Communication as a tool of business relations. Communication as a Tool of Ethics and Psychology of Business Relations Business Communication as a Tool of Business Ethics

4.1 Communication as a socio-psychological problem

The problem of communication is traditionally in the center of attention of domestic social psychologists due to its importance in all spheres of human life and social groups. A person without communication cannot live among people, develop and create. This determines the relevance of the study of communication processes. In addition, the current socio-economic situation in Russia increases attention to communication issues and determines A New Look on it as a factor in the stabilization of entrepreneurship, since it is communication that accompanies the majority of services for the sale of any product.

The concept of communication , like any other concept social psychology, was developed by many researchers and has a variety of interpretations. Communication also attracted the attention of sociologists, educators and philosophers. In our opinion, this concept was presented most voluminously by L.P. Bueva, who interprets communication as a process of interconnection and interaction of social subjects (individuals, groups), characterized by the exchange of activities, information, experience, abilities, skills, as well as the results of activities; as one of the necessary and all general conditions formation and development of society and personality. In domestic psychology, the idea of ​​the unity of communication and activity is developing. There is a steady trend in the connection between the concept of "communication" and the category of "activity". It should be noted that the tradition of considering the concept of "communication" as a derivative of the category of "activity" is typical for both Moscow psychological school(A.N. Leontiev and his followers), and for Leningrad (B.G. Ananiev, who believes that a person is a subject of three main types of activity: labor, knowledge, communication).

However, the nature of this relationship is understood differently. Sometimes activity and communication are considered not as parallel interrelated processes, but as two sides of a person's social being, his way of life. In other cases communication is understood as a certain aspect of activity: it is included in any activity, is its element, while the activity itself can be considered as a condition of communication. Finally, communication can be interpreted as a special kind of activity.

B.D. Parygin gives the following definition: Communication is a multifaceted process of interaction and mutual influence of people on each other. It can be considered not only as an act of conscious speech exchange of information, but also as a direct emotional contact between people.

A.N. Bolshakov: communication is a form of activity carried out between people and includes the exchange of information, interaction, mutual perception and mutual influence.

In a narrower psychological sense communication is understood as the process and result of establishing contacts between people or the interaction of subjects through various sign systems.

An important socio-psychological problem is the problem of satisfaction with communication. The most significant are the incentives received from other people. Along with the need for stimulation in communication, the need for events must be satisfied. Social interest is needed, a certain dynamics of life that brings new impressions.

The most important needs that must be realized in the process of communication are the needs for achievement and recognition. Both of these needs are related to a person's self-esteem, respect and self-respect and belong to the so-called higher needs.

Solving these problems requires time and knowledge of some socio-psychological phenomena of communication as a process of people knowing each other (social perception), interaction (interaction) and information exchange (communication). Understanding the essence of these phenomena will help a specialist (economist, jurist, technologist, teacher, master industrial training) establish contacts with their colleagues, students and their parents and overcome numerous subjective and objective difficulties.

Features of communication in the modern world are associated with the values ​​that social control brings to the life of each person, and with a change in lifestyle and its relative standardization in connection with the development of mass culture.

As for direct interaction, it should be noted that the number of forced contacts between people has increased. This is especially noticeable in big cities, where the very way of life determines the inevitability of contacts of complete strangers with each other. Travel to work in public transport, shopping for goods in the store, watching performances - all these are ways of spending time that are associated with numerous contacts. The peculiarity of such contacts is that, firstly, they are numerous; secondly, they are superficial. Neither is a criterion for quality communication.

In the last few decades, various learning communication technologies have become very popular. People are increasingly realizing that many of their problems stem from their inability to communicate. The development of civilization, which determines the constant improvement of means of communication and diverse channels of information, leads to a contradiction between the form, means of communication and its content, depth. On the one hand, a person can easily establish contact even with those subjects that are far from him; on the other hand, the improvement of means of communication does not ensure the quality and depth of communication. There is such a phenomenon as loneliness in the crowd - loneliness among people, especially in large cities.

Many mass media create the illusion of communication. Working at a computer or watching evening TV programs helps develop a sense of interaction with others. So, for example, sociologists have determined that a modern average urban person spends about 5 hours a day watching TV (!). This is a very dangerous trend, since the subject who is looking at something interesting for him information program, the illusion of the presence of another person and communication with him is created. But in reality there is no communication. Ego quasi-communication, i.e. imaginary communication, imaginary, apparent. The prefix quasi (from lat. - quasi) is used before a word to express the doubtfulness, imaginary nature of the designated phenomenon. If an individual systematically watches any program, he has the illusion of knowing the presenters, the feeling that he knows them well, although in fact he only has some stable idea of ​​the television image (image) of the presenters. An increase in the proportion of quasi-communication in the interaction of a person with the world around him is also one of the features of modern communication.

It is quite clear that superficial, shallow, forced contacts between people with their diversity, an increase in the share of quasi-communication, as well as the predominance of dominant mass and mediated communication reduces its quality everywhere. What determines the quality of communication? First, the level at which the interaction takes place; secondly, the number of needs that a person satisfies in the process of communicating with other people; thirdly, the possibilities of self-development of the individual, including his ability to communicate.

Communication is any interaction of a person with other people. The specificity of communication is the fact that both sides of the interaction are represented by equal active subjects and individuals. In objective activity, there is a rigid and unambiguous differentiation of subject and object. In communication, this cannot be done, since each of the partners is both a subject and an object. Based on this postulate, one cannot call human interaction with animals, computers and other objects communication.

Communication is the interaction of two or more people, which consists in the exchange between them of information of a cognitive or affective-evaluative nature. Usually communication is included in the practical interaction of people, providing planning, implementation and control of their activities. The structure of communication as a complex phenomenon contains three elements (Fig. 1).


communication interaction perception

Rice. 1. Structure of communication

The communicative side of communication consists in the exchange of information between communicating individuals. In the communicative process, information is not only transmitted, but also formed, specified, and developed. In the communicative process, there is not a simple movement of information, but an exchange of it. The essence of the communication process- joint comprehension of information by people, and not just informing through a sign system. In communicative communication, barriers can arise that are associated with the presence of social, political, religious, professional and other differences among people, which not only give rise to different interpretations of the same concepts, but also generally different worldviews, worldviews, worldviews.

The transmission of any information is possible if there are sign systems with which it is communicated. Several sign systems are used in the communication process:

    human speech (verbal communication) is a natural sound language, that is, a system of phonetic signs. Speech is used to encode and decode information. Encoding is carried out by the communicator (reporting information), and decoding is carried out by the recipient (receiving information);

    optical-kinetic system, includes gestures, facial expressions, pantomimics;

    organization of space and time of the communication process;

    eye contact.

Interactive side communication consists in organizing interaction between communicating individuals, that is, between them there is an exchange not only of knowledge and ideas, but also of actions, real acts.

In the course of interaction, it is important for participants not only to exchange information, but also to organize an exchange of actions, to plan common activities.

perceptual system communication means the process of perception and knowledge of each other by partners in communication and the establishment on this basis of mutual understanding between them. Mutual understanding itself can be interpreted in different ways: either as an understanding of the goals, motives, attitudes of a partner in interaction, or as not only understanding, but also acceptance. In both cases, the fact of how the communication partner is perceived is of great importance.

Since a person enters into communication as a person, he is perceived by the communication partner as a person. On the basis of the external side of the behavior of the hole, as it were, we decipher the person. In this case, impressions arise that play a very important role in the process of communication.

The idea of ​​another person is closely related to the level of a person's own self-consciousness. This relationship is two-way: the richer a person's idea of ​​himself, the richer the world of his perception of the people around him. At the same time, knowing another person, a person enriches his own self-consciousness.

People not only perceive each other, but also form an attitude towards the perceived partner in communication. Area of ​​research related to the identification of the mechanisms of various emotional relationships to the perceived person, has been called "attraction research". Attraction is both the process of forming the attractiveness of a person for the perceiver and the product of this process. attraction can be seen as special kind social attitude towards another person, in which the emotional component predominates.

In order to understand how a person is included in the processes of communication, what he contributes to them, it is necessary to trace how the processes of communication are specifically revealed in different groups, that is, in conditions of activities of different content. Communication is a multilateral and important process for each member of society.

The means of communication include:

    Language is a system of words, expressions, rules for their combination in meaningful statements used for communication.

    Intonation, emotional expressiveness, which is able to give different meanings to the same phrase.

    Facial expressions, posture, gaze of the interlocutor; they can reinforce, supplement or refute the meaning of the phrase.

  • - generally accepted
  • - expressive (for greater expressiveness).
  • 5. The distance at which the interlocutors communicate.

Communication has such properties, many of which make it related to objective activity. These include: activity, purposefulness, creatively transformative nature, dialogism, duality of form, ability to develop, ability to generate subjective and personal formations, sociality, awareness.

A necessary condition for communication is exercise and training.

Communication is an unusually complex multifaceted process of interpersonal interaction. Therefore, there are many classifications of it. Distinguish communication:

    flow form:

  • - external,
  • - internal;
  • 2) according to the method of contact of partners:
    • - immediate (nearby)
    • - indirect (partners separated in space and time);
  • 3) according to the level of regulation of communication:
    • - formal (role-playing),
    • - informal.

External communication exists in the form of an observable interaction of real subjects (a conversation between two people, an exchange of handshakes, etc.).

External communication can be verbal (speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal means)

Non-verbal means of communication:

    kinetic (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime);

    extralinguistic (pauses, coughing, pace, etc.);

    proxemic (spatial arrangement of partners);

    visual (eye expression);

    practical actions and their products;

    physical touching and stroking;

    clothes and other attributes of appearance design.

Non-verbal communication has an earlier origin. It occurs in a child in the first year of life. It is less controlled by a person and therefore carries more reliable information.

Internal communication originates from external and is identical in essence to it, but differs in many specific features.

Internal communication is the interaction of the subject with another person, performed in the internal subjective plane, i.e. mentally, figuratively or emotionally.

Formal communication is regulated by some rules, instructions, official duties, norms, traditions, etc.

Informal communication has no regulatory restrictions.

Communication can also be classified on other grounds:

    depending on the number of participants;

    from the status positions of partners;

    goals, motives;

    correlation of partners' interests, etc.

Human interaction takes place in diverse groups. A group is a collection of elements that have something in common.

There are several types of groups:

    conditional (real);

    permanent (temporary);

    large (small - up to 15 - 3 people).

With a large number of people, the group is divided into subgroups.

The hallmarks of a small group are the spatial and temporal co-presence of people.

The group has the following psychological characteristics: group interests, group needs, group opinions, group values, group norms, group goals. By psychological characteristics distinguish: membership groups; reference groups (reference).

Unorganized (nominal groups, conglomerates) or randomly organized groups (movie viewers, sightseers) are characterized by voluntary temporary association based on similar interests or common space.

We will be interested in business communication, i.e. communication that has a goal outside itself and serves as a way of organizing and optimizing one or another type of objective activity: industrial, scientific, commercial, etc. In business communication, the subject of communication is business. Features of business communication are that the partner in communication always acts as a person significant for the subject; communicating people are distinguished by good mutual understanding in matters of business; The main task of business communication is productive cooperation.

The pragmatic J. Rockefeller, well understanding the importance of communication for business, said: “The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought for money, like sugar or coffee. And I am ready to pay more for this skill than for any other product in this world!”

The ability to deal with people appropriately is one of the most important, if not the most important, factors in determining the chances of success in business, work or entrepreneurial activity. Dale Carnegie noticed back in the 30s of the 20th century that the success of a person in his financial affairs, even in technical field or engineering, fifteen percent depend on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with people. In this context, the attempts of many researchers to formulate and substantiate the basic principles of the ethics of business communication, or, as they are often called in the West, the commandments of personal public relation ("business etiquette") are easily explained.

Jen Yager in Business Etiquette. How to Survive and Succeed in the Business World outlines six core principles:

    Punctuality (do everything on time).

    Confidentiality (don't talk too much).

    Kindness, kindness and friendliness.

    Attention to others (think of others, not just yourself).

    Appearance (dress appropriately).

    Literacy (speak and write well).

Both in the process of direct and indirect communication, various methods influence or impact on people. Among the most common of them stand out: persuasion, suggestion and coercion.

Belief- influence through evidence, logical ordering of their knowledge, ethical justification of their actions. Persuasion is a non-violent, and therefore morally preferred, method of influencing communication partners.

Suggestion, as a rule, does not require evidence and logical analysis of facts and phenomena to influence people. An important role in suggestion is played by the power of example, which causes conscious copying of behavior, as well as unconscious imitation.

Compulsion- the most violent method of influencing people.

The choice of method of influence is influenced by various factors, including the nature, content and situation of communication (normal, extreme), social or official position(authority) and personal qualities subjects of communication.

Professional communication is the verbal interaction of a specialist with other specialists and clients of the organization in the course of implementation professional activity. The culture of professional activity largely determines its effectiveness, as well as the reputation of the organization as a whole and the individual specialist. Professional culture provides for the possession of special skills and abilities of professional activity, a culture of behavior, emotional culture, a general culture of speech and a culture of professional communication.

Special skills are acquired in the process of professional training. The culture of behavior is formed by the individual in accordance with the ethical norms of society. Emotional culture includes the ability to regulate one's mental state, understand the emotional state of the interlocutor, manage one's emotions, relieve anxiety, overcome indecision, and establish emotional contact.

To be successful in professional activities, a modern specialist needs to be fluent in the skills of speech culture, to have linguistic, communicative and behavioral competence in professional communication.

This requires the following qualities:

  • - knowledge of the rules literary language and stable skills of their application in speech;
  • - the ability to monitor the accuracy, consistency and expressiveness of speech;
  • - possession of professional terminology;
  • - possession of the style of professional speech;
  • - the ability to determine the goal and understand the situation of communication;
  • - the ability to take into account the social and individual personality traits of the interlocutor;
  • - skills of predicting the development of dialogue;
  • - high degree control of the emotional state and expression of emotions;
  • - the ability to direct the dialogue in accordance with the goals of the activity;
  • - Knowledge of etiquette and clarity of implementation of its rules.

A considerable number of our compatriots annually take part in various international forums, meetings, business seminars and negotiations. However, practice proves that they sometimes lack elementary knowledge about the psychological and ethical norms and principles of business communication.

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1. Ethics of communication as an instrument of business relations.

Key terms and concepts. Make logic diagrams

characterizing the essence of this issue _______________________ ____1

2. Write an essay on the topic: “What explains the increased

attention to ethical standards of conduct in business practices and in

training programs?”____________________ ________________________6

3. Ethics and etiquette. How are these concepts related? Why

managers must know and follow the rules and principles of etiquette

only in business relations, but in general in relations between

people? State your point of view, support

examples _____________________ ______________________________ ____9

4. Compare the role of the individual's ethical principles and the impact on his behavior of legal norms (laws) and freedom of choice _______________________ 12

1. Ethics of communication as a tool business relations. Key terms and concepts. Make logical diagrams that characterize the essence of this issue

Ethics is a set of principles of human behavior. Extending this definition to the field of entrepreneurship, it can be argued that business ethics is a set of principles of behavior of people involved in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

Business ethics - rules and norms of service behavior. Business ethics is a system of ideals that an entrepreneur, manager, any business person relies on to achieve their goals.

Basic social functions business ethics:

1) assistance to the successful solution of the tasks of the profession;

2) the role of an intermediary, combining the interests of general and professional groups of the population;

3) participation in the coordination of the interests of society and the individual within a given social group;

4) the preservation of moral traditions developed by representatives of a particular profession over decades;

5) the implementation of communication and inheritance of progressive moral norms in the labor sphere of society.

Etiquette is an established order of conduct, a set of rules of conduct, norms of relationships between people accepted in certain social circles.

Business behavior is a system of actions of an individual associated with the realization of his business interests and including interaction with partners, customers, managers, subordinates, and colleagues. Business behavior is realized through business communication, establishing relationships and making decisions that contribute to business success.

Communication is a complex process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs joint activities and includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, the perception and understanding of another person.

By nature and content, communication can be formal (business) and informal (secular, everyday, everyday).

Business communication is a process of interconnection and interaction in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience that involves the achievement of a certain result, the solution of a specific problem or the implementation of a specific goal.

Business conversation implemented in various forms:

business conversation,

Business meeting,

business meetings,

Public performance.

Business communication can be conditionally divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (when there is a spatio-temporal distance between partners).

Direct business communication has a greater effectiveness, the power of emotional impact and suggestion than indirect, socio-psychological mechanisms directly operate in it.

There are two types of communication: verbal and non-verbal. Communication through words is called verbal communication. In non-verbal communication, the means of transmitting information are non-verbal (non-verbal) signs (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, views, etc.).

Speech is able to accurately and impartially capture the intellectual considerations of a person, serve as a means of transmitting unambiguously interpreted messages. That is why speech is successfully used to consolidate and convey various kinds of scientific ideas, as well as to coordinate joint activities, to comprehend the emotional experiences of a person, his relationships with people.

Non-verbal means of communication are most often used to establish emotional contact with the interlocutor and maintain it during the conversation, to record how well a person controls himself, and also to obtain information about what people really think about others.

A business conversation performs a number of important functions:

Mutual communication of employees from the same business area;

Joint search, promotion and prompt development of working ideas and plans;

Control and coordination of already started business events;

Maintaining business contacts;

Stimulation of business activity.

The main stages of a business conversation are:

Starting a conversation;

Informing partners;

Argumentation of the put forward provisions;

Making decisions;

End of conversation.

2. Write an essay on the topic: "What explains the increased attention to ethical standards of conduct in business practices and training programs?"

Business ethics as a field of knowledge was formed in the 70s of the 20th century in the United States of America. However, special attention to ethical behavior in business began to be paid in the 60s, during various social upheavals.

Between the scientific community and the business world at that time, there was an increasing agreement on the need to increase the ethical consciousness of businessmen in their business operations and the responsibility of corporations to society. Increasing cases of corruption both among the government bureaucracy and among the responsible persons of various corporations were subjected to close attention.

The famous Watergate scandal, which involved the most prominent representatives of the presidential administration, significantly undermined the confidence of many Americans in their government institutions.

Many people associate this process with the decline of religious values ​​and morals in the United States and the so-called "Protestant work ethic." The consequence of these processes was a steady decline in energy efficiency and pride in their work among the country's able-bodied population.

The counterbalance to these processes and the solution of various value-oriented problems is the shift in the positions of moral values ​​and responsibility to society in the field of business.

By the beginning of the 80s, such a field of knowledge as business ethics became the most important subject of study for specialists. Numerous books have been published, and most business schools in the US have included it in their curricula.

For example, a prominent businessman and former US Ambassador to the Netherlands J. Shad, not limited to his wishes for the education of highly moral businessmen, gave 20 million dollars to Harvard University to create a program on business ethics. He saw its goal in the fact that graduates who took the course had such moral qualities that would turn their professional knowledge to the benefit of society, and not to the detriment of it. To do this, Shad believed, it is necessary not only to weed out candidates with distorted moral principles at the stage of admission to the university, but also to make ethical issues an integral part of every discipline, not limited to one course in ethics. This whole complex was supposed to fix two goals in the minds of students:

1.Firstly, "being ethical is profitable." As the experience of the most successful entrepreneurs and companies shows, the market rewards quality, honesty and ethical business conduct.

2. The second direction of business efforts is the ethical education of employees and self-education. In the past few years, many large corporations have adopted ethical codes behavior, there is a whole network of seminars and short courses.

A systematic national business roundtable published in 1988 a report entitled "Corporate Ethics: A Major Contribution to the Cause". It analyzes the experience of the ten largest corporations - Boeing, Xerox, etc. Thus, the businessmen themselves, better than anyone else, realized the practical significance of their problems.

If we take into account that at present more than a third of all goods and services in the world are produced by mixed, joint international companies, that the need for international integration is growing everywhere, then the importance of “fitting” Russian business ethics into modern world standards becomes obvious.

While inside the country "civilized rules business game"are formed spontaneously, are born in all sorts of "showdowns", and outside the country they cause sharp criticism, forming a negative and undesirable image of the "new Russian capitalist" - an unprincipled and unscrupulous businessman, schemer and swindler in his means.

Thus, in an international study on the corruption index, in which 53 countries were ranked "according to the purity business environment”, Russia took 47th place. By the way, the first six places were taken by New Zealand, Australia and the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

That is why the importance of studying business ethics in the preparation of professional businessmen cannot be overestimated. This science helps not only to formulate the necessary ethical values ​​for each person and to guide professional businessmen more freely in the complex problems that arise when making decisions, but also creates an ethical infrastructure that should make it possible for a civilized market economy and market relations to function.

3. Ethics and etiquette. How are these concepts related? Why should managers know and observe the norms and principles of etiquette not only in business relations, but in general in relations between people? State your point of view, support with examples

"If you wanted it, you can't separate your

Life from humanity. You live in him, for him and for him.

We are all created to interact, like legs, arms, eyes.

Marcus Aurelius Anthony

A modern person is constantly in situations of communication - at home, at work, on the street, in transport, with close people and complete strangers. And, of course, a huge number of business contacts that a person enters into daily require him to comply with a number of conditions and rules. These requirements are called etiquette. Etiquette can be seen as part of normative ethics. It is a conditional language that can be used to evaluate a person, to judge the level of his culture, morality, intelligence, already by the way he enters, what tone he speaks and what first words he utters.

Recently, in Russia, special attention has been paid to the problems of service and administrative ethics, the principles and norms of moral behavior of persons involved in management. This is due to a serious reassessment of values, the realization that the problems of the present and the future cannot be solved with the help of recipes from the past. At present, such universally recognized values ​​as obedience, hierarchies, sole power, etc. are fading into the shadows. Self-determination, the team, orientation to needs, personality and its disclosure, creativity, innovation, and the ability to compromise come to the fore.

The change in the value of landmarks has led to a radical change in the ethics of business. The importance of ethics, the strictest observance of ethical norms and ideas has increased dramatically.

Ethical rules play a special role in the conditions of modern Russia, and not only in the communication of people within the framework of business, but especially in relationships in labor collectives, primarily in contacts between managers, as well as in working and informal relations between managers and subordinates.

Description of work

Business behavior is a system of actions of an individual associated with the realization of his business interests and including interaction with partners, customers, managers, subordinates, and colleagues. Business behavior is realized through business communication, establishing relationships and making decisions that contribute to business success.


1. Ethics of communication as an instrument of business relations.
Key terms and concepts. Make logic diagrams
characterizing the essence of this issue ___________________________1
2. Write an essay on the topic: “What explains the increased
attention to ethical standards of conduct in business practices and in
training programs? ____________________________________________6
3. Ethics and etiquette. How are these concepts related? Why
managers must know and follow the rules and principles of etiquette
only in business relations, but in general in relations between
people? State your point of view, support
Examples _____________________________________________________________ 9
4. Compare the role of the ethical principles of the individual and the impact on his behavior of legal norms (laws) and freedom of choice _______________________12


1.1. The essence of business ethics .............................................................. ......... 5

1.2 Basic Principles of Ethical Business Relations............................................... 8

1.3. patterns interpersonal relationships........................................ 14

1.4. Ethical Issues business relations.............................................. 18

Control questions to chapter 1 ............................................... .................... 25

Practical tasks for chapter 1 .............................................. ...................... 26

Chapter 2 ETHICS OF ACTIVITIES OF ORGANIZATIONS .................................................. 35

2.1. Ethics and Social Responsibility of Organizations.................................... 35

2.2 Ethical standards in the activities of organizations ............................................... 40

2.3. Raising the ethical level of the organization.................................................... 44

Control questions for chapter 2 .............................................. ...................... 46

Practical task to chapter 2 .............................................. ................... 47

Chapter 3 ETHICS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MANAGER.................................................. 50

3.1. Ethical standards of the organization and the ethics of the leader .............................. 50

3.2. Management of ethical standards of interpersonal relations in a team 53

3.3. Norms ethical behavior manager.............................................. 58

3.4. Ethics of relationships with a “difficult” leader .............................. 62

3.5. Ethics of resolving controversial issues, conflict situations .............................. 65

Control questions for chapter 3 .............................................. ...................... 71

Practical tasks for chapter 3 .............................................. ...................... 72

SECTION II. COMMUNICATION AS A TOOL OF ETHICAL BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS.................................................................. ................................................. ................................. 88

Chapter 4 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION AND MANAGEMENT.................................................................. 88

1. 4.1. Communication as a socio-psychological category .............................................. 88

2 4.2 Communicative culture in business communication .............................................. 92

4.3 Types of business communication.................................................... ............................... 95

Checklist for Chapter 4 .............................................................. .................... 105

Practical tasks for chapter 4 .............................................. .................... 105

Chapter 5 VERBAL COMMUNICATION .................................................................. ................. 114

5.1. Fundamentals of business rhetoric ............................................................... ................... 114

5.2. The culture of speech in business communication .............................................. ............ 117

5.3. Ethics of the use of means of expression business speech........... 119

5.4. Discussion culture .................................................................. ................................. 123

5.5 Peculiarities of speech behavior.................................................................... .............. 127

Checklist for Chapter 5 .............................................................. .................... 130

Practical tasks for chapter 5 .............................................. .................... 131

Chapter 6 NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION.................................................... ............. 134

6.1. Basics non-verbal communication............................................................ 134

6.2. Kinetic features of non-verbal communication............................................... 138

6.3. Visual contact .................................................................. ............................. 143

6.4. Proxemic features of non-verbal communication .............................. 148

Checklist for Chapter 6 .............................................................. .................... 152

Practical task for chapter 6 .............................................. ................... 153

Chapter 7 REMOTE COMMUNICATION............................................................... ........ 156

7.1. Ethics telephone conversation............................................ 156

7.2. culture business letter..................................................................... 159

Checklist for Chapter 7 .............................................................. .................... 163

Practical tasks for chapter 7 .............................................. .................... 163

Chapter 8 MANIPULATIONS IN COMMUNICATION .............................................. ......... 169

8.1. Characteristics of manipulations in communication .............................................. 169

8.2. Manipulation neutralization rules .................................................................. .... 173

8.3 Techniques to encourage communication and building trust 178

Checklist for Chapter 8 .............................................................. .................... 181

Practical tasks for chapter 8 .............................................. .................... 181


Chapter 9 RULES OF BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS.................................................................. 185

9.1. Rules for preparing a public speech .............................................. 185

9.2. Rules for preparing and conducting a business conversation .............................. 188

9.3. Rules for the interview .................................................................. ........ 193

9.4. Rules for preparation and holding office meetings................... 196

9.5. Rules for Negotiating with Business Partners .................................. 199

9.6. Rules constructive criticism....................................................... 208

Checklist for Chapter 9 ............................................... .................... 212

Practical tasks for chapter 9 .............................................. .................... 213

Chapter 10 BUSINESS ETIQUETS .............................................................. .... 218

10.1 Etiquette and image of a business person .............................................. ......... 218

10.3. Etiquette of greetings and introductions ............................................... 225

10.4. Appearance of a business person .............................................................. .......... 228

10.5. Features of appearance business woman.............................. 232

Checklist for Chapter 10 ............................................... ................. 236

Practical task for chapter 10 .............................................. ................... 236

Chapter 11 BUSINESS ETIQUETS .............................................................. 238

11.1. Behavior in public places .................................................................. ........ 238

11.2. Business Etiquette .................................................................. ...................... 243

11.3. Peculiarities of business communication with foreign partners.......... 252

11.4. The Art of the Compliment................................................... ....................... 257

11.5. Gift giving rules .................................................................. ................... 261

Checklist for chapter 11 .............................................. ................. 263

Practical task for chapter 11 .............................................. ................... 264

Applications ................................................. ................................................. 267

Annex 1................................................ ............................................. 267

Appendix 2 .................................................. ............................................. 279

Annex 3 .................................................. .............................................. 285

BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................ ................................. 291

1. General socio-psychological characteristics human communication, its role in the development of social activity of the individual.

Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint life. In a single process of communication, there are three sides:

Communicative (exchange of information);

Interactive (interaction of communicating);

Perceptual (perception).

Considered in the unity of these three sides, communication acts as a way of organizing joint activities and relationships of people included in it.

In general, there are also:

2) The goal is that for which it arises this species activity. According to goals, there is a biological one - necessary to maintain the preservation and development of the body; social communication, the cat provides for the goals of expanding, strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing the development of relationships.

3) means of communication can be defined as ways of encoding, transmitting, decoding information.

4) Functions are distinguished in accordance with the contents. They are distinguished - instrumental fi characterizes communication as a social. a mechanism for managing and transmitting information necessary to perform an action; integrative reveals communication as a means of bringing people together; self-expression - defines communication as a form of mutual understanding of psychological. context.; translational - fya transmission of specific ways of activity.

5) forms of communication: direct-natural contact using verbal or non-verbal means, when information is transmitted personally; indirect - inclusion in the communication of an additional participant, as an intermediary; immediate - communication with the help of natures. organs of articulation or hands; indirect - with the help of a telephone, technology, computer; mass;

6) interpersonal (imperative; manipulative; dialogue)

2. Characteristics of the communicative side of communication (feedback, communication barrier, impact, verbal and non-verbal levels of information exchange).

Communicative side communication involves the exchange of information related to the specific behavior of the interlocutors. special role for each participant in communication, the importance of information plays, provided that it is not just accepted, but understood and comprehended. There are three forms of communication barriers:

1) barriers of misunderstanding:

Stylistic barrier (discrepancy between the speech style of the switch and the situation of communication or the style of communication and the current psychological state of the communication partner);

Semantic barrier (difference in systems of meanings of words);

Logical barrier (complex and incomprehensible or incorrect logic of reasoning, evidence);

2) barriers of socio-cultural differences (social, political, religious and professional differences, leading to different interpretations of the concepts used in the process of communication);

3) relationship barriers (dislike, distrust of the communicator, which extends to the information transmitted by him).

3. Perceptual side communication means the process of perception of each other by partners in communication and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis.

A person becomes aware of himself through another through certain perceptual mechanisms, which include:

1) knowledge and understanding of each other by people (identification, stereotyping, empathy, attraction);

2) self-knowledge in the process of communication (reflection);

3) predicting the behavior of a communication partner (causal attribution).

Identification - this is a way of knowing another person, in which an assumption about his internal state is based on attempts to put himself in the place of a communication partner.

Stereotyping- this is the perception of a partner on the basis of a certain stereotype, that is, primarily as a representative of a certain social group.

Empathy - it is emotional empathy for another person. It is based on the ability to correctly imagine what is happening in the soul of another person, what he experiences, how he evaluates the world around him.

Attraction (attraction) - a form of cognition of another person, based on the formation of a stable positive feeling for him. In this case, the understanding of a communication partner arises due to the formation of attachment to him, a friendly or deeper intimate-personal relationship.

Reflection - this is a mechanism of self-knowledge in the process of communication, which is based on the ability of a person to imagine how he is perceived by a communication partner.

Causal attribution - a mechanism for interpreting the actions and feelings of another person (the desire to clarify the causes of the subject's behavior).

Research shows that each person has their own favorite patterns of causality, i.e., habitual explanations for other people's behavior:

1) people with personal attribution tend to find the culprit of what happened, to attribute the causes of what happened to a particular person;

2) in the case of predilection for circumstantial attribution, people tend, first of all, to blame the circumstances, without bothering to search for a specific culprit;

3) with stimulus attribution, a person sees the cause of what happened in the object to which the action was directed, or in the victim himself.

4. Interactive side communication is the organization of interaction between individuals, i.e., in the exchange of not only knowledge and ideas, but also actions. In the interactive interaction of partners, there are: cooperation; confrontation; avoidance of interaction; unidirectional assistance; contrast interaction; compromise interaction.

Cooperation - communication, in which both partners in interaction assist each other, actively contributing to the achievement of individual and common goals of joint activity;

Confrontation - communication in which partners oppose each other and impede the achievement of individual goals;

Interaction Avoidance- partners try to avoid active cooperation;

Unidirectional promotion- one of the partners contributes to the achievement of the goals of the other, and the second evades cooperation;

Contrasting interaction - one of the partners tries to assist the other, who, however, actively opposes him;

Compromise interaction - both partners partly assist, partly oppose each other.

1. Choose the correct answer. What is "business communication"?

1) Any communication in which information is exchanged.

2) Informal communication, which can be interrupted at the request of one of the interlocutors.

3) This is an interaction between people, in the process of which there is! exchange of information aimed at solving a specific problem.

4) This is communication that occurs at the desire of one of the interlocutors.

Choose the correct answer options that determine the differences between business communication and everyday communication.

1) Is formal.

2) Does not pursue goals, so further interaction between the interlocutors is optional.

3) The period of interaction with a partner is not limited to a specific act of communication.

4) Solving personal problems.

Choose the correct answer options that determine the specifics of partnerships.

1) The importance of the professional competence of an employee is accepted, regardless of personal interests and needs.

2) The presence of positive emotions among partners in relation to each other is mandatory.

3) The manager encourages the employee only if there are positive emotions for him.

4) It is obligatory to combine common efforts to achieve the result.

4. Choose the correct answer options. What does business communication mean?

1) Determination of the time for discussing the problem and the search is mutually acceptable! about the solution.

2) The time for collective discussion of the problem during the negotiations is determined in the course of resolving the issue.

3) The role of each of the participants in the negotiations is determined during the discussion of the problem.

4) The division of the discussion into separate stages and the goals of achieving a certain result on each of them.

Specify the forms of business communication.

1) Reception of subordinates.

2) Meeting.

3) Public speaking.

4) Business meeting.

Choose the correct answer options. Specify the requirements for the organization of public speaking.

1) The topic of the speech and its goals are determined in advance.

2) It is not necessary to assess the audience and the conditions of the meeting in advance, since an experienced speaker will be able to orient himself to the interests of the audience during the speech.

3) It is obligatory to prepare a performance plan and rehearse it.

4) It is necessary to collect the necessary materials in advance.

Choose the correct answer options. Specify the structural elements of the conversation.

1) Establishing the place and time of the meeting.

2) Non-verbal components of communication do not matter.

3) Summing up the conversation.

4) The structure of the conversation does not matter, it all depends on the desire of the partners to come to a common decision.

8. Choose the correct answer options. Specify meeting types according to their purpose. 1) Meeting with: the purpose of making decisions.

2) Meeting to discuss the results of the upcoming elections.

3) Information meeting.

4) Meeting to establish confidential data on employees


Choose the correct answer. Specify the most effective method

Holding a business meeting.

1) "Parent" - "Child".

2) "Adult" - "Adult".

3) "Child" - "Child".

4) "Child" - "Parent".

Choose the correct answer options. Specify the features of business negotiations.

1) The signing of documents defining mutual obligations of partners is envisaged.

2) The selection of specialists is determined, but the course of negotiations.

3) Search for partners.

4) Your interests come first. The interests of partners do not matter.

11. Choose the correct answer options. What should be taken into account in the process of preparing negotiations?

1) Selection of specialists for the delegation.

2) Choice of business suits.

3) Preparation of documents, product samples...

4) Clarification of weather conditions.

Choose the correct answer options. List the main activities leading up to the negotiation process.

1) Preliminary visit to the place of negotiations, acquaintance with its advantages and disadvantages.

2) Establishing the circumstances of the personal life of representatives of the partner delegation.

3) Registration of nameplates of participants with the name of organizations.

4) Selection of colors for business suits of members of the delegation.

Choose the correct answer options. Specify the actions that are significant for the negotiation.

1.) The way delegates are seated at the negotiating table.

2) If it is impossible to achieve the goal of negotiations, it is possible to use criticism of partners, as well as hidden threats, which may force them to change their own; solution.

3) Actively listen and be openly interested in the problems and achievements of the partner.

4) To build confidence, it is possible to belittle one's own achievements,

Choose the correct answer options. Specify the main factors influencing the partner during the negotiations.

2) An indication of the partner's failures prior to these negotiations.

3) Use of reasoning supported by figures and facts.

4) Indication to the partner of the unreliability of competitors, with whom it is also possible to conclude mutually beneficial agreements.

15. Choose the correct answer. The forms of business communication in the field of SC&T do not include:

1) public speaking

2) business meeting

3) an informal employee party.

4) conversation with the client

Choose the correct answer. Correct design business written communications

1) communicative culture

2) the culture of business correspondence.

3) culture of speech.

4)customer service culture

17. From the point of view business etiquette pick up the handset:

2) after the 5th call

3) up to the 4th call

4) after waiting a few minutes

18. Points of view of business etiquette in case of an accidental break in a telephone conversation, calls back:

1) the initiator of the conversation

2) the person who was called

3) younger

4) more polite

19. You are a representative of a service and tourism enterprise. For the enrolled phone call you'll answer:

1) speak.

3) name the organization, division, your name.

4) Yes, I am listening to you.

Choose the correct answer. If the phone rings during a conversation with a visitor, you must

1) Taking a break from the conversation, answer the call.