Agitation is interesting according to traffic rules about the green light. The scenario of the performance of the propaganda team on traffic rules "Traffic Light


performances of the propaganda team "AvtoSTOP" according to traffic rules

for MBDOU No. 11 "Cheburashka"


Let me introduce. Agitation team "AUTOSTOP"!


We are young traffic police assistants,

From the "Gymnasium" arrived,

And the whole group want

So that you warmly welcome us


Our goal:

Children in chorus:

We want to prove to everyone

That the traffic rules

You need to know always on the "five"!

Do them every day

So that in road accidents

Never get hit


To all the boys and girls

According to traffic rules, we will convey knowledge!

We are for safe driving!

And we won't let our city down!


We study traffic rules and explain to the children,

What is a transition

Know what a pedestrian should do.

We invite everyone to knowledge,

We never get discouraged!

The phonogram "Three white horses" sounds.

We see many signs on the road
But everyone has the same goal:
So that the children do not suddenly have to cry,
So that adults do not suddenly have to cry,
Obey their laws you always!

They warn, they forbid.
Keep us informed along the way.
All signs are needed, oh, all signs are important,
People must comply

Song to the melody "Island of Bad Luck"

There is an island of safety on the road
All outlined by a zebra, absolutely all
It's easy for us on the island - there's nothing to be sad about
We can easily move there!


Road sign on the way

Iron path ahead

But there is a riddle in the sign:

Why is moving dangerous?


You did not wash your hands on the road,

Ate fruits, vegetables,

It's good that the point is nearby



There is a sign on the road

He says in a stern tone:

Prohibited in this place

Ride a BIKE!


Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast!

People know everything in the world:

They can run out here ... CHILDREN!


smallest road sign
It's not just worth it
Be very careful
Respect every sign


So let's, friends, respect every sign,

So that you do not get into trouble on the road.

He will prompt, indicate, warn!


1: Let's try

Engage in UID

Learn the laws of the roads

2: Walk where you can

And be careful

And follow the rules!

3: Today we will gather in a close circle

And tell everyone around about the rules

4:Because they need to be known

And always skillfully apply.

5: Passenger, driver or pedestrian

Only the one who is safe on the road

6: Who cherishes their wonderful life

Never violates, not in a hurry.

7:Rules! Rules! Rules! Rules!

The safety inspectorate made them for a reason!

8: Observe! Teach! Watch out! And know!

In books, on the radio, on the Internet!

9: A lot of useful and important information

Each of you will come in handy someday!

We are young propagandists assistants of the traffic police

Wanna turn baby to you

We really want to tell you

What are the rules of the road to learn.

Parents and adults help children

Learn these traffic rules!

To the motive if there were no winter

If all friends knew the rules of the road

Wouldn't get into trouble, that's for sure

Would not have created an accident with injuries on the body

If only they applied all the rules in practice (repeat 2 times)

On the motive, a good mood will not leave you anymore

Where among the skyscrapers cars rush
Where traffic lights shine day and night
In the city of Morshansk, we joined the UID,
To help children in traffic rules.

And on a spring morning we are at the crossings,
Where kids often cross the road.
We look there then we see our kids
All passing cars must pass!.

If chance leads you to a crossroads,
Then across the road - please - do not run!
You better look at the traffic lights,
Take care of your health from school!

We declare to you firmly without a doubt,
And you must say confidently and honestly:
Learn the Rules of the Road with us,
What you really need for safety!

Song to the motive "What they teach at school"

If the red light shines

There is no way on the road

As the cars rush forward,

There is an underground passage!

How to bypass the bus

How to cross the road

All children learn the rules of the road.

Forbid this sign

There is no way to get through here!

There is no safer road on the planet!


So that there was a road without injuries,

Long life was in the end

you study traffic rules

And follow the roads!

May there be no trouble on the roads!

Let the green light shine on you!



(Song to the tune "A road with a gray ribbon")
And the road winds like a gray ribbon,
And on it cars scurry here and there
If a rotozey - it will fall into the binding.
There will be a big hustle and bustle on the road!

Bypass the bus - only behind!
And the yellow light - do not rush!
Don't rush across the road
We have only one life!
Take care of life!!!

READER- Once a father bought two brothers
Real scooter.
FATHER- I allow you to ride, only in the park and in the garden!
READER- The younger brother could not resist
And he ran down the street.
He flies forward so fast that he does not see the traffic light ...

Here's one without a brake,
He got into traffic.
This is true! The scoundrel stumbled
rolled up under the car.

(Sound of broken glass)

Enjoy it guys
For the owner of the scooter:
He doesn't run, he sits
His hand hurts.
- You have a scooter -
So go with him to the park and garden

You can ride along the boulevard along the treadmill,
- But not on the sidewalk
and it is impossible on the bridge.

On the motive Do you want Zemfira

Please don't break

More traffic rules

Obey all laws

You will live without regret.

To the motive of the song BIBIK

June warm days
Both May and September
Meet my friends again
To learn traffic rules

Who with a doll and who with a gun
And someone brings an elephant
And I'll tell you a secret
We're nowhere without rules

Let's go Let's go
Beep beep beep beep!
Let's go for a ride!
And the rules of the road

with you we will be useful
I will paint bibika
In my favorite red
Beep beep beep beep!
There is no better car!
Let's go Let's go
I don't play soldiers
I need a bike
I'm learning the rules

I will ride at 14

And at night when I fall asleep
Let me dream the plot
I walk along the zebra with my mother

GREEN we have no problem

Let's go Let's go
Beep beep beep beep!
Let's go for a ride!
And the rules of the road

with you we will be useful
I will paint bibika
In my favorite red
Beep beep beep beep!
There is no better car!
Let's go Let's go

During a loss, team members raise a poster "Observe traffic rules, you will not be in trouble!"

Song Don't Forget Me

We performed for you

And they opened their hearts

And shared a smile

We are with you, our viewer.

We are all a nice family

So similar to each other

Impossible without UID.

This is reality, not a mirage.

Chorus: Let's be together, friends!

After all, we have one dream:

No accidents on the roads

The whole country will ride

Let's be together friends

We know, we know for sure

Everyone needs traffic rules very much,

They were invented for a reason!

Agitation on the rules of the road.


2. Hello friends!

3. He, she and I are glad to welcome you!

4. I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!

5. Five cheerful, kind and intelligent!

1. Energetic, young, cute, punchy!

2. Naughty, skillful, humorous and brave!

3. You are welcomed by the UID propaganda team

Choir: "Hitchhiking!"

4. . Pushkin school, class 6 in, -

Let's get acquainted!

Choir: Let's get to know each other!

five . There are not enough rules of the road in the world!

1. It would not hurt us to learn them all!

3. Traffic signs

4. Know how the multiplication table should!

In chorus: we are for road safety!

1. Our century is gaining momentum

And not for nothing they say

What's from end to end

Everyone hurry, hurry, hurry.

2. Moms, dads, uncles, aunts

No matter how much they teach us

You set an example for us

We are looking forward to you!

3. Are you a pedestrian or a driver,

businessman, leader,

Adult, you are always a parent!

In chorus: your example is science for us!

The sound of the brakes..

DRIVER: - I'm a driver, help,

Explain to the pedestrian

I drove without touching anyone.

Suddenly I look across the road

Pedestrian rushed -

The people have gone crazy!

If I'm already on my way

Can he go?

Inspector: (addressing a pedestrian):

Tell a pedestrian

Is there a transition?

PEDESTRIAN: - Yes, of course! Zebra sign!

Inspector:: - Well, the driver! Well, well, well!

Well, there was a traffic light,

Did I forget to ask you?

PEDESTRIAN: - There is no traffic light in that place!

Inspector:: - And this means for the driver

Never forget

Pass pedestrians!

(The second car, the girl is driving - "blonde")

GIRL: - So, comrades, wait a minute!

What kind of joke is this.

Who said he was driving

With the phone, what's with the fire?

I am a business man

Constantly busy -

Always be in touch

I have clients in the database!

Inspector:: - You are a business man,

Well, the steering wheel with one hand

Have you been taught to hold?

Have you already forgotten everything?

talking on the phone,

You can get into an accident.

(A little boy comes out with a pacifier and a car on a rope)

BOY: -I don't understand something,

What are the traffic rules?

Explain why

Can't I be in the seat?

Inspector:: - For you, baby, you know

There is a special chair!

Reliable and comfortable

By the way, very fashionable!


1. Sitting in the car - buckle up!

Don't buckle up - watch out!

There, ahead, on the bend -

Danger, you'll understand already!

2. Here is a twist: it is very cool,

And the pedestrians are coming!

Driver, you are responsible for them,

Don't step on the gas at a red light!

3. When you go - do not smoke,

And don't pick up the phone!

Anything can happen on the track

Cars are flying into the ditch!

4. Save yourself from danger

Seat belts!

Chorus: . Be careful, driver!

Roads are smooth! Good luck!

1. And pedestrians on the road

Can't go out safely

Always to a sad end

Leads the habit of wandering there!

2. Hurries to the participants of the movement

Help kindly traffic light,

He is the best friend of pedestrians,

And for drivers - the law!

3. May the sun always shine,

May we always hear laughter!

Roads in our city

Everyone will be safer!

Song: (take out the signs in turn)

5. Have fun walking together (pedestrian crossing)
1. Across the expanses across the expanses across the expanses (PUSHKINO)
2. And of course it's better to hum in chorus (Beeping)
3. Better in choir, better in choir (Children)
4. Sing with us quail quail (low-flying aircraft)
5. Once a needle, two needles will be a Christmas tree (Resting place)
1. Once a plank two planks there will be a ladder (railway crossing)
2. One word two words will be a song (customs)
3. Have fun walking together (Residential area)
4. Over the expanses over the expanses over the expanses (Rough road)
5. And of course it's better to sing along
1. Better in choir, better in choir
2. In the skies of dawn, the strip will rinse (Entry is prohibited)
3. Once a birch, two birches will be a grove (Wild animals)
4. Once a plank two planks will be a ladder (underpass)
5. One word two word will be a song (STOP)
1. It's fun to walk together (Children)
2. By open spaces by open spaces by open spaces (the beginning of the settlement)
3. And of course it's better to sing along
4. Better in choir, better in choir
5. We need to choose a happy path (main road)
1. One raindrop two raindrops will be a rainbow (wet coating)
2. Once a plank two plank will be a ladder
3. Once a word, two words, there will be a song (Student driving)
4. Have fun walking together (jam)
5. By expanse by expanse by expanse (indicator of distance to the city in km.)
1. And of course it’s better to sing along
2. Better in choir, better in choir (all with little men)

Scenario propaganda team on traffic rules.

Made by primary school teacher

Gatina Guzel Safeevna


March sounds. We are the UID propaganda team.

/motive "Student"/

Like on our side

On the big planet

We will all learn

In university

We study traffic rules

We study signs

And squads all everywhere

We enlighten everyone

Love us inspectors

All without exception

We dance and sing

About traffic rules.

1. Because there is nothing more important

These rules are still

For big and kids

Whose life is more precious!

2. After all, cross the road

Can be safely

Only for green light

Everything : Never - on red!

/ a grandmother appears with a basket, wants to cross the road, imitation of the movement of cars /


Heh, well, where is he, this light?

She stood, looked, looked, her eyes hurt.

Neither you yellow, nor you green.

Where is this damn scumbag?

Or at least those stripes on the road?

Some cars back and forth, back and forth.(Imitation of cars by children)

I see that Frosya's godfather is on the other side, but how to go to it ??

Oh, bitter!


Where do you need to cross the street, grandma?

Remember the simple rule:

With attention to the left, first look

Look to the right - then!

grandmother: Aha! From, baby, thank you!

If you have gone somewhere,

Do not forget to remember the traffic rules,

Strictly following these rules

Take your hand to trouble.

Chorus: Remember, remember

On the road, on the way

A friend for you always

Serves as a traffic light.

If the green light

Flashes suddenly ahead

Feel free to go ahead, and stop the cars!

Well, if the red one winks smartly

You will definitely stop.

Don't rush my friend, please don't rush

Wait for the green light!

1. The strictest - red light

Says: (Everything:) there is no road!

If the red light is on

So the path is for everyone

(All :) Closed!

2. And now at the Traffic Light

Yellow eyes lit up

It means very soon

(Everything:) The traffic light will let us through.

3. The light is green, but perhaps

It's too early for us to hit the road

It wouldn't hurt at first

(Everything ) Look around.

(melody "Seaman")

Student :

Not life, but grace, ( imitation cars)

Through the wide streets

I enjoy walking.

Cars are scurrying around

I don't care about that

I am the rules of the road

I will not comply. (Brake screeching sounds)

Ildar! What are you doing under the wheels?

After all, trouble could happen!

You need to learn, friend.

How to behave on the street

To save your life.

On the road, children

Don't play these games!

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the site.

To the roadway

There were fewer children's troubles,

With you dear guys

We had a number of conversations.

We tell the kids:

“There is movement all around, vanity -

You always remember the rules!

Bus, trolleybus, car, tram

Do not run in front or behind! ”

Guys! Don't play on the road -

Then you will have a whole head and legs!!!

Guys, the road is not a joke, but life. You learn the signs and rules hold on!

So that such a misfortune does not happen,

Always remember the road alphabet!

Road signs

We are road signs.

It's easy to remember!

If you know the signs

You will live and prosper!

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might.(Caution, children. Warning.)

We walked home from school

We see - a sign over the pavement

Circle, inside - a bicycle,

There is nothing else.

What is this sign? (Movement of bicycles is prohibited. Forbidding.)

What kind of sign is this?

Stop - he tells the cars.

Pedestrian, go boldly

Stripes in black and white.(Pedestrian crossing. Information and index.)

You did not wash your hands on the way,

But I ate fruits, vegetables,

Ill - help you

"Point of medical aid"(Service mark)

Here is a fork, here is a spoon -

Let's refuel a little

They also fed the dog

We say "Thank you" to the sign.(Food point. Service mark.)

I am an expert on the rules of the road,

I parked my car here.

My problem is solved

Parking is allowed here.(Parking. Information and index.)

In this place, strangely enough,

They are always waiting for something.

Some sitting, some standing...

What kind of place is this?(Bus stop. Information and index

You can not cross the street on red, even if there are no cars.

I ride on two wheels

I spin with two pedals,

I'm holding the wheel, I'm looking ahead

And I see soon in the mouth! (Sign "Turn")

There are many road signs in the world.

All of them would not hurt you to learn.


In front of oncoming traffic

Everything : Do not cross the road


Because transport

Everything: You can't stop right away.

I. Motorcycle braking distance 10m.

2. The braking distance of a passenger car is 6m.

3. Stopping distance of a truck 11m.

Inspector: Statistics show that in case of traffic accidents:

1. Every fifth death

All: Child.

2. And every fourth wounded

All: Child.

We performed for you

And they opened their hearts

And shared a smile

We are with you, our viewer.

Let's be together, friends!

After all, we have one dream:

No accidents on the roads

The whole country will ride

Let's be together friends

We know, we know for sure

Everyone needs traffic rules very much,

They were invented for a reason!

The world we live in

It upsets us sometimes.

Make our life safe

We really need you.

Let's respect each other

Obey simple laws

Then forget about the sadness and pain

And everyone around will laugh.

1. To live without knowing grief.

2. To run, swim and fly

3. You must traffic rules

4 . Observe always and everywhere.

Children get on stage and sing a song(to the tune of the song "Blue Wagon")

On the roads we often drive the ball

And we don't see a speeding car...

It's scary if a child's cry is suddenly heard,

Instant careless and under the tire.


Tablecloth, tablecloth spreads a long way

And it goes straight to the sky.

Let everyone hope for the best,

Rules of the road if he knows.

We go, chatting, hearing only ourselves,

"Stop" signal is sometimes not noticed.

And, forgetting, passing through a red light,

We almost got hit by a car


Children, know that life is given only once

Learn the rules of the road!

This will save your life more than once

And others, maybe save.


The guys leave the hall to the music.

Scenario of the performance of the propaganda team on the rules of the road, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the JUI movement in Russia. The performance of the YID detachment contains information about the activities of young traffic inspectors, the promotion of safe behavior on the roads and compliance with traffic rules.



Scenario of the performance of the propaganda team of the YID of the “Traffic light” detachment

GBOU school No. 461 of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

"Happy birthday, UID!"

1. Here we are together again

2. There are sparks in the eyes

3. All YIDovtsy are friends

4 . We can't live without traffic rules!

5. What is our UID?

6. And what is he talking about?

1. We need to clarify!

2. We need to tell you urgently!

3 . You are welcomed by the YID detachment of school No. 461

Together. Traffic light.

4. Our motto:

Together. Red lit up

Wait, don't rush!

Yellow lit up

Look around!

Green lit up

Boldly forward!

Straight road

You pedestrian!

5. Did you know that ... The history of Russian traffic rules began under Ivan III, who streamlined the work of postal routes, where they changed horses.

6. Do you know that ... July 3, 1936. The State Traffic Inspectorate was formed.
1. Do you know that ... In 1998, the State Traffic Inspectorate received a new name - the State Inspectorate for Road Safety.

2. Did you know that ... The traffic police assistants are a detachment of Young traffic inspectors, created in 1973.

3. And you know that...On March 6, 2018, the UID detachments, the movement of active, provocative, inquisitive children, celebrate

All: 45 years old

4. We congratulate you on the anniversary of YID.

Standing up for road safety

5. Life is expensive - you have to admit it

Teach other traffic rules to respect.

6. How many important things young inspectors do:
1. Help younger students to learn the rules of the road.

2. Participate together with inspectors of the State Inspectorateroad safety in raids.

3. Conduct campaigning activities among peers.
4. And they have been doing this for 45 years.

5. Like 45, are we that old already?
6. Yes, we are not old, but the Judid movement is 45 years old. Therefore, we congratulate everyone on the Anniversary!

1. Adults and children know

That UID lives in the world,

But not everyone knows

That he is celebrating his anniversary.

45 years nationwide

Helps kids.

2. Since we have a birthday, then we need to celebrate it with good results.

3. This, with what?
4. How about which ones? So that there are no traffic accidents with children, so that all pedestrians and drivers follow the rules of the road, so that they are cultural.

5. 45 years have passed! How time flies!

Our UID squad managed to do a lot!

6. Annual competitions are held in the city,

And we participate in them, as usual.

1. In "Safe Wheel" and UID reviews

We won more than once, although it is not easy!

2. So that students do not get

In dangerous situations

We participated

in special operations.

3. "Attention: holidays!" and "Attention: children!" -

These promotions take place every year.

4. We read "Good road to childhood"

And the most interesting thing is that we use it in our work!

5. Our team

All: Traffic light

All: Reminds:

6. Life is motion

All: Warning

1. Ignorance of the rules, the cause of trouble.

All: Agitate

2. Replenish disciplined pedestrians in the ranks of the UID squads.

All: Learn

3. Children and teenagers traffic rules

All: Wish

4. Long life and good mood to all.

5. And never take part in the transmission of road wars.

6. In the midst of the turmoil,

Change of centuries and generations

Everyone will notice, without a doubt,

UID's birthday is coming soon!

1 .If each of the guys

A detachment joined us in the UID,

There would be no more violators

Among pedestrians and drivers!

2. Friendly and courageous UID

Stands firmly on guard.

We boldly walk through the years

Together with the traffic police, we are always!

Song. (To the motive of the song "Happy Birthday!" Irina Allegrova)

Traffic is moving faster

Traffic rules have become more difficult again,

But always on duty

There is a UID squad in every school!

UID is celebrating its anniversary

He will bring all his friends!

How long will the earth spin?

We will be so much, we will live!


Happy Birthday!

Traffic Inspector Squad!

Road rules compliance

And a million nights and days!

Happy Birthday!

Success, joy, luck

And a fighting mood

And the most devoted friends!

Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team

Detachment UID "Traffic light"

MBOU secondary school №166

Samara 2013

  1. Song "Song of the Bremen Town Musicians"

1. There is nothing better in the world

Than friends wander around the world

Who with UID is not afraid of anxiety

Any roads are dear to us - 2 times.

2. We will not forget our calling

We will tell people the rules

Traffic rules are the most important thing in the world

Adults and children know this - 2 times.

3. The traffic police is ready to help us

Helping children is not new for them.

After all, the task has become their sacred

We are lucky to live such a fate - 2 times.

II. Greetings

1 student : Hello people! How are you?

A cheerful propaganda team of school No. 166 has come to visit you.

2 student : Our motto is “On the roads without accidents”

3 student Place of residence - school country.

4 student Mood is upbeat

Relationships are good.

5 student No complaints, from "Traffic light" - hello!

6 student Well, in general, we guys are nothing,

Admire - we guys - ......

All: Wow!

III. Appeal to parents

1) 1. And not without reason they say

What's from end to end

Everyone hurry, hurry, hurry

  1. Moms, dads, uncles, aunts,

No matter how much they teach us.

You set an example for us

We are all looking at you.

  1. Are you a pedestrian or a driver?

businessman, leader,

Adult, you are always a parent.

You are always an example for us

And now listen to us.

2) (Staging: The son is sitting on the sofa, reading a newspaper. There is a brochure “Rules of the Road” on the coffee table. Mom is at the window. The youngest daughter is playing with dolls.)
The father approached the son
and asked the little one:
- Son, tell me, finally,
What is good, what is bad?
- I have no secrets!
There was a son's answer.
Here you will find your answer
Here, read the book. (submits a traffic law brochure)
Father: - Why do I need traffic rules? -
dad was surprised.
Son: I took her to the traffic police
I'm for you, dad!
Father: (at a loss) How many years have I been turning the steering wheel!
You know that!
I learned the rules in school...
Son - Now you are violating?!? (Father looks at his son in surprise)
Remember, we raced from fishing
Once upon a bridge?
Father: After all, there were no cars in sight,
We were in a hurry to get home!
-Son: And yesterday at a red light
Did you pass well?
Father: I was in a hurry for lunch,
Everything was quiet around!
(daughter, runs up)
Daughter: And mom speed mode
Broke once...
Mom: After all, the guard did not see us,
Daughter: Does it matter?
Father (guilty): Well, that's not always the case,
It's just a coincidence!...
Mom (guilty): It only happens when
The traffic police don't notice!
Son: It turns out if on the highway
Inspector not visible
Can anyone do everything?
Come on, sister, it's wonderful!
Parents: Wait, stop!
Repent, we are guilty ...
The rules are the same for everyone!
we must fulfill them!

3) 1. So be it! And you remember -
You are always copied by children!
Dear parents, YOU are the answer,
For what children do on the roads!

2. It's no secret that moms and dads dream

Protect us from harm and injury

And so we are told every time,

What are the rules of the road to learn.

3. Walking carefully, watch the street.

4. And only where possible, cross it.

5. Remind your child of the simple rule.

Remind and do everything with him later.

6. With attention to the left, look together.

Look to the right later.

Together. You teach children by personal example!

Cross the street correctly!

1. Dear mothers and fathers, we repeat to you stubbornly:

In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon, you are an example for us in everything!

2. So tell yourself: STOP! When you cross the road with us in the wrong place!

  1. STOP! When you tell us about how you were reckless as a child on a bicycle!
  2. STOP! When buying a scooter if we are under 14!
  3. STOP! When you disregard the rules of the road!


IV. Appeal to children

  1. The song "Rules of motion" (to the tune of "Thirty-three cows")
  1. In the center of a big city

There are a lot of roads

And, of course, it is important that

Anyone could go through them.

And so someone came up with the rules, friends,

These traffic rules

And walking and driving

It's impossible to forget.


traffic rules traffic rules

Adults and children must comply.

Driving rules from birth

Everyone is useful and needed.

2. We walk around the city, we walk around the city,
we do not interfere with anyone, we sing our song,

We walk the road boldly

We are not afraid of trouble

Because we will remember, very, very firmly remember

Everything you taught!


  1. Poems about the rules of the road.

one . On the road all day

Strong motion,

Don't stop the flow

Even for a moment.

2. Whatever happens

dangerous collisions,

There are rules

Road traffic.

3. Crossing the road

We will always find:

striped track

Drawn on it.

4. A road sign is placed nearby:


Here the road crosses

All conscious people.

5. If under the crossroads

There is an underground passage

On it across the road

Every pedestrian walks.

6. Regulates movement

Complicated fixture

Under the name of the traffic light.

7. It shines brightly for you and me

colorful lights,

And we are talking about them.

14. The red light lit up,

This means there is no move.

The traffic light signals strictly:

"Don't go to the road!"

8. If the yellow light is on,

He tells us to wait.

9. And when the green is on,

This means the path is free.

The traffic light tells you:

"The passage is open for you!"

10.If the traffic light

Not at the crossing

look to the left

Before you go

11. In the middle of the road

Look to the right

Skip the transport

And then go.

12. Be able to say “STOP!” to yourself in time, and your health and life will be safe.

STOP! - when you decide to go to the red light of the traffic light.

STOP! - when you run across the street in front of a nearby vehicle.

STOP! - when you turn the roadway into a playing field.

STOP! when you disregard the rules of the road.

1. Remember! There are so many difficulties on the roads!

2. Remember! There are thousands of cars on the roads!

3. Remember! There are many crossroads on the roads!

All: Remember - these rules are needed!

4. So that you live in peace - without troubles and without worries,

You learn the rules of traffic by heart.

5. Good luck! And be smarter.

By car or on foot

Respect each other people

To not be sad later.

6. Every time you go out on the road

Remember the rules and follow them!

After all, the driver, he is a friend of the pedestrian

So it was, so it is and so it will be.

All: You know!