Internet resources on the programmatic design activities of libraries. Library project creation technology

“... If we stop trying to do something,

except that we already know how,

we stop moving forward "

R. Emerson

Central library named after A.S. Pushkin continues to move forward! How? It's not a secret for anybody that the library nowadays is engaged not only in lending books. Its functionality is amazing. And the projects that the Central Library is engaged in. A.S. Pushkin, make the city of Chelyabinsk more cultured, educated and kinder.

Socially significant cultural and educational projects are the daily work of librarians who have put a lot of thoughts and energy into everyone. How can you tell your readers and colleagues about projects? Today's time urges library workers to be able to talk about their achievements in an interesting and extraordinary way, to reveal their multifaceted work, to show the importance and necessity of their activities for the population.

And here is the Central Library. Pushkina gathered her readers, partners, colleagues, friends in order not only to talk about the work done, but to present the best projects in an unusual format. The Pushkin Hall of the library temporarily became an improvised studio for popular TV programs. Creative report-presentation "The best projects of the Central Library named after A. Pushkin for the city of Chelyabinsk" was presented as a medley of famous television games: "One hundred to one", "What? Where? When? ”,“ Field of Miracles ”,“ Own Game ”,“ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ”, etc. And those who are directly related to the projects played: initiators, coordinators, project managers; partners, with whose support the projects took place, and, of course, readers, for whom these projects were created.

Each project was revealed through the prism of a game: 8 different projects and 8 diverse and intelligent games.

So, open library project to create a new image of the library was revealed in the game "One Hundred to One". The team of players includes the chief specialist of the culture department of the Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk V.A. Karpenko, director of the Central Library named after A.S. Pushkina, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation S.V. Anishchenko, Deputy Director O.V. Sabashvili, Head of Fiction Subscription T.V. Turkina, Associate Professor of ChGIK, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences I. Yu. Matveeva. They talked about the project, what was done for the convenience of readers, what new services have appeared.

Then the team of players had to guess the most popular answers (according to the citizens surveyed): "What should be in the library?" Among the answers (books, comfort, readers, silence), the most popular answer was not immediately guessed: librarians!

The dominant project of the Central Library since 2012 has been the Open Library project to organize the library space. This project took 3rd place in the regional competition of creative projects "Library of the Future". The concept of "Open Library" sets the task of creating an attractive image of the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin due to the transformation of the internal library space, the maximum disclosure of the library's book collections, their redistribution among departments for optimal and efficient service of users. As a result of the transformations, the library's fund resources are closer to the user, open access has expanded, where most of the library's fund is presented.

Library project "Pushkin Seasons" presented in a crossword puzzle, where the main word LIBRARY was guessed by the head of the city Pushkin society, deputy chairman of the board of the Russian Cultural Center, a member of the public council of the Ministry of Culture Chelyabinsk region Yu.D. Doronin. Olga F. Solodovnikova, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Literature of the Central Library named after A.S. Pushkin. They remembered about the Pushkin quest and about the Pushkin balls. All those present were invited on June 5 to take part in the cultural and educational action "Night with Pushkin".

Project "Pushkin Seasons"

The name of the project was inspired by the famous Russian Seasons, organized by Sergei Diaghilev in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century and existed for 20 years.

Taking this idea and the postulate that "Pushkin is the cultural code of Russia" as a basis, we called our project "Pushkin Seasons", which celebrate their 10th anniversary in 2017. This is a temporary project, which includes a whole cascade of library Pushkin events, which opens annually on February 10, on the Day of Commemoration of A.S. Pushkin, and ends on October 19 with the Lyceum Ball. On Pushkin's birthday, June 6, Pushkin certificates are awarded, which since 2007 have become more than 25 laureates. The city's Pushkin Society is fruitfully working in the library: research work is underway, Pushkin Almanacs are being created. The library helps and supports our fellow countrymen who study the works of Pushkin and, on the basis of this, create their own literary works: Yu. Zanevsky "We must be right for eternity", Z Mikhailova "Pushkins and their children in portraits and life", M. Ryzhova "Labyrinths of searches "- Laureate of the New Pushkin Prize (2009)

As part of the library Pushkiniana, the Olympiad "Pushkin - your heart, Russia!" Is being held. The Olympiad is held on a competitive basis in two stages (correspondence and full-time). Correspondence stage - quiz in two rounds (each with 10 questions) "Reflecting on Pushkin's word"; full-time - creative poetry festival "Learn to read Pushkin ...". The winners will receive Diplomas and book gifts.

In 2016, for the first time, the "Pushkin Quest" was held - it is a theatrical, literary and educational and educational game on the knowledge of Pushkin's works in motion. It starts with the performance of the heroes. Then the teams of participants receive their worksheets of diligence and move through the stations, where they perform the tasks of the Queen of Spades, Pyotr Grinev, Three Maidens, the Golden Fish and the Scientist Cat, who invite guests to draw Pushkin's profile with a pen, compose a poem, answer video quiz questions on fairy tales and historical quizzes, walk around Pushkin's places in Chelyabinsk, fight in a verbal duel with swords, a dance master class and the end of the quest.

The holiday "The ball is shining, dreams are rejoicing! .. The Lyceum Ball in Pushkinka" is held on October 19 with the support and assistance of the Academy of Fine Arts and the historical dance studio "Gattaka", cadet classes of schools No. 45 and 15. The program of the Lyceum Ball: excursions to book exhibitions : "Lyceum: Students and Mentors", "History and Traditions of Russian Balls", dance master classes, the study of "Ballroom Etiquette", the art action "Drawing in an Album" and "Poems - Dedication in the Pushkin Style".

Leaders and partners of the "Books to Hospitals" project, talked about the implementation of a social project, about its necessity and showed their knowledge in the game “What? Where? When?". A team of experts led by the captain - deputy director of the Central Library O. I. Nikitina answered a difficult question: “In the 18th century, rich people had a gold or silver plate with the inscription“ I fell asleep here ”in fashion in the 18th century. What is she for? " The answer was not long in coming, because this is a bookmark!

The charitable social and cultural project "Books to Hospitals" is aimed at creating more comfortable conditions for patients to stay in hospitals. The project started on February 11, 2016 on the World Sick Day. To implement the project, Charity Event collection of books from the population for hospitals. Chelyabinsk residents began to bring thousands of books and magazines from home libraries to the city libraries for patients of medical institutions. The project was implemented in 18 medical institutions: in hospitals and polyclinics, bookshelves "Read to your health!" with donated literature. The project involves 22 libraries of the Central Library System with the support of the Health Department of the City Administration of Chelyabinsk and the Department of Culture. During the year of work, more than 6 thousand books were handed over to 2.5 thousand patients.

Another innovative cultural and historical project of the library "Chelyabinsk - Tankograd - Pobeda"... Within the framework of which the site tankogradpobeda.rf was created and for the first time interactive plates with QR codes were installed next to the historical sites of Chelyabinsk associated with the Great Patriotic War. The project's goal and its uniqueness were discussed by its leader E. G. Istomina, head of the local history department of the Central Library named after V.I. A.S. Pushkin. As well as partners of the project, MTS Marketing Director in the Chelyabinsk Region A. Chirkov and the well-known South Ural regional historian Yu. V. Latyshev. They were asked to play the Shuffle game. It was necessary to guess the streets of Chelyabinsk associated with the heroes of the Great Patriotic War... A worthy project - a worthy game!

The innovative cultural and historical project "Chelyabinsk - Tankograd - Pobeda", within the framework of which the site tankogradpobeda.rf was created and for the first time interactive plaques with QR codes were installed next to the historical sites of Chelyabinsk associated with the Great Patriotic War.

The project is being implemented by the Central Library named after A.S. Pushkin and the libraries of the Centralized Library System of the city of Chelyabinsk together with PJSC Mobile TeleSystems with the support of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Work on the project began in 2015, work continued in 2016 and 2017, and the project received a new round of development.

The goal of the project is to preserve and convey the memory of the heroic deed of tankograd residents. In the course of the project, all documents, both published and unpublished, are gradually collected, showing the contribution of Chelyabinsk to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War: stored in museums, libraries, educational institutions, and, most importantly, families. Particular attention is paid to documents of personal origin: notebooks, diaries, letters, memoirs, photographs, poems, essays, etc. The main feature of the project site is that it for the first time comprehensively shows the contribution of Chelyabinsk to the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The uniqueness of the Internet project Chelyabinsk-Tankograd-Pobeda is that for the first time a virtual map of the city has been created, which presents more than 200 monuments and memorial sites associated with the Great Patriotic War.

In 2016, the project caused a public outcry in connection with the celebration of a new memorable date on October 6 - the Day of the Heroes of Tankograd.

Central library named after A.S. Pushkina 11 years ago conceived and organized a city holiday for all reading lovers - Festival of books and reading "Chelyabinsk reading"! All 11 Festivals annually held to mark the birthday of Chelyabinsk were implemented by a team of librarians with the support of the Department of Culture of the Administration of Chelyabinsk. Three players in the capital show "Field of Miracles": project coordinator - O. I. Nikitina, director of the Centralized System of Children's Libraries E. A. Razborova, deputy director of CHOUNB N. R. Solovyova, they spell out the word KIROVKA (She sheltered and a beggar and a policeman. In 2010, its inhabitants came to life and began to sing!). It was not by chance that this word was taken, because Kirovka is the venue of the Festival.

The annual Chelyabinsk Reading Book and Reading Festival is one of the largest open-air projects to promote reading in Chelyabinsk. The fundamental difference between the Festival in Chelyabinsk and festivals in other regions is that since 2006 it has been held not in the library or in the library territory, but in the center of the millionth city on the main street of Chelyabinsk - Kirov Street. The whole Kirovka becomes a territory for books and reading, an intellectual platform for the city of Chelyabinsk, where meetings with writers and poets, an exhibition and sale of books with autographs, theatrical and literary and musical performances, meetings with professional and amateur creative groups, various master classes are held , literary and local lore quests, role-playing games, excursions, etc. The main organizer and inspirer of this holiday is the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin. Together with municipal libraries, 4 regional libraries, bookselling organizations, the Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian Writers' Union and other partners take part in the Festival.

Projects "Mobile Audio Guide", "Walks in Chelyabinsk" and issues related to city excursions and routes formed the basis of "My game", in which the project manager E. G. Istomina, project participant M. Antipin and project partner - MTS marketing director in the Chelyabinsk region A. Chirkov showed their knowledge ...

"Walks in Chelyabinsk" is a socially significant cultural and educational project in the field of popularization of the historical and cultural heritage of the city of Chelyabinsk. "Walks in Chelyabinsk" is a long-term project of the Central Library named after A.S. Pushkin on conducting free excursions for citizens to the historical places of Chelyabinsk with visits to objects of historical and cultural heritage.

The uniqueness of the proposed initiative is that, firstly, in our region, excursions by libraries are an innovative activity, and, secondly, during the excursions, it is possible to visit the cultural heritage sites of Chelyabinsk that are inaccessible at normal times.

1) "Kirovka: history and modernity",

2) "With the name of Pushkin";

3) "Theatrical Chelyabinsk".

The historical and cultural project "Mobile Audio Guide" was implemented by the Central Library named after A.S. Pushkin MKUK "Centralized Library System" of the city of Chelyabinsk and PJSC "Mobile TeleSystems", with the support of the Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk in the framework of events dedicated to the 280th anniversary of the city.

The main goal of the project is to popularize the historical and cultural heritage of Chelyabinsk, develop domestic tourism, as well as create a positive image of the city among residents and guests of the capital of the South Urals.

The "Mobile Guide" includes two tourist walking routes in the historical center of Chelyabinsk: "Architectural Kirovka" and "With the Name of Pushkin". Each route passes through significant monuments of history and architecture of Chelyabinsk, including cultural heritage sites of federal and regional significance.

“Our goal as a leader Russian market mobile communications, not only attracting new users, but also providing everyone, regardless of which operator's subscriber they are, modern services and opportunities that Mobile Internet... Today residents and guests of Chelyabinsk can take an audio tour of the city with the "Mobile Guide", read the e-book of the "Mobile Library" right on the streets of the city, plunge into the era of the Great Patriotic War and learn how they worked in the South Urals for victory with the project "Chelyabinsk - Tankograd - Victory ". Of course, none of these projects would have been possible without our reliable partner - the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin, Chelyabinsk. I sincerely congratulate my colleagues on the centenary of the library and wish them new interesting projects that will join the ranks of readers, ”said Alexey Chirkov, Marketing Director of MTS in the Chelyabinsk Region.

Social projects "World of New Opportunities" and "Electronic Citizen", together with his head of computer literacy courses - I.G. Tingaeva, head of the information department of the Central Library named after AS Pushkin very confidently answered questions in the game "Where is the Logic?" The questions "in pictures" were quite complex, related to computer technology. The players coped with the task and drew a storm of applause.

Social program "World of New Opportunities" - free computer literacy training for older people from 56 to 82 years old in 7 libraries of the system. The program includes First stage computer literacy and the basic course "School of Practical Knowledge". In 2016, the II City Championship in computer all-around among seniors was held. Participants of the championship are graduates of computer literacy courses in libraries of the Central, Soviet, Kurchatov, Leninsky, Metallurgical and Traktorozavodsky districts. All participants of the Championship are awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts. The project "Electronic Citizen" became a continuation of the project.

Young employees of the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin presented an innovative project "Young to young" and played the game "Who wants to know the youth?" (analogue of the program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"). Bright, young, funny, creative, they remembered their first joint event - an experimental New Year... After correctly answering the questions about the iPad, gyro scooter and sweatshirt, everyone came to the conclusion: in order for representatives of Generation Z to visit libraries, you need to know them well, constantly look for something new, modern, exciting. What libraries actually do.

The project "Young to Young" - accumulates the most promising areas of work with young people and organizes new formats of spending free time for young people. Organizer: Library Association of Youth "BAMbook". As a result, the following events were successfully implemented: Experimental New Year, Harry Potter's Birthday, Pushkin's Quests, etc.

The constant search and embodiment of creative forms makes it possible for the Central Library to them. A.S. Pushkin to strengthen the social role and increase the authority among the population. So the creative report-presentation became an example of a non-standard scenario for the interaction of the Pushkin Central Library with partners and users. The form for submitting the report was chosen very well. Each project was accompanied by a video clip. The essence of the projects, their purpose and purpose were revealed in the games in an exciting, informative, dynamic way. Which is confirmed by the reviews of those present at the event.

- “Boldly and unexpectedly. Thank you for inviting "

- "It was cool, stylish, intelligent, just like the capital!"

- "I would like to wish you new projects, the same in demand, and may all projects be carried out easily, playfully, as today and always with the support of partners, friends, readers."

Central library named after A.S. Pushkin in the year of his centenary continues to work on interesting projects and will always bring innovations to the cultural life of the city.

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Project activities reading support libraries


Chapter 1. Explanatory note

1.1 Classification of programs and projects

1.2 Features of the development of projects to support reading

Chapter 2. The "University - the territory of reading" project

2.1 Relevance of the problem

2.2 Goals, objectives, results and timetable

2.3 Project budget


References and sources



The program and design activities of modern libraries are aimed at modernizing the management and planning system of library work, at solving urgent, socially significant problems of the region. The accumulation of experience in programming and design activities is important for many libraries, especially for those who are interested in the constant use of software and design technologies, as well as for those libraries that are methodological and consulting centers. Public libraries are also actively involved in program and project activities and their experience is important and interesting for the professional community.

Software and project activities - new stage in the organization of library activities. It is design, creation of programs that is a powerful creative engine of innovative development, allows you to generate fresh, creative ideas, implement them, ensuring the reorganization and modernization of libraries on a new reformatory wave.

And in this regard, more and more researchers turn to this type of activity in their works in order to optimize existing methods and introduce innovative novelty, which can give libraries a chance to new life in the conditions of ever increasing globalization and informatization.

Among the domestic library specialists who have declared their attention to this problem, one should, first of all, name N. V. Zhadko, E. Yu. Kachanova, I. M. Suslova and Yu. F. Chernyakova. The publications of these specialists allowed many Russian librarians to comprehend the need for this activity and apply it in practice.

The set of issues that make up the essence of a relatively new problem for Russia - project management - is presented in the works of V.M. Voropaeva, V.V. Ivanova and A.V. Beltsa, I.I. Mazura, M.P. Pereverznev, V.V. Pozdnyakova, A.S. Polkovnikova, V.D. Shapiro and others.

Certain issues of the application of the program-target methodology in the management of library activities are highlighted in the works of S.A. Basov, S.D. Kolegaeva and N.A. Pul'yanova, V.K. Nikolaeva, V.O. Chernysheva, Yu.F. and etc.

Among the variety of library projects, reading promotion projects deserve special attention. It is an obvious fact that the situation in the field of reading has changed dramatically even in comparison with the 2000s. This promotes the development of new information technologies, the Internet, the popularity of social networks offering a variety of content (including text, informational). Students also actively use electronic portals, electronic libraries, electronic library systems, and databases. This indicates a change in the reading paradigm and the emergence of the phenomenon of electronic reading. At the same time, the gap between information and technology-provided strata of the population, regions and whole countries will grow. The question is also what exactly young people and other age groups of readers choose to read. How popular is classical literature, history, scientific disciplines, problems of economics, society, etc. Therefore, it is important to study reading among young people.

The formation, development and preservation of reading skills among various groups of readers is recognized as extremely important for the current level of development of society and the education system. Many libraries, centers for further education, centers and reading associations are actively involved in this process, offering various programs, reading support projects, events and classes. Most libraries use a target-oriented and project-based approach in their work, which allows them to attract, accumulate and use resources for new forms of work. The study of library reading support activities is extremely important in modern times.

Object of study: design activities of the library.

Thing research: features of the development of library projects to support reading.

Purpose of the study: analysis and study of the library's project activities to support reading.


1. Identification and analysis of the range of sources on the topic;

2. Studying the experience and features of the library's project activities;

3. Development of the project;

Research methods related to the original theoretical and practical positions. To achieve the goal, to solve the assigned research tasks, the following complementary methods were used: analysis of published and unpublished documents, comparative analysis, project method.

The theoretical significance of the study consists in the study and generalization of a large body of theoretical literature on the problem of project activities in the practice of libraries; in an analytical review of scientific and methodological literature; in identifying the features of the process of developing projects to promote reading for a youth audience.

Practical significance: research materials can be used to improve the project activities of university libraries, to study the effectiveness and relevance of projects to support reading.

Research base: Zonal Scientific Library. V. Artisevich Saratov State University

Approbation of the topic final qualifying (bachelor's) work was carried out at the XLV scientific and creative conference "Culture and youth: the art of participation" (April 17-21, 2017).

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, appendices.

Chapter 1. Explanatory note

1.1 Classification of programs and projects

Today new ones enter our life more and more. technological processes design, modeling, social design. Design technologies are actively demanded by the so-called "third sector" - non-profit public organizations, as they are one of the main mechanisms for financing activities on non-commercial projects in the social sphere.

Unfortunately, many state and municipal institutions and organizations of the social sphere are poorly familiar with the mechanisms of social order, social grants, competitive financing, modern social management, and project technologies. The stereotypes of "social dependency" impede the development of these institutions, forcing them to stay idle and wait for public funds. Therefore, today it is the state and municipal institutions one should actively master design technologies and become competitive in the social services market.

The success of a project depends both on the individual or social need for organizing certain activities, and on achieving an effect in the social sphere and expanding the number of people who benefit from the implementation of the project.

As a rule, a routine process of cultural production takes place within cultural institutions. It includes the daily routine work of cultural institutions: the formation of library funds, service to readers, etc. In culture, the project is the antipode of routine activities. The life of cultural initiatives and projects is short, but they are responsible for modernization and development.

Today the very concept of "project" has become extremely vague. Under the design of systems in the very general view is understood as a special, conceptually substantiated and technologically supported activity to create an image of the desired future system - a project for the development of an organization (system, subsystem). Design is not fundamentally new in management practice, but at the same time it is today referred to as management technologies of the XXI century, as providing for the ability to adapt to rapidly changing socio-economic conditions.

There are many definitions of the concept of "project". Translated from Latin, "project" means "thrown forward," that is, a forward-looking look at any activity. In the modern interpretation, a project is a phased effective implementation of a conceived idea within a specific time frame with the involvement of optimal funds and resources.

From point of view systems approach, a project is a process of transition from an initial state to an end (result) in the presence of certain mechanisms and a number of restrictions.

Library projects are social non-profit projects in the field of providing more complete and high-quality access of the population to information. Libraries carry out project activities both at their own expense and by attracting additional funding. The sources of the latter are local governments, as well as numerous organizations and foundations engaged in charitable activities and allocating grants (sums of money) for the implementation of projects.

In librarianship, the project is aimed at efficient use of new information and library technologies and available library resources. For the modern library, it is a tool for managing, planning and defining the main directions of resource use.

The emergence of project management was facilitated by the elimination of the planning and distribution system in Russia, the formation of legal regulation, the decentralization of management, changes in the psychology of managers, and, of course, the development of computer technology.

In librarianship, project management is the art of guiding people to use resources with achievement modern science, information technology for the successful implementation of project objectives in terms of results, cost, time and quality.

I must say that there is some confusion in terms of "project" and "program" and quite often these concepts are used as synonyms, and, say, "program" is called a concept, and vice versa. There is either a narrowing of the concept, hence the so familiar "summer reading programs" appear for all of us, or expansion, and then a complex program can be called a megaproject.

Let us consider in more detail these concepts (concept, program, project, design, social design), their differences from each other, the main characteristics.

Concept - a description of the main meaning of the activity. With regard to librarianship, the concept is a plan for the development of the library, its role in the structure social institutions specific region, methods and means of improving their performance. The concept forms the basis of the long-term policy of library development in the region. It allows all employees and stakeholders to have a single, holistic view of the fundamentals of the content of the institution's activities, is a benchmark against which the entire logic of the institution's activities is checked. All programs and projects regulating activities are based on it.

The concept usually includes the following:

General approaches to activities; analysis of the current situation;

Description of the image of the desired situation;

Formulation of the mission of the institution, the main goal of the activity;

Designation of the main areas of activity, the listed and a brief description of the leading programs and projects.

The program is a description of a model of future activities in one or more areas, designed to achieve certain results in the future. The program is necessary to get an idea about the specifics of the content of the institution's activities, about the features of the organizational and managerial process in an institution or organization, about the tasks, means and ways of their implementation.

However, the program itself, as a rule, cannot serve as a basis for funding, since it does not bring a quick and noticeable social effect. Usually the program serves as the basis for the development and implementation of certain projects. A program is a group of projects united by a common goal, management, resources, mission. Their result is a qualitative change in state caused by the implementation of the planned tasks.

The programs have complex forms of financing, duration of implementation, developed cooperation and have a significant impact on the socio-cultural environment.

Project activity belongs to the category of innovative, creative activity, because it involves the transformation of reality, is built on the basis of an appropriate technology that can be unified, mastered and improved.

Basic principles of sociocultural programming:

1. Purposefulness - purposeful orientation aimed at ensuring the results of the program;

2. Consistency - the development of a system of measures necessary for the implementation of programs (organizational, economic, administrative, technological, etc.) in conjunction with the concept state development library sphere;

3. Comprehensiveness - the development of the main goal of the program should be linked to other elements of the program structure, ensuring the achievement of more specific goals;

4. Provision - all activities provided for in the program must be provided with the necessary resources (financial, personnel, material, information);

5. Priority - priority is given to areas defined in the general concept of development of librarianship in Russia.

Design is the process of developing, drafting and implementing a useful, socially significant project. Design is characterized by two points: the ideal nature of the action and its focus on the appearance (formation) of something in the future. It is these two characteristics that distinguish design as such from other types of humanitarian technologies, for example, from research.

A project can exist in two forms:

but as component programs, which are a form of concretization and content filling of the priority directions of the development of the socio-cultural life of the territory;

b) as an independent solution to a local problem, addressed to a specific audience.

Both in the first and in the second case, the project is like a local program focused on overcoming or preventing various kinds of problems through meaningful and structural changes in the socio-cultural environment and in the main spheres of the individual's life, creating conditions for a person's successful self-realization by optimizing his lifestyle, forms and ways of its interaction with the environment.

Any project is a complex of interrelated works, for the implementation of which appropriate resources are allocated and certain deadlines are established. A project is a one-time activity that:

Inimitable, unique;

Has an ultimate goal and intermediate objectives;

Produces a clearly defined end result that can be evaluated;

Consists of successive interrelated works;

Uses a limited amount of resources: financial, informational, temporary;

Has a designated time frame (start and end date of work).

A project is a way of expressing ideas and tasks, measures and actions to achieve the intended goals, necessary resources for the practical implementation of ideas, the timing of the implementation of the idea.

The project is a special symbolic form of displaying the needs, interests, attitudes, aspirations of people, aimed at transforming nature, society, and the person himself.

From these definitions, we can conclude that a project is a form of displaying ideas and aspirations of people, which allows you to manage activities subject to a competent goal setting, development of steps for its implementation and implementation of this idea.

One of the concepts of design technology is "project management". Project management is a field of activity in the course of which clear goals and objectives of the project are determined and achieved based on planning the nature and scope of work, resources, taking into account the time spent. The key to project management is having a clear, predefined plan.

Social design is one of the leading methods of modern organization of social life, social management; it is the construction of an action aimed at achieving a socially significant goal and localized in place, time and resources.

Project development involves the use of extra-budgetary financial receipts by library institutions. At the same time, resource aid comes to the library through the channels of attracting excess funds, which do not imply the sale of specific results of activities by the library. Such extra-budgetary receipts are also called non-operating (i.e., not related to the main activity).

Non-operating sources of additional resource receipts can be internal (the library uses its own capabilities) and external (participation in competitions for projects and programs, grants from charitable and public foundations and organizations, sponsorship contributions).

The receipt of external non-sales sources of additional funds can be provided with the help of fundraising, since it is this area of ​​library activity that implies the search and accumulation of funds for the implementation of non-commercial projects. It is non-commercial projects that form the basis of libraries' project activities.

Thus, design is the process of creating a project, which is characterized by the fact that its main idea is designed for an ideal result (the ideal nature of the action) and it is aimed at translating this idea into the future. Design has general patterns, stages and stages with certain specifics, depending on the type of project, design area. Since it is a way of changing reality, design is a creative activity.

It also requires from a person not only professionalism and knowledge of all the nuances when performing actions for its implementation, but also the ability to analyze in advance the features of the sphere in which the project will "live", to assess the need for designing the chosen activity.

Social project:

It is a versatile tool for clear strategic planning activities of the institution.

This is the embodiment of an idea into reality.

This is an opportunity to calculate your steps towards the goal with an accuracy of days and hours;

It is the ability to properly use the resources of your organization and to attract resources from different sources.

This is a solution to socially significant problems of the local community.

This is the image and financial stability of the organization.

Thus, a project is an interconnected set of activities and processes, the main goal of which is the implementation of a large-scale specific task. Its main attributes: availability of deadlines, resources, mission. The implementation of the project can be calculated quantitatively as well as qualitatively. This is a description of a specific situation that can be improved, and specific methods and steps to implement it.

So, the most important difference between a project and a program is their scale. The program is several projects united by one goal. It is not measured quantitatively, but qualitatively and involves a change in state. The timeframe for the implementation of the project is, as a rule, rigidly determined, and their postponement will inevitably affect the implementation of the program.

There are also differences in the complexity of the implementation of the tasks set. The implementation of the project seems to be simpler, since for success it is enough to achieve the goals by a certain period of time. The program is just a hypothesis (the fight against alcoholism or drug addiction), which must be confirmed in practice. Not always interconnected projects and their successful implementation lead to a change in state, and the result may turn out to be unpredictable altogether.

Thus, a program is a broader concept that includes a set of projects. The timeframe for the implementation of the program is broad, the project is specific and measurable. The project is implemented when the planned activities are completed by the specified date. The result of the program is a change in state, an impact on the situation, i.e. even its partial implementation can be successful, and the resulting effect surpasses all expectations. The implementation of the program is more difficult than the implementation of the project, since all the components of the task need to be coordinated.

Activity planning is an important part of library management. In addition to strategic planning, libraries are engaged in long-term and tactical planning of specific areas of their activities. It is at this level that the project approach is applied.

Project activities unite, organize and discipline the team. This is mutual understanding of common goals and objectives, mutual assistance in implementation. These are the visible results of the work of a team of like-minded people. Not only library staff, but also readers and citizens are involved in the creative process without coercion.

There are various typologies of projects and programs, for example:






Social (to which most library projects relate).

2. By the timing of solving the problem and achieving the desired goal

Short-term (projects up to 1 year);

Medium-term (programs from 1 to 5 years);

Long-term (concepts from 5 to 10 years and more).

3. By scale

Monoprojects (for one cultural institution);

Multi-projects (for several cultural institutions);

Megaprojects (for cultural institutions of any region).

4. By the nature of goals and objectives, areas of activity (there are many of them, we will single out some):









Cultural and leisure.

5. By the specifics of financing:





There are other classifications of programs and projects. So among the programs, international, national / federal, regional (republican, regional, regional, etc.), municipal, corporate, etc. will be distinguished.

Among the projects, one can single out socially oriented (for socially unprotected segments of the population), informational, organizational (for the creation of centers, services, etc.), thematic (local history, environmental, historical and cultural, etc.), for certain groups and segments of the population.

1.2 Features of the development of projects to support reading

Changes in the social context, technical progress, international integration processes of educational policy give grounds to state the special situation in the development of reading in the world at the present stage.

At the same time, the pedagogical potential of reading, its educational and training functions, determined by the goals, content, methods of organization and assessment of achievements, are fundamentally important for us.

Dynamics of innovation processes Russian education, including modernization, a competent approach, specialized training, have led to a number of significant changes in the traditional approaches to reading students.

It is obvious that at present the culture of reading is singled out in the sphere of pedagogical interests that are not localized in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, subject teaching or correctional pedagogy. Reading is seen as a basic skill in the formation of other competencies.

In a practical sense, it seems important to design and test the tools for providing social and pedagogical conditions for the development of reading at different levels of the cultural and educational society. In solving this problem, the experience of a systematic approach in creating the educational environment of the School of Reading Culture is interesting.

Reading is an open, complexly organized hypersystem, the main structural components of which are: text, reader and society. At the same time, we consider motivation as a system-forming factor that determines the overall dynamics of the development and functioning of the system.

In the conditions of a modern school, an educational environment can be created in which the culture of reading is the base, tool and stimulus for the overall successful development of the child. An example of a systematic approach to solving this problem is the implementation of the subject programs "School of Reading Culture".

The goal of the program is the development and implementation of a system of social and pedagogical support for the development of the reading culture of schoolchildren in the context of educational and extracurricular activities. Such goal-setting presupposes a comprehensive solution to the following group of tasks, due to a differentiated approach to all potential participants:

Low motivation of students to read actualizes the need to search for new effective forms of increasing motivation;

The lack of special knowledge among teachers implies an increase in professional competence in the field of children's reading and new pedagogical technologies for working with text;

Underestimation of the importance of reading on the part of parents encourages persistent pedagogical education on reading problems and their maximum involvement in joint actions.

As the desired result, it is expected that

Students learn to:

Enjoy reading;

Use your reading experience in life situations;

Work effectively with different texts.


Master the effective (domestic and foreign) pedagogical technologies for working with text;

They will discover the "life potential" of their subjects and their practical significance;

Enrich subject content with additional literary sources;


Learn simple and effective pedagogical ways to engage your child in reading;

They will discover new educational opportunities for children's literature;

Enjoy creative interaction with their child in joint school activities.

One of mandatory conditions the success of the program is its implementation through all academic subjects, as well as the system of educational work of the school with the participation of a school psychologist, librarian and social teacher.?

Today, the decline in interest in reading is a global trend. With an understanding of the role of reading, many countries are actively trying to counter this.

One of the most important social institutions capable of solving the problems of attracting people to reading, promoting high-quality reading, are public libraries that combine the traditional culture of communicating with the book and new information technologies.

Libraries use a variety of techniques to draw attention to books and reading, but domestic practice also convincingly proves that this process is most effective when libraries use program-design methods.

The advantages of these methods:

· Presenting clearly formulated and detailed programs or projects that offer ways and methods of solving problems that are urgent for the state and society (and this is what reading problems are today), libraries have the right to count on their funding;

· The development of programs / projects contributes to the development of innovative activities of libraries, the promotion of new ideas and forms of work, new technologies to popularize reading, the disclosure of the creative potential of library staff;

· The social prestige of libraries, their social status and importance in society is increasing;

· Reading activity and competence are developing, reading culture and its quality are increasing;

· Libraries' partnerships are developed and strengthened.

Quite often, the terms "program" and "project" are used interchangeably, but there is a difference in these concepts.

GOST R 54871-2011 " Project management... Requirements for program management "gives the following interpretation of the term" program ":" a set of interrelated projects and other activities aimed at achieving a common goal and implemented in conditions of common constraints. "

GOST R 54869-2011 "Project management. Requirements for project management" defines a project as "a set of interrelated activities aimed at creating a unique product or service in conditions of time and resource constraints."

A program is a description of a model of future activity, designed to achieve certain results in the future, in one or more areas. It formulates specific tasks, determines the resources required for their implementation, time frames, and executors. Target program - a document that contains an interconnected group of projects (cycles of events) with a common interconnected goal, a certain resource provision, coordinated in terms of implementation time.

As a rule, programs are formed, supported and coordinated at the interstate, state, regional, municipal levels of government. However, the program itself, as a rule, cannot serve as a basis for funding, since it does not bring a quick and noticeable social effect. Usually, the program serves as the basis for the development and implementation of certain projects, the result of which will be a qualitative change in state caused by the implementation of the planned tasks.

The project can exist as an integral part of the program or as an independent solution to a local problem, addressed to a specific audience. It represents a complex of interrelated works, for the implementation of which appropriate resources are also allocated, and certain deadlines are established. A project is a one-time activity that:

· Unrepeatable, unique;

· Has an ultimate goal and intermediate objectives;

· Produces a clearly defined end result that can be evaluated;

· Consists of successive interrelated works;

· Uses a limited amount of resources: financial, informational, time;

· Has a designated time frame (start and end date of work).

Thus, a program is a broader concept that includes a set of projects. The terms for the implementation of the program are broad, the project is specific. The project is implemented when the planned activities are completed by the specified date. The result of the program is a change in state, an impact on the situation, that is, even its partial implementation can be successful. The implementation of the program is more difficult than the implementation of the project, since all the tasks set in the program need to be coordinated.

The project development algorithm is described in detail in the books by I. M. Suslova and Z. I. Zlotnikova, N. V. Zhadko, L. D. Shchirikova and N. V. Yatsenko, in the collection of materials by the Central Municipal Library named after N. A. Nekrasov, Izhevsk, in the methodological recommendations "Project activities in a library format: how to write applications for grants correctly", prepared by the Novosibirsk State Scientific Library and "Program-targeted and project activities of libraries" of the Vologda OYB im. VF Tendryakov posted on the sites of these libraries.

In connection with the crisis of reading in our country and its consequences, in 2007 the "National Program for the Support and Development of Reading in the Russian Federation for 2007-2020" was adopted. This is the first program, the implementation of which should help to significantly change the attitude towards book and reading culture in society and in state structures and become a start for the systematic and logically consistent formation and implementation of an effective national policy in the field of support and development of reading. The Program indicates that the success of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading depends on the effectiveness of the specification and implementation of its provisions at the level of various regions of Russia and taking into account the peculiarities of their socio-cultural development. The Program also emphasizes the vital role of libraries: "Libraries should use this unique opportunity to loudly declare themselves again and, being one of the most advanced institutions in the infrastructure for supporting and developing reading, propose interesting projects for the implementation of the Program at the federal, regional and local levels."

The "National Program for the Support and Development of Reading" became a catalyst for the processes of intensifying attention to the problems of reading in the regions, contributed to the development and adoption of regional and municipal programs and concepts for the support and development of reading. On the regional level can be called: "Target program for the support and development of reading in the Kaliningrad region for 2010-2014", the republican departmental target program "Reading Khakassia" for 2008-2010, "The concept of support and development of reading in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)", the republican program " Reading city, reading republic, reading country "(Altai Republic) and a number of others. At the municipal level: City program "Time to read" (Maykop, Republic of Adygea), city program "Reading youth" (Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia), Municipal target program "Reading city" (2008-2010) ( . Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic), Target comprehensive program for the development of municipal libraries in Barnaul for 2007-2010. "City - reading", as well as a huge number of programs at the level of district municipalities.

In all of these programs, libraries are classified as the main institutions that make up the infrastructure for supporting the development of reading.

Unfortunately, the term for the implementation of many programs has now expired, it is not being extended, and new programs are not accepted. Nevertheless, work in this direction is underway, and libraries of all levels are actively developing their own programs and projects. Due to the importance of this kind of activity, in a number of central regional and city libraries, departments are being created that specialize in the development and implementation of library programs and projects. There are similar units in the National Library Udmurt Republic and the Central Universal Scientific Library. N.A.Nekrasov of Moscow (departments of cultural and educational projects and programs), Primorsky Regional Public Library named after A. M. Gorky (Center for Cultural Programs), Central City Public Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky St. Petersburg (department of cultural programs) and a number of others.

For several years, the President of the Russian Federation has devoted each year to one or another relevant area to attract public attention to it. 2014 was the Year of Culture, 2015 was the Year of Literature, 2016 was declared the Year of Cinema. Often library reading promotion projects are tied to these themes. Certain regions of Russia, focusing on the need to resolve local issues, announce their themes of the year.

With the support of the Ministry of Culture in order to popularize books and reading among children and youth, to revive interest in the work of the modern classic of Russian children's literature V.P. Krapivin, in 2016 the regional literary and educational project "The Year of Vladislav Krapivin in the libraries of the Sverdlovsk region is being implemented in the Sverdlovsk region. ". The project coordinator is the Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth. Its main goal is to revive the interest of young Urals residents in the writer's work and to develop the creative activity of children and adolescents. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: promotion of V. P. Krapivin's creativity by organizing a series of events; development and support of the creative initiative of schoolchildren by attracting them to participate in competitions dedicated to the life and work of V.P. Krapivin; the formation of the professional interest of librarians and teachers in the work to promote the creativity of V.P. Krapivin.

The summary plan of the regional municipal libraries for the implementation of the project shows the variety of the declared forms and methods of promoting the writer's creativity. In addition to such traditional events as biographical hours, loud readings, book reviews, literary hours, book exhibitions, quizzes, etc., it contains innovative forms of mass work: quest games "In full sail" and "We are all from the country of childhood "; brain-rings "And the wind in the face" and "Full sail"; youth Internet festival "BookNet. Worlds of Vladislav Krapivin"; flashmob dedicated to V. Krapivin's birthday; Internet action "My Krapivin"; book trailer competition for Krapivin's books "Islands and Captains" as part of the Children's Book Week; multimedia project "Favorite pages of books by Vladislav Krapivin".


It would seem that the classification of projects has a purely theoretical meaning. However, there is also an important practical aspect to it. It is the classification characteristics that make it possible for the library itself to prioritize in the choice of a particular type of design. It is obvious that the variety of the listed classification features of projects only emphasizes the large number of tasks solved by the libraries.

The program and design activities of libraries allow them to master the most promising areas, to become an accessible center of communication for the population. The work of libraries on programs and projects allows them to purposefully carry out work in various directions, including promoting reading and books, in cooperation with various interested organizations - social partners.

The program and design activities of libraries in modern conditions can be considered as an effective mechanism for the development of the creative activity of the library community, improving the forms and methods of social partnership and attracting new sources of funds for the development of libraries.

Where libraries are thoughtful and creative in the development of library programs and projects, there are real results. And librarians have the opportunity to conduct their events, provide library services to the population of a higher quality, with the involvement of modern technologies and resources.

Chapter 2. The "University - the territory of reading" project

2.1 Relevance of the problem

Saratov State University (formerly the Imperial Saratov Nikolaev University) is one of the oldest universities in Russia. It was founded on September 3, 1909. From September 1909 to July 1910, the university library was housed in one room of the merchant Zamotkin's house at 1 Nikolskaya Street (now Radishcheva Street - the building has not survived). Ivan Antonovich Busse (1856-1934) (librarian / chief librarian / director) was appointed the first head of the Library. On October 27, 1909, the Saratov University Library was opened to readers. At the end of 1909, the Library's fund totaled 1,553 titles in the amount of 2,658 volumes, including donations from individuals and organizations.

A great contribution to the development of the library was made by Artisevich Vera Aleksandrovna - associate professor of the Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Director of the Zonal Scientific Library of SSU (1932-1999), Honorary Citizen of Saratov, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Higher School of Russia, awarded the Order of Honor by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Honorary Member of the International Academy of Informatization. Interesting facts In the very first days of the Great Patriotic War, on July 8, 1941, the director of the library, Vera Aleksandrovna Artisevich, was appointed acting rector of the Saratov State University. Zonal Scientific Library of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, her brainchild, on April 20, 1999 was named after Vera Alexandrovna Artisevich.

The current director of the library: Irina Vladimirovna Lebedeva was born on July 19, 1950 in Leningrad.

Education, academic degree, title: Faculty of Philology, Saratov State University, 1972. Labor activity: Since 1973 - ZNB SSU (Deputy Director for Research 1986-1999, Director since 1999).

The library structures include library departments:

1. Department of acquisition of funds (OKF)

2. Department of Scientific Processing of Funds (ONOF)

3. Department of systematization of funds (OSF)

4. Department of the holding of funds (UHF)

5. Department of technical support (OTO)

6. Department of periodicals (OPI)

7. Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts (RUKR)

8. Department of Scientific Information (ONI)

9. Reference and bibliographic department (SBO)

10. Branch Training Department of Natural Sciences (OUES)

11. Sectoral educational department of the humanities (OUOGN)

12. Branch training department of social and pedagogical sciences (OUOOPN)

13. Department of Literature Service (OOL)

14. Scientific and Methodological Department (CMO)

15. Department of Computerization of Library Information Processes (OKBIP)

16. Department of Mass Work (OMP)

17. Department household works(OXP)

Statistics of ZNB SSU as of 01.01.2017

1. Library fund - 3,068,159 copies.

2. Readers on a single cheat. ticket - 19 525 people.

3. The number of seats in the reading rooms - 908 seats.

4. The total area of ​​the library is 10 897 sq. M.

5. Computer park - 152

6. Program - "IRBIS64"

7.41 databases - 3 687 523 zap.

8. Digital catalogue- 107 908 zap.

9. The number of subscription publications in the profile of SSU educational programs - 600.

Over the past 10 years, the library has implemented about 30 social projects, including those related to non-stationary activities - on the road, in parks and squares, in rural settlements. The library participated and won in projects announced by the Russian State Library (Moscow), the Robert Bosch, Collegium. Theodore Heuss, the Committee for Youth, Culture and Sports of the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region, the city competition of creative projects and initiatives in the field of culture "Creative City" and others. The projects concerned both the promotion of reading "smart" books and intercultural interaction of different age and social groups... Each of the projects was a synthesis of different kinds of arts - music, cinema, literature. In general, the projects covered about a thousand people.

2.2 Goals, objectives, results and timetable

Project name: Book festival "University - territory of reading"

Nowadays, mass cultural events often turn into officialdom with annoying loud music, with intrusive ways to attract the attention of the crowd. Traditional forms of popularizing reading also have little effect on stimulating interest in the book. The Department of Periodicals (OPI) (Head of the Department Popov Alexander Vladimirovich) wants to propose a new model of summer cultural leisure, where the main symbols will not be a performance of stars, a gala concert, but a simple image of a reading person who will slightly change the usual look of Universitetskaya Street. Our event will be held at the most prominent place in Saratov - Universitetskaya Street, where the main character is a walking man with a book, who can be unobtrusively enlightened and entertained as part of a walking program, and who needs to communicate with himself, with others, and with culture. And the most beautiful corner of Saratov, where beauty, history, architectural monuments are concentrated, which should become a symbol of reading Saratov. Here people can not only walk, take pictures, but also leaf through albums, look at old books, get acquainted with book novelties, second-hand books, antiques, photo exhibitions. An important component of reading Saratov is soft live music performed by professional musicians and amateurs. The surroundings of Saratov University, its internal and external environment are conducive to holding, including, open events. This is reflected in Appendix 1.

Thus, during the implementation of the project, the goal is to ennoble the traditional and favorite type of summer leisure of the townspeople - "walking along Universitetskaya street" by introducing a scientific and popular science book, intellectual relaxation, "live" instrumental music, simple and calm forms of communication. This will strengthen and develop a positive urban tradition. Just like most educational institutions in the Russian Federation, Saratov University also faces the problem of attracting and retaining a contingent of students, popularizing professions. Therefore, in addition to the problem of promoting reading, it is important to focus on promoting the prestige of studies, education, etc.

The project assumes operation during the summer period and will mean the organization of sites for intellectual leisure and education.

Target audience of the project(quantitative and qualitative characteristics):

Students of secondary and higher educational institutions - about 300 people,

Book lovers, journalists, second-hand booksellers - about 40 people,

· Unorganized visitors (including guests of our city, tourists) - about 200 people.

Project implementation mechanism

From April 1 to September 30, 2017 in the Zonal Scientific Library named after V.A. Artisevich Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky will host the Festival of Art Reading "University - Territory of Reading".

The festival is held in 2 stages:

Stage 1. Qualifying round - April 1 to September 15, 2017. In each department of the V.A. Artisevich Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, a series of literary battles (battles) are held, the purpose of which is to select the two best competitors.

Stage 2. Final - September 30, 2017. The winners of the qualifying round will take part in the final of the Festival.

Pupils of schools and lyceums, students, as well as everyone interested are invited to participate in the Competition.

The winner is the participant who reads the unfamiliar text most expressively and emotionally and makes an impression on the jury and the audience.

Summing up the results of the Festival and awarding the winners is carried out immediately after the final on September 30, 2017 in the Zonal Scientific Library named after V.A. Artisevich Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky within the framework of the festival "In the world of favorite books".

All finalists receive incentive prizes and letters of thanks, the winner of the Competition is awarded the main prize - an e-book.

Table 1 - Stages of project implementation and work plan:

Stage of the project

Work plan



Preparatory stage

Preparation of the material and technical base of the project

Popov A.V.,

Ilyichenko T.Yu.

Elaboration of the main content and organizational aspects the project

Popov A.V.,

Ilyichenko T.Yu.

Sayutina V.S.

Coordination of the interaction of project participants

Popov A.V., Ilyichenko T.Yu.

Sayutina V.S.

PR - company, writing information letters, inviting photographers, writers to participate, writing press releases for events, meeting with journalists to promote the project in the media.

Popov A.V

Demenkova N.N.

Presentation of the project at the V.A.Artisevich Zonal Scientific Library

Zonal Scientific Library named after V.A.Artisevich

Lebedeva I.V.

Popov A.V.,

Ilyichenko T.Yu.

The main stage

Week of social knowledge and books (psychology, jurisprudence, economics) in the park named after N.I. Vavilov, testing of individual sites of the project participants

Square named after N.I. Vavilova

Lebedeva I.V.

Popov A.V.,

Ilyichenko T.Yu.

A week of humanitarian knowledge and books (philology, history and local history) in the park named after N.I. Vavilova

Lebedeva I.V. Popov A.V.,

Ilyichenko T.Yu.

A week of scientific knowledge and books (chemistry, mathematics, biology, physics) in the park named after N.I. Vavilov, testing of individual sites of the project participants

Square named after N.I. Vavilov. Saratov State University building

Lebedeva I.V.

Popov A.V.,

Ilyichenko T.Yu.

Week of fiction books in the park named after N.I. Vavilov, testing of individual sites of the project participants

Square named after N.I. Vavilov. Saratov State University building

Sayutina V.S.

The final stage of the Book Festival (battle)

Boulevard Novy Venets

Popov A.V., Lichenko T.Yu.

The final stage

Conducting a Roundtable on the effectiveness of the project


Popov A.V

Sayutina V.S.

Summing up the results of the project, preparation of reporting documents


Popov A.V

Sayutina V.S.

The book festival (reading festival) "University - the territory of reading" is aimed at popularizing books and reading.

The founder and organizer of the festival of artistic reading "University - the territory of reading" is the Zonal Scientific Library named after V.A. Artisevich Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. The author of the project is Sayutina V.S. Project coordinators and managers are the library administration.

Goals and objectives of the Festival

The purpose of the festival is to attract citizens and potential readers to books and reading, to create in the Zonal Scientific Library named after V.A. Artisevich Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky creative atmosphere, when fun and pleasant pastime can be combined with reading fiction and scientific literature.

Festival objectives:

Creation of conditions for creative self-expression of citizens;

Mastering in pilot mode new form work with readers to promote the book and reading;

Popularization of reading fiction.

Dates of the Festival

The festival of artistic reading "University - the territory of reading" is held from April 1 to September 30, 2017.

The order of performance of the participants of the Festival, time tracking and scoring

After the selection of the passages, the books are packed with opaque paper ("University - the territory of reading"), which does not have their titles. The books are placed on a special shelf by the library staff. During the competition, each participant randomly chooses a book to read. None of the participants, until the moment they open the book, knows what kind of book it is, or what passage from this book he is going to read.

The battle participants are divided into two teams of 3-5 people. Each of the team members reads in turn for one minute a book of random choice - from a selection prepared in advance by the organizers of the festival. The time is counted by the librarian. The winner is the participant who reads the unfamiliar text most expressively and emotionally and makes an impression on the jury and the audience.

A bonus, in the form of additional points, is awarded to a participant for the recognition of the presented work by other participants of the festival.

At the end of each round, the score is calculated. The scoring after the performance of each participant is done by the librarian or his assistant.


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Municipal District Budgetary Institution of Culture

"Salsk Intersettlement Central Library"

Series "Methodological consultations"



Methodological material for librarians

New technologies in the work of libraries: library projects: methodological material for librarians / MRBUK "SMCL"; comp. Posternak L.I., Kasimova I.P. - Salsk, 2014 .-- 16 p.

Responsible for the issue: Director of MRBUK "SMCB"

Perepech L. N.

  1. Joyous Reading: Examples of Library Design Activities

methodical consultation

Kasimova Irina Petrovna,

Leading librarian, IMO MRBUK "SMCB"
« The smallest good deed is better

than the greatest good intention "

J. J. Duguet

When we hear the word "project", then most often we are presented with an architectural design of a building. But a lot is now called a project - an interesting book, a new TV show or talk show, a concert, even government initiatives began to be called the national projects "Education", "Healthcare". Projects are an effective change in people's lives, the creation of social services, this is the way in which various initiatives come true.

The design and specialization of the work of libraries is related to the management strategy in the regional long-term target program "Culture of the Don" (2010-2014). All this determines new approaches to the organization of library services for the population, contributes to the implementation of successful creative ideas.

What is specialization and project activity for:

Striving to be vital to residents, to strengthen their authority in the eyes of the authorities.

This is an alternative source of funding;

Project activity creates an attractive image of the organization, since the project is accompanied by forced advertising;

This is an innovative activity in the library, as one of the conditions for its existence in the modern changing world.

Russian culturologist V.Yu. Dukelsky figuratively compares the project with waves at sea that appear suddenly and are replaced by a succession of running lambs. “The waves die out quickly, but it is they who form the image of the sea and create the illusion of movement. In culture, waves are called projects, that is, thrown forward (translated from Latin, the term "project" literally means "thrown forward").

The projects rise above the surface of the cultural sea and therefore are visible to everyone. Moreover, they are invented in order to attract attention, to declare themselves. "

Activity profiling begins with an analysis of the situation and the formulation of library problems. Even if there is a group of readers with an interest in a certain area of ​​work with literature, the profile of the work can be determined. Practice shows that in-depth work with a separate group and in one direction does not complicate the fulfillment of tasks for library services in a microdistrict, city, village.

Profiling types can be represented like this:

- industry and genre profiling libraries: libraries - museums, local history, libraries - centers of revival of folk traditions, libraries of ecological, aesthetic education;

- profiling of libraries by type and type of edition: library of periodicals;

- functional profiling: library - a center of leisure and communication, family reading library, etc.

In most libraries, profiling and specialization is determined by the chosen and developed program, project. A methodology for this work has been developed.

There are various types of project classification... For example, according to scale they can be considered as interstate, international, national, interregional and regional, intersectoral and sectoral, corporate, departmental, projects within one library. In addition, they are subdivided into monoprojects (for one library), multiprojects (for several libraries), megaprojects (for libraries of a certain region).

The appeal to the concept of "project" in Russia today is not only a fashion: it is concrete, effective actions that are within a certain period of time that are most effective. The project approach to library activities is gradually becoming one of the quality actions and. etc.

Projectit is a business-like, clear document with logically cumulative activities, limited in time and aimed at achieving a certain result, changing the existing situation.

At the heart of any project is an idea that should lead to the setting of goals, specific tasks facing the institution, as well as to the demonstration of the result.

To get money for this idea, you need to prove what can be done with these funds in a certain time frame and under what conditions.

The project is different from the work plan by the fact that

  • takes the activities of the institution beyond the usual framework;

  • based on the experience of your library;

  • based on knowledge and analysis of the specific situation in the region (that is, it takes into account local specifics);

  • has a clearly limited time frame (most often a year);

  • financial support.
In addition, the project should involve a limited number of people with specific functions. All available resources (financial, human, etc.) need to be assessed.

Who can finance the project:

- private charities, individuals, government agencies;

Government agencies (system Presidential grants, Federal programs and. etc.)

Each fund or institution finances the activities of a strictly defined topic. This is due to the fact that each "donor" works with a narrow circle of institutions and individuals and in a strictly defined area.

If all the requirements are met, a successful project has been written, which is recognized as the winner, then the organization (or individual) receives a grant. What is a grant? A grant is funds donated by a benefactor to a recipient.

Components of the project

  • The first (preparatory) stage of the project:

  • Name.
It can be designed in the form of a slogan. Should be catchy and memorable. For example: “Reading with the whole family”, “What to do? Play, of course ”,“ Territory of free communication ”,“ Summer discoveries ”,“ In a word, with a brush, with sound ... ”,“ What was the history textbook silent about? ” and etc.

  • Problem statement (or needs justification).
This section describes the situation that prompted you to develop the project. You must explain why and who needs your project. The problem should be socially significant, relevant for the region.

The project idea should be interesting and unusual. There is always a risk that someone will say: "We've already seen this somewhere." If this is a serious project, and not an empty project, there will always be an explanation.

The problem should not be confused with difficulty, natural disaster. For example, if the roof of the library is leaking, this is not a problem, but a disaster. Another typical mistake is the overly global nature of the problems raised, for example, a spiritual crisis in society, low birth rates, etc.

This is also where you link the objectives of your organization to the situation described. Mini - research, express survey of the population, as well as "copying a sample of someone else's experience" will help to choose a problem. As a rule, the experience of colleagues undergoes changes and acquires the specific characteristics of the given institution.

The idea of ​​the project should be real, based on the capabilities and resources of the library. It is necessary to imagine the prospects for project activities. When starting a project, it is necessary to clearly know for whom it is intended, which organizations and categories of the population will take part in it or receive certain services.

The key concept of the project is the concept of purpose.

  • Target
This is a general statement indicating a type of social problem. It cannot be quantified, but it must be achievable and realistic. Its formulation uses nouns in the nominative case : development, improvement, support, assistance, etc.

For instance:

The introduction of new information technologies in library activities.

Revival or preservation of the unique rituals of a particular village or region.

Development of information services for socially vulnerable groups of the population.

The specificity of library projects lies in the fact that they are mainly aimed at providing or expanding information services for the population, creating a book theater, an amateur club, literary subscription, etc.

As a rule, the goal of the project is one.

  • Tasks
These are concrete, quantifiable “steps” towards achieving a goal. They are as specific as possible. Usually they are nominated several (usually 2-3). Here verb forms are appropriate: create, change, improve, enhance, study, etc. They determine our actions. They must be completed and reported to the sponsor.

For instance:

Attract preschool or other age readers to the library.

Organize children's leisure time during school holidays.

Change the information content of the free book selection zone.

  • Budget or estimate.
The budget should be real, related to the text of the project.

For example: purchasing equipment, consumables, encouraging event participants, etc.

Different donors have different budget requirements, so the budget line may vary.

The most important thing in the budget is to show your own or attracted contribution, because any project budget is divided into 2 parts:

Requested amount

Contribution from other sources

Budget requirements:

Compliance with the descriptive part of the application, that is, whether it is real. For example: they ask for a video double for the project, a projector, but nowhere in the description there is the use of media.

Balancing the budget. Some experts look at the budget first, not the draft text. This is enough for them to form their own opinion.

The process of forming the idea (justification) of the project, determining the goal and objectives of the project includes an analysis of the situation, the scale of activities, opportunities human resources, the specifics of the "human factor". The library analyzes its resources, the state of the SBA, establishes contacts with other organizations, develops advertising. From this, a logical chain of execution of the first stage of the project is built.

  • Second stage of the project:

  • Activities and methods (content)- includes advertising activities, drawing up a plan - a schedule of major events with the timing and responsible persons... The necessary applications are drawn up, the resource provision of the project is thought out: premises, equipment, stationery, working hours, etc. Plan - a schedule of events and a budget for it is planned simultaneously.

  • The third stage - implementation, control over implementation .
At this stage, it is important to observe the personal responsibility of the project manager and executors, interchangeability, organization of effective feedback with partners, and timely funding.

Successful project implementation is impossible without an efficient team.

Seven characteristics of an effective team:

- TO communication and relationships;

- O common goals and values;

- M oral mood;

- A an atmosphere of recognition and respect for all members of the group;

- N lack of internal energy;

- D achieving results with optimal performance;

- A absolute flexibility.

  • The fourth stage is completion and performance analysis.
The last stage includes the following processes:

Analysis of the work done;

Demonstration of results to interested structures (partners, sponsors);

Expected results;

Project prospects

The project must bring tangible concrete results, that is, something that can be evaluated. Criteria can be quantitative and qualitative (carrying out specific events, issuing publishing, methodological, advertising products; providing a certain group of readers with services, etc.), it contains specific information (indicating quantitative indicators) about the result of the project.

Success factors of the project:

Completion of the project on time and within budget,

Compliance with the requirements for the quality of the result,

A small amount of changes during the implementation of the project,

Saving the current work of the library, i.e. work on the project did not unsettle the library,

Ensuring the work culture and values ​​of the organization.

It is imperative to describe the prospects of the project, try to justify that it will continue in time after the funding provided has been exhausted.

Reasons for failure:

Unclear goals

Lack of support from senior management,

Not very effective interaction in the project,

Excessive optimism, project complexity,

Insufficient funding,

Changing priorities in the work of the library,

Again referring to the conclusion of V.Yu. it follows that one project is not a project, two projects are a half-project, three projects are a project.

Project outline

  1. Name.

  2. Target.

  3. 3tasks.

  4. Substantiation of significance.

  5. Content of events.

  6. Expected results

  7. Artist data:
Full name, date of birth, place of work, position, function in the project, contact information.

  1. Project prospects.

  2. Estimate.

Types of expenses



Monoprojects in the library field they are very diverse. They reflect a certain range of tasks and apply traditional methods and controls for creating such program documents. Their implementation requires the formation of a single project team. The project must have support from other organizations, at least nominally. The project partnership system is the cornerstone of its implementation.

Depending on the purpose, Monoprojects are divided into organizational, informational, innovative, managerial, research, technical, economic, social and mixed.

* An information project is a project prepared in accordance with the needs of users.

* An innovative project is a project that contains some kind of innovation, significant change, change.

* A marketing project is a project designed for broad public relations.

* A strategic project is a project that contains planning of any activity for the long term.

* The partner project is business project based on a contract between physical or legal entities with equal rights and responsibilities.

* Educational project - aimed at training, education, improvement of any knowledge and skills.

* A cultural and leisure project is a project aimed at organizing leisure activities different categories users. It successfully combines the practice of library work with the activities of a cultural center. It includes in its activities the holding of cultural and leisure entertainment events, literary and musical evenings, the organization of theaters of books, festivals, presentations, creative evenings, mass celebrations, all kinds of exhibitions.

You can also distinguish by volume small projects ... Small projects are most often used in district and village libraries. They are simple, resource and time constrained. A significant part of them are designed and implemented in connection with certain significant events in a particular municipal area. As a rule, such projects do not require additional resources, the terms of their implementation are from one month to a year.

A striking example of small projects is summer reading programs , which are developed by many central regional and children's libraries.

Highlighting one area of ​​activity does not affect the quality of service to readers. The library provides the entire population with a standard set mandatory services and additionally meets the needs of a specific group, or conducts in-depth work in one of the thematic areas.

Project activities unite, organize and discipline the team. These are the visible results of the work of a team of like-minded people. Not only library staff, but also readers are involved in the creative process without coercion. Profiling, software and design activities - a new approach to library services, one of the ways of self-development of libraries. The person and his interests should be at the center of the project.


  1. Kasenova, G. How projects are born. To do, not intend // Bibl. case. - 2009. - No. 18. - P. 13 - 14.

  2. Lisitsky, A.V. Library Design: Express Course // Modern Library. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 9 - 15.

  3. Molodtsova, A.V. Profiling and specialization of libraries - one of the ways of self-development, "discovering yourself" // Bibl. case - XXI century: scientific and practical collection. - 2002. - No. 1. - P. 193 - 210.

  4. Mysovskaya, M.I. Different programs are needed // Library. - 2003. - No. 7. - P. 38 - 40.



Posternak Larisa Ivanovna,


A project activity is an activity that

learn by trial and error, step by step.

This is how, step by step, library staff improve their design skills. Many completed projects and programs can be named as examples of their creative development.

For several years now, work has been carried out in the Yashkinsky District Children's Library of the Kemerovo Region on the program "I get to know the world"(Bibliography. - 2012. - No. 7). Librarians acquaint children with the world around them, with the history of things, etc. Cognitive games and other activities that develop the horizons of kids and younger students have been held here for a long time and regularly.

Among these events there are the most successful ones, which do not become less relevant over the years, but, on the contrary, arouse great interest among children and leaders in children's reading. They were the ones who were united in the program “I get to know the world”. While working on the program, librarians listened to the opinions of teachers and parents - they often suggest interesting topics. This is how cognitive hours:"National emblem. Family Coat of Arms ”,“ Light Bulb Journey into the Past ”,“ Safe New Year ”,“ Country of Very Necessary Professions ”; game - travel"In the world of Russians folk tales". Often topics for meetings are taken from children's books and magazines, and sometimes they are born in a conversation with a reader - a child who has "one hundred thousand" Why? "

It is impossible to remain silent about modern technologies with the help of which the child perceives information better if it is accompanied by illustrations. “A computer is not a competitor,” as one wise man said, and he was right. With a skillful approach, the computer will become a good assistant to the librarian.

Since the first day of the appearance of the computer in the library, librarians have been using it in the program “I get to know the world”. Young readers very well perceive electronic presentations, slide - minutes, because the librarian not only tells, but also shows something interesting.

A small quiz is always prepared for the exhibition. Answering questions, children turn to books from this exhibition (often on the advice of a librarian), and then advise their friends to look into them.

The Appendix to the article gives the forms, names and topics of the events held under this program from 2008 to 2012.

Like any creative work, reading activity grows out of the process of voluntary participation in any common cause. Therefore, in working with children, such forms as Summer Readings Programs(Library. - 2013. - No. 2).

During the holidays, the child is given lists of literature that must be read. Sometimes they are so intense that children lose the desire to even pick up a book. Our task is to interest and activate them, to make the summer reading process exciting. For this, the employees of the Central Children's Library of the city of Kungur, Perm Territory, offered the following programs:

The library posted an announcement on its website: “Dear parents! Become an active participant in your child's literary reading! A good book is "living", "speaking", "thinking". Teach children to communicate with smart books. Read with the whole family! " It also contained information about the project: the terms of the competition, reference lists of references, thematic folders with tasks, and later - information about the results of the competition and the winners.

One of the conditions for participation in this competition is the right to choose what to read or not read, to take part in the tasks or not. But in order to get to the finals and become the winner, you had to prove your reading competence. And during the project a lot of literary tasks aimed at working with the text have accumulated in thematic folders: "Ecological fairy tales for the little ones", " Funny stories and poems ”,“ My favorite fairy tales ”,“ Amazing and incredible adventures ”,“ Ecological stories and stories ”. The participants who received the maximum number of points became the owners of the Znayka diplomas, the most active ones were awarded with the Znayka badges: to the most reading and inquisitive.

Educating a child's feelings begins with beauty. One of the main directions of work of the Central City Children's Library of Zheleznogorsk is aesthetic education under the motto: "To teach to see the beautiful, to enlighten the soul." Its employees have developed the program for aesthetic education of preschoolers "Grow up". Classes under the program are conducted on several topics. The first one - "On the way to Chitai-gorod" takes place in the form of a fairy-tale game - travel and is devoted to the formation of the foundations of the reading culture in children. Children go to the fabulous Chitai-city together with the sorceress Chitalia. On the way, the guys meet a hero who arranges tests for them. In a playful way, information is given about the rules for using the library, the book. The excursion ends with a conversation about what was remembered during the trip, and an offer to play in the "library" at home or in kindergarten.

The next lesson "Colors and sounds of native nature" is devoted to the seasons in painting, music and poetry. It consists of three independently filmed and dubbed videos ”“ Autumn is a wonderful time ”,“ Hello, guest - winter! ”,“ Admire, spring is coming! ”. The films sound the music of Russian composers, children admire the paintings of Levitan, Zhukovsky, Shishkin ... Poems by Pushkin, Pleshcheev, Fet sound ...

“In a certain kingdom, in a fairy-tale state” is the next theme of the “Grow Up” program. An exhibition is arranged for the lesson: books, illustrations, toy heroes of fairy tales. Video material is used. And the dialogue form of communication enhances the process of perception.

Russian decorative and applied art is truly unique in the variety of materials, colors and patterns. Therefore, it is very important to instill in young readers a high sense of love for folklore, to reveal its uniqueness. The next lesson of the program "In the world of folk art" helps to solve this problem. Here they use fragments of the documentary film "Folk Crafts", arrange a book-illustrative exhibition "Miracles of Folk Art", which exhibits genuine objects of decorative and applied art. They conduct creative activities, where children paint blank trays, jugs, cut out of paper.

On the loan of the Central City Library of the city of Zhodino, "Books of the Day" project, in which the readers were introduced to the kaleidoscope of holidays, memorable dates and world events in the life of our planet.

The purpose of this project is to disclose the fund and promote the library's subscription books. This is due, first of all, to the development of modern technologies that allow you to obtain the necessary information without leaving your home. In modern conditions, the library is engaged not only in lending books, but also in their active promotion and advertising. For this, a variety of methods and forms of work are used. That is why the “Books of the Day” project is one of the most interesting innovations in the work of this library.

Daily on the stand were placed photographs and information about interesting events, facts, holidays of the current day, and next to the rack are books and magazines of art and industry content, directly or indirectly related to these events. The book exhibition is complemented by various attributes and souvenirs.

Publications of local authors are annually received in the library funds. The “Books of the Day” project should strive to reflect this fund by highlighting the anniversaries of local writers. And here it can work one copy effect, when several editions of the same work are put on the shelf.

Student's day, thanks to this project, he was celebrated on the subscription with special pleasure. At the holiday, users were offered to pass simple tests to check the level of their knowledge. Books and magazines with various educational games and tests were presented on the exhibition rack (“Let's play together”, “The latest tests”, “100 popular professions”, “Cheat sheet for the lucky one”, etc.).

And on February 17, one of the recent initiatives of international charitable organizations is celebrated - A day of spontaneous kindness... This holiday has a worldwide significance and is celebrated regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs. On this day, librarians offer only the kindest and most cordial books of the subscription.

Working on the “Books of the Day” project, the staff sought not only to stimulate reading among the subscription users, to help them improve their self-education and information literacy, but also to involve little-sought-after literature in the project, as well as to demonstrate the attractiveness and benefits of reading.

The wealth of his spiritual world depends on a person's relationship to nature. From childhood, you need to educate a sense of nature. For four years, the Central Children's Library of Kemerovo worked with children on its own the program "Amazing Wonder of Nature". It consists of five stages of work:

Stage 1 - "The Earth is a tear on the cheek of the Universe." These are the first children's discoveries of the surrounding world: the "pearl" of space - the Earth, the "bewitching" stars, the "relatives" of the Earth - the planets.

Stage 2 - "How beautiful this world is, look." Landscape lyrics - admiring nature through artistic words.

Stage 3 - "The national calendar is the cradle of the science of nature." How people lived in harmony with nature, observing its laws: acquaintance with Russian folklore, folk signs.

Stage 4 - "Instructive stories of the Old Man - Lesovichka". Ethics and nature: observation, experience and understanding by children of what they saw in nature, in literature.

Stage 5 - "Let's put the Earth's ball in order." What needs to be done to help not only animals survive, but also people themselves. Councils of scientists, writers.

Each event was accompanied by illustrated material: photographs, reproductions, digital data, as well as the librarians and readers' own observations about the life of the forest, plants and animals. Librarians with children remember their walks out of town, read stories about natural phenomena, notes of naturalists. For the purpose of being entertaining, riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems about nature are included in conversations. Environmental quizzes and contests are held.

Social project to improve human relations "Living Library" was born in Denmark. Russia first got acquainted with the project in 2011 in Yekaterinburg, and then "living books" were presented in Novosibirsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities.

The Living Library is a new, unusual format of communication. It works the same way as any other, but interesting, extraordinary personalities become "books" in it, all visitors to the library become readers, and reading is replaced by conversation.

“Living Book” is a person who is ready to share his personal experience with “readers” and sincerely answer their questions. The purpose of such actions is to make up for the lack of communication in big cities and cultural uniformity in the countryside. Such a project creates all the conditions for the meeting of representatives of various social groups, while doing without confrontation, without the danger of being offended and humiliated.

Any person or group of people who:

  • are able to overcome life difficulties and hardships (disabled people or people who have overcome diseases);

  • cause admiration and gratitude of others by their actions (single fathers raising their children on their own; families with adopted children);

  • have an atypical life history (travelers, inventors);

  • are specialists in rare professions or have achieved great success in their professional activities.
In a word, they must be bright, creative, extraordinary personalities.

"We have not seen the war, but we know ..."- this is the name of the project of the department of services for preschoolers and students of primary school age of the regional library for children and youth in Kursk. The goal of this project is to preserve the memory of the great feat of the participants in the Great Patriotic War, foster patriotism in the younger generation, and increase interest in reading military literature.

The author of the project, a caring and creative person, invited 40 children of primary school age to her place. They presented very interesting and valuable information, on the basis of which a children's handwritten book "We have not seen the war, but we know ..." was created. A total of 147 pages were written by children about loved ones who gave us all the Victory. Parents, grandparents and teachers actively helped young authors. It was this unification of children and adults in the creative process that not only brought them closer, but for some time, as it were, returned the heroes of the Great Patriotic War to our days. In their stories, the children expressed their own attitude towards the war and the Great Victory.

The library hosted a presentation of the handwritten book "We have not seen the war, but we know ...", which was attended by participants of the Great Patriotic War, relatives of those about whom the young authors wrote. And later the presentation of the book took place on the local radio.


  1. Volneikina, L. "Forgotten Birthday": the implementation of the project "Reading with the whole family" // Library offers. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 113 - 117.

  2. Kasenova G. How projects are born // Bibl. case. - 2009. - No. 18. - S. 13 - 14.

  3. Kurenko, T. Computer is not a competitor: work under the program “I get to know the world” in the children's library // Bibliopole. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 35 - 37.

  4. Maltseva, E. Fully armed with emotions, or self-realization through creativity
// Library. - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 32 - 36.

  1. Medvedkova, N. An amazing miracle of nature: bibl. environmental programs
// School library. - 2003. - No. 10. - S. 55 - 58.

  1. Meshcheryakova, S. "Grow up": a program for preschoolers // Library. - 2003. - No. 7. - S. 70 - 71.

  2. Rostovskaya, O. Danish project in the Russian open spaces: the project "Living Library" // Bibliopole. - 2013. - No. 11. - S. 5 - 7.

  3. Smolskaya, G. Books of the Day: Project Implementation // Library offers. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 48 - 53.

  4. Khudokormova, O. "We have not seen the war, but we know ...": a project for preschoolers and students of primary school age // Library. - 2013. - No. 9. - S. 31 - 33.
Our address:

Salsk, st. Lenin, 104

Salsk Intersettlement Central Library

Phone: 7-35-62


Working hours: from 9 to 18 hours.

Day off Friday, in summer

Sunday. There is no break.

The last Monday of each month is a cleaning day

The program-targeted activity of the libraries of the MBUK BGO "BCBS" contributes to a qualitative change in library services, the development of innovative forms and methods of library and information services for the population of the BGO, as well as the social demand for libraries and library resources. Software design mobilizes forces for non-standard solutions to many aspects of library activity, engages specialists and serves their professional self-affirmation.

A cycle of conversations "With an open heart, with a kind word" V. Kina

In the Central City Library named after V. Kina continues to operate the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment "Insight", which received financial support in 2011 from the Reverend Seraphim of Sarov Foundation. The work of the "Insight" Center is aimed at promoting the best examples of spiritual and moral literature, reviving spirituality.

IV-th All-Russian Festival of Russian Literature and Culture "To the Glory of Boris and Gleb".

On August 6-7, 2015, the old town - the fortress Borisoglebsk, named after Saints Boris and Gleb, turned into a cultural center that brought together more than a hundred of the most talented creative people from different regions of our country, cities of the near abroad (Minsk and Lugansk) and, of course the same, the Voronezh region. For the fourth time, the Festival brought together all the creative intelligentsia, for which the main goal is to support Russian culture, promote the Orthodox worldview and revive national identity, foster patriotism and love for the Fatherland, reveal new creative talents and strengthen cultural ties between regions of Russia.

"The Russian word opens Dagestan to the world"

In 2014 Borisoglebsk central city library named after I. V. Kina took part in the competition of library projects of the International Reading Program "The Russian Word Opens Dagestan to the World", announced by the Khasavyurt Central City Library named after Rasula Gamzatova with the support of the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

The program is aimed at restoring and strengthening social ties between Russians and citizens of neighboring countries, recreating their historical community and unity in the cultural space.

Ball of the clever and the clever

May 21, 2014 at the Central City Hospital named after V. Kina hosted the final event of the project "Information and Research Agency" Eureka "- Ball of smart and smart people, to which the winners and participants of the project - high school students, students and teachers were invited educational institutions and the head of the cultural sector of the department of culture, sports and youth policy Administration of Borisoglebsk urban district O.V. Zagrebin.

Project "Mobile Information Center" Biblionavigator "

Since September 2013, the Central City Hospital im. V. Kina participates in the creation of a model of interlibrary interaction of the mobile information center "Biblionavigator" of the Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library named after I.S. Nikitin and municipal central libraries of districts of the region. The project “Mobile Information Center“ Biblionavigator ”” was supported by the M. Prokhorov Foundation for Cultural Initiatives and is aimed at systematic information support for students, postgraduates, teachers and researchers.

Within the framework of the project "Information and Research Agency" Eureka ", a series of cognitive interactive games" We reveal the secrets of the world "

In March 2014, within the framework of the project of the Central City Hospital named after I. V. Kina "Information and Research Agency" Eureka "passed a cycle of cognitive interactive games" We discover the secrets of the world ", which included:
-cognitive game "From earth to sky" (about plants and animals of the planet);
- game-journey "Unsolved Earth" (in geography);
- the historical game "Secrets of Ancient Civilizations".

Project "Information Research Agency" Eureka "

In April 2013, the Central City Hospital im. V. Kina took part in the Open Charitable Competition of Socio-Cultural Projects "The New Role of Libraries in Education", presenting the project "Information and Research Agency" Eureka ". The purpose of the project: creation, on the basis of the library, of conditions for the formation and development of a sustainable interest of adolescents and youth in scientific knowledge of the world around them. The project won a grant from the M. Prokhorov Charitable Foundation.

Program "Information Center for Additional Environmental Education"

Gubarevskaya Rural Library No. 8 works under the program "Information Center for Additional Environmental Education". Library won grant of the governor of the Voronezh region . The purpose of the program: development of an organizational and financial model of interaction between the library and educational institutions of the village, deepening the creative approach in the development of educational subjects of environmental orientation.

The program "I get to know the world"

City library number 4 the target program "I get to know the world" is being implemented . She is designed to work with users of primary and secondary school age and is aimed at popularizing literature in various fields of knowledge, developing children's skills in the process of reading popular science literature for further successful reading activity.


One of the main functions of activity management is planning. The organization of the work of the library is impossible without preliminary planning, during which the development of a system of events is carried out, goals and objectives, ways of achieving them, planned indicators of the work of the library and its divisions for a calendar period are determined.

In the book of M.N. Kolesnikova "Management of library and information activities" the following definition of the concept of a plan is given. Library work plan - a system of interrelated, united by a common goal of planning tasks that determine the order, timing and sequence of work, as well as the conduct of events in the library.

In the library, various types of plans are used, therefore there are their classifications for different reasons:

1.In content:



2. By the volume of the planned work:

Master plan of several libraries

Library plan (one)

Structural unit plan

Individual employee plan

3. By terms of implementation:




All plans are designed to ensure, in the aggregate, the planned and consistent development of the library and should be brought into a system that ensures continuous work according to plans and excluding their duplication.

Such types of plans, as perspective and strategic, have entered the practice of libraries relatively recently; their compilation is caused by constantly changing socio - economic conditions.

Briefly, about the long-term plan. Usually it is designed for five years and outlines the general directions of the library's development. It reflects the main, decisive tasks of long-term importance; the level to be reached by the end of the planned period is determined. Long-term plans can be both universal in terms of coverage of areas of activity, and thematic in individual areas.

But the most relevant in the last 10 years has become strategic planning. The concept of "strategy" became one of the management terms in the 1960s, when extraordinary situations in the economy began to arise more and more often. In this regard, it was required to develop models of the organization's behavior in a changing environment. The main goal of strategic planning was the innovative development of the organization.

As a rule, the library draws up a strategic plan for 2-3 years. In contrast to the long-term, in which the planned tasks are distributed over the years, the strategic plan is drawn up according to the timing of the implementation of the intended goals and necessarily provides for resource support for the achievement of each goal.

There are many formulations of strategies. Here is the most relevant one: "Strategy is the process of identifying and establishing a connection between an organization and its environment, which consists in trying to achieve the desired result through the effective allocation of resources."

If we apply this definition to a budgetary institution, in particular to a cultural institution, then the most important thing in this formulation will be that a strategy is a process of defining and establishing a connection with the environment. This is one of the important differences between strategic development and simple functioning.

The new socio-cultural situation, caused by changes of a political and social nature, has put public libraries in front of the need to rethink their purpose and areas of interest, to redefine the goals and objectives of their activities.

The well-being of traditional cultural institutions now depends on how much they are ready to act actively in modern conditions, to understand and define their place in society, to find their consumer.

And this is only possible:

Through project activities

Expansion of services provided

Search for additional funds

Attracting sponsors.

Design technologies are now widely included in the practice of strategic planning of library work. The result of this activity is targeted programs and creative projects. Note that one of the main differences between design and planning is that design is aimed at solving external problems organization, while planning is about internal problems.

Design and program activities are becoming more and more widespread every year. Certain subjects of the federation have legislatively secured the priority direction of program-target planning and financing in the field of culture. Therefore, mastering this technology becomes one of the indicators of the professionalism of employees of the cultural sphere.

The design-program method in cultural activity involves the implementation of a certain sequence of actions linked by a single plan and purpose and calculated for a more or less long period. All efforts, as a rule, are aimed at solving a specific problem.

The main organizational forms characteristic of this method are the cultural project and the program.

Project distinguishes the local nature of the organization. Another distinguishing feature of the project is its finitude.

Program is more time-consuming and complex in composition, it may include several projects united thematically. In addition, the program can cover a large territory, it may be prolonged, and sometimes duplicated, for example, in another region.

For example, MMK "TsBS" programs:

- "Native land - love at all times"

- "Next to the present - the past"

- “Children of Russia - our future” (all for 5 years).

Program Is a detailed document that works on the scale of a specific territory (district, city, region) the entire set of conditions necessary to optimize cultural life (i.e. the processes of creation, preservation, broadcast and development of cultural values, norms, traditions, technologies) and includes in itself, in addition to analyzing the socio-cultural situation and substantiating the priorities of cultural development, functional and meaningful models of institutions and organizational and managerial structures, as well as material, technical, organizational, personnel and information support for the implementation of activities, actions, ideas, initiatives outlined within the program.

By form the program - This is a document that has passed the examination and approved at the appropriate level (institution, governing body of the municipality).

Content program - this is a document with the goals, objectives, methods prescribed in it, through the solution of which the goals are achieved, the social addressee of the project, a description of the problem situation, justification of the necessity and importance of its resolution. At the same time, the organizational block contains a complex of research, socio-economic, production activities. It also indicates the timing of the activities responsible for their implementation, as well as the means (material resources) necessary for its implementation.

Project(from Lat. projectus - literally means "thrown forward"). Traditionally, this word was understood as an idea, a plan. In the modern world, this concept includes the process of implementing ideas.

In this way, project- is the development and implementation of a number of activities, limited in time and aimed at achieving a certain result, to change the problem situation. The appeal to the concept of "project" in Russia today is not only a fashion: it seems that it is concrete, effective actions that are within a certain time frame that are most effective.

Examples of projects of MB im. M. A. Ulyanova:

- "Mikhail Ulyanov - the soul and love of the people" (2009-2011)

- "Colorful Pages of Childhood" (June-August) organization of summer leisure activities for children.

As you can see, each project has its own life cycle:

2.A few months (summer reading project)

3. Several years (project by M.A. Ulyanov).

Project Is a one-time activity that:

Has an ultimate goal and intermediate objectives;

Produces a clearly defined end result that can be measured;

Consists of successive interrelated works;

Uses a limited amount of resources: financial, informational, temporary;

Has a designated time frame (start and end date of work).

The essence of project activity is to analyze problems and identify the causes of their occurrence, develop goals and objectives that characterize the desired state of the object (or sphere of professional activity), develop ways and means to achieve the set goals.

Before creating a project, you need to consider the following questions:

2. What is traditional or new unique services we offer?

3. Do we work with a children's audience and how do we attract it?

4. Do we coordinate our activities with other institutions, organizations?

5. Why does the village need your library and who needs it?

6. Do we study our consumers?

In our sphere of activity, a complex formation acts as an object of design, which includes two overlapping subsystems: society and culture, therefore, in the sphere of culture, design is sociocultural.

For professions of a culturological orientation, socio-cultural design is subject to the processes and phenomena characteristic of culture and society as a whole, as well as the cultural life of a particular region: here the subject of regulation is various socio-cultural subjects (associations, organizations, institutions), and the goal is to create conditions for self-development cultural life, support for priority areas and types of cultural activities that have social and personal significance.

Tasks of project activities:

1. Analysis of the situation, i.e. comprehensive diagnosis of problems and a clear definition of their source and nature;

2. Search and development of options for solving the problem under consideration (at the individual social levels), taking into account the available resources and assessing the possible consequences of the implementation of each of the options;

3. The choice of the most optimal solution (i.e. socially acceptable and culturally grounded recommendations capable of making the desired changes in the object design area and its design design;

4. Development of organizational forms for introducing the project into social practice and conditions that ensure the implementation of the project in financial and legal terms.

So, a library project is a planning document that covers one problem and details the tasks that will help solve it. The purpose of the project is to solve a specific problem with the help of additional financial resources that the library does not have, but which can be obtained from donors, donors, or through sponsorship channels.

If you try to unify the process of creating a project, then the technology for its development includes:

Analysis of the situation, the relevance of the project (problem statement);

Goals and objectives of the project;

The target audience;


Project implementation activities;

Resource support of the project (material and technical base, budget funds and extra-budgetary sources, human resources);

Project budget, project financing;

Intended, expected result.

Project structure (what parts the project consists of)

I. Introduction.

In this section, you can briefly describe the activities of your organization (goal, objectives of the institution, how long it has existed, what resources it has). The introduction should inspire confidence in you on the part of the person holding the project in their hands. The text should be clear, concise, simple in form, if possible without the use of special terms. Recommended volume - up to 1 page.

For example, the project "MA Ulyanov - the soul and love of the people."

Example. Introduction: The program of the Muromtsev Intersettlement Library named after MA Ulyanov MMUK "TsBS" "Mikhail Ulyanov - the soul and love of the people" was developed in 2009 and is focused on all age categories.

II. Formulation of the problem(actuality of the problem, essence of the problem and substantiation of the significance of the project). This section describes the objective situation in the country, region, city, which caused that specific problem that can be solved with the help of the declared project or program (i.e. why there was a need to carry out the project). In the section "Statement of the problem":

Formulation of the problem, its description, relevance and relevance (for the target audience, for your organization, for your region, for the direction of activity);

What are the ways to solve the problem (main task), i.e. how the project can solve the problem;

How the situation should ideally look after solving the task (problem).

The most used lexical constructions when stating the relevance of the topic:

- in the modern situation ... .. acquires a special acuteness;

- in the conditions of proliferation ... ... the problem .... is actualized;

- the problem .... today is more relevant than ever, because ...;

- lack of attention to the problem ... hinders ....

III. Goals and objectives of the project- give an idea of ​​what the results of the project will be. The goal is for the sake of what the project is being undertaken. The goal is the desired result (the object of striving is what it is desirable to accomplish).

A good wording is usually:

Aimed at solving a problem;

Describes a planned change;

Localized in space;


Lexical goal statements:

-creating conditions conducive to ...

- the formulation of…. interest in….

-increase ...



- assistance ...

- to induce ...



for instance,- stimulate cognitive interest in foreign literature;

- upbringing of the linguistic culture of senior pupils and students through the promotion of the best examples of the artistic word;

-providing high-quality and efficient library and information services for all categories of users, as well as increasing legal literacy, legal culture of the population;

-creation of conditions conducive to increasing the interest of the local community in the development of the heritage of M.A. Ulyanov, the focus of activities on patriotic education and increasing civic consciousness of the younger generation.

There cannot be many goals, there are usually 1-2 of them.

Tasks - specific steps to achieve a goal, a specific effect to achieve which is required during the implementation of the project.


Project stages

· Have a beginning and an end

·Connected to each other

Demand people

Requires resources


The tasks should be clear, directly aimed at solving the problems indicated in the project.

The main difference between a goal and a task: the goal cannot be quantified, the task can be quantified, and it is a step towards achieving the goal.

For instance, goal: the formation of interest in reading among children, as one of the ways of meaningful and interesting leisure time; several tasks: 1. Position the best examples of children's literature; 2. Stimulate reading of children to broaden their horizons.

There are many tasks (from 3 to 10), depending on the size of the project. The optimal number of tasks is no more than 4.

Lexical formulations of tasks:

· Involve ... (users, residents, etc.) in ... (any activity);

· Establish ... (communication, cooperation) with ... (who?);

· Form… (culture of reading, positive attitude, etc.);

· Create…

· Position ...

· Stimulate ...

· To activate ... (reading, creative activity, etc.);

· Organize…

· Raise at ...

· Help ... (to whom?) ... in ... (with what?);