Etiquette of business relations: the image of a business woman. Business etiquette for women: rules of conduct and dress code Etiquette and image of a modern business woman

In the office, business etiquette is extremely important. It is the observance of its rules that allows women to win their own place under the sun from men. Feeling close attention, constantly being under pressure and not even showing a look is the ability to keep a face. And under the gun in the first place is the appearance.

Style - business

The discrepancy between his recognized rules of the office dress code is already a reason for discussion and, possibly, condemnation. And for a lady who aspires to make a career, such a mistake is unacceptable: this is both an uncomfortable work environment and a long wait for such a loved one, it would seem. appointments for higher position. Because the image business woman requires adherence to the rules of etiquette business relations.

The minimum requirements for clothing are good quality and solidity. Famous brand and an expensive brand - the conditions are completely optional. After all, the quality is important, not the number of things and not the demonstration of a fashionable logo. Shouting about a stable financial position and opportunities.

A revealing outfit is unacceptable for a business meeting. For a successful completion, you do not need to wear a defiant outfit with a deep neckline, leather or denim clothing and too tight-fitting knitwear.

But every lady striving for success has a must-have in her wardrobe. This is a fitted jacket, straight skirt, pencil skirt or dress pants. But the length of the skirts is neither maxi nor mini, and slits on the side or in front are unacceptable. The best way- just above the knee.

The role of a jacket will be perfectly performed by a vest, it will be complemented by a blouse without a voluminous collar and an abundance of decorative trim. Fabric x opaque, good quality– necessarily, as well as sleeves. Even in the warm season, they should be, albeit shortened. The colors are preferably pastel and calm.

Designers offer a lot of office dresses of suitable length. A well-chosen one thing will save time on choosing an image, since it is much more difficult to successfully combine a blouse and a skirt. We must not forget that, regardless of the season, it is necessary to wear flesh-tone tights. Perhaps this requirement is no longer so respected, but restraint is much more profitable than variegation, albeit super fashionable.

Pantyhose in the warm season can be replaced with stockings. The expansion of the color palette has led to the fact that acid, bright and saturated colors have become office colors. Among the business ones are striped, checkered fabrics and with a soft small pattern.

A lot has been said about shoes in the business world. A firm "no" received clogs. They are not allowed to be worn in the office. This business etiquette speaks clearly. The best option is classic beige, brown, black or gray shoes with an average heel no higher than five centimeters. Summer allows for more open shoes and a perfect pedicure is a must. The beauty of a properly dressed business lady is more noticeable.

Generally business style and the image of a business woman is formed not only from a suit. He does both hair and makeup. A neat and moderately strict hairstyle is not loose hair, especially long ones. There are many variations of simple and spectacular styling, and you don’t have to go to the hairdresser every uro. Hair dyed in a bright defiant tone will look completely inappropriate in the office.

Should not be seen. This is also business etiquette. pale lipstick, natural color skin, blush and mascara - this is the basis of the daily make-up. Pastel shades are also acceptable. But in a reasonable amount and in a thin layer.

Manicure - calm French. This option is recognized as the best: it will allow you to demonstrate the well-groomed nails and will not look catchy and tasteless. This image of a business woman is the most acceptable.

Well-chosen jewelry will harmoniously fit into the image of a business woman. It is important to observe moderation when choosing: earrings or a ring, a ring or a pendant. Natural stones, high-quality jewelry or precious metals are acceptable.

Accessories always complete the look. A phone, a handbag and even a keychain cannot remain unattended. And here it is worth remembering the quality of such things. At first glance, they should give the impression of being the accessories of a serious business woman who knowingly chooses only high-quality items from the whole variety.

But the style of a business woman is not limited to a business appearance. Business communication cannot be ignored. Proper behavior at work, the ability to negotiate, on the phone and at meetings - this is a requirement for all office employees, regardless of gender.

Clarity and literacy of speech, confidence in voice and intonation, confidence in every gesture, gait, demeanor and the presence of a slight smile - this is the image of a competent specialist who knows how to defend his own point of view and is aware of his value.

Workplace of a business woman

Proper organization of the workplace is very important. All kinds of frames with photos of dear people, pets and flowers, of course, are very cute, but it is very distracting from the working mood. And, creating coziness, cute trinkets, they take up the free space of the table well, preventing convenience during work. Result? The impression of the mistress of such a workplace as a frivolous and completely unbusinesslike person.

Therefore, the workplace should have only the necessary attributes. For personal items there is a bedside table. Only a notebook and a phone can remain on the table. It is also unacceptable to leave a mug or a glass for tea or coffee within sight. This is business etiquette.

Punctuality is the leading feature of a business lady. Being late is already a signal of frivolity. Therefore, the main rule is always right on time, right and the first time. It is this attitude that will help build a successful career.

Business partners greet each other with a handshake, here a manicure will provide not the last service. The ability to greet correctly is to create the impression of a business person. When receiving guests in her own office, the hostess of this office is the first to extend her hand, demonstrating hospitality.

It does not hurt to smile and say kind words to create a friendly atmosphere and start a successful business conversation. The image of a business woman will be successfully confirmed.

With frequent negotiations, you will have to pay attention to habits that can cross out all successful moments. For example, you should not fix your hair often. This gives the impression of frivolity, as well as excessively frequent pulling of clothes.

Be sure to demonstrate your speaking skills. Clarity and persuasiveness of speech is very important. It is equally important to be able to listen to the arguments of opponents without excessive emotions.

A real business woman always conducts negotiations with dignity, strengthening the reputation of a business person by respecting the opinions of others. This business etiquette puts one of the first places. Following the recommendations will help not only to start successful self-affirmation, but also to quickly climb the career ladder to its top.

If the above goals are not the main ones, then compliance with such rules will definitely allow you to look among office employees in a more favorable light, remaining a charming woman even in the world of business and always busy people. And the image of a business woman will not suffer at all.

Ethics is understood as a set of norms of human behavior, and if we extend this definition to professional area, then business etiquette will consist of the principles of behavior of people engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

What is business etiquette?

From how a person observes the rules and conventions of business etiquette, his image as a businessman depends. Thanks to this, it develops positive image in the eyes of partners, acquiring the color of personal charm. The principles of business etiquette include:

  1. Honesty and Integrity. A businessman who has deceived once will no longer be trusted, and his reputation will deteriorate forever.
  2. Freedom. It is not customary to interfere in the affairs of your competitors and partners.
  3. Tolerance. In relations with partners, rough edges and conflicts cannot be avoided, but if you behave tactfully and delicately, you can smooth out sharp corners and come to a consensus.
  4. Justice. This principle of business etiquette is based on the recognition of a person's individuality, an objective assessment of his personal and.
  5. business culture. That is, every businessman must be a cultured person.

Business Etiquette

The norms of behavior and relationships of people in the workplace are of great importance, because business etiquette is the same secular, but with military elements. Here, subordination comes to the fore, while less importance is attached to age. Here are some of the hard and fast rules:

  1. “Time is money” is what experienced businessmen like to say, who value punctuality in partners most of all. If a person cannot organize his own time, then how can you build cooperation with him?
  2. Compliance with trade secrets. An employee applying for a position in a new company and disclosing confidential information obtained at the old place of work will simply be turned away.
  3. Do business. Those who work while others go about their business move up the career ladder.
  4. The basic rules of business etiquette include receiving delegations according to the protocol. It is necessary to know how to properly meet, introduce and accommodate people, taking into account the peculiarities of national traditions.

Business workplace etiquette

A person can be sloppy in everyday life and even see some kind of organization in chaos, but at work he cannot afford this. Business Etiquette v professional activity is built on the order in the workplace, because it is a reflection of the order in the head. It is not forbidden to have some of your personal belongings, for example, a framed photograph of the family, but each item should have its own specific place, and in general, they should all be kept in order and clean, because this is the key to productivity and personal comfort.

business correspondence etiquette

business phone etiquette

Talking on the phone is a whole art, and sometimes with one phone call you can solve something that could not be achieved during preliminary meetings or negotiations. Telephone etiquette calls for picking up the phone after the second or third ring. At the same time, the caller begins the conversation with a greeting, introduces himself and introduces the interlocutor to the problem, devoting 45 seconds to this. It can take from 1 to 2 minutes to discuss the situation itself, and 20–25 seconds are allotted for the conclusion. If a final decision has not been made, then it is worth agreeing to call again at a certain time.

Business gift etiquette

Every person has birthdays, anniversaries, other solemn dates, and not only relatives, but also colleagues congratulate him. The etiquette of a business person imposes its own restrictions on this process, but you still need to be able to choose a present for business partners that will allow you to demonstrate attention and respect, gratitude and interest in cooperation. Business etiquette provides for the division of corporate gifts into the following categories:

  1. Corporate souvenirs - gizmos with a slogan or company logo.
  2. Printing products - notepads, organizers, pens, posters, etc.
  3. VIP gifts. Such products are made to order, taking into account the nature, hobbies and other passions of a particular person.

Business etiquette for women

Although gender differences do not come to the fore, they are also taken into account. The basics of business etiquette are such that a man greets a woman first, but if she goes in the company of men, she is the first to greet a colleague walking alone or in the company of another woman. The representative of the weaker sex gives the first hand to the man and you should not expect that someone will open the door in front of her, skipping forward - this is always done by the one who is closer to her, and she pushes the chair herself.

Etiquette in clothes for women

The appearance of a woman is identified with her abilities, so untidiness and unkemptness are unacceptable. A bright flashy image is not welcome as a challenge to society. The ideal choice is a concise color. Business etiquette imposes its own restrictions on many things, the length of the skirt should reach the knees, and a woman is also obliged to wear tights or stockings even in extreme heat. Shoes are welcome with heels at least with a closed toe and heel. Hair should be kept in a neat hairstyle, accessories used to a minimum and matched in harmony with clothing.

Hat etiquette for women

Initially, it was used to show respect and reverence, and later the functions of the hat were revised. The rules of etiquette for women are less strict than those for men. At work, a lady can do her direct duties without taking off her headgear, if this is part of a professional job. Etiquette business communication provides for the presence in the hat at public events - tea parties, dinners, during the performance of the anthem and the raising of the flag. But if the headgear is intended for the cold season, then it is removed indoors.

Business etiquette - manicure

Well-groomed hands are part of the image, which cannot be ignored. Women's etiquette provides for a regular visit to the manicurist. Peeling varnish can spoil the whole impression, so if it is not possible to update it, then the coating must be erased. Nail design should be chosen in concise, discreet colors. All kinds of decor in the form of rhinestones, stucco, etc. are excluded. The ideal option is, which can be reversed. Mixing no more than three discreet shades is allowed.

Etiquette - a woman in a car

A car is no longer a luxury, and transportation in the 21st century with its fast pace of life is a good help. Etiquette for women has not bypassed this aspect. The vehicle must comply social status. Being an ordinary employee and driving to work in a luxurious convertible is not accepted, as well as using an inexpensive car of a successful business woman. It is not customary to get into a luxury car while wearing sportswear, and driving an SUV in an evening dress is also inappropriate.

For a woman, the way of getting into the car is of great importance. First, you need to lower the pelvis into the chair, and after that, transfer both legs to the car. Get out of the car in the reverse order: put your feet on the pavement first. If a woman plans to ride in a company car with a driver, it is recommended to take a seat in the back seat diagonally with him. If she is not traveling alone, then you can’t sort things out, swear and quarrel, raise “heavy” topics, and this also applies to talking on the phone. It is also impossible to distract the driver from driving a car.

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Business woman... last years this phrase has become unusually popular, because there are so many business and successful women that it is much more difficult to find, for example, a housewife than a business woman. However, as practice shows, not all business women are equally successful. That is why it is necessary to follow simple, but at the same time very effective rules that can be described as business etiquette for women, which will help you gain trust and respect from partners and superiors.

A successful woman is sometimes born, and sometimes becomes due to life circumstances. The former are easy to distinguish from the rest already in childhood: they strive for authority among their peers, often make friends with boys, study well and try to achieve their goals in any area, they absolutely do not accept gender differentiation and different attitudes towards them. The second category of such women come to understand the need for their own personal and career improvement due to usually negative life circumstances: an unsuccessful marriage, the need to raise a child, etc.

But no matter how you come to understand that you can build your own career and deserve significant success in your field of activity, your skills, communication style and behavior need to be improved. The etiquette of a woman's dress is also very important. We offer you the basic rules of business etiquette, which will surely come in handy more than once. After all, only such a serious attitude to the little things will allow you to achieve success.

Communication style

Are you leading business negotiations with important partners or just present at the next meeting with the authorities, your posture should simultaneously express a sense of self-confidence and respect for the person with whom you are talking, whoever he may be. Even if your subordinate is in front of you, you should not sit in a waddle or stand on your legs wide apart with a hunched back - your success largely depends on how your employees and colleagues perceive you. If the bosses are in front of you, they should understand that you are confident enough in yourself, therefore, for example, do not sit on the edge of the chair, modestly looking down, but at the same time treat them with respect, this very bosses, and will listen to their recommendations, so don't sit in a completely frivolous posture.

The best option is to keep your back straight and gesticulate in your comfort zone, that is, about half a meter away from you. If you have a lady's bag with you, then it is better to put it next to you or carefully place it behind you: if it is on your knees, you will get the impression that with the help of it you close yourself from the outside world.

The look should also be appropriate: express goodwill and interest in the interlocutor. You should not closely examine the speaker, otherwise it may be perceived as impudence on your part. To make it comfortable for your interlocutor to communicate with you, at least sometimes look away from his eyes. During business communication, you must not betray your emotions, so try not to look at the lower half of the face of your partner, superiors or subordinate.

Try to keep an eye on the tone of your voice as well. Speak loudly enough and confidently, but in no case go over to screaming or screeching. It is better to dwell on a chest calm voice, which, as a rule, inspires confidence. In the speech itself, make pauses: haste in this case has not yet helped anyone. And it’s just impolite and completely unproductive to speak so quickly that your interlocutor simply won’t be able to think over and analyze what he heard. In addition, people who speak quickly are usually perceived as frivolous and frivolous.

Often, the moment of greeting causes particular discomfort, when women do not understand if they should shake hands or raise it so that the man with whom they are going to negotiate, for example, can kiss her according to traditional secular etiquette. If you are meeting a particular person for the first time, try to raise your hand so that it can be shaken and kissed at the same time, give your business partner the right to choose. To make this gesture look completely at ease, you can practice it in front of a mirror in advance.

And, of course, watch your gestures, because it is your gestures that can say a lot more about you than you yourself would like. First, your gestures should be smooth and measured. If you are used to big and sweeping movements, you can again practice in front of the mirror until smoothness becomes a habit. Secondly, if you want to gain the trust of the interlocutor, hold your palms so that he can see them. In order not to make the interlocutor feel as if you are trying to seize power over his thoughts and actions, do not clench your palms into fists and do not cut the air with them, as if you want to protect yourself from the words and thoughts of the other speaker.

Little secrets of a big boss

If you really want to achieve career heights, create a small set of rules for yourself, which then strictly adhere to. You can derive similar rules from your own life experience or use the advice of experienced business sharks.

Even if you have subordinates and consider yourself the boss, if you want to become a truly successful business woman, try to use your prerogative as little as possible and be punctual, no matter what the rank of the person you go to meet. This is how you show your respect for everyone, and this attitude is expensive and usually rewarded a hundredfold.

Do not talk on personal topics with people with whom you are going to do business or already have a business relationship. Even if on corporate party a glass of wine turned her head, a real successful lady will be able to restrain herself and keep silent and never say too much.

The workplace should remain so, even if deep down you are a very romantic and sweet woman. Remove all funny toys, trinkets, beautiful photo frames from your table - all this does not contribute to the working mood and characterizes you in the eyes of your superiors and subordinates as a frivolous and frivolous nature.

If you don't have a very good memory for names and faces, you'll need to practice it. This is not just banal etiquette: the image of a business woman, even such a trifle as the fact that you will remember the names of all your employees and colleagues, should emphasize that you always have time for everything, you are always in the center of events.

Train yourself to keep track of every little thing, for example, the literacy of business notes that you write to colleagues, or banal wishes have a good day and like bon appetit. It is from the little things that a holistic view of you is formed not only as a person, but also as a business woman and a valuable employee.

The appearance of a business woman

As you know, they usually meet by clothes, and even if you are a promising and successful woman, business partners, when they see you for the first time, will evaluate your abilities precisely by your appearance. successful woman cannot afford to look untidy, to walk around with disheveled hair or a rumpled skirt. The style of a self-confident and working woman should be thought out to the smallest detail and at the same time meet business etiquette in clothing.

First of all, you will have to give up bright and flashy colors. If you want to be noticed, and for this you put on a suit not in traditional business colors (black, white and gray), but, for example, red, make sure that all the details in your outfit are in harmony and do not contrast much.

A classic outfit that meets the etiquette of a business woman's dress is a white blouse, an English jacket and a lined skirt. It is preferable that the fabric from which the suit is made has a textured pattern .. At the same time, instead of a skirt and blouse, a woman at work may well afford a strict knee-length dress.

V Lately It is customary to wear black suits only for important and, in a sense, solemn business events. So, for example, for a meeting with a top manager, it is better to choose a gray suit or dress, but for an important conference where you have to read a report, you can also afford a black outfit.

The etiquette of the business world does not allow shoes made of suede and bright leather, such as crocodile. It is preferable to stay on classic shoes with a small heel made of natural leather of a calm shade. If you choose skirts or dresses, then be prepared to wear flesh-colored tights or stockings regardless of the season.

Watch your hands: nails and skin should always be in perfect condition. But with varnish and nail color, you can experiment: whether to apply it or not depends entirely on you, but the use of bright and attention-grabbing shades is also unacceptable. Quite loyal requirements are imposed on business women's bags: they must have clear, rigid contours and contain A4 documents. If the latter is not possible, you will have to additionally purchase a special case or folder.

Such strict restrictions are often not to the liking of women who are used to always being in the center of events and attracting people's attention with their appearance. But a smart woman will always find a way out of this situation: office style can always be diversified with an interesting scarf or any other accessory that will successfully harmonize with your business suit and at the same time slightly distinguish you from other female employees.

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In the modern world, more and more women want to realize themselves not only as the keeper of the hearth, but also in business. Business etiquette for women is one of the critical factors, as well as professional qualities allowing a woman to achieve significant results. Women's is in many ways similar to men's, since there are practically no gender prejudices in the business sphere.

However, there are also specific rules in it that apply only to the fair sex. Consider all aspects and rules of business etiquette for women, which will be useful to all businesswomen, without exception, and will allow them to achieve significant success in their careers.

Primary requirements

It is necessary to start a story about women's business etiquette with the generally accepted rules of communication in a work team. These rules are also important for men, but women, due to their greater emotionality, adhere to them much more difficult. When communicating with colleagues, you should be confident and at the same time restrained. The first is manifested in a beautiful posture, pose, voice timbre, and the second - in competent, clearly calibrated remarks and appropriate, not too emotional.

When communicating with colleagues, you should be confident and at the same time restrained.

Your gaze should radiate self-confidence and a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor. You should not look too closely at the interlocutor and look into his eyes all the time. But it’s not worth looking into the eyes at all, as this indicates uncertainty or lack of interest in the issue under discussion. Therefore, it is best to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, periodically shifting your gaze to another place.

The voice of a business woman should be loud and confident. But under no circumstances should you shout. The speed of speech should be average, there should be pauses in speech in appropriate places. This will allow listeners to understand the essence of the issue being presented, to think about what they have heard and to prepare their remark.

Clothes and shoes of a business woman

The clothes and shoes of a business woman should emphasize her status, but at the same time they should not look defiant. Therefore, dresses with a deep neckline, tight-fitting outfits, leather items should not be included in a business wardrobe. Choose the style that is accepted in the office of your company.

In the wardrobe of every business woman, there must be a classic suit, consisting of a fitted jacket and trousers / skirt. When choosing a skirt, you should take into account the requirements for its length. The best option is a skirt just above the knee. Blouses must be opaque and have sleeves. The color scheme of office clothes is not regulated by the rules of business etiquette, but we can say with confidence that when choosing it, you should avoid too bright and saturated colors.

It is impossible not to mention one more rule of the office dress code: at any time of the year, women must wear flesh-colored tights. Recently, this rule has been forgotten more and more, but it is mandatory.

When choosing shoes, preference should also be given to the classics. An ideal office option are pumps with low heels (2.5-7.5 centimeters) in black, brown, beige or gray. Open shoes, as well as shoes with buckles and bows, should be avoided. A business woman can emphasize her style with the exact combination of an office suit and shoes.

Office hair and makeup

The hairstyle of a business woman should be neat and strict. According to the rules of business etiquette, women with medium and long hair must definitely collect them. On the Internet, you can find a large number of simple hair styles that are perfect for the office.

When creating office makeup, you should limit yourself to a very narrow list of products: foundation, natural blush, mascara and lipstick of a soft color. In addition, the layer of applied makeup should be very thin.

A business woman must have well-groomed nails. The perfect option for the office is a French manicure.

You can emphasize the above image of a successful business woman with a set of accessories: a beautiful handbag, a business card holder, an expensive pen of a famous brand.

Secrets of a successful businesswoman

  1. Every business woman should have a list of rules that she adheres to.
  2. A business woman should always be punctual. By being punctual, you show respect for the person you are with. In business, the rule that applies in personal relationships, according to which a girl must be five minutes late for a meeting, does not apply at all.
  3. You should not dedicate employees or business partners to your personal affairs, and even more so, have any personal relationship with them. Personal life and career should be separated.
  4. You should carefully monitor the order in the workplace. After all, the order on the table is the order in the head.
  5. Try to remember the names and faces of all colleagues and business partners. Referring to them by their first name or first name, you show the importance of their work.

Compliance with all the above business etiquette for women will allow you to achieve good relations with colleagues and improve the atmosphere in the office.