A letter to the head of the company with a proposal for development. How to write a cooperation offer that will not be deleted upon receipt

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to write an offer of cooperation correctly so that you cannot say "no"
  • What mistakes should be avoided

Many businessmen and even managers large companies a problem arises in order to correctly write a proposal for cooperation. Either they have no idea how to take on this task, or they make gross mistakes and then get upset when the partnership did not work out. It's time to figure out how to competently and effectively write a proposal for cooperation to a blogger, media person, etc., what are the rules for compiling such texts and how to present yourself and your company in a winning way.

How to write a cooperation proposal correctly

Who offers cooperation and to whom?

The need to write a proposal for cooperation usually arises among employees involved in the development of the company's business. The texts of such letters are approved by the immediate supervisor or top manager of the company.
It is necessary to find out in advance who will receive your proposal: an ordinary employee, secretary, manager, head of department. Each of them needs its own approach.
The letter can be addressed personally to the director of the enterprise with which cooperation is planned, or to the head of one of the directions, the chief structural unit or even a narrow-profile specialist. The decision to start interaction will still be made by the management of the company.
Many people underestimate the importance of a commercial proposal (QP) and do not understand what it is for at all. It is necessary to understand the functions of the CP and the techniques of its preparation.

Cooperation proposal structure:

  • Title. Surely your addressee is an extremely busy person, and he can limit himself to reading only the subject line of the letter in order to understand whether he is interested in it or not. Formulate the topic accurately: it should induce to read the message in its entirety (and not call for the purchase of a product, for example). You can prepare multiple emails with different headers and test them to see which one is the most effective.
  • Problem. Experts in the field of copywriting and corporate communications recommend: if you want to write a high-quality, "catchy" commercial or proposal for cooperation, touch upon the problems relevant to the addressee at the very beginning of the text.
  • Solution options. Letting the recipient understand that you are aware of his problems and realize their importance, you can offer your own solutions: for example, services that may be useful to the reader of the letter, or partnership on favorable terms.
  • Price. Some entrepreneurs, when drawing up a commercial or a proposal for cooperation, do not dare to accurately indicate the prices of their products or services, fearing that this will scare off a potential client or partner. However, experts advise still to indicate the cost, allowing the addressee of the letter to independently decide whether it is high for him or not. But it is important to justify these prices.
  • Call to action. It must be clear and unambiguous. What do you want to achieve by writing an offer of cooperation or sending a commercial proposal? Calling, visiting a website, placing an order in an online store, or mutual barter services? Formulate your wish and be sure to list the bonuses and benefits that the addressee will receive, such as a discount on goods on the day of receipt of the letter, for example.
  • Contact details. Indicate not only your phone number, but also other communication channels: website address, groups in social networks, skype, etc.
  • Date. So that the recipient does not get confused in the messages (especially if the commercial proposal is followed by corrected versions, additions, etc.), it is better to immediately indicate the date when the proposal was sent.
  • Signature. The full name and position of the author of the letter must be present in the text, and immediately after the introductory part. If you need to prepare and send a commercial or proposal for cooperation in paper form, it is advisable to sign at the end.
  • Pagination. Long multi-page texts, including proposals for cooperation and commercial proposals, need to be numbered (in the format “page no ... from ...”).
  • Registration. Paragraphs are drawn up with a red line. In emails, extra spacing between paragraphs is desirable - it makes it easier to read. Justification makes the text look neat. When making a proposal for cooperation or commercial proposal, give preference to standard typefaces - Times New Roman, etc. The optimal font size is 12-14.

Writing and sending an offer of cooperation is not all. Call the recipient, ask if the letter aroused interest. If not, then it will be necessary to improve the text and design of the proposal for cooperation. You can check the effectiveness of different variants of letters on regular customers, experts or personal acquaintances.

A few more tips on how to write a cooperation proposal correctly:

  1. The text should be on letterhead.
  2. Correctly contact the representative of the company or the person to whom you propose cooperation.
  3. Thank the addressee in advance - this requirement of politeness is very important for business correspondence.

Letterhead is not necessary at all, you can write a proposal for cooperation on a simple sheet of white paper. But the letterhead with the company logo is an advertising medium and an element of the company's image.
Greetings- an important part of letters containing proposals for cooperation or purchase of goods and services. Carefully write your welcome message. Some addressees need to be addressed by name and patronymic, namely:

The mood of the letter... A commercial proposal must exude confidence in the superior quality of the product or service being described. Avoid such cliches as “Let me suggest you ...”, “We hope you will be interested in our proposal”, “We are looking forward to your reply” - they make a repulsive impression. There is another extreme: phrases like “We are sure that you will like it!”, “We know for sure that ...”, etc., sounding too arrogant and arrogant. Allow the addressee to form an opinion about your proposal.
Stick to a positive style in letters with KP: use the particle “not” and negation as rarely as possible, replace them with affirmative phrases, use synonyms.

Attachments to the letter at the very end contain various additional information: technical descriptions, calculations, graphs, drawings, etc. You can attach several attachments to the letter, the main thing is not to overload the reader with information.
As for prices, it is better to draw up the financial conditions of the offer according to the principle of a puff cake: first, describe the benefits and benefits that the client will receive, then indicate the price, and then re-identify the benefits. For products with multiple versions, it should be explained what caused the price difference.
Arguments. Of course, any potential partner to whom you have written and sent an offer of cooperation, or a potential consumer of your product, will doubt. Especially if your message is beneficial to the point of implausibility. Prove that it is feasible and realistic, provide the necessary arguments (depending on the specifics of your product or service).
As arguments, they usually use mini-cases, portfolios of completed projects, customer reviews or their lists, recommendations, calculations, various certificates, certificates and guarantees, photo reports, “before and after” selections, exact product characteristics or a detailed description with all the necessary numbers activities of the company.
Relevance of the offer... Everything financial performance, especially prices, are subject to change, therefore, it is necessary to give the addressee a clear understanding of the timing of their relevance. Indicate the length of time your offer is valid.

Examples of how to write a business proposal for cooperation

How to write a proposal for cooperation in social networks

Most people who have to write offers of cooperation are concerned with how to find the courage and reach out to a famous person or blogger (and how not to lose motivation to keep writing such letters if silence or refusal follows in response).
If you think about it, this is very strange: after all, the same people are not at all afraid to look for new ways of business development, to maintain the pages of their project in social networks in an original and beautiful way, to look for employees and assemble a team. Moreover, many have enough courage for dashing car driving, extreme sports and even buying shawarma at the station. But for some reason, the need to write a letter to a star with a proposal for cooperation is frightening.
The point is that everyone is unpleasant to receive rejections. But they will be in any case. True, you can learn to behave in such a way that there are fewer of them. But even a sharp refusal is:

  • also a result;
  • not a sentence: after all, only a hundred dollar bill can be liked by everyone (and that is not a fact, some prefer a thousand).

However, unfortunately, the authors of the letters themselves are to blame for 70% of refusals for cooperation offers. The strategy of a stubborn siege of a few selected bloggers, daily bombarding them with letters is a dead-end path. It is necessary to constantly search for new sites for advertising, but it is important to choose the right recipients and contact them at the right moment, then the probability of refusal is the lowest.

To conclude a profitable deal for your business, you need to interest a potential partner. It is convenient to do this in writing - to draw up a commercial proposal for cooperation.

Prove the benefits of cooperation

A businessman must convince a partner that cooperation will bring both rebuttable benefits. It should also be explained under what circumstances he will receive it.

When drawing up a commercial proposal (CP), one should take into account the status of the enterprise and listen to the recommendations of experienced marketers.

Of course, promoted companies with famous brands(Mercedes, Gazprom, Coca-Cola, etc.), you do not need to make efforts and in every possible way to convince a representative of a particular company to cooperate with them. In this case, it is enough to fill out a letter with a summary of the advantages of your product or service.

For other businessmen, it is very important to observe some subtleties in order for this proposal to have the desired effect.

Important components included in the offer

When drawing up a document on cooperation, it is necessary to adhere to the standard requirements.

  • Use letterhead.
  • Draw up a competent appeal to a company representative.
  • Select the original title.
  • Summarize the essence of the proposal.
  • Encourage the counterparty to take action.
  • Bring current contacts.
  • Show courtesy in the form of a preliminary thank you.

Use of forms

The commercial proposal can be drawn up on a regular sheet of paper, this is quite acceptable. However, the use of letterhead with the company logo will become a kind of advertising element for your company and will eloquently complement the content of the letter.

Welcome text

The important part is reaching out to a potential client. Its compilation must be taken seriously and understood, to whom and how to contact. For example, it is permissible to apply by name and patronymic in such cases:

  • when an offer is sent after a preliminary telephone conversation with a likely partner;
  • The commercial proposal is addressed to the target consumer, to whom an individual approach can be applied.

Original title

The headline is necessary as an advertising effect, it should contain the main concept of the commercial proposal. When contacting government agency creative heading is optional. You can also opt out of it if the company is already advertised enough.

If the proposal comes from a budgetary organization, the proposal is formulated according to the established template, in which creative is not required. Such a letter is of a standard nature and does not require any initiative from its originator; its form remains within the accepted rules.

The essence of the proposal should be stated meaningfully, but concisely: a short story about the company, the offered goods, services, work or mutually beneficial cooperation.

The main body of the document

How to get a customer to take action

Pressure should not be used to get people to agree to cooperate. This approach will only alienate the recipient of the letter, and the hope of cooperation will be lost forever. It is much more effective to make a tempting offer by providing some kind of encouragement or reward. For example, a discount for a timely response.

Contact details

You should write not only a phone number, but also an email address so that the client has a physical opportunity to respond to an offer of cooperation.

Thank the recipient in advance for taking the time to read it. Although, when it comes to a personal business proposal, gratitude is accepted by default.

Learn from mistakes

To create the perfect business proposal, you should always listen to the advice of professionals. But there is another old proven method - learning from the mistakes of others. In practice, there are various errors, we will list some of them.

Advanced syntactic forms

To formulate a commercial proposal, it is not necessary to build phrases that are too correct, with a complete meaning. Short sentences with unsaid thoughts and interjections affect a person more effectively. The presentation should have a lively language, and not dry conclusions.

Excessive brevity

The opinion that an extremely short text, limited to one page is needed, can be called a stereotype. And this is far from what can give the desired result. It is best to forget about recommendations in terms of volume when writing a letter with a commercial proposal, especially when there is something interesting to talk about. You can find many samples of such letters and see how meaningful and engaging they are.


Usually the same mistakes are repeated when they talk about a similar product or service in exactly the same phrases as a competitor does. It is necessary not only to describe and praise your product, but to prove that it is in this particular company that it is the best and irreplaceable. Here it is appropriate to be eloquent in order to draw attention to the exclusivity of the product. This is followed by the disclosure of the essence - why it will be more profitable to cooperate with this company.

List of merits

A simple story about the merits of the company's products will lead nowhere. Any praise requires proof: why this particular product is the best and most profitable. For this, the reviews of those who used this service or products are perfectly used, and these should be either well-known personalities (movie, sports, pop stars), or well-known representatives of companies with a positive image.

No less effective will be interesting story that happened to a customer who became a user of a particular product or service. At the end of the story, be sure to tell about the results of its use, best of all in numbers. If we mean cooperation, then indicate what profit the partner received.

Everyone is the same

The worst mistake can be the wrong approach to sending the same offer to several customers without focusing on individuality. Such a proposal is losing weight and, as a rule, remains unfulfilled. The client, who can become a potential partner, should feel that this offer is addressed to him, to some extent, it will flatter him and force him to respond.

Photo gallery: examples of successful commercial offers

Commercial offer with the correct breakdown into subheadings Commercial offer with a good document structure Commercial offer with a concise statement of the benefits of the service Commercial offer with a description of the benefits in cooperation

Commercial letter to a foreign partner

When drawing up commercial letter of offer a foreign client should adhere to the standard structure and form. The CP should begin with an appeal, a catchy, captivating headline. This is followed by a clear statement of the essence of the proposal, its benefits and ends with conclusions and contact information. If the staff does not have a manager who speaks English, such services can be provided by a translator or copywriter with knowledge of English.

Sample commercial proposal in English

The need for a cover letter

The cover letter contains the principles of cooperation in a concise manner. Escort is used in order to reduce the volume of the main proposal.

Support is compiled at the request of the sender, however, there must be a clear structure and compliance with the requirements of the basics of office work.

First of all, you need to address the addressee and greet him. If it is sent after the previous phone call, it is advisable to apply with the indication of the name and patronymic.

Example of appeal

"Hello, dear Stepan Vasilievich!"

or "Good afternoon, the company welcomes you ..."

"LLC" Domosed "makes you an offer of the widest range of kitchen accessories at the manufacturer's price."

Inform about attached documents:

"We offer you to familiarize yourself with the advantageous offer of discounts."

Induce a decision:

“Do you want to cooperate with us? Please contact ... ".

Sample escort

Hello dear Maria Semyonovna!

My name is Dmitry Pavlovich. I AM general manager of the supply and sales department of Mobile LLC, we spoke with you by phone on Wednesday at 11.40. At your request, we send information about the payment system.

The Mobile company has a wide range of Vehicle for various purposes (cars, passenger, cargo) and a flexible payment system at affordable prices:

  1. Cash and non-cash payment methods.
  2. For payment within 12 months with a first installment of 10% of the cost.

Our offer is complemented by an invitation to the exhibition and sale of our products, where discounts that are beneficial for you are offered. The event starts at 12.00 12.08.2016. Our address: Moscow, st. Timiryazev, 45.

For all questions, please call: (325) 503-23-45.

Best regards, Chief Manager of the Supply and Sales Department of Mobile LLC.

Submitting an offer

The offer can be delivered in person or by regular mail. However, these traditional forms of communication are considered somewhat obsolete. The most modern and efficient way of sending, it is, of course, Email.

For all its popularity, not everyone knows about the intricacies of the process of sending an email. First, it is important to apply the PDF format, it is more versatile and well adapted for different versions. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account that such an offer is sent exclusively from the person with whom the preliminary agreements were made.

The subject of the letter is also no less important, in any case, do not send "without a subject". It should sound something like this: "A proposal for cooperation in the supply of sporting goods."

So, the following sequence is required:

  1. fill in the email address;
  2. attach the main document in PDF format;
  3. formulate the subject of the letter;
  4. write a small accompanying text in the body of the letter.

waiting for an answer

Novice managers often hesitate to call back a counterparty after submitting an offer. Experienced professionals will always take matters into their own hands. Immediately after sending it, it is advisable to call and ask if the letter arrived, and after what time you can inquire about the partner's decision. Further behavior will be prompted by the situation itself. The main thing is not to be annoying, not annoying or intrusive. However, do not forget about the goal and still try to convince the client to become a partner.

Currently, only the lazy will not be able to cope with the task of writing a commercial proposal. However, achieving the signing of a cooperation contract is already a matter of professionalism: the ability to negotiate, have a culture of speech and skills. business letter.

11 minutes to read. Views 40 Posted on 21.10.2018

On the initial stage business development, the company's management needs to find reliable counterparties. For this purpose, letters with a proposal for cooperation are sent to potential partners. These documents are one of the forms of a commercial offer. With the help of such forms, an entrepreneur can interest a future counterparty by convincing him to conclude a contract with this particular company. In this article, we propose to consider how to write a letter with an offer of cooperation.

A commercial proposal is a business correspondence document that contains information advertising nature that can interest a potential client

Are commercial offers necessary in business?

A letter with a proposal to conclude a contract on mutually beneficial terms allows young companies to find suppliers or partners for further development your business. As a rule, such letters are drawn up by employees who are in charge of external document flow. The content of this form must be necessarily agreed with the management of the company.... Much less often, the general director himself is engaged in the development of such securities.

Experts recommend using a personalized type of letters when preparing commercial offers. This means that the text of the letter indicates the name and surname of the head of the organization with which the firm wishes to conclude a contract. Commercial offers can be addressed both personally to the head of the company and to his deputy. It is important to note here that not all letters with this content are considered by the administration of the company. As practice shows, most businessmen who receive such letters refuse to consider them.

In order to reduce the likelihood of receiving a refusal, it is necessary to send such a letter only after preliminary negotiations. During these events, a businessman needs to convince a potential counterparty to consider the idea of ​​cooperation. It is very important to prove that the conclusion of the contract will allow obtaining bilateral benefits at. Only after that it is necessary to clarify the terms and method of sending a letter with a full description of the terms of cooperation.

When developing such a form, it is necessary to take into account the basic fundamentals of marketing and the prestige of the company with which you are going to cooperate.

Not every newcomer in the business world can convince representatives of Ford or MTS to sign a contract. It is much easier for promoted brands to convince their potential partners of the benefits of signing an agreement. From all of the above, we can conclude that the counterparty should feel its benefits from a potential transaction. To do this, in the text of the letter, you must concisely state all the advantages of your company, the products or services offered.

In order for letters with a proposal for cooperation to bring the desired effect, it is necessary to take into account many important nuances. The text of this letter should be of interest to its reader. A well-written text containing the most necessary information should motivate for certain actions. Ideally, the recipient of such a letter should ask for a price list for a service or product. This development of events speaks of the effectiveness of mailing.

According to experts in the field of jurisprudence, a commercial offer can be considered as an official letterhead. However, today there is no standard template that is used in the development of such forms. Each company can independently form a sample letter that will be used in external document flow. It should be noted here that when composing business letters, it is necessary to take into account business ethics and the basics of office work.

The purpose of a business letter of cooperation is to make an offer that is difficult to refuse, and, thereby, to acquire new partners in order to successfully sell your goods and / or services in the future.

What to look for when drawing up a document

When drawing up documents of the type in question, it is recommended to use letterhead... Personalized emails are highly effective. Such commercial offers include the name and surname of the recipient of the letter. Rules business etiquette require the expression of courtesy and gratitude for reading the letter. These nuances must be taken into account when developing a sample form that will be used in document flow.

Selecting a letterhead

As practice shows, it is possible to draw up a commercial proposal for cooperation on a simple sheet of A4 format. However, the use of letterhead has several distinct advantages. Such forms are part of the image of the company. Also, these documents can be considered as promotional materials.

Greeting feature

We have already noted above that greeting a potential partner is one of the most important parts of the text. This section of the document requires special attention during its development. The use of standard forms is advisable only for general distribution of documents. In the event that preliminary negotiations have already been carried out with a potential counterparty, it is necessary to indicate his name and patronymic in the text of the letter. The same approach is required for buyers and customers with whom a major deal is planned.

Attractive headline

Many businessmen refuse to read commercial offers, comparing such letters with intrusive spam. This is especially true for electronic messages. In order to interest the reader, you need to come up with an intriguing title.... It is necessary to disclose the main content of the document itself. You can refuse to use "advertising" headers only if the letter is sent to state structures... From use advertising texts those companies that have a well-promoted image can also refuse.

Many budgetary organizations when developing commercial proposals, they use the classic "dry" form of the document. Such emails lack creativity and advertising gimmicks. Since these documents are drawn up on the basis of generally accepted rules, the management of budgetary structures does not need to use various methods of drawing attention to their proposal.

Such a letter represents the "face" of your company, therefore, your prospects for cooperation depend on how competently, interesting and clearly it will be drawn up.

Main part of the offer

In the main section of the document, it is necessary to briefly and concisely outline the terms of the proposed cooperation. It is necessary to briefly describe all the benefits of the partnership and the benefits that the other party will receive. The text of the letter must necessarily be reasoned. The main requirement for such a document is the absence of intrusiveness.

Many entrepreneurs make the big mistake by using psychological methods pressure. This approach to preparing a document can alienate the reader, which will result in the loss of a lucrative contract. In order to interest the reader, it is necessary to use various methods of motivation for a specific action. Promising a discount, for contacting within a certain period of time, can increase the effectiveness of the letter.

Contact details

In the last section of letters with a proposal for cooperation, contact information is indicated. The recipient of such a letter must be physically able to agree or refuse the proposed terms of the transaction. To do this, you need to specify your phone number and email address. If the letter was sent in paper form, then in the text of the form, you must indicate the full details of your company.

At the end of the document, you must thank the recipient for spending his personal time reading the letter. This rule business etiquette must be taken into account when preparing a personal document.

How best to send an offer

Having looked at the classic cooperation invitation letter template, you need to pay a little attention to the methods of sending letters. An entrepreneur can use the services courier service or send the form by "Russian Post". You can also ask one of the company's employees to deliver the letter to the secretary of a potential partner. It is important to note that the data classical methods workflow has long been outdated. In the modern world, it is customary to use email. The use of this communication method allows you to significantly optimize the workflow.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when sending emails. For creating electronic document it is recommended to use PDF format. The main feature of this format is its versatility. It is supported by both ordinary desktop computers and other gadgets. It should also be borne in mind that the mailing of such letters should be dealt with by the person who conducted the preliminary negotiations. Otherwise, the recipient can simply delete the email and mark it as spam.

Many entrepreneurs make the big mistake of not specifying an email subject. At the time of sending the document, it is necessary to make the heading "Offer of cooperation". You can also specify a short content of the document in the title. Using electronic form workflow, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Enter the email address of the recipient of the message.
  2. Download the electronic form.
  3. Write a motivating headline.
  4. Formulate the accompanying text, which will be indicated in the letter itself.

In practice, a cooperation proposal is drawn up for current partners or for potential

Many newbies in business are afraid of sounding too annoying and rarely call back potential partners after sending an email. At this stage, it is very important not to lose control of the situation. Immediately after sending the document, you must call the counterparty in order to clarify whether the letter was received. During this conversation, you need to find out how long it will take for an entrepreneur in order to resolve the issue of the need to conclude a contract. During a telephone conversation, you must be as laconic as possible. Otherwise, such behavior can be regarded as compulsion and importunity.

Common mistakes

It is quite difficult to write an effective letter with an offer of cooperation. As a rule, marketing and advertising rules are used in the development of such letters. Before you start developing the form yourself, you need to know about the most common mistakes. This approach minimizes the risk of refusal to conclude a deal.

Complicated syntax

Many entrepreneurs, trying to convince a potential partner, "build" too complex verbal constructions. In order to influence the reader, you need to use short sentences consisting of several phrases. Despite the fact that when drawing up a commercial proposal, the rules for conducting business correspondence are used, it is very important to express your thoughts in simple words.

Unnecessary brevity

According to many entrepreneurs, the text of a commercial proposal should take no more than one page. However, in some situations, such a shortening of the letter can put off the reader. It is very important to disclose all the details of the future working together. However, you do not need to try too hard and paint all the delights of cooperation on ten sheets.

Numerous repetitions

Some entrepreneurs who send letters with an offer of cooperation list several of their main products or services in the document. The same phrases and wording are used to describe the products. Other entrepreneurs simply copy their competitors' product descriptions. This approach to compiling commercial letters is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary not only to correctly advertise your offer, but also to prove that the potential partner will not receive more favorable conditions cooperation from competitors. The main emphasis in the text of the letter should be focused precisely on the exclusivity of the offered products or services. Only after the main topic has been revealed can you move on to listing the benefits of collaboration.

There are no standards and rules for the text of such letters, but there are basic points that should be present in them.

Imposing your own dignity

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the commercial offer is a kind of advertising for your own company. However, all the merits of the company must be reasoned. As arguments, you can use positive reviews from those people who have already used the proposed service or product. It is very important to give an example of those individuals who are known to the potential recipient of the commercial proposal. It can be both show business stars and other celebrities.

As an example of the benefits of their company, the person making the offer might tell the story of their client who took advantage of the offer. The best confirmation of the effectiveness of cooperation are specific numbers... Here you must indicate the amount of income received by the person who took advantage of this offer.

Examples of successful commercial offers

In order to better understand the structure of the commercial proposal, it is necessary to consider a practical example of a commercial proposal for cooperation. A well-written letter can significantly increase the chances of concluding a contract. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the content of a personal letter sent by the employees of the design agency.

“Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich!

Our company invites you to order the development of a design for a corporate website, which will be used to present the products manufactured by your company. Our specialists have everything necessary resources in order to create a powerful tool for business development. Our capabilities:

  1. Development of several design samples taking into account individual requirements client.
  2. Providing assistance in the further launch of the resource.
  3. Submission of complete technical information.
  4. Conducting training seminars with company employees.
  5. Free development of a corporate logo as a gift.

Spending only twenty thousand rubles for ordering the development of a corporate website, you will significantly increase the reach of the consumer audience. Availability own resource allows you to increase sales by 300 percent! At the same time, you will get access to a new market and the ability to accept orders from customers from other regions.

Our conditions:

  1. Payment of the full cost of services at the time of signing the contract.
  2. Placement of an ad unit on the created resource with a link to our site.

We will be happy to consider your proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation!
Respectfully yours, representative of the Design company, R. R. Romanova Vkontakte

What makes a business proposal successful? In any area of ​​business, it is important to please counterparties, to draw their attention to own products and establish long-term contacts. The first instrument of cooperation is often a commercial offer. We tell you how to prepare good text and create an attractive letter for future partners.

The main task of any commercial proposal is to interest a potential counterparty in cooperation with you, to convince you of the superiority of your products or services over competitors' analogues. Accordingly, all of its content should be consistent with this goal. There is no need to tell the story of your company, provide redundant statistics of success in the market, bore you with details production process- only that which will help to conclude a deal (make a sale).

We will consider various examples of letters with proposals for cooperation, but most importantly, we will highlight the main signs of a successful letter and typical mistakes, forcing any counterparty to close the message without reading.

The main task of any commercial proposal is to interest a potential contractor in cooperation with you.

How commercial offers are sent

Currently, there are two main options for sending a commercial proposal: in paper form and in electronic form (by e-mail, in social networks or messengers). Of course, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. But the compilation rules will be very similar, with the difference that the email opens up more possibilities for using media files (images, video and audio).

Commercial proposal structure

Any sample commercial proposal for cooperation should be clearly structured:

  • subject line and greeting (if necessary);
  • presentation (in a paper letter, this function is performed by a letterhead);
  • essence of the proposal, description of prospects for cooperation, competitive advantages;
  • link to the application (if available);
  • contact information (phone numbers, addresses, pages on social networks).

A clear structure is essential for easy orientation of the reader within the text. A potential partner should instantly see the essence of the proposal, its advantages in the form of specific arguments and contact details of the sender.

Ready-made examples of commercial letters of cooperation

Let's consider in practice how to write a good letter of cooperation that will be of interest to a potential counterparty. Before writing your own proposal, explore the various options on the Internet, and then write your own.

You should not use other people's letters, having corrected only your own data in them - this is a bad form. In addition, there is a possibility that your partner has already read this text and your reputation will be badly damaged. Therefore, the samples below are given only as an example, and not as a ready-made template.

Sample 1: Letter to a Potential Business Partner

Topic: cooperation in the field of cargo transportation

Good day!

Our company "Speed" has been operating in the freight market since 2006. During this time, we have completed more than 30 thousand shipments and have not received a single complaint. We cooperate with the companies Vagon-Service, Severneft and Stal.

We are ready to offer your company "Stekloprom" safe and fast deliveries cargo (including fragile ones) throughout Russia at a price of 25 rubles per kilometer, with a distance of over 300 kilometers - 20 rubles. We suggest discussing all additional details of cooperation by phone ** - ** - **. Thank you for your attention and we look forward to your call!

You should not use other people's letters, having corrected only your own data in them - this is a bad form.

Sample 2: proposal for a presentation of goods

Topic: presentation of modern software for accountants

Good day!

A modern accountant can use in his work convenient innovative programs that simplify all operations by 2-3 times. Our company "NPO" develops just such software and serves it already in several companies.

We have a lot of products, their full list- in the attachment. But a much more reasonable option would be a colorful hour-long presentation with a demonstration of the functionality of each program. We are ready to hold it for your employees at any convenient time. Call us on ** - ** - ** or answer this letter, and we will agree on a presentation date. We thank you for your attention!

The hallmarks of a good collaboration letter

How to write a letter with a proposal for cooperation? The compiler must understand that it is business card companies. It shows how advanced the organization is, whether modern trends business communication and whether you are truly interested in working together.

All this can be determined even after a cursory examination of the letter. Good signs are:

  1. A clearly formulated subject of the letter, without common phrases, and even more so without deception.
  2. A polite greeting, an indication of the personal nature of the appeal (the name of the manager, the name of the company.
  3. Informativeness. The content of the letter is formulated in the form of 2-3 paragraphs, fully revealing the essence of the appeal. Sentences are short and easy to read aloud. When working on the text, check and exclude not only spelling and punctuation errors, but also:
    • repetitive thoughts;
    • passive voice;
    • multi-component sentences (it is better to break them down into several simple ones);
    • comparative turnovers (if they do not work for the disclosure of the proposal).
  4. The letter takes only 1 page (especially for paper versions). Such a volume will show that the company values ​​the time of its potential partners.
  5. Paper proposals are designed on a letterhead, printed in high quality and in color. Dull ink, streaks and stains during printing are unacceptable, as they show that the company is not even able to establish a printer and the prospects for cooperation with it are vague.
  6. All additional information is sent as an attachment or attachment. In the electronic version, all files are named correctly (for example, not "picture 1", but "price list for Construction Materials"). The text of the letter contains a link to additional materials.

What is unacceptable when drawing up commercial offers

In modern business correspondence, there are several rules, violation of which indicates the lack of advancement of the company, unwillingness to follow trends and other unpleasant characteristics:

  1. Errors and misprints. Ignorance of the language alludes to the low level of education of the compiler, and typos - to haste and inattention. Before sending the text of the letter should be thoughtfully and leisurely read by several people.
  2. Stationery, formulaic phrases and hackneyed phrases. It is not interesting to read such sentences.
  3. Pathos and exaggeration. The phrases “we are the best in what we do” and “we have no competitors” definitely cast doubt on the author's professionalism. It is better to write why you are a profitable partner: "we will help you choose the best product, and then we will deliver it to your office."
  4. Inappropriate humor, puns, anecdotes are more suitable for private correspondence. Undoubtedly, in individual cases jokes adorn the offer, and some of the counterparties may even like it. But not for everyone, so it is better to leave them for personal communication and remember that the purpose of the letter is to establish contact, not to make fun of.
  5. Apologies for the time taken. By sending a letter of cooperation, you do not waste time from the counterparty, but make him a profitable offer that is interesting to both of you.
  6. Too many numbers. It is great if you can confirm your position in the market with numbers, but you do not need to insert growth statistics into the text since the creation of the company. This is unnecessary and does not work for cooperation.

The more succinctly you express your thoughts, the higher your professional level.

How to Formulate a Competitive Advantage

Why should a potential partner choose to cooperate with your company? The answer to this question is known only to you and it is exactly what you need to include in the text. Avoid formulaic phrases about “ good quality for low money. "

Better just tell us why it is profitable to cooperate with you: "our freight services cost 1000 rubles per hour, and for this money we will not only transport your goods in complete safety, but also load them and even bring them to any floor."

Write simple language, be friendly and focus on the most strengths your organization. Don't feel that simple writing will make you stupider. On the contrary, the more succinctly you express your thoughts, the higher your professional level. Remember that this letter will be read by real people who are tired of the same clericalism and ornate wording.

When to wait for a response to an offer

So, you've put together and sent a tempting commercial offer to your potential partner. When to expect an answer? There are several options, but on average, companies respond within 3-5 days. If the letter is of interest to the representatives of the organization, but the decision to cooperate takes time to think, you may be informed about the preliminary consent and agree on the next contact.

Should I call and find out the answer myself? If the offer was personal, you can call the company and clarify whether your letter arrived and whether it was accepted for work 2-3 days after sending. If it was a newsletter, you should not call (as, indeed, wait for a personal answer).

Who should prepare a commercial proposal

Another important question is who to entrust the writing of the letter. Most often, such texts are dealt with by sales managers. If your company has a copywriter or SMM-manager (responsible for maintaining social networks), you can also entrust the work to him, since such specialists, as a rule, write well and convincingly.

In any case, work on the text should be collective: after drafting the text, the author is recommended to read it and check it by other employees of the company. It is also useful to use online services (literacy, meaningfulness, ease of perception of the text are checked).


A commercial proposal is a business card that forms an opinion about a company in 1-2 minutes. Therefore, it is important to approach its preparation responsibly, creatively and modernly. Cast aside all stereotypes and in simple language tell us why it is beneficial to cooperate with you.

The more professional you present yourself to the supplier when you first contact, the more likely it is that he will decide to do business with you. Here are some tips for first contacting a supplier via email.

Be honest

Your relationship with your supplier must be based on mutual trust and honesty, so it is important not to exaggerate your current state of affairs. If you don't have a website, it doesn't really matter. If you haven't been in business for very long, don't worry. Each successful business must start from somewhere.

You also need to understand that there is a wide variety of providers that serve different classes of customers. And it's very important to find out if you and your supplier are right for each other so as not to waste time.

Make an educated guess about your volumes

Once you have determined that the company is supplying products that you would like to sell, find out about the minimum purchase volume first.

Before contacting a supplier, you should already have an idea of ​​how much you are willing to buy and how often. While this question is difficult to answer with no experience, you need to make an educated guess and don't treat it as a secondary one.

Decide on delivery

Once you have determined that your purchasing power is appropriate, the next step is to outline the delivery times and methods. If you would like to do dropshipping, you must ask how soon the item will ship after you place your order. You should also define the terms of payment.

Here are some other questions which should be asked, depending on what you are selling and what else is related to your niche.

  • How long have you been in business?
  • How big is your company?
  • What products do you specialize in?
  • Who are some of the existing clients?
  • How do you deal with product quality issues? Is there an easy way to return a defective item?
  • Can you provide product photos?
  • Can you provide samples?
  • How do you prefer to communicate - phone, email, etc.
  • How easy is it to contact you?
  • Are you ready to produce enough custom-made items?

Here is an example of a first letter to a supplier.