Business environment from Sberbank. ZAO Delovaya sreda - project description

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The business environment includes everything that, being outside the organization, interacts with it and has a direct impact on it as a whole or on its individual divisions. As a rule, the business environment of an organization includes: consumers of products and services; suppliers of material and natural resources; competitors; infrastructure; state and municipal organizations; international sector.

Business environment is formed during the development of the organization, it is difficult to determine the boundaries of the business environment. An organization can change its goals, strategy, scope, products or services, all of which will change the boundaries of its business environment accordingly. Let's bring brief description basic elements business environment.

Consumers- These are direct buyers and customers of the company. The composition of consumers depends on the field of activity, on the type of goods and services, on the scale of production, on the employment of the market, and many other factors. In addition to direct buyers and customers, the activities of the organization are significantly influenced and public organizations(consumer society, environmental protection society, etc.).

Suppliers materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, electricity, water, gas create resource dependence. The dependence of organizations on suppliers is one of the strongest. Relations with suppliers significantly affect the cost, product quality, production time, thereby directly affecting efficiency. Monopoly suppliers can inflate tariffs, prices, turn off energy, gas, putting organizations in a crisis situation, on the verge of bankruptcy. When concluding relations for deliveries, it is necessary to pay attention to prices, quality, compliance with delivery dates, the possibility of replacing a supplier, it is necessary to find out whether he is a monopolist.

Competitors as a rule, are those organizations that sell similar products in the same markets to the same consumers.

Competent competitive strategy requires analysis:

  • competition between existing companies;
  • the likelihood of the emergence of new companies planning to produce a similar product;
  • new substitute products that may appear on the market;
  • opportunities for more profitable suppliers.

Infrastructure- this is a set of industries and activities that serve the organization and create for it, as it were, a common foundation, support. It is that part of the business environment that provides the organization with financial, labor resources, transport service, consulting, audit, insurance and other services. This part of the business environment includes banks, stock exchanges, consulting, auditing, leasing companies, warehouses, Railway etc., with which the organization establishes relations.

Financial institutions- stock exchanges, private investors. Reliability of financial institutions - necessary condition for stable operation. Increasing crises - bank failures, sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate - all this increases the degree of uncertainty and creates great difficulties for company managers. That is why careful selection of financial institutions is so important.

Market work force : recruitment agencies employment, educational establishments, labor exchanges. The study of the labor market allows the organization to select employees of the required specialty, qualifications, gender, age, education, i.e. select personnel according to professional requirements.

Transport organizations have a strong influence on the company, its well-being depends on prices, transportation schedules, and the safety of cargo in transport. If the transport organization is a monopolist, then the tariffs for transportation are high.

Consulting firms in last years are increasingly providing professional consulting services to organizations. Russian enterprises seek help in developing marketing, investment projects, strategies, enterprise restructuring projects, etc. advisory services both foreign and Russian firms operate.

Insurance companies are necessary element infrastructure. The high level of business risk in the Russian market forces firms to turn to insurance companies. It is important for the organization that there must be strong insurance companies in the territory of its location.

State and municipal organizations is another important component of the business environment. Depending on the form of ownership, type of activity, scale, sources of financing, the business environment of an organization may include various municipal and federal organizations or authorities with which it interacts directly: the administration, tax office, tax police, courts. Their influence on the organization occurs through the adoption of regulations; share ownership; licensing; granting subsidies, levying taxes; placement of government orders and their resource provision; the application of economic and administrative sanctions, etc. - all this directly affects the economy of the organization. In our country, where changes in government are frequent and usually unpredictable, it is very important to establish good communication with government agencies and provide for measures aimed at protecting the interests of an organization in a crisis situation.

The international sector of the business environment in the last decade has a strong influence on the activities of Russian firms. Displacement with Russian market Russian manufacturers(cars, Appliances, electronics, some foodstuffs) forces companies to closely monitor the development of the international sector of the economy. It is necessary to constantly study the influence of foreign consumers, suppliers, competitors; explore new techniques, management rules; strengthen lobbying of their interests in government bodies authorities and take measures to resist foreign competition in the domestic market.

Andrey Leushev, General Director of CJSC Delovaya Sreda, Managing Director - Head of the Directorate of Innovative Projects of Sberbank of Russia, tells readers about Sberbank's unique project, the purpose of which is to spread effective and interesting tools for developing one's own business.

We Andrey, reading about the Business Environment project, you imagine it as the point of application of all the bank's efforts to work with small businesses and people who just want to become entrepreneurs. Tell us how Sberbank came up with the idea of ​​the Business Environment project?

Andrey Leushev: Quite right, the main task of the Business Environment is to support entrepreneurs in many ways.

The path to the idea was not easy, Sberbank widely discussed how to help small businesses. The solution was found only when a team of people came together who sincerely worry about the fate of entrepreneurship in Russia, and I am proud to be part of this team. The formalized concept was given " green light» at all levels, including the Management Board of Sberbank of Russia.

Are there analogues of this project in the Russian banking or abroad?

There are no analogues of the "Business environment" in the world, I can say this with confidence, because my employees and I have traveled all over the world in search of successful examples, many of us have worked abroad for a long time.

If we disassemble the "Business Environment" into components, then, of course, such components exist, but in general the project is unique.

When did Business Environment start? What is it technically?

The Delovaya sreda company celebrated its first anniversary on April 2, 2013, about a year before that it took preparatory measures.

Technically, "Business Environment" is an innovative company from the Sberbank of Russia group that creates a "business environment" for entrepreneurs as an information, educational, product and social resource.

Magazine, Club, School, Shop, Bank, Market - the names of the sections of the portal speak for themselves, but it is interesting to learn more about each of them and which direction of the Business Environment is most interesting to its users.

We are seeing a rapid growth in traffic to all sections of our site, young people are active in the Journal and the School, businessmen on the Marketplace and in the Store, almost everyone visits the Store and the Bank.

A magazine is a registered media outlet with its own editorial board and unique content. The club is a catalog of companies, which already has more than 80,000 verified businesses. Very soon the Club will become a real social network focused on entrepreneurs. The School's arsenal includes video lessons (more than 150 already), webinars and a test for entrepreneurial abilities. The store is one of the largest online marketplaces for small business apps, with over 10,000 sales already. The bank is a navigator in the world of Sberbank products where you can submit online applications. Market - a solution to marketing problems for micro and small businesses, trading floor with the prospect of integration with Europe and China. In addition, we have a service for registering individual entrepreneurs online as an example of integration with the state, we are very much looking forward to expanding such cooperation.

The very location of the "Business Environment" - the Internet - dictates the nature of the interaction of the project participants and the nature of the materials. Is it possible to imagine the "Business Environment" in isolation from modern technologies? Does this mean that access to the project is still limited?

Our uniqueness is due to the synthesis of online and offline platforms. In addition to the website, Delovaya Sreda is represented in almost 3,000 Sberbank sales points, and we hold a lot of events at forums and Business Development Centers. So we are really open to everyone.

Andrey, tell us who is working on the content of the Business Environment project, and who are its experts?

We managed to create a very professional team, we do a lot ourselves. At the same time, we are open for partnership, more than 100 companies help us to realize all our ideas. We try to choose the very best.

Who can become a participant of the Business Environment project? What information must be submitted to register in the project? How does Business Environment work with the personal data of its users?

Anyone can become a member without any restrictions. To register, you only need to enter your first name, last name and email address. We work with personal data in strict accordance with the Law; its violation is not acceptable for a subsidiary of Sberbank.

How many users are registered and actively involved in the project today?

We have more than 100 thousand verified users alone, the number of visitors is constantly growing, we have reached the figure of 200,000 unique users per month.

Are there any criteria for selecting Business Environment partners presented in the Store section? Can we expect that over time the number of available programs useful for small businesses will increase?

Of course, the quality of services is important for us. Any company can become a partner if it can meet our standards for system resiliency and support. This year we are going to expand the product range by at least three times.

Does registration in the project give any advantages when accessing the services of Sberbank? How is the interaction between small business representatives and the Bank organized on the basis of the Business Environment portal? Does it eliminate the need for a face-to-face meeting with a Bank manager, for example?

The advantage is the automatic filling of the application for the selected product, online delivery of information to the Bank. Personal presence is still required, but we are working on creating a Sberbank Virtual Office on our website.

In my opinion, the Business Environment portal provides a more complete and clear picture of Sberbank's products for small businesses than the official website. Please tell us how the user of the portal can quickly choose the right product for himself.

A few months ago, I came up with the idea that there are online coding schools for adults and offline schools for kids on the market. After searching the Internet and not finding analogues, I decided to launch my online school, but the story is not about that.

To bookmarks

Question about registration legal entity and I decided to register an IP. I myself am from the Tver region and registered there, I live in St. Petersburg and I do not have a registration in St. Petersburg. Since it's 2018, I wanted to register online. I didn’t really want to drive more than 300 kilometers to pick up documents from the tax office.

Registration through the tax

I went to the tax website, I immediately find this wonderful service. The bottom line is this:

  • you can register an individual entrepreneur online and receive documents by mail. There is a nuance - you need an enhanced electronic signature;
  • You can submit documents through the website and pick up documents at the tax office. When issuing documents, your identity will be confirmed, an electronic signature is not needed.
  • You can also probably fill it out online, print it out and bring it to the tax office yourself, but I didn’t find this option when writing the post.

Registration of an electronic signature costs from 2,500 to 3,000 rubles on average in St. Petersburg. You need to get it at the certification center, on the website of the Ministry of Communications there is a map with the addresses of the CA, but there is little benefit from it. Since I personally would rather use the sites and telephone numbers of the CA on this map, but they are not there. I did not want to issue an electronic signature, I have Mac OS and I knew that it would only be a headache.

Registration through "Business environment"

And then I remembered that Sberbank launched the registration of IP online in the Tver region (and two more) as an experiment. Googling, I found the site "Business environment". I read what I need.

You must have:

  • Sberbank account online;
  • foreign passport of a new sample;
  • smartphone with NFC.

A lyrical digression - given that 13% of the country's population has a passport, it seems that the service cannot be called mass.

I start registering IP through their service:

  • I go through all the steps and before the payment step I receive a message - “the payment service is temporarily unavailable”;
  • I try to repeat the procedure again in half an hour - the service is still unavailable;
  • I wrote a letter to support and decided to see what kind of server is unavailable. I opened the developer console in the browser and I see that there is a message about the unavailability of the service, but there are no requests to it.
  • I decided to look at the JS code and find interesting code in the minified file. It lists 5 e-mails and then a condition that I didn’t fully understand, but it checked “if this is a production and the e-mail is one of the 5 above, then you can allow the request, otherwise “the payment service is temporarily unavailable” .
  • Without thinking twice, I wrote to these 5 e-mails a question - will they fix the service. After some time, they answered me from support that “there really is a mistake and we will fix it today or tomorrow”.
  • I decided to wait, but in the meantime I resigned myself to the fact that it would be necessary to draw up electronic signature. Two days passed, the service did not work - support answered sluggishly and I received an electronic signature.

I did not yet know what kind of entertainment to activate this electronic signature (it took 5 hours in total, despite the fact that I also used a Windows computer). But about two hours after I started trying to activate the electronic signature, I decided to check the service from the Business environment again. And it worked (e-mails disappeared from the code)! I was surprised that the service gave me the amount of the fee when paying - 10 rubles, but I thought that it was lowered under their program. I signed and sent the documents - in total it took about 20 minutes.

It's been 3 days - it's time to come to the answer from the tax. I write to support to find out what the problem is. They answer that they will clarify it now and after 3 hours ~ at 9 pm a refusal comes from the tax office, because I have paid the fee incorrectly and the documents are incorrectly executed. The next morning, an answer comes from support that at the moment when I registered the IP, they changed the fee to 10 rubles, as the testers checked the service. Apologizing for this, Business Environment offered me to participate in their marathon for entrepreneurs for free (an event that was not very clear to me with a large number of info-businessmen in the promo video). Sighing and thinking that the guys have a mess with the processes and I would have had a serious talk (up to dismissal) with the one who is responsible for launching this service, I applied for registration again. After that, I received a letter from support that they will present the service at SPIEF and it’s better not to do anything until 16:00, but the job has already been done.

A day has passed (here it should be mentioned that I decided to change the operator and changed the SIM card in the phone) and I receive a notification from mobile application Business environment that I can issue an EP for individual entrepreneurs. I go into the application, I get an error message. After repeating this operation n times, I assume that the matter is in changing the SIM card. I write to support and forget about it for a day, a day later I get an answer from them, which is very likely that the matter is in changing the SIM card and that the developers will contact me on Monday and try to make sure that I go through the registration process for the end. I inserted the old SIM card into the phone and, although it was inactive, the application started and I received an electronic signature for the IP.

I wrote to them that I managed to figure it out on my own using an old SIM card. From support came a joyful response in the style of "It's good that everything worked out!". Today I should receive documents for IP, in any case, I hope so.


  • The current ES through the CA, in my opinion, are completely unusable. The procedure for obtaining them is not very convenient and transparent, why so many CAs have been made is also a mystery to me.
  • The Business Environment service from Sberbank is a cool idea, for the most part I did not meet a formal approach - the guys tried to help. But it is felt that most likely the management is rather weak at some level and the development process (including analytics and testing) is built ineptly or something.

Everyone who has ever thought about starting their own business has faced a number of problems. For example, most would-be entrepreneurs are not completely sure about the topic of their startup. They do not know where to start and what authorities to contact. The Business Environment project is one of the brainchildren of Sberbank, literally facilitating the activities of businessmen, representatives of small, medium and big business. Let's see what is its feature?

Brief information about the project

The project was created specifically for entrepreneurs. According to the developers, its task is to provide information and other types of services for the development of the Russian business sector. The work of this innovative portal rests on three principles:

  • assisting young managers and businessmen in developing their abilities and individual skills;
  • assistance in business promotion;
  • providing tools, services and applications for the entrepreneur.

What are the key components of the portal?

Business Environment is a project of Sberbank of Russia, running on its own virtual platform Having entered the portal website, you can immediately notice a convenient menu and navigation, a friendly interface, the availability of current offers from credit institution, a store of various service applications for opening and further running your own business.

It also has an electronic B2B group marketplace that allows program participants to buy and sell various goods and services. For beginners, the service provides virtual training in the so-called school of distance education.

In the "Education" section, everyone can subscribe to the courses and seminars for entrepreneurs they need, and then add them to the calendar of important events and events. Moreover, most of these tools for doing business are free.

Among other things, Delovaya Sreda (Sberbank is the official representative of this subsidiary) provides access to an interactive daily issue of the magazine.

What prospects does the Sberbank portal open for entrepreneurs?

With the help of the new Sberbank project, every entrepreneur has the opportunity to fill out online applications for any products of this financial organization. In addition, novice businessmen can go through a simplified registration procedure for their IP. After that, you will only have to come to tax service and pick up paper version your certificate of private entrepreneur.

How can I join the project?

In order to join the project, it is not at all necessary to visit a branch of Sberbank (although it is also possible to register here). It is enough to have access to the Internet and a small supply of free time.

After entering the login, password and confirming it, you need to fill out your profile, indicating in it information about your organization, an identification code and enter other personal information. What credit opportunities does the “Business Environment” of the organization open up?

What loan products are available to project participants?

By entering the Sberbank portal, you can easily find the "Bank" tab. If you click on it, you will be automatically transferred to a page that lists the loan products of a financial institution. By the way, here you can immediately submit an online application for opening an account with Sberbank.

Among the profitable offers for a business that has existed for more than six months, it is possible to find the following loans on the Business Environment project:

  • for any purpose (with or without collateral);
  • to replenish the company's own working resources;
  • for the implementation of projects from the state;
  • for the purchase of equipment, real estate, Vehicle;
  • for the purchase of vehicles, special machinery and equipment on lease;
  • to provide funding for new own projects.

What types of loans are provided for beginners?

There is also information for beginners who are just planning to start their own business. So, they can take out loans under typical business plan or a franchise, i.e. for starting a business. But all this is possible provided that the bank itself approves this business plan or approves the work on the franchise of existing enterprises or organizations. Individual entrepreneurs can also rely on consumer loans and credit cards.

In addition, the “Business environment” of a business is not only affordable loans, but also financial support for a business, which includes the following types of services:

  • settlement and cash services;
  • full acquiring (including the provided equipment);
  • collection;
  • remote bank service;
  • insurance of business and its facilities;
  • participation in the salary project.

And, of course, Sberbank guarantees not only assistance in opening. It provides for the development of the "Business Environment" for your organization through training courses, seminars and other tools.

What services can be ordered through the portal?

In addition to numerous free services, there are also paid ones on the portal. In particular, in the “Club” tab, you can purchase a discount card, which in the future will allow you to order the services necessary for the development and promotion of your business. For example, at a discount you can get highly specialized databases and programs, as well as other virtual products from Sberbank partner companies.

There are also paid courses on the site prepared by domestic and foreign experts, teachers, lecturers, trainers and successful entrepreneurs. In addition, each user of the Business Environment portal (Sberbank) has the opportunity to order a paid online consultation on a particular business issue. The resource also has a virtual store where various cloud services and applications are sold.

How does the entrepreneur communicate with resource representatives?

Suppose a novice entrepreneur came to the portal. Immediately after registering and filling out the profile, he turns to the experts of the resource. They, in turn, offer him an individual scenario, consisting of 2-3 steps.

So, first he will be helped to decide on the subject of his business idea and create a model. Next, he will be advised to register an enterprise, take care of renting premises and a warehouse (if any), and hire employees.

In addition, a full analysis of the "Business Environment" from Sberbank is carried out, including risk assessment, preparation and planning. In addition, the future entrepreneur will be recommended to watch specific courses and video materials, and they will conduct a full calculation of the project.

Later, an individual entrepreneur will be able to remotely open an account either with Sberbank or with another credit institution at will. Further, the businessman is helped to promote his business and stay afloat.

What feedback can you hear about the project?

According to them, in cooperation with the portal specialists, the external business environment at their enterprise was worked out in detail. That is, thanks to their assistance, it was possible not only to correctly select a source of resources that actually brought income to the company, but also to limit those components that, on the contrary, led to a decrease in demand and losses.

Another IP is grateful to the developers of the service for easy navigation and simplicity of the interface. In his opinion, the creation of such a web resource is a great help for aspiring entrepreneurs. With his help, he managed to choose an idea for a business.

In a word, at the moment "Business environment" is an interesting solution for business representatives. It allows you to overcome difficulties in paperwork and making the right decisions.

“If tomorrow someone copies our platform, I will shake his hand”

How the Business Environment project will teach entrepreneurship

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In 2018, Delovaya Sreda, together with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, is launching an all-Russian platform, which will collect everything that an entrepreneur needs in building a business - how useful services, and content in more than twelve areas: in video, text and other formats. Partners of the company will help to record knowledge in certificates and diplomas. There are no analogues of the platform in the world.

the main objective"Business Environment" - to increase the number of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Russia through training in the practical side of business. The total investment in the project is 600 million rubles (300 million - a subsidy from the Ministry of Economic Development, the other half - funds from Sberbank).

Rusbase saw the platform even before launch: this is the case when the site wants to be bookmarked in advance in order to be the first to register. And most importantly - the project does not cause a feeling of "made for show".

We met with Andrey Vanin, CEO of Delovaya Sreda, and Evgeny Domnikov, Marketing and Communications Director of the company, to discuss the prospects for the new platform.

What is "Business Environment"?

There is silence in the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, and work is in full swing in the cottages of the Delovaya Sreda: here is the main backbone and management of the Delovoy Sreda. Another 200 people are programming for the project from other regions. Evgeny Domnikov gives Rusbase a short tour. We go into clean, tidy houses and see focused people behind computer monitors. On the walls are plans, reminders, dates, numbers. Each cottage has its own themed graffiti. For example, for programmers, this is the history of computers. The lawyers have a Petersburg landscape. “Is this Rusbase? And we are just reading you!” they smile.

"Business environment" - subsidiary Sberbank, which was founded in 2012. Its mission is to support entrepreneurship in Russia. “In Russia, about 100 thousand LLCs and individual entrepreneurs are registered every month. Our task is to increase these numbers and create an environment for the entrepreneur, where he can find everything he needs,” says Andrey Vanin, CEO of the company.

So far, no one has seen the Business Environment educational platform. On the site of the same name - a green screen with a monogram. It works in test mode for partners and programmers. It was shown to me in strict confidence. “Can we write about laconic design? And that its main background is white, the icons are gray, and the inscriptions are in corporate green-orange colors? “You can,” Vanin replies. You will be the first to see her. The platform is evaluated by our programmers and expert partners.”

Before demonstrating the functionality, Vanin shows a large diagram: “We started working on the platform with a study: we looked at how Russian entrepreneur. This is a map. It all starts with inspiration, then comes the search for a niche, starting a business, choosing legal form, production, rental, recruitment and so on. An entrepreneur inevitably faces two points: entering the business and exiting. For some, the way out is connected with bankruptcy, someone has been successfully working all their lives. And someone initially creates a company for sale. Between entry and exit big life, a huge cycle of processes. And in Russia there is not a single company that would understand this thoroughly.”

Vanin points to the wall of the office: it resembles an Excel table, only instead of cells - album sheets. Above - the names of the spheres and the names of the main curators, whose task is to help collect competent content and understand the sphere.

Agile wall in Andrey Vanin's office

“We signed our own ignorance of the path of an entrepreneur,” Andrey Vanin explains the idea of ​​curating. - Therefore, we began to look for advisers who are well versed in these cycles. For example, the cycle "Inspiration" has a co-curator - Black Star. Why exactly them? One of the three co-owners is Timati, a famous artist. Black Star themselves have 13 businesses: burgers, barbershops, clothing, music label, clothing, gaming. They are - successful entrepreneurs and can influence young people. If they say sports are cool, people start playing sports. Black Star has a desire to say that entrepreneurship is cool. And their millions of people will follow them.”

Andrey Vanin

Black Star created a program "People of Action" is a federal educational project that includes a media channel, a community, an international forum and an online learning platform. On YouTube, they release videos with famous entrepreneurs who share their business experience.

“Google and Mail.Ru Group became co-curators in the track “attracting customers,” continues Vanin. - Often attracting customers in Russia occurs through the Internet - social media, "Yandex.Direct". In the "Personal Efficiency" block, the co-curator is Gleb Arkhangelsky, a recognized expert in this field. The role of the co-curators is to fill the platform with us on a certain topic.”

Andrey Vanin

CEO, "Business environment"

Three main challenges when creating a platform

1. Content

We couldn't have done it alone. Therefore, co-curators worked closely with us. When we conducted our research, it turned out that entrepreneurs have a request to filter a large amount of data, since chaos reigns on the Internet: every person who has completed a course personal growth considers himself an expert or trainer. Poor quality content, a "couch" expert, lack of reviews - all this can cause failure and failure for a novice entrepreneur.

The platform acts as an editor who filters information with the help of curators.

If you now enter “How to open a business in Russia” in the search box, several tens of thousands of links will come up. How do you know which is correct? You can ask friends. You can take the time to read everything. Or you can get scared, close the window and continue to build a business on a whim.

Our platform not only aggregates everything in one place, but also reviews the data flow.

The platform is very complex from the technical side, more than 200 IT specialists were involved in the development.

For consultations, we called the Gartner IT company. They asked us to search the world for something similar to our idea in order to buy the development and adapt it to Russia. But nothing like it was found.

Our platform is based on a marketplace of educational programs and services. Yes, there are marketplaces like Coursera, the largest aggregator of educational practices in existence. There are B2B marketplaces - Alibaba or Amazon, where goods or services are sold. Yes, you can order a product on the site and they will bring it home to you, but you cannot order an accounting service in the same way. It is not enough to buy it once: you must constantly update the database and upload documents, forward letters. Therefore, we decided to develop a new platform.

3. Design

Our the target audience- 5.8 million people with registered businesses in Russia. This is all ordinary people- both from Moscow and from the regions. Owners of beauty salons, tire fitters and so on. We had a tough task - to make the interface as simple as possible. We held a big competition, where we weighed the ratio of quality, the significance of the project and the price. The concepts were defended by leading design bureaus. The most interesting proposal, which met all the criteria, was from Artemy Lebedev's studio. This is not just a website. It should be visually pleasing to read and watch.

"Business environment" relies not only on already working entrepreneurs, but also on young people. Those who will become entrepreneurs in the future.

To my question, how do modern fifteen-year-old teenagers differ from their peers who grew up ten years ago, Andrey Vanin answers this way: “Modern youth and teenagers are more free from stereotypes - they were born and live in the Instagram era. That's why we called Black Star - so that they communicate with the young in their language. Yes, I am no longer a "youth", but I internally share their values. I have three children. The eldest daughter is 23 years old, the middle son is 9, and the youngest is three. I learn a lot from children, because they have different attitudes, different perceptions.”

Platform functionality

Why the project will be in demand

Sberbank already has an educational program that is being implemented jointly with Google - Business Class. How will it relate to the platform?

- "Business class" is a six-month program in which people are trained in entrepreneurship. In 2017, 37 thousand people completed the program, in 2018 we plan to increase this number to 100 thousand. And on the Business Environment platform there will be a squeeze of these courses in the format of videos - they will close one of the branches of Start a Business. If you want, you can study there.

Why is such a project needed in Russia?

Everyone is interested in entrepreneurship more people. It is not necessary to build your own business - just reading about it is enough. Our research has shown that most business failures in Russia occur at the start, moreover, from a banal lack of knowledge.

My daughter opened a coffee shop at 21. I didn't intervene on purpose. The project closed after four months. Why didn't she succeed? IN mall with the mass flow, she began selling high-end coffee. I just didn't guess with the niche. Why? There was no knowledge. And our platform helps to minimize errors. We do not doubt the relevance of the project.

Graffiti in the Business Environment office

Suppose I want to open my own business and I understand that I lack knowledge. and choose one of business schools MBA. Are they your competitors?

No. In general, we are for competition. Because it contributes to the birth of cool products. The platform itself is a marketplace for which partners produce content. We are like a hypermarket that lists products with a certain review. This is interesting to everyone: we have not had a single refusal of partners.

Some of our educational partners have their own schools where diplomas are already issued. So yes, this will be the practice. The same Coursera draws customers in with this. If you really like the content from a partner, no one will stop you from enrolling in their training.

What post-effect are you looking for?

Increase the share of GDP in business and the number of entrepreneurs. We plan that 100,000 people will be trained on the platform in a year.

What if we take a five year period?

We live in a world that is rapidly changing. Before Delovaya Sreda, I was a member of the board of the Moscow bank Sberbank. Previously, Sberbank developed a strategy for five years. A few years ago, we switched to a three-year adjustment. In 2013, Sberbank adopted a five-year development strategy with adjustments. And in 2014 there was a crisis. And none of the scenarios came true. Therefore, we do not think in terms of "five to ten years." We have a task: a certain number of registered, trained users, filling the platform of services. We will look at the needs and reactions of entrepreneurs and make adjustments. For feedback there will be a special button.

The project is being implemented on the terms of co-financing. How many years do you plan to recoup the investment?

About three years. The main source of income is paid services.

Project partners

The platform has more than a hundred partners in all areas and two general partners.

The first general partner, Yandex, helps Delovaya Sreda to technical direction. The companies are also considering the option of launching a mobile application with the voice assistant "Alisa" - for those who travel by car. The second general partner is Opora Rossii, the largest public entrepreneurial organization, which participates in assessing the relevance of content and tells the Business Environment what knowledge businessmen lack.

Already, the site has implemented systems based on Big Data that analyze the behavior of the client. For convenience, in the future there will be a search by keywords and personalization of content. Registration on the platform is free. And the “Services” section (registration of a business, opening a bank account, online bookkeeping, personnel search, legal support) paid. And the good news is that Delovaya Sreda will try to keep the educational block free of charge as much as possible.

How will you attract users?

What stereotypes do you and banks have to deal with first of all?

That starting your own business is scary. Therefore, one of the tools of our work is the "Inspiration" block, where acting entrepreneurs talk about their path and thus motivate the audience. We recently asked Vadim Dymov to tell his story: he went from an ordinary resident of Vladivostok to the owner of a “sausage empire”. We also plan to shoot similar short films. There are three films in the process now - we want to release them once a month.

Let's be honest: in the last 70 years, entrepreneurship in Russia has been carved out. All countries developed, and we stood still. The business boom in the country began as soon as communism collapsed. The task of the "Business Environment" is to revive entrepreneurship. You can't deal with this alone. But we are not alone. Recently, NTV, together with Vnesheconombank, launched a reality show in support of start-ups, Idea for a Million, which is starting to be popularized on TV. There are already opinion leaders in Russia who promote entrepreneurship: remember Oleg Tinkov’s Business Secrets, Dmitry Portnyagin’s Transformer channel, Sergey Kosenko’s vlog, Yevgeny Gavrilin’s Zhizn Bi, Black Star’s People of Deeds. Schools are gradually introducing the basics of entrepreneurship: students create a company and calculate a strategy and financial risk. It is important.

When we started digging into history, it turned out that there are many people in Russia who are famous in cinema, literature, and science. And all entrepreneurship ends with Savva Morozov. In principle, we have no history of entrepreneurship.

We need to strive for what China is doing now: Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group, is talking about business on every corner and on all screens. An entrepreneur in China is a national hero. We also hope for a progressive community of young journalists who will also talk about business.