The public library is not only about books. Faculty of Philology and Journalism, SFU club


  • Information letter southern federal university, 56.03kb.
  • Russian Society, 390.71kb.
  • Professional development program "Practical management in small and medium business", 77.18kb.
  • Southern Federal University, 9276.13kb.
  • Veniamin Georgievich Antipin (Section I "V. G. Antipin as a Man and a Scientist"); report, 67.82kb.
  • Formation of professional competencies of college graduates (on the example of technology students), 345.55kb.
  • Methodical instructions for the implementation of the test for the course: "Political Economy", 48.57kb.

    international scientific conference


    Conference schedule

    8.00 - 21.00 arrival and registration of participants (Pushkinskaya st., 150, Faculty of Philology and Journalism of the Russian State University, room 21)

    9.00 - 10.00 registration of participants arriving 02.10 (B. Sadovaya st., 105, 2nd floor, SFU club)

    10.00 - 12.00 plenary session of the South-Russian readings - 2008 (B. Sadovaya st., 105, 2nd floor, SFU club)

    12.00 - 14.00 break

    14.00 - 18.00 evening plenary session of the South-Russian readings - 2008 (SFU club, 105 B. Sadovaya st., 2nd floor)

    18.00 - 20.00 buffet (Pushkinskaya st., 150, 1st floor, cafe "Aesop and K")

    10.00 - 13.00 breakout sessions (Pushkinskaya st., 150)

    13.00 - 14.00 break

    14.00 - 17.00 sectional sessions (Pushkinskaya st., 150)

    18.00 - boat trip along the Don River

    10.00 - 12.00 final intersectional sessions, reports of the section leaders (Pushkinskaya st., 150, room 22);

    Departure of nonresident participants

    Duration of the report for plenary session- up to 20 minutes, at a sectional meeting - up to 15 minutes. Discussion of reports and discussions on the problems raised during the work of the conference - during breakout sessions.


    st. B. Sadovaya, 105, 2nd floor, SFU club

    Rector's welcome speech

    FGOU VPO "South Federal University"

    Vladislav Georgievich Zakharevich


    Kurilov Valentin Vasilievich (Russia, Rostov-on-Don)

    Theoretical problems of the study of literary history.

    Stepanyan Karen Ashotovich (Russia, Moscow)

    Phenomena and Dialogue in F.M. Dostoevsky.


    14.00 – 18.00

    SFU Club

    Strukova Tatiana Georgievna (Russia, Voronezh)

    S. Townsend: autostereotypes and heterostereotypes.

    Zababurova Nina Vladimirovna (Russia, Rostov-on-Don)

    "A Treatise on Courtly Love" by Andre Capellan as a literary and cultural phenomenon of the 12th century.

    Popova Maria Konstantinovna (Russia, Voronezh).

    Dialogue of cultures, dialogue of eras in the postcolonial novel by B. McHurgey "Jasmine".

    Olga Strashkova (Russia, Stavropol).

    Interpretation of the myth in the tragedies of Viach. Ivanova: on the question of the intertextuality of the poetics of symbolism.


    10.00 – 17.00

    (break 13.00 - 14.00)


    Aud. 22


    Doctor of Philosophy Zababurova Nina Vladimirovna (Rostov-on-Don),

    Ph.D. Shevlyakova Natalya Nikolaevna (Maykop),

    Doctor of Philosophy Chugunov Dmitry Alexandrovich (Voronezh)

    1. Grigorieva Elena Valentinovna (Rostov-on-Don). The topos of the castle in Lewis' novel "The Monk".

    2. Aksyonova Polina Anatolyevna (Stavropol). On the question of identifying the place of the Byzantine cycle novels in the development of the knightly novel.

    3. Shevlyakova Natalya Nikolaevna (Maykop). Fastnachtspiel as a product of German folk culture in the works of Goethe and Sachs.

    4. Berdichevsky Andrey Mikhailovich (Rostov-on-Don). A Three-Century Dispute: Toward a History of Controversy around the Comedy of the Restoration.

    5. Chernenko Irina Anatolyevna (Rostov-on-Don). Goethe and the secret societies of Germany in the 18th century.

    6. Sadovskaya Irina Gennadievna (Rostov-on-Don). In search of harmony: the image of the Champs Elysees.

    7. Zhgileva Natalya Evgenievna (Krasnodar). Spatial symbols in the artistic worlds of Kafka and Hoffmann.

    8. Chugunov Dmitry Alexandrovich (Voronezh). From the first person ... ( observations of modern German prose).

    9. Komarov Sergey Anatolyevich (Gorlovka) Postmodernist interpretation of the image of Penelope in Luigi Melerba's novel Ithaca Forever.

    10. Oks Marina Vladimirovna (Rostov-on-Don). Literary eclecticism and parody in the novel by E. Burgess "1985".

    11. Dzhumailo Olga Anatolyevna (Rostov-on-Don). Confessional reflection and the motive of the "son of the century" in the British novel 1980-2000.

    12. Kotelevskaya Vera Vladimirovna (Rostov-on-Don). Communication strategies in the novels of E. Jelinek.

    13. Prikhodko Vera Sergeevna (Rostov-on-Don). Nick Cave, “There is a kingdom”. Religious and philosophical lyrics.


    Faculty of Philology and Journalism, room 29


    Doctor of Philosophy Olga Strashkova (Stavropol),

    Ph.D. Kozlov Vladimir Ivanovich (Rostov-on-Don),

    Ph.D. Sukhorukova Natalia Vladimirovna (Rostov-on-Don)

    1. Bagdasarova Anna Alexandrovna (Rostov-on-Don). The Legend of Don Juan in the Poetry of the Silver Age.

    2. Akopova Julia Alekseevna (Rostov-on-Don). Andrei Bely and Carl Jung: In Search of the Way of “Transforming Humanity”.

    3. Ivaneeva Olga Pavlovna (Rostov-on-Don). On the importance of cultural and historical realities in the work of A. Akhmatova (cycle "Requiem").

    4. Kozlov Vladimir Ivanovich (Rostov-on-Don). Mandelstam's "twos" and the poetics of the oral tradition.

    5. Shutko Lyudmila Semyonovna (Rostov-on-Don). Judaistic aspect of dialogue in the works of O. Mandelstam.

    6. Sukhorukova Natalia Vladimirovna (Rostov-on-Don). “Alien” as “our own” in the structure of M. Voloshin's lyric cycle “Amori amara sacrum”.

    7. Vishenkova Anna Vladimirovna (Volgograd). "Venetian" by I. Brodsky: tradition and innovation.

    8. Didenko Larisa Vasilievna (Salsk). Cognitive organization of the concept "creativity" in A. Bely's aesthetics.


    Faculty of Philology and Journalism, SFU club


    Doctor of Philosophy Kurilov Valentin Vasilievich (Rostov-on-Don),

    Doctor of Philosophy Makarova Lyudmila Sergeevna (Maykop),

    Doctor of Philosophy Strukova Tatiana Georgievna (Voronezh)

    1. Altashina Veronika Dmitrievna (St. Petersburg). Auto-fiction: from postmodernism to classicism.

    2. Ananyina Olga Alexandrovna (Rostov-on-Don). Map as a structural element of a nautical romance.

    3. Kasyanova Olga Alexandrovna (Krasnodar). Literature and cinema: French animation film based on the novel by E. Poe "The Mask of the Red Death".

    4. Khoroshevskaya Julia Pavlovna (Rostov-on-Don). Genre originality of L. Oldie's novel "Songs of Peter Slyadek".

    5. Lazutkina Olesya Alexandrovna (Voronezh). Musical genres in literature: early cycles of Hesse's stories "On This Side", "Neighbors", "Roundabouts".

    6. Makarova Lyudmila Sergeevna (Maykop). The problem of creative interpretation in literary translation.

    7. Klu Catherine (Saarbrücken). Cognition between two cultures. Models of intercultural identity in the novel by Ilya Troyanov "The world is great, and salvation awaits around every corner" (1996).

    8. Kleu Marko (Saarbrücken). Metaphysical resurrection of the author in the philosophical prose of A. Sekatsky.

    9. Miroshnichenko Oksana Sergeevna (Rostov-on-Don). The specifics of self-conscious narration in V. Kataev's novel "My Diamond Crown".

    10. Spineeva Elena Vladimirovna (Lugansk). The role of poetic communication in the context of linguocide.

    11. Terekhova Galina Khamidovna (Rostov-on-Don). Steppe and garden as interacting components of Chekhov's poetics.

    12. Fidarova Rima Yaponovna (Vladikavkaz) Specificity of the Ossetian novel-myth.

    13. Mamieva Izeta Vladimirovna (Vladikavkaz). Poem by K. Khetagurov "Fatima" through the prism of intertextual inclusions.

    14 Ostapenko Daria Igorevna (Voronezh). British accent of dialogue with Russia.

    15. Safonov Nikita Sergeevich (Volgograd). The place of artistic allusion in contemporary prose.

    16. Leonov Ivan Sergeevich (Moscow). The theme of national traditions and the connection between generations in modern Orthodox literature.


    Faculty of Philology and Journalism, room 25


    Ph.D. Balashova Irina Alexandrovna (Rostov-on-Don),

    Doctor of Philosophy Savenkova Lyudmila Borisovna (Rostov-on-Don),

    Doctor of Philosophy Saskova Tatyana Viktorovna (Moscow)

    1. Virginia Bennett (Hawaii). Prince Myshkin: the incarnation of "agape" as described in the First Epistle to the Corinthians.

    2. Davydova Alexandra Sergeevna (Rostov-on-Don). Bazarov and the category of cyclical time in the novel "Fathers and Sons".

    3. Klyus Alexandrina Grigorievna (Stavropol). Comparative historical analysis of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" and the novel "Tristan Isolde".

    4. Jacques Ekaterina Sergeevna (Rostov-on-Don). From memoirs to novel (works by A. Naiman).

    5. Kravtsova Tatyana Viktorovna (Moscow). Spiritual poems (about history and state of the art genre).

    6. Kulagina Maria Nikolaevna (Stavropol). The motive of the victim in the "Tales of the Azov siege seat" and V. Butenko's trilogy "To love forever".

    7. Balashova Irina Alexandrovna (Rostov-on-Don). On the sources of the main collision of the play by A.S. Pushkin's "Mozart and Salieri".

    8. Semyonov Pavel Pavlovich (Moscow). Man and God in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov.

    9. Kharechko Yulia Igorevna (Moscow). The duality of the perception of the world in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov.

    10. Lukin Andrey Vladimirovich (Moscow). Autobiographical beginning in the work of M.Yu. Lermontov.

    11. Cheryukina Guzel Leonidovna (Rostov-on-Don). N. Leskov's Epic Hero: The Problem of Genre Function.

    12. Saskova Tatyana Viktorovna (Moscow). N. Gogol and A. Remizov: from the "Mirgorod" gander to the Parisian concierge.

    13. Savenkova Lyudmila Borisovna (Rostov-on-Don). In the space of faith and doubt: reflections on Chekhov and his characters.

    14. Osipova Tatyana Osipovna (Rostov-on-Don). The mastery of Bulgakov - an opera librettist.

    15. Tsytsenko Irina Ivanovna (Rostov-on-Don). "Floating Eurasia" by T. Pulatov as a postmodern novel.

    16. Belova Lyudmila Borisovna (Rostov-on-Don). The circus of the country of the totalitarian regime in Leonov's novel "The Pyramid".


    Dialogue of cultures and intertextuality

    10.00 – 12.00

    Aylarova S.A. (Vladikavkaz), Bezrukov A.N. (Birsk), Betina O. G. (Tambov), Bondarenko T. A. (Tbilisi), Bushev A.B. (Tver), Vetoshkina Z.A. (Krasnodar), Gassieva V.Z. (Vladikavkaz), Demina L.I. (Maykop), Dzutseva N.A. Vladikavkaz), Ermolaeva Zh.E. (St. Petersburg), Ivanshina E.A. (Voronezh), Konovalova E.A. (Volgograd), Kotelnikov V.A. (Moscow), Lutsenko M.A. (Stavropol), Lyubimtseva L.N. (Gorlovka), Malygina I.Yu. (Stavropol), Mandzhieva B.V. (Elista), Marchenko T.M. (Kharkov), Marchuk M.I. (Yaroslavl), Megrelishvili T.G. (Tbilisi), Mikhailova T.N. (Frolovo), Modebadze I.I. (Tbilisi), Moiseenkova E.A. (Stavropol), Nagornaya N.A. (Belgorod), Nikanova N.V. (Moscow), Novikova V.Yu. (Krasnodar), Ostapenko D.I. (Voronezh), S.V. Panov (Moscow), Ivashkin S.N. (Moscow), Perzeke A.B. (Kirovograd), Pogrebnaya Ya.V. (Stavropol), Ratiani I.Sh. (Tbilisi), Rudneva E.G. (Moscow), Salikhova Z.Kh. (Naberezhnye Chelny), Serebryakov A.A. (Stavropol), L.V. Solovyova (Elabuga), Starygina N.N. (Yoshkar-Ola), Suslova M.V. (Moscow), Kharitonova E.V. (Volgograd), Elbakidze M.V. (Tbilisi), Yusupova Yu.L. (Novorossiysk).

    Interesting on the page:

    - August 2, 17 and 24 - Open air concert "Summer at the Public"

    - The public library offers in the new academic year

    https: // site / site / nashrostovdon / afisa / biblioteka

    #public_library #artistic_exhibition #art_project #creative_meeting#NaukaPRO

    Open air concert "Summer at the Public"

    In August, Rostov-on-Don will host a series of outdoor concerts "Summer at the Public". The summer project for residents and guests of the city was prepared by the Don State Public Library.

    Everyone will be able to listen to live performances of musical and creative groups, as well as attend poetry meetings:

    - August 2- Concert of the audiovisual project "Fountain", the music of which is an amazing combination of elements of modern classics, field recordings, sounds environment, homemade instruments and noise synthesizers.

    - 17 august- Performance of the dance group "Zvartnots" at the Armenian Apostolic Church.

    - 24 August- Creative evening of the "Rostov Theater of Poets", which synthesizes literature, history and theater.

    The events start at 20:00.

    We invite everyone.
    Free admission!

    December 20 and 27 and every Thursday, 16.00-18.30 - Free legal advice
    Every Thursday Rostovites can receive free legal advice at the Don State Public Library.

    Citizens can apply for advice on civil, family, land, housing, civil procedural, administrative law.
    Reception is conducted by senior students of the Rostov branch of the Russian state university justice under the guidance of teachers - practicing lawyers, lawyers, representatives of the prosecutor's office of the Rostov region.
    Consultations are held at the Public Center for Legal Information of the library (2nd floor, Department of Information and Reference-Bibliographic Services).
    Additional information on t. 264-06-14, e-mail. mail:


    In the new season 2016-2017. The Don Public Library's Center for Cultural Programs offers old favorites, as well as new and interesting programs:

    Rostov Cinema Club "KinoRostov". The head of the club is Ivan Vinogradov. 2 times a month at 17.00 Rostov moviegoers gather in the Library's Cinema Hall to watch Rostov films on the big screen, talk to the authors of the films and the creative crew, discuss the films they have watched with the audience, and also look together for possible ways to promote Rostov films. And KinoRostov also offers master classes in cinematography, screenwriting, directing, film editing and even the basics of post-production.

    Project "Laboratory of Success!" Head - Karina Gevorkyan, psychologist of the "Association of Psychologist Graduates" SFedU / RSU.Events will take place from 18 September 2016 every Sunday at 12:00. The project is being implemented among teenagers, parents and teachers. Aimed at the harmonious development of adolescents, their adaptation to adult life, taking into account the task of professional choice and self-realization in modern conditions as well as on personal growth parents and teachers, contributing to the formation of new skills and attitudes for a more successful and harmonious interaction with adolescents. The Success Lab is a confident step of a teenager into adulthood and the calmness of adults about the well-being of their children. Give your child a good start into the future, grow up to be successful and happy man- the goal of every parent, teacher and mentor!

    Project "Walks in Rostov". Project manager - Sergey Vasilievich Skorikov, head of the Tanais club. This project will bring together ethnographers, historians, architects and all those who love their hometown and want to know as much as possible about it. The participants will be offered new interesting routes telling about the history of individual streets, buildings and houses. This is a unique opportunity to see your city in a new light.

    Literary project “We read and play”. Project manager - Pkhida Alexander Semenovich, actor, director, journalist. Once a month from 24 September 2016 on Saturdays at 12:00 we invite everyone to read aloud the plays of Russian and world drama. The meetings will include a theatrical analysis of the material, sketch tests and discussion. Everyone will be able to learn how to work with the text, see the meanings it contains, discover its possibilities and not be afraid to speak. The plays are chosen by the project participants.

    Literary project "School of Great Books". Talented writers, poets, musicians and others famous people cities will tell viewers about books that changed their lives and influenced their worldview. In this project, they will talk about desktop books, to which one would like to return, about literature as a source of inspiration and an engine of our aspirations. Come to the library - look at the world in new colors!

    New cultural programs:

    * A series of public lectures "The great power of the great century of our literature ...". Irina Aleksandrovna Balashova, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Literature at the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the SFedU is giving a course of lectures. Topics of lectures: 1. In the poet's house (G. Derzhavin, A. Pushkin, A. Ostrovsky). 2. Pushkin on the Don land and in the Caucasus. 3. Anecdotes with the participation of Russian poets and writers. 4. Eugene Onegin - who is he? 5. Unfamiliar Goncharov. 6. Who is right: M. Lermontov or A. Fet? 7. The tragic muse of Anna Akhmatova. 8. Directing classics. On screen adaptations of literary works.

    * Subscription "The Creation of a Genius is before us" - a series of lectures devoted to the artistic work of A.S. Pushkin. Irina Aleksandrovna Balashova, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Literature at the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the SFedU is giving a course of lectures. Topics of lectures: 1. Children's poems by A.S. Pushkin. 2. Musical images of Tatyana Larina's letter. 3. Pushkin is a nobleman and a rider. 4. Family happiness of Alexander Pushkin. 5. The story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Queen of Spades" as a masterpiece of Russian literature and culture. 6. The Spanish theme in the works of A.S. Pushkin. Baroque culture as perceived by the poet. 7. The culture of book design in the era of Pushkin.

    * Subscription "Adult fairy tales or Fairy tale for adults." The course of lectures is given by Tikhomirova Ekaterina Grigorievna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian State Social University. Lecture topics: 1. Fairy East (Japan, China, India, Egypt). 2. Russian fairy tales. 3. Modern times and literary magic (Swift “Gulliver). 4. Charles Perrault. 5. Grimm and Andersen. 6. Gauf and Hoffmann. 7. Lewis Carroll. 8. Modern fairy tales.

    * Subscription "The century of progress and its art." The course of lectures is delivered by Andrei Mikhailovich Berdichevsky, lecturer at the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the SFedU. Lecture topics: 1. "Chopin painting". Landscape and portraiture of K. Corot. 2. "The guy with Michelangelo's muscles." Creativity of O. Daumier. 3. "The last genius of classical art". Creativity of E. Manet. 4. "Between Ingres and Impressionism or history bird of paradise with an owl character. "The work of E. Degas. 5." Anglo-American moth with the tail of a French scorpion. "

    * Subscription "My city". Voloshinova Lyubov Feoktistovna reads a course of lectures, architect-restorer, ethnographer, guide. Topics of lectures: 1. Archaeological finds and discoveries of the XIX, XX, early XXI centuries on the territory of Rostov-on-Don. 2. The Old Bazaar Square is the oldest square in Rostov-on-Don. 3. Creations of Moscow and St. Petersburg architects in Rostov-on-Don (architects A.N. Pomerantsev, V.N. Pokrovsky, A.N. Beketov, M.M. Peretyatkovich, etc.) 4. City buildings erected at the expense of benefactors and trustees. 5. Chekhov's Taganrog 6. Chekhov and Rostov-on-Don 7. Temples erected at the expense of benefactors and trustees (Christian and non-Christian). 8. Bolshaya Sadovaya street from the railway station to Bolshoy prospect (now Voroshilovsky prospect). 9. Bolshaya Sadovaya from Voroshilovsky prospect to Teatralnaya square. 10. Tanais - a city on the edge of the Oycumene. 11. Boulevard square of Nakhichevan (now Svoboda square). 12. Old Bazaar Square - Soviets Square - Banking Square. 13. Rostov cemeteries and cemetery temples of the 19th and 20th centuries. 14. M.A. Sholokhov in Rostov-on-Don. 15. "Classics of Rostov Local Lore" (about local historians of Rostov-on-Don). 16. Walk along Pushkinskaya Street (excursion).

    Andrey Mikhailovich Berdichevsky


    The article "The Phenomenon of Cromwell in Marvell's Mirrors: Multiple Image and Duality of Perception" is devoted to one of the most significant collisions in the history of English literature of the 17th century. The first part of the article presents the sides of the collision: the traditional picture of the world, which dominated at that time in the minds of people of culture, and the Cromwell phenomenon. The doctrine of the “Great Chain of Being” with its main statements is considered here as a traditional picture of the world: 1) the world order is built on a hierarchy of ranks and disintegrates in case of its violation; 2) the poetic word is entrusted with the mission of protecting world harmony; 3) a similar function is assigned to the law embodied in the figure of the king. Cromwell's activities paradoxically challenged these ideologemes, as they systematically destroyed the traditional hierarchy, but led not to disorder, but to the strengthening of the state power of England, which contradicted all the postulates of the Great Chain doctrine.
    The second part explores Marvell's perception of this paradox in The Horatian Ode. Marvell comprehends Cromwell's career, applying the "metaphysical" method of visual-semantic perspective, in which a number of figurative metamorphoses of Cromwell's figure as a subject of military power arise: lightning - a falcon and a hound - Caesar and Hannibal. In them, Marvell sees his providential plan for the future transformation of England into New Rome, which fascinates him. However, a strong emotional connection with the image of the world hierarchical harmony, destroyed by Cromwell, remains in his mind. Hence the dramatic duality of Marvell's perception of Cromwell's paradox, which is not resolved in any way in Ode.

    Key words: Marvell, Cromwell, Great Chain of Being, "Horatian ode", visual-semantic perspective, providential plan, "ambiguity", "the dissociation of sense".

    DOI 10.23683 / 2415-8852-2017-1-53-82


    Berdichevsky A.M. The Cromwell Phenomenon in Marvell's Mirrors: Multiple Image and Duality of Perception // Practices and Interpretations: Journal of Philological, Educational and Cultural Studies. 2017.Vol. 2, No. 1. S. 53-82.


    Barg, M.A. Shakespeare and History. Moscow: Nauka, 1975.

    Brooks, C. (1969). Marvell's Horatian Ode. In J. Carey (Ed.), Andrew Marvell: a critical anthology (Penguin critical anthologies). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 179-986.

    Allen, D.C. (1962). Richard Lovelace: “The Grasse-hopper”. In W.R. Keast (Ed.), Seventeenth century English poetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Brooks, C. (1962). Marvell's Horatian Ode. In J. Carey (Ed.), Andrew Marvell: a critical anthology (Penguin critical anthologies). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 179-986.

    Bush, D. (1962). English literature in the earlier XVIIth century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Cruttwell, P. (1969). The Civil war and the split of age. In J. Carey (Ed.), Andrew Marvell: a critical anthology. Baltimore: Penguin Books.

    Eliot, T.S. (1962). The metaphysical poets. In W.R. Keast (Ed.), Seventeenth century English poetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 23-31.

    Hunt, D.D. (1978). Andrew Marvell: his life and writings. N.Y .: Cornell University Press.

    Marvell, A. (1993). The complete poems. London: Everyman's library.

    Wedgwood, C.V. (1964). Poetry and politics under the Stuarts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    (c) 2017 Andrey Mikhailovich Berdichevsky