Evaluation of the efficiency of customer service at public catering establishments. Four Ways to Measure Customer Service Quality How to Measure Customer Service Quality

Evaluating the efficiency of customer service and determining the reserves for its increase is an urgent task for all types and classes of enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership and social orientation. It is directly related to the results commercial activities and the objectives of the industry to provide the population with food.

Service efficiency indicators in public catering are classified into two interrelated and interdependent groups:

Economic efficiency service;

Social effect for the population using the services of the industry.

Analysis of the first group of indicators makes it possible to establish the influence of various service indicators on the economic results of the enterprise: retail turnover, turnover of products of its own production, distribution costs and profit.

The social effect of the service is expressed in the reduction of consumers' time spent on using the services Catering, improving the culture of service, creating convenience for consumers in choosing and receiving finished culinary products, observing aesthetic and sanitary requirements in the halls of the enterprise, improving the working conditions of the staff of the enterprise.

The organization of the sale and consumption of public catering products is associated with costs, which take a value form and act as the costs of organizing services (distribution costs). The maintenance process involves the main production assets (buildings and equipment), material and technical equipment and service personnel. The degree of their use for different types and classes of public catering establishments is not the same. For enterprises of the main type (restaurants, cafes, canteens, snack bars), the share of costs is the highest, and among them at enterprises of luxury class, the highest and the first (differentiated). This is primarily due to the need for costs for a higher level of maintenance.

Service performance indicators are influenced by the following important factors, how rational use material and technical base, duration of food intake by one consumer, turnover of one place during working hours, forms and methods of service, etc.

Service efficiency should be determined by comparing normative and actual indicators, and in the absence of normative ones, compare the actual indicators of different enterprises of the same type and class.

Actual data on the use of floor space and duration of meals, as well as the number of consumers in the enterprise can be obtained through observation and measurement.

To assess the results of the enterprise, interdependent indicators are used: economic (turnover, distribution costs, profit, etc.) and technical and technological (the degree of participation of the material and technical base).

The effectiveness of the use of the material and technical base in the organization of service is associated with the throughput of the halls, which depends on the total number of seats, the duration of a meal by one consumer and the hours of operation of the enterprise. This indicator allows, taking into account the flows of visitors, to regulate the release of dishes by the hours of their sale and to determine the efficiency of using the hall area.

The number of seats in the hall depends on its area and the area norm per seat and is determined by the formula:

where P is the number of seats in the hall;

S - hall area, m 2;

W is the area norm per one place, m 2.

The area rate per one place depends on the type and class of the enterprise, the method of customer service, the dimensions of the installed furniture and the methods of its arrangement. The approximate norm of the area per one place for canteens working according to the self-service method is (m 2) 1.8; snack bars, buffets - 1.6; self-service cafe - 1.6, with waiter service - 1.4; restaurants - 1.8.

Duration of a meal by one consumer:

In the canteen, cafes using the self-service method - 20-30 minutes;

In the same enterprises using the service method through waiters - 30-40 minutes;

In buffets, snack bars - 20 minutes;

In restaurants in the daytime - 40-60 minutes, in the evening - 120-150 minutes.

Opening hours for different types and classes of enterprises are set depending on the contingent to be served, production needs and consumer demand.

The estimated number of consumers that an enterprise can serve is determined using the turnover rate of one place:

where N is the number of people who eat;

Р - the number of seats in the hall;

K about - the seat turnover rate per day.

The approximate values ​​of the seat turnover rates per day, depending on the types of enterprises, are as follows:

Canteens: public - 11; dietary self-service - 10.7, with waiters - 8; canteens at the place of work of a closed type - 6-8, with a public entrance - 9.7; canteens at the place of study with a free choice of dishes - 11, with meals by subscription -10, in the halls for the teaching staff - 7;

Cafe: general type with self-service - 15, with waiters - 9; specialized self-service - 16, with waiters - 7; confectionery - 20;

Restaurants: public - 5.5, in the afternoon working on a reduced menu - 7; at hotels - 6.5, working in the daytime but with an abbreviated menu - 7.5;

Snack bars: self-service - 20, waiter-service -11;

Buffet (in a separate room) - 30.

When analyzing the effectiveness of forms of service, enterprises with waiter service and self-service are distinguished.

Service by waiters is associated with the involvement of a significant number of service personnel, and hence with a significant share of wage costs.

The labor productivity of waiters, barmen, bartenders in enterprises similar in type and capacity increases with an increase in the volume of trade. But an increase in the share of home-made products, which are more labor-intensive in the implementation and organization of consumption, reduces the production of waiters.

The efficiency of waiters' work is positively influenced by the improvement of the organization of services: the introduction of a brigade service, the organization of complex types of meals (express meals), the mechanization of delivery operations finished products to the dining room.

In addition, labor productivity depends on the planning solution. retail space and workplace organization. With an increase in the distance from the dispenser to the hall, the production, the number of seats assigned to one waiter decreases.

The effectiveness of self-service largely depends on a differentiated approach to the choice of forms of payment at enterprises with a different nature of the production process and the capacity of the enterprise.

The productivity of employees depends on the organization of distribution workplaces, the use of special equipment, tools, inventory, assortment of dishes, and the time of release of one dish.

The intensive development of public catering of all forms of ownership creates rather high competition in the service market of the industry. Therefore, in order to make a profit in commercial activities, public catering enterprises improve customer service, strive for timely and complete satisfaction of their needs for food and recreation. The social efficiency of the service is associated with various factors, including the time spent on using the services of public catering establishments. The amount and structure of consumers' time expenditures depend on the level of service organization, the location of the catering establishment and the service methods used in it.

Define social efficiency services of enterprises intended for catering and for catering and recreation, then differentiate them by types and classes and, by comparing, determine the efficiency of customer service using certain forms and methods of service.

Accenture found that lack of standards and poor service lead to customer churn, costing companies $ 6 trillion annually. In order not to become part of these sad statistics, you need to understand why service standards are needed and how you can increase customer loyalty.

What are service standards and why are they needed?

Standards are not a formality. These are the rules that help employees communicate with customers and turn them into buyers. There are at least two reasons why customer service quality standards are being introduced:

  1. Increased customer loyalty and increased sales. The client feels satisfaction from communicating with the company. The likelihood of his leaving for competitors is decreasing.
  2. Double control. The employee understands that both management and clients follow his actions. The manager receives clear criteria for analyzing the work of the employee, and he is sure that his activities will be analyzed objectively.

The standards depend on the activities of the company. For example, the instructions for a call-center employee will differ from the rules for hostesses at the reception. However, there are universal requirements that do not depend on the company's activities:

  1. Employee appearance
  2. Rules of interaction with clients
  3. Prohibited employee behavior
  4. Rules for working with documents and money

The algorithm is approved by the heads of the company, but at the legislative level the standards are not regulated. To draw up a document, you should familiarize yourself with GOST ISO 9001, which is suitable for all areas of activity. It is important to understand that setting standards alone will not help you improve your customer experience. It is necessary to monitor their observance and improve them on a daily basis.

Four Ways to Improve Your Quality of Service

Marketing offers dozens of ways to improve customer relationships, we will focus on four simple and effective tools.

Mystery shopper

No matter how ideal your standards are, their effectiveness will be nil if employees do not adhere to them. And this is where the mystery shopper comes to the rescue.

The bottom line is this: under the guise of a real buyer, you send a specially trained auditor to your company. Him you give a list of questions that you need to ask the seller, describe what to look for when servicing. A mystery shopper tests your employees and fills out a research questionnaire. Your managers, of course, do not need to be warned - they should perceive the guest as an ordinary customer.

Mystery shopping benefits:

  • Reliable data. You will check how the employees adhere to the customer service standards.
  • Search for weak points. The research is done by outside people. Based on its results, one can find weaknesses in the prescribed service standards and eliminate them. And also calculate employees who negatively affect the quality of customer service.
  • Employee motivation. Employees know that their work is under control. They adhere to rules and standards.

Seller Feedback: SMS and Calls

After writing instructions and checking employees by mystery shoppers, it's time to take on quality of feedback.

Artem is a client of an online store. He places an order and expects feedback, namely information about the status of the order, the date and time of delivery.

There is two options how to provide it:

  1. Employee call
  1. SMS message
Advantages Flaws
Fast Feedback... Sms will come to the client within 3 minutes after ordering.Limitation in the amount of information that can be sent via sms.
The message does not distract, the buyer will read it at a convenient time.The need for the sender to have a CRM system or other software with which the SMS-mailing service will be integrated, and from which he will receive information about the status of the order. Unlike calls, for which you only need a phone and any information accounting system - even a notebook, even Excel.
Sms is stored in the phone's memory, it is easy to return to it and clarify the details: delivery date, courier or order phone number.

Alexey Boev, marketer at SigmaSMS:
- Of course, the message is not without its flaws. There are volume restrictions, for example. Therefore, if you are selling a complex product or approval requires clarification, then you cannot do without a call. The sms sent after the client made a request, indicating the time of the manager's call, works well: "Thank you for the request, the call-center operator will call you in an hour and clarify the package contents." The buyer will have no doubt that the order has been accepted and will wait for the call.

The best way - a combination of sms and calls. Messages accompany the client at every stage of the transaction, he feels the care of the company. Calls are used to clarify details and discuss complex issues such as delivery time or order picking. The symbiosis of tools helps to improve the level of service.

CRM system for introducing sms into the sales chain

Feedback from buyers

Employee control is important, but there are reasons that lead to customer churn. Therefore, it is important to get feedback from buyers. Find out what people are unhappy with and eliminate the causes.

There are several simple ways:

  1. Ask managers what questions customers are asking. If buyers are constantly asking about the terms of delivery, then you need to make the section "Payment and delivery" on the site more visible.
  2. Customer surveys. If you have an active social media community, communicate directly with your customers. For example, Vkontakte allows you to create polls. Test hypotheses and get customer feedback. It is useful to create a topic on the social network for suggestions from customers.
  3. Working with reviews. Negative feedback is not a judgment. Bad reviews help you see where your weak points are. Do not leave them unanswered, otherwise you will show the company's indifference to the problems of users. And this negates all efforts to improve customer service.
  4. If yours is configured, regularly listen to how managers communicate with customers. This will help you verify compliance with standards and learn more about your customers.
  5. Use different channels to communicate with customers: and, messages in messengers and. The more points of contact with a client, the easier it is to find out his opinion about the work of the company.

Improving service is not an easy task. It is necessary to carefully prescribe the customer service quality standards and monitor their implementation, be in touch with customers and respond to their desires and claims. At the same time, do not forget to maintain a balance in the number of notifications, because excessive persistence annoys people and pushes them to abandon you.

To do everything right, implement modern services that automate many routine processes. For example, with the ability to integrate with sms-mailing services. As soon as clients begin to receive timely messages from your company with useful information, you will notice how much more loyal they become.

The quality of service has a significant impact on the competitiveness of an enterprise.

The organization of high-quality service in the activities of a manufacturer of goods, especially complex equipment, as a rule, increases the company's profit from sales.

The main difficulty in assessing the quality of services is that the main parameters cannot be quantified (for example, competence, mutual understanding, tangibility).

J.A. Romanovich notes that the efficiency of the service department can be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • - nomenclature and quantity;
  • - quality;
  • - time;
  • - price;
  • - reliability of service provision.

According to the criterion "range and quantity" of a service, the number of refusals of buyers from a completed purchase (service) in the total mass of purchases (services) is characterized. The criterion is assessed by comparison relative magnitude criterion from a seller with a market average. For example, the average market value of a service to meet consumer demand is 3% of refusals from the volume of registered sales, while a seller's is 4%. This means that the seller needs to develop measures to improve the criterion under consideration by increasing the quality of service and other factors of competition.

G.A. Reznik believes that any criterion for each type of service for analysis and evaluation is recommended to be divided into five zones:

  • 1) more than the upper limit (for example, 3 - 5% of the level);
  • 2) less than the top level;
  • 3) is equal to the average market value of this criterion;
  • 4) is greater than the lower limit (between the market average and the lower limit);
  • 5) less than the lower limit

The dynamics of points A, B, C and D in Fig. 1.2 shows that the manufacturer is taking action to improve customer service.

The analysis and assessment of service is carried out in the same way and according to the criteria:

  • - "quality" (how much the product corresponds to the level of quality and meets the requirements of either the market, or a standard, or a contract, etc.);
  • - "time" of deliveries or performance of other services in accordance with regulatory or other documents;
  • - "price";
  • - "reliability of service provision" (in terms of time, quantity and quality.

Service quality is the key to commercial success. World practice formed some rules for organizing an effective service, the essence of these rules is as follows:

The service to the buyer must be promised. The text describing the content of the service provided by the company is mandatory communicated to buyers. For this, a preliminary study is carried out on what level of service buyers expect.

The guarantees of the service and its quality should be more extensive than the buyer expects. That is, the buyer awakens positive emotions, and there is a desire to continue contact with the source of such emotions. Any, even short-term contacts with customers should develop and consolidate a positive assessment of the company's service department.

Service personnel must clearly understand what kind of quality of work is expected from them. Each employee of the service needs to develop service standards.

Service standards are understood as a set of rules for the work of service complex employees. These rules are binding, which guarantees the high quality of all work performed and meets the requirements of buyers. Service standards are organizational, instructional and methodological documents that are developed together with system technicians, service specialists and company economists. The standards need to reflect the requirements for goals, organization, technology and provision certain types service work that guarantees a high degree of customer satisfaction.

These documents have a multipurpose purpose, since they act at the same time and as work instruction, and as a control assessment material, as well as a mini-tutorial for beginners. The system of such standards helps to form the basis of quality service.

To master the standards of service, as a rule, service employees use a system of education and training. When mastering the standards, the trainees are introduced to the state of affairs at the enterprise, its products, customers, showing the most rational methods of activity. The main part of the training is devoted to mastering the rules and methods of competently providing service, the ability to organize a favorable psychological climate for communication between the employee-seller and the visitor of the service point. In the classroom, they disassemble in detail typical mistakes and give recommendations on how to avoid them. Classes can be conducted using the business game method.

To assess the quality of the service employee's work, the service standard, for example, can include the following indicators:

  • - dynamics of sales growth in physical and monetary terms;
  • - reaching the target sales volume;
  • - ensuring the specified ratio "the volume of stocks of spare parts to the turnover", etc.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of the activity of the service personnel, and then, on its basis, develop and take organizational and other measures so that the mistake, which means that the client's dissatisfaction does not repeat itself.

The main task of the service department is to work without "punctures". The faster the order passes, the more likely it is to make a mistake. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce to the limit (while not lowering the quality of service) the number of elements that make up the service service.

Customer satisfaction is the main indicator of the service department's activity, since only the customer can give an objective assessment. Thus, there is a need for regular polling of customers and the use of all permissible communication channels, in order to provide the client with prompt contact with service workers, regardless of their position.

Standards help to assess the quality of work based on the most objective data. If the standards are developed based on the customer's vision, then the information obtained comes very close to the assessment of the enterprise by the customers themselves. Such a feedback mechanism focuses on making the right decisions, helps to make the most relevant improvements, and to assess competitive advantages.

The implementation of a system of client standards provides the basis for ensuring guarantees for the quality of service, while orienting them towards clients and helping to determine guarantees in the most valuable, meaningful form.

In addition to the standards defined in numerical form (quantitative), service quality assessments based on a customer survey are also used. Such interviews usually help to assess the degree of customer satisfaction, but to process these subjective assessments, it is still necessary to have a conditional numerical scale.

Entrepreneurship's enthusiasm for experiments in management technologies must clearly understand that there are both internal and external standards, that is, developed from the point of view of the client.

Internal standards for marketing are not always as interesting as external ones. Often, internal standards even contradict external ones, because the interests of production very often come into conflict with the interests of marketing. F. Kotler gives an example of the following scheme of standards of the telecommunication giant AT & T (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 Scheme of standards of telecommunication giant AT&T

Overall quality

Business processes

Customer needs

Internal metrics

Products 30%

Reliability 40%

% of calls with requests for repair

Ease of use 20%

% of calls for consultations

Feature set 40%

Functional testing

Sales 30%

Competence 30%

Supervisor's supervision

Responsiveness 25%

% of proposals put forward on time

After-sales service 10%

% After Sales Service Completed

Installation 10%

Delivery times meet the requirements 30%

Average time from order to delivery

No breakdowns 25%

% of breakdown reports

Installation on time 10%

% completion of installation deadlines

Repair 15%

No recurring problems 30%

% of breakdown reports

Fast troubleshooting 25%

Average rate of breakdown elimination

Good information 10%

% of informed clients

Payment 15%

Accuracy, no surprises 45%

% of proceedings with accounts

Solving a problem with one call 35%

% of problems resolved after the first call

Simplicity 10%

% of proceedings with accounts

The main purpose of such a system of standards is to assess the quality of work. Most importantly, it represents the “customer needs”. And just one moment in this scheme determines the internal, production origin. In the system under consideration, everything is built from the division of general quality into the quality of business processes. As a result, a scheme of standards was obtained that reproduces the level of customer satisfaction and serves as an indicator either for bonuses or penalties for individual divisions of the company (production approach).

V. Belobzhetskiy notes that at present, many methods for assessing the quality of service have been developed and are used. The most common and at the same time different from each other are:

  • - the method of critical cases;
  • - the SERQUAL method;
  • - SERVPERF method;
  • - the INDSERV method;
  • - Kano method k

The “critical cases” method involves an empirical study of interactions between a consumer and a service representative.

The “critical cases” method refers to a qualitative method and is the collection of data without a formalized approach to drawing conclusions from them.

The criteria for mutual contact of "critical cases" are the following indicators:

  • - the presence of interaction between the consumer and the service employee;
  • - the importance of the case from the point of view of the consumer;
  • - the fact of mutual contact is a separate episode of service;
  • - the fact of interaction must be prescribed in detail within the framework of those questions that need to be asked to the consumer.

The main disadvantage practical application The considered method is the need for a long-term collection and analysis of information about critical cases from the consumer, which contains their description and assessment.

After the survey, an assessment is given, the purpose of which is to determine the point of contact of service personnel with consumers. As a rule, in this case, the rating is “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory”. Analysis results serve as a source for acceptance management decision, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of service and build a motivation system for service personnel.

The SERVQUAL method implies a divergence model. Discrepancies are understood as differences in the perception of the main elements of the service provision process by different participants or by the same participants, but at different times.

Lavok Christopher highlights the following discrepancies:

  • - The knowledge gap. The distinction between the producer's expectations of the consumer and the actual needs.
  • - The gap in standards. The difference between consumer perception and manufacturer's quality standards.
  • - The service provision gap. The difference between the established service delivery standards and the actual productivity of the manufacturer.
  • - The gap in internal communications.
  • - The gap in perception. Differences between the level of services actually provided and how consumers perceive the level of services received.
  • - A gap in interpretation. Differences between actual manufacturer promises in the process marketing communications and what the consumer gets from those promises.
  • - Service gap. Differences between consumer expectations and the service actually received.

The method is based on a consumer survey, during which the respondents indicate the rating of several characteristics of the service provided, systematized by the main dimensions of the service.

This method uses a set of 5 service dimensions:

  • 1. Confidence - the knowledge and politeness of the service personnel, the ability to inspire confidence.
  • 2. Empathy - care, attention from the service personnel to each individual consumer.
  • 3. Reliability - the ability to provide the promised service reliably and on time.
  • 4. Responsiveness - the desire to help the client and provide fast and high-quality service.
  • 5. Tangibility - appearance equipment, personnel, etc. in the provision of service services.

To summarize the results of the method, a triple assessment is used, in which the assessment of consumer expectations is divided into an assessment of the minimum level of quality of service and an assessment of the desired level of quality of service. Using the proposed levels of expectations, the SEVQUAL model allows us to assess not only the level of "service excellence", but also the level of "service adequacy".

Based on the data obtained, the usual and weighted indices of service excellence and service adequacy are calculated.

For the indicator of ordinary indices, the sum of all differences between the corresponding estimates of the level of service given by the consumer is found:

  • - to find the MSS quality index, it is necessary to find the difference between the desired level of service quality and the level of one's own vision of service quality;
  • - the MSA quality index is the difference between the minimum level of service quality and the level of one's own vision of service quality.

Weighted indices are calculated based on the assigned weights, which are the significance of the service measurements indicated by the respondents in the corresponding section of the questionnaire.

J. Cronin and S. Taylor, based on the SERVQUAL method, developed the SERVPERF method, which means “service delivery”. This method avoids a negative impact on the reliability of the data.

As in the SERVQUAL method, it is possible to calculate both the usual integral quality indicator (index) and the weighted one, if the condition for including the ranking by consumers of service attributes in order of importance in the survey is met.

The use of SERVQUAL and SERVPERF methods allows us to take into account mainly the individual perception of the quality of service for the corporate sector, but these methods are not entirely acceptable.

To solve this problem, S. Gounaris developed the INDSERV method, which means "industrial service".

The method under consideration is based on two approaches to studying the quality of service perceived by the consumer:

  • - analysis of the accepted quality of service, as a final and independent indicator - it means obtaining a direct assessment of the perceived quality from the consumer by means of a survey;
  • - analysis of the accepted quality of service as a multi-level indicator.

The considered method is similar to the SERVQUAL method, that is, it is formed on the basis of a consumer survey, but at the same time it contains other characteristics of the quality of service, namely:

  • - potential quality;
  • - rigid quality of the process;
  • - soft quality of the process;
  • - final quality.

The indicators of the quality of service of the INDSERV method are given in Appendix 1.

Kano's method was also created on the basis of a survey, but at the same time a set of indicators of the quality of service is not predetermined, indicators are developed in the process of the survey itself.

Kano proposed to divide all the characteristics of the service into 6 categories:

  • 1.attractive (A);
  • 2. compulsory (M);
  • 3.linear (O);
  • 4. indifferent (I);
  • 5 reverse (R);
  • 6. controversial (Q).

When developing a questionnaire, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the product, goods, regarding which the service department wants to receive information from the consumer.

For each of them, a couple of questions are drawn up in which opposing points of view are formulated. To do this, use a Likert scale with five intervals from "Completely dislike" to "Like completely" and the respondents rate each pair of questions.

After receiving the assessments of the respondents, a special assessment table (Table 1.2) is used to determine the category to which the consumer assigns this or that characteristic of the product.

Table 1.2 Kano Scorecard

To assess the value of the characteristics of service, the following order of categories should be used (in descending order with respect to the degree of impact on the service): M> O> A> 1.

The main conclusions that will be made on the basis of the analysis will allow us to determine the main points of application of efforts in the relationship with the consumer, which ultimately will give the greatest result from service.

Thus, we can conclude that a well-formed service that accompanies the product throughout its life cycle at the consumer, ensures long-term consumption and performance. The service allows the consumer to choose the best option for purchasing and using the product for a reasonably defined period dictated by the interests of the consumer.

In a competitive market, the service acts as a subsystem marketing activities enterprise and provides a range of services that are related to the sale and operation of the manufacturer's goods. Service services have greater importance in the process of choosing a product, the more complex its design and method of functioning. For technically complex products of industrial use, service can be one of the defining decisions of the characteristics of the product.

As the competition intensifies, many manufacturers are providing services.

An essential point in the provision of services is the introduction of customer standards, which is strong and effective way to optimize the connection between the enterprise and the market. The most common methods for assessing the quality of service and at the same time differing from each other are: the method of critical cases; SERQUAL method; SERVPERF method; INDSERV method; Kano method.

Thus, on the theoretical side, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Customer service of a product is a set of works performed by the service service of a manufacturing organization in order to ensure legal protection and socio-economic satisfaction of the buyer as a result of his use of the purchased product. Producers of goods and services must ensure the provision of services associated with their operation, for which the services are distinguished, the value of which and the quality of delivery are of the greatest importance to consumers. The service department of the company provides pre-sales and after-sales services.


Elizaveta Revenko

student of the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University,

Russia, Kazan

Annotation. The quality of service affects the success of the organization, as well as the desire of the buyer to purchase the product and then come back. The buyer is the main person of the trade, to whom certain processes occurring in the trade organization are directed. First impression of commercial enterprise directly depends on the level of development of communication skills, personal and professional characteristics of the sellers. Providing quality customer service is one of the main factors in the competitiveness of a trading organization.

The article discusses the main methods for assessing the quality of customer service, and also proposes a preferred assessment method for the investigated dealer center in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Abstract. Quality of service affects the success of the organization, as well as the desire of the customer to purchase goods, and then come again. The customer is the main face of trade, which is directed to certain processes taking place in the trade organization. The first impression of a commercial enterprise directly depends on the level of development of communication skills, personal and professional characteristics of sellers. Ensuring customer service quality is one of the main factors of trade organization competitiveness.

The article discusses the main methods for assessing the quality of customer service, and also proposed the preferred method of evaluation for the studied dealer center in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Keywords: quality of service; service; service quality assessment; dealership.

Keywords: quality of service; service; service quality assessment; dealership.

Today, in conditions of strong competition in the market, the quality of customer service is becoming a very significant competitive advantage, since the customer highly appreciates the special attitude within the framework of the service.

Customer service quality assessment is relevant in the concept of relationship marketing, as it is part of loyalty management systems. Based on research data on the importance of service quality when purchasing goods and services, we present the following results, which are shown in Figure 1:

Drawing. 1. Significance of indicators when buying a product or service

So, the figure shows that the quality of service when buying a product is not in the first place, but it is also significant, and 62% of respondents named this criterion as determining this criterion.

Figure 2 shows the main methods for assessing the quality of customer service.

Drawing. 2. Methods for assessing the quality of customer service

Let's dwell on the characteristics of these methods:

  1. analysis of complaints, claims and suggestions allows you to find out the opinion of buyers, and then correct all the shortcomings that buyers do not like. Information on complaints and claims is contained not only in the "Book of Complaints and Suggestions" (which is currently not popular with buyers), but also in reviews and appeals on the site, as well as in the call center conversation records;
  2. customer survey, questionnaires are divided into two ways: conducting offline surveys in the store and conducting telephone surveys. Both of these methods have their own disadvantages. In the first case, a small questionnaire is required, since often the buyer is not interested in this, he does not want to waste his time filling out the questionnaire and needs additional motivation, when in the second case the buyer is not always able and wants to talk and answer the manager's questions (in most cases, clients refuse to answer questions due to employment);
  3. the indicators for assessing the work of personnel include: daily revenue from each employee, the number and percentage of customer complaints about the work of specific employees, the share of revenue from one employee in the total revenue for the month, etc .;
  4. "Mystery shopping" is a very necessary technique that objectively evaluates the factors that hinder the achievement of a high level of service quality for each employee and the entire team of the sales department as a whole.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method in Table 1:

Table 1

Advantages and Disadvantages of Service Quality Assessment Methods

Service quality assessment method



Analysis of complaints, comments and suggestions

a) customer feedback;

b) a detailed consideration of each shortcoming in the work of the organization.

a) information about deficiencies is available to everyone;

b) the complexity of implementation due to the strict legal framework.

Customer survey, questionnaire

a) feedback: question-answer;

b) low cost;

c) there is no influence from the interviewer

a) the answers may be inaccurate;

b) difficulties in filling out the questionnaires;

c) subjectivity.

Analysis of various indicators of personnel performance

a) the totality of all important coefficients, indicators, estimates are taken into account;

b) allows you to quickly assess the employee and conduct comparative analysis between workers

a) such an indicator as labor productivity is the most dynamic, and as a rule changes monthly, but in general it can affect a comprehensive assessment;

b) is time consuming;

c) lack of opportunity to learn about personal qualities employee.

Mystery shopping audit

a) the mystery shopper is as close as possible to the image of the real buyer;

b) increases employee motivation with regular use

c) versatility of the service

a) the need to involve third parties;

b) high execution costs;

c) subjective result.

Dealerships act as a separate economic entity in the car sales market. The peculiarity of their functioning is as follows:

  1. work with an already known product;
  2. the ability to choose a product with which the dealer will work;
  3. the possibility of free training from manufacturers in the sales system, marketing, etc .;
  4. sale of goods by selling prices, which are dictated by the manufacturing organization of the product.

In the Republic of Tatarstan in 2018, more than 25 thousand units of new passenger cars were sold. This figure is 4.6% more than in the previous 2017. Here are the statistics of sales of specific brands in 2018 in the Republic of Tatarstan (Figure 3):

Drawing. 3. Top-10 brands by sales in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2018.

As mentioned above, much in the work of a car dealer is dictated by the manufacturing organization, and therefore it is very difficult to compete with the brands of the same name from other dealers. One of the most important competitive advantages of these trading structures is precisely the provision of High Quality service.

LLC "KAN AUTO-1" ( Official dealer Nissan is a competitive enterprise because the organization has all the resources to do it. The organization also holds a stable position in the market, has the opportunity for further growth. The enterprise has a fairly large organizational structure, where each of the links performs its tasks within the framework of achieving the set goals of the Company and maximum satisfaction of consumer demands.

KAN AUTO Nissan in Kazan uses two areas to assess the quality of service to its visitors: telephone polls and monitoring reviews on the site. From this we can conclude that the analysis used is rather uninformative. If, on the one hand, during telephone surveys, many respondents refuse to participate in any surveys, explaining this by a lack of time, or you can even find a person in a stressful situation for him, which can also affect the results of a telephone survey, then on the other hand, these are additional the cost of maintaining managers who conduct a telephone survey, which as a result turns out to be of little value to the company.

In the case of feedback processing, it is impossible to understand and see the full picture regarding the level of customer service quality. In this case, only an individual approach to each case and individual work with the offending employee are implemented. This method cannot sufficiently affect the restructuring of the service culture in CAN AUTO Nissan within the framework of consumer preferences. Thus, “reviews” will not work for the future. And also on the site there is no systematization of reviews, they are all located together according to the KAN AVTO Group of Companies and, if necessary, looking for reviews for a certain dealer is a very time consuming procedure and no one will have any desire to do it.

When choosing a method for assessing the quality of customer service for CAN AUTO Nissan, you should compare everything with each other. The analysis of complaints, claims and suggestions is associated with the emergence of difficulties within the framework of the legislation, registration and filling out requires special preparation on the part of both employees and customers. The analysis of various indicators of personnel performance requires a large investment of time and labor of employees, as well as the availability of these reports for the assessment. Mystery shopping requires special attention due to the fact that it requires the involvement of third parties, which significantly increases costs.

The advantage is that as a result of the survey, you will not only receive an assessment of the quality of service, but also the information necessary to diagnose the causes of customer dissatisfaction. In other words, by analyzing the results of the survey, you can determine who is to blame and what to do. Customer survey, questioning, you can get not only an assessment of the quality of service, but also the information necessary to diagnose the reasons for customer dissatisfaction for low cost... And also the method is characterized by simplicity of execution, which does not require the involvement of third parties.

That is why CAN AUTO Nissan needs to test a method for assessing the quality of customer service - a questionnaire.

Offline and online surveys are fast and relatively low cost.

By means of questionnaires, one can analyze absolutely all the nuances that are of interest to the company, which is why it can be argued that this method is universal and quite effective. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a survey (questionnaire survey) of visitors on the level of service in the KAN AUTO Nissan showroom. Customers should be encouraged to participate in the survey. This can be both emotional reward - “They care about my opinion”, and material incentives (for example, offering bonuses for participating in a survey). Table 2 presents a sample customer survey questionnaire:

Table 2.

Customer Service Quality Assessment Questionnaire

Assessment questions

Did the sellers react to your visit to the car dealership?

Did the sales assistant greet you and offer help in choosing a car?

Has the salesperson shown an interest in helping with vehicle selection?

Was the salesperson able to correctly understand your needs?

Was he able to demonstrate his exceptional knowledge of the proposed vehicle?

Did the seller listen carefully to your questions?

Was the seller able to competently answer your questions?

Has the sales assistant resorted to the help of another sales assistant because of incompetence in some matters?

How focused was the sales assistant on service?

Thus, conducting online and offline questionnaires will allow CAN AUTO Nissan to improve the work on assessing the quality of customer service at the dealership. It is the questionnaire that will reveal the pinpoint shortcomings in the work of the sales department staff, because, as mentioned earlier, the first impression of a trade organization depends on the seller. It is recommended to conduct questionnaires once a quarter, but at the same time, it is recommended to develop a new questionnaire every quarter for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of service and timely elimination of shortcomings.


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Key performance indicators (KPIs) of the online store and the individual processes associated with it are as important as strategy and goal setting. Without KPIs, it is difficult to measure progress over time. KPIs tell you more information about your business and your customers so you can make informed decisions. One possible KPI list is suggested by Mark Hayes on the Shopify blog.

1. Sales - Key Performance Indicators

Volume of sales... It, like many of the KPIs below, can be monitored by hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, years.

Average check... Sales divided by the number of sales.

Gross profit... Subtraction of the cost of goods sold from total sales (excluding other company expenses).

Average profit margin for the period... Percentage of gross profit to cost of goods sold.

Number of transactions... Use this KPI in conjunction with your average order size and total site visitors for a deeper understanding.

Conversion rate... The percentage of conversions to the total number of visitors (can be calculated not only for the entire site, but also for selected categories and pages).

Abandoned cart rate... Percentage of the number of abandoned carts to the total number of filled carts.

New customer orders vs repeat customer orders... As a percentage of the total number of orders.

Selling expenses(COGS, Cost of goods sold). Includes the cost of goods sold during the period, employee wages and company overheads during that time; does not include the purchase of other goods purchased but not sold during this period.

Total available market(TAM) vs Serviceable available market (SAM). The total sales of a given product or category of products in your region of operation vs the same sales you cover. Tracking this KPI consistently over time will tell you how much your business is growing compared to others in your industry.

Grouping items in orders... A list of which products were purchased together and how often for each group (this can be recorded only in your store, or you can find out in general for a market segment). This should inform about cross-promotion, cross-promotion strategies.

Commodity links... A list of which products are viewed one by one (without being similar in type) and how often for each group. Again, use this KPI to formulate effective cross-selling tactics.

Stock parameters(Inventory levels). This KPI breaks down into a series of "levels" that can be reinvented as needed. For example, 1) how much stock of a product is available to you; 2) how long the given product has been with you (how quickly it sells). Etc.

Competitor pricing... Control the prices of your products from your competitors and create comparison lists with your own prices.

Customer Lifetime Value(CLV, Customer lifetime value, or LTV, Lifetime value). The difference between the profit from customer orders and the cost of the relationship with the customer over a certain period (it can be calculated prognostically, in advance).

Income per visitor(RPV, Revenue per visitor). Divide the profit by the number of visitors.

Registration rejection rate, subscription. This KPI no longer speaks about the actions of marketers, as it seems to many, but about the assortment, prices and service of the store.

Customer acquisition cost... Marketing expenses divided by the number of customers attracted.

2. Marketing - Key Performance Indicators

Site traffic volume.

New visitors vs returning visitors. If you're using retargeting, there should be more repeat visits.

Time on site... Usually you want to see more time on landing pages and less time spent in the checkout process.

Bounce rate... If that number is high, you need to research why visitors are leaving your site rather than navigating further.

Number of viewed pages in one visit.

Average session duration.

Traffic sources... Here you can see which channels give the most traffic, and which ones are "underperforming".

Percentage of mobile visits.

Traffic by time of day... Here you can see the peak daily traffic periods.

Subscriber growth rate.

Mailing list openness(Open rate). If this KPI is too low, you can change the subject line and style of your emails. Or try to clear your mailing list of inactive or irrelevant subscribers.

Conversion rate from the page with the link (CTR, Сlick-through rate). Percentage of the number of clicks to the total number of visitors to the page with a link. It's convenient to study, for example, the effectiveness of a store's blog.

CTR of mailings... This is perhaps more important than the open rate of emails.

Sessions started shop chat.

Clicks... You can measure this KPI almost everywhere: by social networks, by mailings, by contextual advertising, PPC and anywhere else.

Average position of search results for certain requests.

Campaign traffic volume Pay-per-click (PPC).

Shop blog traffic volume.

Number and quality of reviews... Reviews provide social proof of trust in you, they can help with SEO, and they drive conversions for many visitors.

Comparison of the effectiveness of affiliates... If you have affiliate stores, this KPI, which can be broken down into any number of "levels" as needed, will help you understand which of your sites are the most successful.

3. Customer service - key performance indicators

Customer Satisfaction Index... Typically measured by customer responses to the question, "How satisfied are you with your experience?" in points on the scale indicated in the survey.

Consumer Loyalty Index(NPS, Net promoter score). Typically measured by customer responses to the question, "How likely is it that you would recommend our store to your friends?" in points with the scale indicated in the survey.

Success in resolving queries... Take the number of customers who have contacted your support team for one product - this is the denominator. And the numerator is the number of completed sales of this product after these requests.

Number of emails from clients.

Number of customer calls to your support team.

Chat visits.

Average response time to customer requests.

Average time to resolve a problem client.

Number of active problems... How many customer requests are being resolved or deemed unsolvable at the present time.

Re-occurrence of previously resolved problems... This parameter can be broken down into a long range of causal factors.

Classification of problems... You categorize problems to identify trends and your progress in solving problems.

Request escalation counter ( service escalation ratio). How many times do clients ask to be redirected to a manager or other high-ranking employee? You want this number to be zero.

4. Own production - key performance indicators

Full production cycle time of this product.

Equipment efficiency... This and the next parameters are divided into a number of very different metrics.

Labor efficiency employees.

Product release volume over a period.

Release quality index... Divide the number of successfully manufactured items by total units, including rejected ones.

Number of incidents related to non-compliance with production rules. In manufacturing, there are several sets of rules, licenses, and policies that companies must comply with. They are usually related to safety, working conditions and quality.

5. Project Management - Key Performance Indicators

Project time... Project managers should also assess the difference between predicted and actual time spent to better predict future projects.

Project's budget.

Correspondence of real costs to the business plan of the project.

Cost Fulfillment Index(CPI, Cost performance index). Read more about it in the description of the Earned Value Method metrics.

Return on investment(ROI, Return on investment). The ratio of the project's profit to the volume of investments in it.