Public Relations Manager description. Public Relations Manager

Public opinion influencer. PR manager (translation from the English term "Public relation" - "public relations").

Job Responsibilities

PR is a specific management function that promotes the establishment and maintenance of communication, understanding and cooperation between the organization and the public; contributes to the solution of various problems and tasks; helps the management of the organization to be informed about public opinion and respond to it in time; defines and emphasizes the main task of the company's management - to serve the interests of the public; allows management to be ready for any changes and use them as effectively as possible, acting as an “early warning system” for danger and helping to cope with undesirable trends, and uses research and open, ethical communication as the main means of action. Therefore, the main task of a PR specialist is to achieve mutual understanding between the company for which he works and its clients, partners, authorities at all levels, journalists, the public, etc.

Sometimes PR specialists are called "consent architects". In addition to external contacts, PR also includes work within the company: development of principles personnel policy enterprises, relationships between the manager and subordinates, internal public opinion polls, collecting information about the needs, mood of employees, creating a favorable atmosphere in the team, contributing to the full realization of the capabilities and initiatives of each employee, preventing and timely resolution of business conflicts. To cope with such a wide range of versatile duties, a PR specialist needs to be a professional speaker, know the psychological laws of human behavior, methods of conducting sociological research, etc.


Education preferably humanitarian (philological, sociological, psychological). Owning at least one foreign language. At least 1 year work experience (usually 2-3 years) in the relevant field.

Public Relations Manager Job Description

1. General Provisions

1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a public relations manager.
2. A person with a higher professional education in the specialty "Public Relations" and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years or higher professional education and additional training in the field of public relations and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.
3. The public relations manager must be familiar with laws and regulations. legal acts relating to the regulation of the field of public relations; funds legislation mass media and advertising; international and Russian codes professional and ethical principles in the field of public relations; fundamentals of economics, entrepreneurship and management; organization development strategy; information market conditions; technology for conducting sociological research; methods of work in crisis situations; methods of planning and organizing advertising and information campaigns; the procedure for drawing up and concluding agreements (contracts) on information support programs and events; fundamentals of political science, sociology, psychology and marketing; ethics business communication; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of public relations; basics of office work; methods of collecting and processing information using modern technical means of communication and computer technology; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules.
4. The public relations manager is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the head of the institution (enterprise, organization) in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.
5. The public relations manager reports directly to the head of the institution (enterprise, organization), or his deputy, or the head of the structural unit.

2. Job responsibilities

Manages one of the activities of the organization in the field of public relations. Develops long-term and current programs and plans, individual events or their complex within the framework of this direction, them information support, the scheme of financial and organizational support. Participates in the formation of the information and advertising strategy of a separate area of ​​the organization's activities in the field of public relations in accordance with the general priorities of the organization's policy and prospects for its development. Carries out a choice of forms and methods of interaction with the public, organizations, mass media. Determines the nature, content and media of information messages coming from the organization. Provides two-way communication with consumers, partners and other groups of the public. Organizes and maintains constant contacts with the media, information, advertising, consulting agencies, public relations agencies, publishing houses, other enterprises and organizations, government and public structures. Organizes the collection of information, including the use of sociological research; continuous monitoring of information sources. Analyzes the state and predicts changes in the information market and the sphere of public communications; proposes measures to adjust the organization's policy in the field of public relations. Controls the preparation and execution of agreements and contracts for information, advertising, organizational and financial support programs and activities within separate direction activities of the organization in the field of public relations. Provides interaction of internal structural divisions of the organization when joint activities. Involves independent external consultants and experts in the field of public relations to solve assigned tasks. Supervises subordinate employees.

The Public Relations Manager has the right to:
1. give orders that are obligatory for execution by employees subordinate to him;
2. participate in the selection and placement of personnel for their activities;
3. make proposals to the management on encouraging and imposing penalties on the employees of the enterprise in their activities;
4. make proposals for the development and improvement of the enterprise;
5. request from management, receive and use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their official duties;
6. to take part in conferences and meetings where issues related to its work are considered;
7. pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;
8. improve your skills.
The public relations manager enjoys all labor rights in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The Public Relations Manager is responsible for:
1. implementation of the official duties assigned to him;
2. organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, orders and instructions from higher management, regulatory legal acts on their activities;
3. rational and efficient use of material, financial and human resources;
4. compliance with internal regulations, sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, fire safety and safety precautions;
5. maintaining documentation provided for by official duties;
6. providing, in accordance with the established procedure, statistical and other information on their activities;
7. Ensuring compliance with labor and performance discipline and performance of functional duties of subordinate employees;
8. readiness to work in emergency situations.
For violation of laws and regulations, a public relations manager may be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with applicable law, depending on the severity of the offense.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The public relations manager belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. Qualification requirements:
Higher professional education in the specialty "Public Relations" and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years or higher professional education and additional training in the field of public relations and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

1.3. The public relations manager must know:
- laws and other normative legal acts related to the regulation of the field of public relations;
- Legislation on mass media and advertising;
- international and Russian codes of professional and ethical principles in the field of public relations;
- Fundamentals of economics, entrepreneurship and management;
- organization development strategy;
- information market conditions;
- technology of conducting sociological research;
- methods of work in crisis situations;
- methods of planning and organizing advertising and information campaigns;
- the procedure for drawing up and concluding agreements (contracts) on information support for programs and events;
- Fundamentals of political science, sociology, psychology and marketing;
- ethics of business communication;
- advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of public relations;
- the basics of office work;
- methods of collecting and processing information using modern technical means of communication and computer technology;
- Fundamentals of labor legislation;
- rules on labor protection.

1.4. Appointment to the position of a public relations manager and dismissal are made by order of the general director.

1.5. The Public Relations Manager reports directly to the CEO.

1.6. To ensure his activities, the PR manager is granted the right to sign the organizational and administrative documents of the Company on issues that are part of his functional duties.

1.7. During the absence of a public relations manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

Public Relations Manager:

2.1. Manages one of the activities of the organization in the field of public relations.

2.2. Develops perspective and current programs and plans, separate actions or their complex within the given direction, their information support, the scheme of financial and organizational support.

2.3. Participates in the formation of the information and advertising strategy of a separate area of ​​the organization's activities in the field of public relations in accordance with the general priorities of the organization's policy and prospects for its development.

2.4. Carries out the choice of forms and methods of interaction with the public, organizations, mass media.

2.5. Determines the nature, content and media of information messages coming from the organization.

2.6. Provides two-way communication with consumers, partners and other groups of the public.

2.7. Organizes and maintains constant contacts with the media, information, advertising, consulting agencies, public relations agencies, publishing houses, other enterprises and organizations, government and public structures.

2.8. Organizes the collection of information, including the use of sociological research; continuous monitoring of information sources.

2.9. Analyzes the state and predicts changes in the information market and the sphere of public communications; proposes measures to adjust the organization's policy in the field of public relations.

2.10. Controls the preparation and execution of agreements and contracts for information, advertising, organizational and financial support of programs and events within a separate area of ​​the organization's activities in the field of public relations.

2.11. Provides interaction between internal structural divisions organizations in joint activities.

2.12. Involves independent external consultants and experts in the field of public relations to solve assigned tasks.

3. Rights

The Public Relations Manager has the right to:

3.1. Request and receive from the structural units information, reference and other materials necessary to fulfill the duties stipulated by this Job Description.

3.2. In agreement with the head of the enterprise, involve experts and specialists in the field of public relations for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.

3.3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

3.4. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Instruction.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

The Public Relations Manager is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this Job Description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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More than 1.6 million students from 150 countries have been trained under the Cisco Networking Academy programs over the fifteen years of its existence. Of these, about 20% received grants to develop their projects or work in the legendary IT corporation. More and more are following in the footsteps of Cisco technology companies- the shortage of workers is felt every year more acutely.

About the profession


University Relations Manager, Academic Programs Coordinator.


90s of XX century.


Meetings with students and teachers, development of curricula and programs according to the needs of the company.


Communications managers, PR-specialists, preferably with a technical education.


ABOUT t 60,000 to 150,000 rubles.


IT, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and other technology companies.

University relations managers appeared in the West about 15 years ago, when companies faced the fact that the knowledge of graduates did not match the competencies applicable in business. Such managers communicate with students and, as a rule, involve them in joint research programs with the university. For example, the telecommunications company Vodafone has created one of the world's largest research centers mobile communications based on Dresden technical university. In addition, UR managers conduct training programs, hold specialized conferences and internships.

In Russia, such specialists appeared with the advent of corporations like Microsoft, Intel and IBM. Among domestic companies, 1C, Yandex, and Kaspersky Lab have UR ​​managers. “It will be difficult for a recent graduate in this position,” explains Dmitry Soshnikov, technology evangelist and academic program coordinator at Microsoft Russia. - It is necessary to earn trust, backed up by academic achievements, an academic degree, fame in academia, a network of contacts. People with experience in education are welcome.

Parallels opened its first laboratory in 1999 at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and soon similar sites appeared in other universities. Teachers, employees of the company, gather a group of up to 20 people and simulate the work of a team of programmers. Students who have completed the two-year course have an understanding of business processes. 20% of graduates get a job at Parallels, and even during training, the company pays a scholarship of about 30,000 rubles. Parallels spends about $1 million on labs.

How did you get into the profession

I studied radiophysics at St. Petersburg University of Telecommunications. Started working in the center Siemens, where he got on an internship, and felt the difference between the education he received at the university and the one that is in demand in practice. I agreed to Siemens what I leave to work part-time, and for the second part-time I study processes at the junction of university education and business. A year has passed there were like-minded people, and we made a project to immerse students in a professional environment. Just at that time, the development center of the EMC corporation opened in St. Petersburg and they found the position of “university relations coordinator”.

What tasks does it solve

There were three key issues. The first is the organization of a steady stream of internships for students, the second is the creation of a reputation for EMC as a strong, interesting employer for software engineers. And the third task is to prepare the groundwork for cooperation with St. Petersburg laboratories and scientific groups in an area that the company is interested in.

We've established contacts with key departments that are doing a good job of training software engineering students. First of all, thisMathematics of St. Petersburg State University, Department of System Programming, various faculties at ITMO, Polytechnic University. We agreed on summer and year-round internships, as well as the fact that part of the work of students in the company will be counted as coursework and theses. Plus, we participated in a job fair to highlight the brand - rather, so that students know what we do.

Where to study

The job of a UR manager tied to the specialization in which he is engaged. Those 10-15 people who have long been engaged in the development of relations with universities in IT-sphere, received a technical educationphysics mathematics, computer science. These are people who have worked in the industry, usually in some kind of engineering field. Many of them have Ph.D. dissertations and experience of teaching at universities. The Faculty of Public Relations is not quite suitable for such a specialty: in order to build a dialogue with teachers and heads of scientific departments in a company, you need to speak their language. If you do not let it pass through yourself, you will not build a dialogue.


Range wages - about 60,000 to 150 000 rubles per month. Depends on experience, scientific regalia and degree.

Who are the clients


In 2010, my friend Nicolai Vyakhkhi and I created our own company, Game Changers. What we do can be called consulting and outsourcing in the field of university relations. If a company understands that it is not ready to keep a separate university relations manager, then it can delegate this function to us. The demand for our services is growing.

Interaction with universities in Russia will develop for two reasons. First reason:the cost of human capital is ever higher, and cooperation with institutions allows employers to strengthen their positions in the labor market, moreover, at a time when a specialist is just being formed. Second:Russia has a good potential for the development of research and R&D activities. More and more companies are starting not only to engage in sales and system integration, but also conduct some kind of applied development.

In most cases, this implies that part of the research is carried out not only by our own employees, but also in close cooperation with university research groups. Now, for example, this is noticeable in the field of biotechnology, bioinformatics -Western biotech corporations are starting to come to Russia to open research centers. Russian pharmaceutical companies, which until recently were engaged in the importation of drugs and their distribution, are now building factories for the production of drugs.

The shortage of staff will become more and more noticeable, so a good UR specialist with well-established connections and a trained eye, who understands the subject, who can find a good employee for the company, will be highly valued in five years.

Photos: Dmitry Tsyrenshchikov

PR manager, that is, a public relations manager, is a specialist who works to create a positive reputation for a company, brand, product or service.

The profession of a PR manager requires knowledge in the field of journalism, sociology, psychology, marketing The work is creative, it requires a constant search for new solutions, non-standard moves, an instant change of tactics.

PR specialist starts with familiarization with the corporate website and interacts with external and internal audiences at various levels.

The direct duty of a PR manager is to increase the loyalty of employees to the employer within the organization, to create a certain image of the company in the external environment.

The main functions of a PR specialist

The main function of a PR manager is to evaluate, analyze and predict those factors that affect positive image company and its development. Very often, a PR manager is confused with an advertising specialist who promotes services or products. However, caring about the positive reputation of a company, brand or product in general, and promoting in the market are two different things.

The functions of a PR manager depend on the industry in which the company operates and, in general, they can be different. It depends on the specific tasks that are set in a particular business and on the solution of those issues that the manager faces.

Here is a list of the main functions of a PR manager:

  1. Choice of direction of PR activity.
  2. Development and organization of a PR company .
  3. Evaluation of resources and funds for the implementation of the planned PR programs.
  4. Forecasting efficiency and end result.
  5. Formation and support of the appropriate image of the organization, its policies, products, services and activities of the staff.
  6. Carrying out an assessment of the company's reputation and bringing this information to management.
  7. Informing the public about policies, activities, products, services and personnel in order to achieve maximum knowledge and understanding.

Duties PR specialist

The responsibilities of a PR manager depend on the size of the company in which he works. The larger it is, the more employees are required for the PR department and for PR activities, the more responsibility the one who coordinates all their actions has.

Large holdings can have a whole structure, a whole PR-press service. It usually has a director of the press service and a director of public relations, several managers are responsible for various channels of public relations, several analysts collect and process media information about the company, they monitor all open sources.

Typically, a PR manager communicates with clients, manages communications with the media, monitors publications and reviews about a company or product. That is, everything that people say and write about (regarding his company) is obliged to track and correctly, in time to react.

In general, a PR manager has a large amount of PR work to coordinate the efforts of their specialists and representatives of the client. It depends on him how these efforts will be justified and what will be the positive result and effectiveness of what has been done. In addition, the manager plays a major role in the process of preparing proposals for the company's potential clients and in public relations.

Any public relations tactic is to constantly maintain this same connection with all its participants. And here all means are good. These media are press releases, brochures, flyers and advertisements on radio, TV and of course the Internet.

Tasks of a PR Specialist

  1. Development of a brand promotion strategy;
  2. Creation of articles, press releases and other publications in the media;
  3. Creation and implementation of promotions and campaigns;
  4. Organization of image events;
  5. Budgeting and formation of a development program for the PR campaign as a whole;
  6. Analysis of the effectiveness of the PR campaign.

Required knowledge and skills PR specialist

  1. Knowledge of the basics and principles of PR-management and advertising;
  2. Ability to understand the basics of marketing, management, economics;
  3. Ability to work with business correspondence;
  4. Ability to draw up PR strategies and knowledge of the principles of PR campaigns;
  5. Media planning skills
  6. Ability to write articles, reviews, press releases, create promotional materials;
  7. Experience in organizing exhibitions, various specialized seminars, press conferences;
  8. Possession of modern software e.g. MS Office; ability to use the Internet and graphic programs;

Necessary personal qualities of a PR specialist

  1. Sociability. Such a specialist should have many connections and contacts in various industries, as well as be able to establish new contacts at any level.
  2. Proactivity. A PR manager must understand where, with whom and what to talk about, at what important meetings to attend, to make reports and presentations. And the main thing is to understand why and for what all this is necessary.
  3. Self-confidence and presentability. PR manager represents the face of the company, so all his statements must sound confident, be reliable and convincing.
  4. Activity, work capacity.
  5. Originality of thinking, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation.
  6. Knowledge of the rules of etiquette, the ability to find a common language and ways of proper communication with media representatives.
  7. Organizational skills.
  8. The ability to speak and convince, to clearly express one's thoughts, the ability to listen to the interlocutor.
  9. Stress resistance.
  10. The ability to achieve one's own, using creative thinking, psychological techniques, personal charm, the ability to understand.

And one more important point: not a single exit calculated to the smallest detail on target audience will not become truly effective without a creative plan and a flight of fancy.

ABOUT features of this profession, pros and cons

  1. Constant "drive" - ​​there is always something new: clients, acquaintances, topics.
  2. In the process of work, you have to deal with interesting, extraordinary people.
  3. Creative work. It is constantly required to search for new solutions, extraordinary moves, an instant change of tactics.
  4. Work is stressful. The disorganization of some people with whom you have to cooperate is reflected in the results of the work.
  5. High responsibility. Any unnoticed mistake or incorrectly spoken word can cross out the hard-won result.
  6. Often misunderstanding of the situation by the representative of the customer.
  7. Irregular working hours.

To be a PR manager, you need to have a very strong self-confidence, be able to speak in public and inspire confidence. In any situation, you need to be able not to lose face and find answers to the most difficult and provocative questions.

In addition, you need to be an educated person. The work of PR managers is based on special disciplines: sociology, psychology, social psychology. Therefore, graduates of the faculty of journalism, advertising and PR, philology are valued.

As statistics show, 70% of representatives of this profession are girls, and only 30% are men, and almost all of these specialists are not older than 30 years.

PR managers can work in all areas of business. Every reputable company has at least one PR specialist on its staff, and if it is necessary to perform a large amount of work, a whole PR department is organized. As for small organizations, they prefer to have general-purpose employees in their ranks.

How much does he earn PR specialist

The salary of a PR manager is very individual and depends on many factors: in which industry the specialist works, in an agency or in big company what position he holds, how much work he does, and how long he has worked, which is of key importance.