Is the greenhouse business in Belarus profitable? Winter greenhouse as a business: how to make growing plants in a greenhouse a profitable business

Every year the demand for natural products is growing, which is due to the popularization of a healthy lifestyle and increased attention to one's nutrition and body condition. In addition, there is now a significant increase in the number of farm shops offering visitors a range of healthy products that are supplied there, including from greenhouses. And this means that the need for healthy food in the near future will gain momentum.

The greenhouse business in Russia is on the rise: new complexes are being built, production is increasing, as evidenced by the numbers. At the end of 2016, the total harvest of greenhouse vegetables reached 1.6 million tons, which is 10.8% more than in 2015. Large agricultural complexes increased production by 13.4% - up to 814 thousand tons, follows from the data of Rosstat. In addition, market analysis shows that the sanctions applied to Russia spurred the development of domestic producers, which is why the market for growing vegetables and herbs in greenhouses is experiencing significant growth.

Thus, the idea of ​​organizing a greenhouse for growing greenery is relevant. This business has the following advantages such as low tax burden, low initial investment, the ability to organize a home business, the rapid growth of greenery and its unpretentiousness.

The amount of initial investment is 621 700 rubles.

The break-even point is reached on the fourth month of work.

Payback period - 6 months.

Average net profit: 203 000 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

It should be remembered that the options for creating a greenhouse business are diverse. You can create a greenhouse for growing:

  • Strawberries. As a rule, the cultivation of this berry is common in the southern regions of Russia;
  • Vegetables. The most popular products are tomatoes and cucumbers. A big plus of the same cucumbers is that they are stored for a long time;
  • Colors. This option is more difficult to grow, because the flowers require special care and the appearance of the product plays an important role;
  • seedlings. In spring, the demand for seedlings increases significantly - both owners of summer cottages and other farms specializing in crop production buy it;
  • Greenery. The big advantage is the short period between sowing and harvest.

This business plan will consider the option of starting a business for growing greens in greenhouses.

Among the disadvantages of organizing a greenhouse business, one can single out the high costs of paying for electricity, because a large greenhouse needs to be illuminated almost around the clock.

The following products will be grown in greenhouses:

  • parsley;
  • Dill;
  • onion:
  • salad;
  • basil.

Over time, you can diversify the assortment by including spinach, radish, sorrel, chives and other types of green products. As packaging for fresh products, transparent plastic containers and bags are used, which will keep the product fresh and give it a marketable appearance.

The greenhouse works seven days a week, because plants need care every day.

3. Description of the market

The main segment of the buyers of greenhouse products are not end buyers, but legal entities. Farm products are sold to the following groups of buyers:

  • Grocery stores. Each store has a department with greens and vegetables, it is there that you can supply your products;
  • Vegetable stalls. Now more and more common stalls near the house selling fruits, vegetables and herbs. In addition, farm shops are now common, which also buy greens;
  • Manufacturing plants can purchase greens for the preparation of their products (seasonings, sausages, semi-finished products, canned food);
  • Catering establishments (cafes and restaurants) also often use green ingredients in their dishes. You can also get in touch with healthy food establishments, because their range is directly related to healthy ingredients.

The target audience of our business are stalls, shops, cafes and restaurants. At the first stages, it is not advisable to cooperate with large manufacturing plants, because the productivity of the greenhouse has not yet been evaluated, and for such buyers an appropriate scale of production is needed.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

Consider the main stages of opening a business for growing products in greenhouses.

Registration with government agencies

You can register a greenhouse business as an individual entrepreneur, LLC or Peasant farm. The most optimal option is a peasant farm, because the tax burden in this case will be much lower (6% of income). Peasant farming is a form of individual entrepreneurship, the state registration fee will cost 800 rubles.

Registration is carried out at the interdistrict department of the tax service, documents for opening a peasant farm:

  • Notarized application for registration of a peasant (farm) economy.
  • Agreement on the establishment of a peasant farm.
  • Copy of the head of household's passport.
  • Receipt for payment of state duties.
  • List of OKVED farm activity codes.
  • Copies of a certificate of family composition (or other documents confirming the relationship of members of the peasant farm).

Also, in order to sell products to retail outlets, you will need:

  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Permission from the fire department.

When registering a company in our example, you must specify the following types of OKVED:

OKVED 01.13.9 - Growing vegetables not included in other groups.

Finding land and preparing it for exploitation

For a medium-sized business, you will need a land plot of at least 250 square meters. m. Many greenhouse owners equip greenhouses in their garden plots. This is a very convenient option, because in this case you will always be in place and will be able to combine leisure and work. However, if you do not own a plot, you can rent it. This business plan will consider the option of opening a business, taking into account the lease of a land plot on which greenhouses and an outbuilding will be located.

The land must be fertile, while the site must be located near transport routes, because products will often have to be transported and great remoteness can affect the cost of transportation. In addition, it is important to have communications (power supply, water supply) and the average distance from the city (no more than 30 km). The cost per square meter of such land will cost 80-100 rubles.

On the site you can place 5 greenhouses for each type of crop, the total area of ​​each greenhouse is 40 sq.m.

Purchase of the necessary inventory and equipment

To work, you will need the following list of equipment:

Name Quantity Price for 1 piece total amount
greenhouse construction
Greenhouse frame5 45 000 225 000
Polycarbonate14 6 500 91 000

316 000
Drip irrigation
Tank for water5 7 000 35 000
Strait pipe
12 000 12 000
tank pump5 2 500 12 500
drip irrigation system10 2 000 20 000

79 500
Lighting system
Lamp60 800 48 000
Automatic switch10 150 1 500
Electric cable
15 000 15 000

64 500
Ventilation system
Greenhouse fan5 4 500 22 500
Air filter10 800 8 000

30 500
Optional equipment
Gardening Tools
8 000 8 000
Box40 80 3 200
Overalls4 5 000 20 000

31 200
Total amount:

521 700

5 greenhouses with a size of 5m*8m will be purchased, which will need to be assembled and installed. Also, the greenhouse will not be able to function without light, drip irrigation and ventilation system.

Purchase of seeds and fertilizers

The cost of seeds is a significant cost item when organizing a large-scale business. We will consider the option in which it will be purchased:

  • salad (price for 1 kg - 2500 rubles)
  • dill (price for 1 kg - 1300 rubles)
  • parsley (price per 1 kg - 1000 rubles)
  • onions (price per 1 kg - 3500 rubles)
  • vegetable basil (price per 1 kg - 3200 rubles)

On average, from 10 sq. m. of fertile soil, you can get 20-25 kg of onions and 15-20 kg of other products. In this case, you will need: 15-20 grams of onion seeds, 4-5 grams of parsley, dill and basil, 2-3 grams of lettuce.

The purchase of fertilizers is directly dependent on the amount of land, so in our case it will take about 12,500 rubles. in year.

Personnel search

If there are not enough members of the KFH, you will have to hire employees. In your business you will need.

Starting any business, first of all, one must take into account the natural advantages. It would never occur to anyone to build an elite hotel in a God-forgotten village, or plant melons at the North Pole. Exactly the same is the case with greenhouse business. It is foolish to build a greenhouse in an open field, even if the rent of land there costs a penny, or high in the mountains, etc.

Ilya Nikolaevich Odintsov categorically began his story with such a statement. He is from the Rostov region, lives in a small industrial city. He is fifty-six years old, an automatic engineer by profession, in Soviet times he worked at a large chemical plant. In the early years of perestroika, Odintsov “raked in money” in a cooperative at the plant - he packed washing powder in bags, then he “driven” used cars from Germany, then he changed his profile to a “shuttle”, currently he breeds cucumbers and radishes on a personal greenhouse farm. He calls himself a "millionaire from a greenhouse."

So, we are visiting him. Behind a high corrugated fence, you can see a small mansion made of Italian brick, covered with blue metal tiles. There is a brand new crossover in front of the gate. It is felt that the owner stands firmly on his feet. He invites you to the yard, and the first thing that catches your eye is the absence of trees on the site - only greenhouses. Between them - concrete paths and intricacies of metal-plastic pipes.

— How did you come up with the idea of ​​the greenhouse business?

“It all started in 1998. Then I used to bring clothes from Turkey. As in a nightmare, I remember that August, when the dollar rose in price three times. To pay off his debts, he sold a new foreign car and gave away all his savings. At that time, only imported tomatoes were in stores, and the price also rose three times. This hooked me, and the idea came to organize a greenhouse economy, fortunately, there were six acres of land near the house.

- You still have greenhouses on the site in front of the house ...

“I have been cultivating cucumbers in greenhouses for twelve years now and I am sure that you should not get involved in this business if you do not have your own plot at home. In this case, the game is not worth the candle, except for pleasure.
Further, Ilya Nikolaevich showed his farm. Greenhouses he built two types - frame, long, twenty meters, up to the fence; in width - 2.5 meters, and lean-to, with a recess.

First, somewhere, a quarter of the total area of ​​greenhouses. They are located right behind the mansion. Ilya Nikolaevich uses them to grow early varieties of cucumbers. Steel wire frame, 0.9 meters above the ground, covered with a film. At first glance, it seems that this is an ordinary greenhouse, but it is not. The entrance to the greenhouses is wooden, triangular, like a cellar. So it is, the steps lead down into a meter-deep trench, dug along and reinforced with boards, along which you can walk without bending. Ilya Nikolaevich descends into the passage and easily, now from the right, then from the left, reaches the extreme seedlings in order to pull out weeds and barren flowers.
- Why did you decide to make such a deep trench, and not increase the height of the greenhouse, for example, up to two meters?

“Building a two-meter-high greenhouse is not very profitable - you can’t heat it in winter, the volume is large. The wind can also break, and you need a lot of film. And the highest income is in winter and early spring.

Are you planning on harvesting for the New Year?

- Not. I’m just planting in January, otherwise there won’t be enough light for normal growth. Now seedlings in pots are in fashion, but I have adapted to grow from seeds, it is much cheaper. If the soil is good, new, disinfected, then the seeds germinate perfectly, most importantly, they must be well protected from weeds.

- For normal growth, not only light is needed, but also heat, especially in winter.

- You see - Ilya Nikolaevich pointed to two pipes laid at the edges of the greenhouse, - this is heating. from a domestic boiler. Cucumbers are very capricious, like ladies. They germinate at temperatures above +18 C, but +25 ... +28 C is ideal for them. At this temperature, seedlings appear after three days, and at +16 ... +18 C - only after a week. Then, however, the range is wider, from +18 ... +26 C. If the temperature is below +12 ... +14 C, then the fruits do not ripen at all. It is quite difficult to observe such a regime, when in winter the temperature outside ranges from minus 15 to plus 15. I, as a former Kipovitian (specialist in instrumentation) installed a relay alarm with a bell in the house. I follow the temperature regime carefully, like small children.

How do you water your plantations?

- I water constantly, cucumbers love water ( Ilya Nikolaevich pointed to the transparent tubes through which water flowed.). First I use hoses with millimeter holes, then I change them to those in which the diameter of the holes is three millimeters. Water is supplied to the hoses after turning on the corresponding tap located in the house, and then through these holes it enters strictly under the stem of the plant.

- Something is not visible tomatoes. Why? After all, they are the ones who pushed you into this business.

- Yes, well, them. Tried. Tomatoes do not like when it is very humid, a maximum of 60%. They need to be ventilated, and regularly. And if the frost is minus twenty? Freeze immediately. If you don't ventilate it, they will hurt. True, there are varieties - apparently genetically modified, which grow without problems, and even beautiful in appearance. It's just that the taste is disgusting. There are many of these in the market. But for me the most important thing is quality and naturalness. It is for this that buyers respect me, so I am not going to grow such dubious tomatoes. Well, to close the topic about the choice of culture - I will say this, life itself will tell you what to grow. It's like choosing a wife. One likes a smart one, another is good with a beautiful one, and the third - wives, like changing gloves. Apparently, my love with tomatoes did not work out. Although, to be honest, it's in my greenhouses, they do not provide convenient ventilation, this, I think, is the main problem.

- But another red, or rather pink, vegetable has taken root.

Are you talking about radishes? This culture is very undemanding to heat, but loves light. I grow it under glass frames. Radishes germinate at +3-4 C, although they “love” +16 C. An ideal winter crop that does not die even if the temperature in the greenhouse suddenly drops to -6 C. Another advantage of radishes is a short growing season: it ripens in 25- 35 days (round varieties) and 30-40 days (long varieties). Given that the radish is not picky about the soil, the cultivation of this vegetable does not apply to labor-intensive agricultural technologies. In winter and early spring, this product is in demand.

— Is the greenhouse business profitable?

- Let's figure it out now. Look, from one square meter I shoot 100-150 cucumbers within two months. This is about 10-15 kilograms, which I sell to wholesalers at a price of 80 rubles per kilo. It turns out about a thousand rubles per square meter, or 40 thousand rubles. greenhouses. Ten greenhouses bring "dirty income" of four hundred thousand rubles. Minus the cost of fertilizers, soil, seedlings, heat and water, and as a result, two hundred thousand rubles for February-March remain “clean”. In the spring, income is about half as much. In the summer and fall, my profit from cucumbers is at the level of fifty thousand per quarter.

— Do you plan to modernize your greenhouse facilities in the future?

- Modify, of course, I will. I will slowly start buying greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate, and I will remove the frames under which I grow radishes. This year I have already planned one new greenhouse. I will do this comprehensively, simultaneously with the introduction of drip irrigation, as well as modern lighting and heating. I will equip greenhouses automatic temperature and humidity control systems, fortunately, he gained fat. I'll try tomatoes again. The demand for them is great. My goals are quite ambitious: to bring the winter harvest to four hundred cucumbers per square meter.

- Ilya Nikolaevich, many of our readers will obviously be “hooked” by your experience, and they will also decide to try their hand at greenhouses. What parting words can you tell them?

- First of all, you need to learn that there is no universal formula for success in this business, because each region of our vast country has its own climatic features, which determine the policy of an agribusinessman. Well, in general, in Russia, agriculture and animal husbandry will be for the new Russian farmers. Look, the world can no longer live without Russian grain. Say this twenty years ago, they would have laughed. The same will happen with potatoes, then with meat. Remember what Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin said: "Give the state twenty years of peace, internal and external, and you will not recognize today's Russia."

Of the 150 kg of vegetables recommended by WHO for consumption during the year, the average person barely eats half. But, thanks to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, this ratio is gradually changing for the better, and domestic agricultural products, in particular, greenhouse vegetables and fruits, are becoming more and more in demand. Does this mean that the greenhouse business is beneficial to everyone who undertakes it, and what are the undercurrents in this area?

Greenhouse vegetables are in high demand all year round.

One of the main advantages of greenhouse farming is its high turnover: from one greenhouse, subject to the technology of growing crops, up to 4 crops can be harvested per year. It is quite possible to organize the whole process on your own personal plot, and carry out maintenance work at the expense of the efforts of the whole family, while mechanizing some processes, for example, irrigation or ventilation.

The use of inexpensive materials - plastic, metal, film - allows you to minimize start-up investments, however, this only applies to seasonal, not year-round greenhouses.

It is quite possible to make a greenhouse yourself. Thus, in a maximum of a month, a person can become the owner of a small, but quite promising business.

Modern hydroponics beds

There is always a demand for products, in extreme cases, unsold goods can be frozen or canned, if they are vegetables or fruits, or you can use them yourself. They can be sold to intermediaries in the markets, to supermarkets or sold independently in markets and fairs. The margin for early production is always significant, especially for fruits and greens of impeccable quality. All these points determine the supposedly high profitability of the greenhouse business.

Specific disadvantages of business farming in greenhouses

There are a lot of downsides to this type of business as well. People who are professionally engaged in agriculture claim that this is hellish work, which involves a huge amount of time, money, patience and, to some extent, intuitive flair. Also, the disadvantages of entrepreneurship on closed ground include:

  • seasonality and undulation of business - earnings directly depend on greenhouse crops and fluctuate strongly in one direction or the other even during one season;
  • the high cost of energy resources - both spring and winter greenhouses require additional heating, for which it is necessary to prepare a sufficient amount of fuel;
  • rapid loss of presentation and taste of products - it often becomes impractical to transport them to another region, so the sales market is limited to the nearest settlements.

However, recently the state is ready to support people who have taken up the production of greenhouse crops, so there is a chance to get a very profitable grant or subsidy for its organization.

State support program

Assortment - what is better to grow for sale

The answer to the question of whether a greenhouse business at home is profitable or not depends largely on what kind of crop it is decided to grow. The inability to meet the exacting requirements of plantings for water, light and thermal conditions leads to a serious deterioration in the quality of the crop, and even to its complete loss. Therefore, it is not worth neglecting a comprehensively balanced selection of the type and variety of crops.

Deciding on the nomenclature, you can go in two different ways:

  1. Grow the generally recognized favorites of the greenhouse economy - flowers (in pots or cut), a variety of greens or cucumbers with tomatoes.
  2. Offer curiosities to the market - out-of-season lemons, blueberries, strawberries and even grapes or watermelons.

Greens are a hit all year round

The latter option is more time-consuming, and requires special knowledge on the characteristics of cultivation in an enclosed space. But even in the first case, it must be borne in mind that flowers are very demanding on the quality and temperature of warming up the soil, so the same roses take root quite poorly.

Greenery has a constant demand, grows rapidly and is the least capricious in care, but its fastest implementation requires a reliable distribution channel.

As for heat-loving tomatoes, their cultivation in the cold season is especially energy-consuming, and in summer the competition with products grown in the open field increases sharply. To create a truly successful enterprise, it is better to develop a combined crop rotation scheme that will take into account the peculiarities of the local climate, the complexity of transportation, storage, and the preferences of end users.

Growing seedlings as a way to earn money

The nomenclature scheme might look something like this:

  • in spring, the greenhouse is used to grow flower seedlings;
  • early summer - tomatoes;
  • late summer and autumn - cucumbers;
  • in winter - a variety of greenery.

Of course, it is quite difficult to develop such a continuous flow at once, so the scheme can be taken as a guide, while focusing on gaining experience in growing any one crop in a small area.

Vegetable crop compatibility

A phased plan for organizing a business in the countryside

There are so many emergency situations in the greenhouse business that it is difficult to cope with them even for those who have solid management experience. For this reason, it is impossible to calculate it with reliable accuracy, and in any case it is recommended to stock up on material resources so that unexpected tasks can be solved quickly and without loss. Nevertheless, it will be very useful to outline some action plan answering the main policy questions.

Estimated categories of the future enterprise

The amounts of capital and current investments depend on the clarification of some key points:

  1. Where will the greenhouse be located - on your own personal plot, on purchased or leased land?
  2. Is it possible to expand the greenhouse business in the future through the acquisition or lease of neighboring lands?
  3. How close is the region where you plan to sell products, and what is the balance of supply and demand in the market?
  4. Are there any communications, in particular, electricity, on the monitored land plot, how expensive is it, and are there limits on its use?
  5. When will the greenhouse work - in the season or all year round?

To run a greenhouse business as a business, you will need an amount of money that can cover the initial costs:

  • purchase of a land allotment and a warehouse;
  • acquisition of a greenhouse structure or purchase of materials for its construction;
  • the cost of technical equipment of the greenhouse and the purchase of inventory;
  • the cost of doing business.

In addition, it is necessary to include some categories of expenses in the monthly estimate:

  • land rent;
  • staff salaries (if necessary);
  • the cost of consumable resources and materials - heating, lighting, water, seeds, fertilizers;
  • tax deductions.

It is inappropriate to give approximate amounts, since prices in different regions vary greatly.

Most of the costs are for energy, so the most important component of the business plan is effective ways to minimize energy costs - the location of the farm in the southern regions, the arrangement of capital greenhouses with a reliable heat-insulating layer, an agreement with resource suppliers on a better price, etc.

The least expensive way to grow greens

Therefore, it is better not to organize a large-scale greenhouse business from scratch - experienced farmers recommend starting with a small area or working on greenhouses for personal consumption for a year or two.

How to build a greenhouse for business - 2 options

The most affordable is the greenhouse structure on a metal, plastic or wooden frame, covered with polyethylene. Such a greenhouse cannot be called reliable, it does not hold heat well and is suitable only for seasonal use, but it copes well with the main task - protecting plants from spring frosts. Thanks to this, it is possible to offer quite early products at a favorable price to the market.

If the greenhouse will be located on a rented plot, it is better to connect the frame elements not by welding, but by removable fasteners so that they can be disassembled and transported at any time. The same applies to fastening the film to the base - it is better to attach it with the help of special clips that allow you to repeatedly remove the material and stretch it again.

For year-round cultivation of crops, a capital building equipped with heating, lighting, ventilation and irrigation systems will be required.

It is unprofitable to build small greenhouses in this design, this is the best option for a fairly large industrial-scale greenhouse - as a business in the countryside, it will fully justify itself.

Capital greenhouse on the foundation

The structure must be placed on a strip foundation, deepened to the height of soil freezing. The frame is only metal with anti-corrosion treatment, and the ideal covering material is glass or polycarbonate (well, if in two layers). It is better to choose a single or gable roof shape, so the greenhouse can withstand a large snow load. For better wind protection, the north side can be laid out with bricks or cinder blocks.

Types of fuel for heating a greenhouse - which is more profitable

The headache of all farmers involved in greenhouses is the artificial maintenance of an air temperature that is comfortable for cultivated plants, regardless of the weather conditions outside. The task is further complicated by several important nuances:

  • overheating and drying of the air in the greenhouse building should not be allowed;
  • heat transfer should occur slowly and in the direction from bottom to top;
  • it is necessary to create conditions for uniform distribution of heat over the entire area.

To fulfill these requirements, water heating or a heat generator with fans is well suited. What type of fuel is beneficial to produce heat? The first answer that immediately suggests itself is firewood. They are relatively inexpensive and widely available, but it is very difficult to heat a large space with them due to the rapid (2–3 hours) combustion of solid fuel in a furnace.

Water heating of air and soil

Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers are more economical and easy to use, they also have high efficiency and buleryans.

The first ones are quite expensive, but they are good in maintenance - about 90% efficiency, automatic fuel supply and the almost complete absence of soot can reduce the complexity of organizing a winter greenhouse as a business by 2 times. There is also a drawback - such furnaces are picky about the quality of the fuel.

Gas heat generators are also distinguished by high performance, which, however, is offset by the need to order an expensive project from gas workers, and then coordinate it in several instances. And, of course, it is necessary that the greenhouse is located not far from the gas main, otherwise its connection will be completely unprofitable.

Buleryan in a greenhouse design for flowers

Electricity is expensive, but it is the most quickly installed heating option. It can be used as an additional heat source, but it is better not to use it as the main one. The famous ceiling-mounted infrared heaters are often criticized for stretching plants upwards, and soil heating film is quite replaceable with cheaper biofuels.

Necessary equipment for greenhouse farming

At first, when it is necessary to build a greenhouse for a business at minimal cost, the arrangement of its internal space is limited to the installation of shelving (if necessary), the installation of supplementary lamps and a heating system. However, with the expansion of agricultural production, sooner or later the question of simplifying the process of caring for plants is raised.

Automatic ventilation of the greenhouse

Automatic systems of lighting, ventilation, watering and heating help to remove most of the functions. They allow you to abandon the manual mode of their change due to special sensors installed in the greenhouse.

If necessary, they transmit control commands to the executive elements of the system (heater, fans, pump), and the equipment returns the microclimate parameters to normal.

Electricity is not always used for the functioning of automation. So, craftsmen make automatic watering from two barrels, one of which serves as a storage tank, and the other as a receiver tank. A float valve is installed in it, which sets a constant water level. The ball valve built into the common system, when heated by the sun, opens and passes water into the drip system or sprinklers.

Scheme of automatic watering of a greenhouse with a pump

Hydraulic equipment for ventilation consists of two containers with liquid installed on the movable part of the window. When the air in the greenhouse is heated, the container changes position, acting on the window and opening it. The downside of such homemade products is their low reliability, therefore, for large objects, electric drive systems must be used, due to which the profitability of a winter greenhouse as a business may fall.

Thus, a modern greenhouse complex, ideally, is an almost completely computerized facility, in which many tasks of maintaining the microclimate are performed by special equipment.

Consequently, it becomes possible to plan to receive significant income from greenhouse farming only after the material and technical base for its management has been created.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Growing greenery is a business that you can do on your own site by building a greenhouse on it. It does not promise super profits, but it is perfect as a part-time job.


The purpose of the project is the organization of a greenhouse for growing greenery for its implementation in the Rostov region. The main target audience is concentrated in Rostov-on-Don. The target audience is small wholesale buyers who sell their products among the city's population aged 20 to 50 years with different income levels.

The growing demand for fresh vegetables and herbs, the fashion for healthy eating and state support for agriculture have led to the active development of the greenhouse business. In the Russian greenhouse industry, it is profitable to grow fresh herbs for sale - they are more unpretentious than vegetables and do not require constant care. According to market research, the need for salad greens increases by 10% every year.

Thus, the idea of ​​organizing a greenhouse for growing greenery is relevant. This business has the following benefits:

Preferential conditions for doing business related to agriculture;

For the implementation of the project, a private land plot with a total area of ​​50 sq.m. is used. The personal household plot is located in the Rostov region, 25 km from the enterprise is the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The initial investment is 182,000 rubles. Investment costs are directed to the construction and equipment of greenhouses, advertising promotion, the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback. The bulk of the required investment, 68%, falls on the construction and equipment of greenhouses. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

The financial calculations cover the two-year period of the project's operation. It is anticipated that after this time, business expansion will be required. In accordance with the calculations, the initial investment will pay off in the ninth month of operation. Based on the results of the first year of operation, a net profit of 513,800 rubles and a return on sales of 47.8% are forecasted.


The greenhouse business in Russia is a promising area, which is explained by the growing demand for fresh vegetables and herbs, the fashion for healthy eating, and the state priority for the development of agriculture in the country. Today, the state is increasingly focusing on the development of the industry, helping beginners and existing farmers, allocating land at preferential rates, subsidizing interest rates on loans and providing grants for the development of greenhouses. However, the main problem hindering the development of the industry is high utility tariffs.

At present, the greenhouse business continues to develop rapidly, increasing the production of vegetables and herbs in domestic greenhouses through the construction of new greenhouses and the modernization of old production facilities. As a result, the gross harvest of greenhouse vegetables and herbs has increased by 17.7% over the past two years. Despite this, the need of Russians for protected ground products produced in the country is satisfied only by 26%. About 600,000 tons of vegetables are harvested from greenhouses in Russia, with a need of 3 million tons. And this demand is increasing by 10-15% annually.

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In the Russian greenhouse business, it is profitable to grow fresh herbs for sale. These products do not require as much light and heat as vegetables, they are more unpretentious and do not require constant care. Practice shows that growing greens is 5 times more profitable than vegetables.

In addition, according to marketing research, the need for people to include greens of various varieties in their diet increases by 10% every year, which creates a significant demand for these products among consumers.

Thus, the cultivation of greenhouse greens is a promising line of business. The peculiarity of greenhouse cultivation of greenery lies in the possibility of year-round production, under any climatic conditions. Table 1 summarizes the key advantages and disadvantages of growing greenhouse greens to consider when planning a business. With the right development, a business can bring a stable and high income.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of greenhouse cultivation of greenery



The greens grow quickly, which allows you to take several crops a year and quickly earn income;

High and regular demand for products, which allows finding distribution channels;

Both wholesale and retail sales are possible;

Simple business organization;

Greens are unpretentious in care and do not require much attention;

Small starting capital;

Growing greens does not require specialized knowledge;

Possibility to organize a business at home;

Fast payback

High level of competition in the market;

The market is seasonal;

Short shelf life of products and quick loss of presentation;
- to grow greenery all year round, an expensive greenhouse is required;

It is impossible to sell products through stores without obtaining permits;

Low price for products

When organizing a greenhouse business, it should be borne in mind that this is profitable only if production is located in the southern or central regions of the country. It is more profitable to pay for the transportation of products to the northern territories than to engage in the greenhouse business there, paying significant heating costs.

Thus, we can talk about the attractiveness of this business. Growing a greenhouse business can become a profitable and highly profitable business. A detailed business plan for growing greens in a greenhouse will help you avoid problems when starting your own business.


Leafy vegetables include lettuce, parsley, dill, onion, cilantro, basil, garlic, and a number of other crops. Lettuce, onion and dill are in the greatest demand. The most profitable type of greens for growing is onions, as it is an unpretentious and fast-growing crop. However, during its implementation, it may be difficult to find buyers, since many grow onions. The most cost-effective greens - lettuce. Recently, the cultivation of arugula is gaining popularity.

It is recommended to start with growing several crops and gradually expand the range. When selecting crops for cultivation, the following parameters should be taken into account: the growing season, the required area for sowing, greenhouse growing conditions, endurance, demand, price. Table 2 presents a comparative description of various types of greens, which will help to correctly form an assortment.

Table 2. Characteristics of the types of greens for cultivation

Types of greenery

greenhouse cultivation

growing season


Required area

Long term storage


This project involves the cultivation of the following types of greens: parsley, dill, lettuce, onion. All products comply with the requirements of GOSTs (GOST R 55904-2013, GOST 32856-2014, GOST 33985-2016 and GOST R 55652-2013, respectively). As packaging for fresh products, transparent plastic containers are used, as well as cone bags, which improve the presentation of products and simplify transportation. Packing for 100-150 gr. It is also planned to produce products in the form of assorted sets, which include at least two types of greens.

Products are sold at room temperature, chilled and are intended for sale in retail and wholesale trade networks, in public catering establishments and for industrial processing.

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Small-scale wholesale prices for greens vary between 50-150 rubles. per kilogram. It should be borne in mind that the price of greens fluctuates depending on the season. On average, the price is 80 rubles. per kilogram at retail prices of 200 rubles. per kilogram.


The peculiarity of the greenhouse growing business is that the target audience is not the end consumer, but wholesale buyers, product distributors, represented mainly by various vegetable and food stores. At the same time, the advertising strategy must take into account the requirements of the end user in order to plan production and forecast sales. Portrait of the final consumer of products: city population aged 20 to 50 years with different income levels; gender and occupation as such do not play a role.

Thus, the marketing policy of the project covers both the assessment of end users and methods of promotion among flower distributors. Advertising is aimed at establishing long-term cooperation and developing a client base.

The most difficult task in the greenhouse business is finding a sales market. Greens are a perishable commodity, so a well-functioning system of distribution channels and a competent marketing strategy are needed. In order to form sales channels, a novice entrepreneur should:

Analyze the competitive environment, assess the level of demand for products, develop their competitive advantages;

Ready-made ideas for your business

Conduct a price analysis of the market and offer more favorable conditions as a supplier: lower cost, flexible system of discounts for wholesale buyers, guarantees, etc.;

Issue a catalog of finished products on paper and on the Internet. Form a list of potential buyers and send out commercial offers.

Sales channels for fresh herbs can be:

    retail grocery stores with a wide range of products;

    network grocery networks;

    vegetable bases;

    farm shops that specialize in the sale of organic products made in Russia;

    establishments of the HoReCa segment - restaurants and cafes.

Promising sales markets include online stores, which have recently been gaining popularity and offer customers fresh, farm products. To develop this sales market, you can team up with vegetable cooperatives presented on Internet sites. In the future, with proper advertising of their products, it is possible to open their own outlet.

Each distribution channel has its own advantages and disadvantages, which relate to the final cost of greenery, the volume of batches sold, the terms of cooperation, etc. In order to establish distribution channels and avoid losses from overproduction, it is necessary to create a stable sales network several months before harvest. It should be noted that the search for new customers and the development of sales markets is an ongoing process, so a sales specialist is needed to carry out this function. His responsibilities will include attracting clients and working with them, as well as advertising support for the project and analyzing the effectiveness of using the advertising budget.

Promotion is carried out in various ways. The advertising budget is 30,000 rubles and consists of the following types of costs:

Creation of a product catalog (commercial offer) and printing of advertising material (including business cards) - 10,000;

Direct marketing is a way to increase sales by sending sales letters to potential customers. Effective direct marketing is ensured by narrowing the target audience and a well-composed mailing that may interest the client. The same group of expenses includes the costs of promotion on the Internet, the implementation of call-promotion and transportation costs - 20,000 rubles.

Participation in various thematic fairs and business events is also expected.

The competitiveness of the project is ensured by the high quality of products. In all promotional activities, attention is focused on the merits of purchasing goods from a domestic manufacturer (savings in transportation costs, lower prices, reduced risk of supply disruption, guarantees, flexible discount system, high product quality, which is achieved by reducing delivery times).

Ready-made ideas for your business

When planning the sales volume, production capacity should be taken into account, since the maximum production volume depends on the area of ​​​​greenhouses, growing conditions, green varieties, etc.

The maximum production volume is calculated based on the area of ​​greenhouses - 50 square meters. m., the average ripening period is 30 days and the average yield of lettuce crops is up to 4 kg per 1 sq. m. In total, the annual yield of the greenhouse will be about 2400 kg per year, and 200 kg per month. This indicator should be guided by when planning the volume of sales.

How much can you earn growing greens? With an established system of marketing products and an average retail price of 200 rubles. sales volume will be 40,000 rubles per month. In winter, when the price of greens increases significantly, monthly income can double.


How to open a greenery growing business from scratch? The project organization algorithm involves the following steps:

    Register a business as an LLC or sole proprietorship;

    Decide on the place and technology of growing greenery;

    Purchase specialized equipment;

    Hire skilled workers;

    Plant the seed.

Let's dwell on each point in more detail.

Organizing a greenery business includes the following steps:

1) Registration in state bodies. This project focuses on the cultivation of greenery and positions itself as a personal household plot. Its activities are not taxed and do not require registration. This option is suitable for a small production that plans to cooperate with small distributors.

The company is located on a private plot of 50 sq. meters, located in the Rostov region. The city of Rostov-on-Don is located 25 km from the enterprise. Because the area of ​​the site does not exceed 2 hectares, for organizing a business it is enough to get only a certificate from the local administration that this site belongs to you and is used for growing greenery. With small volumes of production, it is not necessary to register as an entrepreneur: in this case, you sell the products yourself or sell them to resellers at wholesale prices. If in the future it is planned to sell products through grocery stores or vegetable bases, business registration will be required.

2) Production technology. The production technology provides for the creation of two greenhouses (total area - 50 square meters), the use of irrigation equipment. The process of planting seedlings, some care operations, as well as harvesting is carried out manually. The production cycle should be planned based on the fact that the first harvest is expected 30-40 days after transplanting.

There are different technologies for growing greens in a greenhouse:

Hydroponics (growing plants without soil in liquid media using fertilizers). The cost of 1 hydroponics installation is about 1500 rubles. for one installation;

- “intermediate” (peat, hydroponics and ordinary soil are used). This method is 3 times more expensive than conventional hydroponics.

There are also various types of soils that can be used in conjunction with hydroponics. Each soil has its own characteristics (Table 3).

Table 3. Types of soil for greenhouse cultivation of greenery

Soil type


no unpleasant smell, plants do not rot, low price

require care (need to be filled with hot water and placed in a container).

from 300 rub. per 1 cubic meter

high availability

needs the introduction of various fertilizers and nutrients.

from 700 rubles per 1 cubic meter

Expanded clay

Retains moisture, lightweight, affordable price

does not contain nutrients, therefore it is necessary to fertilize regularly

from 1400 rub. per 1 cubic meter

practical economical option, good air permeability

heavy and does not retain moisture.

from 50 rub. per kg

coconut flakes

environmentally friendly, durable, universal primer

high price.

from 100 rub. per kg


retains moisture for a long time, passes water, does not harm plants

high price

from 1500 rub. per kg

The choice of soil depends on many factors, including the characteristics of growing crops from which the assortment is formed. Features of growing selected types of greenery are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Features of growing various types of greenery

Kind of greenery

Growing features

    After germination, it takes about 25-30 days to harvest.

    Watering needs plentiful and frequent, and after cutting, top dressing with fertilizers is required.

    When cloudy, additional illumination is needed, in winter we also illuminate with fitolamps (3-4 hours)

    Seeds germinate 2-3 weeks, harvest 40-50 days after germination

    Short shelf life, requires additional lighting in winter

    Seedlings for 5-7 days; harvesting - in 10-12 days.


    After cutting the leaves, you need top dressing

    Harvest in 25-30 days

    It does not require special conditions and special care, but to increase the yield, onions need to be regularly watered and fed with fertilizers.

3) Purchase of equipment. Another important question when implementing a business project is how to choose a greenhouse for growing greens? The construction of a greenhouse is a very important stage in the organization of this business. The quality of the products produced, and hence the success of the business, depends on how high-quality and technologically competently the greenhouse will be designed.

For growing greenery at home all year round, capital structures on a solid foundation are suitable. The most efficient greenhouse system for growing greenery is a thermos greenhouse. This design, due to the double coating and the solar collector, allows you to do without heating. Greenhouses with a wooden frame, coating (roof - polycarbonate, walls - thick film) with a total area of ​​50 sq.m. will cost, on average, 60-70 thousand rubles.

The volume of investments required to create greenhouses is 122,000 rubles. Of these, 80,000 rubles. - funds for the construction of greenhouses, and 42,000 rubles. - purchase of greenhouse equipment, the list of which is given in table 5.

Industrial greenhouses most often use hydroponic technology. They can significantly save space and reduce the cost of finished products. Plants are grown in liquid nutrient solutions, without the use of soil. The cost of a hydroponics kit for a greenhouse is about 70,000 rubles. For soil cultivation, greenhouses must be equipped with a drip irrigation system. The cost of an automatic drip irrigation system for greenhouses with an area of ​​150 sq.m. - 12,000 rubles.

Lighting for greenhouses is provided by LED lamps, which have spectral characteristics that are completely identical to sunlight. Thanks to this, the normal process of photosynthesis in plants is ensured. In addition, LED lamps save up to 60% of electricity and do not heat up.

Table 5. List of farm equipment


Cost, rub.

Greenhouse construction


Installation of equipment

Irrigation equipment

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The greenhouse business opens up opportunities for its creator not only to constantly expand their business, but also to receive year-round earnings.

A winter greenhouse as a business allows you to grow flowers, vegetables, herbs, providing customers with fresh vegetables even in winter.

You can also earn income by selling seedlings to a gardener or supplying flowers to flower shops.

Greenhouse all year round as a business - advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of building a winter greenhouse:

  • Low initial costs. It will be possible to create a greenhouse business from scratch even with a minimal budget.
  • Fast payback. In less than a year, spending on a winter greenhouse will pay off with proper sales of products.
  • Constant demand for products. In winter, homemade cucumbers, peppers, herbs will be very popular both with shops and customers. Growing in a greenhouse all year round is a win-win business.
  • If you grow vegetables or herbs, you can both sell and consume them, as you are confident in the quality of the products.

Growing plants in a winter greenhouse

Disadvantages and pitfalls of the greenhouse business, which you should keep in mind when creating your own business:

  • Heating and lighting costs. It is necessary to finance electricity for lighting the greenhouse all year round, and heating - in the cold season.
  • Seasonality of sales. In winter, the demand for grown products will be much higher than in summer. In the warm season, it will be more difficult to find buyers or points of sale.
  • Independent search for solutions for most organizational issues - the search for buyers, delivery of products, bookkeeping and much more.

Business plan for creating a greenhouse business - calculate every little thing

A business plan is the main document you rely on when starting your own business from scratch.

It contains a well-thought-out plan of action for several months ahead.

The business plan takes into account:

  • financial component. All expenses that will be spent on the construction of the greenhouse, its arrangement and support in the near future are indicated in the business plan. The planned income, additional and monthly expenses are also calculated, the payback is calculated.
  • Description of the project. This part describes the essence of the project - what will be grown, what needs to be bought for this (seedlings, inventory, fertilizers), what personnel to hire. All tasks are distributed on certain dates, each goal is given a clear deadline.
  • Possible risks, methods of product sales and other issues.

A business plan should be your mainstay in any matter, so it is desirable to make it as clear and detailed as possible.

Organization of greenhouse business

First of all, you should choose a place where to place the greenhouse. The best option is your own personal plot. If you don't have one, it's better to buy it than to rent it. Renting a plot in the future will bring additional costs, and the main task of a businessman from the very beginning of organizing a greenhouse business is to minimize costs.

What materials to choose?

Once the site is chosen, it is important to choose the cover you will be using for the greenhouse.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular materials are:

  1. Glass. This material is one of the most durable, and it is he who transmits light best. It is important to choose tempered glass, its width should not be less than 6 millimeters. Please note that the cost of such material is higher than the rest, especially due to the need to build frames. Also, it is glass that retains heat the worst of all, so you will need to think about additional heating.
  2. Polyethylene. Despite the fact that polyethylene film transmits sunlight worse, it is much cheaper, therefore, when organizing a greenhouse business from scratch, it is often chosen. It is important to remember that the shelf life of high-quality polyethylene is on average 3 years. To organize a winter greenhouse, it is necessary to lay at least 2 polyethylene balls, the air gap between them will act as an additional heat insulator. As a rule, a polyethylene film of 100 - 150 microns is used for a winter greenhouse.
  3. Polycarbonate. Polycarbonate has good thermal insulation properties, it is easy to install and process. But this material is easily exposed to ultraviolet rays, as a result of which it turns yellow and transmits less light. It can also expand at sufficiently high temperatures.

Each region needs local food products, because their price is cheaper than imported goods. can not only provide the population with inexpensive vegetables, but also bring considerable profit to the business owner. What is profitable to grow and how much will it cost to build a greenhouse? Read on.

Does it make sense to open a private school in Russia? Read.

Trading through special equipment is called the vending business. Here is all about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity.

How to install a greenhouse?

If you are planning to build a small greenhouse, then you can do it yourself.

But it is important to comply with all norms and build a greenhouse according to certain rules.

That is why for the construction of medium and large structures it is worth contacting specialists.

Today, there are many companies that are ready to build a turnkey greenhouse from scratch, having completed all the necessary work - to build a high-quality structure, organize irrigation, heating, lighting, and start the soil.


There are two types of greenhouse heating - technical and biological.

The technical view involves the use of special equipment. For winter greenhouses, there are many options for arranging heating:

  • boilers: they can be on wood, fuel oil or coal;
  • gas heating with heating vessels;
  • potbelly stoves;
  • heaters.

Also, the greenhouse can be connected to the steam heating, which is carried out in the house. This method has one drawback - the heat is distributed unevenly throughout the greenhouse, gathering in the upper part of the structure. It is possible to heat the greenhouse with a heating or infrared cable. Often, solid fuel stoves are installed in greenhouses.

Biological species involves the use of natural materials. To do this, manure (horse, cow, pig) is taken and mixed with straw / compost (the ratio should be 1 to 1).

The mixture must be poured with warm water and form heaps, after 2-3 days the mixture will begin to emit heat, after which it must be covered under the soil in the greenhouse.

To do this, a layer of soil is removed, a mixture of manure and straw is laid out in an even layer 30-40 cm thick, and then it is again covered with soil. Plants are planted in the heated earth, and biological heating significantly increases the yield.

Horse manure will provide temperatures up to 35 degrees, this mode can last up to 3 months.

The temperature regime from cow manure will last about the same, but at the same time the mixture will warm up by + 15 ... + 20 degrees.

Pig manure on average gives about 15 degrees of heat and lasts up to 2 months.

Please note that biological heating may not be enough for winter greenhouses, so it can be used as an addition to heating devices or technical systems.


Communication issues are resolved in advance and are necessarily prescribed in the business plan. For a greenhouse, average electricity costs are calculated, cables are laid, and lighting is organized. If necessary, plums, irrigation system, water supply are equipped.

It is recommended to entrust the laying of cables and other issues related to the creation of communications to professionals.

How to grow plants in a winter greenhouse?

In order to grow a rich harvest, you need to learn all the subtleties of growing those plants that you have chosen. Any vegetables, flowers or herbs have their own growing rules, which include:

  1. Landing features.
  2. Temperature and light conditions required by plants during different periods of growth.
  3. Top dressing with fertilizers.
  4. The need for transplantation, protection from sunlight, optimal collection time and other subtleties.

Winter greenhouse for year-round cultivation

It is important to choose the right soil and fertilizers, provide plants with constant care, monitor temperature and lighting. Seedlings require special attention, because the sprouts are just beginning to grow stronger, and the owner of the greenhouse must provide them with increased protection.

For quality care of plants in a winter greenhouse, you can hire experienced gardeners, especially if you have erected a large structure and want to harvest a large crop.

How to sell a product?

Depending on the type of plants that you have chosen to grow, the implementation methods may be different:

  1. Vegetables and herbs can be sold both to customers and to carry out wholesale deliveries to shops and supermarkets. To gain a customer base, you can advertise on the Internet, distribute product information through friends, or think of a full-fledged marketing campaign.
  2. Flowers can be sold to both flower shops and cosmetic or pharmaceutical plants, florist shops. You can also open your own flower shop.

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse