Dismissal of the CEO at his own request. Voluntary dismissal of director

The representative of the organization is the general director: he acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the legal entity. It is on him that full responsibility for the state of affairs of the enterprise. The general director is appointed to the position by the general meeting of members. Dismissal CEO on own will differs from the procedure for terminating an employment contract with ordinary employees.

Established order

If the CEO decides to resign own initiative, then he must prepare an appropriate application. It is addressed to the founders of the company.

The Labor Code of the Federation, Article 280, states that the manager has the right to terminate the employment contract ahead of schedule, subject to a written notification of the owners of the company (their representatives) at least 1 month before the planned date of departure.

After receiving the application, the procedure for formalizing the dismissal of the director of the LLC at his own request begins. To avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to monitor the implementation of each stage.

  1. The meeting of the founders, at which the application of the director is considered, the execution of the minutes.
  2. Issuing a notice of dismissal.
  3. Filling out a work book.
  4. Carrying out the final settlement with the general director.
  5. Issuance of all required documentation to the former manager.
  6. Notification of regulatory authorities, including the tax service, about the departure of the head.

Compliance with the procedure is mandatory. Indeed, in case of violations, problems with the labor inspectorate may arise.

If the head cannot continue his labor activity in connection with admission to educational institution or due to the onset of the retirement period, he must be fired on the date that he indicated in the application.


If the CEO decides to vacate his position and resigns on his own initiative, he must prepare a notice to the founders. It can be in the form of an application. There are no clear document requirements. It should display the following information:

  • manager data;
  • data of the employer (founder);
  • date of writing the document;
  • the planned date of termination of the employment agreement.

All founders must be informed about the will of the general director. The manager may notify them in person, send a notice by mail, or courier delivery. The monthly period begins to count from the moment when the letters were received by the founders.

Also, the manager must determine the date of the unscheduled meeting and notify all participants of its holding. The procedure for sending notifications is regulated by the legislation on limited liability companies. The law states that:

  • notification is sent one month before the scheduled date of the meeting;
  • each participant is notified personally;
  • notifications are sent in the manner specified in the company's charter (mainly by registered mail);
  • the notice shall include information about the place of the meeting, its date and the list of issues to be discussed.

Having figured out who the CEO is writing to, you can send a letter of resignation along with the notice of the meeting. If one of the founders is a legal entity, then the letter is sent to the address indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Owners of individuals are sent notifications to the address that the company has.

Any LLC is required to maintain a list of its members, so their location data must be up to date. If for some reason the list of participants was not previously maintained, then information about the founders can be found in the company's charter, memorandum of association.

Also, the head can find out in the tax service whether the addresses of the individuals of the founders that he knows correspond to the addresses indicated by the owners in 2-NDFL. It will not be possible to find out a new address in the tax office, employees of the Federal Tax Service will not report it. But if the founder, whose place of residence has changed, has not provided this information to the LLC, then he is considered to have been duly notified when sending a notice to the old address.

Dismissal without agreement of the founders

At a meeting organized by the CEO, a decision may be made to dismiss him. But this is not necessary if he decided to terminate the employment contract voluntarily.

By the decision of this collegiate body a new leader must be approved. Even if the co-owners cannot decide who to appoint, they have no right to force the resigning director to work for more than 1 month. An exception is made in cases where the date of termination of the contract is negotiated at the meeting. By mutual agreement of the parties, the one-month period may be extended for a period until the founders find a new candidate for the position of general director.

If the participants do not agree with the dismissal, then they can evade delivery of the notice or prepare a refusal to participate in the meeting. This should not be an obstacle to dismissal. The CEO may apply to the court for the protection of his rights. A copy of the statement of claim drawn up should be sent to the member of the company who refuses to give an agreement to terminate the contract with the director.

Even no new appointment the head and the consent of the founders, the general director has the right to resign. After all, article 37 of the Constitution states that forced labor is prohibited. The main thing is that the director followed the established procedure upon dismissal.

Leaving ahead of time

In a statement addressed to the founders, the head must indicate exactly when he wants to quit. But depending on the situation, the date of termination of the employment agreement may be changed. If the director agrees to leave before the term named by him, then the procedure for dismissal does not change.

There are times when members of a company decide to terminate contract of employment before the date specified in the application. If the consent of the head to this is not obtained, then it is considered that he was dismissed by the decision of the meeting. In this case, he will be entitled to compensation upon dismissal.

Preparing for the termination process

The CEO is a financially responsible person. He is responsible for the damage that was caused to the organization by his actions and by himself. Therefore, the dismissal procedure includes the need to carry out the following actions:

  • draw up a report on the amounts issued, prepare copies of advance reports and other necessary documents, all surplus should be handed over to the cash desk of the enterprise;
  • on the last working day, the boss gives the person who came to his position the keys, documentation and, of course, the seals of the company;
  • notify the bank and the certification center of the dismissal, this will prevent the misuse of the manager's electronic signature after he leaves the company.

These steps are mandatory.

Application preparation

The manager, when planning to convene the founders, should look at what a sample application for termination of an employment contract looks like. Consideration of the need for dismissal can be included in the notice that is sent to the founders.

It will look like this:

To the participant of LLC "Alladin"

Rakhmanov I.F.

Extraordinary Meeting Notice

Dear Ilya Fedorovich!

Guided by the powers granted to me by the charter of Aladdin LLC, defined in clause 12.3, and the legislation on the activities of the LLC, I hereby inform you of the convening of an extraordinary meeting of participants of Aladdin LLC.

Agenda: election of a new CEO in connection with the dismissal of the current manager on his own initiative. Application dated 02.02.2017 in. No. 84 on termination of the contract is attached to this notice.

The meeting will take place on March 13, 2017 at 11:00 am in office no. 101 of the building of Alladin LLC, which is located at Izhevsk, st. Vorovskogo, 31.

General Director of Alladin LLC Provko G.P.


The attached statement itself might look like this.

To the founder of LLC "Alladin"

Rakhmanov Ilya Fedorovich

General Director of LLC "Alladin"

Provko Gennady Petrovich

Resignation letter

I ask you to dismiss me, the general director of Alladin LLC Provko G.P., at my own request from 03/14/2017.

General Director Provko G.P.

The registration situation is simplified if the CEO is the sole founder of the company. He can dismiss himself at any time without calling a meeting and waiting for the necessary monthly period. Instead of himself, he will have to appoint another leader.

Making an order and filling out a work book

After the meeting, the general director has the right to make and sign the dismissal order himself. Use the better developed unified form No. T-8, which is approved by the State Statistics Committee. But at will the form of the order can be changed.

The order contains the following information:

  • details of the company, its name;
  • information about who is leaving;
  • the reason for leaving the position;
  • date of termination of the employment contract.

You can make an entry in the labor manager on your own if the company does not have an employee responsible for managing personnel files. The same entry is made in the work book as for the dismissal of ordinary employees. It states that the head was dismissed of his own free will.

It is necessary to refer to paragraph 3 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Some mistakenly believe that when terminating a contract with a manager, one should refer to 280 Art. but Rostrud confirmed that this is not true.

Filling work book the following must be taken into account:

  • information is entered in all columns;
  • Arabic numerals are used when filling out;
  • the reason for dismissal must be recorded correctly, in accordance with labor legislation;
  • be sure to indicate the article of the Labor Code of the Federation, on the basis of which the labor Relations;
  • the details of the order that formalized the termination of the employment relationship are entered in the appropriate column.

Upon dismissal former boss can get wages for the time that was actually worked and compensation for the remaining unused vacation.

Entry into the rights of a new boss

One of the stages of dismissal is the transfer of affairs to the new appointed CEO. The head, who has just assumed duties, is given 3 days to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service with a request to amend the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This must be done due to a change of person who acts on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney.

After receiving the application, the tax inspectorate registers the changes made within 5 working days. Information about the former CEO is excluded, instead of them, information about the new executive is indicated. If this is not done in a timely manner, then the previous manager may have problems:

  • claims may be made against him as a subsidiary debtor in the event of bankruptcy of an LLC;
  • when finding a job in another organization as a leader, difficulties may arise.

Therefore, figuring out how to dismiss the CEO, it is necessary to control this issue.

It must be understood that the termination of the contract does not relieve the manager from liability. Financial liabilities remain if, as a result of the audit, it is revealed that during the tenure:

  • property has been lost;
  • the property of the organization is damaged;
  • there were unforeseen expenses;
  • profit was lost.

In these cases, the owners of the company have the right to sue the dismissed manager with a demand to compensate for the damage. The court will take the side of the plaintiff if the owners of the company can prove the guilt of the head with documents.

has a number of differences from the procedure for dismissal of an ordinary employee. The reason is that such an employee is the main executive body of the company, without which it cannot continue its activities. We will talk about the features of this procedure in our article.

How to fire the director of an LLC at will

The procedure for the dismissal of the director of an LLC at his own request includes several stages:

Compliance with the requirements of the law at each stage can protect the organization from possible claims from the former head and labor inspectorate and ensure its continued full functioning.

We draw up a letter of resignation of the CEO

Letter of resignation to the founder from the director- a document that confirms the will of the employee who wants to leave the position. It is compiled 1 month before the expected date of leaving work (Article 280 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Writing an application is not a mandatory step. Sufficient evidence of the will of the CEO is a notice given to the founders of the company.

The legislation does not establish clear requirements for the document. If it is decided to use any sample letter of resignation of general director of LLC, you need to remember that the document must contain the data of the employee and employer, the date of the upcoming dismissal, the date the document was drawn up and the signature of the applicant. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that for the head of the company, the employer is the general meeting of the company's participants.

Submit an application for voluntary dismissal of director can be done in person or using the mail service or courier service. In any case, the date of notification is the day the document is received by the employer. The main thing is to record the fact of receipt of the application by the addressee - for example, to receive a mark on the receipt of the letter.

Resignation letter from CEO

After the decision to leave the position, the director should set the date for the extraordinary meeting of the company's shareholders and send them information about the time and place of the meeting. The notification rules are listed in Art. 36 of the Law "On Limited Liability Companies" dated February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ:

  1. Notice must be sent at least one month before the upcoming meeting.
  2. It is necessary to notify each LLC member individually.
  3. The notice may be sent by registered mail or in any other way provided for by the company's charter.
  4. The notice must contain information about the time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of issues planned for discussion.

Considering the above rules, we can say that best option- submitting an application for voluntary dismissal of the CEO members of the organization along with a notice of an extraordinary meeting of members.

The procedure for coordinating the dismissal with the founders of the organization

At the meeting, the founders discuss and decide on the upcoming departure of the head of the company. Since Art. 37 of the country's basic law prohibits forced labor, LLC participants are not entitled to refuse the head of the organization early release from office.

Don't know your rights?

Refusal to participate in the meeting and evasion of delivery of the notice are not good reasons for continuing the work of the general director against his will. In case of such behavior of the employer, the head of the organization may apply to the court. The statement of claim handed over to the employer is sufficient confirmation of the director's desire to leave his position. As a practical example, we can cite the appeal ruling of the Perm Regional Court dated August 05, 2013 No. 33-7154.

During the extraordinary meeting, the founders agree on the date of the upcoming voluntary dismissal of CEO, and can also agree with him on a longer period of working out, necessary to search for a new candidate for the position of the head. If an agreement between the employer and the employee is not reached, the latter has the right to resign without the consent of the founders. The main thing at the same time is to follow the procedure, as required by law.

Order on the dismissal of the CEO at his own request, a sample order

The head of the organization can issue and sign an order to leave on his own after the meeting. It specifies:

  • company name and details;
  • information about the dismissed person;
  • reasons for dismissal;
  • date of departure of the CEO.

In this case, as a rule, a unified form of document No. T-8 is used, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation “On Approval unified forms documents…” dated 01/05/2004 No. 1. However, the use of this particular template is not mandatory, the employer, if desired, has the right to independently develop the form of the document. The current sample of the order to dismiss the head of the organization can be downloaded on our website.

Entering an entry in the work book and settlement with the gene. director

An entry in the labor head of the organization can be made independently or entrusted to an authorized person of the organization. He also has the right to certify it with his signature and the seal of the organization (if any). The main thing is to comply with the requirements of the instructions for filling out work books, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69:

  1. Complete all sections of the document.
  2. Use Arabic numerals when filling in.
  3. Do not allow abbreviations and corrections in the records.
  4. Clearly state the reason for leaving.
  5. Add a reference to the legislative norm that became the basis for the termination of the employment relationship.
  6. Specify the details of the order to terminate the contract between the dismissed person and the employer.

At voluntary dismissal of the CEO he can count on payments and compensations stipulated by law: salary for hours worked, compensation for unused vacation, etc. In addition, the former CEO transfers business to the new head of the organization. In the event of the temporary absence of a legal successor, the ex-head may:

  • continue independent storage of the seal and documents of the organization;
  • entrust the storage of a special archival organization;
  • transfer the documents and seal to the notary for safekeeping.

The right to store documents to notaries is granted by Art. 97 "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries" dated February 11, 1993 No. 4462-1. When transferring, it must be remembered that documents are received and stored on behalf of the organization. This gives the right to the new head of the company at any time to pick up documents and seals.

Does the procedure for dismissing the CEO of an organization at his own request provide for notification of the tax service?

The answer to this question is contained in "l" p. 1 and p. 5 Art. 5 of the law "On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs» dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ, which require that information be submitted to the tax authority about the dismissal of the director of a legal entity (including at his own request) and change executive body firms. For this, it is necessary to submit tax office an application drawn up in the form P14001, having previously certified it with a notary. The application is submitted by the newly appointed head of the company within 3 days from the date of appointment, after which the tax authority enters information about the new head into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

A person dismissed from the position of the general director must make sure that his data is removed from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. An unscrupulous approach to this issue can cause trouble in the future: problems when a manager finds employment in another organization, the danger of liability for the company's debts in the event of its bankruptcy, etc. If new leader company has not been appointed, the application may be signed and submitted by the former CEO.

Features of the procedure for the dismissal of the General Director - a pensioner at his own request

The process of voluntary dismissal of a person who has reached retirement age has one peculiarity: such an employee has the right not to work out the period provided for by law (part 3 of article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, the head of the organization, who is an old-age pensioner, is not obliged to meet the deadline for leaving work.

However, it is still necessary to comply with the formal dismissal procedure (notify the founders, convene an extraordinary meeting of the company's participants and make a decision on the dismissal of the retired manager) is still necessary. In the entry in the work book, it is necessary to indicate that the reason for the termination of the employment relationship was retirement.

The procedure for the dismissal of the general director at his own request - the sole founder of the company

In the case when the head is both the sole organizer of the company and its owner, the procedure dismissal of the CEO at his own request is greatly simplified. According to part 2 of Art. 273 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the norms of labor regulation of the manager do not apply to such an employee.

In this situation, the head of the organization can at any time independently write an appropriate statement and decide on his dismissal. That is, the duration of the process is significantly reduced, because there is no need to notify yourself of the upcoming dismissal, wait 1 month and organize a meeting of participants. Simultaneously with the decision to dismiss, the sole founder can appoint the head of the company.

Responsibility of the CEO after dismissal

The job of a leader is about making difficult decisions. Responsibility for his actions and decisions - both material and criminal - if there are grounds for its occurrence, he will bear even in the event of dismissal from office.

So, the material responsibility of the head arises in the following cases:

  • in case of loss of property;
  • damage to the property of the organization;
  • unforeseen expenses of the enterprise;
  • loss of profit by the company due to the fault of the head.

As a rule, these circumstances are discovered after the audit in the company. The employer of the dismissed head of the organization may file a claim with the court demanding compensation for the damage caused by the actions of the general director. If the claims are satisfied, the recovery may be directed to the property of the former employee.

The basis for attracting criminal liability Unlawful actions of the head can become under the following conditions:

  1. In his actions (inaction) there is a corpus delicti.
  2. The guilt of the leader is documented.
  3. The statute of limitations has not expired.

In conclusion, it remains to say that the best solution would be peaceful negotiations and mutually beneficial agreements between the head of the enterprise and the founders, since they allow you to avoid litigation and quickly fire the CEO.

The director of a limited liability company is employee and the norms of the Labor Code apply to it, at the same time it performs the functions of the sole executive body and its activities are regulated by the norms of the federal law on LLC.

To terminate the director's labor activity, it is not enough to dismiss him in accordance with the norms of labor legislation, it is necessary to terminate his powers as a company body.

Dismissal of the director

Dismissal is a procedure in accordance with which labor rights and duties of the person hired.

In this regard, the dismissal of a manager is no different from the same termination actions with an ordinary employee.

Differences appear in the order of termination of labor functions. For an employee who has the intention, it is required to notify the employer 2 weeks in advance, then wait for the order issued in accordance with Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, make an entry in, receive and that's it.

The director is obliged to notify the management bodies of the company, that is, the meeting of participants, of the upcoming termination of work of his own free will at least one month before dismissal in accordance with the norms of Art. 280 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This period is due to the fact that for termination it is necessary to terminate its powers as the sole executive body. Such an issue is referred to the competence of the meeting of participants, which can be convened by sending a notice 30 days before the expected date of its holding.

The reasons dismissals of the director can be very different, both at his request and at the initiative of the employer. The legislation does not contain mandatory requirement motivate circumstances related to the upcoming termination of employment. But due to the fact that the director performs certain functions on which the success of the enterprise depends, the participants have the right to know the reasons for dismissal, if they are not related to personal motives.

Step by step procedure

The procedure for dismissal is regulated by the norms of the Labor Code and the law on limited liability companies, the legislative acts themselves do not contradict each other, but rather supplement and clarify.

Due to the fact that the decision to terminate the duties of the head must be made by the founders, it is necessary to go through several stages until the complete release from the assigned duties of the head.

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Founders Notice

The director must send written communication to all members of the company, notifying them of their intention to resign of their own free will from a date no earlier than 30 days from the date of sending the notice.

The decision to dismiss the participants is taken collectively, therefore it is advisable for the director to send along with the notification notice of an extraordinary meeting. In accordance with the norms of the law governing the activities of the company, he has such a right.

The meeting must be scheduled at least 30 days in advance from the date of sending the notice by registered mail to the address of the participant specified in . The agenda should indicate the issue of early resignation of duties of the director of the company.

Founders decision

On the issue set out in the agenda, the founders must make a decision, which depends on the results of the vote. In principle, the shareholders of the company cannot interfere with the exercise of the director's right to dismiss. But depending on the circumstances, they may offer to work for some more time to find the right candidate for the vacancy.

If the owners of the enterprise decide to extend the term of its work, then the director has the right to issue an order on his dismissal from the date agreed with the founders.

In the event of a conflict situation, when the opinions of the participants differ from the desire of the director, he has the right to issue an order without their consent. To do this, just follow the above procedure.

Registration of dismissal

The dismissal of a director is done through issuing an order based on the decision of the meeting. The order must be issued in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the director himself has the right to sign it, he also makes an entry in the work book.

The order must contain data on the date of dismissal, payment of severance pay and full settlement. It is not necessary to write a letter of resignation, since a notification was sent to the participants.

If the resigning director has a legal successor in the person of his deputy, who will temporarily exercise his powers, or a newly hired person to fill the vacant position, then it is necessary to transfer property to him, cash, documentation, seals and stamps according to the act.

Tax Service Notice

Issuing a dismissal order and making an entry in labor documents are not final actions upon completion of one's labor activity in the society. The norms of the law on the registration of legal entities provide that all information about enterprises and organizations is contained in single register administered by the tax office.

It is an official document and contains information about the company itself, its members and the sole body, which is the director. Third parties entering into relationships with the company receive information from the specified document and for them the person who acts on behalf of the company and makes decisions on the main issues of its activities is the one named in it.

The legal entity must notify the tax authority about all changes and changes, in part, the composition of participants, size and executive body.

The notification is drawn up in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, certified by a notary and submitted to the tax office to amend the register of legal entities. This document is signed by the old director, since he is an authorized person for the registration authority.

After the name of another director is indicated in the new extract, the former may be considered finally dismissed.

Features of the procedure for an LLC with a single founder

Often there are cases when the director and sole member societies coincide in one person. If he decides to move away from managing the affairs of the company, and there is a desire to hire an employee who will perform the functions of the executive body, then he has the right to go through the procedure for dismissal and hiring a new person in his place, which is significantly simplified.

In this situation, you do not need to notify yourself of the upcoming notice, and you do not need to meet the 30-day deadline to call the meeting.

It is enough to make a decision to terminate their powers as a sole body and issue an order on dismissal on its basis. At the same time, the issue of a new leader can be resolved, both in a decision and in an order.

Filing a notification to the tax office is carried out in the same manner as indicated above.

Company liquidation

If the founders of the company have decided on it, then there is special order carrying out this procedure.

The legislation provides that a liquidator or liquidation commission, the decision on this must be taken simultaneously at the same meeting at which it was decided to end the activity.

From the date of commencement of the activities of the liquidator or commission, the functions of the head are transferred to them. However, the director, deprived of the right to manage the enterprise, continues to be an employee and his dismissal must be carried out in accordance with the norms of labor legislation.

The liquidation commission is obliged to notify all employees of the enterprise, regardless of their position, including the director of the upcoming dismissal 2 months before the issuance of the order.

Information about the upcoming release of the company's employees is sent to the employment service so that they are notified of the possible appearance of persons who must be registered to search for vacancies and pay unemployment benefits.

Upon the occurrence of the specified period, an order for dismissal is issued under paragraph 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or clause 2 of Art. 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which is the basis for the payment accrued in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise.

The rules for terminating labor relations with the CEO upon liquidation of the enterprise are discussed in the following video:

Dismissal of the director at the request of the founders

Participants may, at their discretion, initiate the dismissal of the director.

Grounds for dismissal there may be special norms of the Labor Code regarding the termination of relations with the head of the organization, these include:

  • paragraph 9 of Art. 81 adoption of an unreasonable decision by the director of the company, which caused the loss or damage to property, its use contrary to the interests of the organization or the cause of significant damage;
  • paragraph 10 of Art. 81 admission of a single gross violation.

To make a decision, it will be necessary to convene an extraordinary meeting with an appropriate agenda and an indication of the grounds for the reasons for such circumstances. According to the provisions of the law on LLC, the meeting is convened by the head of the company, in case of his refusal or ignoring the requirements of the founders, they have the right to initiate it themselves 30 days before the date of the holding, by sending a notification to all participants.

It may be a nuance if the director of the company is at the same time one of the founders, and a violation of the procedure for convening a meeting may be the basis for appealing it in court.

After the meeting, a dismissal order must be issued, which, if the director refuses, can be signed by one of the founders, he can also make an entry in the work book. The meeting may delegate to one of the participants to carry out the procedure for dismissing the director.

If the founders did not substantiate their decision and it was made without evidence confirming the unlawful behavior of the director, which is contrary to the interests of the enterprise, then it can be canceled by the court.

After the dismissal of the director, it will be necessary to make changes to the register of legal entities at the tax office. An incident may arise here, since only an authorized person can submit it, that is former director if he refuses to do so, then a newly adopted person or one of the founders, to whom such a right has been entrusted by the meeting, can sign.

Previously, it was practiced to dismiss the director in connection with a change in the owner of the company, and in cases where the composition of the participants changed, they could decide to terminate the labor duties of the old one and accept a new one. However, the legislator clarified that only the transfer of an enterprise from state ownership to private ownership as a result of privatization is recognized as a change of ownership, and this rule does not apply to LLC.

Responsibility of the director after dismissal

The resigned director must be responsible for his illegal actions even after the termination of the employment contract. If during the period of fulfillment of the duties of the head of the LLC, he committed violations in his actions, for which administrative punishment may follow, then he can be held liable within a year from the date of its commission, even after dismissal. And if it lasts, then within one year from the date when it became known according to the results of the inspection, to the controlling and inspection bodies.

If the former director committed a crime punishable by criminal law, then he must be fully responsible for his actions. If the misdemeanor was of minor gravity, then the term for bringing to criminal responsibility is 2 years from the date of commission.

In case of causing losses to the company, the resigned manager bears property liability, which implies compensation for damage. Former employer has the right to file, based on paragraph 2 of Art. 392 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation within one year from the date of discovery of losses as a result of an audit or audit of the enterprise.

In order to amicably resolve labor relations, both the employer and the director should seek through negotiations and reach agreements so that they do not have to deal with the court. Respect for the rights of both parties will allow you to fire the old and hire a new director without much hassle and fuss.

The procedure for dismissing the CEO is set out in the following video:

The system for formalizing the termination of an employment contract or contract has a number of its own special nuances that must be observed by both each employer and the employee himself. At the same time, regulatory legal acts divide the process into a simplified and more complex one, depending on who was going to leave work and on whose initiative the process of ending the employment relationship was carried out.

The group of complicated procedures includes the dismissal of the CEO. So, it is much easier to find general rules for registering a break in labor relations than special rules for certain categories of workers. Therefore, in this article we propose to consider the features of the system of dismissal of citizens who hold the position of CEO. About what specific features this procedure has and what actions should be carried out in the first place - you can read below.

The decision to dismiss the director - who has the right to make it?

When examining the issue of terminating an employment contract or contract with a person holding leadership position, it is worth remembering that in many respects the procedure depends on who initiated the dismissal. The category of cases that we consider in this article has quite a lot of specifics. First of all, this is manifested in the subject composition itself.

So, let's consider who today can be considered the CEO. This position is leading and is considered at the level of regulatory legal acts as a set of special labor duties with coordination, organizational, administrative and other functions. In an employment contract with such a citizen, it must be clearly stated what position the person occupies and what duties of an official nature are assigned to him.

There is a director in any company and organization. Such a position represents the subordination of a number of employees to his instructions and the direct management of the affairs of a company or enterprise. It is sometimes believed that the CEO is the highest level of management. Therefore, the question arises as to how it is possible to dismiss such an official?

But, the process has its way out. Often, the CEO is just a hired citizen to manage a company that is owned by completely different people. They hire a specially trained worker for such a position in order to lead the organization or company. At the same time, both one of the owners and a person who is not related to the business and its ownership in general can exercise management with the help of this kind of position.

Considering the issue of termination of employment of such a person, it is worth noting that the procedure for dismissal largely depends on the provisions of the employment contract, status official, his participation in the ownership of the company. Therefore, at the level of regulatory and legal guidelines, two main options for breaking an employment contract or contract can be distinguished. These include:

  • dismissal of the director at his own request;
  • the initiative to terminate the performance of their labor functions comes directly from the owners who hired the person to perform managerial functions.

What are the main differences between these methods? First of all, of course, everything depends on the immediate desire to fire or quit. If the procedure begins with the actions of the CEO himself, then it will be simpler and faster. This is due to the fact that he does not need to seek explanations for his act, specific factors that may allow the director to take this step.

If we talk about the dismissal of a director by the owners of a company or enterprise, then such a procedure will be more complicated. This is due to the fact that the normative legal acts Today, cases are clearly noted when owners have the right to dismiss a person from a specific position. At the same time, they are obliged to choose one of the grounds provided for directly by law. There can be no other way, since non-compliance with the established rules will lead to legal liability, which is expressed in the restoration in the same place and the payment of a fine.

Voluntary dismissal of director

Most often in practice, you can find cases where the leader is the direct initiator of his resignation. So, the work of a general director is not only a fairly large income and a high position, but also great amount responsibilities, time and effort. Therefore, some sooner or later come to the conclusion that it is necessary to leave such a position.

In this case, the manager, like any other employee, is given the legal right to terminate the employment relationship at any time. In order to complete the performance of his duties, the director must draw up a standard procedure. That is, a corresponding application is submitted, which is considered for two weeks. On its basis, a special internal document is issued, in which it is noted directly about the end of the labor interaction.

Although in general view the procedure is identical to that used in all cases of dismissal of one's own free will, there are a number of special nuances that are characteristic only of general directors, as specific subjects. First of all, this is expressed in the person to whom the letter of resignation is sent. So, in the general system, such a document is written in the name of the head himself. But, in our case, it is the director himself who quits. What happens: does he need to write an application in his own name?

There is one thing to know general rule- an appeal for a termination of an employment contract or contract is submitted to those persons who directly hired a citizen for his position. In our case, we are talking about the owners of a company, organization or enterprise. At the same time, the owner can be either one person or several. In principle, the system of dismissal from this practically does not change.

That is, as we see, the head needs to turn to the owners of the organization. If there are several of them, then the decision to terminate labor interaction with the CEO should take place at special meetings, which should be attended by at least half of the total composition of the owners. Therefore, the application for dismissal of the director, as such, will be absent in this procedure. The manager needs to notify all owners of upcoming fees. At the same time, the information about the meeting should indicate that the current CEO is resigning and resigning.

That is, the first step in such a process is a meeting of all the founders to decide on the approval of the dismissal by the director. As a rule, fees can be urgent - within one week, or not - within a month. It all depends on the specific location of the office and the place of residence of the owners.

A written notification of the need to convene a meeting must have a special registration of its receipt. So, as a rule, documents of this kind are provided personally against receipt or by mail with notification of receipt.

What is it for? Sometimes it happens that the organization cannot find a suitable replacement for the current director. Therefore, the owners deliberately delay the time of fees and satisfaction of the manager's decision to dismiss. So that these actions do not violate the citizen’s legal right to terminate the employment contract, he has the right, if he refuses to hold a meeting or gather the founders in general, for two weeks, lay down his duties and transfer the necessary documentation, which he previously managed. At the same time, such actions cannot be regarded as failure to perform official functions, since there is written confirmation that the person informed the owners of the company about his decision.

If such problems do not arise and the owners come to the training camp, then the procedure for breaking the working relationship takes the following form. So, at the next meeting, the owners of the company decide to withdraw labor contract head and on its basis issue a special order to dismiss the director. This document is one of the parts of the paper fixing the fees in general. But, directly for the leader himself, it is decisive, since it fixes the possibility of further formalizing the departure from office.

After the order is issued, the procedure will have a standard form. So, special entries are made in the work book about the dismissal of the director, all funds are recalculated, the documentation maintained by the head is submitted, etc. At the same time, the order must indicate exactly from what date the citizen ceases to perform his labor duties. In accordance with this clause, the organization provides all the documents of the director, his salary, etc.

As you can see, such a process does not have any particular difficulties, except that in order to formalize the dismissal, you need to collect all the founders. Everything is connected with the fact that in accordance with the law, only the body that hired him can break off labor-type relations with a citizen. Therefore, there is no other way to solve the problem.

Dismissal of the founding director

Also, there are situations when, when creating an organization or enterprise, persons who have a direct interest in the activities of the company are appointed by the head. In this case, we are talking about one of the owners of the capital of the organization. At the same time, he can be both the sole owner of the company and a co-owner on an equal basis with other citizens.

In this case, it is worth remembering that the dismissal process will have its own characteristics and nuances. First of all, it is worth noting that if we are talking about collective ownership, then you will still have to convene fees to terminate the employment contract. That is, the general director at such a meeting will act both as a member of the owners and as a leader who wishes to resign.

In the voting on the acceptance of the application for dismissal, the person himself also takes. At the same time, they sign the corresponding protocol on an equal footing with other participants. In the future, the procedure will be the same as we described above. But, there is one important nuance.

So, the director after dismissal does not lose his ownership of part of the company. That is, his role as a founder remains. He simply ceases to fulfill the duties of the head of an organization or enterprise. But, this fact does not affect his role as a co-owner.

A more interesting situation with the termination of the employment contract will be in the case when it comes to the boss, who is directly the sole owner of the company. The most common such system is in limited liability companies. Therefore, the dismissal of the director of an LLC in such cases has a number of its own nuances and features.

For example, the most common question is whether a person has the right to sign a decree on his own dismissal on his own? So if you follow general provisions, then a citizen who hired a person on a labor basis may terminate employment relations with him. Such a point concerns cases when two roles converge in the personality of one citizen.

That is, in fact, the CEO has every right to independently sign his own order on his own dismissal. Yes, this procedure looks rather strange, so it is rarely used. But, sometimes this is the only way out of the situation.

Also, another way is the process of complete liquidation of the enterprise in general. In this case, the process of terminating the employment contract is carried out automatically. It is also worth noting that this option is typical for those cases when a citizen refuses not only the role of a leader, but also from business in general.

Sample dismissal of the CEO from the initiative of the owners

As we noted above, another way to break off an employment relationship is to identify an immediate desire for such actions on the part of the owners of the company that the manager manages. But, compared with the previous version, this method will have a lot of limitations.

The first legal framework is directly the very grounds for terminating an employment contract or contract. So, if in the case of an independent expression of will there were no special aspects on this matter, then there is a clear list of reasons that the employer represented by co-owners can rely on.

The most common options for terminating an employment relationship today are:

  • Inconsistency of the director of his position. At the same time, this aspect concerns exclusively professional qualities citizen and does not affect his social status. In this case, we are talking about establishing the fact of insufficient knowledge or skills of the boss to perform the functions assigned to him. At the same time, without fail, this must be confirmed during a special certification. Just assumptions or someone's subjective opinion cannot become a full-fledged basis for dismissal.
  • Guilt in a crime in relation to the theft of property. At the same time, such property by right of ownership belongs directly to the organization itself, in which a citizen occupies a leading position. As a rule, such situations arise due to the fact that a person speculates with his position and significantly exceeds his capabilities. If the director's guilt of embezzlement is proven in court proceedings, the owners have every right to terminate the employment contract with this person.
  • economic crimes. In this case, only those general directors are considered, in which the employment contract expressly states the obligation to manage the financial flows of the company. If the bodies of Themis establish that a person has committed a crime in the economic sphere, the co-owners of the company can fire him on their own initiative.
  • Liquidation or reorganization of a company. Sometimes it happens that an enterprise or organization changes the scope of its activities. As a rule, such actions are associated with a reduction or change in the staff. In this case, based on the fact that the current CEO, in terms of his set of functions and skills, is not suitable for the reformatted activity, the owners of the company reserve the right to dismiss such a leader.

There are a number of other reasons as well. For example, if a leader came to work in a state of intoxication or under the influence of toxic, narcotic substances, he can be released from his duties without his own will. also. This category also includes situations where a citizen without good reason missed his work day. At the same time, for a weighty reason, it will be enough to be absent from the workplace for a time exceeding 3 hours.

As you can see, there are many reasons. Their main difference is a direct indication in regulatory legal acts. However, they can all be found in Labor Code Russian Federation. It is such a document that fixes all the provisions in relation to the procedure for breaking off labor relations.

The very process of the final termination of the performance of their duties has a standard form. So, first of all, the management must notify the director of the decision. In addition, the latter must confirm in writing that he has read such data.

In the next two months, a citizen has the right to continue to hold his position. The owners of the company have no right to force him to leave earlier than at the end of this period. An exception can only be those situations where the director himself agrees to such a step. Then the calculation process can be carried out earlier and without negative consequences for both sides.

After the date of rupture of labor relations is agreed, on a specific day, the manager is given all his documents, in particular, a work book. He, in turn, must transfer all internal orders, orders, reports and other papers to the office or the new director. All reporting is given without fail against signature from both parties: one gave, and the second accepted. Failure this rule could eventually lead to litigation.

Compensation upon dismissal of the CEO

An important point in the termination of labor relations is the payment of all mandatory amounts. It is worth noting that today the legislator obliges to provide each citizen who is dismissed with funds in full for each day worked and for the entire period of unused vacation.

Accordingly, the CEO is entitled to all of the above compensation. Daily payment is made on the basis of the last salary payment, taking into account the average daily income and the number of days worked. If we talk about vacation pay, then we are talking about unused time for rest, which is provided for by law or directly by the employment contract or contract itself. If for Last year the head was not on vacation, then he has the right to demand payment of his vacation funds. They are calculated depending on the average earnings per day and multiplied by the number of days that make up the vacation itself. The same counting rule is also used if the leave was taken in a certain part.

Also, it is worth noting that in some cases there are other payments. You need to pay attention to your employment contract. It may contain additional compensation for dismissal. For example, if such a decision comes from the employer himself, that is, the owner, then the director is provided with three salaries in addition to all mandatory amounts.

As you can see, the procedure has a huge number of nuances in general. Failure to comply with the above rules leads to the fact that the illegally dismissed director has the right to go to court. To do this, he needs to find relevant violations in the law. Based on all the events, a special claim is drawn up. Sample application for illegal dismissal you can download the director from us:

Manager (absenteeism, incompetence, other);
3. force majeure. If the dismissal occurs for objective reasons, then it is necessary to talk with the person and come to a consensus on the need for such a step. You can dismiss under article 279 of the Labor Code (dismissal not related to labor activity employee) or article 77 (mutual agreement of the parties). In this case, compensation former employee. But the former leader can also be dismissed under Article 81 as not corresponding to the position. In this case, no compensation is awarded. The director must sign all documents prepared for the notary where his signature is required. Get an extract from the company register from the tax office.

It is necessary to come to a notary to certify all documents about the change of the company's management. As a rule, it is the new general director who works with the documents, or the person temporarily performing his functions. After all documents are certified by a notary, it is necessary to make the necessary clarifications about the company's management to all interested bodies: IFTS, Pension Fund the bank where your current account is located.

The dismissal of a director whose position is elective or competitive is possible in accordance with Article 279 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but this article is only suitable if the dismissal is not related to the guilty and illegal actions of the head. Also, the director can terminate labor relations at his own request in the regulations of Article 280 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in this case, an entry is made in the work book indicating Article 77, paragraph 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Dismissal must be executed in accordance with the rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

You will need

  • - meeting of members of directors or authorized members of the company
  • - minutes of the meeting with the decision, signed by all members of the meeting
  • - an order for dismissal indicating the article on the basis of which the employment relationship was terminated
  • - a statement (if the dismissal takes place of one's own free will)
  • - a record of dismissal in the work book indicating the article on the basis of which the dismissal occurred and the number of the dismissal order


In all cases of dismissal, a meeting of the company or an elected composition of authorized members is held. this enterprise. On the agenda of the meeting, the issue of dismissal is considered and a written protocol of the meeting is kept. At the end of consideration of the issue of dismissal, the decision of the council or authorized persons is entered into the minutes, and the document is signed by all participants in the meeting.

The authorized person draws up a dismissal order based on the protocol general meeting. The order indicates the reason for the termination of the employment relationship and the corresponding article.

If the meeting decided to dismiss the director for committing guilty acts, the corresponding article must be indicated in the order itself and in the work book. In accordance with article 81, clause 9 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the dismissal will take place for damage caused to the property of the enterprise, its loss or misuse in connection with the instructions of the head. Article 81, clause 10 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for dismissal for gross violations duties and improper performance. According to Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one can also be dismissed for other actions if they are indicated in the employment contract or in the internal legal acts of the enterprise. What other reasons will be decided by the board of directors or authorized members of the company. In the regulations of Article 81, paragraph 4 and Article 77, as well as federal laws the dismissal of a director is possible if he violated the laws of the Russian Federation. Under Article 278 clause 1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to dismiss a director due to unlawful decrees that led to the bankruptcy of the enterprise. In accordance with Article 278 clause 2, the owner of the company can dismiss the director without explaining the reason. This right of the owner is also indicated in Article 69-ФЗ, 208-Ф3, 14-Ф3. If the owner has changed at the enterprise, the new employer has the right to dismiss the director on the basis of Article 81, clauses 4 and 75. But in this case, the director is paid average earnings for three months.

If the director resigns of his own free will, he is obliged to notify of his decision one month in advance. writing.

Regardless of on the basis of which article the employment relationship with the director was terminated, it is necessary to inform the tax office about the change in the management staff no later than within three days.

The time of dismissal comes, this is a frequent case, and every personnel worker knows this procedure inside and out. It will not be difficult to formalize the dismissal of both an ordinary employee and a director of a company, but it is worth noting that the procedure for dismissing the first person of a company has a number of features.

You will need

  • - a computer,
  • - Printer,
  • - A4 paper,
  • - a pen,
  • - forms of documents.


An ordinary employee of the enterprise, having decided to leave the company, writes a statement addressed to. The director, in case own dismissal is obliged to notify the founders of the company by sending registered letter with notification and with a request to convene an extraordinary meeting on the transfer of cases to another person. The director sends such a letter before the expected date of dismissal, if he leaves the company of his own free will.

An ordinary employee of the enterprise, when signing an application by decision of the employer, works out two. The director, on the other hand, is an authorized person, he has a great responsibility for the company, so he has to wait a whole month.

The founder of the company, if he is the only one, or the chairman of the constituent assembly, if there are several founders, makes a decision to release the dismissed director of the company from business and transfer the business to a successor or responsible person. Appointment of a new person to the position of director may be provided necessary documents. If the founders did not take care of this, it is necessary to create an extraordinary meeting of founders and appoint responsible person.

The director transfers the affairs to a new responsible person, draws up an act of transfer material assets. On the one hand, this act is signed by the dismissed director, on the other hand, by the responsible person appointed to the position.

The director issues an information order on the removal of the powers of the first person of the company. The basis for issuing an order is the decision of the constituent assembly. The date of dismissal is the date of notification of the founders plus exactly one month.

The director himself makes an entry in his work book. Enter the number of the serial record, the date of dismissal, the fact of dismissal and the reason. The basis for the dismissal of the director is the order issued by him.

The outcome of a conversation with the director is influenced by many factors that can be skillfully used. The director only needs one glance at the person who enters the office to make an initial decision, because an experienced manager assesses the situation not only by words, but also with the help of information received at a non-verbal level. In order to win over the interlocutor to your side in the first few seconds, you need to enter the office correctly with the right inner attitude.


Get rid of "sharp corners" in appearance. There should be no hair sticking out in different directions, peeking out from under the bottom of the shirt sweater, etc. People are kind to those who are on them. If the director does not lead a rock band, he is unlikely to like the extravagant look. Now you're entering someone else's territory, so be respectful.

Align your posture and head tilt. Stand against the wall where there is none. Press your heels, elbows, shoulder blades, back of the head. Stretch up to align your spine, as any other animal does. Step away from the wall while maintaining an even posture. Walk to remember the sensations. Try not to look at the floor, keep your head straight, without tilting. Remember the noble appearance of the people of the past in the paintings of famous artists. You must carry yourself with dignity.

Rehearse the smile and look. Smiling relaxes muscles and makes you attractive. There should not be a shifty look, look straight into your eyes, and not at the floor or ceiling, get ready to be a pleasant conversationalist, show yourself as a business person.

Mentally repeat the phrase: "I came to help you" and resolutely open the door to the office.

Say hello in a cheerful voice, introduce yourself and tell them what problem you came for. So you take the initiative into your own hands, thereby letting you know that you value the interlocutor's time and are ready for a constructive conversation. Appearance and the mood says that you want to help solve the current situation. If the director called because of some misconduct, he will decide in the first seconds that you are an adequate person and will not bring new problems.

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If you've done something, don't make excuses. A thrashing can be well deserved, so listen and give thanks for the lesson.

The CEO is responsible for the entire company as a whole, therefore, its registration in accordance with labor legislation has a number of distinctive features compared to hiring an ordinary employee. An application with a request to accept a manager is not required, instead an appointment protocol, an order, an employment contract are drawn up, an entry is made in the employment record, and an application is submitted in the form p14001 in tax service.

You will need

  • Forms of the relevant documents, the seal of the organization, documents of the new director, documents of the enterprise, a pen.


If there are several founders of the company, a decision is made to appoint the CEO individual at the founders' meeting. Draw up the minutes of the founding meeting, give it a date and a number. Enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the new director in accordance with the identity document. The chairman of the board of founders and the secretary of the constituent assembly have the right to sign this document, indicate their last names, first names, patronymics. Certify the protocol with the seal of the organization. When the founder of the company is alone, he makes a sole decision on the appointment of himself as the head of the company, signs it, certifies it with the seal of the enterprise.

The order on appointment to the position of the General Director is issued by the new head, the document is assigned a number and date. In the administrative part, indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the accepted director, certify the order with the seal of the company.

Conclude an employment contract with the new director, in which you write down the rights and obligations of the parties, indicate the passport details of the individual appointed to the position of head, as well as the address of the place of residence. On the part of the company, the new CEO has the right to sign, on the part of the employee - he, only him personal signature certified by the seal of the enterprise.

Make a record of hiring him in the work book of the new director. Indicate the date of admission to the position, the name of the enterprise in the information about work and the fact of appointment. The basis of the entry is the order or protocol of the founder's council, enter the number and date of one of the documents.