Zemfira to be in yours. Lyrics of seven new songs from Zemfira's album "live in your head"

To live in your head And to love you unjustifiably, desperately To live in your head And to kill you unconsciously, unintentionally Unconsciously, unintentionally And listened to the Pacific Ocean And saw the cities. And they believed in eternal love And thought - forever Live in your head And love you unjustifiably, desperately Live in your head And kill you unconsciously, unintentionally Unconsciously, unintentionally Tangled in complete darkness Turned on their lights Crumbled sky in the room Left all alone Live in your head And loving you is unjustified, desperate To live in your head And to kill you unconsciously, unintentionally Unconsciously, unintentionally

I get on an empty evening bus. There is no one in the cabin except the controller and some guy with his back to me. Everything seems somehow impersonal. Cold. Chilly. Outside the window is impenetrable darkness. Sometimes the headlights of passing cars flicker, and snowflakes slowly dance in the air, standing out brightly in the darkness. In the night sky, which is covered with heavy clouds, it is impossible to make out the silver moon and distant stars. Smells damp and dusty, the seats are locked in brown leather. Here and there it tore, releasing yellowed material. I pay the fare, calmly walk through the cabin and recognize in a young man you... An electrical discharge rushes through the body. You look out the window, watch the flight of miniature shiny crystals of snow, listening to music on headphones and not noticing anything around. I abruptly turn my face away so that you do not have time to see it, sit down on the farthest seat and glare at your back, piercing thousands of holes there. I can't take my eyes off. Look out the window, at the ad, on the seat, though somewhere, just not to see these shoulders, this neck, this dark hair sticking out from under the cap - everything that was once my family and friends. Everything for which I felt a dizzying attraction. But I can't help but watch. Or not to breathe, because your damn smell filled, it seems, every cubic millimeter of the bus, penetrated my lungs, making me suck in air noisily. God ... I once loved you. It is unreasonable. Desperate. And you loved me back. It settled in your head, in your mind, lived there, killing you with its elementary existence. Unconsciously. Unintentionally... I wanted to be you, breathe you, look at you, be your meaning, thoughts, essence. I lived in you. As are you in me. Funny. We naively imagined ourselves as one, unified system, a single universe. And they did not even dare to think otherwise. Two small tributaries, merged into a turbulent river, drowning in each other, forming an ideal sum. Only now the rivers can dry up. Do you remember how we walked on the rooftops? As they sat, it seemed, at the top of the whole universe, saw the city, in our eyes the lights twinkling in the dark were reflected. They kissed, illuminated by the dim moon and distant stars, and did not want anything more. Just to be together. Just to keep on loving and not to disengage wet hands exchanging warmth. Silly. We believed in eternal love. And we thought - forever. And then there was impenetrable darkness. We entangled in total darkness, not seeing anything, not understanding anything, not giving an account of their actions. They moved inappropriately, did the same. Our fire is out. We no longer live together, but separate from each other. We destroyed, extinguished, scattered that flame. The red flame of love that burned between us and held us close. They trampled the fire with their own feet. Turned on their lights. We were left all alone. You got up, went to the door. Inadvertently he glanced at me. Our eyes locked for a moment. Spark. The cold indifference in your eyes was replaced by a searing storm: run, hug you, kiss the beckoning lips, as once before. Then the pain stings you with green poison and you turn away, squeezing the handrail so that the knuckles seem to almost tear the skin. You clench your jaws and bite your lip. You get off the bus without even turning around. Because you don't really care for a long time. And I shouldn't care. It is, in principle. The suddenly opened bleeding wound heals again, leaving a neat scar. Our paths diverged long ago, we are no longer the same people. We're strangers now. And it was only a momentary weakness. Stop loving you. So unjustified. And so desperate.

There are people with the Soul as deep as the ocean - in which you want to plunge. And there are people, like puddles, who must be avoided so as not to get dirty.

We always believe in something good: in life after death, in friendship after sex, in eternal love. Faith is a wonderful, but sometimes deceiving feeling.

It is not worth living in the past and the future. In the past, there is already no one, and in the future, there is no one yet. You need to live in the present.

You need to thank a man only in two cases. If He leaves your life once and for all. Or if it stays in it once and for all.

And it is not your fault that it gnaws at my soul,
I sentenced myself to you ...

What a pity that memory cannot be killed.
She alone cripples our lives.
How painful it is to remember everything and live ...
With the ridiculous phrase "Time heals" "!

It is a pity that now there is no opportunity to talk to some people as before. Just in one moment, something changed and everything ended.

I decided that I would not wait for anything at all. Nothing and nobody. I'm fine as it is. Without everyone. Just live. Just for yourself. Just for fun. What is destined will come by itself.

There is nothing better than memories. And there is nothing worse either.

Live in your head.

Live in your head.

Unconsciously, unintentionally.

And listened to the Pacific Ocean.
And we saw the cities.
And they believed in eternal love.
And they thought: "Forever."

Live in your head.
And loving you is unjustified, desperate.
Live in your head.
And kill you unknowingly, unintentionally.
Unconsciously. Inadvertently.

Tangled in complete darkness.
Turned on their lights.
Crumbled into the sky in the room.
We were left all alone.

Live in your head.
And loving you is unjustified, desperate.
Live in your head.
And kill you unknowingly, unintentionally.
Unconsciously. Inadvertently.

Live in your head. Live in your head.

Live in your head.

Unconsciously, unintentionally.

And listened to the Pacific Ocean.
And saw the city.
And believe in everlasting love.
And thought: "Forever."

Live in your head.
And love you unfairly, desperately.
Live in your head.
And kill you unconsciously inadvertently.

Entangled in the dark.
Turned on their lights.
Hit air in the room.
Left all alone.

Live in your head.
And love you unfairly, desperately.
Live in your head.
And kill you unconsciously inadvertently.
Unconsciously. Unintentionally.

Live in your head.

Live in your head

live in your head

live in your head

unknowingly, unintentionally

and listened to the pacific ocean
and saw cities
and believed in eternal love
and thought - forever

live in your head
and loving you unjustifiably, desperately
live in your head
and kill you unknowingly, unintentionally
unknowingly, unintentionally

entangled in total darkness
turned on their lights
crashed into the sky in the room
were left all alone

live in your head
and loving you unjustifiably, desperately
live in your head
and kill you unknowingly, unintentionally
unknowingly, unintentionally

live in your head


let me go. I'm unstuck
kofevino, group "cinema"
someone's window, in it - ghosts
let me go. I will like
coffee, I don't care
thousand years, what do they think of me

I care
but i care what you think
I care what you think

let me go. I'm confused
coffee, one thing
I haven't been able to choose for a long time
let me go. Oh please
coffee, very dark
too dark to end

and I care what you think
and I care what you think
I care what you think

coffee, coffee, coffee

give me a hug. I miss you
coffee, coffee, coffee


I want to sing and fly. fly and sing
and not think about your words, your cruel words
I just want to breathe. breathe with might and main

want to live

I want happiness and tears. ordinary tears
and not remember what happened yesterday as it was yesterday
I want to go straight to the stars. to the stars
and don't know anything about you, don't know anyone before you

I want to be invisible, invisible, inaudible, unidentified by anyone
I want to be weightless as fluff, independent of attraction
I want to be impossible, unthinkable, unacceptable, wrong
want to live

seagull, fly
seagull, fly
seagull, fly


if the verse was formed
if the year was right
if it were less false
if the light turned on
if you stayed
if everything is as before
if everything is as before

to change something
i have to die

if the world woke up
would become a little easier
if in fact
if the circle closed
if we could
if only we could

to change something
i have to die
i have to die


a little mess happened inside me
I raise my hands there at the lighthouse
do not judge me, tell me how so

and I am writing you a letter in my notebook
and leave an ellipsis at the end
and whatever, just not to go to bed
and I'm looking for your face in my face

such a sharp, unheard of pain
such a strange desire to fall
something about me and alcohol
and this something has power over me

lights come on in high-rise buildings
I go out to meet you light
we will be alone tonight
body found in the river this morning


so cold and dark, cold and dark
I'd better lay low, I got to lay low
who hid in the head, hid in the head
I know the movement of the moons, I remember the movement of the eyelids

somersault back, somersault
halve myself, across

somersault back, somersault

somersault back, somersault
halve myself, across
read between the lines, between the lines
somersault back, somersault

the ceiling is flying, the ceiling


slowly, slowly, slowly the snow falls
you see the time, i see the light
someone else crept up on tiptoe from behind
strange tribe, all thirty years

lying. you're all lying
and the mountain says no
lying. you're all lying
and the mountain says no

slowly, slowly, slowly I'm falling
you see the tears, i see the bottom
I was told that there is sadness in the city
sows questions, looks out the window

lying. you're all lying
and the mountain says no
lying. you're all lying
and the mountain says no

no no no

impossible, impossible, impossible

the mountain says no
the mountain says no
the mountain says no

our hair was growing back
we got overgrown with feelings
gorged on voice
became sad

and the day rolled on
life has rolled to the side
tired madly
somewhere equally