Job Responsibilities of a Finishing Technician. Master of finishing works


Order No. _ dated __.__._____.

Director of ___________________ LLC

(m.p. signature)




1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights

responsibility of the Master of construction and installation works of the enterprise (hereinafter -


1.2. The master of construction and installation works belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the Director of the enterprise.

1.3 The foreman of construction and installation works is directly subordinate to the Head of the construction site, and in his absence - replacing him official or directly to the Director of the Company.


2.1. A person who has ______________________________ education and work experience in construction in engineering and technical positions for at least _________________________________ years is appointed to the position of Master of Construction and Installation Works. (note: look at the ETKS classifiers, etc.)

2.2. The master of construction and installation works carries out his work on the basis of internal economic accounting and is responsible for the level of use of the resources allocated to him. The Master of construction and installation works is responsible for the preparation and submission of material reports.

2.3. In his activities, the Master of construction and installation works is guided by:

Building codes and regulations, state regulatory and instructive documents on the profile of the work performed;

Design and estimate documentation for the construction of facilities;

Construction organization project;

Construction calendar plan and other planning documentation;

Orders, orders and other guidance materials that determine the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

the Charter of the enterprise;

labor legislation;

The internal labor regulations of the enterprise;

This Instruction and internal local regulations of the Company.

2.4. The master of construction and installation works must know:

Documentation, organizational and administrative documents of the organization relating to its direct activities;

Organization and technology of construction production;

Design and estimate documentation for the object (objects) under construction;

Building codes and regulations, technical conditions for the production and acceptance of construction and installation and commissioning;

Forms and methods of production and economic activities at the construction site;

Norms and prices for the work performed;

Production and technological equipment and dispatching system construction organization;

2.5. During the absence of the Master of Construction and Installation Works, his duties are performed by an employee or a higher manager, appointed in the prescribed manner and bearing full responsibility for the performance of his duties.


3.1. Management of production and economic activities at the facility.

3.2. Obtaining technical documentation from a higher manager for the construction of the facility.

3.3. Fulfillment of production tasks for the commissioning of the facility in deadlines.

3.4. Keeping records of completed work.

3.5. Participation in the delivery of completed construction projects.

3.6. Submission to the Head of the construction site and the Director of the established reporting.

3.7. Ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection at the facility.

3.8 To perform the functions assigned to him, technical and material resources.


To perform the functions and tasks assigned to him, the Master of construction and installation works must:

4.1. General provisions:

The main responsibility of the Master of construction and installation works is to ensure the timely commissioning of construction projects and the implementation of the construction and installation work plan in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Receive from the Head of the construction site or, in his absence, the Director and study the contract work plan for your facility.

Obtain from the Site Superintendent or, in his absence, the Director and study jointly design and estimate documentation for construction and pre-production documentation. If defects are found in the documentation, report this to the Head of the Section, and in his absence - to the Director and / or to the production and technical department.

With the participation of the services of the enterprise management apparatus, control the presence of lighting of the facility; connection of temporary networks of water, electricity, heat supply.

To accept brigades (with the expansion of the number of the construction site) coming at its disposal. Allocate them household premises and areas for storing materials. Transfer to subordinate employees design estimates and technological documentation for assigned work. Give tasks and explain the design features of the parts of buildings and structures being erected, the organization and technology of work.

When expanding the number of the construction site, ensure the implementation of measures to create safe and harmless working conditions provided for by the project for the production of works. Conduct safety briefings directly at the workplace with newly hired or transferred workers from other areas, and repeated briefings with all workers at least once a quarter, as well as when changing work conditions.

Do not allow the use of faulty mechanisms, devices and devices. To keep a journal operational control for the state of labor protection and safety at the construction site.

To receive units of subcontractors arriving at the facility for the performance of work. Designate a territory for them household premises and warehousing. Communicate safety requirements and fire safety on the object. Allocate areas for work in accordance with the schedule for the production of combined work.

4.2. For operational planning:

Together with the Head of the site or a supply specialist, prepare draft monthly plans (Sheets) for the need for basic materials, machines and mechanisms; coordinate projects for the production of works with line workers of subcontractors (when expanding the number of the construction site).

When expanding the number of the construction site, inform the employees of the Company and subcontractors about the planned task for the month.

When expanding the number of the construction site, issue orders to the brigades in accordance with the plans received.

Participate in the preparation of weekly-daily work schedules.

4.3. For the production of works:

Take measures to timely present the scope of work to the units involved in the construction of the facility; state and formalize the readiness of the work front.

Control the work on the production of the work assigned to them at the facility, the organization of jobs and the labor of workers (with the expansion of the number of construction sites). Control the flow of building materials to the facility, the arrival and preparation of mechanisms for operation. Distribute material resources and mechanization among workers in accordance with work plans. Ensure the storage of materials in accordance with the construction plan, the arrangement and use of machines in accordance with technological maps. Ensure compliance with labor and production discipline.

Keep a general log of the production of works and logs on individual works, requiring accounting and control (concrete work log), check the activities of the masters in their implementation of operational quality control.

Ensure the cleanliness of the construction site, passages, driveways, lighting of the facility; maintenance of fire equipment and safety equipment; monitor compliance by foremen and subcontractors with safety, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Timely issue work clothing and protective equipment to workers.

Instruct workers (when expanding the number of the construction site), ensure timely training in their safe working methods.

Make applications for Construction Materials, means of mechanization, tools, inventory, equipment.

4.4. For acceptance of work, accounting and reporting:

Keep records of the actual progress of construction and installation work at the facility in terms of value. Fill in the columns of the actual implementation of the weekly-daily schedule by own divisions and subcontractors. Report information to the Head of the construction site. Enter data on monthly performance in the journal of accounting for work performed. Prepare work orders.

Participate in inventory material assets available at the end of the month, and in the execution of the relevant act. Prepare reports on the consumption of basic building materials in comparison with production standards. Prepare a material report of the receipt and consumption of materials for the month and submit it to the production and technical department of the organization.

Under the guidance of the Head of the construction site and together with a representative of the technical supervision of the customer and the subcontractor, inspect the completed stages of work, determine the compliance of the volume and quality of the completed stages of work with the working drawings, building codes and rules. Draw up reports on the presence of defects and monitor their elimination. To measure the work performed and draw up an acceptance certificate for the completed stages of construction. Submit acts and executive technical documentation to the production and technical department of the organization.

4.5. Preparation and delivery of objects to the customer:

Participate in the development and exercise control directly on the construction site over the implementation of measures for the delivery of the facility to the customer. Identify deficiencies, schedule and monitor their elimination. Clean up construction waste.

4.6. Constantly improve the level of your professional competence.

4.7. Encourage your subordinates conscientious work and create opportunities for their professional growth.

4.8. Perform other duties that ensure the life of the construction site.

4.9. Comply with company regulations.

4.10. In accordance with the situation that has developed, or by order of the Head of the construction site and / or the Director, the Foremen of construction and installation works may be assigned duties that are not provided for by the job description, the fulfillment of which is necessary to ensure the operation of the enterprise and the smooth organization of the construction process.

The master of construction and installation works has the right to:

5.1. Submit proposals to improve the activities of your site for consideration by the management.

5.2. Sign documents within their competence.

5.3. Suspend work in case of receipt of low-quality materials, products, structures or violation of production technology. Inform the Head of the construction site about this.

5.4. Suspend work in case of detection of malfunctions in the equipment until they are eliminated. Inform the Head of the construction site about this.

5.5. Control the quality of work specialized organizations and suspend the production of these works if they are performed in violation of the technical conditions for the production and acceptance of work. Inform the Head of the construction site about this.

5.6. In the prescribed manner, submit proposals for moral and material incentives for employees (when expanding the number of employees at the construction site).


The master of construction and installation works is responsible for:

6.1. For failure to fulfill their functional duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.

6.2. Inaccurate information about the state of implementation of plans and tasks.

6.3. For violation of safety rules and industrial sanitation, legislative and other regulations on labor protection at subordinate facilities.

6.4. Non-compliance with labor and performance discipline by the employees of the site.

6.5. Failure to take measures to prevent violations of labor protection, fire and other rules that pose a threat to other employees or the activities of the enterprise.

6.6. Failure to provide healthy and safe conditions labor on the construction site.

6.7. Low level of documentation management (including preparation, maintenance, movement and archiving).

6.8. For causing moral and material damage to the organization, damaging the reputation of the enterprise, violating the Charter of the enterprise and disclosing trade secrets.

Document type:

  • Job description


  • HR records management

1 -1

General provisions

1.1. Finishing master construction works belongs to the category of skilled workers and reports directly to [title of the position of the head].

1.2. A person with an initial professional education in the specialty (Fill in) is accepted for the position of a master of finishing construction works, without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. The position of the master of finishing construction works is appointed and dismissed from the position [name of the position of the head].

1.4. The master of finishing construction works should know:

Methodological materials related to the relevant types of work;

Main types of materials, preparation of solutions, installation technology;

Rules for the technical operation and maintenance of equipment, fixtures and tools;

Norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.5. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

Job Responsibilities

The following are assigned to the masters of finishing construction works:

2.1. Performing the simplest stone, furnace, electric welding, assembly, concrete and loading works.

2.2. Manual dismantling of foundations, brickwork, and other structures.

2.3. Compliance with safety rules.

Employee rights

The master of finishing construction works has the right to:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities.

3.2. Make proposals to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the stipulated duties.

3.3. Require management to assist in the performance of their professional duties and exercise of rights.

3.4. Improve your skills in statutory okay.

3.5. For all statutory social guarantees.

3.6. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

Employee Responsibility

The master of finishing construction works is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Management of production and economic activities at the facility. 3.2. Obtaining technical documentation from a higher manager for the construction of the facility. 3.3. Fulfillment of production tasks for the commissioning of the facility in a timely manner. 3.4. Keeping records of completed work. 3.5. Participation in the delivery of completed construction projects. 3.6. Submission to the Head of the construction site and the Director of the established reporting. 3.7. Ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection at the facility. 3.8 To perform the functions assigned to him, technical and material resources are transferred to the disposal of the master of construction and installation works. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES: To perform the functions and tasks assigned to him, the Master of construction and installation works is obliged to: 4.1.

Job description of the master of finishing construction works

I approve [position, signature, full name of the head or other official authorized to approve job description] [day, month, year] M.P. Job description for the master of finishing construction works [name of organization, enterprise] This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation, All-Russian classifier of primary vocational education OK 023-95 (adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1995 No.

N 639) and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations. 1. General provisions 1.1. The master of finishing construction works belongs to the category of skilled workers and directly reports to [title of the position of the head].

Job Descriptions


Type sample I APPROVE (Last name, initials) (name of organization, enterprise, etc., its organizational (director or other legal form) official authorized to approve the job description) » » 20 m. P. Job description for the master of construction and installation works (name of organization, enterprise, etc.) » 20

N This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with (name of the position of the person for whom and in accordance with this job description) the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation. 1. General provisions 1.1. The master of construction and installation works belongs to the category of managers. 1.2.

Job description for the master of construction and installation works

Dispose of the entrusted property and funds in compliance with the requirements determined by legislative and regulatory legal acts, the charter of the organization. 4.2. To endorse and sign documents only within the scope of their competence.

4.3. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management on issues that relate to its activities. 4.4. Organize and conduct meetings on organizational, financial and economic issues.

Check the quality and timeliness of the execution of orders. 4.6. Request and receive from structural divisions necessary information and documentation.

4.7. Demand the termination or suspension of work in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc., compliance with established rules, norms, instructions. 4.8.


Organizes operational accounting of the daily execution of production tasks and the receipt of building materials, structures, products. 3.9. Provides conditions for the development and implementation by employees of the established production standards.


Submits for consideration by the head of the proposal on the assignment of ranks to employees, the acquisition of the quantitative and professional-qualification composition of the brigades. 3.11. Provides brigades and workers with tools, devices, small-scale mechanization, transport, overalls, protective equipment.

3.12. Participates in the work of the commission for attestation of workplaces. 3.13. Conducts safety briefings in the production of works.

3.14. Ensures the maintenance of a log of employee briefings. 3.15.

Master of construction and installation works

Such a specialist should be theoretically savvy in labor legislation, possess the basics of economic knowledge, and study best practices in their field. He is obliged to rely in his own activities on the charter of the enterprise and this manual.
Reporting directly to the leader. In the second section, the job description of the master of construction and installation works prescribes his immediate duties. What exactly is charged to him? The foreman of construction and installation works, first of all, ensures the accepted construction plan on the entrusted site in accordance with the PPR (project for the production of works) and the available drawings.

Its function is to control the technological sequence of the construction process and its quality. Specific duties of the master builder If necessary, he conducts geodetic and marking work, measures volumes.

The foreman of construction and installation works is responsible: - for improper performance or non-performance of his official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; - for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation; - for causing damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor, civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2.

Job descriptions for the master of construction and finishing works

  • fire safety rules;
  • security requirements environment;
  • technical conditions for the production and acceptance of construction and installation works;
  • special technology for construction and installation works;
  • features of work planning on the entrusted site;
  • technical characteristics of construction machines used in the work, mechanized tools and geodetic tools;
  • design and estimate documentation for the facility under construction;
  • secrecy requirements;
  • features of the safety of official, commercial and state secrets;
  • techniques and methods of providing first aid.

Since each organization develops a job description on its own, the management of the enterprise can supplement the list of necessary knowledge with requirements for literacy and awareness in any other areas.

Job descriptions for the master of construction and finishing works

2.1. Manage the production and economic activities of the finishing work area.

2.2. Ensure the fulfillment of production targets for the commissioning of facilities on time and the completion of finishing works in accordance with all quantitative and qualitative indicators in compliance with work production projects.

2.3. Organize the production of construction and installation works in accordance with project documentation, building codes and regulations, specifications and others normative documents.

2.4. Ensure compliance with the technological sequence for the production of finishing works on the site.

- increasing the level of mechanization of finishing works;

– implementation new technology;

– improvement of labor organization;

- reducing the cost of finishing work;

- economical use of materials.

2.6. To carry out work on the dissemination of advanced techniques and methods of work. Ensure receipt of technical documentation for finishing work.

2.7. Compile applications for transport, mechanization, materials, structures, parts, tools, inventory and ensure their effective use.

2.8. Keep records of completed finishing work, draw up technical documentation.

2.9. Participate in the delivery to customers of completed construction facilities, individual stages and work packages for commissioned facilities.

2.10. Prepare the scope of work for subcontracting (specialized) organizations and participate in the acceptance of completed work from them.

2.11. Set production tasks for the masters in terms of the volume of finishing work, monitor their implementation.

2.12. Instruct workers directly at the workplace on safe methods of performing work.

2.13. Ensure the use of technological equipment (scaffolding, scaffolding, protective devices and other devices), construction machines, power plants, Vehicle and protective equipment for workers.

2.14. Monitor compliance with the norms for carrying heavy loads, cleanliness and order at workplaces, in aisles, providing workplaces with safety signs.

2.15. Organize warehousing for storage of inventory, tools, materials used for finishing work, and protection of material assets.

2.16. Monitor the state of safety at the finishing work site and take measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings, violations of the rules of industrial sanitation, compliance by the workers of the finishing work site with labor protection instructions.

2.17. Ensure that the employees of the finishing work area comply with the production and labor discipline, make proposals for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on violators.

2.18. Help innovators.

2.19. Organize work to improve the skills of plasterers, painters, tilers and other workers engaged in finishing work and carry out educational work in a team.

He is accepted and appointed by order of the head. What does he do? What knowledge and skills does the installer's job description require? He must know how to install specific structures (for example, metal, antenna-mast, drainage systems, etc.). Know the methods of their adjustment and adjustment, test rules.

A high-rise assembler performs the installation and assembly of structures of a certain type, installs mobile crane mechanisms on rails, assembles structures of hydraulic lifts and electric winches. He is also directly involved in the testing of cranes and lays communication lines.

Instruct workers (when expanding the number of the construction site), ensure timely training in their safe working methods. - Draw up applications for building materials, mechanization, tools, inventory, equipment. 4.4. On the acceptance of work, accounting and reporting: - Keep records of the actual progress of construction and installation work at the facility in terms of value.


Fill in the columns of the actual implementation of the weekly-daily schedule by own divisions and subcontractors. Report information to the Head of the construction site.

Enter data on monthly performance in the journal of accounting for work performed. Prepare work orders. - Participate in the inventory of material assets available at the end of the month, and in the execution of the relevant act.

He can demand documents and other information necessary for work from structural divisions, control the execution of instructions and demand compliance with established standards. In case of violation of the latter - to demand the termination or suspension of work on the site and the correction of deficiencies. Make proposals to management on the hiring, dismissal of employees, incentives and disciplinary action.

Submit for consideration by the management of the enterprise ideas about the admission, dismissal and relocation of employees, encouragement the best workers and on the application of disciplinary sanctions to employees who are violators of labor discipline. 4.9. Give instructions on how to eliminate violations and correct deficiencies. 4.10.

Demand from the management of the organization assistance in the performance of their duties and the exercise of rights. 5. Responsibility The master of construction and installation works is responsible: 5.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of his duties, which are provided for by this job description within the framework determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. For causing material damage to the enterprise within the framework established by the current labor, criminal and administrative legislation of the Russian Federation.

I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description] [date, month, year] M.P. Job description for the finishing construction worker [name of organization, enterprise] This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Classifier of Primary Vocational Education OK 023-95 (adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1995 N 639) and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

The Master of construction and installation works is responsible for the preparation and submission of material reports. 2.3. In his activity, the Master of construction and installation works is guided by: - ​​building codes and regulations, state regulatory and instructive documents on the profile of the work performed;

Design and estimate documentation for the construction of facilities; - construction organization project; - calendar plan construction and other planning documentation; - orders, orders and other guidance materials that determine the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

  • fire safety rules;
  • requirements for environmental protection;
  • technical conditions for the production and acceptance of construction and installation works;
  • special technology for construction and installation works;
  • features of work planning on the entrusted site;
  • technical characteristics of construction machines used in the work, mechanized tools and geodetic tools;
  • design and estimate documentation for the facility under construction;
  • secrecy requirements;
  • features of the safety of official, commercial and state secrets;
  • techniques and methods of providing first aid.

Since each organization develops a job description on its own, the management of the enterprise can supplement the list of necessary knowledge with requirements for literacy and awareness in any other areas.

The master of finishing construction works belongs to the category of skilled workers and is directly subordinated. (name of the position of the head) 1.2. A person with an initial professional education in the specialty is accepted for the position of a master of finishing construction works, without presenting requirements for work experience. 1.3. The position of the master of finishing construction works is appointed and dismissed.

(name of the position of the head) 1.4. The master of finishing building works should know: - teaching materials relating to the relevant types of work; - main types of materials, preparation of solutions, installation technology; - rules for the technical operation and care of equipment, fixtures and tools; - norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection. 1.5.

Improve qualifications in the manner prescribed by law. 3.5. For all social guarantees provided for by law. 3.6. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the employee The master of finishing construction works is responsible for: 4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; 4.3.

- forms and methods of production and economic activities at the site (object);

- norms and prices for finishing work;

– legislative and regulatory legal acts on wages;

– the procedure for economic and financial relationships between the contractor and customers and subcontractors;

- a system of production and technological equipment and dispatching of a construction organization;

– scientific and technical achievements and experience in organizing finishing works;

– fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

– fundamentals of labor legislation;

– internal labor regulations;

- Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.6. The foreman reports to the general director (head of the construction department).

1.7. During the absence of the Foreman (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.


Among the main advantages of this profession are:

  1. demand;
  2. decent wages;
  3. low entry threshold;
  4. the opportunity to work "for yourself";
  5. priority of real skills over formal work experience.

There are certain disadvantages in the work of the finisher:

  1. harmful conditions labor (interaction with various building mixtures, dust, etc.);
  2. the probability of seasonality of work (heterogeneous activity of customers);
  3. physical exercise.


3.1. Get acquainted with the design decisions of the management regarding its activities.

3.2. Make proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.

3.3. Within its competence, report to the immediate supervisor about the shortcomings identified in the course of the performance of official duties, and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Require management to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.5. Request personally or through the immediate supervisor information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.6. To involve, with the permission of the management, employees of all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him.

Education. Career. Requirements

In the work of a finishing worker, the presence of real skills and the ability to learn are valued. That's why this profession can be mastered even without special education. It is enough to complete courses for finishers and diligently learn from their more qualified colleagues.

The hierarchy in the construction industry is quite simple and transparent. At first, the worker has the status of an assistant or apprentice. It is at this stage that the trainee's abilities and dedication can be assessed. If a young specialist quickly masters the necessary skills and systematically replenishes his knowledge in the field of finishing work, then he has every chance to soon become an integral part of the repair team.

Further development career already depends on the ambitions and capabilities of the specialist himself. Theoretically, you can improve your skills indefinitely. New methods of work, materials, design approaches, etc. appear regularly. If the master keeps his finger on the pulse, knows how to perform a wide variety of finishing works, then his status and level of demand is constantly growing. This growth is accompanied by a significant increase in income.

Specialists with managerial ambitions can start their own business or work to move up the administrative career ladder. The first step of such a rise may be the position of foreman.

The requirements for a finishing work specialist depend on his versatility and qualifications. The master must be well versed in all the nuances and finishing processes, know everything about the material and the tools used. Particular attention is paid to compliance with safety regulations. In addition, it is important to have the following personal qualities:

  • attentiveness;
  • good eyesight and eye;
  • accuracy;
  • good coordination;
  • physical endurance;
  • the presence of aesthetic taste (if creative participation in the process is expected).


4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For violations committed in the course of carrying out their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Work searches

Finishing specialists are required in the construction and repair organizations. Appropriate place can find both masters with a narrow specialization, and generalists. When applying for a job, the real skills of the candidate are evaluated. That is why capable finishers with minimal experience also have a good chance of successful employment.

It is important to regularly review websites and other information sources in search of a profitable job. If this is found, then you must immediately send your resume to the personnel department. Most of the Internet resources that are engaged in the employment of their clients allow you to do this operation in a few clicks.


5.1. The job description is reviewed, amended and supplemented as necessary, but at least once every five years.

5.2. With the order to make changes (additions) to the job description, all employees of the organization who are subject to this instruction are familiarized against receipt.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order CEO March 11, 2015 No. 67.


Head of the Human Resources Department E.E. Gromov

I am familiar with this manual. I received one copy in my hands and undertake to keep it at my workplace.

Foreman P.A. Bespalov

Job description for the master of construction and installation works

Controls compliance with the technological sequence of construction works and ensuring their proper quality. 3.3. Performs, if necessary, marking work, geodetic control during the execution of technological operations and measurements of the volume of construction and installation work.

Dispose of the entrusted property and funds in compliance with the requirements determined by legislative and regulatory legal acts, the charter of the organization. 4.2. To endorse and sign documents only within the scope of their competence.

4.3. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management on issues that relate to its activities. 4.4. Organize and conduct meetings on organizational, financial and economic issues. 4.5.

Check the quality and timeliness of the execution of orders. 4.6. Request and receive necessary information and documentation from structural units.

4.7. Demand the termination or suspension of work in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc., compliance with established rules, norms, instructions. 4.8.

Organizes operational accounting of the daily execution of production tasks and the receipt of building materials, structures, products. 3.9. Provides conditions for the development and implementation by employees of the established production standards.

Submits for consideration by the head of the proposal on the assignment of ranks to employees, the acquisition of the quantitative and professional-qualification composition of the brigades. 3.11. Provides brigades and workers with tools, devices, small-scale mechanization, transport, overalls, protective equipment.

3.12. Participates in the work of the commission for attestation of workplaces. 3.13. Conducts safety briefings in the production of works.

3.14. Ensures the maintenance of a log of employee briefings. 3.15.

Its function is to control the technological sequence of the construction process and its quality. Specific duties of the master builder If necessary, he conducts geodetic and marking work, measures volumes.

The foreman of construction and installation works is responsible: - for improper performance or non-performance of his official duties provided for by this job description, - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; - for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

Ensures the use in accordance with the purpose of technological equipment (scaffolding, scaffolding, protective devices, fastenings of the walls of pits and trenches, struts, conductors and other devices), construction machines, power plants, vehicles and means of protecting workers. 3.16.


Does not allow the presence of unauthorized persons at workplaces, in sanitary facilities and on the territory of the site. 3.18. Ensures cleanliness and order at workplaces, in passageways and access roads, proper maintenance and operation of crane tracks. 3.19.

Checks the state of safety and takes measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings. 3.20.

He can demand documents and other information necessary for work from structural divisions, control the execution of instructions and demand compliance with established standards. In case of violation of the latter - to demand the termination or suspension of work on the site and the correction of deficiencies.
Make proposals to management on the admission, dismissal of employees, incentives and disciplinary sanctions.

Measures of personal responsibility The job description of the master of construction and installation works, like any person, provides not only for the rights and obligations of the latter. What is the responsibility of this employee for his actions? The foreman of the construction site is primarily responsible for the performance of his own duties in accordance with the law.

Such a specialist should be theoretically savvy in labor legislation, possess the basics of economic knowledge, and study best practices in their field. He is obliged to rely in his own activities on the charter of the enterprise and this instruction. Report directly to the leader. In the second section, the job description of the master of construction and installation works prescribes his immediate duties.

What exactly is charged to him? The foreman of construction and installation works, first of all, ensures the accepted construction plan on the entrusted site in accordance with the PPR (project for the production of works) and the available drawings. Its function is to control the technological sequence of the construction process and its quality. Specific duties of the master builder If necessary, he conducts geodetic and marking work, measures volumes.

This applies to both the actual work duties and the degree of responsibility. If the job description of the foreman of the construction site involves, first of all, leadership and a high level of competence, then the representative working profession, as a rule, a qualified performance of the labor operation and observance of discipline are sufficient. Instructions, as well as professions, a great many. Let's take a look at this model document on the example of the position of an installer.

Installer job description It is developed in accordance with the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, various standard norms and others. legal instruments. Establishes that the position of a high-altitude fitter belongs to the working category, such an employee is directly subordinate to the head (usually the master). Recruitment requires appropriate education and, often, a certain work experience.

EMPLOYEE'S RIGHTS The employee has the right to: - supervise subordinates; - providing him with work due to employment contract; - workplace, which meets the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions stipulated collective agreement; - complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace;

Vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws; - obtaining materials and documents related to their activities; - interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activity. 4.

RESPONSIBILITY The employee is responsible for: 4.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties. 4.2.
Inaccurate information about the status of the work. 4.3. Participates in the work of the commission for the investigation of industrial accidents and violations of safety regulations. 3.21. Monitors compliance by employees with instructions on labor protection, production and labor discipline. 3.22.

Organizes professional development of employees. 3.23. . (other duties) 4. Rights The master of construction and installation works has the right to: 4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management on issues related to its activities. 4.2. Dispose of the funds and property entrusted to him in compliance with the requirements determined by legislative and regulatory legal acts, the charter of the organization.

Knowledge and once again knowledge He must know well and represent the organization and technology of production in the construction industry, study the design estimates available for objects under construction, all the necessary regulations, SNiPs, principles of planning construction work and many other organizational issues.

The master must necessarily understand the device and technical specifications tools, machines and mechanisms used in the work, safety standards, as well as working sanitation. Working with people He must be competent in matters of remuneration of subordinates and other employees of the organization, know the rates for the work performed, ways of material incentives for personnel and labor regulations within the organization.

3.4. Organizes the acceptance of materials, structures, products, their storage, accounting and reporting. 3.5. Provides rational use on the site (object) of construction machines, mechanisms, vehicles, economical use of materials. 3.6.

This is what the profession of a finisher is like - completing the whole building process and therefore so responsible and important.

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1. General provisions 1.1. The master of finishing construction works belongs to the category of skilled workers and directly reports to [title of the position of the head]. 1.2.

And also a construction finisher carries out work using modern technologies, materials and technical means. The construction finisher controls the quality of the work performed with the appropriate instrumentation and tools. A construction finisher adjusts and eliminates minor malfunctions in a mechanized electrified and other tool (equipment) that is used in the process of performing the specified work (operation).

A building finisher must know: A building finisher must know the types, assortment and technological properties of materials used in painting, plastering and facing works. A building finisher must know the recipe and rules for preparing paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, putties, glues, special and decorative mortars, mixtures, etc.

A finisher or fitter is a generic name for a group of professions associated with the finishing phase of residential or commercial wall and ceiling repairs – plastering, painting, painting, tiling, plasterboarding, and other materials. The following specialists can be included in this category:

  • plasterer
  • painter
  • painter-plasterer
  • finisher
  • plasterboard worker
  • tiler
  • floor construction installer
  • texture and decorative plaster specialist, etc.

Skills and specifics of the work of finishing masters In fact, a finisher is a generalist who must possess various skills and technologies in the field of repair work in order to be a sought-after specialist in the labor market. However, many types of work do not have temperature restrictions, so we can talk about absoluteness seasonal factor still not worth it;

  • In the high season, on the contrary, a large influx of orders and a tight intensive work schedule are possible, which can lead to overload, increased fatigue and exhaustion of the body. It is recommended not to overload yourself with work, do not give up days off and do not try to work more than 10 hours a day;
  • Heavy physical exertion, prolonged stay on your feet or in an uncomfortable position (when finishing ceilings, the cervico-vertebral region suffers), the need to carry heavy loads.

Employers often benefit from hiring multidisciplinary professionals with a wide range of skills and experience working with different types materials, premises and tools than narrow specialists in one direction - tilers, drywall workers, painters, plasterers. The fact is that universal masters are interchangeable and can easily switch to another area of ​​work, for example, in case of force majeure or simply wanting to change the type of load, which helps to avoid a significant drop in efficiency when physical fatigue sets in. Such masters are especially in demand on small or medium repair enterprises or teams, as well as among private customers. But this does not mean that having a limited specialization, and being, for example, a painter or drywall worker, you will not be able to find a job.

Job description of the master of finishing construction works

  • Basic level of education and short-term professional courses enough to get started labor activity by specialty;
  • Employers value the availability of skills, rather than a formal period of work experience, which opens up wide employment opportunities for young professionals;
  • Having realized yourself as a qualified and experienced specialist, you can grow up to a senior foreman, foreman, think about creating own business or a private team, to work as an individual entrepreneur, as well as to engage in teaching activities in training centers for construction and repair specialists.

Cons and contraindications for the profession of a finisher Like any profession, work as a finisher also has disadvantages that must be taken into account when making your professional choice.

The profession of a finisher: features, pros and cons

I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description] [date, month, year] M.P. Job description for the finishing construction worker [name of organization, enterprise] This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Classifier of Primary Vocational Education OK 023-95 (adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1995 N 639) and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General provisions 1.1. The master of finishing construction works belongs to the category of skilled workers and directly reports to [title of the position of the head]. 1.2.



A building finisher must know the features of placement and the rules for preparing surfaces for painting, plastering and facing work. Also, the building finisher must know the rules for cutting and pasting surfaces with wallpaper and other appropriate artificial materials. A construction finisher must know the methods of performing painting, plastering and facing works, the requirements for the quality of the work performed.

The construction finisher must be familiar with the safety regulations for using power-driven electrified tools (equipment). Construction finisher must know the rules fire safety and sanitary standards. Rights of a construction finisher: A construction finisher has the right to demand proper working conditions, provision of the necessary tools and equipment.

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Improve qualifications in the manner prescribed by law. 3.5. For all social guarantees provided for by law. 3.6. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.
4. Responsibility of the employee The master of finishing construction works is responsible for: 4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; 4.3.
For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Supervisor personnel service(initials, surname) (signature) » » 20

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  • Sufficiently harmful working conditions - you have to work with dirty and dusty materials, chemicals and harmful fumes, so you should never forget to protect your face, eyes and respiratory tract with special masks;
  • A certain seasonality of the work of a finisher - in winter the number of orders may decrease, which means that income may also decrease during this period.

Job for a finisher

And also the construction finisher carries out work using modern technologies, materials and technical means. The construction finisher controls the quality of the work performed with the appropriate instrumentation and tools. A construction finisher adjusts and eliminates minor malfunctions in a mechanized electrified and other tool (equipment) that is used in the process of performing the specified work (operation).
A building finisher must know: A building finisher must know the types, assortment and technological properties of materials used in painting, plastering and facing works. A building finisher must know the recipe and rules for preparing paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, putties, glues, special and decorative mortars, mixtures, etc.
A finisher or finisher is the general name for a group of professions associated with the finishing phase of repairing walls and ceilings in residential or commercial premises - plastering, painting, painting and tiling, plasterboarding and other materials. The following specialists can be included in this category:

  • plasterer
  • painter
  • painter-plasterer
  • finisher
  • plasterboard worker
  • tiler
  • floor construction installer
  • texture and decorative plaster specialist, etc.

Skills and specifics of the work of finishing masters In fact, a finisher is a universal master who must possess various skills and technologies in the field of repair work in order to be a sought-after specialist in the labor market.
However, many types of work do not have temperature restrictions, so it is still not worth talking about the absoluteness of the seasonal factor;

  • In the high season, on the contrary, a large influx of orders and a tight intensive work schedule are possible, which can lead to overload, increased fatigue and exhaustion of the body. It is recommended not to overload yourself with work, do not give up days off and do not try to work more than 10 hours a day;
  • Heavy physical exertion, prolonged stay on your feet or in an uncomfortable position (when finishing ceilings, the cervico-vertebral region suffers), the need to carry heavy loads.

Responsibilities of a Building Builder


A building finisher carries out a protective coating of the surface with special solutions, liquids, mixtures. A building finisher makes stencils, combs, etc. for drawing patterns on the surface, restores and performs a decorative coating of the surface. A construction finisher performs surface plastering, plaster repair, surface plastering with decorative and special-purpose mortars.

Also, the construction finisher carries out pasting the surface with wallpaper and other artificial coatings, performs finishing work. A construction finisher performs cladding, decorative cladding, repair, replacement, and dismantling of various types of tiles. A building finisher prepares paint compositions, colors, adhesives, plasters, special mortars, etc.