What is not included in the duties of the secretary of the head. Job description of the secretary of the head

Job description - the main organizational and legal document regulating the activities of the secretary, defining his rights, position in the organization, the nature of the work. The Secretary relies on this document in his relationships with employees.

There is a secretary in every institution. But, as already mentioned, the position of secretary has many gradations. In a small organization (or firm) there will be one secretary-referent (secretary). In more large organizations secretaries can be with the head and his deputies, in each structural unit. There are college secretaries, scientific secretaries of scientific councils, and so on. Each secretary always, based on the scope and specifics of the organization's activities, the requirements of the head and his trust in the secretary, develops his own terms of duties and rights, various combinations of creative, logical and technical types of work. At the same time, there is a typical set of management operations for documentary and non-documentary services that all secretaries perform.

The duties, rights and types of work that a particular secretary must perform, the requirements for his professional knowledge and skills are fixed in his job description.

If there is a job description for a vacant secretarial position, the applicant immediately finds out what is required of him and correlates his capabilities with the requirements.

If a working secretary does not yet have a job description, it must be drawn up in order to outline the scope of duties and not be “on the hook” for all types of work, to ensure rights, establish relationships, interchangeability with other employees in case of absence or due to temporary overload.

The job description is a long-term document and is applied until it is replaced by a new job description. Therefore, its compilation should be taken with great responsibility. What is written in the job description is what will be asked. What rights are given in it, those you have.

When starting to draw up a job description, you must first of all use the new "Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees". It was developed by the Institute of Labor and approved by a decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation August 21, 1998 (No. 37). The handbook is a normative document and it should be emphasized right away that the new qualification characteristics are recommended for use in enterprises, institutions and organizations. various industries economy, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms.

The purpose of the handbook is formulated quite clearly: "This Qualification Handbook leadership positions, specialists and other employees (technical performers) is designed to ensure a rational division of labor, create an effective mechanism for delimiting functions, powers and responsibilities, clear regulation labor activity workers in modern conditions development of market relations".

In the directory, unlike the previous "Collection of tariffs and qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees "there is one very important change - it does not indicate wage categories according to a single tariff scale, and in the section "General Provisions" it is written that " Qualification categories on remuneration of specialists are established by the head of the enterprise, institution, organization. This takes into account the degree of independence of the employee in the performance of official duties, his responsibility for decisions, attitude to work, efficiency and quality of work, as well as professional knowledge, experience. practical activities determined by the length of service in the specialty, etc."

Thus, the salary of a secretary depends primarily on his knowledge, skills, quality of work, responsibility. This is a significant change that allows the manager to evaluate the work of the employee on specific results.

Of the qualification characteristics, you can fully use the sections: " Job Responsibilities and "I need to know".

If the organization (firm) is small and the secretary (secretary-referent) alone conducts all organizational and documentary services, i.e. actually performs the functions of the office, but to a lesser extent, you can use the qualification characteristics of the head of the office. Its duties are as follows:

Ensures timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, its delivery to its destination.

Controls the deadlines for the execution of documents and their correct execution.

Organizes work on registration, accounting, storage and transfer to the appropriate structural unit of documents of current office work, including orders and orders of management.

Organizes work on the formation of cases and their deposit.

Develops instructions for record keeping at an enterprise, institution, organization and organizes their implementation.

Takes measures to provide employees with the necessary instructional and reference materials, as well as inventory, equipment, means of mechanization and automation of managerial work.

Provides methodological guidance for the organization of office work in departments, control over the correct formation, storage and timely delivery of cases to the archive, preparation of certificates on compliance with the deadlines for the execution of documents.

Provides printing and reproduction of office documents.

Participates in the preparation of meetings convened by management and organizes their maintenance.

Organizes the execution of travel documents, registration of employees arriving on a business trip to the organization.

He must know;

■ resolutions, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulations higher authorities related to the organization of office work;

state system documentation management support;

■ standards for a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation;

■ structure of the enterprise, institution, organization;

■ organization of office work;

■ workflow schemes;

■ the procedure for compiling the nomenclature of cases, inventories of cases of permanent and temporary storage, established reporting;

■ terms and procedure for submitting cases to the archive;

■ systems for organizing control over the execution of documents;

■ office equipment and others technical means managerial work;

■ fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

■ labor legislation;

■ internal labor regulations;

■ labor protection rules and regulations8. .

New is the qualification characteristic of the secretary of the head. Let's consider it.

Job responsibilities.

♦ Carries out work on the organizational and technical support of the administrative and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise.

♦ Accepts incoming correspondence for consideration by the head, transfers it in accordance with the decision made to structural divisions or specific executors for use in the process of work or preparation of answers.

♦ Conducts office work, performs various operations using computer technology designed to collect, process and present information in the preparation and adoption of decisions.

♦ Accepts documents and personal statements for the signature of the head of the enterprise.

♦ Prepares documents and materials necessary for the work of the manager.

♦ Ensures timely review and submission structural divisions and specific executors of documents received for execution.

♦ Checks the correctness of the prepared draft documents submitted to the manager for signature, ensures their high-quality editing.

♦ Organizes telephone conversations with the manager, records the information received in his absence and brings its contents to his attention, transmits and receives information via receiving and intercom devices (telefax, telex, etc.), as well as telephone messages, promptly brings to his attention information received through communication channels.

♦ On behalf of the head, draws up letters, requests, other documents, prepares answers to the authors of letters.

♦ Performs work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the head (collection of necessary materials, notification of participants about the time and place of the meeting, agenda, their registration), maintains and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings.

♦ Carries out control over the execution by the employees of the enterprise of issued orders and orders, as well as over compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of instructions and instructions of the head of the enterprise, taken under control. Maintains a control and registration file.

♦ Provides workplace manager with the necessary means of organizational technology, stationery, creates conditions conducive to his effective work.

♦ Prints, at the direction of the head, office materials necessary for his work or enters current information into the bank data.

♦ Organizes the reception of visitors, contributes to the prompt consideration of requests and proposals of employees.

♦ Forms cases in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and submits them to the archive within the established time limits.

♦ Copies documents on a personal copier.

Must know:

♦ resolutions, orders, orders and other guidance materials and normative documents relating to the activities of the enterprise and record keeping;

♦ structure and management of the enterprise and its divisions;

♦ organization of office work;

♦ methods of registration and processing of documents;

♦ archiving;

♦ typescript;

♦ rules for the use of intercoms;

♦ foundations of ethics and aesthetics;

♦ rules business communication;

♦ basics of labor organization and management;

♦ rules for the operation of computer technology;

♦ fundamentals of administrative law and labor legislation;

♦ rules and norms of labor protection9.

As can be seen from the above qualification characteristics, rather high requirements are imposed on the secretary of the head both for knowledge and skills, and for the range of work performed by him. This assumes fluency in computer technology, independent preparation of documents on behalf of the head, editing the received draft documents, monitoring execution, etc. These requirements and terms of reference, which include many creative types of work, predetermine the need for higher professional education, but secondary education is also allowed. professional education with work experience.

Qualification characteristics of secretary-typist and secretary-stenographer, given in Qualification Handbook, are presented in the same way, only with the addition of typewritten work by the secretary-typist and shorthand by the secretary-stenographer. Therefore, when developing a job description, it is enough to use one of these qualification characteristics.

For example, the job responsibilities of a secretary-typist are given as follows:

> Performs technical functions to ensure and service the work of the head of the enterprise or its departments.

> Receives the information necessary for the manager from departments or performers, calls employees on his instructions.

> Organizes telephone conversations with the manager, receives and transmits telephone messages, records received messages in his absence and brings their content to the attention of the manager.

> Carries out work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the head (collection of necessary materials, notification of participants about the time, place, agenda of the meeting or meeting, their registration), keeps and draws up minutes.

> Provides the manager's workplace with office supplies, organizational equipment, creates conditions conducive to more efficient work of the manager.

> Transmits and receives information on receiving and intercom devices (telex, fax, telefax, etc.).

> Prints various materials at the direction of the manager.

> Conducts office work, accepts correspondence addressed to the head, systematizes it in accordance with the procedure adopted at the enterprise and transfers it after consideration by the head to departments or specific performers for use in the process of their work or preparing a response.

> Follows the deadlines for the implementation of the instructions of the head, taken under control.

> Accepts documents to be signed by the head.

> Organizes the reception of visitors, contributes to the prompt consideration of requests and suggestions from employees.

> Forms cases in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and deadlines submits to the archive.

> Prepares documents for replication on duplicating equipment, and also copies documents on a personal copier.

Must know:

♦ regulations, instructions, other guidelines and norms

motivating documents on record keeping;

♦ structure and management of the enterprise and its divisions; : typescript;

♦ spelling and punctuation rules;

♦ the order of arrangement of material when printing various documents;

♦ typing rules business letters using standard forms;

♦ operating rules for typewriters, dictaphones, tape recorders

♦ rules for the use of intercoms;

♦ standards of the unified system of organizational and administrative documentation;

♦ bases of labor organization;

♦ fundamentals of labor legislation;

♦ internal labor regulations;

♦ rules and norms of labor protection10.

Given job descriptions describe in sufficient detail the functions of the secretary, whose knowledge requirements and will help not to miss anything when writing sections of a specific job description.

The job description refers to documents that have a unified form and an established text structure:

General provisions

■ Functions

■ Responsibilities

■ Responsibility

The general provisions in the job description contain the following set of information: generalized information about the position, subordination and who manages, requirements for education (higher or secondary) and practical experience (experience in the specialty), the procedure for appointment and dismissal, replacement during absence.

Today, most often, assistant secretaries and secretaries with higher or secondary specialized education, who know a foreign language, work on a computer, and have a certain work experience are required.

These requirements, as a rule, are recorded in the job description of the assistant secretary (secretary) of large firms. Secretaries usually report to the head. In large organizations, secretaries have dual subordination - to the immediate supervisor and the head of the DOW service. They are appointed and dismissed by order of the head.

The last paragraph of this section of the job description contains indications of the main legislative, regulatory, methodological, organizational, administrative documents that the secretary is guided by in his work. In a generalized form, these acts are indicated in the above qualification characteristics *. This paragraph of the section must begin with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Labor Code, federal laws, specify the government resolutions, GOSTs that determine the procedure for processing documents, standard instructions and rules, time standards. The paragraph ends with an indication of the organizational and administrative documents of the superior and its organization (firm): the charter, regulations on structural divisions, orders and instructions, instructions for office work, this job description.

The next section is "Functions". It indicates the main areas of activity, and in the section "Responsibilities" they already list specific types of work that ensure the performance of these functions. Often these sections are combined into one - "Functions and job responsibilities" (or "Main tasks and responsibilities"). This section should be written in as much detail as possible. When compiling this section, many of the wording can be taken from the qualification characteristics, since they list the job responsibilities in sufficient detail. The more the section indicates not only what, but also how the secretary performs certain operations in accordance with the technology of working with documents adopted in the organization, the more valuable the job description will be. Interchangeability is also indicated here.

The "Rights" section is very important for the secretary. It enshrined his powers to independently resolve issues related to his competence. The right is written here:

Have a preview of documents and determine which of them can be transferred to performers, bypassing the head;

> organization of the reception and prioritization of the reception of the visitor;

Do "filtering" phone calls;

> control over the execution of orders of the head and the deadlines for the execution of documents;

> control over the correct execution of documents before submitting them for signature to the manager and sending them;

Have access to information;

> requesting information and documents for the manager;

> represent your organization, etc.

The section "Responsibility" can be written in general, such as "The employee is responsible for failure to fulfill duties and non-use of the rights provided for by legal acts and this instruction", or described in more detail, based on the points of duties. For example, responsibility: for incorrect execution of documents submitted for signature to the head, their non-compliance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-97; for untimely delivery of documents of a permanent storage period to the archive, etc.

Responsibility can be administrative, disciplinary, material and even criminal. When working on this section, it should be remembered that liability is established in strict accordance with the law. So, in accordance with Art. 15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Officers are subject to administrative liability for administrative offenses associated with non-compliance with the established rules in the field of protection of the order of management, state and public order... and other rules, the enforcement of which is part of their official duties. "For violations labor discipline disciplinary sanctions are applied (Article 135 of the Labor Code). In case of liability for damage caused to the organization, in accordance with Art. 121 Labor Code the employee bears liability, i.e. reimburses the cost.

The section "Relationships" (relations by position) is also very important for organizing the work of a secretary. Usually, it is generally recorded in it that the secretary in his work interacts with all employees or structural divisions to collect, process and transfer information and documents. But it is much easier for the secretary to work if this section specifically indicates which departments or employees he interacts with, on what issues, and what documents, when and in what form he receives from them. For example, weekly reports on the financial position of the company from the accounting department for presentation to management. It is advisable to present this section in a tabular form, which clearly indicates from whom the secretary receives, with whom he coordinates, to whom he transfers documents, in what time frame.

V Lately in many job descriptions, a section "Evaluation of work" appeared. The main criteria are the timeliness of the work and its quality.

You can supplement the job description with other sections, for example, workplace organization, working hours, etc.

The instruction usually ends with a paragraph on the procedure for its revision. It can be written like: "Until replacement with a new one" or "The instruction is subject to revision in case of a change in the functions of the secretary." Can be specified pre-installed replacement period e.g. once every 5 years. But it is better to list the conditions for revising the job description in more detail: changing the structure of the organization, changing the staffing table and redistributing responsibilities, introducing new technologies that change the nature of work, etc.

Recall that the job description is drawn up according to the type of general form, approved by the head and issued to the employee.

Approval stamp

CJSC Business School

"Intel Synthesis"


[Secretary I

Text structure

■ General

■ Functions

Ш Responsibilities

■ Responsibility

■ Relationships (connections by position)

Position signature transcript signature

I have read the instructions signature decoding signature


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Head Secretary

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job duties, rights and responsibilities of the secretary of the head of [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The secretary of the head belongs to the category of technical executors, is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The secretary of the head reports directly to [name of position of the direct head in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years is appointed to the position of secretary of the head.

1.5. The manager's secretary must know:

  • resolutions, orders, orders and other guidance materials and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the enterprise and record keeping;
  • the structure and management of the enterprise and its divisions;
  • organization of office work;
  • methods of registration and processing of documents;
  • archive business;
  • typescript;
  • rules for the use of receiving and intercom devices;
  • standards of the unified system of organizational and administrative documentation;
  • rules for printing business letters using standard forms;
  • foundations of ethics and aesthetics;
  • business communication rules;
  • basics of labor organization and management;
  • rules for the operation of computer technology;
  • fundamentals of administrative law and labor legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • labor protection rules and regulations.

1.6. In his activities, the secretary of the head is guided by:

  • regulations and teaching materials on issues of work performed;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders and orders of the head of the Company and the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description;
  • rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. During the temporary absence of the secretary of the head, his duties are assigned to [name of the position of the deputy].

2. Functional responsibilities

The secretary of the head performs the following duties:

2.1. Carries out work on the organizational and technical support of the administrative and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise.

2.2. Accepts incoming correspondence for consideration by the head, transfers it in accordance with the decision made to structural divisions or specific performers for use in the process of work or preparation of answers.

2.3. Conducts office work, performs various operations using computer technology designed to collect, process and present information in the preparation and decision-making.

2.4. Accepts documents and personal statements for the signature of the head of the enterprise.

2.5. Prepares documents and materials necessary for the work of the head.

2.6. Monitors the timely consideration and submission by structural units and specific executors of documents received for execution, checks the correctness of the preparation of draft documents submitted to the head for signature, and ensures their high-quality editing.

2.7. Organizes the conduct of telephone conversations of the head, records the information received in his absence and brings to his attention its content, transmits and receives information via receiving and intercom devices (telefax, telex, etc.), as well as telephone messages, brings information to his attention in a timely manner received via communication channels.

2.8. On behalf of the head, draws up letters, requests, other documents, prepares answers to the authors of letters.

2.9. Performs work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the head (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants of the time and place of the meeting, agenda, their registration), maintains and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings.

2.10. Carries out control over the execution by the employees of the enterprise of issued orders and orders, as well as compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of instructions and instructions of the head of the enterprise taken under control.

2.11. Maintains a control and registration file.

2.12. Provides the workplace of the head with the necessary means of organizational technology, stationery, creates conditions conducive to his effective work.

2.13. Prints, at the direction of the head, office materials necessary for his work, or enters current information into the data bank.

2.14. Organizes the reception of visitors, contributes to the prompt consideration of requests and proposals of employees.

2.15. Forms cases in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and submits them to the archive in due time.

2.16. Copies documents on a personal copier.

In case of official necessity, the secretary of the head may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The secretary of the head has the right:

3.1. Require the management of the Company to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.2. Improve your skills.

3.3. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Company's management relating to its activities.

3.4. Submit proposals on the issues of their activities for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

3.5. Receive from the employees of the Company the information necessary for the implementation of its activities.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The secretary of the head bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in individual cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) liability for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of their labor functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.1.7. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.8. Causing material damage and / or losses to the company or third parties related to the action or inaction during the execution official duties.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the secretary of the head is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the secretary of the head is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of the secretary of the head is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the secretary of the head is obliged to travel to business trips(including local values).

6. Right to sign

6.1. To ensure activities, the secretary of the head is given the right to sign information and reference documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

Acquainted with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "___" _______ 20__

Each enterprise conducts its activities on the basis of local regulations, which are drawn up in accordance with the norms current legislation. And since each company is a separate organism, it must work harmoniously.

One of important documents, on which the activities of the specialists of the enterprise are based, is the job description. This is a document that spells out the functional duties of an employee of one direction or another, specialty. It is necessary to thoroughly familiarize employees not only with their duties, but also with their rights, powers and functions.

The job description is a local document that specifies the rights and obligations of each employee, depending on the position held and the work function performed.
This document is developed by specialists of the personnel department together with lawyers. The instruction is approved by the employer or hired manager, if he has such authority.

The employer is obliged to familiarize the applicant with the job description before signing employment contract. If this is not done, then involve the employee in disciplinary responsibility for failure to perform their duties, the employer will not be able to.

The document must describe in detail the duties of the secretary, depending on the specifics of the work. The more detailed these duties are, the easier it will be to resolve pre-trial and judicial conflicts between the employee and the employer.

Why do you need a job description

When compiling this document, responsible person should be based on the norms of the current federal, regional and local levels. The head of the enterprise, as the person responsible for the correct management of documents, must check this compliance. Moreover, personnel chief must also be aware of the compliance of the instruction with current legislation.

It is compiled either for a group of identical positions, or for a specific individual position. The employee must be familiar with the document against signature. You need to do this when applying for a job. If it is not compiled correctly, then the employee and the manager will certainly have disagreements and conflict situations regarding the division of labor and the functions performed by the employee.

With the correct drafting of job descriptions, management should pursue specific goals and solve the following tasks:

  • properly divide work responsibilities between employees of similar positions. It is necessary to clearly coordinate their actions to achieve the most useful result;
  • improvement of the psychological climate in the team, improvement of the situation. It is necessary to minimize the percentage of the likelihood of conflicts;
  • clearly delineate the rights and obligations of specialists of the same level, give specifics on their powers, clearly define the responsibility of each. If necessary, one can separately focus on disciplinary sanctions that can be applied to a specialist in the form of responsibility for neglecting one's duties;
  • to carry out psychological and official unloading of employees who are forced to combine several positions. It is not enough just to unload them, this load must be correctly and evenly distributed;
  • establish a system of psychological and financial incentives and motivation;
  • appropriate distribution of responsibilities among managers.

With the help of the job description, the management of the enterprise implements all aspects of the interaction between the management apparatus and personnel. But it is not always possible to achieve the maximum possible result. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly select and appoint a person who will be responsible for compiling job descriptions.

Depending on the size of the company and the number of employees, a standard instruction is drawn up for a group of identical positions. If necessary, you can make adjustments for a specific position. If the company is small, has only 25-50 people, then the document is drawn up for each position separately. Responsible is a member of the Human Resources Department.

Basic rules for compiling the job description of a secretary

There is no developed unified form job description. Therefore, each enterprise has the right to choose how to draw up a document.

When compiling the document, the responsible officer must remember that it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the activities of a particular enterprise. In firms of different directions, secretaries can perform various functions and duties. This must be taken into account when drafting.

You can rely on a generally accepted pattern. Each job description should include the following:

If necessary, additional sections can be added to the job description of the secretary:

  • "working conditions". Here you can make a reference to the internal regulations to determine the mode of operation of the secretary. If there is a need to accompany the manager on business trips, this nuance can also be reflected here;
  • "right to sign". The secretary can sign documents within the scope of his powers.

The job description, drawn up by the responsible employee of the personnel department, must go through the procedure of coordination with the head personnel service. In addition, the secretary himself must be familiarized with it against signature.

Drafting a job description for a secretary

The document is drawn up in a single copy. It is signed by the secretary himself after he carefully reads and studies it. If the enterprise has several secretaries by state, then you can print several copies, making the appropriate changes for each separately, depending on the position of the head to which the secretary is “attached”.

If the secretary himself needs an additional copy for personal use, he can make a copy of the job description already signed by him. It is not prohibited!

To properly compose a document, you must follow some rules. In particular, a “header” should be designed in the upper right corner. This is the place for the approval of the instructions by the head of the entire enterprise. Here you need to fill in a few lines:

  • must be the word "I approve";
  • followed by the position of the leader. For example, "general manager" or "director";
  • Full name of the head;
  • leader's signature.

Then in the middle of the sheet, you must specify the name of the document. This is the secretary's job description. Only after that all the main points are registered.

The sections that the secretary's instruction should consist of have been mentioned above. They are prescribed in accordance with the regulations of the duties performed. For example, the functional duties of the secretary of the head of the department may be somewhat "narrower" than the duties of the assistant to the head of the entire enterprise.

After the instruction is drawn up, it must be agreed with the employee who is responsible for the secretariat. This may be the head of the relevant structural unit. If there is no such person in the state, then with the head of the personnel service or other employee whose duties include such coordination.

The approval mark is placed at the end of the document. You need to fill in a few lines:

  • be sure to indicate the word "agreed";
  • position responsibility of the person;
  • the name of the company in an abbreviated version;
  • Name of this employee;
  • calendar date for approval;
  • signature of the person who approved the instruction.

After that, you need to give the document for review to the secretary himself. You also need to fill in a few lines:

  • it is obligatory to indicate the phrase “I am familiar with the instructions”;
  • position of secretary as specified in staffing;
  • the name of the company in an abbreviated version;
  • Name of this employee;
  • passport details. If necessary, you can make a copy of the page of the passport where the personal data of the secretary are indicated. Attach a copy to the instructions as confirmation of the specified data;
  • calendar date for approval;
  • the signature of the employee, which confirms that he really read his job description.

Do not "move" the document without reading it carefully. Careful familiarization is a guarantee that he will faithfully fulfill his duties and will not do work for other employees. If the secretary steps back from his functional duties or will not comply with them, he will be held accountable.

On the contrary, if he is held liable for an alleged non-performance, he can always refer to the instruction and challenge the order of the management on the appointment disciplinary action. It will also help when filing a complaint with the labor inspectorate or when filing a lawsuit in court. Therefore, you need to be careful!

Job duties of the secretary

Every organization needs a secretary. Therefore, the job description of such an employee is useful to every company. The secretary can be both the head of the enterprise and the head of the structural unit. This is the function of the secretary.

The duties of the secretary include:

  • acceptance and sorting of correspondence received for the head;
  • conducting office work within the framework of the activities of a department or structural unit;
  • acceptance of personal statements from employees for the signature of the head;
  • preparation of documents and materials that are necessary for the boss to work;
  • work with computer, copier and other office equipment;
  • maintaining a control and registration file;
  • printing documents that are necessary for the boss to work;
  • performance of work on the preparation of various meetings, meetings and other meetings;
  • preparation and printing of documents necessary for such meetings;
  • organizing the reception of visitors;
  • keeping a register of incoming and outgoing documents;
  • polite communication on the phone;
  • other duties that depend on the specifics of the activities of the department or structural unit.

Job description of the secretary of the head

The manager's secretary also has a job description. The responsibilities of the Executive Secretary include:

  • carry out work on the organization of technical support for the activities of the head;
  • accept and sort all correspondence that comes in the name of the head;
  • if there is such a need, then sort all correspondence by structural divisions and organize the delivery of this correspondence to the relevant structural divisions;
  • organization of telephone conversations of the head;
  • reception and recording of incoming information during the absence of the head;
  • work with office equipment;
  • organization of meetings, meetings and meetings;
  • preparation and printing of necessary materials for meetings;
  • execution of individual instructions of the head.


You can download a sample job description of a secretary in .doc format

Secretary any organization needs, and therefore, the job description of a secretary is useful to every company. It is important to clearly define the job responsibilities of the secretary, which are not limited to taking calls and sweet smiles. We offer you a sample job description for the secretary of the head - the general director, the head of the department, the director of the branch, etc.

Secretary job description

General manager
Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The secretary belongs to the category of technical performers.
1.2. The secretary is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. Secretary reports directly to CEO/ head of the structural division of the company.
1.4. During the absence of the secretary, his rights and duties are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the post of secretary: education - higher, incomplete higher or secondary specialized, experience of similar work from six months, knowledge of office equipment (fax, copier, scanner, printer), programs Microsoft Office(Word, Excel).
1.6. The secretary is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the Charter of the company, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Duties of the secretary

The Secretary performs the following duties:
2.1. Carries out work on the organizational and technical support of the administrative and administrative activities of the head.
2.2. Accepts incoming correspondence for consideration by the head, transfers it in accordance with the decision made to structural divisions or a specific contractor for use in the process of work or preparation of answers.
2.3. Accepts documents and personal statements for the signature of the head.
2.4. Replies to phone calls, captures and transmits official information to the head, organizes telephone conversations of the head.
2.5. On behalf of the head, he draws up letters, requests, and other documents.
2.6. Performs work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the head (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants of the time and place of the meeting, agenda, their registration), maintains and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings.
2.7. Carries out control over the execution by the employees of the enterprise of issued orders and orders, as well as compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of instructions and instructions of the head taken under control.
2.8. Provides the workplace of the head with the necessary means of organizational technology, stationery, creates conditions conducive to the effective work of the head.
2.9. Organizes the reception of visitors, contributes to the prompt consideration of requests and proposals of employees.
2.10. Forms cases in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and submits them to the archive in due time.
2.11. Organizes business trips of the head: orders air and railway tickets, books hotels.
2.12. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

3. Rights of the secretary

The secretary has the right:
3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve the assigned tasks.
3.2. Provide management with suggestions for improving their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Request personally or on behalf of the head from the divisions of the enterprise and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents resulting from the activities of the company.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility of the secretary

The secretary is responsible:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

The duties of the manager's secretary are very diverse: planning the boss's working day, organizing the work of the office, negotiating with clients and partners on the instructions of the boss, searching for and providing Vehicle for the head and other employees and services, arranging meetings, both on the territory of the office and in a non-official setting, maintaining documentation and many other business matters. In addition, the boss can entrust his assistant and personal problems, for example, to send congratulations (gifts, flowers) for the holidays not only to the organizations with which the company cooperates, but also to relatives. Since the manager's working day is usually irregular, the secretary often has to stay up late at work.

To become an indispensable assistant to the boss, the secretary must have such personal qualities, as readiness for work, diligence, accuracy, responsibility, delicacy, modesty, moderate initiative, the ability to memorize and draw conclusions. It is impossible to hold this position without having the skills of typing (200 beats per minute), office work, shorthand, good knowledge of the PC. All these skills are acquired independently from books and tutorials (there are a great many of them), in the process of previous work or in courses. Of the professional skills, the ability to negotiate, literacy and good command of oral and written speech are also necessary, because the secretary of the head has to fix orders, conduct business correspondence etc.

If the duties are mainly dominated by the work of a secretary-clerk, then a higher linguistic education is required, but if an assistant is needed, then preference is given higher education in the company's area of ​​specialization.

A very important role is played by psychological compatibility, similarity of characters, as well as the ability of the secretary to stay in the background. Those who are quite satisfied with the position of an assistant, the right hand, go into this profession. Sometimes, the leader is unfair to his secretary, as he more often than others falls under a hot hand.

However, a good boss and a smart, experienced secretary function as one well-oiled mechanism. There are many examples of this, especially the secretaries of scientists or writers. Many famous people started out as a secretary.

Another delicate issue cannot be ignored: the non-working relationship between the boss and his secretary. In order not to get into an ambiguous situation, you should immediately take a closer look at a potential boss and, going to an interview, dress in such a way as to emphasize your business qualities rather than outward merits. If you don't get this position, then the boss needed something completely different from the secretary, and you successfully avoided problems.

Getting a job, you need to discuss your responsibilities in detail, and even better - ask for a job description. Often the naivety of secretaries, most of whom are young girls who are poorly versed in people and in life, becomes one of the causes of unpleasant consequences. Accepting and encouraging gifts, responding to courtship, maintaining playful conversations and ambiguous jokes, dressing in revealing or provocative outfits, a girl often unconsciously creates the impression of her availability. Therefore, without belittling the guilt of those who like to take advantage of their official position, it is still worth warning them against erroneous steps.

Although the secretary is closest to the leader, his career growth is limited. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but you should not delude yourself especially.

Depending on the set of requirements, the use of knowledge foreign languages, work experience and functional duties, the salary also varies: from 200 to 800 c.u. e. Keep in mind if in vacancies “ personal assistant”The salary is more than 1000 USD. That is, with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that this is network marketing.

The main functions include:

implementation of work on organizational and technical support of administrative and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise;

record keeping;

organization of the reception of visitors Zinoviev NB Documentation: teaching aid. - P.75..

The secretary of the head should in the course of his activity:

to carry out work on the organizational and technical support of the administrative and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise;

accept correspondence received for consideration by the head, transfer it in accordance with the decision made to structural divisions or specific performers for use in the process of work or preparation of answers;

conduct office work, perform various operations using computer technology designed to collect, process and present information in the preparation and decision-making;

accept documents and personal statements for the signature of the head of the enterprise;

prepare documents and materials necessary for the work of the head;

monitor the timely consideration and submission by structural divisions and specific executors of documents received for execution, check the correctness of the execution of prepared draft documents submitted to the head for signature, ensure their high-quality editing;

organize telephone conversations of the head, record the information received in his absence and bring its contents to his attention, transmit and receive information via receiving and intercom devices (telefax, telex, etc.), as well as telephone messages, bring to his attention in a timely manner information received through communication channels;

on behalf of the head, draw up letters, requests, other documents, prepare answers to the authors of letters;

carry out work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the head (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants of the time and place of the meeting, agenda, their registration), keeping and drawing up minutes of meetings and meetings;

to exercise control over the execution by the employees of the enterprise of issued orders and instructions, as well as the observance of the deadlines for the implementation of instructions and instructions of the head of the enterprise taken under control;

maintain a control and registration file;

provide the workplace of the head with the necessary means of organizational technology, stationery, create conditions conducive to his effective work;

print, at the direction of the head, official materials necessary for his work or enter current information into the data bank;

organize the reception of visitors, contribute to the prompt consideration of requests and proposals of employees;

form cases in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensure their safety and submit them to the archive within the established time limits;

copy documents on a personal copier Typical instruction head secretary. Bank of job descriptions.=http//www/kadrovik.ru/.