Theme party in the style of the USSR. Organization of a theme party in the style of the USSR

In Russia, which has already managed to give birth and form one post-Soviet generation, there is a tendency to resurrect not so old holiday traditions! Moreover, a whole fashion line has emerged in the country associated with the Soviet period. Holidays in retro style (including New Year) is a good folk fun, which every year attracts more and more attention and fans. So why was it remarkable, this mysterious Soviet New Year?

From 1918 to 1935 The New Year, like all other "remnants of the tsarist era" were banned in all countries of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. And at the end of 1935, the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League was adopted: “Youth students can have fun celebrating the upcoming New Year.” For the first time in the USSR, the resurrected New Year's holiday was celebrated in 1936. Although, as historians now testify, they secretly prepared for the New Year of 1936, because immediately after the decree appeared on the shelves Christmas decorations, greeting cards and other holiday paraphernalia.

Soviet children made paper Christmas decorations at labor lessons, signed New Year cards touching wishes. For example, one of the Moscow museums still keeps a postcard from a granddaughter to her grandmother, in which a child wishes an old woman a Happy New Year and wishes her to live to see bright communism. Such were the times then!

And what if we, celebrating the New Year, organize a retro party? Really, in a Soviet way? Attention! Everyone who has already begun to be tormented by nostalgia for the white dance under “These eyes are opposite”, cognac for 4 rubles 12 kopecks, and “Triple” cologne - join us! Let's start preparing!

retro style new year party invitations

Dikmi: In Soviet times, the system of “ideological stimulation” worked well (in our opinion, the “carrot and stick” method). All excellent students of study, work, social activities were given a New Year's present - an invitation to the New Year's Kremlin tree (since 1954). Every student, at least once in his life, dreamed of visiting there! So, invitations to your retro party can be issued in the form of an invitation "ticket" to the Kremlin Christmas tree.

Or you can look for your children's collections of greeting cards (my mother still keeps a brightly designed cardboard folder in the attic with my treasure - postcards, stickers, labels). On the basis of cute, native "news from childhood" you can make wonderful invitations!

The text also needs to be done in the spirit of the era:

“Dear comrade! We invite you to become an honored guest of the Soviet New Year's holiday, which will take place on _____! Event start: ______, address: ___. Entrance strictly by party tickets!”

Ready-made postcard templates for printing (click to download on the postcard)

Decor and decorations for a retro New Year's Eve party

The central object of the Soviet New Year's holiday was, of course, the Christmas tree! The first, 1936 New Year, was celebrated by the inhabitants of a great country, decorating Christmas trees with the simplest toys made of cotton wool, cardboard, fabric, paper. Origami stampings were popular: paper sheets, cutting, gluing and assembling which you can hang wonderful cars, houses and snowmen on the Christmas tree (as a cherished New Year's wish).

Later, glass balls, snow maidens, bear cubs, snowflakes, fruits and vegetables (a sign of the growth of the agricultural industry) and ruby ​​races (a symbol of the supremacy of communist power) appeared on the Soviet New Year tree. Such toys were usually carefully kept and passed down from generation to generation. So it is quite possible that you will find a box of Christmas tree decorations in your grandmother's house!

And under the Christmas tree, be sure to put (cotton or plastic) figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

If we recreate Soviet era for the New Year, so everything! To be honest, apart from the Christmas tree, there was nothing in the house of a Soviet person about the New Year. Rather, not even so. Buy any new Year decoration there was nowhere for the interior. And not even the global deficit was to blame! It's just that the industry did not expect such "excesses". Although, many citizens, in order to make their home more elegant and magnificent, resorted to some non-standard solutions.

Snowflakes on the windows

If it was possible to get foil, then they made shiny snowflakes, no - they managed with white "snow" from paper napkins. And making such a snowflake is quite simple! You cut out a circle, fold it several times, randomly make incisions, cutouts, unfold and voila - an absolutely original piece of Soviet-style New Year's decor is ready!

Or download a mockup for a snowflake sticker and you can decorate everything around

The walls were decorated with lush paper garlands of rings, lanterns, flowers. Although, colored paper in abundance for such decoration was an expensive and scarce pleasure. Most often I had to see garlands from old newspapers, and other, already in use, paper.

Serpentine and rain, electric garlands

"The talk of the town" among emigrants from many countries was the "golden rain" invented in the USSR. This is done simply: you need to take a small piece of cotton wool, wind it around the edge of the “rain”, moisten the cotton wool and throw it up to the ceiling. In an absolutely incredible way, the fleece sticks to the ceiling, and the threads of beautiful rain flow, delighting the eyes of the guests and owners of the house!

True, in order to repeat such a Soviet "trick" in modern conditions, you need to have a whitewashed ceiling. Otherwise, the rain will have to be fixed with more resistant adhesives! And a few words about electric garlands. very popular in Soviet time there were garlands in the form of airplanes, spaceships (the era of space exploration and new aviation technologies) and flowers.

If you managed to get a few of these garlands, they decorated the whole room where they planned to hold a celebration.

I think that in our time there will be no problems with electric lights! At worst, if you don’t find “pre-revolutionary” ones, you can use simple, Chinese ones. Although, of course, it’s worth looking for the “Soviet brand”!

Costumes for a New Year's party in retro style

As a rule, in the USSR, the carnival was associated with a children's matinee or a student skit. The most popular children's costumes were: dresses of snowflakes and fairies made of gauze and wire, costumes of snowmen, bunnies, bears and foxes. Although, some parents approached the issue of a costume for their baby in a very extraordinary way: they made Koshcheevs, wizards, firebirds and even robots with flashing lights!

Adults tried to put on their most beautiful dresses, shirts and suits. V postwar period men also decorated their clothes with military awards.

When planning to recreate the Soviet era on the eve of the New Year, dear men, make sure that your wardrobe includes: a plaid shirt (or white, cotton, with a starched collar), a gaudy dull tie (preferably blue), a gray suit.

With a women's New Year's costume, everything is much more complicated. Soviet young ladies began to prepare for the New Year in a few months. Everyone strove to look extraordinary, and therefore they showed supernatural ingenuity. For example, they knew where they “thrown away” cream plinth dresses, where they sell jacquard trouser suits from under the counter, and how much a chiffon blouse costs for gypsies. And they all unanimously argued that nothing paints a woman on the eve of the New Year like hydrogen peroxide, and nothing gives fashion and showiness like a perm. At the hairdressers on New Year's Eve there was a queue of such density that even mercury would envy!

Draw conclusions, ladies! To be like a Soviet fashionable girl, from the appearance of which the entire numerous hall of the House of Culture will exhale an enthusiastic “Ah!” Complete the look with trendy suede shoes. Plus to everything - a hairstyle - fresh "blonde" chemistry, bright make-up (a mixture of mascara "Leningradskaya" with flour) and the aroma of Natasha perfume.

The house is decorated, the long-suffering dress hangs in the closet, you can start the New Year's menu! In Soviet difficult times, this was even more difficult than with outfits!

New Year's table as in the USSR

For the New Year's holiday in the USSR, they saved the best treats! Each family tried to celebrate the New Year richly and satisfyingly (even if before that they had to live very modestly and starving all year). The New Year's table was a kind of sign of the future prosperity of the Soviet people, in which they strictly believed both in the village and in the city. What was prepared then? Of course, salads: "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat", "Mimosa". Well, more cutlets, chicken, jellied fish, sandwiches with sprats, and, of course, jellied meat! True, for the “rusty” herring and green peas for Olivier, one had to stand in huge queues, and buy all this at least two weeks before the holiday (on the eve of the New Year, huge shelves in grocery stores shone with emptiness).

The lucky ones were those who managed to get red or black caviar, bananas, oranges, balychok, chocolate and servelat for the New Year's table. These products on the New Year's table were considered a sign of a person's wealth and influence!

It’s good that we don’t live in that era, but just recreate it! And this means that you can buy fresh products, and without problems, you just have to deal with the New Year's menu!

A retro-style New Year's table could be approximately with the following dishes:

notorious and widely known even outside the post-socialist countries salad "Olivier"

Mimosa salad (based on canned fish, with olives and boiled eggs)

eggs stuffed with walnuts and liver

cutting (sausage, melted cheese)

chicken baked with potatoes, "rustic"

homemade pies (with cabbage, rice and eggs, potatoes, apples)

And they drank in the USSR for the New Year - "Soviet" champagne, "Stolichnaya" vodka, and Georgian white wine! And also - Pinocchio lemonade, fruit drink and compote.

So, the already familiar, foreign mojito, absinthe and daiquiri will have to be abandoned this New Year's Eve, in favor of port wine and vodka!

And for dessert, Soviet women themselves baked cakes, baskets and donuts (because there was no such luxury as ready-made cakes on sale)!

Christmas gifts in retro style

The Soviet Union was standard and predictable in this regard!

Perfume was given to women for the New Year (the top of the chic "Klima", the lower aisle - "Perhaps ..."). Men were also supposed to smell good on New Year's Eve, therefore, loving wives spoiled them with "Triple" cologne, "Sasha", "Russian Forest".

In principle, Soviet women, who, as usual, could make a salad out of nothing, a hairstyle and a tragedy (and a gift too) could be understood! Other things for men, made in the USSR, could hardly be called a gift. Shirts, ties, cufflinks, etc. were bad manners in the Union. Therefore, they managed with the "Russian Forest".

Of course, when making a New Year's retro version of "USSR 20 years later", you will not be able to find a real "Triple". For the old stocks have already been drunk, and, unfortunately, they do not release new ones. Therefore, for you, there are several other, more "vital" for the new century, gift offers. In addition to cheap perfumes, when visiting, it was customary to carry scarce products with you: jars of canned pineapples and other exotic fruits, black or red caviar, and expensive sweets.

Well, it's finally December 31st. As a rule, invited guests came around 10 pm. Everyone sat down at the festively laid table to spend the outgoing, Old Year. Before that, of course, everyone was in a hurry to go to the bathhouse, take a bath (for one more Soviet superstition must be observed, to go clean and pomaded on New Year's Eve). Ladies exchanged dressing gowns for festive dresses, gentlemen - old sweatpants and vests, for suits with ties. New Year is on the doorstep! You need to meet him as a worthy Soviet citizen!

Before the Kremlin chimes, the Secretary General congratulated everyone (Brezhnev started this tradition, Gorbachev continued, and even now it is alive and flourishing among the modern heads of already independent states).

To recreate Soviet "realities", search the Internet for "Brezhnev's New Year's greetings of 1979" ( Wave Have a good mood and laughter until the end of New Year's Eve is guaranteed to your guests!

Well, after a charge of positive emotions, you can pour champagne and make a wish while listening to 12 strokes of the country's central chimes!

The main entertainment (and not even a curiosity for everyone) on New Year's Eve was a TV. Everyone was in a hurry to turn on the famous and very popular Blue Light. The television music program was a chic backdrop for entertainment program (

And we, improvising a little, will not sit at the screen all night, but will add a few more modern amusements to the Soviet era.


Fun 1. New Year's round dance

Task: remember as many Soviet New Year's round dance songs as possible. Everyone stands in a circle, the leader sings first. The rest - sing along and dance around the Christmas tree. We finished one song - we start another (but the person following the lead is already singing, and further - along the chain). Anyone who cannot remember a single song of the Soviet era is eliminated from the round dance. The best connoisseur of Soviet "round dance" creativity wins.

Fun 2. Verse to Santa Claus

All the children were waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, both then and now. Surely, in the memory of adults who were children in the USSR, there were cute poems about Grandfather, New Year, winter. Your way out guys! Santa Claus will soon be handing out gifts!

By the way, invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to the holiday! Perhaps some volunteers from your guests will play their roles, and you will save time-appropriate costumes for them!

Fun 3. New Year's Soviet karaoke

Buy a disk with songs for karaoke of the Soviet period for the holiday. Let the songs of Lyudmila Zykina, Olga Voronets, Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev and others sound in your house, on this New Year's Eve.

Fun 4. New Year's comedians

In addition to concerts and variety show programs, Soviet people were very fond of watching comedies on New Year's Eve (movies in general weekdays were a rarity, and therefore - holiday movie masterpieces were awaited with great impatience). However, many of them are alive (and even immortal!) in our time.

The essence of fun: Everyone is divided into 2 teams. Each team is given a sheet with the name of the film. For example, "Operation Y", "Wizards", "Enjoy Your Bath!" etc. It takes 20 minutes to remember some scene from the film, assign roles and play a mini performance. And you need to do this in such a way that the rest of those present know what movie this scene is from. The main task: during the dramatization, do not say the name. The leaking team gets a minus penalty point, and a replacement task. The game can be repeated as many times as desired.

Another option is to recreate the images of stage comedians -
Veronica Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna, Evgeny Petrosyan, Yuri Nikulin and others.

Fun 5. Dancing

For the dance part of your event, select the music of Obodzinsky, Muslim Magomayev, Bul-Bul Ogly, etc. Let your guests circle in a waltz, absorbing “These Eyes Opposite” with all their hearts, beat the twist to the “Black Cat”, and get excited like schoolchildren when you announce the "white dance".

After 12 in the USSR they loved to visit each other, congratulate each other on the holiday, sing songs, and help themselves. And then - all together went to the central city (village) New Year's tree. Bengal fires were lit there, firecrackers were clapping, serpentine, rain and happy smiles were given to each other!

Arrange a truly beautiful holiday for yourself! And let it resonate in your soul with happy memories!

Holiday scenarios in the style of the Soviet era are very popular. And it is not surprising, because for the younger generation this is an opportunity to experience new sensations, plunging into the unfamiliar atmosphere of those years, and for the older generation it is an occasion to remember childhood and youth. The last century for our country is filled with controversial, difficult and bright events, so the theme itself is very advantageous for playing around, and the original symbolism of the Soviet ideology is also a chance for the original decoration of the holiday.

We offer a new universal script for an anniversary or party "Made in the USSR", which will help to make such a themed holiday warm and unforgettable. Printing, video and musical design are included, all entertainment is suitable for an anniversary celebration, as well as for a corporate or friendly party- you only need to slightly change the leads to them and the text of the compere (options are offered). Thanks for the ideas to the talented authors of the internet.

For the evening you will need:

- props for competitions

- Soviet rubles printed on a printer for intermediate promotion

- a buffet or a table of orders, where guests can redeem prizes for the won "rubles", the prices in the buffet are conditional, the assortment is also up to the imagination of the organizers

- screen, projector or large plasma TV

- musical arrangement,

- for the anniversary (festive) demonstration balloons, flowers, congratulatory posters (you can letters from the contest"Perestroika ")

- decoration of the hall in the style of the 70-90s: posters, wall newspapers, honor board, etc.

Scenario of the anniversary or party "Made in the USSR"

(Author's note. The game filling of the scenario consists of 15 entertainments, so you can include them in the scenario not all, but selectively. Moreover, most of them are universal and will be useful for other anniversaries and corporate parties.

The main version of the script is written for the anniversary. The author's advice on how to change the presentation of contests for a party is in italics with a note FOR PARTY. The text of the script of the anniversary without explanation is attached below)

Meeting of the birthday boy(s)"Anniversary demonstration"

(The holiday begins with a general demonstration, for this the host divides the guests into two columns in advance and distributes the appropriate props. The first is the hero of the day (-sha), followed by the first column - close relatives, then the second column: colleagues - friends. If the room allows, then you also need to discuss with the guests in advance that the columns make a circle of honor, stopping a little near the leader to give them the opportunity to say greetings addressed to them.If the room is small, then they just move slowly, and near the leader they march in place.All guests behave like May Day demonstration)

Sounds 1. We were born to have a fairy tale (at first loudly, then in the background to the words of the presenter)

Leading: Comrades! Allow me a demonstration dedicated to the anniversary of the right-flank (-howl) of our holiday, take it open! And the right to open a demonstration is granted (Name), a real worker, the support of the family and the hope of the team, awarded the title of father twice, and grandfather three times (for a woman - a birthday girl, a smart girl, a beauty, a keeper of the hearth, awarded the title of mother twice)! Hurrah, comrades! Hooray for our birthday (-tse), which the (-and I) awarded in honor of the holiday (-a) the honorable right to take a seat on the podium and accept the demonstration!

(the hero of the day stands next to the presenter and greets everyone)

Leading: And a column of close relatives is approaching the podium! Their column is brightly decorated with smiles! By this date, they have met and exceeded all indicators for family understanding! Long live love and family values! Hurrah, comrades!

(the first column moves a little forward, the second column appears)

Leading: In orderly rows and confident steps, a column of friends and colleagues of the perpetrator approaches the podium (s) celebrations! They hold banners and flowers in their hands. Representatives of this team of guests worked hard and honestly and deserved this holiday! Long live friendship and mutual assistance! Hurrah, comrades!

(second column passes)

Leading: Yes, hello, anniversary! The leader descends from the podium, goes to the masses to accept congratulations and invite everyone to the meeting room for a festive feast!

(guests congratulate and take seats in the hall)


First toast:

For congratulations, we fill the glasses

And together the hero of the day (-shu) congratulations!!!

Sounds 2. Congratulations!

(Short banquet break)


Holiday start "holiday parade ".

For corporate holiday in the forefront is the leadership, which then accepts the demonstration, standing next to the leader. In this case, columns can be formed by departments or subdivisions, and it would be nice to add words related to the professional activities of the company or team to the text of greetings)

Leading(leading to the report): On their birthdays, a person involuntarily looks back, to his childhood and youth, to which he so wants to return, even for a moment. But this, alas, is impossible, and for those sitting in this hall it is doubly impossible, because the country in which we spent our childhood is simply no longer on the map.

Where did the country with the name of the USSR go,

Where everyone was an example to someone,

Where they believed and sometimes argued to the point of hoarseness,

And there was enough warmth for friends.

Where there is a shortage, problems, everywhere you look,

And the kids walked without fear and without nannies.

There was a lot of strange, absurd at times in it,

But adults and children were proud of that country.

Let's take a look at the USSR today,

Kindly, childishly, let's look back!

Sounds like 4. "City of Gold "- background

Leading: Today, we will try to remember a little the 70-80s of the last century, the year when our birthday (-ca) just came into being. We invite you to listen to our first report from the scene.

Original congratulations"Music report"

Leading: Attention! Attention! Today we are conducting our anniversary report from the banquet hall of the city of ......, where the dearest guests of the birthday girl gathered: close friends and relatives , gathered together to say to her:

Sounds like"Do not be sad"...............................

(banquet pause, after the report, you can give the floor to your husband for congratulations)


Leading(leading to the report): Seeing the design of our hall, for sure, many guests were a little sad about the past, involuntarily, at least for a moment, they wanted to return to their childhood and youth ... (hereinafter in the text). An example of a report for a party can be viewed

- Game with the audience"Edible - inedible"

Leading: We all come from childhood. And, for sure, those who come from Soviet childhood hardly understand their children and grandchildren, who can sit for hours, “bursting” into their gadgets and monitors. After all, the children of those years spent all their free time on the street, where one game replaced another, and so on, until it gets dark or until mom "drives" home. Who played what? Share what was your favorite game (guests answer)

I propose to play right now in one then popular children's game: "Edible - inedible" ......

(game in progress)


And while you drink, I will tell you about other pleasant moments of our holiday. Today, every guest will be able from this evening, in addition to vivid impressions, to take away prizes as a keepsake, but they will not be handed out just like donut holes, but only sold for Soviet rubles. For active participation in the competitive program of the evening, all participants will be encouraged by this conditional holiday currency, which can then be redeemed in our Order Table. By the way, I want to give the first rubles to the most active participants in the first game (gives rubles to guests who actively answer interactive questions)

(banquet break, if the parents are in the hall, then a toast to the parents and give them the floor for congratulations)

-Videos entertainment "Made in USSR"

(Video file with a colorful clip for a general karaoke performance of the remade song with a nostalgic immersion in Soviet reality. Video clip with voice is also attached)

- Table flash mob "Festive - production gymnastics "

(fun entertainment at the table with a transition to a dance break)

dance break


Leading: Comrades, go to your seats. Follow the rules, we have not completed the whole program yet! .....

- Shared drinker" birthday day"

(A board game to activate the mood of the guests - 13 ready-made cuts: musical drinkers for each month and the general one are attached )

- Music Game"Guess the TV Show THE USSR"

(Guessing game from instrumental screensavers for Soviet TV programs - 20 ready-made music cuts included )

- Surprise for the birthday "Clip-congratulation"

- Game moment "Timurovsky song landing with a contest and an animation".

(Costumed number with a fun gaming contest, which ends with a drinking animation that unites everyone)

- Table competition"The Odd Couple"

Leading (introduction to the contest): The 70s and 80s are the time of our childhood or youth, and therefore, in spite of everything, they are remembered with warmth. Yes, alas, it was a time of total shortages, coupons were introduced for essential products, and we spent most of our time in queues. But if the Soviet man managed to get something in this " fight " , he used it for the whole " coil " . In what, in what, and in entrepreneurial spirit you can’t refuse our people! ....................... The essence of our next competition is just and is to remember how together in an unusual way the pair of objects suggested in the picture were used or connected ..............................................

-(12 ready-made picture cards for projector or printing included)

- Team game"Broken Fax"

(thematic outdoor game with a transition to a dance break)

dance break


(The host invites the guests to continue the meeting, then gives the floor to one of the guests for congratulations, after a short banquet pause, continues the game program)

- Musical competition"Guess the 80s song"

(A musical guessing game, made up of the most popular foreign and Russian hits, which makes it possible not only to identify among the guests a connoisseur - a music lover, but also to sing your favorite songs together -28 ready cuts (plus and minus) included )

- Quiz "Soviet slogans-shifters"

-Mobile game - perestroika "Ghost of communism"

(very gambling mobile game for a large number of participants)

Leading(introduction to the game): I would like to dwell on the slogan about the inevitable "victory of communism." Remember that by the year 1980 Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev promised that every Soviet family would have a separate apartment and communism would be built in the country, moreover, communism would be built all over the world, its ghost has been haunting Europe for several decades for a reason. But the 80s came and ... .. the construction of communism turned into perestroika ..............................

(A set of ready-made pictures - letters in the USSR style for printing is attached)

- Letter game"seated demonstration".

(an outdoor game with letters for a small company)

- Dance entertainment "Fun Lotto or Dancing from the Movies"

(A cheerful couples dance competition popular in the era of socialism, decorated with film fragments and musical excerpts - finished video and audio excerpts are attached)

- Order table

happy ending game program there will be an opportunity to shop at the Order Table, the assortment at the discretion of the organizers: from memorabilia belonging to the hero of the occasion to funny little things and goods that were in great short supply in Soviet times. The prices in this "shop" are conditional (also at the discretion of the organizers), only "rubles" received for active participation in the festive entertainment are accepted for calculation.

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (500 rubles) to the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the following document presents detailed information on how to get the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)

N. G. Khudyashova, 2016

Fairy Tale Bonus:

Such a program could very decorate musical fairy tale for anniversaries and parties, the plot of which is also stylized under the theme of the USSR, it is offered separately (300 rubles), but for those who have purchased this script - bonus discount 200 rubles. Therefore, those who wish to have both a script and a fairy tale in their arsenal can send 600 rubles to the site fund, without a fairy tale, respectively, 500 rubles will be enough.

The scenario of the program “I live in the USSR” will appeal to all those who were born in the 1960s and 1970s.

The use of this scenario would be appropriate at a corporate party, birthday party, and also as a theme for an entertainment program for a cafe.

The scenario "I live in the USSR" will bring together people with similar interests at the same table, who have something to remember and talk about, have something to laugh at and feel sad about.

This is a great idea for a virtual return to childhood and adolescence.

It will be useful for the younger generation to learn, see, try and feel how people and parents lived in the distant 70s of the last century.

The program of the evening "I live in the USSR" includes video clips, games, contests, a disco of the 80s. An unforgettable atmosphere filled with smiles and memories of past years can work wonders even for those who are hopelessly obsessed with own affairs and problems, and long ago forgot how to smile and dance.

Hall design and program organization


  • Posters (you can buy them or download them on the Internet and print them yourself on a color printer).
  • Slogans (perhaps left in the archives of organizations or you can write them yourself).
  • Flag of the USSR (most likely it can be found in the school archive or ordered through an online store).
  • Pioneer horns and drums (can be borrowed from the house of creativity, the former home of the pioneers).
  • Pennants.
  • Red carpets.
  • Velvet tablecloths.
  • Faceted glasses.
  • Aluminum cutlery.

As well as:

  • Wall projector or large screen for watching video clips.
  • Stylized paper money of the USSR in denominations of 1, 3, 5 rubles (they need to be printed on a color printer).
  • Invitation cards.
  • Clothes for fashion show.
  • improvised money.
  • Price list.
  • Menu.
  • Stylized labels for vodka (made in the USSR according to GOST).
  • Diplomas.
  • Candles.
  • Photos of past years.

For the museum it is quite useful:

  • Adding machine.
  • Accounts.
  • Samovar on coals.
  • Iron on coals.
  • Old radio.
  • Kerosene.
  • Vintage lampshade.
  • Rubber boots.
  • Pioneer or Komsomol badge.
  • Bust of Lenin or Stalin.
  • Inkwell.
  • A fountain pen.
  • Old suitcase.
  • Map or atlas of highways of the Soviet Union.

In addition to the stylized design, according to the author's idea, it will be necessary to prepare an impromptu museum, for the creation of which it is necessary to involve all those who arrive at the party.

For an invitation to a party, you need to prepare invitation cards, they must be handed out in advance so that the invited people have enough time to prepare and think through their outfit. It is desirable that the participants of the program should be dressed in the style of the 60s-70s-80s.

At the entrance, guests can be offered to tie pioneer ties, which can be easily sewn from a piece of red fabric.

The program of the evening is designed for 2.5-3 hours.


Good evening, dear Comrades! Greetings to all those who have decided to plunge into their childhood and youth. Those who remember how we lived then, how we were friends and what we valued. Welcome to the era of the USSR! I'll ask everyone to stand up.

The anthem of the Soviet Union sounds.


We will start our evening, as I promised you, with very bright and positive emotions. Close your eyes for a minute and imagine yourself in childhood and youth, remember what surrounded you and made you happy, remember your school friends and girlfriends. So, sit down comfortably, I ask everyone to pay attention to the screen.

H and the video clip "The First iPhone" is launched on the screen.


Tonight at our evening there will be thematic contests and quizzes. I have money in my hands. Each correct answer of the quiz and participation in the competition will certainly be paid. For the money received, you can purchase certain goods. There is a price list on the bar counter.

And now, dear Friends, Comrades, Citizens and Citizens, the first and, perhaps, the most serious quiz of today's event. Let's remember some historical facts. I have 10 questions for you, the price of each answer is 5 rubles.

Quiz "Top 10"

  1. Day, month, year of formation of the USSR? (Answer - December 30, 1922).
  2. How many republics joined the Union initially? (The answer is 4 republics). For the answer, which republics they were, another 5 rubles are given (answer - RSFSR, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Transcaucasian).
  3. Which 4 republics were the last to join the Union in 1940? (The answer is Moldova and the Baltic republics).
  4. How many republics were united under the flag of the USSR? (The answer is 15 republics at the time of the collapse of the USSR).
  5. Name the leaders of the USSR in the order they were in power? (The answer is Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev).
  6. Under what leader was Prohibition introduced? (Answer - Mikhail Gorbachev). For the answer, in what year it happened, another 5 rubles are given (the answer is 1985).
  7. Under which leader were food stamps introduced? (The answer is under Gorbachev).
  8. Which republic was to become the 16th in the USSR? (The answer is Bulgaria).
  9. Date of the end of the existence of the USSR? (Answer - December 26, 1991).
  10. When and where was the document on the termination of the existence of the USSR signed and what was its name? (Answer - on December 8, 1991, an agreement was signed in Belarus near Brest, which went down in history as Belovezhskaya, on the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS).

The song “I was born in the Soviet Union” by O. Gazmanov sounds.


My friends, I ask again your attention to the screen. Let's remember the flags of the Soviet Republics together. Each correct answer is worth 3 rubles. (Pictures depicting the flags of the Union republics must be downloaded in advance).

Quiz "Flags of the USSR"

A flag is shown on the monitor, the audience answers which republic it belonged to. The price of a correct answer is 3 rubles.


Well, now a little break. Those who wish can visit our impromptu museum, as well as buy goods at the bar counter for the won banknotes. The most interesting things are ahead of us.

Musical pause. 15-20 minutes background music of past years sounds.


Wait a minute, Citizens and Citizens, our next quiz will be a little fun and even comical. It's called "I Remember How It Was." I ask everyone to take an active part. For each correct answer you get 1 ruble.

Quiz "I remember how it was"

1. What did the leaders of the CPSU promise to every family in the USSR?

  • Apartment*
  • car
  • passbook

2. Who didn't play hockey in the Soviet Union?

  • Old man
  • Coward*
  • Loser

3. Thanks to what program did the Soviet people learn about what was going on abroad?

  • Morals and morals
  • Life behind the hill
  • International Panorama*

4. Today it is called UBEP, but what was the name of the authority in the days of the USSR?

  • OBHSS*

5. If you believe Nikita Khrushchev, then in 1980 the following event should have occurred?

  • Olympics
  • Communism*
  • End of the world

6. What were secret institutions called in the USSR?

  • Mailbox*
  • Postal trailer
  • Postal address

7. What military-patriotic game did Soviet children play?

  • Pioneer dawn
  • True Komsomol member
  • Zarnitsa*

8. What did the three poplars stand on in the Soviet film?

  • On Beaver
  • On horsetail
  • On Plyushchikha*

9. What company were the first televisions in the USSR?

  • Ruby
  • Electron*

10. Who said but did not « Life has become better, life has become more fun! » ?

  • Stalin*
  • Gorbachev
  • Brezhnev

11. What was the name of a sample of a masterpiece from the chefs of the USSR?

  • Romantic dinner
  • communist lunch
  • Tourist breakfast*

12. How much did a subway ride cost during the stagnant period of the Union?

  • 5 kopecks*
  • 1 ruble
  • 10 kopecks

13. Where did Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev menacingly thump with his boot?

  • At the Pentagon
  • At the White House
  • At the UN*

14. What information about a citizen of the USSR was allowed to be entered in a passport?

  • Religion
  • Blood type*
  • criminal record

15. Construction of the century BAM what does the letter a mean?

  • Angarskaya
  • Amur*
  • Atlantic

16. What was the affectionate name for elementary school students in the USSR?

  • Schoolchildren
  • October*
  • September

Correct answers are marked with an asterisk*.


Well, excellent results, and the mood in the hall is just wonderful, as I see it. You did an excellent job with the task and we have already identified candidates for the presentation of diplomas. Yes, yes, at the end of the official part of the evening, I will present three diplomas to the most active participants in our wonderful evening.

And now it's time for everyone to take a break from mental labor and smile! I invite two participants for the next competition, and I ask everyone else to support the participants or join them.

The game« Charger»

To carry it out, you will need to say a sound recording that sounded every morning on the radio in the Soviet Union. You can find it on the Internet.

Leading: Wonderful. The bones were crushed. You can eat and dance a little!

Musical break 15-20 minutes. Dance music from the 80s.

Leading: It's time to remember the movies of yesteryear. They are probably familiar to everyone from childhood, or maybe not from childhood, and if we don’t remember, then we will remember. We listen carefully! The correct answer costs 3 rubles. Go!

Game "Guess the melody"

To conduct the game, you will need a selection of songs from all the familiar movies and cartoons of past years. In this scenario, 30 audio files were used.

Leading: My dears! Unfortunately, our life is so arranged that we are created from birth for separation! Let us now remember those who left us for another world. I will ask you to turn off the lights in the hall, turn off all your mobile phones and light the candles that are on every table.

Watch the video clip "Departed Actors".

Leading: Now, my friends, there is a small musical pause, and you help yourself, communicate and soak the parched organs of the body. Don't forget to save up the won banknotes and shop at the bar. I will return to you soon.

Musical pause.

Leading: I am with you again and I ask those who wish to participate in the next competition, which is called " New life in the old fashion." I ask brave thinkers and dreamers to come up to me and take cards with abbreviations from the times of the USSR. You will need to come up with a new decryption for them. The price of the game is 3 rubles.

The game "New life according to the old model"

Citizens and Citizens must come up with new decodings for well-known abbreviations. For example: TRP - ready to hug you, and so on. Use the cards of the CPSU, VDNKh, DOSAAF, VLKSM and others. All participants receive a banknote of 3 rubles.


You and I have done a great job. Now let's take a break and enjoy looking at ourselves from the outside. I ask you to sit comfortably and all attention to the hall. We are starting a fashion show!

The fashion show will require preliminary preparation of clothes from the times of the USSR. It can be found in old parents' suitcases, grandmothers' closets, or ask friends. We assure you that it is quite possible to find it. If you still can’t find it, then you can replace the fashion show with a video of the same name. You can also replace the fashion show with the video "I'm taking a photo."


So the solemn part of the evening called "I live in the USSR" ended. Next in our program is the Disco of the 80s and the presentation of diplomas: 1. Forerunner of dance work. 2. Contest Activist. 3. Excellence in dance work.

Approximate menu:

  • Aspic;
  • Salad "Olivier";
  • Jellied fish;
  • Boiled potatoes with dill;
  • Sausage cutting;
  • Pickled cucumbers;
  • Sprats, sprats in tomato;
  • Processed cheese "Friendship";
  • Squash caviar;
  • Lemonade (n pour drinks into faceted glasses).

The Soviet Union ceased to exist in the not so distant 1991, but already now many people are organizing Soviet-style retro parties, including wedding ones. This is usually liked by the guests. Therefore, having received soviet-style invitation, they will be delighted.

What is the popularity of this idea? People who lived in the USSR can return to their youth, feel young again. Well, for those who have never tied a red pioneer tie around their neck and did not take part in the five-year plans, this is a chance to plunge into the life of an ordinary proletarian and feel the spirit of the USSR. No wonder in last years so many films are made about life in Soviet Russia - interest in this era is very high.

Attention! In addition to nostalgic moments, a USSR-style wedding is good, because such a celebration usually does not require large expenses, like.

Features of the celebration

Recreating the Soviet era is not so difficult - you just need to find the necessary paraphernalia:

  • the flag of the USSR, as well as portraits of Lenin and Stalin;
  • Soviet newspapers, for example, Pravda;
  • canned food;
  • pioneer ties and badges;
  • appropriate dress code.

If not the newlyweds themselves, then their parents definitely caught the times of the USSR, so recreating the right atmosphere is not so difficult; even today's youth usually more or less imagines the customs of Soviet Russia.

Find an old car (Moskvich or Volga), choose and have a banquet in the dining room with the most famous dishes of that era (including the squash game, Soviet champagne, canned salads) and posters, flags and portraits of Soviet leaders hung on the walls ... That's all!

Read also how to organize or in.


The style of a Soviet wedding must be maintained in every detail. In this case, an invitation in the style of the USSR is a mandatory attribute. As a rule, these are bright cards with golden embossing and the image of two wedding rings.

Below are some ideas for designing such an invitation.

wedding planner

Try to send the invitation in advance so that the guests have time to find the necessary clothes and props for the wedding.

Elena Sokolova

Banquet manager

Let the invitees put on red pioneer ties - this will create the right flavor.

Ekaterina Voronina


Holding a wedding in the style of the USSR involves a fair amount of humor, and the text of the invitation card should be humorous. In addition, it is important to use the appropriate words from the lexicon of the Soviet people, and the writing style in which all posters and newspapers were written at that time.

Below is an exemplary text of the invitation in the style of the USSR.

“Comrade (name)!

On August 25, 2017, a new cell of society will be created in the Wedding Palace at 325 Lenin Street - the Fedorov family!

We invite you to our Komsomol wedding! Be ready to congratulate Elena and Alexei at 15-00.

The wedding banquet will be held in the dining room "Capital" at the address: Mira Avenue, 13.

Don't forget your pioneer tie!

Remember that the creation of a family is the duty of every Soviet citizen to the Motherland!

In the first five years of their life together, the Ivanov family assumed increased obligations: to increase the birth rate in the USSR, as well as to work hard at their jobs!

Take an example from your older comrades!”

Manufacturing instructions

The easiest way to find ready-made layouts / templates for a postcard, newspaper or calendar on the net; make the necessary changes there in Photoshop or any other program, add the desired text and print it on a computer.

If you are confident in your artistic abilities, you can try to make a Soviet-style wedding invitation with your own hands.

You will need:

  • thick artificially aged paper or yellowish paper (A4);
  • red cardboard;
  • thick paper of golden color;
  • red ribbon;
  • printer, scissors, double-sided tape.

Let's start manufacturing.

  1. First, cut out squares of about 13 by 13 cm from golden paper and set them aside.
    Select a Soviet-themed drawing on the Internet.
  2. Print the drawing on paper. On each sheet (on the right side) there should be approximately three figures arranged vertically. On the left side opposite each picture, print the word "Invitation" and below - the text of the invitation.
  3. Cut the paper lengthwise so that each drawing is on a separate sheet.
  4. Fold the paper in half. You will get a small postcard, in the inner left part of which there will be a drawing from the times of the USSR, and on the right - the text of the invitation. When folded, the postcard should be slightly smaller than a square.
  5. Draw a five-pointed star on red cardstock and cut it out with scissors.
  6. From the rest of the golden paper, cut out two rings that intersect in the middle.
  7. Glue the star and rings to the outer front of your homemade card, one of the symbols on top and the other on the bottom.
  8. Take the golden square. Carefully make 2 small cuts in the center, horizontally, at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Take the red tape and pass it through these two notches.
  9. It remains to attach the card to the golden square. You can use double sided tape for this.
  10. Tie a bow carefully.

Here is the card and ready!

How to deliver

The traditional way to deliver wedding invitations is to send them by mail or hand them in person. But you can hire a courier dressed in the style of the Soviet era (or, for example, a pioneer) to personally deliver invitations to all guests.

Video invitations to the wedding look very original. If you are sure that your guests are actively using the Internet, you can record an original video and send everyone a link to view. It’s good if the room where the shooting will take place is decorated in the Soviet style (old furniture a la the 60s, posters on the walls), and the young people themselves choose the appropriate dress code, but this is not necessary.

Nowadays, people read less and spend more and more time on the Web, so a wedding video invitation is an interesting feature that will immediately draw attention to your celebration. And besides, in the video you can beat those details that ordinary text cannot convey.

Anniversary in the style of the USSR

Good evening, dear friends!
It is very pleasant that the event that we are in a hurry to celebrate today has gathered so many kind and good people, relatives and friends, true friends, colleagues and colleagues. Everyone who appreciates, respects and sincerely loves Raisa Aleksandrovna ……………….!
Today we have a great reason to celebrate.
On September 13, Raisa Alexandrovna celebrates her special birthday - a birthday with two fives.
And I ask everyone to fill their glasses and raise them in honor of our birthday girl. The more happiness you wish her, the more fully pour into glasses, the more long years of life, love and joy you wish her, the higher raise filled glasses.
We wish you love and happiness
Do not know pain and bad weather,
Let the house be a full bowl
Fun, joy will be in it!
May your life become brighter
May there be many friends in it!
By - more luck and only luck!
Happy Anniversary Birthday!!!
1 toast For our birthday girl, we drink standing up and to the bottom.

Raisa Alexandrov…………… was born in the village A………… T……………… of the L district………. area, in an amazing country that was called the Land of Soviets, Soviet Union or just the USSR. And I invite you to return back to the USSR, the country of your childhood, your youth. Remember, grieve a little about the past and rejoice at what has left an indelible mark on your memory. Ready?
Dear comrades!
For the solemn meeting, relatives and friends of the birthday girl, friends and work colleagues are invited to the meeting room, the places on the presidium are occupied by the birthday girl and guests of honor represented by the family of Raisa Alexandrovna.
Festive evening dedicated to the shock and timely completion of the ELEVENTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN by Raisa Alexandrovna ...... considered open. Those who are in favor, please fill their glasses. There are no objections and abstentions, the proposal was adopted unanimously.
The first item on the agenda of the event is a report on the work done.
During the 1st five-year period, Raisa successfully learned to walk, speak, use a spoon and achieve her goal using all the strength and power of her voice, which all the relatives of the birthday girl unanimously affirm. Everything that was produced in the Soviet Union - as they wrote then MADE IN THE USSR - the best had a QUALITY SIGN. And our birthday girl deserves it. But .... In the USSR, the quality control department was responsible for the quality (department technical control), and here Aunt Maria Ivanovna takes on this role, as the brightest and most experienced representative of the Soviet people.
2 toast - congratulations from aunt

The 2nd five-year plan in the life of Raisa was marked by important events: the 1st grade at school, joining the OCTOBER group and, of course, her acceptance into the ranks of the young Leninists - PIONEERS. When with a red tie tied, she uttered a pioneer oath. The words of which "BE READY - ALWAYS READY!" I'm sure you all remember today.
Shouting pioneer:
We, friends, are together today
Let's say a lot of kind words
Happy birthday to congratulate ....
Be ready! Always ready!
Get ready to sing songs loudly
Spare no votes
And walk as long as possible
Be ready! Always ready!
Let's drink our Raisa
Immediately in one gulp without sips
Toast to say today everyone
Be ready! Always ready!

3 toast congratulations
In the 3rd and 4th five-year plans, our birthday girl, by personal example, proved that she deserves the title: Komsomol member, sportswoman and SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL. For exemplary behavior, excellent studies and active participation in public life, Raisa Alexandrovna was accepted into the Komsomol, but when joining the Komsomol, it was necessary to write a questionnaire and answer questions from the commission. Let's see if the answers change.
question and answer game
4 toast - congratulations

Having cried with the whole country, saying goodbye to the departing Olympic Bear, in the 5th five-year plan, Raisa directed all her strength to choosing a life path, getting a profession and raising professional level. (Whom to become a chemistry teacher or master the trade industry?) The choice is made - you did not regret it? Well, if you go back to the Soviet years, what could Raisa Alexandrovna afford to buy for 1 kopeck?
1 kopeck - A glass of gas water without syrup, matches
2 kop - call from the machine
3 kop-g azvod with syrup, notebook
4cop is the most erotic condom question, ride the trolley
5 kopecks - a bun, bus fare
10 kopecks - milk ice cream, haircut
22 kopecks - cake, popsicle in chocolate
30 kop lottery ticket
56 kopecks cost a dollar
96 kopecks - wine "Autumn Garden"
1 rub. 50 kopecks - application to the registry office
2r.82 kopeck - a bottle of vodka
120 rubles - salary of an engineer
10000 - "Volga"
15000 get 15 years with confiscation

Money can buy a teacher, but you can't buy knowledge
For money, you can buy a house, but you can not buy family well-being,
For money, you can buy a rich table, but you will not buy friends who gather at it.
5 toast - congratulations

In the 6th five-year plan, at the call of the party and the government, as well as her young ardent heart, Raisa was engaged in creating a cell of society - the family and increasing the number of her native country. Every Soviet woman dreamed of being married, unmarried women were looked at suspiciously. And every woman kept her husband in any way:
German - food
Georgian woman - attention
Czech - power
Spanish - passion
Cuban - dancing
Polka - caress
Chinese woman - flattery
Mexican - revenge
Greek - beauty
Armenian - completeness
French woman - body
American - business
Italian - chic
Jewess - shout
And in the Soviet Union - the local committee, trade union committee, party committee.
What is the secret of a long and happy life for Raisa Alexandrovna?
Husband toast

Although there was no sex in the USSR, children were born.
toast - congratulations from children.

In the Soviet Union, it was customary to live under slogans and mottos. For example: “Five-year plan ahead of schedule!”, “Sobriety is the norm of life!”.

I suggest that you come up with slogans for our Raisa Aleksandrovna that will begin like this: “NOT A DAY WITHOUT……”
Slogan auction
It was under such slogans that the 7th five-year period of life passed
Toast - congratulations

The 8th five-year plan saw the very perestroika in which the country survived only thanks to women like Raisa Aleksandrovna, real Russians. stood in those years of the Board of Honor, the central place was to be occupied by the portrait of Our birthday girl. Let's restore justice.
Game "Portrait of the hero of the day"

Well, in the 9th five-year plan, every day, in work and caring for the family, Raisa Aleksandrovna turned from a bright flower into a juicy, appetizing berry.
Acclaiming list
Wife ___________________
Employee _______________
Neighbor _________________
Female ________________
(name adjectives and write in the sheet)
9 toast

The 10th five-year plan was completed with a golden jubilee to which the hero of the day came with new achievements. Raisa Alexandrovna is an extraordinary woman of Balzac's age, of medium height, of pleasant fatness, in the prime of her unfading strength, the result of the past years.
1. Work.
She left for work in the morning - 7688 times, came to work in the morning - 6076 times.
I was late from lunch - 4216 times, I was not late from lunch - 279 times.
I dined at the workplace and fell asleep there - 365 days (1 year).
She asked for a salary in the accounting department - 744 times. Brought home a salary - almost all, almost always
Quarreled with the boss - 2945 times, of which: he scolded her - 2914 times; she his - 31 times.
2. Family life. Housework:
Hammered a nail - 6031 times.
Washed the dishes - 11315 times.
Planted a garden - 31 times.
Cleaned the garden - 31 times.
Did repairs in the apartment - 30 times.
She scolded everyone who could not help her in this - 17459 times.
3. Quiet family joys.
Watching TV with a cup of tea - 2531 times.
Invasion of guests - 3658 times.
I gave instructions to children - 1460 times, to which they did not react 500 times.
I went to the bath - 1488 times, returned from there "drunk" - 88 times.
4. Other.
She voted in the elections - 15 times, her candidate was chosen - 1 time.
I went to resorts - 10 times.
I improved my qualifications - 5 times, I improved my qualifications.

Total for reporting period: joys - 80%,
troubles - 20%.
What will be the job offers: to recognize excellent, good or satisfactory?

And now the 11th five-year plan has been completed. You can judge the achievements by the appearance of the birthday girl and telephone congratulations from our government as recognition of her merits.
(Telephone call - congratulations from Medvedev, Zhirinovsky, Putin)
The game "Mobile friend" who will be the first of those present to get through to the hero of the day

TOAST - congratulations

Certificate of honor and the medal is awarded today
For the fact that Raisa Alexandrovna is different from everyone
Mind and talent, energy, strength,
With a young soul and a beautiful smile!
For stubbornly striving for the heights
And in this she managed to achieve success!
For what goes through thorns to the stars!
For being a good woman!
For it's all for sure waiting for you
Love, respect, glory, honor!
A medal to you and this diploma forever.
Long live our dear man!
We wish you not to know failures in the future,
To be young, happy, blossom, prosper!

In the dance-competitive part:
music in the style of the 70-80s
Games: "Socialist competitions" - team games
"Soviet Sport" - boxers, weightlifters (dance with a lady in her arms), football players (juggling balloons)
"By pull" - any version of the game "bring"