List of services provided. Canteen - public catering enterprise Full list of provided services and

Restaurant - enterprise Catering with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service in combination with the organization of leisure. The restaurant catering service is a service for the production, sale and organization of consumption of a wide range of dishes and products of complex manufacture from various types of raw materials, purchased goods, wine and vodka products, provided by qualified production and service personnel in conditions of increased comfort and material and technical equipment in combination with the organization of leisure.

The restaurant provides consumers, as a rule, lunches and dinners, and when serving participants of conferences, seminars, meetings - a full diet. The restaurant organizes service of various types of banquets, themed evenings. The restaurant provides the population Additional services: service of a waiter at home, ordering and delivery to consumers of culinary, confectionery products, including in banquet performance; reservation of seats in the restaurant hall.

Leisure services include:

  • - organization of musical services;
  • - organization of concerts, variety programs;
  • - provision of newspapers, magazines.

Customer service is provided by head waiter and waiters.

The restaurant has, in addition to the usual signboard, a light sign with design elements. For the decoration of halls and premises for consumers, exquisite and original decorative elements (lamps, draperies, etc.) are used. Furniture in a luxury restaurant that matches the interior of the room; tables have a soft cover. Chairs are soft or semi-soft with armrests. Great demand is placed on dishes and appliances. Tableware is used from cupronickel, nickel silver, of stainless steel, porcelain and earthenware with monogram or decoration, crystal, artistically designed glassware from blown glass.

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In accordance with clause 3 of part 1 of article 7 Federal law"On the basics of social services for citizens in Russian Federation"The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached indicative list social services by type of social services.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation

D. Medvedev

List of social services by type of social services

1. Social services:

a) in semi-stationary or stationary forms of social services:

provision of residential premises in accordance with approved standards;

provision of food in accordance with approved standards;

provision of soft equipment (clothes, shoes, underwear and bedding) in accordance with the approved standards;

provision at the expense of the recipient of social services with books, magazines, newspapers, board games;

b) in the form of social services at home:

purchase at the expense of the recipient of social services and home delivery of food, basic industrial goods, sanitation and hygiene products, care products, books, newspapers, magazines;

assistance in cooking;

payment at the expense of the recipient of social services for housing and communal services and communication services;

delivery at the expense of the recipient of social services of things for washing, dry cleaning, repair, their return delivery;

purchase of fuel at the expense of the recipient of social services, heating stoves, water supply (in residential premises without central heating and (or) water supply);

organization of assistance in carrying out the repair of residential premises;

providing short-term supervision of children;

cleaning of living quarters;

c) in all forms of social services:

provision of hygiene services to persons who are not able to take care of themselves for health reasons;

sending postal correspondence at the expense of the recipient of social services;

help with eating (feeding).

2. Social and medical services in all forms of social services:

a) performing procedures related to the organization of care, monitoring the health of recipients of social services (measuring body temperature, blood pressure, monitoring the intake of medications, etc.);

b) rendering assistance in carrying out health-improving activities;

c) systematic monitoring of recipients of social services in order to identify deviations in their state of health;

d) carrying out activities aimed at the formation healthy way life;

e) conducting classes on adaptive physical culture;

f) counseling on social and medical issues (maintaining and preserving the health of recipients of social services, conducting recreational activities, identifying deviations in their state of health).

3. Socio-psychological services in all forms of social services:

a) socio-psychological counseling (including on issues of intra-family relations);

b) social and psychological patronage;

c) providing counseling psychological assistance anonymously (including using a helpline).

4. Socio-pedagogical services in all forms of social services:

a) training in practical skills of general care for seriously ill recipients of social services, recipients of social services with disabilities, including for disabled children;

b) organization of assistance to parents and other legal representatives of disabled children brought up at home in teaching such children the skills of self-service, communication, aimed at personal development;

c) socio-pedagogical correction, including diagnostics and counseling;

d) the formation of positive interests (including in the field of leisure);

5. Social and labor services in all forms of social services:

a) carrying out activities for the use of labor opportunities and training available professional skills;

b) assistance in finding a job;

c) organization of assistance in obtaining education, including vocational education, disabled people (disabled children) in accordance with their abilities.


Public catering is a branch of the national economy, the basis of which is made up of enterprises characterized by the unity of the forms of organization of production and consumer services and differing in types and specialization.

Public catering development:

· Gives significant savings in social labor due to more rational use equipment, raw materials, materials;

· Provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency, maintains health;

· Makes it possible to organize balanced rational nutrition in children's and educational institutions.

Public catering was one of the first sectors of the national economy to embark on the transformation rails, having accepted the burden of the most acute problems of the transition period on market relations. The privatization of enterprises took place at a rapid pace, the organizational and legal form of public catering enterprises changed. A large number of private small businesses have sprung up. In 1995. the law of the Russian Federation “On state support small business in the Russian Federation ”. This law is one of the fundamental ones for the period when the course is sharply changing from one hundred percent state monopoly in the economy to market relations. He determines which of them can count on the support of the state. Therefore, specialized enterprises that began to disappear in the early years of privatization are now gaining momentum in their development (barbecue, dumplings, pizzerias, bistros, etc.).

Many catering establishments are purely commercial, but along with this social catering is developing: canteens at industrial enterprises, student canteens, school canteens. Food factories and firms appear that take on the tasks of organizing social food.

Catering establishments perform three interrelated functions:

· Production of culinary products;

· Sale of culinary products;

· Organization of its consumption.

Characteristics of the restaurant, a list of services provided (according to GOST 50-764-95).

In accordance with GOST 500761-95 “Catering services. General requirements”Certain requirements are imposed on catering services. The public catering service is the result of the activities of enterprises and citizens-entrepreneurs to meet the needs of the consumer in food and leisure. Service process - a set of operations performed by the performer in direct contact with the consumer of services in the sale of culinary products and the organization of leisure. The quality of the service must meet the stated or anticipated needs of the customers. Catering services must meet safety and environmental requirements, intended purpose and be provided to consumers in conditions that meet the requirements of current normative documents... In the process of serving consumers, the range of services must correspond to the type of enterprise. When providing services, the requirement of ergonomics must be taken into account, i.e. compliance of service conditions with hygienic, anthropometric, physiological needs of consumers. Compliance with the requirements of ergonomics ensures the comfort of service.

The service provided must meet the requirements of aesthetics. Aesthetics is characterized by the harmony of the architectural and planning solutions of the premises of the enterprise, as well as by the conditions of service, including the appearance of the service personnel, table setting, design and presentation of culinary products. The consumer must receive complete, reliable and timely information about the service provided.

Basic catering service food service . A food service is a service for the manufacture of culinary products and the creation of conditions for their sale and consumption in accordance with the type and class of the enterprise and are subdivided into the following:

· Restaurant catering service;

· Bar catering service;

· Cafe food service;

· Canteen catering service;

· Diner catering service.

Services for organizing the consumption of products and services include:

· Organization and service of celebrations, ritual events;

· Organization of meals and services for participants of conferences, meetings, cultural events etc.;

· Delivery of culinary products and confectionery and consumer services in offices and at home;

· Customer service on the route of passenger transport;

· Room service in hotels;

· Organization of rational complex nutrition, etc.

In restaurants, bars great attention paid to the organization of leisure services. Leisure services include:

Organization of musical services:

· Organization of concerts, variety programs;

· Provision of newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

Service culture - one of the main criteria in assessing the performance of public catering workers. The main factors that determine the culture of service include the availability of a modern material and technical base, the types and nature of services provided, the range and quality of products, the introduction of progressive forms of service, the level of advertising and information work, professional skill catering workers. The culture of service at a high level increases the competitiveness of the enterprise, which is very important in market relations.

According to the level of service and the range of services provided, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes - luxury, superior, first, which must meet the following requirements:

"Luxury" - sophistication of the interior, a high level of comfort, a wide range of services, an assortment of original, exquisite customized and branded dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of customized and branded drinks, cocktails for bars;

"higher"- the originality of the interior, the choice of services, comfort, a varied assortment of original, exquisite custom-made and branded dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails for bars;

"first ”- harmony, comfort and choice of services, a varied assortment of branded dishes and products, complex drinks for restaurants, a set of drinks, simple cocktails, incl. customized and branded - for bars.

Restaurants are distinguished:

· by the range of products sold fish, beer, with national cuisine or cuisine foreign countries;

· by location - restaurant at the hotel, in the recreation area, restaurant car, etc.

The main types of banquets.

Banquet - This is a ceremonial party breakfast, lunch or dinner, arranged in honor of any person, event or celebration. Banquets can be formal (receptions) and informal (family celebrations, friendly meetings, etc.).

Depending on the form of service, banquets-receptions can be divided into several types: banquet-reception at the table with full service by waiters; banquet at the table with partial waiter service; banquet-buffet, banquet-cocktail, banquet-cocktail buffet, banquet-tea, coffee.

The organization of any banquet includes receiving and placing an order, preparing the banquet for service and service. The organization and precise work on preparing for the banquet service depends on how detailed and timely all the details of the banquet are determined and agreed upon between the customer and the performer (restaurant administration).

Orders for servicing weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations are accepted by the director, head waiter or administrator. When placing an order, the date of service of the celebration, the number of participants, the type of service, the reason for arranging a banquet (meeting, anniversary, wedding or holiday date, etc.) are agreed with the customer. ), venue (name or number of the hall), start and end times of service, sample menu and preliminary cost of the order. Upon receipt of the order, the organizer is offered to get acquainted with the room for the banquet, the arrangement of tables, the accommodation of guests, and the decoration of the hall. It is also being specified whether an aperitif will be served to guests, whether flowers are needed to decorate the table, music during a banquet, a place for dancing. The employee who accepts the order acquaints the customer with the operating rules of the enterprise, the service procedure, as well as the procedure for reimbursing possible losses due to the fault of the customer and guests.

The banquet menu is compiled at the request of the customers, depending on the capabilities of the enterprise. After agreeing on the menu, the customer pays 50% of the order value, the cashier issues a cash receipt and a receipt for it, which is handed to the customer. The order is registered in a special order book.

In the future, no later than two days before the start of the celebration, the head waiter draws up with the customer and draws up the order-invoice.

The invoice order is issued in five copies, approved by the head of the company and transferred to the cashier. The cashier accepts an additional payment for the order from the customer (based on the incoming cash order), certifies the order-invoice with his signature and puts the stamp “paid”.

The first copy of the Order-invoice is transferred to the customer, the second remains with the cashier, then it is transferred to the accounting department along with the cash account, and the third, fourth and fifth are sent, respectively, to the foreman of the waiters, who will serve the banquet, to the kitchen and to the buffet. The fourth and fifth copies of the order invoice after the order is completed are handed over to the accounting department .

New forms of service

Buffet service is primarily to accelerate customer service, which increases throughput trading floor, requires fewer qualified personnel, etc. This form of service is used in restaurants where breakfast, lunch and dinner are constantly used by a large number of visitors.

There are no special requirements for sales areas for organizing customer service using this method. Sales areas should be bright, well-ventilated and free enough to provide the necessary amenities for visitors.

Depending on the size of the dining table area, its configuration and the location of doors, windows, columns, etc., as well as the expected number of visitors who may come at the same time, one or two distribution lines are installed in the hall.
Dispensers are installed at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the walls, taking into account the need to exclude oncoming flows of visitors. Tables and chairs are arranged in the rest of the free area of ​​the hall. They are covered with white or colored tablecloths. If the table tops are hygienic, it is not necessary to cover them with tablecloths.

The range of products can be offered as follows:

Breakfast - butter, sausage, ham, salads, vegetables, pancakes, cheese cakes, cereals, meat, vegetable, dairy, egg dishes, dairy products, various juices, flour confectionery.

Dinner - a variety of salads from fresh vegetables, vinaigrette, herring, marinated fish, butter, cheese, sour cream; from the first courses - broth with croutons, pies; puree soup, borscht, etc.; from the second courses - fried fish, boiled meat, cabbage rolls, potato and carrot cutlets; side dishes - fried potatoes, friable porridge, stewed cabbage; for dessert - compote, jelly, jelly and hot drinks (tea, coffee).

Dinner - butter, cheese, roast beef, boiled pork, fermented milk products; hot fish dishes, natural meat, stewed vegetables, casseroles, cottage cheese dishes, assorted pastries, tea, fruits, juices.

It is important that the assortment of food and drinks is varied. The consumer should be able to taste a few dishes a little at a time - this is one of the advantages of the buffet. The range of products must be changed by day of the week.

Before entering the hall, visitors pay the cost of a single meal in advance. For the organization of groups of visitors, the cost of meals can be paid in advance by cashless payments, and each visitor is given a pass for a separate meal. A menu is posted near the checkout. Upon entering the hall, visitors give a check or coupon to the controller and go to the handout. Visitors choose dishes, put them on plates and sit down at the table. There are waiters in the hall who serve tables, remove used dishes. At the request of consumers, waiters can serve them at the table - taking into account age, physical disabilities and other reasons. Here, in the hall, the sale of drinks, tobacco products for cash through a small bar or with the help of special carts can be organized.

Coffee break belongs to the number of short-term and intermediate forms of banquet service.

Arrange for short breaks during meetings, press conferences, etc. no more than 15 minutes. Canapes and small cakes are served. The methods of serving are different, but for the most part, like at a cocktail reception, mainly on a tray "by hand" due to the time and organization regulations in various premises.

In the trading floor where the coffee break is held, tables equipped with express coffee makers and samovars are being restored. Bottles of mineral water and soft drinks are displayed on separate tables. Clean glasses are also placed here.

Diplomatic reception

Diplomatic techniques are one of the generally accepted and widespread forms of foreign policy activity of governments, foreign affairs agencies, diplomatic missions and diplomats. Receptions are held both in commemoration of important events (national holidays, anniversaries, anniversaries of the signing of agreements, as well as on the occasion of the stay of a distinguished guest or delegation in the country), and in the daily routine of foreign ministries and embassies. Receptions organized by the diplomatic mission contribute to the establishment, maintenance and development of contacts between the embassy and the host country. At such receptions, foreign diplomats explain the policies of their countries, collect information about the host country, and exchange views on important international problems. Therefore, any diplomatic reception is of great political importance both for those who are satisfied with it and for the guests present at it. Even more important are the political receptions organized by the country's governing bodies in honor of distinguished foreign guests or delegations. The traditions of holding receptions are rooted in antiquity. Hospitality has been and remains an essential indicator of the honor and dignity of the people and the state. Accommodation of guests, service at the table are carried out in accordance with the protocol. The word "protocol" means a set of rules, traditions and conventions followed by governments, officials in international communication. In international communication, compliance with the protocol is mandatory; each country can make its own changes, taking into account national characteristics, customs, etc.

Only persons holding official positions are invited to diplomatic receptions. These banquets are strictly official. . Long-term international practice has established the types of diplomatic receptions, methods of their preparation, diplomatic etiquette, which the participants of receptions adhere to.
Business practices can be classified as follows:
sitting techniques with seating available;
standing techniques - no seats.
There are the following types of diplomatic receptions

"Glass of champagne" and "glass of wine"

These two types of receptions, considered a kind of cocktail reception, begin at 12 noon and end at 1 pm During such a reception, champagne, wine, juices are usually served. As an appetizer - a small cake, canapé sandwiches, nuts, etc. The cocktail is usually held in a standing position. Dress code - casual suit or dress.

The reason for such receptions may be a national holiday, the arrival or departure of a delegation, the signing of a contract or agreement, the departure of an ambassador, the opening of a trade and industrial exhibition. As a rule, these receptions are held in the same building where the ceremony took place, in a specially equipped room or foyer. Drinks and light meals are served by the waiters. The main drink is champagne. Light snacks are sweets, fruits, canapé sandwiches and others that do not require cutlery and table setting. Strong drinks - cognac, vodka, whiskey, gin - are not served at daytime receptions. At the same time, sometimes they organize a bar separately or serve whiskey, gin, vodka on a tray.

Characteristic feature this technique is the need to make a meal while standing. As an exception, only older women are allowed to sit down for a while. For men, regardless of age, there is no such exception.

There is no special order of accommodation for guests: they are scattered in the hall chaotically. And one more feature: these techniques are official, that is, they are present only officials without spouses.


Lunch is a breakfast party, or second breakfast, which often replaces a light lunch. Lunch can be light - for those who have dinner in the evening, or a hearty one that replaces lunch for those who only have dinner in the evening. The time of its holding starts from the interval between 12.00 - 12.30, which in many European countries coincides with the time of the lunch break in institutions, firms, concerns. Lunch continues from 3 pm The list of traditional Western European dishes served for lunch is limited. These include: all kinds of soufflés (from game, goose liver, broccoli, cauliflower, potato, chicken, duck, lobster, semolina, noodles, etc.), chicken wrapped in a cake. Chops and cutlets, cooked chicken and fish are also fine, but large fried cuts of meat are usually left over for lunch. Even light soups are possible, although there are no rules on this once and for all. Abundant salads, spaghetti for similar simplified dishes at informal lunches, guests impose themselves, service by waiters is not provided. The official lunch is similar in most of the details to the official lunch, although it has some differences. So, it cannot take place without the participation of a certain number of service personnel - waiters. But unlike a formal dinner, such staff can be both men and women.

The official lunch is usually scheduled for 13.00. If after an official dinner guests can stay for a long time for communication, then after an official lunch - write within 30 minutes after the reception. Another difference is that women are allowed to wear their hats during lunch, although outerwear in gloves, they leave in the wardrobe. An official lunch includes three courses: soup or appetizer, main course, dessert. On rare occasions, a fourth course of seafood is served. It is offered before soup. Most often, the menu is limited to fruit salads, seafood, one hot dish, such as fried chicken with salad. Any lunch is characterized by an abundance of baked bagels, buns sprinkled with poppy seeds or nuts, and puff pastries. Waiters on the tables in advance, next to the baked goods, arrange dishes with butter, which is shaped into roses, curls, balls, but not cubes, as during a regular breakfast. Only dishes with fruits, sweets, nuts are put in advance. Plates with hot dishes are filled in the kitchen, they are brought by the waiter. After serving a hot dish, before dessert, the table is completely empty, including dishes with bread, pepper shakers, salt shakers. For lunch, it is appropriate to serve one kind of wine, for example, Rhine wine or claret. Tea or iced coffee is a must. There should always be a jug of water on the table or glasses of water in front of each appliance.

Formal lunch

A formal dinner is considered the most honorable type of reception. It starts between 17.00 and 19.00. In diplomatic practice, lunch starts at 20.00 or 20.30, but no later than 21.00. It lasts 2-3 hours, but it can be longer. In this case, the guests are at the table for about 1 hour, and the rest of the time in the living rooms. In some cases, there is a cocktail after dinner. Then the guests present at the dinner, at the end of it, to another room, where the persons invited to the cocktail have already gathered.

The official dinner, regardless of the number of participants, is subject to strict rules- from the arrival of guests to their departure. The very concept of "official" means that dinner is accompanied by many ceremonial procedures, followed in every detail. For example, a formal dinner requires serving exclusively by male staff, although this condition is often not met. Guests should arrive on time, but not earlier. Better to be a little late.

« Tea"

Set up between 4 pm and 6 pm, usually for women only. For example, the wife of a foreign minister arranges tea for the wives of the heads of diplomatic missions; the ambassador's wife - for the wives of other ambassadors, other women, etc. Cases of inviting men to tea are also possible. One or several tables are set for tea, depending on the number of guests, confectionery and bakery products, fruits, dessert and dry wines, juices and mineral water are served. Snacks (canapes with sparks, fish, cheese) are rarely served with tea, and if they are served, then in small quantities. Duration of tea is 1-1.5 hours.

"Zhur fix"

This type of reception is arranged by the wife of the Minister of Foreign Affairs or another member of the government, or by the wife of the ambassador, once a week on the same day and hour during the entire fall-winter season (from autumn to summer). Invitations to such receptions ("Wednesdays", "Thursdays", "Fridays") are sent out once at the beginning of the season and are valid until the end of the season, unless a special notice of the break follows. Those who have received an invitation to the "zhur fix" can come to it without additional invitations. In terms of the time and the food and the form of dress, this technique does not differ from "tea". Sometimes such techniques take the form of musical or literary evenings. Men are also invited to receptions "journalism".

"Cocktail" or "a la buffet"

They start from 17 to 18 hours (17, 17:30, 18) and last two hours. Treats - various cold snacks and pastries, fruits. Sometimes hot snacks are also served. Treats should not be plentiful. At receptions of this type, alcoholic beverages are displayed on tables or, being poured into glasses, are carried by waiters. Sometimes a buffet is arranged in one of the halls, where waiters serve drinks for those who wish.

At the end of the reception, champagne may be served, followed by coffee.

Receptions such as "cocktail" or "a la buffet" are held standing. Guests come to the tables, collect snacks on their plates and leave the tables to allow other guests to approach them. It is recommended to set tables with refreshments not in the middle of the hall or room, but along the walls with small gaps from the walls for service personnel. The center of the hall or room should be provided to guests.

The dress code for this reception is a casual suit or a tuxedo, depending on the specific case and an indication of this in the invitation .

"Lunch buffet"

This type of reception differs from the usual dinner in the following features: guests are seated at separate tables for 5-6 people, treats are based on the principle of self-service. The guests themselves take the food, which is on a separate table. This kind of reception is less formal than a regular dinner. Dress code, depending on the instructions in the invitation .


Starts at 21 o'clock and later. The dinner and wine menu is the same as for lunch. Dress code - black suit, tuxedo or tailcoat; for women - evening dress.

Dinner differs from lunch only by the time it starts - not earlier than 21 hours .

Types of receptions are film screenings, musical and literary evenings, friendship evenings, meetings for playing chess, and others. sport games and so on. These listed activities are usually accompanied by a light meal. The uniform for such events is a casual suit, for women - a suit or dress.


Speaking about the rules of etiquette taken into account in the organization of business receptions, one should first of all mention the invitations.
Invitations are usually made in a typographic way, and additional information (last name, first name, patronymic of the invitee) can be entered by hand.

The invitation does not include the date of departure and the signature.
The first lines of the invitation give information about who (which organization) is inviting to the reception and for what reason. Usually the phrase "invites" or "has the honor to invite" is used, followed by the last name, first name, patronymic of the invitee.
The second part of the invitation indicates the form of the reception (lunch, cocktail, etc.), when and where it will take place.
In the invitation to breakfast, a glass of champagne, a glass of wine, a cocktail, it is customary to indicate the start and end times of the reception, for example 12.00-13.30.

The invitation, as a rule, contains a request to confirm the intention to be present at the reception. It has been accepted that this request be indicated in capital French letters: R.S.V.P. (Repondez s "il-vous-plaot -" Please answer ").

If the letter R.S.V.P. crossed out or absent (this is the case mainly in invitations to receptions held while standing, without seating at the table), it is not necessary to give one or another answer. All commonly used conventional texts in etiquette (similar to the text above) are usually in French.
An invitation, like business card, printed on paper good quality, white or any light shade... Various decorative elements are considered inappropriate - vignettes, flowers, figurines, etc. Austere type, clear and crisp typing, proper etiquette and mandatory "courtesy formulas" are required of the perfect invitation to a business reception. Invitations will be sent out, depending on local practice, no later than two to three weeks prior to appointment. Sending in a shorter time frame can lead to many rejections due to the acceptance of invitations sent earlier. Depending on the specific circumstances, invitations are sent by courier or, which is extremely rare, by mail. It is always recommended to send invitations to officials and eminent persons by courier


Depending on the case for which it is necessary to arrange an appointment, the type of appointment is selected.

If a Soviet government, parliamentary or other delegation arrives in the host country on an official visit, usually on behalf of its head, breakfast or dinner is given in honor of the person receiving the delegation, and the diplomatic representative arranges a cocktail reception "on the occasion of the stay (such and such) delegations ... ". However, it is always necessary to take into account the protocol traditions established in a given country. These traditions will help in choosing the type of reception.

When accepting an order, in addition to the venue, date, start and end time, forms of service, it is specified whether it is necessary to hang out national flags, install a microphone on the table, whether an orchestra performance is required, etc.

Diplomatic reception with full service by waiters on the occasion of the arrival of the Turkish ambassador for 90 people

A banquet at the table with full service by waiters on the occasion of the reception of a distinguished guest for 90 people (lunch) will take place in the restaurant "1001 nights" in the "Main Hall" on February 15, 2010 at 17:00.

Restaurant "1001night" is the embodiment of the oriental outlook. The external is inextricably linked with the internal, each detail has its own special meaning - nothing superfluous, nothing missing - this is Eastern philosophy. Therefore, everything around should be beautiful and delight the eye: white stone walls covered with elegant volumetric carvings, marble mosaic floor, sparkling waterfall of a huge crystal chandelier, mother of pearl

The main restaurant hall is designed in the style of an oriental palace and at the same time looks like a fairytale cave with treasures .. Stonework of walls, blue tones - pendant lamps, hookahs, patterns on tables and plates, wrought-iron chairs and soft sofas.

Service is provided by the restaurant administrator and waiters who speak a foreign language.


If a business reception is designed for several tens or hundreds of people, it is advisable to carefully consider the arrangement of tables and determine the places for guests.
In a small room, it is unwise to host receptions for a large number of guests, and a small number of guests will feel uncomfortable in a large, spacious room.
What is considered too large or too small a meeting room? There are no strict rules for this, but it seems that the optimal calculation would be - at least 10m2 per person, including a seat at the table.
If the reception is designed for a sufficiently large number of guests, you should take care of how to seat them, and how to convey information about this to the invitees.
When organizing modern business receptions with a large number of guests, usually the seating plan is hung in several places in front of the entrance to the hall where the reception will take place, or it is depicted on a special sheet - an insert in the invitation, or it is handed to each invitee at the entrance to the hall.

In addition, in the dining room, a card with the name and surname of the invitee is placed on each seat at the table.
The seating tables for guests can be positioned in a variety of ways.

The first option (with the letter "P"):

The second option (with the letter "W"):

The third option (with the letter "T"):

With a large number of guests, it is advisable to arrange tables in the form of the letter "W"

The following seating rules are followed:

· The closest places to the owner and to the hostess are considered the most honorable. The farther a place is from these persons, the less honorable it is.

· The most honorable places are those that are located facing free space, i.e. to the front door. However, at the same time, the place of honor should be as far as possible from the front door.

· The least honorable place is at the end of the table, with your back to the front door. Usually they do not make seats there at all, but if there is still a need to use these seats, it makes sense to put young men from among the employees of the hostess company there; women and men of middle and "more than middle" age should not be placed in these places.

· Whenever possible, guests - men and women - are seated, alternating between representatives of both sexes. But practice shows that there are always more men at business receptions.

· When seating, it is necessary to take into account the knowledge of foreign languages ​​by the guests sitting next to them.

Recommended minimum table surface area,
allocated for one guest - 60 (70) x40 cm.Although some sources give a figure of 50x40 cm, it should be borne in mind that some overweight people will not be able to feel comfortable at the table within this framework


.Menu This is a list of snacks, meals, drinks, flour confectionery products available for sale on a given day, indicating the output and price. The menu must be signed by the director, production manager and calculator. Depending on the type of enterprise and the consumer population served, they use different kinds menu: with a free choice of dishes; set lunches and dinners by subscription; daily diet; duty dishes; dietary and baby food; banquet.

Banquet menu is drawn up in each specific case when accepting an order for a banquet, taking into account the type of banquet, the wishes of the customer.

The sequence of the arrangement of dishes in the menu

Specialties and snacks

Cold meals and snacks:

1. Caviar granular sturgeon fish, salmon fish

2. Lightly salted fish (salmon, salmon with lemon)

3. Cold fish dishes:

4 Fish gastronomy and canned food snacks:

5. Non-fish seafood

6. Salads and vinaigrette

7. Cold meat dishes and snacks:

8. Poultry and game are cold

Hot snack

1.Fish, from non-fish seafood

3.From offal

4.From poultry and game

5. Vegetable and mushroom

6. Egg and flour

1. Transparent

4. Dairy, cold, sweet

Hot fish dishes

Hot meat dishes

Hot dishes from poultry and game

Dishes from vegetables, cereals, legumes, pasta, flour

Egg and cottage cheese dishes

Sweet dishes

1. Hot (apple in dough, Guryev porridge, puddings, donuts with jam, etc.)

2. Cold (jelly, mousse, jelly, sambuca, creams, ice cream, whipped cream with fillings, compotes from fresh and canned fruits)

3. Fruits, natural berries and syrup

Hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate)

Cold drinks own production

1. From fruits and berries (own production)

Flour culinary and confectionery products (assorted pastries, cakes, muffins, pies, pies, etc.)

Menu decoration

The restaurant menu is the business card of the company, one of the means of advertising. Therefore his appearance should make a good impression.

The design of the menu is determined by the nature of the enterprise. In luxury and high-end establishments, the menu and price list must have an emblem or company logo enterprises, printed by typographic method; the cover of the menu is made of coated paper, cardboard or leatherette. Decoration folders should reflect the style and thematic focus of the restaurant, bar or cafe. At the top of the expanded menu, it is recommended to give brief information about the work of the enterprise. In the menu, you can give information about specialties, drinks, it is advisable to supplement this information with appropriate pictures, entertaining historical information about a particular dish in order to draw attention to it. For the convenience of serving foreign tourists, menus and price lists must be printed in Russian, English, French and German.

Price list of wine and vodka products


Banquet at the table with full service of waiters on the occasion of the reception of Turkish guests.

Restaurant "1001 nights"

Number of clients: 90 people (lunch)

Start of service 19.00 date: 15.02.10.

Cold snacks

Crab baskets ……………………………… .. ( 100g )

Salted salmon with lemon ………………………. ( 175g)

Sultan salad ………………………………………… (100g)

Salad " gold fish"……………………………… .. (100g)

Assorted "Vostochnoye" - veal tenderloin roll with nuts and prunes, chicken fillet with spinach and spices ……………………………………………… ... (180g)

Istanbul style eggplants ………………………… ... (150g)

Hot snack

Tolma - beef with rice in pickled grape leaves ……………………………………………………… (175g)

Whitefish in pita bread - whitefish fillet with seasonings is baked in pita bread …………………………………………………… (150g)


Lagman …………………………………………………… .. (250g)

Asparagus cream soup ………………………………………( 250g )

Second hot dishes

Salmon on fire salmon fillet in sour cream …………… (100 / 150g)
Veal with yogurt ………………………………… .... (75g)

Baked potatoes - brown potato halves with sour cream or butter …………………………………… .. (200g)

Vegetables for vegetables on charcoal - a delicacy of eggplant, tomatoes and peppers, baked over the fire and fried with herbs ...……. (250g)

Sweet dishes

Strudel - with apples, cherries and cinnamon. ... (150g)

Hot drinks

Black coffee “Arabica” …………… .100 / 10

Tea “Akhmat” ……………………… 100/10

Wheat bread .... (100g)

Rye bread ………. (200g)

Headwaiter ______________

Full table banquet with waiters

A special feature of this banquet is the serving of all dishes, drinks and fruits by the waiters. An indispensable condition for serving such banquets is the speed of serving food, drinks and changing devices, since the time for serving guests at the table should not exceed 50 - 60 minutes. A large number of highly qualified waiters are involved in the service. Practice shows that at banquets with full service it is most expedient to proceed from the norm of 3 waiters for 12-16 banquet participants. When serving banquets at the highest level (diplomatic receptions), a waiter serving drinks works in tandem with each waiter; the number of waiters can be increased on the basis of two waiters for 6–8 people. When serving, it is necessary to follow the order of serving dishes and snacks: cold fish appetizer or natural vegetables, snacks from meat, poultry, game, hot appetizer, soup, hot dishes from fish, meat, poultry, game, vegetables, dessert, fruits, hot drinks ( Tea coffee).

For a banquet, special tables with a width of 1.2 - 1.5 m are convenient. Their total length is determined at the rate of 0.6 - 0.8 m for each guest. The length of the tables should not exceed 10 m, so as not to hinder the work of the waiters.

The tables are covered with flannel and covered with a banquet tablecloth, so that the smoothed middle runs along the axis of the table. The tablecloth should go down from the sides by 25 - 30, from the ends - by 30 - 40 cm. Side tables are placed near the walls, in the corners of the hall at the rate of one table or sideboard for 12 - 15 guests.

After setting the tables with tablecloths, they are served.

Serving begins with shallow dinner plates serving as a stand for snack plates, deep or under bouillon cups. Having determined the center of the table, on one of its sides they put the first - the central plate, from which a certain number of plates are placed at a distance of 60 - 80 cm from each other on the right and left sides in accordance with the guests' accommodation plan. Then place the plates on the other side of the table - one against the other.

When arranging plates, observe the following rules:

· The side of the plate should be at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge of the table;

· On the section of the table intended for guests of honor, the plates are placed at large intervals - up to 1 m;

· The sign of the firm, the enterprise, depicted on the plate, should be in front of the guest.

Snacks are placed on table plates, and pies are placed at a distance of 10-15 cm, on the left.

Instruments are laid out after the plates. To the right of the dinner plate, put a table knife, with the blade to the plate, so that half of it is covered by the side of the plate, then a fish, a tablespoon (if soup is provided in the plates), a snack knife. If the first course is served in bouillon cups, then in this case the dessert spoon is served with the soup and the tablespoon is not added. To the left of the tablespoon, put a table fork (like a table knife, it should be half covered with a plate), a fish fork and a snack bar with the horns facing up. The ends of the handles of all devices are aligned parallel to the edge of the table 1-2 cm from it.

Dessert utensils are placed behind the dinner plate - the knives with the blade to the plate, the handles of knives and spoons - to the right, forks - with the handle to the left, they can also be positioned behind the crystal. The individual butter knife is placed on the right edge of the pie plate with the blade to the left.

After finishing the table setting with instruments, they arrange wine glasses, glasses, glasses. They are placed at the dining room with a small plate or to the right of it, behind the cutlery. First, they put wine glasses behind the plate at a distance of 3-5 cm from it, closer to the plate is the place for dessert cutlery. When the glass is shifted to the right, it is placed near the tip of the table knife blade. Behind the glass to the right, in one line or at some angle to the edge of the table, they put glasses for wine (lafite, Rhine wine), for vodka. A champagne glass is placed in the second row. Cognac and liqueur glasses are placed on the table before serving cognac and liqueur for coffee or tea.

After finishing the table setting with crystal or glass, linen napkins are laid out for individual use. They are rolled into a specific shape and placed on snack plates. On the table, be sure to put salt shakers and pepper shakers through the device on the line of glassware.

The table is decorated with light compositions of fresh flowers in low vases.

Each banquet participant can be provided with a menu card printed in a printing house or on a computer. For diplomatic receptions, it is printed in two languages ​​(Russian and foreign). It indicates the nature of the service (breakfast, lunch, dinner), a list of dishes and drinks. A menu card is placed with each device behind a pie plate. In accordance with the plan of guests' placement, in front of the device of each guest (at the dinner plate), small cards are placed indicating the names and initials of the banquet participants.

A few minutes before inviting guests to the table, bread is laid out with a thickness of 6-8 mm. Bread is placed on a pie plate in two or three pieces, crusting to the edge of the plate.

At the end of the banquet table setting, dishes, cutlery and napkins are placed on the utility tables.

15-45 minutes before the start of the banquet, drinks are brought into the hall (except for champagne, cognac, liqueur), placed on the side tables, the labels are facing the hall. Bottles must be clean and free of plugs; they are covered with napkins.

In order for the guests to familiarize themselves with the places assigned to them in the room intended for gathering the banquet participants, a plan for placing guests at the banquet table is set up.

When organizing a banquet, an aperitif is usually provided. It is served in the hall intended for gathering guests for 15-20 minutes. As an aperitif, cocktails, fortified, semi-sweet, dry wines, juices can be served, and in summer, in addition, water, beer. When serving an aperitif, snacks can be offered: canapes, sandwiches, tartlets with different fillings, pies, etc. In the anteroom, low vases with nuts, cigarettes, matches, ashtrays are placed on the tables. The aperitif is served in glasses, in special glasses (juices, cocktails), filled to 2/3 of the volume and placed on small trays with a napkin.

At the end of the aperitif, guests move to the hall where the banquet begins.



Number of dishes, unit

Name of dishes


In the dishes

Salted salmon

Oval dish

Crab baskets

Round dish

Istanbul style eggplants

Oval dish

Sultan salad

salad bowl

Veal with yogurt

Oval dish


Soup bowl

Salad "Goldfish"

salad bowl

Asparagus cream soup

Soup bowl

Assorted "Eastern

Round dish

Oval dish

Whitefish in lavash

Round dish

Salmon on fire

Oval dish

Baked potato

Round dish

Vegetables on charcoal vegetables

Round dish

Head waiter _______________

Headwaiter ______________


Head waiter _______________


Name of dishes and appliances

Quantity, pcs


Dinner Plates

Snack plates

Pie plates

Dessert plates

Deep dining plate

Soup bowl

Round dish (300mm)

Oval dish (300mm)

Salad bowls

Vase "plateau" for cake

Tea cups with saucers

Coffee cups with saucers

Coffee pot


Top-up kettle

Sugar bowl

Spice devices:

Pepper shanks



Wine glasses

Juice glasses

Shot glasses :

Vodka (50 cm)

Cognac (25 cm)

Rainver (100 cm)

Lafite (125cm)

Jugs with lids


Knives, table forks

Snack knives, forks

Fish knives, forks

Dessert knives, forks

Tea spoons

Coffee spoons

Knife, fork chopping

Salad spoons

Pouring spoons

Small pastry tongs

Confectionery shovel

Headwaiter ______________


Personal plan head waiter.

The head waiter (hall administrator), being the organizer of all work in the hall, is guided in his activities job description approved by the director of the enterprise.

The head waiter is responsible for organizing the service process, supervises the work of waiters, barmen, cleaners retail space, dishwashers, service workers, bread cutters, doormen, as well as musicians and orchestra performers, arranges waiters in their workplaces, determines work areas for links, draws up work schedules, keeps track of waiters' working hours, ensures timely and correct preparation of the hall for opening, the presence of menus and price lists. He instructs the waiters before starting work, checks the maintenance of the premises of the trading group (trading floor, buffet, lobby, cloakroom), compliance by the hall employees with a uniform uniform and personal hygiene rules.

In addition, the head waiter supervises the table setting, as well as the observance of the rules of trade, the discipline of prices in the hall. He monitors the timeliness and correctness of the preparation of invoice registers by the waiters, the delivery of proceeds to the cashier and copies of the report, is responsible for the correct execution of invoices by the waiters, for the operation of commercial furniture. Carries out measures for the safety of dishes and equipment.

The head waiter is constantly in the hall, greets guests, offers seats at tables, ensures that waiters present a book of complaints and suggestions at the first request of visitors, resolves conflicts that arise between hall employees and visitors. He keeps records with the appropriate registration on accepting orders for serving a banquet for cash, provides it correct organization, conducts systematic work to improve the professional knowledge of waiters, as well as educational work among them. The head waiter participates in the decoration of the hall, in the service program and in the preparation of the menu. He also takes part in the work on assessing the quality of labor (for the labor group), keeps a register of indicators of the decline in the quality of labor.

The head waiter's professional knowledge is very extensive: rules and service techniques; rules of etiquette; procedure for accepting an order and organizing service for celebrations; basics of cooking technology, requirements for their quality and design; service forms; rules for working at cash registers; pricing in catering establishments.

Before the start of the banquet, the head waiter gathers the waiters, explains to them the features of the banquet, the procedure for serving snacks, dishes, drinks, the sequence of service, distributes responsibilities between them, assigns the waiters to the sectors and explains in detail the service scheme. During the preparation of the banquet and in the process of serving the guests, the head waiter supervises the work of the waiters, controls their implementation of the service scheme. He monitors the timely preparation of dishes for serving in the hall, gives permission for the waiters to enter the hall with the next dish, as well as to leave the hall.

Meeting and accommodation of guests and order of service

The front door is opened by the doorman or specially designated male attendants. He often (if there is no special wardrobe) takes out outerwear and shows the guests the way to the hall where the lunch is taking place.

When meeting and accommodating guests, special attention should be paid to the guest of honor. He is invited to sit, pulling out a chair and inviting him with a gesture, after which the rest of the guests are invited to sit. The waiters offer a cover menu unfolded on the left with the left hand. After offering the menu, the waiter draws attention to the signature dish.

It should be borne in mind that at business receptions one of the rules of secular etiquette - to serve a woman first, and then a man - does not work. As mentioned earlier, the main thing is the official status, therefore, the service begins with the guests of honor, and then they serve everyone in turn. Food is served to the guest on the left, while liquids - tea, wine, coffee - on the right.

Rules and technique for serving dishes.

When serving, waiters must work quickly, clearly, without unnecessary movements, go into the hall in the order of the numbers of the serviced sectors, hold the objects to be carried in the palm of their left hand, covered with a napkin or a handbrake, at elbow level, moving around the hall synchronously. Approaching the guest of honor, from whom the service begins, he stops from behind, facing the table. By conventional sign The maitre d 'all serve meals at the same time. Dishes and garnishes for them in multi-portion dishes are served on the left side, holding on the left hand, without touching the table with the dish.

The handles of the instruments are turned towards the guests. The guest can use these devices to transfer the dish to the plate himself. After serving one guest, the waiter, lifting the dish from the table and stepping back a step, approaches the next guest. When refusing a dish, the waiter must remove the appliance intended for this dish. Dishes in individual dishes are placed in front of the guest on the right side with the right hand. Drinks are poured from the right side with the right hand, holding the bottle with the label towards the guest. When all the banquet participants have finished eating the dish served, all the waiters remove the plates and cutlery at the same time and begin serving the next dish.

Serving dessert and hot drinks is preceded by a thorough cleaning of the table

The duties of the waiters for serving the banquet.

The waiter must have professional training, be able to apply in practice the rules and techniques of customer service, draw up a menu for banquets, know:

· Rules of etiquette, table setting;

· Types and purpose of tableware, cutlery, table linen;

· Sequence of serving dishes, drinks, requirements for their design and temperature, correspondence of the assortment of wine and vodka products to the served dishes;

· Technology and specifics of serving foreign consumers (for those working in restaurants, bars, luxury and higher classes);

· Features of serving receptions, banquets and other special events;

· Characteristics of food and drinks, to be able to offer them to the consumer;

Within the spoken minimum foreign language and professional terminology;

Operating rules cash registers, the procedure for settlements with consumers;

· The basics of technology and apply them when serving consumers;

· Observe safety rules during service.

Cleaning, transfer and delivery of dishes.

In the process of serving, the waiter must quickly prepare the table for serving the next dish, collecting used dishes and utensils and replacing them with clean ones.

When cleaning plates with food leftovers, the waiter approaches the guest of honor, takes a plate with cutlery in his right hand and transfers it to his left hand, holding it with his thumb and forefinger. Then he approaches the next guest from the right side and sets the plate on the fingers of his left hand: middle, ring and little fingers. He places the cutlery from the first and second plates and the leftovers on the lower plate. When serving a group of guests, one waiter can thus collect up to ten plates.

The waiter takes the used plates to the utility table and immediately brings clean plates. When serving a group of guests with two waiters, one of them collects the used dishes and cutlery, and the other puts the clean ones on the table. To do this, a stack of plates in the required amount is placed on the side table in advance. A linen napkin folded in four is placed on the top plate of the foot, knives and forks on it, just like when setting tables.

Glassware is placed on a tray covered with napkins and carried away on the left hand.

The replacement of the tablecloth in the presence of the consumer is carried out without exposing the table top.


The most important part of the protocol of any country is the organization of diplomatic receptions, their ceremonies and etiquette. In international life, diplomatic techniques are one of the generally accepted and widespread forms of activity of diplomatic missions, legislative and executive bodies authorities, as well as other ministries and departments involved in foreign policy and foreign economic activity... Protocol events play a very noticeable role in international economic cooperation.

The organization and procedure for conducting business receptions is based on the rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol. Receptions serve to establish and develop business and personal contacts, and not only with business partners, officials, but also with the authorities of the host country, members of the diplomatic corps, representatives various institutions, corporations and firms.

Official receptions with the invitation to them of members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of the business world can be arranged by the head of state, head of government, heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign economic departments in accordance with the basic rules of the protocol in force in each state.

Receptions are a widespread and accepted in international communication form of organizing official and working meetings. They provide an opportunity to establish and consolidate business ties, obtain information, explain the policy of their country and important aspects economic cooperation. Along with this, diplomatic and business techniques, if properly organized, allow in a relaxed atmosphere to probe or discuss topics that, due to certain circumstances, are undesirable to touch on at the official level.

The types of diplomatic and business receptions are quite diverse, the basis for their preparation and conduct is the generally accepted rule of the protocol, based on the principles of international courtesy.

The choice of the type of this or that reception is also associated with the need to comply with a number of protocol formalities associated with its preparation and conduct (invitation and response to it, uniforms, order of arrival and departure, meeting and seeing off guests, drawing up a menu, table setting, toasts, the need to perform certain etiquette requirements, etc.).