Global problems of mankind. Global problems of modernity and their philosophical understanding The main problems of modernity, their philosophical understanding








Each historical epoch, each stage of the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization enters a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence of global problems. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back at the path traveled. Today, it is necessary to assess the goals that mankind has set for itself, it was necessary to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations that would be accepted by the entire population of the planet.

The global issues of modernity cannot be resolved without a detailed study of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. At present, global problems are being studied by many sciences - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. Also, global problems are studied by philosophy in the worldview, methodological, social and humanitarian aspects. The basis of the philosophical analysis of global problems is the results of private sciences. At the same time, this analysis is necessary, in addition to its heuristic value, for further research, as it contributes to the integration of particular sciences that need consistency in coordination in the study of global problems. Philosophy becomes a link for representatives of various scientific disciplines, as it is oriented in its analysis to interdisciplinarity.

Each era has its own philosophy. Modern philosophy must first of all become a philosophy of survival. The task of modern philosophy is to search for such values ​​and social systems that would ensure the survival of mankind. The new philosophy is designed to develop a model for solving global problems, to help the practical orientation of a person in the modern world in the matter of the survival of civilization.

The new impetus lies in the development of an applied philosophy dealing with practical problems. Without a philosophical vision of the entire situation as a whole, none of the global problems can be solved in principle.

The specifics of the philosophical understanding of global problems:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain values ​​that largely determine the nature and direction of human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates private theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd half. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the causes of the global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solutions.

Thus, to the eternal philosophical problems of being, cognition, the meaning of human life, etc. the modern era has added a fundamentally new theme - the preservation of life on Earth and the survival of mankind.


Global problems(French g1obа1 - universal, from lat. g1оbus (terrae) - the globe) are a set of human problems, the solution of which depends on social progress and the preservation of civilization: preventing a world thermonuclear war and ensuring peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples; catastrophic pollution prevention environment, including the atmosphere, the oceans, etc.; overcoming the growing gap in economic level and per capita income between developed and developing countries by eliminating the backwardness of the latter, as well as eliminating hunger, poverty and illiteracy in the world; ensuring the further economic development of mankind with the necessary natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, including food, industrial raw materials and energy sources; stopping rapid population growth ("demographic explosion" in developing countries) and eliminating the danger of "depopulation" in developed countries; prevention of the negative consequences of the scientific and technological revolution. The twenty-first century, having just begun, has already added its own problems: international terrorism, the continued spread of drug addiction and AIDS.

Philosophical understanding of global problems is the study of processes and phenomena associated with the problems of a planetary civilization, the world-historical process. Philosophy analyzes the causes that led to the emergence or exacerbation of global problems, studies their social danger and conditionality.

In modern philosophy, the main approaches to understanding global problems have developed:

    all problems can become global;

    the number of global problems must be limited to the number of urgent and most dangerous ones (prevention of wars, ecology, population);

    exact determination of the causes of global problems, their signs, content and methods for the fastest resolution.

Global problems have common features: they affect the future and interests of all mankind, their resolution requires the efforts of all mankind, they require urgent resolution, being in a complex relationship with each other.

Global problems are, on the one hand, natural in nature, and on the other, social. In this regard, they can be considered as the influence or result of human activity, which had a negative impact on nature. The second option for the emergence of global problems is a crisis in relations between people, which affects the entire complex of relationships between members of the world community.

Global problems are grouped according to the most characteristic features. Classification allows you to establish the degree of their relevance, the sequence of theoretical analysis, methodology and sequence of solution.

The most widely used method of classification, which is based on the task of determining the severity of the problem and the sequence of its solution. In connection with this approach, three global problems can be identified:

    between states and regions of the planet (prevention of conflicts, establishment of economic order);

    environmental (environmental protection, protection and distribution of fuel raw materials, development, space and the oceans);

    between society and a person (demography, health care, education, etc.).

The global problems of modernity are ultimately generated precisely by the all-penetrating uneven development of world civilization, when the technical power of mankind has immeasurably exceeded the level of social organization it has reached, political thinking has clearly lagged behind political reality, and the motives for the activities of the predominant mass of people and their moral values very far from the social, ecological and demographic imperatives of the era.


The emergence of global problems, the increasing danger of their consequences pose new challenges for science in forecasting and how to solve them. Global problems are a complex and interrelated system that has an impact on society as a whole, man and nature, and therefore requires constant philosophical reflection.

The global problems, first of all, include: the prevention of a world thermonuclear war, the creation of a non-violent world that provides peaceful conditions for the social progress of all peoples; overcoming the growing gap in the level of economic and cultural development between countries, eliminating economic backwardness throughout the world; ensuring the further economic development of mankind with the natural resources necessary for this (food, raw materials, energy sources); overcoming the ecological crisis generated by human intervention in the biosphere: stopping the rapid growth of the population (population growth in developing countries, falling birth rates in developed ones);

timely foresight and prevention of various negative consequences of scientific and technological revolution and rational and effective use of its achievements for the benefit of society and the individual.


In the previous topics, the idea of ​​the complexity, versatility of the development process and the significant role that a person plays in it has repeatedly sounded. The result of participation in it was not only the benefits created, but also the many difficulties that nature and man himself face as a result of his active transformative activity. At present, it is customary to talk about them as global problems of our time. These include such as environmental, war and peace, demographic, disease, crime and some others.

Let's focus on the named ones and, first of all, on the environmental problem, due to the reasons that everything that happens on planet Earth with or without human participation also occurs in nature. The latter is understood as a part of matter with which people directly or indirectly interact, perceive it, i.e. see, hear, touch, etc. It, in turn, in one way or another also affects each of us, society as a whole, affects the results of human activity. In this sense, man himself is a product of nature. It is also present in all creations of human hands.

Therefore, no matter how highly developed and how efficient industrial production becomes, man always depends on nature. The nature of these relationships is very complex and contradictory, because nature is very diverse and has a rather complex structure. It highlights:

1. Geosphere - the surface of the Earth, both uninhabited and suitable for human life.

2. Biosphere - a set of living organisms on the surface, in the bowels and atmosphere of our planet.

3. Cosmosphere - near-Earth outer space, in which spacecraft created by people are already located, as well as that area of ​​space that can be inhabited by earthlings in a historically foreseeable time and is the object of intensive scientific research.

4. Noosphere ("noo" - mind) - the area of ​​​​reasonable human activity, which is ultimately determined by the level of human intelligence and the amount of information processed by his brain.

5. Technosphere - (“techne” - art, skill, ability). It is a combination of all processes and phenomena created by man. It intersects with the geo-bio-cosmo- and noospheres at many points. And, according to scientists, it is in this intersection that the secret and cause of the global processes occurring in them, as well as the problems caused by these circumstances, lies.

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Global problems of our time

The concept of "global" (from Latin - ball, globe, earth) became widespread in the late 60s of the XX century thanks to the activities of the non-governmental scientific organization known as the Club of Rome. The term "global" began to be used to characterize planetary problems.

Global problems - this is a set of the most acute global problems affecting the vital interests of all mankind and requiring coordinated international actions for their solution.

Causes of global problems

Global problems are generated uneven development of world civilization:

firstly, technical power has surpassed the achieved level of social organization and threatens to destroy all life;

secondly, political thinking has lagged behind political reality and can no longer manage it effectively;

thirdly, the motives for the activities of the predominant masses of people, their moral values ​​are very far from the social, environmental and demographic imperatives of the era;

fourthly, Western countries are ahead of the rest of the world in the economic, social, scientific and technical fields, which leads to the flow of the main resources to them.

Types of global problems (by type public relations):

1. Man's relationship to nature generates natural and social global problems: environment, lack of resources, energy, lack of food.

The peculiarity of modernity is that in order to continue its history, a person needs to learn how to coordinate his global activities with the needs of nature.

2. Relations between people in society, that is social relations led to the emergence social global problems: peace and disarmament, world socio-economic development, overcoming the backwardness of poor countries.

3. The relationship between man and society has given rise to anthroposocial global problems: population growth, scientific and technological progress, education and culture, health care.

The key problem on the solution of which all the rest depend is the problem of world social and economic development. Its content is:

On the one side, the uneven development of various countries and regions has led to the socio-economic and political dominance and dictate of Western states, which leads to unfair economic exchange on a global scale and, consequently, the impoverishment of less developed countries;

on the other hand, now there is a formation of the foundations of a post-industrial society and their struggle with elements of the old industrial and pre-industrial societies. These two moments can lead to irreversible consequences - the hopeless lag behind the majority of the peoples of the world from the countries of the West.

The most important problem is the problem of war and peace. Its relevance was shown by N. Moiseev, substantiating the possibility of a "nuclear winter" as a result of a conflict with the use of modern weapons. N. Moiseev also developed the principle of co-evolution, according to which mankind is able to survive only in the conditions of the joint and coordinated existence of society and nature.


The concept of "globalization" has various interpretations:

Globalization is the growing interdependence of various countries and regions, the economic and cultural integration of mankind.

Globalization is the universalization of productive forces, economic relations and ways of communication.

Globalization is a strategy of neoliberal capitalism to establish its dominance on a global scale on the basis of monetarism and military-political hegemonism.

Interaction of civilizations and future scenarios:

The future of mankind lies in the plane of solving global problems the following scenarios:

First version- The theory of the "golden billion". The inevitable result of the struggle between countries and civilizations for resources will be the formation on a planetary scale of groups of states that are fundamentally different from each other in the quality of life (Z. Brzezinski). Scenario of "clash of civilizations" in the XXI century. put forward by S. Huntington.

second version, fixing the same reality, proceeds from humanistic premises and considerations. Hopes are pinned on post-industrial development and the formation of the information society on a planetary scale. Material and energy consumption gradually decreases and information consumption increases. The formation of a society of spiritual post-material values ​​will lead to the formation of fair equal relations between people, countries, peoples.

Third version: revolutionary redistribution among all people of resources and means of production and deployment on the basis of the latest technologies planned socialist economy.

Most likely, a path is possible in which all three options will manifest themselves to one degree or another. The most desirable outcome would be the emergence of a confederation of civilizations with sustainable development, and then through mutual perception and exchange of values ​​- a single planetary civilization.

Sustainable development(eng. sustainable development) - a process of change in which the exploitation of natural resources, the direction of investment, the orientation of scientific and technological development, the development of the individual and institutional changes are coordinated with each other and strengthen the current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.

Concept sustainable development developed by the Club of Rome, founded in 1968 and others public organizations. Proposed at the Second UN Conference on Environment and Development (COSD-2), which took place on June 3-14, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and based on the report of the Brundtland Commission, the concept includes the following main provisions:

The focus is on people who should have the right to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.

Environmental protection must become an integral component of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it.

Satisfying the needs for development and preservation of the environment should extend not only to the present, but also to future generations.

Reducing the gap in living standards between countries, eradicating poverty and destitution is one of the most important tasks of the world community.

In order to achieve sustainable development, states must eliminate or reduce non-conducive patterns of production and consumption.

Futurology- This is a special area of ​​​​research of various sciences, which deals with the prediction of the future of mankind.

Topic 14. Global problems of the modern world 1. The reverse side of progress2. Depletion of earth's resources3. environmental pollution4. Growth of radiation hazard5. Population increase6. Ways out of

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2. Philosophical anthropology and global problems practical activities person who transforms the world, society and oneself, are global problems - a set of vital important issues affecting humanity as a whole

5. Ecology and global problems of our time In this regard, it is worth mentioning the factor generated by the growing, at times unpredictably rapid pace, human influence on nature both on the scale of regional spaces and the biosphere as a whole. This is about

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§ 149. Problems of regional ontology related to the theory of mind. Problems of phenomenological constitution After discussing the problems of the theory of mind that provide us with formal disciplines, we can make the transition to material disciplines, and above all to

GLOBAL PROBLEMS Global problems of our time The concept of "global" (from Latin - ball, globe, earth) became widespread in the late 60s of the XX century thanks to the activities of a non-governmental scientific organization called the Club of Rome. Term

Global crises and the problem of the value of scientific and technological progress The prestigious status of science stimulates the deployment of a wide variety of its developed forms. Exploring them and analyzing how the functions of science have changed in social life, it is possible to identify the main features

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Today and tomorrow of mankind can be viewed as a "dialogue" or "meeting" of civilizations - such mutual influence of peoples and cultures, in which they borrow something from each other, but still remain themselves, do not merge with others, are not absorbed by them. From the point of view of the "globalist" approach, various civilizations interact and develop in such a way that the universal human component in them is constantly growing, acquiring an increasing proportion, so that in the long term a single culture of mankind is very real.

The problem of the existence of humanity as a whole can be considered in the following aspects: humanity exists in reality and objectively; the people of the earth are united essentially - socially; the people of the earth are united intellectually. Unity and universality increase from generation to generation, the world economy, the world economy as something integral has become the subject basis, pulling together all segments of the cultural and historical kaleidoscope of human existence.

In the modern era, there is a globalization of the problems of mankind. Their relevance is associated with a number of factors: acceleration of the processes of social development; increase in anthropogenic impact on nature; detection of exhaustibility of natural resources; the ultimate aggravation of the problem of human survival; pervasive impact of modern technical means and means mass media etc.

The concept of a global problem. The global problems of mankind are understood as a complex of the most acute socio-natural contradictions affecting the world as a whole, and with it individual regions and countries. Global problems should be distinguished from regional, local and private ones.

Classification of global problems

Domestic scientists I.T. Frolov and V.V. Zagladin developed a variant of the classification of global problems.

1. The first group consists of problems that are related to the relationship between the main social communities humanity, i.e. between groups of states. These problems should be called intersocial. These include the problem of preventing war and ensuring peace, as well as the establishment of a just international economic order.

2. The second group combines problems that are generated by the interaction of society and nature. They are associated with the limited capacity of the environment to endure anthropogenic loads. These are such problems as the provision of energy, fuel, fresh water, clean air, etc. This group also includes the problem of protecting nature from irreversible changes of a negative nature, the rational development of the world's oceans and outer space.

3. The third group of global problems are those related to the human-society system. They directly concern the individual and depend on the ability of society to provide real opportunities for personal development.

Intersocial problems

Until recently, such problems were associated with the confrontation between two political systems: capitalist and socialist. The bipolar world has been replaced by a multipolar world, which has led to changes in the nature of the problems.

First, instead of the threat of a world war as a consequence of the clash of two opposing socio-political systems, many local conflicts have come. Despite their locality, each of them has its own measure of globality, since it is fraught with drawing many parties into the orbit of the conflict, including those that are not related to its occurrence. Nor can it be assumed that the threat of a general military catastrophe in modern conditions excluded completely. World conflict can be caused unintentionally, as a result of the spread of local contradictions, the loss of control over nuclear weapons, and so on. The seizure of nuclear arsenals by terrorist groups is not entirely excluded.

Secondly, in the absence of confrontation between opposing socio-political systems, the problem of establishing a fair economic order became even more obvious. It is connected with uneven world development. There are groups of countries on the planet that differ sharply in terms of the level of socio-economic development and, accordingly, in terms of the level of well-being of the population. On the one hand, this is a relatively small group of developed countries, on the other hand, a large number of states in which economic development is characterized by backwardness, and the quality of life of the population is low. The economies of the backward countries are distinguished, as a rule, by a pronounced raw-material character. For this reason, it is especially acute here environmental problems, as well as a huge number of others. The backward and moderately developed countries make up the majority of the world's population - about five billion out of six. The general trend is such that the gap between the "golden billion" and the rest of humanity is not shrinking, but growing.

Global problems in the "society-nature" system.

The essence of the ecological problem lies in the clearly revealed and deepening contradiction between the productive activity of mankind and the stability of the natural environment. The growing pressure of anthropogenic factors on the biosphere can lead to a complete break in the natural cycles of reproduction of biological resources, self-purification of water, soil, and atmosphere. This gives rise to a "collapse" - a sharp and rapid deterioration of the ecological situation, which can lead to a fleeting death of the planet's population. It is estimated that at least 1.2 billion people live with acute shortage of drinking water. Biologists record that every day as a result of human activity the world loses 150 species of animals and plants. Uncontrolled population growth is undermining the resource base, rapidly bringing us closer to the maximum allowable load on the natural environment. Exceeding the threshold level of such a load leads to the destruction of the natural environment.

Global ecology as a set of ideas and practical acts to optimize the "society-nature" relationship should be the subject of reflection and application of politicians and economists, all the "powerful ones". It is necessary to outline the limits of development under which catastrophe can be avoided. Unfortunately, this idea has not yet been taken seriously by politicians, has not been understood by the mass consciousness, and has not become a clear task of social and personal practice. The ecological imperative has not yet been formulated by theorists so convincingly as to become a regulator of real life activity.

In the approach to solving environmental problems, three main directions can be distinguished that form the main strategies for environmental protection.

The restrictive strategy, as the main means of preventing environmental disasters, proposes limiting the development of production and, accordingly, consumption, since the trend towards continuous economic growth inevitably increases environmental stress. Supporters of this strategy insist on "zero growth", demand the immediate development of environmentally harmful industries, call for a voluntary restriction of consumption, and so on.

The optimization strategy involves finding the optimal level of interaction between society and nature. This level should not exceed the critical pollution threshold. It should be such that the exchange of substances between society and nature is possible, without adversely affecting the state of the environment.

The strategy of closed cycles involves the creation of production facilities built on a cyclical principle, due to which production is isolated from environmental impacts. Closed cycles are possible with the use of biotechnology, which allows the processing of inorganic production waste into organic substances. The latter can be reused to create useful products for humans.

These strategies are not alternatives: depending on the specific circumstances, one or the other strategy may be applied.

Global problems in the "individual-society" system

This group includes problems directly related to a person, his individual being. This is the problem of "human qualities" - the development of moral, intellectual and other inclinations of a person, ensuring healthy lifestyle life, normal mental development. Particular attention to these issues has been feature global studies since the second half of the 1970s. The turn to man, to the spiritual foundations of being, was not accidental. In fact, it expresses a new understanding of global issues. This understanding can be called philosophical-anthropological. The new approach opposes the view that considered global problems as a result of the social structure, features of the economy and technology, and man as a passive victim of the course of world development. Now it has become clear that the fate of the world ultimately depends on questions of a spiritual order.

There are a number of spiritual processes associated with the situation of the global crisis of mankind: the devastation of living space, which not only destroys the external natural environment, but also kills any reverence for the beauty and grandeur of nature in the person himself; humanity's race against itself, spurring on the ever-accelerating development of technology, disastrous for us, making people blind to all truly human values ​​and leaving no time for truly human deeds - thinking; genetic degradation; break with tradition; unification of views and loss of individuality. The solution to these problems ultimately comes down to human qualities and ways to improve them. For only through the development of human qualities and human abilities can a change be achieved in our self-oriented material values civilization and use its enormous potential for good purposes.

The principles of "new humanism" and a new picture of the world are considered in detail by the scientists of the Club of Rome. In their exposition, the main features of the new spiritual position are as follows: small versus large, basis versus center, self-determination versus external determination, natural versus artificial, consumption restriction versus consumption, economy versus extravagance, softness versus rigidity, and so on. New painting of the world put at the center of history a person, and not faceless forces. The cultural development of man has lagged behind the energy and technical capabilities of society. The way out is seen in the development of culture and the formation of new qualities of a person. These new qualities include global thinking, love of justice, and aversion to violence.

In connection with the need to form new human qualities, the problems of education come to the fore. It is in the education system that the resource is laid that is realized in the subsequent life of a person. Therefore, the quality of education determines how people will represent their place in the world, what values ​​they will be guided by. The formation of either a perspective view of the course of world development, or an orientation to the moment depends on education. Meanwhile, the importance and role of education are underestimated. Many facts testify to this: illiteracy; insignificant expenditures of budgetary funds for education; the quality of education; incomplete realization of the creative potential of a person in the learning process; orientation not to the future, but to current requests, etc. Without appropriate human qualities, neither the use of environmentally friendly technologies, nor the establishment of a fair economic order, nor a reasonable formulation of the tasks of mankind is possible.

Throughout their existence, people face problems global scope. The growth of scientific and technological progress has influenced the fact that there are more negative processes affecting the planet as a whole. Modern philosophy requires their in-depth understanding in order to predict the consequences of such influence. The global problems of our time and ways to solve them are of concern to all countries on earth. Therefore, not so long ago, a new concept appeared - globalistics, which is based on a scientific and philosophical strategy for eliminating unpleasant phenomena on an international scale.

Many specialists work in the field of global studies, and this is not accidental. The reasons that do not allow humanity to develop harmoniously and move forward are complex in nature, and do not depend on one factor. That is why it is necessary to analyze the slightest changes in the political, social, economic state of states and peoples. The life of all mankind depends on whether the world community will be able to solve global problems in time.

How problems are classified

The problems of humanity, which are of a global nature, affect the lives of all people and lead to serious social and economic losses. When they escalate, they can threaten the existence of the world's population. To solve them, the governments of all countries must unite and act together.

There is a scientific and philosophical classification of problems, formed on the basis of a long study. It consists of three large groups.

  • The first includes problems that affect political and economic interests different countries. They can be conditionally divided into the confrontation of the "East with the West", into backward and developed countries, into the prevention of terrorism and war. It also includes the preservation of peace and the establishment of a fair economic order on the planet.
  • In the second group there are problems arising from the interaction of mankind with nature. This is a lack of raw materials, fuel and energy, the problem of environmental pollution, the preservation of the oceans, flora and fauna of the earth.
  • The third group includes problems that may be associated with a person and society. The main ones are overpopulation of the earth, education and health care.

Globalistics carefully examines the problems of modernity, based on philosophy and scientific and technical base. Philosophy explains that their occurrence is not an accident, but a pattern associated with progress in society and affecting the development of mankind.

  • do everything to save the world;
  • reduce rapid population growth;
  • reduce the use of natural resources;
  • stop the destruction of the ozone layer and reduce pollution of the planet;
  • reduce the social gap between people;
  • eradicate poverty and hunger everywhere.

Scientific and philosophical theory requires not only stating problems, but also giving a clear answer on how to solve them.

Causes and solutions

Understanding global problems is very important for humanity. This is the first step towards eliminating them.

The main condition for the preservation of life is peace on earth, therefore it is necessary to eliminate the threat of a third world war. The scientific and technological revolution gave people thermonuclear weapons, the use of which is capable of destroying entire cities and countries. Ways to solve this problem can be as follows:

  • stop the arms race, a complete ban on the creation and use of weapons of mass destruction;
  • strict control over chemical and nuclear warheads;
  • cutting spending on the army and a ban on the arms trade.

To solve global environmental problems, humanity needs to try hard. People are under the threat of global climate change. This is due to the expected warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. If it happens, it will be catastrophic for the earth. The planet's geosystem will begin to change. As a result of the melting of glaciers, the level of the World Ocean will rise, thousands of kilometers of the coastal zone will be flooded. The planet will be subjected to a flurry of hurricanes, earthquakes and other extreme events. This will lead to death and destruction.

The high concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere leads to another global problem - the violation of the ozone layer and the appearance of ozone holes. They are the cause of acid rain and have a detrimental effect on all living things. The concept of "ozone holes" has not been perfectly studied, but scientists have some information.

  • These problems can be solved by reducing environmental pollution.
  • It is necessary to reduce industrial emissions into the atmosphere, using the novelties of scientific and technological progress, and make every effort to save forests.

The demographic problem has long been relevant for humanity. Today, in most developing countries, there is an explosion in the birth rate, and the population is growing rapidly. IN developed countries On the contrary, this indicator is falling and the nation is aging. Social philosophy suggests looking for a solution in a competent demographic policy, which should be pursued by the governments of all countries.

The fuel and raw material problem threatens the world community with a lack of various resources necessary to ensure the life of people in the modern world. Already, many countries are suffering from insufficient fuel and energy.

  • To eliminate this disaster, it is necessary to economically distribute natural resources.
  • Use non-traditional types of energy sources, for example, wind, solar power plants.
  • Develop nuclear power and competently use the power of the oceans.

Food shortages have a profound effect on many countries. According to official figures, about 1.2 million people are undernourished in the modern world. There are two ways to solve this global problem of mankind.

  • The essence of the first method is that it is necessary to increase the area for pastures and sowing crops in order to produce more food for consumption.
  • The second method recommends not to increase the territory, but to modernize the existing ones. Productivity can be improved by using scientific and technological innovations. For example, biotechnologies, with the help of which frost-resistant and high-yielding plant varieties are created.

The global problem of underdevelopment of underdeveloped countries is carefully studied by social philosophy. Many experts believe that the reason for the slow development of states is the rapid population growth against the backdrop of the lack of a developed economy. This leads to total poverty of people. To support these states, the world community must financial assistance, build hospitals, schools, various industrial enterprises and promote the development of the economy of backward peoples.

Problems of the World Ocean and human health

IN Lately the threat to the oceans is acutely felt. Environmental pollution and the irrational use of its resources have led to the fact that it is on the verge of death. Today, the goal of mankind is to preserve the ecosystem, because without it the planet cannot survive. This requires a certain strategy:

  • prohibit the disposal of nuclear and other dangerous substances;
  • to improve the structure of the world economy by creating separate places for oil production and fishing;
  • protect recreational resources from destruction;
  • improve industrial complexes located on the ocean.

The health of the inhabitants of the earth is an important global problem of our time. Scientific and technological progress stimulates the emergence of new drugs for serious diseases. Invented the latest equipment for diagnosis and treatment. But despite this, epidemics often occur that claim thousands of lives, so scientists continue to actively develop advanced methods of struggle.

However, medicine is not a panacea. By and large, the health of each individual person is in his own hands. First and foremost, it's about lifestyle. After all, the causes of terrible diseases, as a rule, are:

  • poor nutrition and overeating,
  • immobility,
  • smoking,
  • alcoholism,
  • stress,
  • bad ecology.

Without waiting for the solution of global world problems, everyone can take care of their own health and the well-being of their loved ones - and the population of the Earth will become much healthier and happier. Why not a huge success?

The action plan is simple and clear, and the main thing here is to move from theory to practice. Rethink your diet in favor of natural products, fresh vegetables and fruits; if you smoke - as soon as possible, do the same with addiction to alcohol; if your life is full of stresses - identify their sources and deal with negative factors, eliminating them if possible. Be sure to move more. As for ecology, it also matters on the most local scale - your apartment, workplace. Try to create a healthy atmosphere around you and seriously consider moving to another area if your air is bad. Remember: what we breathe every day (including tobacco smoke) and what we eat every day has a key impact on our health.

Each problem has its own specifics and methods of elimination, but they all affect the common interests of mankind. Therefore, to resolve them, the efforts of all people will be required. Modern philosophy warns that any problems can become global, and our task is to notice and prevent their development in a timely manner.

Northwestern Correspondence Technical


Discipline test: "Philosophy"

Topic: "Philosophy of global problems"

2nd year students.

Faculty of IEP and IP.

Specialty 08005.

Serikova E. A. 8702320003

Work handed over: "" 2009

Checked: 2009

Vyborg. 2010


1. The main global problems of mankind, the concept and classification

2. Problems of ecology and concepts for overcoming them

3. The demographic situation in the world, its possible consequences

4. The problem of resources in modern society

5. Military conflicts in the modern world

6. Human capabilities in overcoming global problems

7. Concepts of the further destiny of mankind




The etymological term "globalization" is associated with the Latin term "globe", that is, the Earth, the globe, and means the planetary nature of the processes occurring on it. However, the globalization of processes is not only their ubiquity. It is connected, first of all, with the internationalization of the entire social activities on the ground. This means that in the modern era, all of humanity is included in single system socio-cultural-economic, political and other ties. Compared to previous periods, the planetary unity of humanity has immeasurably increased, which is a fundamentally new supersystem associated with a common destiny and common responsibility. Therefore, despite the striking socio-cultural, economic, political contrasts of various regions, states and peoples, scientists and philosophers consider it legitimate to talk about the formation of a single civilization.

The globalistic approach is found in the concepts of "post-industrial society", "technotronic era" of sociologists D. Bell, Z. Brzezinski, A. Tofler and a number of other scientists.

According to D. Bell, one of the leading representatives of social forecasting, the rapid development of technology and science will make social revolutions redundant, and "industrial society", based on the use of machines for the production of goods, will enter into new stage social life - "post-industrial society", which will be based on the development of science, scientific knowledge. These new social relations and structures will have to dissolve in themselves the opposite social systems. The hallmarks of a "post-industrial society" are: the transition from the production of goods to a service economy, the occupation of a dominant position in the management of society social group professional technocrats and "great scientists", the ubiquity of "intellectual technology" (computer science, game theory, modeling, computerization) and the possibility of self-developing technological growth with a wide development of theoretical knowledge.

Z. Brzezinski in his work "Between Two Centuries. The Role of America in the Technotronic Era" states that humanity is entering a new stage of development, determined not by social revolutions, but by scientific and technological progress. This qualitative leap occurs evolutionarily, from the lowest stage - the agrarian - through the industrial and "technotronic era", where the decisive role passes to automata, computers and cybernetic systems, and science becomes the main and decisive force.

The main contradiction will remain in the world: between developed and undeveloped countries, and the latter should be provided with the necessary feasible assistance to states approaching the "technotronic era" in order to create a single world community forever freed from conflicts and antagonisms.

A. Toffler, observing the decline of old and the emergence of new industries, offered a picture of the possible transformations of social and technological realities, which he called the "third wave". Toffler saw a direct connection in changing technology and lifestyle, its values ​​- technology determines the type of society and the type of culture, and this influence is undulating. The last, third, wave, according to Toffler, is caused by the ubiquity of computers, turbojet aircraft, birth control pills and much more, which forms a new civilization - new types of family, work style, love and life, new forms of economy, politics and consciousness. At the same time, new technologies are replacing the paradigm of dominance over nature characteristic of industrialism.

The globalization of social, cultural, economic and political processes in the modern world, along with positive aspects, has given rise to a number of serious problems, which are called "global problems of mankind": environmental, demographic, political and a number of others. The emergence of a special kind of problems of world development, called "global", has become a characteristic feature of our time. International forums of scientists, politicians, economists, and philosophers are dedicated to their discussion and prospects for solutions. specific analysis each of them is engaged in special sciences - sociology, demography, and so on. Philosophy considers these problems from the standpoint of the possibilities and prospects for the survival of mankind.

Today the need is clear integrated approach to global issues. The most diverse branches of scientific knowledge should take part in the study - both the social sciences and the humanities, as well as the natural and technical ones. The synthesis of various approaches, the unification and comprehension of the result obtained is currently being formed in a special field of knowledge - the theory of global problems, or globalistics. It is aimed at finding ways aimed at the survival of mankind; called upon to develop practical advice to solve global problems. Her conclusions may be claimed international organizations, first of all, the UN, the governments of individual states, the business community, the public. Due to the uneven development of different countries effective recommendations should include a variety of social, economic and political factors relevant to the particular situation under consideration.

1. The main global problems of mankind, their concept and classification

The urgency of the global problems of mankind is due to the action of a number of factors, the main of which include:

1. A sharp acceleration of the processes of social development. Such acceleration clearly showed itself already in the first decades of the 20th century. It became even more evident in the second half of the century. The reason for the accelerated development of socio-economic processes is scientific and technological progress. In just a few decades of scientific and technological revolution, more changes have occurred in the development of productive forces and social relations than in any similar period of time in the past. Moreover, each subsequent change in the ways of human activity occurs at shorter intervals. Over the 20th century, more scientific discoveries have been made and more new ones have been created. technical devices than in the entire history of mankind. In the course of scientific and technological progress, the earth's biosphere has been powerfully affected by various types of human activity. Anthropogenic impact society on nature has increased dramatically.

2. The growth of the population of the Earth. He posed a number of problems for mankind, first of all, the problem of providing food and other means of subsistence. At the same time, environmental problems associated with the conditions of human society have become aggravated.

3. The problem of nuclear weapons and nuclear catastrophe.

These and some other problems affect not only individual regions or countries, but humanity as a whole. For example, the effects of a nuclear test are felt everywhere. The depletion of the ozone layer, caused largely by the violation of the hydrocarbon balance, is felt by all the inhabitants of the planet. Usage chemical substances, used to control pests of fields, can cause mass poisoning in regions and countries geographically remote from the place of production of contaminated products.

Thus, the global problems of our time are understood as a whole complex of the most acute socio-natural contradictions affecting the world as a whole, and with it local regions and countries. Global problems must be distinguished from regional, local and local.

Regional problems include a range of acute issues that arise within individual continents, large socio-economic regions of the world or in large states.

The concept of "local" refers to the problems of either individual states, or large areas of one or two states (for example, earthquakes, floods, other natural disasters and their consequences, local military conflicts; collapse Soviet Union etc.). Local problems arise in certain regions of states, cities (for example, conflicts between the population and the administration, temporary difficulties with water supply, heating, etc.). However, we should not forget that unresolved regional, local and local problems can acquire a global character.

For example, the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant directly affected only a number of regions of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (a regional problem), but if the necessary security measures are not taken, its consequences may in one way or another affect other countries, and even acquire a global character. Any local military conflict can gradually turn into a global one if in its course the interests of a number of countries other than its participants are affected, as evidenced by the history of the emergence of the first and second world wars, etc.