26, she turned into a complete drug addict.

At a very early age, unprecedented popularity and huge fees fell on her head. After quitting her job at her father's diner, she went to conquer New York, where she managed to realize a childhood dream. But, despite her beauty and fame, she never managed to find a loved one who could support her in difficult times. In a few years, she fell from the Olympus of fame, dropping to trading in a supermarket, and then prostitution ...

8. Julie & Julia: Cooking Happiness with a Recipe (2009).

A film about two women from different generations, whose destinies nonetheless intersect thanks to their love of cooking.

One runs a blog, trying to color the gray office routine with her favorite hobby. The second is an embassy wife trying to realize herself. Both find solace in cooking.

A tape about how, in an effort to achieve a cherished goal, the main thing is not to quit what you started halfway, to endure all the trials, to remain optimistic and appreciate the support of loved ones.

7. Big eyes (2014).

The picture before us appears America in the heyday of the bright 1950s. A completely new, previously unknown trend is emerging in art - pop art.

Creator this direction called the artist Walter Keane, who paints pictures of children with huge eyes. The works of the new master become a hit, Walter gains incredible fame as a genius of modern art, gaining more and more popularity.

But unexpectedly, his wife Margaret accuses her husband of fraud, stating that she is the true author of the paintings. So who is the liar in this story?

6. Wild (2014).

After surviving the death of her mother and separating from her husband, Cheryl Strayed decides to give herself a third test. The 26-year-old writer embarks on a dangerous 2,650-mile mountain trail on foot.

Having wiped her legs into blood, withstanding many dangerous days and nights, she meets amazing people on her way, rethinks her existence and learns to enjoy life again...

5. What Love Can Do (1993).

Few rock superstars have had such a dramatic fate as Tina Turner.

Born Anna Mae Bullock, this unassuming girl seemed to get her lucky ticket the moment successful musician and producer Ike Turner became her husband.

Even in her worst nightmare, she could not foresee that when her fame outgrows her husband's popularity, her life will become a nightmare.

Hayk turned from a handsome guy into a monster, out of jealousy for her fame, beating her husband half to death. And who knows how the fate of the singer would have been, if not for the music ...

4. Queen (2006).

Film interpretation of the behind-the-scenes relationship between the English Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Tony Blair, developing against the backdrop of numerous problems that arose in connection with the tragic death of Princess Diana.

August 1997 The favorite of the United Kingdom, Princess Diana, died in a car accident. Queen Elizabeth II, despite all the expectations of British society, retires to Balmoral Castle, where she tries to realize the full scale of the loss that has befallen Great Britain.

However, newly elected Prime Minister Tony Blair understands that the current situation could turn ordinary Britons away from the throne. Therefore, the entire burden of responsibility for finding a compromise between the deeply personal tragedy of the royal house and the desire of the public to see its public manifestations falls on his shoulders ...

3. Frida (2002).

Biographical film about the most famous Mexican artist - Frida Kahlo.

Having got into a terrible accident in her youth, Frida breaks her spine. Doctors put an end to her full life, doubting that the girl will ever be able to stand on her feet. Lying in plaster, she draws self-portraits, thus escaping boredom.

Despite the doctors' predictions, Frida is learning to walk again. Having become famous for her talented work, the girl agrees to become the wife of the womanizer Diego Rivera.

He is faithful to her in his thoughts, but in life he regularly cheats, referring to the male polygamous nature ...

2. Elizabeth (1998).

Shortly before the Protestant Elizabeth ascended the throne, people of her faith were considered heretics and burned at the stake. When she became the head of England, she was a weak and disorderly state - besides, she herself was called a heretic.

To gain a foothold on the throne, Elizabeth had to show her strength. She began by establishing a single Protestant church in England. Now she needs to enter into a suitable marriage and give birth to an heir - only her lover Lord Robert Dudley is not a suitable party.

To do right choice, the queen will have to figure out which of her advisors she can trust without fear of being stabbed in the back...

1. Life in pink (2007).

A biopic about the famous French singer Edith Piaf, who managed to captivate the whole world with her voice. The story of the star is told in stages, from birth to sad death from an incurable disease.

The story begins in early childhood, when the mother gives the girl Edith to the care of her grandmother. Exploring a world of poverty, surrounded by discrimination, she was able to impress a Parisian cabaret owner who hired her. She learned to be beautiful, to please the public, to work with accompaniment - and soon she felt the first rays of glory ...