Employee onboarding process. Labor adaptation of personnel

The purpose adaptation system is mainly cost reduction of the organization at the expense of following factors:

1. Acceleration of the process of entering a new employee into the position:

  • Achieving the required work efficiency in the shortest possible time
  • Reducing the number of possible errors associated with mastering functional responsibilities

2. Reducing staff turnover:

  • Reducing the number of employees who did not pass the probationary period
  • Reducing the number of employees who left the company during the first year of work

Benefits obtained an employee after adaptation are:

  • Obtaining complete information required for effective work;
  • Reducing the level of uncertainty and anxiety;
  • Increasing job satisfaction and developing a positive attitude towards the company as a whole;
  • Mastering the basic norms of corporate culture and rules of conduct;
  • Building a system of interaction with colleagues;
  • Getting effective feedback from the mentor and line manager on the results probationary period;

Benefits obtained company with a built-in adaptation system, are:

  • Creation of a mechanism for assessing professional and managerial competencies the employee and his potential based on the results of work in the first months;
  • Revealing the shortcomings of the selection system existing in the company;
  • Development of managerial competencies for mentors and line managers;
  • Justification of personnel decisions in relation to both the novice and the mentors after the end of the adaptation period;
  • Increasing employee loyalty to the company as an employer.

Adaptation aspects

1. Corporate adaptation

In order to start working effectively, a person needs to get answers to questions related to the organization of the company's activities, for example:

  • What place does the company occupy in the market? How are things going? What is it striving for?
  • What are the strategic goals and priorities of the company?
  • Who is key clients? Who are the main competitors?
  • How is the company managed? Who makes the decisions?
  • What is the structure of the company? Where are what units are located?
  • What is the frequency and technology of planning and reporting?
  • What are the procedures and regulations?
  • Who signs the documents and in what order?
  • etc.

2. Social adaptation

Coming to work, a person accepts the norms of behavior and communication that exist in the team, is included in the system of relationships with colleagues.
At this stage, he gets to know the "company atmosphere" - corporate culture. The employee needs to get answers to the following questions:

  • What style of communication is adopted in the team (friendly, formal business, bohemian, comedy club, etc.)?
  • How is it customary to address employees of equal level / position, subordinates, managers?
  • Are there any groups, "camps" or territories in the company? What is the relationship between them?
  • Who to dine with? Who to smoke with?
  • Who has the children of the same age? Who has cats / dogs / fish / birds? Who has similar hobbies, hobbies?
  • What can / cannot be discussed in the smoking room, at lunch?
  • Who can / cannot be asked for help, advice?
  • etc.

3. Organizational adaptation.

We usually spend most of the day at work. Of course, this time must be somehow organized in everyday life... There are many organizational issues that a beginner will have to deal with in the first days / months of work. For instance:

  • I am looking for the restroom. Where can I smoke? Where is the cafeteria located?
  • Where can I put my things?
  • How to get a permanent pass?
  • Who will set up the computer?
  • When and where is the salary paid?
  • How is tea / coffee drunk here? Can I bring my own mug? Can I drink coffee in the workplace?
  • Can you hang a poster of your favorite rock band over your desk? Family photo? A calendar with views of nature?
  • How to order an office, courier, car, meeting room?
  • Who should I contact if I have a problem with my computer?
  • Where can I get the required corporate mobile? Medical insurance?
  • How to celebrate birthdays? How much to donate for gifts and to whom?
  • What time is it customary to go home? Can I be late in the morning?
  • When will the vacation be?
  • etc.

4. Technical (technological) adaptation

Each company uses its own set of equipment and software. During the adaptation period, a new employee will have to:

  • Remember New password, get used to the new keyboard, set up the mail program, get the usual bookmarks in the "Favorites", add the necessary contacts to the "Address Book".
  • Master a new model of telephone, fax, copier, booklet maker, etc.
  • Understand the in-house information storage system, where what lies, what the necessary folders are called.
  • Master specific production (warehouse, IT, etc.) equipment
  • Master the specific software(DB).
  • etc.

5. Professional adaptation

This aspect of adaptation is directly related to the professional side of the employee's activities in the organization. Does he have enough knowledge, skills and abilities or does he need additional training? Are there any prospects for this employee? These questions are of interest to HR managers and the head of the department. And the employee himself needs to master the following professional aspects of work:

  • Technologies and techniques used in the company;
  • Work standards; Documentation;
  • Norms, standards, technical requirements;
  • Prospects for professional and career growth;
  • Opportunities for training, advanced training;
  • Performance assessment parameters;
  • etc.

6. Psychophysiological adaptation

This aspect primarily includes adaptation to a certain, often different from the usual, mode of work and rest. Particular attention should be paid to psychophysiological adaptation in the following situations:

  • Shift work work. If a person has never worked at night, it will be objectively difficult for him to work in shifts or change the time spent at work, for example, from 8 to 12.
  • Opening hours shifted... Some companies offer a work schedule from 7:00 to 16:00, while others - from 11:00 to 20:00. It is often quite difficult to switch abruptly from one mode of operation to another.
  • Irregular working hours... It is difficult to get used to irregular work if in the previous company the employee's work schedule was normalized. Need overtime work need to be discussed at the interview.
  • Long business trips... For some employees, long journeys can be stressful.
  • Project work... When design work the employee must be prepared for the peak loads that usually occur before the delivery of the project.

Adaptation program

Good adaptation program and the employee's orientation in the workplace has the following qualities: it is carefully planned, its content is completely clear, the roles of the participants in the process are clearly defined.

We offer you a description sequence of actions that must be completed during the creation and implementation of the adaptation program. You just have to complete all these actions, having previously determined the performers and deadlines.

  1. Make a list of employees who will be included in working group on the development and implementation of the adaptation program. It is advisable to include line managers and HR specialists in this group.
  2. Describe the results you want to achieve with the onboarding program. Clear language will help line managers understand the objectives of the program.
  3. Classify new employees into groups. Determine the requirements for onboarding programs for each group.
  4. Make a list of questions that new employees usually have.
  5. Make a list of what the new employee will do during the onboarding (probationary) program and what information they need.
  6. Develop an employee first day program.
  7. Plan excursions around the organization, their content, time. Designate a person responsible for their implementation.
  8. Determine how you will introduce the new employee to the rest of the team, what you tell (nip) about the newcomer.
  9. Prepare a set of printed materials, including the following sections as needed:
    • Mission of the company, history of the company;
    • Corporate culture,
    • Staff regulations, intra-company relations;
    • Organizational structure, department regulations, job description;
    • Work technologies, safety measures;
    • List of employees with position, work room, phone number, e-mail;
    • A list of answers to the most common questions of beginners, indicating the persons to whom you can contact for additional clarifications;
  10. Determine the need for special training activities for the new employee to master their job responsibilities.
  11. Determine the criteria for the success of the trial period, options for its early termination.
  12. Determine the form of feedback from the new employee and his mentor about the progress of the adaptation period (trial period).
  13. Develop a program for summing up the results of the probationary period and transferring the employee to the main staff.

Quite an impressive list of actions, isn't it. But no matter how difficult it is, these actions must be performed to improve the efficiency of the company.

Among the main goals of adaptation of new employees are usually the following:

- faster achievement of performance indicators acceptable to the employing organization;

- decrease in start-up costs. A new employee does not always know the job and how the organization works. As long as he is less efficient than experienced employees, his job requires higher costs from the organization. Effective onboarding reduces these start-up costs and enables the new employee to more quickly reach established work performance standards;

- the employee's entry into the work collective, into its informal structure and the feeling of being a member of the team;

- reduction of anxiety and uncertainty experienced by the new employee. Anxiety and uncertainty in this case means a fear of failure at work and incomplete orientation in the work situation. This is a normal fear of the new and the unknown;

- reduction of staff turnover among new employees. If employees have not been able to get used to the organization in a timely manner, then they can respond to this by dismissing;

- saving time for the immediate supervisor and ordinary workers. An employee who has not adapted enough to work in the organization requires much more time to help in the process of performing the duties assigned to him;

- the development of job satisfaction, a positive attitude towards work and realism in expectations in the new employee. The adaptation process should contribute to the formation of a positive attitude of new employees to the organization, to their unit and to the assigned work. This is a prerequisite for high performance;

- reducing the cost of finding new personnel;

- formation of a personnel reserve (mentoring is an opportunity for an experienced employee to gain leadership experience).

The process of mutual adaptation, or labor adaptation, of an employee and an organization will be the more successful, the more the norms and values ​​of the team are or become the norms and values ​​of an individual employee, the faster and better he accepts and assimilates his social roles in the team.

The success of adaptation depends on a number of conditions, the main of which are:

- the quality level of work on the vocational guidance of potential employees;

- the objectivity of the business assessment of personnel (both in the selection and in the process of labor adaptation of employees);

- elaboration of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process;

- the prestige and attractiveness of the profession, work in a certain specialty in this particular organization;

- features of the organization of work that implement the employee's motivational attitudes;

- availability of a proven system for introducing innovations;

- flexibility of the personnel training system operating within the organization;

- features of the socio-psychological climate prevailing in the team;

- the personal properties of the adaptable employee associated with his psychological traits, age, marital status, etc.

Adaptation classification is usually carried out according to the following criteria:

by subject-object relationship:

- active - when an individual seeks to influence the environment in order to change it (including those norms, values, forms of interaction and activity that he must master);

- passive - when he does not strive for such an impact and change.

on the impact on the employee:

- progressive - having a beneficial effect on the employee;

- regressive - passive adaptation to an environment with negative content (for example, with low labor discipline).

by level:

- primary, i.e. adaptation of young employees who have no professional experience (as a rule, we are talking in this case about graduates of educational institutions at various levels);

- secondary, i.e. adaptation of employees with professional experience (as a rule, changing the object of activity or their professional role, for example, moving to the rank of a manager).

It should be noted that in the conditions of the formation and functioning of the labor market, the role of secondary adaptation is increasing. On the other hand, domestic personnel services need to refer to the experience of foreign firms, which traditionally pay increased attention to the initial adaptation of young employees. This category of workers needs special care from the administration.

There are also two more types of adaptation:

- adaptation of the employee to new position;

- adaptation of an employee to a demotion;

Example: in the early 80s. the United States has seen waves of layoffs and early retirement. In order to somehow support those laid off, the majority large companies- about 60% - not only fired workers, but tried to help them find new jobs, organized retraining and advanced training programs.

in relation to the employee to the organization:

- conformism. Full acceptance of the values ​​and norms of the organization, willingness to obey the rules of the game. Such workers constitute the bulk of the team;

- mimicry. Compliance with secondary norms while rejecting the main ones is characteristic of a potential risk group, whose members are ready to part with the company at any time;

- adaptive individualism. It is characterized by agreement with the core norms and values ​​of the organization while rejecting the secondary ones. The employee retains a certain individuality, but in his own way works well in a team;

- denial. The employee expresses an active disagreement with the values ​​of the company, his expectations are in irreconcilable contradiction with reality. He usually quits in the first few months.

The HR task is to integrate the newcomer in the second or fourth type, to figure out employees who hide their rejection of the basic norms of the organization while demonstrating external loyalty. The first option arises due to an error of the personnel department at the selection stage and should be corrected as soon as possible.

by directions:

- production;

- non-production.

The last classification criterion is decisive for a wider subclassification. Most clearly, it can be represented in the form of a diagram shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Types of adaptation

Labor adaptation has a complex structure and is a unity of professional, psychophysical, socio-psychological, organizational and administrative, economic and hygienic adaptations.

Professional adaptation is expressed in a certain level of mastering professional skills and abilities, in the formation of some professionally necessary personality traits, in the development of a stable positive attitude of the employee to his profession. It manifests itself in acquaintance with professional work acquiring skills professional excellence, skill sufficient for the high-quality performance of functional duties and creativity in work.

Psychophysiological adaptation is the process of mastering the conditions necessary for workers during work. In modern production, not only equipment and technology, but also the sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment are becoming obsolete. Improvement of sanitary and hygienic working and living conditions of workers, the emergence of an increasing number of comfortable and modern apartments, clothes, toilet items cannot but affect production activities. The modern worker is sensitive to deviations from the subjectively perceived norms of sanitary and hygienic comfort, work rhythms, convenience of the workplace, etc. The materials of many studies indicate that for workers the issues of sanitary and hygienic conditions of comfort are very acute and painful assessed by them.

Socio-psychological adaptation consists in mastering the socio-psychological characteristics of the labor organization (collective), entering the system of relationships that has developed in it, and positive interaction with its members. This is the inclusion of the employee in the system of relations of the labor organization with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations... In the course of such adaptation, the employee gradually receives information about his labor organization, its norms, values, about the system of business and personal relationships in the group, about the socio-psychological position of individual members of the group in the structure of relationships, about group leaders. This information is not passively assimilated by the employee, but is correlated with his past social experience, with his value orientations and is assessed by him. If the information is consistent with the employee's past experience, his orientations, it is assessed positively by him, the employee begins to accept group norms and the process of personal identification with the labor organization gradually takes place. In the course of socio-psychological adaptation, the employee enters the real life of the organization, participates in it, he establishes positive relationships with colleagues, direct supervisor, and administration.

Organizational and administrative adaptation means the development of the organizational structure of the enterprise (team), the management system and maintenance of the production process, the mode of work and rest, etc. In the process of organizational and administrative adaptation, the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational management mechanism, the place of his unit and position in the general system of goals and in the organizational structure. With this adaptation, the employee must develop an understanding of his own role in the overall production process. Another important and specific aspect of organizational adaptation should be highlighted - the employee's readiness to perceive and implement innovations (of a technical or organizational nature).

Economic adaptation allows the employee to familiarize himself with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and motives, and adapt to the new conditions of remuneration for his work and various payments.

Choosing the best candidate for the position is not a success and a guaranteed victory for the HR department. On the way to the implementation of its task, the successful staffing of the staff, there is an important stage - the adaptation of personnel. What is the role of this stage of the organization's business process, what is its essence and how to achieve success in this matter, we will tell further.

Why do you need

The process of finding, hiring and replacing an employee involves a fairly large investment of time and financial resources organizations. Often the owner spends a lot of money on recruiting necessary for the company a narrow-profile specialist that an enterprise needs to achieve a specific strategic goal... But absolutely every new employee has a period of adaptation to a new workplace.

Adaptation is a reciprocal process of perception, assessment and adaptation of both a new employee to an employing enterprise and an enterprise to an employee. This stage takes place in different companies in different ways, and much depends on the personality of the employee. Its term varies from 2 weeks to one and a half months. During this period, the work is carried out under the control of the HR department. One of its functions is career guidance of the candidate at the very beginning of his career and the correct determination of his abilities and capabilities.

Adaptation is a reciprocal process of perception, assessment and adaptation of both a new employee to an employing enterprise and an enterprise to an employee.

The goals of adaptation are:

  1. Reducing costs. Till new employee it takes a long time to figure out how the company works, he works ineffectively and does not give the result that is necessary for the growth of the company's profit. The labor activity of any employee must be effective.
  2. Reducing the level of uncertainty of the newcomer in the workplace.
  3. ... If a new employee feels uncomfortable and insecure, they will likely quit within a short time.
  4. Increased loyalty of the employing company in the HR field, among potential employees and within the company.
  5. Saving valuable time for the direct supervisor of the new employee and the rest of the department. The need to spend time with an insecure and hesitant employee who has not adapted to a new place does not allow working in the right way. This disturbs the schedule and reduces the efficiency of the entire department.

Difficulties of the adaptation process

The main enemy of a new employee in the company (especially, without work experience) is doubts and fears, which sometimes do not allow them to show themselves with better side and become the reason for the early departure from work.

Among the "phobias" of new employees during adaptation:

  • Lose the earned place in the company.
  • Failure to cope with responsibilities, violate project deadlines.
  • Not finding a common language with colleagues, communication problems.
  • Identify professional deficiencies or knowledge gaps required for the job.
  • Become incompetent in the eyes of management and colleagues.
  • Don't get along with a new leader.

The need for proper adaptation is indisputable also for the reason that most layoffs fall on employees who have worked in the company for less than a month. In addition, quite often at the enterprise, industrial accidents occur precisely during the first time a new specialist is working.

The need for proper adaptation is indisputable also for the reason that most layoffs fall on employees who have worked in the company for less than a month.

Tasks and fundamentals of the work of the personnel department for managing the adaptation process:

  1. A program of trainings and training events for a new employee. This tool will help you understand the essence of his work, get the necessary information regarding the activities of the enterprise; theoretical knowledge and practical skills enhance self-confidence and improve performance.
  2. Control of individual communication between the manager and the employee. Ways of both formal and informal communication are suitable (for example, after work or joint leisure of employees on weekends or on holidays).
  3. Organization of short-term courses and trainings for top managers taking this position. Learning the basics of leadership is the key to effective and long-term leadership.
  4. Development of a system of methods for the gradual complication of tasks for a new employee.
  5. Application of the method of community assignments for closer contact with the team.
  6. Organization or special role-playing games for team building and a new employee.

Forms of adaptation of a new employee

Social adaptation is the process of adapting a new person to a team, a new social environment for him and accelerating its transformation into the sphere of his labor activity... Stages and content point by point:

  • Smooth entry into Wednesday.
  • Acquaintance with the norms and values ​​of the department / team.
  • Motivation to gain a foothold in the team and work effectively, satisfying personal professional needs.

Production adaptation is labor process introduction of an employee into a new professional activity, a crash course in understanding the tasks and specifics of the activity. This goal is served by courses, trainings, a positive attitude to work.

Psychophysiological adaptation means that a new employee can cope with both physical and psychological stress, which is inevitable at the beginning of work in a new place.

Socio-psychological adaptation is practically equal to working conditions when an employee enters the process of professional communication with the team and his professional activity is important and interesting to him.

Organizational adaptation consists in the fact that the beginner gets acquainted with the nuances of the organizational aspects of the company: the place of work, the specifics of the business process, interaction with other employees and departments, and his role in the organization.

Organizational adaptation consists in the fact that the newcomer gets acquainted with the nuances of the organizational aspects of the company.

Economic adaptation implies the identification of salary growth prospects.

Types of adaptation

The main types are divided into two types:

  • Initial adaptation is the period of introduction of a new employee who does not have work experience and communication experience in the work collective. Most often these are young employees, graduates of educational institutions of different levels, young mothers who have just left the decree. It is more difficult for these candidates to adapt in a team and quickly start working effectively.
  • Secondary adaptation is the process of introducing a new employee who already has work experience. He knows how communications take place in the organization, what the work collective is, what stages must be passed at the beginning of activities at a new workplace. They tolerate this process easier for beginners. Candidates who change positions in the company sometimes move to another city. This is also a specific kind of adaptation.

Adaptation methods

Correctly selected methods of personnel adaptation play an important role in the work of a new employee. They are of two types: non-productive and economic.

The essence economic methods lies in the material motivation of the employee. After all, the main criterion for choosing a job is wage... Non-production methods consist in the fact that the employer chooses his own scheme for the adaptation of new employees.

Let's give an example of non-production methods: team building, corporate PR, new employees, corporate groups and websites, conducting conversations and briefings within the team. Any of the above is quite effective during the adaptation period of an employee, as well as for team building.

Modern technologies make it possible to improve business processes at the enterprise and work on the team spirit of all employees, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of their work and the prosperity of the company.

Onboarding is an important business process in any organization and should not be overlooked. It is important to carefully work out the scheme of this project and fix it as a corporate and regulatory provision on the adaptation of personnel of a particular company.

This position should be monitored by responsible employees. Only if it really works, new employees will be able to quickly delve into the work, avoid fears and self-doubt, and in a short time become a productive link in the team. To draw up such a document, you can use a sample regulation on the adaptation of personnel, prescribing in it the points, methods and tools that will be used in the process.

Labor adaptation of personnel is the process of familiarizing the employee with new working conditions, acclimatizing him in the team and familiarizing himself with the rules and norms of labor activity at the enterprise.

Main tasks

In total, there are several ways to adapt new employees to the company. But they are united by one main goal, which is to help a person so that he can begin to fulfill his professional responsibilities with maximum efficiency. An efficiently built adaptation system at the enterprise allows solving a number of main tasks:

  • to introduce the employee into the process of labor activity in the shortest possible time)
  • to reduce the number of production mistakes made by a beginner during the period of mastering professional duties)
  • motivation of new employees to achieve high labor indicators through the formation of their motivation for this through monetary rewards or bonuses)
  • to minimize staff turnover by reducing the number of employees who did not pass the probationary period or did not undergo an internship)
  • increase labor productivity of the entire enterprise as a whole.

Types of labor adaptation of personnel

Depending on the direction, the following types of adaptation are distinguished:

Professional adaptation

This type is designed to help the employee understand and master the professional features of his activities at the enterprise. A person should be aware of whether he has enough real knowledge and experience to carry out the work assigned to him, or if additional training is required.

Within the framework of this adaptation, there are two directions: primary and secondary.

  1. Initial adaptation is necessary for the adaptation of young inexperienced workers who have just graduated from higher education schools to their professional duties.
  2. Secondary onboarding is for employees with experience who have changed jobs or roles in the organization, such as moving up a career ladder or being assigned to a different position.

Psychophysiological adaptation

As a result, the employee gets used to the new conditions of work and rest, as well as psychological and physical stress. When entering a new job, an employee experiences the impact on him of all conditions in the aggregate, which have a different effect on him. This can be the sanitary and hygienic conditions of production, stress and social pressure, the monotony of the work process, the level of comfort in the workplace, and much more.

Organizational adaptation

It is designed to help the newly arrived employee understand and accept their work status, understand the internal structure of the organization and the existing management mechanisms within it, as well as get acquainted with the history of the company, its business partners and client base. Ignorance of these nuances can lead to undesirable consequences and slow down the production process. Therefore, it is worthwhile to clearly explain to the employee his role in the activities of the company and indicate his responsibilities.

Socio-psychological adaptation

Designed to establish interpersonal and professional relationships with colleagues, study and master collective norms of behavior. As a result, a person gradually adapts to the team, builds personal and business relationships, joins real life companies.

This type of adaptation is the most difficult and time-consuming, especially if the team in which the newcomer falls is uncoordinated and relations among colleagues are strained. In this case, they resort to the help of a psychologist, who helps to form a clear position of the new employee within the framework of his professional duties, to evaluate him social status in the process of implementation production tasks, thereby contributing to its rapid adaptation.

Economic adaptation

Helps the employee to adapt to different economic conditions acting within the organization:

  • the size of wages,
  • time of cash payments,
  • established prizes,
  • bonuses and other material incentives.

Most often, this type of adaptation is not considered as independent, but this does not make it the least important.

Processes - only complex

Among all the types of adaptation of employees described above, it is impossible to single out any one, they are all interconnected and represent, in general, labor adaptation. Situations may arise where it will be necessary to apply any specific adaptation. Her choice will depend on the specific situation, personality traits employee, position held, professional skills, norms of behavior and others.

Most often, you have to resort to organizational adaptation, when this place of work is the first for the employee, especially if it is large organization with a large staff of labor collective. Adaptation of young specialists to production takes place, and they go through its first stage. Such employees have no experience of working in a team and with documentation, they do not have the necessary communication skills.

Faced with difficulties in communication on his first working day, when a person does not even know how to contact his colleagues, he may find himself in a difficult situation. She will cause discomfort and confusion in him, and on the part of colleagues, misunderstanding and, in some cases, irritation. Based on all this, it should be concluded that the most effective management model should contain all types of adaptations at the same time.

Stages of adaptation

The adaptation period itself can be formally divided into three stages.

Familiarization stage

At this stage, the newly arrived specialist learns the organizational goals and objectives of the enterprise and the position held by him, gets acquainted with the environment and the team, compares all this with his expectations from the new place of work and the formed opinion about the company. After comprehending all this, a person should clearly realize for himself whether this position is suitable for him or whether it is worth looking for another place.

The management, for its part, is also carrying out work to evaluate the new employee:

  • makes sure that the decision to hire this person is correct)
  • does everything possible for the speedy introduction of a specialist into the team and his transition to the full performance of his professional duties)
  • reveals the likely working potential of the hired employee)
  • comes to the final conclusion about professional skills and determines the further promotion of the specialist in the service in the process of work.

The solution to all these issues occurs during the practice of a beginner or his probationary period. At the end of the term, a decision is made on the suitability of this employee for the position he occupies.

Adaptation stage

This period can take a different period of time - from one month to a year. Its duration depends on the assistance provided to the new employee by management, staff, co-workers or a staff psychologist. During this period, the beginner must join the team and adapt to it.

Merger stage

A period of complete acclimatization is coming, a person must clearly understand and fulfill his duties, be an equal member of the work collective and plan for himself further prospects and goals for a successful career.


At this stage, the specialist's personal goals are closely intertwined with the tasks of the organization, enterprise or firm. In this case, there are three types of workers: indifferent, partially identified and completely identified. The backbone of any organization is made up of perfectly identified employees. These are mainly professionals in their field, responsible and serious people.

Factors of labor adaptation

This concept implies the conditions that affect the duration, pace and course of the process of labor adaptation. There are two types of factors: objective and subjective.

  1. Objective factors are factors that cannot be influenced by the employee, in general they are always closely related to the established production process... This includes the organization of work at the enterprise, the working process conditions, the territorial location of the company, its industry specialization, the number of employees, etc.
  2. Subjective is personality factors, which include a person's age, gender, work experience, level of qualifications and professional skill, social status, place of residence and many others. In addition, his psychological and sociological qualities, his degree of material and career interest, the level of professionalism, and so on are considered.

It is worth noting that when adapting in a team not on last place are the personal qualities of a person. They are determined by several factors at once - socio-psychological and demographic, as well as behavioral - sociability, poise, self-improvement, self-confidence, ability to communicate, self-criticism and much more. Based on this, it follows that personal potential is characterized by the inner spiritual and physical strength of a person, his desire for self-expression and the implementation of his plans.

Planning of labor adaptation of personnel

For the successful adaptation of an employee in production, it is necessary to properly plan the entire process of introducing personnel. Planning means a list of specific actions aimed at the earliest possible infusion of a newcomer into the team and his quick adaptation to new or changed working conditions. This is the very first stage, which is planned even before the appearance of a new specialist at the enterprise.

At the same time, an adaptation plan or program is drawn up, which depends on the intended position of the future employee, his personal qualities, his work experience and the necessary professional skills. This is the first step aimed at implementing the intended program, it is based on the definition of the type of adaptation - primary or secondary. Already at this stage, one should begin to develop a program for training an employee as on entry level, and on the subsequent to improve his qualifications.

It can be recognized that the adaptation was successful if all of its criteria were met - compliance with the position held by a new specialist, successful infusion into the workforce and fulfillment of all the requirements put forward.

In addition to planning adaptation, it is necessary to correctly draw up all the organizational actions that are necessary in the development of an adaptation model. These include:

  • creation of a special department in the organization that will be responsible for staff training and adaptation)
  • Appointment and assignment of specialists to the role of mentors who will deal with the management of adaptation by group or department. Such a system works successfully and helps to significantly reduce the adaptation period of an employee at the enterprise)
  • distribution of responsibilities among the personnel assigned for this work)
  • establishing links between the management of the organization and specialists involved in adaptation, as well as establishing contacts with all departments, groups and the administration of the enterprise as a whole)
  • communicating information about adaptation to each employee of the company.

The ideal option is when the developed adaptation model affects three sides at once: the employee HR department, direct supervisor and specialist in personnel adaptation. From experience it follows that the process is much more efficient if personnel service coordinates all actions: develops all the above-described organizational actions, appoints and trains specialists for this work, and in addition, controls the entire adaptation process.

Also, you need to install feedback so that a newcomer can easily turn to specialists from the adaptation department or directly to the head of the enterprise himself for help. Such communication can be carried out using questionnaires and questionnaires, as well as organizing periodic interviews and trainings with new employees - both collective and individual.

Adaptation goals:

Labor adaptation of personnel occurs much faster if the person has correctly decided on the choice of profession. Each person learns differently: someone acquires knowledge very quickly and instantly reaches the pinnacle of professional excellence, and someone can spend more than one year on it. In the latter case, it happens that the trainee loses interest in the profession and changes the type of his labor activity. And this often happens during labor adaptation.

An indicator of the successfully completed work on the adaptation of a specialist can be considered effective introduction of him into the position and the successful implementation of his assigned tasks and goals. First of all, the company itself is interested in a successful process. And the question is not only for the new employee to successfully join the team, but also for the organization to acquire a responsible and loyal employee. Indeed, it is during the adaptation period that a newcomer develops an impression and forms a stable opinion about the organization and its team, which will be very difficult to change in the future. Especially if it's negative.

  • Adaptation, onboarding


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