A redone fairy tale goldfish. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" in a new way

Musical directorPatalakh Irina Anatolyevna

MBDOU Kindergarten№335 Samara

Leading. A lot for guests today

We came up with ideas.

We'll put the scenery,

We won't get tired of making you laugh.

Children want to show you

A fairy tale in a new way.

Moose. supervisor... An old man lived with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated Khrushchev

Exactly thirty years and three years.

The old man was catching fish with a net,

The old woman was in charge of the house.

So they would live in gray boredom,

If the old woman did not want to

Fishing achievement of humanity

Present to the old man on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Leading. How he threw a spinning rod into the sea

So I caught a fish right away.

Not a simple fish - gold.

How the goldfish will pray!

Fish. Let me go, old man, into the sea!

Dear I will give a ransom for myself:

I will pay off what you want!

Grandfather. God be with you, goldfish!

I don’t need your ransom;

Step yourself into the blue sea

Take a walk there for yourself in the open.

Fish. Here's your cell phone, old man,

Call if you need anything.

Leading ... The old man returned to the old woman,

I told her a great miracle:

Grandfather ... I caught a fish today

Goldfish, not simple;

The fish spoke our way

I asked for blue home in the sea,

I paid off at a high price:

I paid off with whatever I wanted.

I did not dare to take a ransom from her;

So he let her into the blue sea.

Woman. You fool, you fool!

Didn't know how to take the ransom from the fish!

If only you took something from her to have fun,

I was completely bored of boredom.


Small fish (picks up the phone).

What do you want, elder?

Grandfather. Have mercy, lady fish,

My old woman broke me

Doesn't give the old man peace of mind:

She needs entertainment, what -

She was completely bored with boredom.

Fish. Do not be sad, you will have entertainment (floats away).

Song "Orange". Words by G. Gorin and A. Arkanov, music by Pevzner

Woman... You fool, you fool!

Begged, you fool, a song,

Is there a lot of self-interest in the song?

Call, fool, fish,

Ask for a dance already.

Leading. He began to call the goldfish. (Call).


What do you want, elder?

Grandfather. Have mercy, lady fish!

The old woman scolds even more,

Doesn't give the old man peace of mind:

A grumpy woman asks for a dance.

Fish. Do not be sad, there will be a dance! (floats away)

Dance "Vanechka".

Woman ... You fool, straight fool!

I asked the dumbass to dance.

Call, fool, fish:

I don't want to have fun dancing

I want to drive round dances!

Leading ... He began to call the goldfish. (Call).

Fish. (floats to the phone, picks up the receiver). (music of the sea sounds)

What do you want, elder?

Grandfather ... Have mercy, lady fish!

The old woman is more foolish than ever,

Doesn't give the old man peace of mind:

She doesn't want to dance

He wants to lead round dances.

Small fish ... Do not be sad, there will be a round dance for you.

Round dance "Yasna-krasna". r.n.p.

Woman ... Call, you fool, the fish!

I don't want to go round dances

And I want to listen to the orchestra.

Grandfather... What are you, woman, overeat henbane?

Woman ... Call, they tell you with honor!

Leading. He began to call the goldfish. (Call).

Fish. (floats to the phone, picks up the receiver). (music of the sea sounds)

What do you want, elder?

Grandfather. Have mercy on the lady fish,

Again my old woman rebelled:

She doesn’t want to go round dances

The woman wants to listen to the orchestra.

Small fish ... Do not be sad, the old woman will have an orchestra. (floats away)

Children's orchestra "Polka".

Woman ... Call, you fool, the fish!

I don’t want an orchestra

I want a whole concert at once!

To have fun for me incessantly,

And so that I myself also perform

As a people's artist!

Leading. The old man did not dare to contradict, did not dare to say a word across.

He began to dial the fish's phone number.


Fish. (floats to the phone, picks up the receiver). (music of the sea sounds)

What do you want, elder?

Grandfather. Have mercy, lady fish,

What should I do with the damn woman?

She doesn't want an orchestra

Wants a whole concert at once

And so that she herself acted in it,

As a folk artist.

Leading. The fish said nothing.

I just splashed my tail on the water

And she went into the deep sea.

For a long time he waited for an answer from the fish,

Not wait. Returned home -

Look, there is fun at the house,

And the old woman both sings and dances.

"Song - Wonderful" by music by Slyusareva, lyrics by Karganova

Round dance "Get up in a circle" muses. Ivantsova, words by Ruzhina

"Children's ballroom dance"

Leading. We told you a story.

And now you all found out

About the whims of that old woman.

It was Pushkin who composed the fairy tale.

After all, you can't say better than Pushkin,

You can't deny obvious talent.

Weakly argue with him in the mind,

But all the same he had to admit,

Author: In the thirtieth kingdom, in some deserted corner of the planet lived a servile grandfather and a grotesque grandmother (all of himself). Their life was neither shaky nor shaky. Next to the swamp there was a collapsed house, and frogs were jumping in the house, and once 500 years ago, noble earls lived here ... but even in spite of the past years, the house would not be in such a deplorable state if the grandmother, who loved clothes, fashion and a luxurious life, did not miss idleness and did at least something to improve the monastery. One grandfather hunched over all night and day to please his beloved wife.

Let's move into the atmosphere of their being.

Grandma: Why are you sitting around? Would have gone better to sort out the trash in the attic.
(Grandfather, without saying a word, leaves with his head bowed)

Grandma (dreamily and spinning in front of the mirror): That would be a dacha on Rublevka, a fur coat, clothes from Dolce and Gabbana, Armani and Valentino, shoes and a clutch from Gucci, perfume from Dior and Chanel.
(Grandfather enters with a smile, shouts, runs up to grandma, hugs her, raises her in his arms)

Grandma: What are you yelling? You are interfering with dreaming!

Grandfather: I found a super treasure here. It contains the spirit of Jin. He promised me to fulfill three cherished wishes.

Grandma: Oh! (rejoices) rather give it here, I will become omnipotent right now.

Grandfather: But there is one snag, only I can make wishes, because I found this Gene.

Grandma: But my wishes, since I am the commander here.
(Grandfather with his head down gives the lamp with Gene)

Grandma (rejoicing): Oh, you are my joy, wonderful lamp, dear, how I was waiting for you.
(Grandma and grandfather sit on the bench)

Grandma: Tell Gin like this: "I want Stas Mikhailov to sing to me under the window on a bright, clear evening with a groovy dancer."

Grandma: This is wonderful, just class, I can’t hold back my admiration. (Hugs Stas Mikhailov) Well, old bastard, pass on the second wish (walks, thinks) Oh! I came up with it! You tell Gina this way: “This is my important decree, I want to rule the whole world, so that there is no one equal to me in everything, so that my husband is rich, smart, and not that my fool! So that she was a beauty, and did not have a reputation for being ugly. My clothes, fur coats are all with me, my husband and I are on top ”(Grandma stamping her foot)

Grandfather sat down on an old tree stump and decided to feel sad now, because nobody needs it, only God alone. Jin felt sad, he felt sorry for his grandfather ...

(Jin and grandfather talking)
Jin: What happened? Tell me, maybe I can help and dispel your misfortune ...

Grandfather: I was left alone, no one needs it, my dear grandma, the one who is loved, has already forgotten about me, because now she is rich, dressed up and her husband is not like me ...

Jin: I can help you, just close your eyes, don't peep ...

(Jin covers his grandfather with a veil, conjures, grandfather becomes an enviable young handsome)

Now go to your wife, show yourself in all its glory, let him look at you, crawl to you herself ...

(Grandfather leaves, Jin disappears, grandmother and grandfather talk)
Grandma: (jumps out of the arms of a rich handsome man, runs up to a rejuvenated grandfather) Who is that? Where do you come from?

Grandfather: I'm your husband, no doubt about it

Grandma: (on her knees) Return to me, I will improve, I promise ... and I will love you, we will build a house by the river, we will live richly

Grandfather: I will no longer tolerate all your tricks, the wealth of the mountain is not needed, I only needed you, but now I understood the truth and I caught the moral: life is beautiful without treasures, if you love and love, but you only value money, and you do not see beauty in good people and love.

Ekaterina Abramova

Theatrical performance

« Goldfish in a new way»

Made up: Musical director Ekaterina Abramova


Creation of favorable conditions for the fullest realization of the potential possibilities of personal development by means of art (artistic expression).


1. Providing variability and diversity organizational forms training and education and correctional - developmental technologies;

2. Continue to acquaint with fairy tales;

3. Develop artistic ability;

4. To develop in children imaginative thinking, imagination, creativity;

5. Build cooperation skills.

The Storyteller comes out to the music

STORYTELLER: An old man lived with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years.

The old man was catching fish with a net,

The old woman was spinning her yarn.

Once the old man went to the blue sea

And he threw his nets into it.

Once he threw a net into the sea, -

The net came with one mud. He threw the net another time, -

The net came with.

No, not even with fish, and with. the bug-eyed dragon!

(dragon appears)

As the goggle-eyed dragon pleads,

THE DRAGON (these words of the dragon are spoken by the man behind the screen):

Let go of me in the sea,

To my little dragons.

Dear I'll give for myself ransom:

Pay off whatever you want.

STORYTELLER: The old man was surprised, scared,

Wow, that's the way it is!

He fished for 30 years and 3 years

And I have not seen the sea dragon live,

Only fairy tales about him were circulated among the people.

OLD MAN: And what with you, dragon, should I do?

You won't fry you, you won't cook fish soup.

I don’t need your ransom,

Step into the blue sea

Take a walk there for yourself in the open.

STORYTELLER: The old man returned to the old woman

I told her a great miracle.

(At this moment Klepa goes behind the screen)

OLD MAN: Hey, listen to me, old woman!

I caught a sea dragon today

I asked for home in the blue sea,

He promised to do whatever I want.

OLD WOMAN: What about you?

OLD MAN: I did not take a ransom from him,

Let go just like that in the blue sea.

OLD WOMAN: You fool, you fool,

You could not ask for tribute from the dragon.

From him, I suppose it will not lose!

Come back to the sea

Demand me a new fur coat.

Not simple, but like foxes:

Golden, fluffy and floor-length!


(The sea, the old man throws the net.)

My old woman will be angry!

Oops! Gotcha! (pulls out the dragon)

THE DRAGON: What do you want, elder?

OLD MAN: Have mercy, miracle sea yudo.

My old woman broke me,

Doesn't give the old man peace of mind

She needs a new fur coat,

Not simple, but like foxes:

Golden, fluffy, to the floor!

THE DRAGON: Do not be sad, walk with God,

She will have a new fur coat.

OLD MAN: Oh, I'll go home as soon as possible,

Here is the house. Open up, old woman,

Yes, show me you will update.

Is the new fur coat good?

Golden, fluffy and floor-length?

(Lisa exits.)

FOX: Oh, you old stump with a beard!

What did you ask the dragon for?

I asked for a new fur coat

And she herself turned into a Fox!

OLD MAN: Ha-ah-ha, well, hilarious!

Oh, you've become ridiculous, old woman!

I got what I wanted

And now I'm also unhappy!

Now you wear a new fur coat,

She will definitely not be demolished!

FOX: Here's how I'll give you a frying pan,

You will know how to laugh at me!

Come back quickly to the dragon

Yes, demand that I return my appearance.

Yes, ask me to make you beautiful

Better than the old and young!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go, since you need it.

(The sea, the old man throws the net.)

Eh, if I don't catch the dragon again,

My old woman will be angry!

Oops! Gotcha!

THE DRAGON (annoyed): What do you want, elder?

You have torn away from an important matter -

I chased mermaids across the sea.

OLD MAN: Have mercy, miracle sea yudo.

The old woman is more foolish than ever,

Doesn't give the old man peace of mind

Demands to return her human form,

Yes, he asks to make her young!

THE DRAGON (annoyed): Do not be sad, walk with God, she will have everything she wants.

OLD MAN: Oh, I'll go home as soon as possible,

Only now my heart is restless ...

Well show up soon

How beautiful you have become

How young you are there!

(A girl comes out of the house.)

GIRL: Oh, you become! Looked, endowed a hundred!

Why did you have a drink at the lacon?

I have not grown very young

And she became a little girl!

Now I only need to play with dolls.

Return to the deacon

And float him with something half-tsse.

I want to become a wolf, yes such,

Stob I knew how to conjure myself.

And then I don't need a dragon,

I myself will conjure something!

OLD MAN: Are you in your mind today, old woman!

Oh, that is, girl!

Where have you seen that people

How magicians conjured!

GIRL: Kill yourself! And then I'm climbing-a-a-a-a-!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go, since you need it.

(The sea, the old man throws the net.)

Eh, if I don't catch the dragon again,

My old woman will be angry!

Oops! Gotcha!

THE DRAGON (angry): What would you, the old man, were empty!

I just wanted to dine

You're dragging me out of the water again!

What does the old woman dislike now?

OLD MAN: Excuse me, miracle Yudo,

But the old woman now wanted

To become a sorceress, yes,

So that she knew how to conjure.

THE DRAGON: May she get everything she wants,

Just leave me alone!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go to my beloved old woman.

What is so restless in the heart?

It's not good to ask the dragon for everything.

Open it quickly, old woman,

Show me, you know how to conjure!

(Baba Yaga comes out of the house.)

BABA YAGA (choking with indignation): Oh you. here I am you right now.

Yes, right now, how ...

What have you done, such a sinister!

What did you ask the dragon for?

Now, look, grandma Yozhka!

And my leg is bone!

And I'm green like mold

And in my mouth I have only two teeth!

Return to the sea dragon

Tell him what I want.

I wish. fly like a bird!

Yes, see overseas countries!

OLD MAN: Well, how can you not laugh here?

But I won't argue with the old woman.

Oh, I'll go again to the blue sea.

I will throw nets again

Summon the sea dragon again. (throws a net)

So I threw the nets once, and twice.

Where is the dragon? Not to be seen at all.

Oops, got caught!

THE DRAGON (in quiet rage): What do you want again, old man!

Only I lay down to sleep on the stones,

So you again drag me out of the water!

OLD MAN: What am I to do with a nasty old woman!

She again does not like magic.

He wants to fly like a bird today!

THE DRAGON (gloatingly): Like a bird? We'll arrange it.

OLD MAN: Oh, thanks. I'll go to the old woman.

Oh, I'm tired. My legs hurt.

Apparently it's the case, 10 times per day

Run to the bluest sea

Yes, pull out the miracle of the sea!

Knock knock ... The old woman does not answer.

Hey, where are you, dear old woman?

(A crow flies out of the house.)

CROW: Kar-kar-kar, and what have you done?

I'm not an old woman now, but a bird!

You can't do anything,

You can't talk to a dragon.

We go together to the dragon,

I'll ask him myself,

Anything that will please me now.

(A musical splash in 15 seconds. At that moment Klepa came out from behind the screen.)

STORYTELLER: Here they went to the blue sea.

Just how many dragon were not called,

How many network did the older man throw,

And the dragon was gone.

Apparently, he hid under a snag,

He doesn't want to get out of there.

(pause, piece of music in 15 seconds)

An old man lives with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They live in a dilapidated house.

The old man catches fish with a net,

And the old woman. the crow flies!

End of the puppet show.

Old man Oh, guys, help me, what should I do, how should I be, what should I do to turn the old woman back.

Klepa Guys, I think I figured out how to help my grandfather. Let's try to throw the net into the sea, can we get the dragon out?

Once they threw a net into the sea, -

The net came with one mud.

Another time they cast a seine,

A seine came with sea grass.

The third time they cast the net, -

The net came with one fish,

With a difficult fish, - gold.

Small fish

“Let me go to sea,

Dear I'll give for myself ransom:

I will pay off with whatever you want. "

Presenter Help us fish, tell me how to help us grandfather, return his old woman.

Small fish

You need to fulfill my three wishes, then the old woman will return to her grandfather

1 In my sea kingdom there are many marine life and they all dance for me and they have no equal. Do you know how to dance, so that I like it? Show me the sea figure together with my friends, so that it looks like it.

Dance is a game: The sea worries once the dance

Leading well, fish, did we get it?

Small fish Yes, you fulfilled my desire, pleased me.

Here is my next wish. In my kingdom, songs are sung by my subjects, and they sing so well that no one can sing them better. Will you sing in a way that suits you best? Yes, not just a song, but my favorite.

Leading: Guys, what kind of goldfish Favorite song, what do you think?

Song about goldfish

Small fish:

Well, you surprised me, please. Listen to the third wish:

In my kingdom performances suit, performances are shown and there are no better actors than my subjects. If you show me a play, please, please, I will help you, I will perform that. what you asked.

Musical Wolf and 7 kids

Small fish: Well, you made me happy, you fulfilled all my wishes, well, I keep my word. Turn the crow into an old woman again. Well, I have to go ...

The grandfather comes out with the old woman:

Old man: Thank you gold fish

Grandma: Thank you guys, but I don't need anything more, there would be happiness in the house, but my old man is next to me.

It's time for us, goodbye!

A version of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" in a new way.

Author: In the thirtieth kingdom, in some deserted corner of the planet lived a servile grandfather and a grotesque grandmother (all of himself). Their life was neither shaky nor shaky. Next to the swamp there was a collapsed house, and frogs were jumping in the house, and once 500 years ago, noble earls lived here ... but even in spite of the past years, the house would not be in such a deplorable state if the grandmother, who loved clothes, fashion and a luxurious life, did not miss idleness and did at least something to improve the monastery. One grandfather hunched over all night and day to please his beloved wife.

Let's move into the atmosphere of their being.

Grandma: Why are you sitting around? Would have gone better to sort out the trash in the attic.
(Grandfather, without saying a word, leaves with his head bowed)

Grandma (dreamily and spinning in front of the mirror): That would be a dacha on Rublevka, a fur coat, clothes from Dolce and Gabbana, Armani and Valentino, shoes and a clutch from Gucci, perfume from Dior and Chanel.
(Grandfather enters with a smile, shouts, runs up to grandma, hugs her, raises her in his arms)

Grandma: What are you yelling? You are interfering with dreaming!

Grandfather: I found a super treasure here. It contains the spirit of Jin. He promised me to fulfill three cherished wishes.

Grandma: Oh! (rejoices) rather give it here, I will become omnipotent right now.

Grandfather: But there is one snag, only I can make wishes, because I found this Gene.

Grandma: But my wishes, since I am the commander here.
(Grandfather with his head down gives the lamp with Gene)

Grandma (rejoicing): Oh, you are my joy, wonderful lamp, dear, how I was waiting for you.
(Grandma and grandfather sit on the bench)

Grandma: Tell Gin like this: "I want Stas Mikhailov to sing to me under the window on a bright, clear evening with a groovy dancer."

Grandma: This is wonderful, just class, I can’t hold back my admiration. (Hugs Stas Mikhailov) Well, old bastard, pass on the second wish (walks, thinks) Oh! I came up with it! You tell Gina this way: “This is my important decree, I want to rule the whole world, so that there is no one equal to me in everything, so that my husband is rich, smart, and not that my fool! So that she was a beauty, and did not have a reputation for being ugly. My clothes, fur coats are all with me, my husband and I are on top ”(Grandma stamping her foot)

Grandfather sat down on an old tree stump and decided to feel sad now, because nobody needs it, only God alone. Jin felt sad, he felt sorry for his grandfather ...

(Jin and grandfather talking)
Jin: What happened? Tell me, maybe I can help and dispel your misfortune ...

Grandfather: I was left alone, no one needs it, my dear grandma, the one who is loved, has already forgotten about me, because now she is rich, dressed up and her husband is not like me ...

Jin: I can help you, just close your eyes, don't peep ...

(Jin covers his grandfather with a veil, conjures, grandfather becomes an enviable young handsome)

Now go to your wife, show yourself in all its glory, let him look at you, crawl to you herself ...

(Grandfather leaves, Jin disappears, grandmother and grandfather talk)
Grandma: (jumps out of the arms of a rich handsome man, runs up to a rejuvenated grandfather) Who is that? Where do you come from?

Grandfather: I'm your husband, no doubt about it

Grandma: (on her knees) Return to me, I will improve, I promise ... and I will love you, we will build a house by the river, we will live richly

Grandfather: I will no longer tolerate all your tricks, the wealth of the mountain is not needed, I only needed you, but now I understood the truth and I caught the moral: life is beautiful without treasures, if you love and love, but you only value money, and you do not see beauty in good people and love.

Do you like the script "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" in a new way? We also read fairy tales in a new way, fairy tales in verse.

Who of us from childhood is not familiar with the "Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"? Someone read it in childhood, someone first met her when they saw a cartoon on the TV screen. The plot of the work is undoubtedly familiar to everyone. But not many people know how and when this tale was written. It is about the creation, origins and characters of this work that we will talk about in our article. And also we will consider modern alterations of the fairy tale.

Who wrote the tale about the goldfish and when?

The tale was written by the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the village of Boldino on October 14, 1833. This period in the writer's work is usually called the second Boldinskaya autumn. The work was first published in 1835 on the pages of the magazine "Library for Reading". At the same time, Pushkin created another famous work - "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes."

History of creation

Even in his early acting A.S. Pushkin began to take an interest in folk art. The fairy tales he heard in the cradle from his beloved nanny remained in his memory for the rest of his life. In addition, later, in the 20s of the 19th century, the poet studied folklore in the village of Mikhailovskoye. It was then that ideas for future fairy tales began to appear in him.

However, Pushkin turned directly to folk subjects only in the 30s. He began to try himself in creating fairy tales. One of them was the fairy tale about the goldfish. In this work, the poet tried to show the nationality of Russian literature.

For whom did A. Pushkin write fairy tales?

Pushkin wrote fairy tales at the height of his creativity. And initially they were not intended for children, although they immediately entered the circle of their reading. The tale of the goldfish is not just fun for children with a moral at the end. This is primarily an example of creativity, traditions and beliefs of the Russian people.

Nevertheless, the plot of the tale itself is not an accurate retelling of folk works. In fact, little of Russian folklore is reflected in it. Many researchers argue that most of the poet's tales, including the tale about the goldfish (the text of the work confirms this), was borrowed from German tales collected by the brothers Grimm.

Pushkin chose the plot he liked, remade it at his own discretion and clothed it in a poetic form, not caring how authentic the stories would be. However, the poet managed to convey, if not the plot, then the spirit and character of the Russian people.

Images of the main characters

The tale of the goldfish is not rich in characters - there are only three of them, however, this is enough for a fascinating and instructive plot.

The images of the old man and the old woman are diametrically opposed, and their views on life are completely different. They are both poor, but reflect different sides of poverty. So, the old man is always disinterested and ready to help in trouble, because he himself has been in the same situation more than once and knows what grief is. He is kind and calm, even when he is lucky, he does not take advantage of the fish's offer, but simply lets her go free.

The old woman despite the same social status, arrogant, cruel and greedy. She pushes the old man around, harasses him, constantly scolds and is always unhappy with everything. For this she will be punished at the end of the tale, left with a broken trough.

However, the old man does not receive any reward, because he is unable to resist the will of the old woman. For his obedience, he did not deserve better life... Here Pushkin describes one of the main features of the Russian people - longsuffering. It is precisely this that does not allow you to live better and more calmly.

The image of the fish is incredibly poetic and imbued with folk wisdom. She acts as a higher power, which for the time being is ready to fulfill desires. However, her patience is not unlimited.

The tale about the old man and the goldfish begins with a description of the blue sea, near the shore of which an old man and an old woman have been living in a dugout for 33 years. They live very poorly and the only thing that feeds them is the sea.

One day the old man goes fishing. He casts the net twice, but both times he brings only sea mud. For the third time, the old man is lucky - a goldfish gets caught in his net. She speaks in a human voice and asks to let her go, promising to grant her wish. The old man did not ask the fish for anything, but simply let her go.

Returning home, he told his wife everything. The old woman began to scold him and told him to go back, ask the fish for a new trough. The old man went, bowed to the fish, and the old woman received what she asked.

But this was not enough for her. She demanded new house... The fish fulfilled this desire too. Then the old woman wanted to become a pillar noblewoman. The old man went to the fish again, and again she fulfilled the wish. The fisherman himself was sent by his evil wife to work in the stable.

But this was not enough. The old woman ordered her husband to go to the sea again and ask him to make her queen. This desire was also fulfilled. But this did not satisfy the old woman's greed. Again she summoned the old man to her and told him to ask the fish to make her the queen of the sea, and she herself served her on parcels.

The fisherman conveyed the words of his wife. But the fish did not answer, only splashed its tail and swam into the depths of the sea. For a long time he stood by the sea, waiting for an answer. But the fish no longer appeared, and the old man returned home. And there an old woman with a broken trough was waiting for him, sitting by an old dugout.

Plot source

As noted above, the tale of the fisherman and the goldfish has its roots not only in Russian, but also in foreign folklore. So, the plot of this work is often compared with the fairy tale "The Greedy Old Woman", which was included in the collection of the Brothers Grimm. However, this similarity is very distant. German authors focused all the attention in the tale on the moral conclusion - greed does not lead to good, you need to be able to be content with what you have.

The actions in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm also unfold on the seashore, however, instead of a goldfish, the flounder acts as the executor of desires, which later turns out to be also an enchanted prince. Pushkin replaced this image with a goldfish, symbolizing prosperity and good luck in Russian culture.

The tale of the goldfish in a new way

Today you can find many alterations of this tale in a new way. They are characterized by a change in time. That is, from antiquity, the main characters are transferred to the modern world, where there is also a lot of poverty and injustice. The moment of catching a goldfish remains unchanged, as does the magic heroine herself. But the old woman's desire is changing. Now she needs an Indesit car, new boots, a villa, a Ford. She wishes to be blonde with long legs.

In some alterations, the end of the story also changes. A fairy tale may end with a happy family life of an old man and an old woman who are 40 years younger. However, this end is more the exception than the rule. Usually the ending is either close to the original, or tells about the death of an old man or old woman.


Thus, the tale of the goldfish still lives on and remains relevant. This is confirmed by many of its alterations. Sounding in a new way gives her new life, however, the problematics laid down by Pushkin, even in alterations, remains unchanged.

All about the same heroes are told by these new options, all the same greedy old woman, and a submissive old man, and a fish fulfilling wishes, which speaks of the incredible skill and talent of Pushkin, who managed to write a work that remains relevant after almost two centuries.


By the shore of the cold blue sea

Perhaps the courtyard is already said loudly,

The reason is clear: an old man with an old woman,

In addition to the children, they have acquired,

Yes, so they would have lived, whiling away their life,

The old man went once, as usual,

He sees in the nets - an unusual fish.

Listen, fisherman, through the fault of providence,

At the bottom of the ocean, in the bottomless depths,

You are promised - you will not go wrong.

After thinking for a minute, the old man replies:
- Of course, your award is impressive.

Such a reward will warm anyone

Palaces, hippodromes, estates, gypsies
- Reasons for waste - that the waters in the ocean.

And with a woman's fantasy - a mess,

You look, you'll get drunk on the last ruble,
But can you still get it on again?

... The fish already skipped something in the larynx:
- I flew into the net drunk a lot,

Well, a hut, well, a title, well, a yacht in Venice, -

O people, about morals! Where is the world heading?
The old man has gone crazy to be a cuttlefish!

- Give me back the strength that the flesh raises.
And you will be stubborn, even though the queen
- We'll have to treat you to dinner.

- Let it be, in your opinion, - said the captive.

Oh god, and if suddenly THIS straightens out,
When will such an opportunity appear?

What a fishing, flies eat it !!!

Seeing her husband, the old woman fell
“She hasn’t seen anything like this since the wedding.

Grandfather built a new hut a week
- Such mansions that the king is not worthy.

And the woman from now on will match him too
- Face and soul forty years younger.

Neither the enchantment of prosperity, nor the maximum power,
Can't replace the energy of passion
May you have this powerful force,
And so that she will inspire you forever.

An old tale in a new way "Goldfish"

Quote post by Maruskevi4 Read it in its entirety into your quote book or community!
A new tale of a goldfish.

Leave family squabbles for a while.
I will tell you a fairy tale about the golden fish.
I foresee your smiles in advance-
Well, who hasn't read the fairy tale about the fish?
With all due respect to the talent of the Poet
I’ll read this fairy tale to you in a different way.

By the cold blue sea
Once upon a time there was a courtyard.
Perhaps the courtyard has already been said loudly
A slanting hut, there are straws on the roof.

The fence fell, the gate fell,
A lame cart in a shabby barn.
Glass is about to fall from the window,
Of all the beast - a dog and a cat.

The reason is clear: the old man with the old woman
It is not easy to cope with the ruin of life.
Since they did not live in Sochi,
They did not rent rooms to the spa guests.

The grandchildren have long forgotten the old people,
And the old man did not print fake money.
The family gold was not kept in the pots.
The old man and the old woman did not live richly.

In addition to children, they have acquired
Two pairs of bast shoes, and a thin trough.
And their life was hard and wretched.
It’s just happiness that the sea is close by.

The old man is not lazy, and the net has survived,
And fish at that time was caught in abundance.
Yes, you would have lived, while whiling away your life
No other life, no wealth knowing

Neither shaky, nor shaky, nor sweet, nor bad,
If the sky had not been shown to them a miracle.
The old man went once, as usual
To the cold sea for fish prey

He threw the net into the whitish waves,
I sat down on the shore, waiting for the catch.
Forgotten, stared at the pockmarked sky,
Yes, and fell asleep under the hiss of the surf.

The old man woke up from the buzz and howl -
Wave after wave rushes to the shore.
The windbreaks take off, that the horses are dashing.
Apparently, the element has dispersed in earnest.

The wind is played with water and foam.
Nets are stretched like brass strings.
She bends the oak stakes with a torch.
The whole catch is about to rush into the abyss.

The old man grabbed onto the net,
He drags a heavy burden from the sea.
A rich catch in the net nailed him.
And suddenly from the radiance in his eyes dazzled.

The old man peered, and his legs began to shake:
There is an unusual fish among the gray roach.
Its scales are like a thousand sparkles
And the crown sparkles with a thimble.

And the old man understood, hiccupping with excitement,
That the Queen of the Sea got into the net.
While the old man was recovering from excitement,
From the net, a girl's voice rang out:

Listen fisherman, through the fault of providence
Today I became your prisoner.
And, as befits a royal dignity,
I will not stand for any price.

Ask for a reward worthy of the Queen,
Ask for rubies, diamonds and gold.
At the bottom of the ocean, in the depths of bottomless
There are tons of such trinkets scattered about.

I promise you - you will not go wrong.
I see that you are not taking honey with a spoon.
Look, the jacket is thin, but the bast shoes were worn out.
The patches on the ass fell off long ago.

And in the mesh of your hole you do not patch.
Two more zakida - and what a hell you'll catch.
After thinking for a minute, the old man replies:
- Of course, your award is impressive.

Who doesn't need amber and diamonds?
You can buy a lot with them at once.
Such a reward will warm anyone.
With such wealth, the king will go crazy.

Here is just one drawback of gold -
You quickly get used to the rich life.
As soon as you plunge, it's already sucked in.
Today's luxury by tomorrow is not enough.

Palaces, hippodromes, estates, gypsies -
The reason for waste is that the waters are in the ocean.
Blown out, robbed, the guests came -
And money flowed in sand between my fingers.

And with a woman's imagination - a splash of trouble
Your chests are not a bottomless barrel.
You look, you'll get drunk on the last ruble.
You will not be enough for the second time.

Let all the wealth remain at the bottom.
Perhaps someone else will have to be reckoned with.
I don’t need money or gold for free.
Another reward will warm my soul.

I ask you to return the Queen of the sea,
In exchange for freedom, I have male strength.
... The fish already skipped something in the larynx:
-I flew into the net drunk a lot,

But to be honest - how many times have not been caught,
This has never been asked before.
Well, a hut, well, a title, well, a yacht in Venice, -
But to change goodness for potency ?!

O people, about morals! Where does the world go?
The old man has gone crazy to be a cuttlefish.
After all, if everyone thinks about old women,
Who should I sell my trinkets to?

The old man is stubborn, pushing on his own:
Give me back the strength that the flesh raises.
And you will be stubborn, even though the queen -
We'll have to treat you to dinner.

Seeing that the gold does not glow,
-Yes it will be your way, - said the captive.
I hit the waves with my whole body,
And doused the old man from crown to toe.

And he suddenly feels a change in himself.
Can't believe it - there is movement in his pants.
Suddenly, all the signs of a man became visible.
And this is for no apparent reason.

Oh my god, how will all this be straightened out,
As soon as such a reason presents itself?
The old man throws the net in impatience,
It releases all the fish back into the ocean.

What kind of fishing do the flies eat?
And with a brisk gait rushes to the old woman.
Seeing her husband, the old woman fell -
She hadn’t seen anything like this since her wedding.

To whom is the lying woman not a joy?
She didn't make it to bed that time.
And the strength of the grandfather grows from time to time.
He brings his woman to ecstasy.

Only the sun over the mountain - their bed is like a violin.
Truly, the fish worked gloriously.
Forgotten adversity, ailments, sorrows.
Spouses make love at night.

And in the morning their cheerfulness knows no bounds.
The barn is filled with wheat crop.
Grandfather built a new hut a week -
Such mansions that the king is not worthy.

And the woman from now on to match him too -
Face and soul forty years younger.
Like a girl, she has time around the house.
Sweeps, sews, cooks, washes.

The old man now walks in a satin caftan,
Dumplings with a fork roll in sour cream.
Wash down the goose with horseradish wine,
And he remembers the golden fish good.