Dustin Muscovite biography. The world's youngest billionaire




Asana: technology company with an ideal corporate culture

This is exactly what the founders of the company Dustin Moskowitz and Justin Rosenstein were striving to achieve.
Asana develops productivity management software. It was opened by two engineers in 2008. Moskowitz and Rosenstein quickly realized that if they wanted to make the idea of ​​a better place to work a reality, they would have to take action.

Mark Zuckerberg turns 29 today

While at university, Zuckerberg and his friends, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskowitz, began creating the social network Facebook. Their project was funded by a student from Brazil, Eduardo Saverin.
link: http://telegraf.com.ua/zhizn/ zhurnal

The youngest billionaire in the world

If you think this is about the founder of Facebook, then you are right. If you think this is about 28-year-old, Forbes' $ 13.3 billion fortune, Mark Zuckerberg, you are wrong. On the eighth day after Mark was born, Dustin Moskowitz was born, who was destined to become a roommate, friend and companion of Zuckerberg, as well as the owner of a more modest, but still impressive fortune, estimated at $ 3.8 billion, and according to some other estimates - 6 billion.
link: http://rln.fm/arhiv/high-tech/ 1638

Become successful like Zuckerberg: TOP 7 secrets

Mark Zuckerberg and his team have painstakingly worked on Facebook, devoting all their free time to it. After launching the social network, Mark admitted that he wrote the code for Facebook in just a week with the help of his fellow students - Eduardo Severin, Dustin Moskowitz, Andrew McCollum and Christopher Hughes. And in the following time, Mark worked a lot, sparing no effort on his project.
link: http://finance.bigmir.net/ career / 33893-Stat

The richest suitors in the world

The second place is taken by a young businessman from the States, Dustin Moskowitz. He is one of the founders of Facebook, a fashionable social network, has about $ 3 billion in stock and is the youngest billionaire in the world. Age 28 years old, he is gorgeous, rich and smart, and most importantly. that he is still single. True, you need to hurry, there are rumors that the young rich man has a constant passion.
link: http://potok.ua/main/58418- samye-bogatye-zhenixi-mira. html

Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskowitz sold $ 17.5 million in company shares

The founders of the social networking site Facebook are actively dumping the company's shares. One of the founders of the company, Dustin Moskowitz, who owns a total of 10% of the company, sold 900,000 Class A shares for $ 17.5 million, BFM.ru reports citing Reuters.
link: http://rus.newsru.ua/finance/ 25aug2012 / moskovic.html

The co-founder of the social network Facebook, Dustin Moskowitz, is selling another block of shares from the number of shares he owns in the company. Investors say that Moskowitz's actions are already beginning to resemble a strategy - selling shares in small blocks at intervals of several days. According to data released today by the Commission on securities and the US exchanges, this week Moskowitz sold approximately 450,000 Class A shares at prices ranging from $ 19.19 to $ 19.22 a share.
link: http://www.cybersecurity.ru/news/158722.html

Dustin Moskowitz: "Facebook's work ethic is like the personalization system on a social network."

At TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco, Facebook cofounder Dustin Moskowitz admitted that “Facebook’s business ethics in the beginning was as straightforward as Facebook’s personalization system.”

“Leaving the company, former employees Facebook remains committed to the special code of conduct adopted by Facebook, ”Moskowitz quoted CNN as saying.
link: http://www.publiciti.ru/news/ 9dastin-moskovits-rabochaya- etika-v-facebook-pokhozha-na- sistemu-personalnykh-nastroek- v-sotsialnoi-seti53

How Mark Zuckerberg expelled co-founder Eduardo Saverin from Facebook

By April, the site was doing so well that Zuckerberg, Saverin, and a third Harvard sophomore named Dustin Moskowitz founded The Facebook, a limited liability company. Two months later, on June 10, 2004, the Harvard executives saw amazing popularity.


Company Position

On March 10, 2013, Dustin Moskowitz was included in the Forbes Top 10 Youngest Billionaires. He is ranked # 1 with a fortune of $ 3.8 billion.

In 2008, he left Facebook to found Asana with Justin Rosenstein (the company produces software for working together above projects).

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Excerpt from Moskowitz, Dustin

Petya, after receiving a decisive refusal, went to his room and there, shutting himself away from everyone, wept bitterly. They did everything as if they had not noticed anything, when he came to tea, silent and gloomy, with tear-stained eyes.
The emperor arrived the next day. Several of the Rostov households asked for time off to go and look at the tsar. That morning Petya dressed for a long time, combed his hair and arranged his collars like those of big ones. He frowned in front of the mirror, made gestures, shrugged his shoulders and finally, without telling anyone, put on his cap and left the house from the back porch, trying not to be noticed. Petya decided to go straight to the place where the sovereign was, and directly explain to some chamberlain (it seemed to Petya that the sovereign was always surrounded by chamberlains) that he, Count Rostov, despite his youth, wants to serve the fatherland, that youth cannot be an obstacle for devotion and that he is ready ... Petya, while he was getting ready, prepared many wonderful words that he would say to the chamberlain.
Petya counted on the success of his presentation to the sovereign precisely because he was a child (Petya even thought how everyone would be surprised at his youth), and at the same time, in the arrangement of his collars, in his hairdo and in a sedate slow gait, he wanted to present himself as an old man. But the farther he went, the more he entertained himself with the people who were arriving and arriving at the Kremlin, the more he forgot the observance of the gravity and sluggishness characteristic of adults. Approaching the Kremlin, he already began to make sure that he was not pushed, and resolutely, with a menacing look, put his elbows on his sides. But at the Trinity Gate, despite all his decisiveness, people, who probably did not know for what patriotic purpose he went to the Kremlin, so pressed him against the wall that he had to submit and stop while at the gate with a buzzing under the arches the sound of the carriages drove by. Near Petit stood a woman with a footman, two merchants and a retired soldier. After standing at the gate for some time, Petya, without waiting for all the carriages to pass, wanted to move on ahead of the others and began to work decisively with his elbows; but the woman standing opposite him, to whom he first directed his elbows, angrily shouted at him:
- What, barchuk, pushing, you see - everyone is standing. Well to climb that!
“So everyone will climb,” said the footman, and, also starting to work with his elbows, pushed Petya into the stinking corner of the gate.
Petya wiped off the sweat that covered his face with his hands, and straightened his collars, soaked with sweat, which he had set up at home as well as the big ones.

The American billionaire, along with Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes, is the founder of the social network Facebook. In 2008, he left Facebook and, together with Justin Rosenstein, created the task management platform "Asana".

Dustin's share in Facebook is 7.6%. In March 2011, Forbes magazine named Moskowitz the world's youngest billionaire.

Dustin Moskowitz was born on March 22, 1984 in Gainesville, Florida (Gainesville, Florida). He grew up in the city of Ocala in the same state. He attended Vanguard High School, where he graduated with the International Baccalaureate program. Then he studied economics at Harvard University, and two years later moved after Zuckerberg to Palo Alto and started working at Facebook.

Facebook was founded by four Harvard students - Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes and Moskowitz. They lived in the same room in a student

In June 2004, Zuckerberg and Moskowitz took a break from their studies and moved to Palo Alto, where they established a new headquarters for the future company and hired eight employees. Later, Sean Parker joined the project, who saw its potential and was able to find an investor. On Facebook, Moskowitz was responsible for technical part and led the development, led the programming team, oversaw the architecture of the resource, and was responsible for the strategy and development of the company.

Oskovitz announced his retirement from Facebook. Together with Justin Rosenstein, a Facebook developer and former Google employee, he founded new company called "Asana". Mark Zuckerberg, Executive Director Facebook stated that "Dustin was with Facebook with all his heart and he will always be a person for me to turn to for advice." Moskowitz and Rosenstein planned to create a project that "will be part of the work life, while Facebook is part of the social one."

In November 2009, Moskowitz and Rosenstein entered into a $ 9 million deal with Benchmark Capital and Andreessen Horowitz, and received an investment the previous spring.

in the amount of 1.2 million.

On February 7, 2011, Moskowitz and Rosenstein introduced "Asana", an application designed to help people work in teams and manage projects. Asana organizes the news feed and interacts with many products developed by former Facebook programmers. The application is based on the "Luna" framework developed in JavaScript.

Moskowitz is the largest investor in the Path mobile photo service, also created by one of former employees Facebook, David Morin. Moskowitz reportedly influenced Maureen's decision to withdraw from Google's $ 100 million offer in February 2011.

skovitz - founder charitable organization"Good Ventures", established in 2011. In June 2012, Good Ventures began a close collaboration with GiveWell appraisal company.

In the Facebook movie " Social network"(" The Social Network ", 2010) Moskowitz is played by actor Joseph Mazzello. When asked on Quora, Moskowitz said the film exaggerates things that don't really matter (the story of the Winklevoss brothers Winklevoss) .Dustin himself has never met with them and, according to him, they did not show any participation in the work. At the same time, the really important details, in his opinion, remained behind the scenes of the film.

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Key ideas (if you don't have time to watch)

1. It is easier to create a successful product in someone else's company.

Bret Taylor, CEO of Quip, hired Google before becoming an entrepreneur when the company already had over 1,000 employees. There he helped create Google Maps, which is now used by millions of people.

2. Building a startup is difficult.

Your team is counting on you, they give their best years in the name of the story you told them.

It becomes very difficult to truly disconnect during holidays or weekends, and you also become a role model. If you take your foot off the gas pedal, the whole team will do the same.

3. Why is it worth starting a company?

Sometimes I meet entrepreneurs who really seem to be in the mood for success. They start a company because they feel that this is the only thing they can do next.

4. Why were there some really successful startups between 2009 and 2011?

The reason is that there were great waves - the Internet and mobile connection... All of a sudden, new possibilities appear, something that was not possible before. And because startups are so agile, you can achieve things that big companies couldn't. And now we need to think about what the new wave will be like. I believe it will be machine learning applicable to all areas.

5. It is better for your project to have a small group of users who truly love you and the product, and not just many users who love your product.

After all, you certainly need a large number of users who love your product. In practice, you have two options

You can go narrow and deep and develop a small group of users who truly love your product. And then try to find ways and means to increase the number of users and increase the attractiveness of the product.

I can say with great confidence that it is best to start with a small group of verified users. Almost all great companies have products that started with such groups. Think about what you use yourself, about what you can suddenly advise your friends. Something so good that if they stopped being released, you would even write to the developers asking them to return. This is what it means to truly love the product.

0:00 14.11.2012

The story of this youngest and not very famous billionaire began like any story of an ordinary boy. Dustin Moskowitz was born in 1984 to a Jewish family in Florida, USA. The childhood of the future co-founder of the well-known social network Facebook practically did not differ from the childhood of his peers, perhaps only by the fact that he successfully graduated from the senior Vanguard High School under the International Baccalaureate program. The acquired knowledge and passion for economics and business led Dustin to Harvard. And a fateful meeting with fellow students - Mark Zuckenberg, Chris Hughes and Eduardo Saverin - made it possible in February 2004 to create a network that revolutionized the entire Internet.

They lived together in the same dorm room, where they began working on the world's first social network. Initially, the Facebook network was called thefacebook.com and was intended for Harvard students, where they could find out the schedule, exchange opinions and experiences, discuss interesting events, that is, always stay in contact with each other. Who could have imagined that such a small resource would grow into a multi-million dollar network and bring its creators a huge fortune?

In June 2004, Moskowitz and Zuckenberg took a sabbatical and moved to Palo Alto, where they established the headquarters of their future successful company and hired eight employees. Thanks to Sean Parker, who joined a little later, the company was able to find an investor and "broke" the Internet! Dustin was in charge of the technical part of Facebook and supervised the programmers. and was also responsible for the strategy and development of the company. Thanks to his activities on Facebook, Forbes magazine has recognized Dustin Moskowitz as one of the youngest billionaires in the world, and many women's magazines call him one of the three most eligible suitors, despite the fact that Dustin has a long and serious relationship with Wall Street Journal reporter Keri Thun ...

By the way, it was with her that Dustin already organized his charitable organization "Good Ventures" in 2011. In addition, Carey is on the board of Givewell.org, a company that works on performance measurement. charity events in order for their charitable activities to be truly effective and bring results.

In 2008, Dustin Moskowitz decided to leave the Facebook team, as he really wanted to create a project that would, unlike Facebook, not the social part, but the working... Thus, the technology company "Asana" was born. For the sake of this project, Dustin finally left Harvard, which he does not regret at all. He created this company together with his Facebook colleague, Justin Rosenstein. This company is quite successful in the technology and innovation market. So, in 3 years they have already managed to conclude a deal with Benchmark Capital and Andreessen Horowitz for $ 9 million, which brought young millionaires an investment of $ 1.2 million.

In addition to his work at Asana, Dustin is one of the largest investors in the Path mobile photography service, which was created by former Facebook employee David Morin.

The success of their own company is evidenced by the fact that in February 2011 Moskowitz and Rosenstein presented a new application that helps people not only manage their projects, but also work in a team. This application is based on the "Luna" framework developed in JavaScript.... In addition, the company organizes a news stream and collaborates with many projects developed by former programmers of the famous social network.

In addition to being active in his charitable organization, Dustin Moskowitz has joined the ambitious Giving Pledge, run by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. This project aims to ensure that all millionaires in the world join this movement and donated half of their existing fortune to charity... It should be noted that in addition to Moskowitz and the founders, this company already has 70 people. As Dustin himself says: “Wealth is a burden to me. As a child, I was very worried about money and their lack, now my concern has another reason. " The peculiarity of Moskowitz's charity is that he directs his fortune to the development of education, infrastructure and changes in the lives of certain people. According to the young man, my contribution to the education of one child is to increase his future salary for many years to come. This means that I can change someone's life not only now, but for a long time! Dustin Moskowitz went from a student dormitory to a fortune of several billion dollars quickly enough, he can afford a lot, and at the same time, he continues to lead a rather modest life, preferring to invest money correctly, including in charity.

A few years ago, only his classmates and friends knew the name of Dustin Moskowitz, but now this name is mentioned in many Internet resources, such as Wikipedia, he takes his place of honor in the list of the richest people in the world in Forbes magazine, I make films about him. Thus, the film "The Social Network" (2010) revealed the secrets of the success of young students, but Dustin himself is not very happy with the plot, since, in his opinion, in fact, important details in this film remained behind the scenes , and some episodes are frankly contrived.

Dustin Moskowitz is only 27 years old, and behind his back he already has a huge experience in the field of programming and technology, as well as a multimillion-dollar fortune.

That is why the young man gives advice to all aspiring young entrepreneurs: “When I first started out, I had to take risks. At the time, many told me to be careful not to grab onto several things at the same time. After all, they will all require time and money. And it is unlikely that in this situation they will be successful. However, I am sure this is not very true. We have to tackle a thousand things, and it will be great if 2-3 of them reach the goal. Go for it! "