Manual vehicle for transporting food. Hygienic requirements for food transportation

Vladimir Schweitzer

The changing Europe, for all the similarity of the problems it faces, is not a homogeneous organism devoid of any country specifics. Here, as before, there are leading states, there are “second line” countries that have a certain impact on the course of European and world events. There are also those who, for various reasons, cannot yet say their weighty word in the section dealing with economic, political and social problems modernity.

In this situation, natural for the period of transition from the old two-speed Europe to Europe, striving to create a single market space and democratic power structures, the territorial size of states, the population size of each of them, is of less and less importance. A much more significant factor is the degree of integration of the respective country into the pan-European economic, political and social space, the ability to find a “national niche” in the increasingly complex system of international relations.

The concepts of “big” and “small” European countries differ States of the European continent refer exclusively to the categories of their differentiation in terms of the size of the territory they occupy and the number of people living on it. True, here the question immediately arises: are there clear generally accepted criteria, clear numerical indicators by which it is possible to determine which state is “big” and which is “small”?...

In agricultural and Food Industry disinfection of vehicles plays a huge role in ensuring the quality and safety of products. Moreover, the need for sanitation is regulated at the state level. After all, the body and interior of any car contain very favorable conditions for the reproduction of viruses, bacteria and fungi. For private car owners, disinfection of vehicles is today a recommended measure for the prevention of bacterial and viral diseases, various allergic reactions. We should not forget that in any car there are a lot of hidden areas in which dust, dirt, excess moisture accumulate, and all kinds of pathogens can appear on the levers and handles. Knowing this well, many drivers want to protect themselves and their families.
Vehicle disinfectionit's a complex measures for washing, cleaning and disinfecting the body, interior and cargo compartment of the car. The exact scope and nature of the work depends entirely on the size of the vehicle, as well as its functional purpose.
Modern disinfection of vehicles solves many very important tasks:
  • Ensuring the neutralization of viruses, fungi and bacteria during passenger transportation.
  • Compliance with current sanitary standards when transporting water and food.
  • Suitability and safety of transported agricultural products, as well as feed for livestock.
  • Prevention of the spread of bacteria and infections in medical vehicles.
  • For private car owners - guarantees hygiene and cleanliness for all family members during daily trips.
In addition, it should be taken into account what is fraught with non-compliance with current requirements for sanitary standards:
  • Violation of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP
  • Problems with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
  • Legal claims from consumers.
  • Deprivation of the right to transport goods.
  • Problems with the State Traffic Inspectorate.
Obviously much easier and cheaper to follow current legislation Russian Federation and regularly carry out disinfection of vehicles.

What is the process of car disinfection?

Disinfection of vehicles today includes:

Modern methods of disinfection

To the most effective methods of machine disinfection

Which cars need disinfection

Carrying out disinfection of vehicles is the processing of the following types of transport:
  • Vehicles for passenger transportation- buses, minibuses, trolleybuses, trams, electric trains, fixed-route taxis, passenger taxis and even
  • interior water transport (see Art. 789 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Transport for transportation food products .
  • Brewers, milk carriers and other tanks for transporting beverages and drinking water.
  • Vehicles for the transportation of agricultural products, livestock.
  • Medical transport for the transportation of patients, including infectious ones (ambulances medical care- ASMP).
  • hearses and other means of transport for the transportation of the dead.
  • Means of transportation of chemical, medical and household waste. That is, various garbage trucks and other specially equipped vehicles.

It is also recommended to carry out a complete disinfection of private vehicles (disinfection of the interior and body) when purchasing a used car, because it is not known how the previous owner used it. In addition, regular vehicle disinfection procedures to remove a variety of pathogens from the car will not interfere.

Disinfection Rules for Food Transportation

  1. 1. Disinfection and washing of vehicles for the transport of food products should be carried out in specially equipped washing units, or in special areas that have a disinfection post.
  2. 2. The employee responsible for carrying out washing and disinfection must perform all work qualitatively and in full, make appropriate notes on the implementation of disinfection and washing of transport in the Journal of Disinfection and Washing of Vehicles, as well as in the sanitary passport for vehicles.
  3. 3. The post of washing transport for the transport of food products must be equipped with:
  • Inventory and equipment for cleaning, disinfection and washing of vehicles (brush, flexible hoses with guns for cold and hot water, disinfection devices, special devices for airing and drying cars after disinfection and washing).
  • Overalls for disinfectors and washers (rubber boots, rubberized apron, rubber gloves, protective suit, respirator, gloves, goggles).
  • Lockers for storing washing and cleaning equipment, disinfectants and washing preparations, disinfection equipment, overalls.
Carrying out disinfection of vehicles allowed only if it is well washed.
  • The nature and scope of disinfection measures for the treatment of vehicles depends on various temperature conditions and its purpose.
  • When choosing a disinfectant, it is necessary to give preference to special detergent-disinfectants, which are of little danger when inhaled and do not require the use of special precautions, in addition to rubber gloves.
  • In winter, disinfectant solutions are used for disinfection with the addition of antifreeze (sodium chloride) or disinfectant solutions with a moderately elevated temperature.
  • Disinfection of the inner surface of the body of a food transport vehicle is carried out with a disinfectant using disinfectant solutions, as well as products approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  • Disinfection is performed as needed, but at least once every ten days.

Frequency of disinfection for different types of cargo

The frequency of disinfection and washing of vehicles varies depending on the types of cargo being transported. Basically, the obligatory ones are prescribed: washing such transport with detergents - daily, and disinfecting treatment - monthly.
In addition, mention should be made of transport for the transport of perishable foodstuffs. Carrying out disinfection of vehicles in this case is carried out as needed, but at least once every ten days.

Documents to be drawn up during transport disinfection

Professional disinfection of vehicles is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. So for companies engaged in passenger transportation, transportation of a variety of food products, drinks, drinking water, milk, medicines and household chemicals periodic disinfection is a must. This is confirmed by the decision of the chief physician of the Russian Federation of 04/05/2000 and other regulatory documents.
Confirmation that the disinfection of vehicles was actually carried out is the so-called sanitary passport. This is a special document into which a hologram is pasted after each transport processing.

Sanitary passport for vehicles- is one of the most important documents, which must be obtained for vehicles designed or equipped for the transport of various foodstuffs. A sanitary passport for a car is issued in a mandatory and strict manner with all the requirements. Regular checks for its presence are carried out Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection . Also, this service undertakes to carefully check the actual validity of this document so that it is not overdue. Thus, you should take care of obtaining a sanitary passport for vehicles in advance so that in the future there will be no problems due to its absence. It takes 3 to 6 hours to get a health passport. To obtain a sanitary passport for vehicles, you must provide an official certificate of registration of the car.
Currently, obtaining a sanitary passport is not mandatory. However, many organizations and carriers still prefer to keep a health passport.

Documents on the disinfection of vehicles that we issue

Required Documents:
  • Contract for the provision of disinfection services.
  • Service Acceptance Certificate for planned disinfection - a document confirming the performance of work on the areas specified in the agreement for the provision of disinfection services. It serves as an official confirmation of compliance with all applicable sanitary standards.
  • Sanitary passport (optional)
Of particular note disinfection of food transport vehicles. This type of disinfection is strictly regulated Rospotrebnadzor and employees traffic police.
According to the requirements of SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them" SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations Catering, production and turnover in them of food products and food raw materials. Vehicles used for the transportation of food products and food raw materials are washed daily with detergents and monthly with disinfectants approved for use in the prescribed manner.

How is vehicle disinfection carried out?

cold fog generator Disinfect vehicles after washing. All processes in this chain are interconnected. Disinfecting a dirty car is at least useless. Disinfection of transport should be carried out on the territory of a special disinfection post or on the territory of a car depot or car parking. Disinfection of vehicles is carried out by irrigation using special motorized sprayers or cold fog generators. After disinfection, the car is immediately ready for use and does not require subsequent washing or removal of products and time to hold the exposure.

Who is cleaning and disinfecting vehicles?

Washing and disinfection of cars should be carried out by car fleets and specialized organizations having a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion to carry out such work. We conclude a bilateral agreement with the owner of the car or with the company that owns the car and guarantee the quality of the services provided at all levels. You can also wash yourself, but it is more convenient to turn to professionals who have the latest equipment in their arsenal, which speeds up the process and improves the quality of washing.

How much does vehicle disinfection cost? Prices

Quantityup to 1.5 tonsfrom 1.5 to 3.5 tonsfrom 3.5 to 5 tonsfrom 5 to 10 tonsOver 10 tons
up to 3from 1500from 1300from 1500from 1800from 2000
3-10 from 1000from 1150from 1350from 1650from 1850
10-20 from 850from 1000from 1200from 1500from 1700
20-40 from 550from 850from 1050from 1350from 1550
Sanitary passport500 500 500 500 500

Hygienic requirements for the transportation of food products are regulated by the Federal Law of 02.01.2000. 29-FZ "On the quality and safety of food products". According to this Federal Law, the storage and transportation of food products, materials and products must be carried out under conditions that ensure the preservation of their quality and safety. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities carrying out storage, transportation of food products, materials and products are required to comply with the requirements normative documents to the conditions of storage and transportation of food products, materials and products and confirm compliance with such requirements with the relevant entries in the shipping documents. For the transport of foodstuffs, vehicles specially designed or specially equipped for such purposes must be used.

In accordance with TR CU 021/2011 "On Food Safety", transportation (transportation) of food products is carried out by vehicles in accordance with the conditions of transportation (transportation) established by the manufacturers of such products, and in their absence - in accordance with the storage conditions of food products specified by the manufacturer of such products.

Also, the requirements for the processes of transportation of food products are established in the following regulatory documents:

TR TS 034/2013 "On the safety of meat and meat products",

TR TS 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products",

TR EAEU 040/2016 "On the safety of fish and fish products",

TR TS 015/2011 "On the safety of grain",

TR TS 024/2011 "Technical regulations for fat and oil products",

TR CU 023/2011 "Technical regulations for juice products from fruits and vegetables",

SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them",

SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering establishments, production and turnover of food products and food raw materials" and other regulatory documents.

In order to prevent the emergence and spread of mass infectious diseases, the transportation of raw materials and food products is carried out by special, clean transport. When using vehicles and (or) containers for the simultaneous transportation (transportation) of various food products, or food products and other goods, it is necessary to provide conditions that exclude their contact, contamination and changes in organoleptic properties.

The design of the cargo compartments of vehicles and containers should ensure the protection of food products from contamination, penetration of animals, including rodents and insects, cleaning, washing, disinfection. Cargo compartments of vehicles, containers and containers used for transportation (transportation) of food products must ensure the possibility of maintaining the conditions of transportation (transportation) and (or) storage of food products. The internal surface of the cargo compartments of vehicles and containers must be made of washable and non-toxic materials.

For transportation a certain kind food products (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products) specialized transport should be allocated, labeled in accordance with the transported products. Transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each type of food products, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods by different modes of transport.

Perishable and especially perishable products are transported by refrigerated or isothermal transport, which ensures the preservation temperature conditions transportation.

Bread and bakery products must be transported in trays, in special closed vehicles or vans equipped with shelves. It is not allowed to transport bread in bulk.

Cream confections should be packed in containers or trays with lids, cakes should be supplied in the manufacturer's standard packaging. Culinary products are transported in labeled clean containers. Transportation of cream confectionery products on open sheets or trays is not allowed.

In accordance with TR TS 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products", transportation of raw milk, raw skimmed milk, raw cream is carried out in sealed containers with tight-fitting lids, made from materials that meet the requirements for the safety of materials in contact with food products. Vehicles must maintain a temperature of 4 0 C. Transportation in the customs territory Customs Union raw milk, raw skimmed milk, raw cream accompanied by veterinary accompanying document issued by the authorized body of the Member State, containing information on the veterinary and sanitary examination, confirming their safety.
Live fish are transported in thermally insulated tank trucks with a device for cooling water, as well as equipment for saturating the water with air. The water temperature in the tank must not exceed 10°C (SP The EAEU TR 040/2016 “On the safety of fish and fish products” regulates: during the transportation of fish food products, defrosting of fish food products is not allowed.

Transportation of edible oil and fat products must ensure their safety and safety during the shelf life. Transportation is carried out by vehicles suitable for this purpose. The conditions of carriage are determined by the consignor. They must comply with the conditions established by the manufacturer for the transportation of edible oil and fat products. It is not allowed to transport edible oil and fat products together with other products if this may lead to contamination of edible oil and fat products. The design of the cargo compartments of vehicles should ensure the protection of edible oil and fat products from contamination (TR TS 024/2011 "Technical regulations for oil and fat products").

In accordance with TR TS 015/2011 "On the safety of grain": Transportation of grain is carried out by vehicles that ensure the safety and preservation of grain during its transportation. The design of the cargo compartments of vehicles and containers must ensure the protection of grain from contamination, prevent spillage of grain, the penetration of animals, including rodents and insects, and also ensure cleaning and (or) washing, and (or) disinfection, and (or) disinfestation , and (or) deratization. Grain is transported by bulk method, in shipping containers or consumer packaging. Grain transported by bulk method must be accompanied by shipping documents that ensure its traceability, containing information:

1) on the type of grain, year of harvest, place of origin, purpose of grain (for food or feed purposes, for storage and (or) processing, for export);

2) on the amount of grain, in units of mass;

3) name and location of the applicant;

4) on the presence of genetically modified (transgenic) organisms in the grain if the content of these organisms in the grain is more than 0.9 percent.

Transportation of slaughter products and meat products is regulated by TR TS 034/2013 "On the safety of meat and meat products" and includes the following:

  • In the process of transportation, carcasses, half carcasses and quarters are transported in a vertical suspended state, excluding their contact. Carcasses, half carcasses and quarters in a frozen state may be transported in a stacked form, which excludes contamination of the surface of the carcasses.
  • The use of vehicles and containers for the transportation of slaughter products and meat products after the transportation of productive animals in them is not allowed.
  • Transportation of productive animals to production facility carried out by specialized or specially equipped vehicles.
    Vehicles and containers intended for the transportation of slaughter products and meat products are equipped with means that allow observing and registering the established temperature regime.
  • Transportation of slaughter products and meat products in bulk without the use of transport and (or) consumer packaging, with the exception of bone intended for the production of gelatin, is not allowed.
  • After the end of the transportation process, vehicles and containers are subjected to sanitary treatment (disinfection)
  • During storage, transportation and sale, defrosting of frozen slaughter products and meat products is not allowed.
    Transported food products must be accompanied by documents confirming their origin, safety, storage conditions and shelf life.

According to TR TS 023/2011 "Technical Regulations for Juice Products from Fruits and Vegetables", transportation of juice products from fruits and (or) vegetables in bulk must be carried out in tankers, cisterns, flexi-tanks intended for the transportation of food products. Vehicles and (or) containers or containers used for the transportation of juice products from fruits and (or) vegetables must be properly equipped to maintain the required temperature of such products. Consignors independently choose the type of vehicle and the equipment used to equip the vehicle, the mode of operation of this equipment when transporting juice products from fruits and (or) vegetables, depending on meteorological conditions in order to ensure that such products comply with the requirements established by this technical regulation of the Customs Union, and also ensuring that the conditions for the carriage of such products comply with the requirements established by their manufacturer.

When transporting foodstuffs, the rules for their sequential stacking must be strictly observed, excluding contact between raw and finished products, contamination of products during loading and unloading. Cargo compartments of vehicles and containers must be subjected to regular cleaning, washing, disinfection at the intervals necessary to ensure that cargo compartments of vehicles and containers cannot be a source of product contamination. The water used for washing the internal surfaces of the cargo compartments of vehicles and containers must comply with the requirements for drinking water, established by law state - a member of the Customs Union.

Loading and unloading of food products is carried out by personnel in clean sanitary clothing. Persons accompanying food raw materials and food products on the way and loading and unloading them use sanitary clothing (robe, gloves, etc.), have a personal medical book of the established form with marks of passage medical examinations, results laboratory research and passing professional hygienic training and certification.

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In accordance with paragraph 11.1 of the sanitary and epidemiological rules of SP, as well as in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. nineteen federal law"On the quality and safety of food products" dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ, specially designed or specially equipped vehicles are used for the transportation of food products. Transportation of food products together with non-food products is not allowed. Also, for the transportation of a certain type of food products (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products), specialized transport should be allocated with marking in accordance with the products transported.

During transportation, the conditions established by the manufacturer for the transportation of foodstuffs must be observed. The cargo compartments of vehicles and/or containers must not be used for the carriage of goods other than foodstuffs.
It is forbidden to transport food products by vehicles that previously transported pesticides, gasoline, kerosene and other strong-smelling and toxic substances.
Food in vehicles and/or containers should be placed and protected in such a way as to minimize the risk of contamination.
Transportation of bulk and liquid food products that do not have primary or consumer packaging must be carried out in sealed specialized transport. When using vehicles and/or containers to transport different food products at the same time, it is necessary to ensure their isolation from each other.

Vehicles used to transport food products must have a sanitary passport issued in accordance with the established procedure, be clean and in good condition. The inner surface of the car body must have a hygienic coating that can be easily washed and disinfected (clause 11.2 of the sanitary and epidemiological rules SP Vehicles used for the transportation of food products and food raw materials are washed daily with detergents and disinfected monthly with agents authorized by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner (clause 11.10 of the sanitary and epidemiological rules of SP
The water used for washing vehicles must meet the requirements for drinking water. When sanitizing transport, detergents and disinfectants approved for use in the food industry must be used. Sanitization of food transport should be carried out in specially equipped washing units or on special sites in vehicle fleets. Disinfection of transport is carried out as needed, but at least once every 10 days.
Territorial centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision must issue a sanitary passport for each vehicle transporting food products (commentary to Article 19 of the Federal Law "On the Quality and Safety of Food Products" dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ).
The form of a sanitary passport for specially designed or specially equipped vehicles for the transport of food products was approved by order of Rospotrebnadzor dated May 20, 2005 N 402.
Validity of the sanitary passport for the transportation of food products - no more than 6 months; when transporting especially perishable products - no more than 3 months. Sanitary and epidemiological service employees have the right to prohibit the transportation of food products by vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements.
Cargo compartments of vehicles, as well as containers (returnable packaging) for the transportation of food products, must be made of materials approved for contact with food products.
When carrying out loading and unloading operations, the integrity of the container and packaging of the supplied products must be guaranteed. When meteorological conditions change (atmospheric precipitation, direct Sun rays) that affect the physical and chemical state of cargo, loading and unloading operations should be stopped and measures should be taken to create safe conditions.
It is forbidden to load food products into vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements and in the absence of a sanitary passport for it, as well as the transportation of raw products and semi-finished products along with ready-made food products.
Loads on vehicles must be installed and secured in such a way that during transportation they do not shift and fall.
Transported food products must be accompanied by documents confirming their origin, safety, storage conditions and shelf life.
Transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each type of food products, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods different kind transport. For the transportation of especially perishable food products, refrigerated or isothermal transport must be allocated (clause 11.4 of the sanitary and epidemiological rules of SP
Persons who come into contact with food products during transportation and during loading and unloading operations must be provided with clean sanitary or special clothing, have documents confirming the passage of medical examinations and examinations (personal medical book), and also strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and ensure safety , quality, safety and rules for the transportation (unloading) of food products (clause 11.3 of the sanitary and epidemiological rules of SP

The cleanliness of vehicles is maintained by regular washing and preventive disinfection. These measures ensure the destruction of pathogens on the surfaces of transport, thereby eliminating the possibility of food contamination during transport.

You will need detergents and disinfectants for this. In this case, only products approved for use in the field are used. food production. Such disinfectants effectively destroy different kinds microorganisms, but low toxicity. In addition, preference should be given to disinfectants that do not cause metal corrosion in order to avoid damage to the car body.

These requirements are fully met by the funds "Septolit". So, for the processing of transport transporting food, we recommend using the following tools:

  1. Detergent "Proclin Aldey";
  2. disinfectant with detergent properties"Septolite Plus";
  3. Disinfectant based on HOUR "";
  4. Chlorine-based disinfectant "Septolit DHC".

You can buy detergents and disinfectants in the online store site.

Vehicle washing

Car washing is carried out daily at special sites in car fleets connected to water supply and sewerage, as well as having hot water supply.

Car cleaning begins with washing the outer surface of the body. External washing of vehicles is carried out on washing mechanized installations or manually with brushes and a detergent solution. After washing, the body is rinsed with water from a hose.

Washing the internal surfaces of vehicles is carried out manually with brushes and a warm solution of detergent. Particular attention should be paid to washing seams and corners. After washing, the body is thoroughly rinsed from the inside with water, thereby removing the remnants of the detergent. Then the cabin is dried and ventilated. Removable equipment is previously removed from the body and processed separately.

Car disinfection

Disinfection of vehicles is carried out as needed, but at least once a month. You can start only after a thorough washing of the transport, or you can immediately use disinfectants with detergent properties.

The internal surfaces of the body are wiped with a rag soaked in a disinfectant solution. It is also allowed to disinfect the car cabin by irrigation. Transport processing starts from the far end to the exit. Sanitary treatment of surfaces is carried out in this order - first they process the ceiling, then the walls, floor, doors. After the end of the disinfection exposure time, the cabin is washed with water from a hose from the remnants of the disinfectant, ventilated and dried.