Nodar and Garik shonia. “Whoever survives in a crisis is worth something” Nodar Shonia on how to get through hard times without loss

The Kremlin's campaign to "green" the governors has not ended at all, as it might seem to observers ignorant of regional conspiracy theories. If until now "landscaping" was carried out from top to bottom, and nothing else, then recently it became known about the initiative from below, backed up by a weighty bonus of € 7 million. The place of action is the Altai Territory.

The following information appeared on one of the telegram channels the other day:

“If you are standing, then sit down: they offer € 7 million for a gubera seat and the 66-year-old governor is related to this Alexander Karlin, who, of course, does not want to give up space to technocrats jumping from a cliff into the sea, but plans to leave it to his successor, Daniil Bessarabov. Of course, the Karlin and Bessarabov families have been friends for a very long time. Both families from Altai Territory: Karlin worked in the Presidential Administration before his appointment, while the Bessarabovs settled in Moscow for a long time in ministries and departments, they have a lobby in various structures. Daniel repeatedly called Alexander Karlin his godfather in politics. This is how we see this scene: Bessarabov comes to Karlin with respect, offers friendship, even addresses him as a godfather. Inside: the transfer of authority, if such a decision is made, may take place before the New Year.

It is difficult to say how reliable the information about the "bonus" of € 7 billion is. But trying to figure out the details of this difficult intrigue is quite realistic. Let's say right away that she, this intrigue, has a double bottom. So to speak - a mystery wrapped in a riddle.

Recall that the Governor of the Altai Territory Alexander Karlin was included among 11 governors, whom the Presidential Administration was going to dismiss this fall, as reported in a well-known article in the Kommersant newspaper. However, all the publications listed on the list have already been fired, but Karlin has not.

PR against the backdrop of poverty

This is all the more surprising since economic indicators it is difficult for the region to find equals - in the sense of the insignificance of these indicators. During the 12 years of Karlin's rule, there was a record drop in wages in the region. In many Altai villages, the only grocery stores were closed. Due to the lack of money, residents are now forced to take goods on credit or "at the post office". IN countryside undergone major closures social institutions: schools, hospitals, clubs, libraries...

As a result, the population of the region decreased by 155 thousand people, despite the fact that Governor Karlin has repeatedly promised to lead the Altai Territory to a "baby boom". But instead of this, only another aphorism from the governor, picked up by the media, has recently appeared - about the personal responsibility ... of the head doctors (!) "For the low birth rate."

Recently, the research agency Data Research published a report on the study of the socio-economic situation in the Altai Territory. 71% of respondents described it as "stagnation", "decline" and "crisis". 66% of the region's residents do not know and cannot give specific results of the governor's work during his leadership. And 62% of respondents said that living conditions in the Altai Territory are worse compared to neighboring regions.

Unsurprisingly, in last fall's State Duma elections, United Russia in the Altai Territory won just 35% of the vote with a turnout of 40%, the worst result for United Russia among all 85 regions of Russia. The ruling party should "thank" for this, first of all, its regional leader - Governor Karlin.

Meanwhile, search the Internet for information about real position things in the region's economy are not easy: responsible officials of the Karlin administration regularly "clean up" such articles. At the same time, the governor does not spare money to support his own image in the media. So, in 2016, 207,575 thousand rubles were allocated from the regional budget for "regional PR", not counting numerous additional grants and subsidies.

The Siberian branch of Transparency International published a large report on how and how much the authorities of the Altai Territory spend on PR support for Governor Karlin. Experts told how the analytical portal and commentators on the Internet are de facto supported at the budget expense, the “coverage of the activities” of the head of the region by journalists from TASS and other federal media is paid for, and the leadership of the regional television channel Katun 24 “masters the budgets” with the involvement of affiliated individuals and relatives.

For example, the "Region Publishing House" established by the Regional Office for Press and Information, which distributes (you can't say otherwise) state orders in the media sector, in the period from 2011 to 2015 transferred 11 contracts for a total amount of more than 90 million rubles to one de- to the facto non-alternative contractor - TRIA Katun LLC. This company, in turn, without being engaged in the production of media content and without the necessary resources for this, transferred orders to the Katun 24 TV channel. As a result, the channel "Katun 24" aired such programs as "Your Party", "Meetings with the Governor", "Unknown Altai", "Family Council", biased stories in the program "News. Results", etc.

At the same time, TRIA Katun LLC and the Katun 24 TV channel are different legal entities. Why did the governor's "Ministry of Truth" order PR not directly from the TV channel, but through a "laying"? The answer suggests itself: the final cost of production - of course, a commercial secret - was many times less than the amount of allocated budget funds. And accordingly, the weighty "fat" from these government contracts could return to the pockets of officials.

This version is supported by at least the fact that, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Shpagina Nina Viktorovna is the general director of TRIA Katun, and before her this post was occupied by Alexei Nikolaevich Moshkin, who today is deputy director of the Region Publishing House for general issues. In addition, all well-known competitors of TRIA "Katun" at impromptu tenders are frankly dummy legal entities, whose leaders are somehow affiliated with the budgetary publishing house "Region". In one case, TIRA's competitor was ALISA LLC, the sole founder and director of which is the same Aleksey Moshkin. The competitor in the struggle for another contract was Litera LLC: the company is notable for the fact that it publishes the LOOK magazine, with which Olga Pashaeva, head of the Region Publishing House, was associated for a long time. The editor-in-chief of the magazine is Nikolai Krainov, who, according to Transparency International, is the husband of Ms. Pashayeva. For a long time, Oksana Kravchuk, who was the editor-in-chief of the Katun24 television company, which is part of the Region publishing house, has been working as the magazine's editor for a long time.

"Thus, the main state contractors of the large-scale and expensive PR campaign to "whitewash" the image of Governor Carlin are firms affiliated with persons distributing state orders," Transparency International experts state. That is, there is not only shameless PR against the background of poverty, but also a banal "cut" of budget funds.

Altai Krai as a business structure

It would be naive to believe that Governor Carlin's business interests are limited to the media space alone.

Despite the depressiveness of the region and the low standard of living, the head of the Altai Territory himself turned out to be by no means poor. Not so long ago, he was among the top ten richest governors of Russia. According to the results of the 2016 declaration, the Karlin family owned two land plots with an area of ​​2 thousand square meters. meters and 3.1 thousand square meters. meters, a residential building (area 560.1 sq. meters), two apartments (139.7 sq. meters and 112.1 sq. meters), two garage boxes, a residential building with an area of ​​52.7 sq. meters and a lot of other real estate.

In 2016, he drew the attention of the federal media to his three-level cottage in Barnaul because of the scandal surrounding the so-called "Karlin stone": a concrete barrier was installed on the street leading to the house of the head of the region - to protect the governor's rest from "extra" people and cars . The mansion of Alexander Karlin is located next to the cottage of his first deputy - Sergei Loktev . And it was sold to the son of the head of the region in September 2007 by the Loktevs for 600 thousand rubles - at the price of a room on the outskirts of the regional center. And in addition, for some 100 thousand rubles, an entire plantation was also sold: a land plot of 1580 square meters. m. According to experts in real estate transactions, the minimum market value similar house and land plot of at least 10 million rubles.

First Deputy Governor Sergei Loktev has long been called Karlin's "personal pocket". "The entire economy of the region is controlled by Loktev. We have one business corporation - this is the Loktev corporation, and no other business corporation is opposed to it," one of the participants in the Data Research survey commented on the situation. the ability to control all business structures in the region". According to another interviewee, "Loktev's business corporation is firmly embedded in the vertical of power, many positions are held by his people. He is also the main reason for the lack of investment in the region, all business must negotiate with Loktev. There is no other way. Hence the decline of the economy. Many real levers are in the hands of the notorious Loktev. Schemes for the redistribution of business, including raider ones, are in the hands of Loktev."

According to experts who answered questions from sociologists, Alexander Karlin personally created such a situation in the region. “Karlin himself is not good at doing such things,” said one of the interviewed businessmen. “He comes from the office and likes everything to be “in white”. there is such a person who can be entrusted with all the black criminal work, and not get dirty himself. But at the same time, of course, have a certain bonus.

As a result, the regional administration in Barnaul began to be called Lokot LLC behind its back. One way or another, almost all issues in the Altai Territory are being resolved today in the Karlin-Loktev connection. As the media wrote, "the second person after the governor" may be behind such assets as the Central Department Store, City Center, Wholesale and retail market Altai Territory on Cosmonauts Avenue, 59; he is interested in the automotive and chemical business (Audi Center and Kuchuksulfat OJSC), and in terms of the degree of influence in the region, he, of course, actively lobbies the business interests of companies close to him, raiders, many of which have gained fame as raiders.

Not a single solution that gives the key to money or resources, and in different areas, entrepreneurs say, does not pass without Loktev's visa.

The main structure, which, as they say, is being pushed with elbows to win state tenders by Vice Governor Loktev, is well known. This is the Barnaul construction company "Self". The general director and sole founder of the company, Nodar Shonia, was known in the business environment as Sergei Loktev's "purse". The company, for example, managed to achieve a large budget tranche for the construction of an elite residential complex in the regional center. "Self" was also noted for a major contract in the neighboring Republic of Altai, having won a tender at the end of 2011 for the construction of a production base for the Altai Valley tourist and recreational SEZ. The company also conducts large-scale works in the SEZ TRT "Turquoise Katun". In October 2014, Nodar Shonia's company, according to the Bankfax news agency, won an auction for the construction of a perinatal center in Barnaul. In addition to it, the St. Petersburg company Werfau Medical Engineering, which specializes directly in the construction of medical facilities, appeared in the tender documents. Nevertheless, the Self company, which, judging by its official website, had never built such facilities before, won by offering only a few thousand less at a starting price of 2.5 billion rubles. This, by the way, is a classic way to push "their" firms into the winners of state tenders.

Competitors on construction market they keep quiet, not daring to contact Nodar Shonia and probably Loktev standing behind him. It is possible not to run into a criminal case, like the former mayor of Barnaul Vladimir Kolganov, against whom criminal cases were initiated for "negligence" and "abuse of power" when he did not understand that there was no need to conflict over control over shares " Gorelektroseti".

In the arsenal of Loktev and raider takeovers competing forms using a power resource. So, in 2008, after a meeting chaired by First Vice-Governor Sergei Loktev, with the support of armed police officers, the director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Burlinsky salt industry" was removed, and the state-owned enterprise itself was converted into Joint-Stock Company from the right people at the head. The power of the police car, on command, also falls on competitors that interfere with the redistribution of the regional sphere of extraction of bioresources. In October 2008, officers of the UBEP at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate sealed off the warehouses of Areal LLC, and then seized 85 tons of Artemia cysts, and 40 tons of cysts, which were under the protection of police officers, were stolen. And nine months later, the case was dismissed for ... lack of corpus delicti.

In 2009, Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists conducted an investigation, which showed that "land plots in the city of Barnaul, the distribution of which has recently been under the jurisdiction of the regional authorities, are issued by the Main Directorate of Property Relations for a reason."

Although formally this department is subordinate to another vice-governor, entrepreneurs can receive a land plot only with the unofficial consent of Sergei Loktev. Allegedly, he convinces entrepreneurs to make "voluntary contributions" transferred to certain current accounts, after which decisions on registration begin to be made faster. Where these funds go in the future, our source could not say, he only noted: they say, for pre-election purposes.

What is happening in Altai is reminiscent of the corruption scheme that investigators Gdlyan and Ivanov encountered when investigating the cotton case in Uzbekistan in the 80s, writes the Versiya newspaper, - "the same alliance of local authorities with the security forces, the same suppression of dissent and bribery press".

In 2014, some deputies tried to oppose Loktev's reappointment as first deputies. After that, Alexander Karlin "in the hearts", as one local observer put it, carried out amendments to the Charter of the region, according to which the head of the region may no longer coordinate with the regional deputies the candidacies of four senior officials: the first deputy governor, heads of financial, social departments and the head of the state property committee. The deputies this time voted for the right of Karlin without them, to single-handedly (!) approve personnel regional administration almost resignedly. Which is not surprising, according to Sergei Teplyakov, editor-in-chief of the Capitalist magazine, there are four bankrupts in the AKZS deputy corps, five opposition parliamentarians are under criminal prosecution, one is on probation and one is amnestied.

All this information, of course, is known in the Kremlin, and it is even surprising why it took so long to resign there. Perhaps there were fears of creating a political vacuum in the region during the pre-election period, since Karlin really concentrated all the administrative levers in his hands. All more or less independent politicians and businessmen left the region, tired of being afraid of inspections and criminal cases. The political space of the Altai Territory today is a "scorched earth", where there is no real opposition to the head of the region, but there is a Legislative Assembly controlled by the governor, non-independent heads municipalities, specific "opinion leaders".

But after the September elections of this year, when Karlin again became resonantly embarrassed, the resignation seemed inevitable, which was only confirmed by the information of Kommersant.

How to "lay straws"

As you know, before being appointed governor of the Altai Territory, Karlin worked in the Presidential Administration, and masterfully masters the intricacies of hardware games. In the conditions of the almost total "greening" of the governors, Karlin not only managed to use the mechanism of survival, but, apparently, "lay straws" in the form of a reliable successor, as well as in the form of an alternate airfield - a chair in the Federation Council, which is currently occupied by him Mikhail Shchetinin, former deputy economics officer.

These kind of airbags for the Altai governor are more than relevant today, since law enforcement agencies are becoming more and more interested in the activities of his inner circle.

So, in early autumn, the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case against Aleksey Beloborodov, who manages the affairs of the governor and administration of the Altai Territory, for exceeding his official powers when buying three Mercedes-Benz cars for 18 million rubles. As Olga Chesnokova, senior assistant to the head of the TFR for the Altai Territory, told Kommersant, “funds for the purchase of cars were allocated from the regional budget under the non-targeted state program “Improving State and Municipal Administration in the Altai Territory.” The purchase was carried out without observing competitive procedures, in violation of legislation." The materials for initiating a criminal case were provided by the FSB department for the Altai Territory.

Knowing the "vertical" strictly built by Karlin, it is impossible to imagine that the purchase of "Mercedes" was not personally sanctioned by the head of the region. Therefore, for Karlin at the moment it is simply vital to maintain his, albeit temporary, position of the head of the region, and in the future - senatorial immunity, because, without a doubt, Shchetinin was delegated to the Federation Council in order to, if necessary, give way to his former boss.

And yet, being a tough pragmatist, taking into account all modern Moscow customs and trends, Alexander Karlin could well prepare his man for the leadership of the region, who would not hand over the "crooked" schemes developed by his predecessor to the guardians of the law. And in this context, the version about € 7 million, set out in Telegram, is not without foundation. You can trust or not trust the rumors about the named candidate for a successor, but the scenario itself, in the light of the above, looks quite logical.

In general, today, Karlin can be called the most far-sighted of the governors submitted for resignation. It is a pity that this foresight did not benefit the inhabitants of the Altai Territory, one of the most depressive, decadent regions of modern Russia.

The developer of the new shopping center has built more than planned

The commercial giant that was built on the New Market in Barnaul is not yet ready for opening, but information about it does not leave the news feeds. The point is in the scandals associated with Pioneer. This time, the indignation of the townspeople was caused by the news that the owner built the building in excess of the allowable building size. Initially, he was supposed to occupy 50% of the land, but in fact he occupied 65%. In this regard, in order to legitimize the object, the owner and contractor held public hearings, where they asked the opinion of the townspeople on this issue.

Full house

Public hearings are usually not the most popular meeting place among Barnaul residents, but this time they gathered a full house. 245 people came to vote for or against the legalization of Pioneer. The guests were divided into two camps: the defenders of the new shopping center and fierce opponents. The latter began their indignation even before the official start of the hearings and continued later. The residents of Barnaul accused the investor of the project, Nodar Shonia, of taking extra land that did not belong to him, occupying someone else's territory, and called the shopping center an unauthorized building. The indignant tenants did not listen to Shonia's arguments. The chief architect of the city, Sergei Bozhenko, had to intervene.

“To make it clear, I will translate from the language of administrative into universal. We are talking about the fact that the applicant - LLC "Malinvest" - developed a project, received a building permit and proceeded to it, but in the process of work he modified project documentation, and it turned out that, in contrast to the designated regulations in 50% of the territory, 65% of the development came out within the boundaries of the allotted land.

This does not mean that the building is unauthorized. On the land for which Shonia paid, more buildings have been built up than previously planned, and that's it, - Sergey Bozhenko explained. - And since the excess of the regulations is obvious, the applicant is obliged to initiate public hearings in order to identify the opinion of the city residents about whether he can exceed the designated 50%. I must say right away that the decision of the public hearings is legally designated as recommendatory. The final decision is made by the head of the city administration and the deputies of the Barnaul City Duma on the basis of the conclusion prepared by the land commission.”

Unfounded accusations

The comments calmed the dissatisfied residents a little, but after 20 minutes they began to attack again. There were many different (not confirmed at the hearings) accusations against the developer: from the wrong design of the arrivals, ending with the falsification of documents, forced eviction from the houses. However, there was no concrete answer to the question of the commission and the owner of the shopping center about what exactly the accusers, mostly women, are seeking.

Regarding the forced eviction, Shonia spoke with restraint. “There were also barracks in this place. Buying the land from the owners, the developer resettled about 40 families, relocating them to good, comfortable apartments. During the resettlement, they faced such a problem that some of the houses were not privatized, with illegal redevelopment, and all residents were assisted in obtaining proper documents. To date, all the lands that were bought into ownership have been united, not a single square meter has been provided to the developer free of charge,” the investor specified.

Svetlana Novoselova, a resident of Barnaul, stood up for Shonia: “I am not indifferent to the fate of our city and the employment of our teenagers. There really was a dump, a garbage dump, stalls at this place, half-eaten kebabs, plastic glasses were lying around. Children in the doorways drank and smoked. Now there is a shopping center, which will have cinema halls and places where the same teenagers can spend their free time culturally.”

To this statement, rude expressions and obscenities were heard from the crowd. All the positive reviews that sounded about the construction later, the "initiative group" who lived on the site of the "Pioneer" met in much the same way.

There were also restrained logical remarks. In particular, people from houses on Pionerov Street were interested in the issue of parking: Barnaul residents fear that with the increase in the building, the area for cars will decrease. But the developer explained that he took this issue into account. The project provided for 14,000 square meters for underground parking and another 6,000 closed above ground.

In addition, according to the residents themselves, construction equipment “rolled out” the area near the houses along the same Pioneer Street. The developer promised to deal with this issue upon completion of construction. The answers of the owner satisfied the majority. This is evidenced by the voting results: out of 245 people, 209 voted for Pioneer, 20 people voted against. Now, when the permission was given by the residents of the city, the word was left to the city administration.

Tomorrow, August 29 CEO construction company "Self" Nodar SHONIA celebrates its 50th anniversary. So there is reason to talk about the present and the future.

Time symbol

In that distant time, when the borders of the USSR stretched from sea to sea, no one was surprised that graduates of the schools of the Union republics went to enter Russian universities. And when Nodar Shonia was going to continue his education at the Altai Polytechnic Institute, his family approved of his decision. Then there was a desire to stay here to work.

Historical events flickered quickly, one era was replaced by another, business began to develop actively. Nodar Viktorovich smiles, remembering: “I decided to open my own business, I quickly decided on the profile, but I had to suffer with the name - I wanted it to be recognizable. Translated from English self - "I myself." However, we are still a team.

To date, the most discussed objects that the company is building are the Pioneer shopping center and the Stolichny residential complex at the address: st. 1905. The fact that people are interested in data is logical: “Barnaul residents want to see their city beautiful and modern,” says Nodar Viktorovich. “And the fact that sometimes there are different points of view about the objects being built is right, there can be no single opinion.” “I will take this opportunity to explain my choice of project. The city starts from the station, the house under the spire dominates the space. And it will remain a historical symbol of the city! And when a new spire rises, it will complete the picture, become a symbol of everything new. People will have the opportunity to see how it was and how it has become. Is it bad? And the fact that another residential building will appear in the city center is also good.”

For many, it is too obvious that Oleg Khorokhordin's organized meeting with President Vladimir Putin is a "fire-fighting" way to raise the small popularity in the territory of the acting governor of the Altai Republic.
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Twenty-seven fighters, fragments and shell casings, kerosene lamps and keys to the house, where the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War… This is only part of what
17.07.2019 Evening Barnaul

Being one of the TOP-10 leading construction companies in the Altai Territory, SELF LLC intends to continue to actively participate in public-private partnerships and implement social projects.

The chief editor of the information and analytical portal Artem Kudinov was told about the prospects and problems of development, the basic principles of activity and cooperation with the authorities, Nodar Shonia, general director of SELF LLC.

Nodar Viktorovich, a little about the history of your company, which today is one of the 10 largest construction companies in the Altai Territory.

The company was established in 1996 on the basis of the Sibkhimremont trust. By the way, we still have specialists who worked in the trust. Yes, and I myself began my career as a foreman at Sibkhimremont. No development strategy was thought of in the 1990s. Looking for any job to survive.

Today, unlike those years, we do not survive, but develop. We have formed a portfolio of regional, municipal, federal contracts. Currently, we are building facilities not only in the Altai Territory, but also in the Altai Republic, in Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk Region. Since 2011, the region's construction industry has revived, the demand for housing has grown, which allowed us to actively develop construction sites. Today, the company is building about 100 thousand square meters at a time. meters of housing, given that a little more than 600 thousand square meters are built annually in the region. meters of housing. We can say with confidence that the volumes of SELF in the construction market occupy a significant share. Last year, they handed over about 20 thousand square meters. meters, in this we plan to hand over 40-50 thousand square meters. meters. Today, our company is able to perform almost all tasks of any complexity, both in the field of civil and industrial construction.

- You also build objects of the special economic zone of the tourist and recreational type "Turquoise Katun"?

Over the past twenty years, a project of such scale and complexity as the construction engineering networks on the Turquoise Katun, which was carried out by SELF LLC, was probably not carried out by anyone in the Altai Territory. This year we are completing work on contracts we signed in 2009. For the whole five-year period, in extremely difficult conditions both in terms of landscape and logistics, we built life support facilities for the tourist zone, without which further development it would be simply impossible.

By the way, the development of the recreational zone is mostly carried out with the participation of state investments attracted by the Administration of the region for the development of our region, which helped to preserve the construction industry of the region during the years of crisis. After all, one must understand that the work of the construction complex, like a locomotive, pulls production in other industries, loads their capacities with work. And then there were programs for the construction of housing for young families, the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing, the governor's program "75x75", "80x80" and many others. Many facilities are being built according to the regional targeted investment program. In general, there is a front of work for all Altai builders who can realize their plans. And in this, in my opinion, the great merit of the governor of the region Alexander Bogdanovich Karlin.

- "SELF" builds not only housing...

Yes, indeed, we have a mixed portfolio of contracts, which includes both residential buildings of complex development, as well as individual administrative buildings, social facilities. Last year, work was completed on the reconstruction of the building-monument of the school for the memorial museum of M.T. Kalashnikov in the village of Kurya, Kuryinsky district. Works are being completed at the facilities of the special economic zone in the Maiminsky district of the Republic of Altai (“Altai Valley”) and in the Altai region of the Altai Territory (“Turquoise Katun”). Today, the administrative building "Cultural and Leisure Center "Pushkinsky" at 7, Lenin Ave. in Barnaul is under construction. One of our latest projects is the Pioneer shopping and entertainment complex, which will implement modern achievements in building technologies and European design.

I think we still have few worthy objects that could be proudly shown to the guests of the regional center, so we need to actively develop the central part of Barnaul. The administrations of the region and the city are doing a lot in this direction, supporting public-private partnership projects. But this requires effective mechanisms to attract private investment in the program of resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing. This would be to the benefit of the townspeople, would decide social problems, contributed to the development of the construction industry, and, of course, formed a new look for the urban environment.

How acute, according to your estimates, is the problem of personnel in the construction industry of the region? How do you see ways to solve it?

Today, a resource center has been created on the basis of PU No. 16. But I think this school alone will not save us. After all, if the volume of construction will not decrease, then the need for qualified personnel will grow. Today you can't build badly - you won't be able to be competitive. There are problems, there are difficulties. There is a shortage of masons, monolithic concrete workers and many other specialists. The shortage of qualified personnel often creates an unhealthy atmosphere in the labor market, provokes certain categories of workers to unreasonably high demands for wages. We need normal competition in the labor market, when the employer can choose the employee, and not vice versa.

By the way, today the problem of the professionalism of architects, designers, engineers, economists, accountants, etc. is no less acute. Alas, the qualifications of many of them do not meet modern requirements. Unfortunately, there are no young designers, their new generation. Maybe, construction companies we must ourselves worry about the training of personnel, pay attention to them even from the student's bench. We must encourage and interest future professionals, stimulate young professionals, grow and educate our own cadres. Competent HR strategy of the company allowed us to create our own team of high-level professionals who are able to ensure the process of organizing construction at the highest level. Thanks to a thoughtful approach to the formation of a highly qualified team, SELF embodies one of its main principles - to build high-quality, modern and sought-after housing at affordable prices.

IN Lately Has it become more difficult to interact with banks, to attract bank loans? Many builders complain...

SELF has a fairly decent loan portfolio. We work with such banks as Vozrozhdenie, Sberbank, VTB, Altaikapitalbank, etc. Today, the requirements and conditions of banks are becoming more stringent for borrowing enterprises. For example, we are actively working with Sberbank on project financing for the construction of real estate, both residential and commercial. Such a format of cooperation, when the bank directly controls the progress of construction, I must say that once again gives reason not to doubt all customers in meeting the deadlines and quality of the work we perform.

- How do you see the prospects for the development of SELF in the coming years?

We will continue to participate in social programs, the governor's program "80x80". Today we are working on the concept of a number of major projects that we plan to implement as part of a public-private partnership. Moreover, as investors, we are ready to co-finance housing construction under various social programs, for example, the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing according to Federal Law-185.

- How would you, Nodar Viktorovich, characterize the relationship between the construction industry of the region and the regional authorities?

The implementation of a large number of targeted regional and federal programs related to the construction of various facilities, including infrastructure, in our region is largely due to the governor of the region. Thus, the authorities do not disregard the independent existence of the construction industry of the Altai Territory, highlighting serious financial resources for its development and our region as a whole.

On December 10, the CEO of SELF received an award for winning the Development nomination of our Manager of the Year survey rating, and exactly a week later, on December 17, Nodar Shonia became a speaker of our School of Success project. He told the guests of the evening about how difficult it was for him to start his own business, how his company survived crises and about high-profile projects.

Oleg Bogdanov

The beginning of the way

Nodar Shonia,

I was born in 1965 in Abkhazia. In 1982 I graduated from high school, and as the eldest son I was sent to study in Russia. I went to where there were already relatives - to Barnaul. He entered the Polytechnic Institute and studied in the specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering". During his studies, he worked as a laboratory assistant in the department of building structures. This school helped me a lot in my future career.

After graduating from high school, I was assigned to the repair, construction and installation department at the chemical fiber plant. We served all the major factories of the Altai Territory. I started as a foreman, then in 1992 I was elected head of the department. And the times were hard, wages were not paid, and the enterprises on which we depended began to close. I had to enter the market, look for other niches in the construction industry, find orders.

In 1996, there was a turning point, when the tax office came to us for the first time with an on-site audit. After that, the chief accountant reported that we had been charged a large amount to be recovered. I don’t remember exactly how much, but these were absolutely unbearable figures for us, which was one of the reasons for the sad result - bankruptcy.

Oleg Bogdanov

Crisis Surfing

Nodar Shonia,

In the same 1996, we created a new enterprise - "SELF". Why such a name? From English it can be translated as "to himself." But no, I didn't have any ambitions like "I'm on my own" or anything like that. It just happened.

We started with contract work. I had to work hard to get volumes. We depend on them, but they just don't come. They must be searched for and all opportunities and resources must be included for this.

In 1998, we experienced the first crisis. Before, we did not encounter such situations and we did not have ready-made solutions on how to act in such circumstances. After analyzing the state of affairs, I realized that it is possible to save the enterprise and get out of the crisis only by increasing the volume of construction.

In 2002, banks began to actively offer loans. But we counted primarily on our own strength. However, at some point it became clear that the formation big business impossible without attracting investment loans. And our industry has its own characteristics - a lot of risks, unforeseen circumstances. Some believe that the construction business is one of the most profitable. But it must be taken into account that the implementation of development projects lasts more than one year, and as a result, it happens that after the commissioning of the object, the builder does not receive the profit that he expected.

In any crisis, bankers stop lending to builders. Sometimes they don't even make contact. This is what happened to us in 2008. Then I had to negotiate directly with the chairman of the board of one of the banks, because, as a rule, financial institutions provide resources not to a legal entity, but to a specific person, if they believe him.

We were able to find an understanding, and as a result, SELF got the opportunity to plan its work for six months. I did not stop anything, did not freeze, only extended the deadlines for some projects, which became a reserve for post-crisis growth.

Then the understanding came that one's own investment projects cannot be carried out without a comparable contract portfolio. This is a kind of safety cushion, thanks to which you can not stop your projects in an unstable situation.

In my opinion, the current crisis is the most difficult and incomprehensible. In 2008, entrepreneurs in Russia had the opportunity to access foreign investment. Therefore, the situation was less painful for business. Now everything is more difficult. But you shouldn't give up. We need to work twice as hard, deal with other problems and find new approaches to solving them.

Oleg Bogdanov

About landmark projects

Nodar Shonia,

We constantly participate in social projects where others are reluctant to go because of low profitability. We built museums of Kalashnikov, Titov, Shukshin and others. Recently, they began to participate in such projects more actively. So, we put into operation the cultural and business center "Pushkinsky", now we are building a perinatal center.

The Turquoise Katun project became a milestone for us. Over the past 30 years, there have been no similar undertakings in the region in terms of such an impressive volume of construction of engineering infrastructure. Here we have gained good experience.

As you know, we lead and own projects. We mainly prepare construction sites for them ourselves - we spend funds on the purchase of plots and are engaged in resettlement. Here, for example, is one of the latest projects: we bought a territory in the city center. It used to be an industrial enterprise that was heated with fuel oil and spoiled not only the environment, but also the appearance of the city. Now at this place we are preparing to build a modern residential complex for 55 thousand square meters. meters with a three-story underground parking. The number of places on it corresponds to the number of apartments in the house. The maximum completion date of the object is 2019, the real one is 2018.

IN next year we will launch the Pioneer shopping center. A year or two ago, I would not have started such a project. But there was no way back. And the concept of a shopping center in the city center is very successful, and even in the current situation it will allow us to be competitive. People are already waiting for Lenta to open. And this should happen in April.

Once on the site of the Pioneer shopping center there was a concrete-mortar unit, workshops and warehouses of enterprises. They did not fit into the image of the city and spoiled the ecological situation. There were barracks next to them. We put this site in order, resettled the residents and, we hope, gave impetus to the development of the adjacent territory.

We understood that the road and utility infrastructure was no longer up to the mark. As a result, to our satisfaction and the joy of the city residents, we get a renovated Pioneer Street. Where everything was filled with tents, today you can see a good four-lane road and a landscaped area.

The sore point of the interchange at the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Pioneer Street is still the "bottleneck" on the bridge. As far as we know, the city administration has an understanding of how to increase throughput this section of Lenin Avenue.

I see the development of this microdistrict not only in the opening of the Pioneer shopping center, but also in residential development. We have already laid the foundation stone for the first five-six-storey building in the New Market area. I would like modern and comfortable residential buildings to appear between the streets of Pioneers and Profintern instead of dilapidated and dilapidated houses.

Oleg Bogdanov

Answers on questions

— Are you engaged in low-rise construction?

— We have production facilities where we develop and prepare projects in this area for implementation. Now we have set the task to develop 3-4 samples of compact houses. Nowadays, the buyer does not need large cottages, but we see a future in the segment of inexpensive and prefabricated houses.

— What is important for you in the construction of residential complexes?

— Previously, when starting construction, we relied heavily on architectural solutions. But practice has shown that this is not entirely correct. Architects often stand up for beauty, and for the buyer, first of all, internal planning decisions and the design of the building are important. Therefore, now we start any project, starting from the needs of the buyer. And today he needs free planning. Sometimes the norms of the law do not allow us to satisfy the requirements of customers as much as possible, but we are moving in this direction.

Have you had difficult moments in business?

Every entrepreneur has them. And immediately there are "advisers" and "hints" from outside, who supposedly know how and what to do. Sometimes they say: "You have to go bankrupt, that's all." In 1996, we had no special obligations, and I could take such a step. And in a similar situation in 1998, I imagined: what will I say to banks, equity holders - to everyone who trusted me? That's when it was hard mentally. We in the company thought a lot about which way to go, went through the options. Fortunately, there were people who could provide real help.

So, we were helped by the participation of the respected Vladimir Pesotsky (former head of the Altai branch of Sberbank. - Ed.), who then believed in me and provided very serious support. And we chose not bankruptcy, but decided to go to the end. Time has shown that this was correct. Probably, whoever survives in a crisis is worth something.

- Are our builders ready to replace, for example, the Turks at construction sites? In general, how effective are they?

- Our builders work no worse than the same Turks or any other foreigners. It's just that customers are ready to pay completely different money to the Turks or Spaniards. Because they can afford both normal equipment and high salaries. We are simply in unequal conditions.

— Do you have a favorite building in Barnaul?

- First of all, I would note the Pioneer shopping and entertainment center. This modern building with a double facade, using natural ceramics and generally having a very aesthetic appearance. We understood that this would not increase our profits and aesthetics would not be a decisive factor for potential tenants. But we really want to make people happy.

- How do you relax from work?

- I have a social load: I head the Altai Boxing Federation, and this takes a lot of time. In my free time from work and family, I play football, volleyball or tennis. In winter I go to warmer climes. For example, I fly to China every year, combining rest with treatment. And, of course, to their homeland, to Abkhazia. An active lifestyle helps me to always be in good shape.

Oleg Bogdanov

Opinion of the meeting participant

Yulia Kazitsyna,
sales specialist of VimpelCom (Beeline brand):

Beeline has been cooperating with SELF for more than five years. And this partnership has several facets: the provision of fixed communications in commercial real estate (for example, in the pending opening of the Pioner shopping center) and services mobile communications for company employees. Versatility is a sign of constant development. And this quality is inherent not only in the company, but also in its leader, Nodar Viktorovich Shonia.


Nodar Shonia became the 25th speaker of the School of Success project.