Business options in Slovenia. How to open a business in Slovenia: procedure for foreigners Business in Slovenia for Russians

How do foreigners from the states of the former USSR find themselves in Slovenia? In most cases, they sell real estate in their home country, come with the accumulated money, hoping to find a job in the near future. But employment can be delayed. In this case, some decide to open their own business, especially since many already have a registered company. The rest are hindered by the lack of experience in starting a business from scratch, even in their own country ...
For the first and second, there are consultants - specialists who will conduct market research, help to deal with local legislation, obtain permits from the authorities, collect the necessary licenses, rent an office, find a manager ... We turned to one of these consultants for advice. Which areas of activity in Slovenia are the most promising, how much should be invested and when can you reach self-sufficiency. The experts of the Slovenian company say Ruski Svet .

Idea #1: Eco farm

You buy a land plot in an ecological zone, away from large cities. You create infrastructure, make advertising and invite guests who will grow their own vegetables on your farm, hunt or fish.
Outlook: Residents of Ljubljana, as well as immigrants from Austria, like to come to ecological farms in Slovenia. Demand for eco-holidays is high. But the competition is small, which is an advantage. This type of activity can be called exotic, so with the right marketing, you can make big profits in the future. True, it is worth remembering the possible difficulties. Firstly, Slovenia is a small country, it is not easy to find a large plot of land for this startup. Secondly, licenses may be required. It is difficult for a foreigner who does not have permanent residence in Slovenia to obtain a license to carry weapons and accompany a group of hunters. Therefore, for example, those who decide to open an ecological farm with the possibility of catching wild animals will face difficulties.
Investments: Experts recommend not to have illusions about cheap sites. Indeed, six acres can be bought even for €15,000. But there will be no infrastructure and necessary communications around. As a result, you will have to spend money on engineering work. It is best to buy land already with the foundation of the house and the finished project. Prices for one hundred square meters of land with infrastructure start from €250, the cost of farm land from €10. You can try your luck at state auctions, where you can buy 2-3 times cheaper. It is realistic to reach self-sufficiency of such a project in three or four years.

Olga Svetets, General Director of the companyRuski Svet: « In 2012, Ruski Svet clients purchased 50 hectares of land near Murska Sobota, almost on the border with Austria and Hungary. The cost was about €55,000. They built a house there and now invite tourists. There is a pond on the territory of the land plot, where the owners grow carps, and the guests go fishing. Also nearby is a forest belt where you can hunt wild boar or chamois. There is an ostrich farm nearby. The owners reached the self-sufficiency of the farm in three years.
By the way, the owners of the farm had to obtain a separate permit to purchase a plot of land with a forest belt, since it was under the protection of the state, by analogy with a national park. Our company helped them with this - issuance of permits for the purchase of land takes an average of 8-15 days.

Idea number 2: A store selling children's toys

Create an online store website for the sale of children's toys, if desired, with an online store. You are developing a brand. Find a place to rent. Plan an advertising strategy to attract the maximum number of buyers.
Outlook: Children's goods and services are the goods on which you can make good money in Slovenia. There are only four large stores selling children's toys in this country. We can say that the competition is moderate. But in this type of activity, it is first of all important to conduct a competent market research to determine the needs of potential buyers.
Investments: Experts advise, first of all, to invest in creating a good store website. In Slovenia it will cost about €2500. If it is necessary to open an online store, then the total costs can reach €4,000. The rest of the advertising costs depend on where the owner is going to rent the retail space. If the premises are located within the city, then the cost of rent can be about €35 per sq.m per month. In this case, the promotion will not have to spend a large amount of money. But if the store is located outside the settlement, then it will be possible to rent a room for €15 per sq.m per month. But you don't have to skimp on advertising. It will be possible to reach the self-sufficiency of the store in 3-5 years.

Olga Svetets: " In 2015, after a workshop organized by our company with its partner site, a client from Russia approached us to study the relevant market. It was originally aimed at selling children's designers. It turned out that there are almost no such products in Slovenia, except for Lego. We helped in creating a brand and finding a retail space for rent, found sellers, in general, we provided full support from A to Z. The store is already open, working and generating income. We expect that we will reach self-sufficiency within a year. Renting a retail space in a large shopping center costs the owner €35 per sq.m per month.”

Idea #3: Buying an office in Ljubljana to generate passive income

You buy an office in the capital of Slovenia. Looking for a tenant who will rent it for a long time. This is how you earn income.
Outlook: The capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, is the business center of the country. Therefore, offices for rent are in demand. Especially those whose area is from 50 to 150 sq.m. Many objects are sold already with a tenant. An office with an area of ​​70 sq.m, five minutes from the historical center of Ljubljana, can be bought for €110,000. It will be possible to rent it for €12-15 per sq.m per month. Income from one office for a living, perhaps, is not enough. A few small rooms may well provide the owner's family with everything necessary.
Investments: On average, a square meter of office real estate in Ljubljana costs €1,500. It will be possible to rent such premises for €12-15 per sq.m per month. The tenant in Slovenia pays all costs for the maintenance of the object. Therefore, the owner receives a net profit.

Olga Svetets: “Let us remind you that there is also an opportunity to make money in Slovenia by acquiring a ready-made business. You can explore the options available on our website. www.real-estate-slovenia.rf, also our company can offer options already with tenants. Compared to residential real estate, office real estate has a big advantage. Commercial objects are usually bought with VAT, which is 22% in Slovenia. Thus, these costs must be added to the cost of the office. But there is an opportunity not to pay VAT, and Ruski Svet specialists advise on this topic in detail before purchasing. That way you can save a lot of money."

Not all types of business in Slovenia can be started by yourself. So, medicine has always been the privilege of the state. One of the possible start-ups could be the opening of a family planning medical center. But so far, the authorities have not approved the possibility of private participation in this type of activity. For details, please contact consultants from Ruski Svet.

Ruski Svet d.o.o.
Address: Dunajska cesta 106, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Phone: +7 499 918 64 64 (IP telephony, Slovenia)
Phone: + 386 70 70 38 98 (Viber, WhatsApp)
skype: skyspb
Web: www.real-slovenia.rf , ,
Prepared by Olga Petegirich
Photo Iha, Wikipedia, Ruski Svet

If abroad you want to become the master of life, and not just a humble worker, then business immigration is your option. We have already talked about the procedure for opening a private enterprise or service in Slovenia.

Now let's talk about the most promising areas of activity. Perhaps this information will lead someone to the right idea.

It is not necessary to come up with something fundamentally innovative. It is advisable to engage in the transportation of goods, as well as the repair of vehicles. A modest tire shop working near a major road will always find its customers.

People who worked in certain industries have a chance to continue their familiar business abroad.

At the moment, the preferred industries for Slovenia are manufacturing and engineering.

Services for visitors

Tourism in Slovenia is developing every year, while many service niches are not yet properly covered.

For example, while there are not enough food outlets with national cuisines.

The importation of delicacies, for which the old European countries are famous, is not properly debugged. Why not organize the supply of such products?

There are no fundamental obstacles in the normative plan for this.

Becoming a prosperous owner of a hotel or restaurant is, of course, difficult. Real estate prices in the country are high, and so are the corresponding taxes.

Rent is also expensive - it will be possible to rent a good room for a souvenir shop only if you have a decent start-up capital.

However, a smaller scale business can be quite profitable. For example, it makes sense to open a rental service for vacationers - temporary provision of cameras, camcorders, bicycles, rollerblades, etc. The initial costs are not so great, because the requirements for the premises for rent are relatively low.

Modern technologies

Young and self-confident entrepreneurs can try to take a place in the gadget market. Three years ago, tablets and iPhones were not sold in every Slovenian city. Of course, there is no place empty, and the sphere has already attracted many businessmen, but the demand for all sorts of "smart" toys is still not one hundred percent satisfied.

Moving to Slovenia to open a business is becoming increasingly popular among residents of the CIS. This can be explained by the high standard of living in the country, and the prospect of becoming a full-fledged EU citizen, and of course, the loyalty of local authorities to investors. Portal "ZagraNica" will tell why Slovenia is a favorable rate for business immigration, as well as the procedure for opening a case for foreigners

The law, as elsewhere, dictates that emigration to Slovenia needs to be justified. This is usually a business, job, family reunion or education. Slovenia attracts foreigners with the fact that it is a developed European republic with a stable economy. In addition, there is a low level of unemployment and crime, high-quality modern infrastructure. No wonder that every year millions of foreign citizens come to the country, and first of all, residents of the CIS.

Photo: Shutterstock

When planning to start a business in Slovenia and business immigration with family members, consider the key point: the cost of living.

Data :

Immigration to Slovenia, a Central European country, is a responsible decision. You should be prepared that your household costs will be higher, as the standard of living, and accordingly, prices, differs from the countries of the former Soviet Union. According to the Eurostat agency, the price level in Slovenia is average compared to the rest of Europe: for example, prices for consumer goods and services reach 82% of the European average. For comparison, in the most expensive country in Europe - Switzerland - this figure is 149%, and in the cheapest - Macedonia - 47%.

Having decided to open your own business in Slovenia, you will be pleasantly surprised by the absence of bureaucratic red tape. It will take 2 working days to complete the preliminary documentation. According to the law, there is no clearly defined timeframe when the company will appear in the court register, however, in most cases, 3-5 days after registration in the One Stop Shop.

In general, the process of starting a business in Slovenia can be divided into 5 stages:

  • Preparation of primary documentation.
  • Registration of company name.
  • Registration of a company in the One Stop Shop Service.
  • Opening a bank account with authorized capital.
  • Launch of accounting.

But before filling out the primary documentation, decide what kind of business you want to open in Slovenia. It depends only on you and your capabilities. Please note: to open a company, you must be in the country during the final stage.

At the first stage, opening a business is associated with the preparation of a package of Slovenian documents, on the basis of which you register a company. Foreign founders and directors must obtain a Slovenian TIN (identification code). And immediately pay attention: each founder must submit a certificate of no criminal record in Slovenia.

Photo: Shutterstock

If the founder is an individual, to obtain a Slovenian TIN you will need:

  • a copy of the international passport (page with the name and surname), information about the address, date and place of birth;
  • the name of the company to be registered.

Daria Golob-Korytnik, head of the legal department at Data :

The founder may be a legal entity. In this case, registration of a representative office of a foreign company or a new Slovenian company, the founder of which may be a legal entity, is required. The parent company must obtain a Slovenian tax number. Registration of a representative office of a foreign company involves the following documents:

1) the original court extract (received no later than 3 months ago) or an extract from another official register on the registration of the parent company - with a translation into Slovenian made by an official court translator;

2) a copy of the passport and the address of the permanent residence of the person recorded by the owner of the parent company;

3) legal address, as well as a notarized permission to use the address from the owner of the property;

4) the name of the company to be registered in Slovenia;

5) some other papers

Now decide on the name of your business. Attention: if the name of the company coincides with the name of any other company in the register or strongly resembles it, the registration authority has the right to reject the application.

Daria Golob-Korytnik, head of the legal department at Data :

To reserve a company name, the following requirements must be met:

1) the name should not contain names and symbols of foreign states or international organizations;

2) the use of foreign letters is allowed;

3) the name of the country "Slovenia" and its derivatives (SLO, si), as well as abbreviations, the name of the flag and the coat of arms of the Republic of Slovenia are allowed only on the basis of a written permission from the government. This rule applies to the use of all words related to the country or local self-government bodies (national, republican, municipal, etc.);

4) the name, surname or pseudonym of a historical or famous person can be used only with his written consent. And if the person has already died, then with the permission of his close relatives up to the third generation or with the permission of the minister, whose competence includes issuing such documents

It goes without saying that the name of the company cannot contain words and symbols that are contrary to law and morality, well-known trademarks or simply signs used by other owners, as well as elements of official signs.

Photo: Shutterstock

This is followed by registration. If earlier representatives by proxy could do everything for you, then at this stage the personal presence of all founders and directors is required. According to experts, the registration of an LLC (limited liability company, d.o.o. in Slovenian) will be finally completed within one week: when you receive a decision from the court register.

After the data appears in the court register, the opening of the company took place. Now the founder/director can hire staff, sign contracts, pay bills, etc.

You will also need to open a temporary bank account and put a deposit of 7,500 euros on it - the authorized capital of your company. At the bank, you will receive a deposit certificate in your hands. It should be noted that the presence of authorized capital is a prerequisite for registration. The capital is paid on the day of registration, but this does not mean that the registration is completed: without the authorized capital, documents will not be considered in court.

Photo: Shutterstock

Opening a business in Slovenia is not so difficult, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the simple requirements of local legislation. Moreover, most of the stages can be completed remotely if you get qualified help. Remember that successfully registering your business in Slovenia is only the beginning. After it, you proceed to the most important stage - issuing a single work and residence permit in Slovenia, which is necessary for full-fledged immigration. After all, it is this document that opens the way to the coveted Slovenian residence permit!

You can get advice on business immigration to Slovenia from specialists

Why has business in Slovenia been so attractive to Russians lately? There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, there is a chance at minimal cost to enter the European market. Secondly, no significant legislative obstacles threaten.

And, finally, thirdly, entrepreneurial activity in this country has a wide choice of directions.

Types and directions of business in Slovenia

So, the main advantages are clear. But still, what types of businesses in this country bring their owners the maximum profit? Let's consider the main ones.

  • Buying a property with a view to renting it out
  • business from scratch: purchase of land for the purpose of further construction of real estate for business

Business lines in Slovenia are also plentiful. For example:

  • tourism
  • farming
  • catering establishments
  • restaurants, bars
  • the shops
  • and much more.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. But what to choose in the end, what investments in Slovenia will be the most profitable? It is worth dwelling on this issue in more detail.

Buy or rent a business?

The question is complex and has many nuances. Of course, owning real estate is good, but not every novice entrepreneur will be able to afford such a purchase financially. So, it is better to postpone such a huge waste. But you can rent, for example, a prestigious hotel with a restaurant located in a convenient location near the city center and next to the highway and shopping center.

Or another option - an office located in a prestigious area on the sixth floor of the building. There is parking, a shared kitchen, a toilet and a meeting room. Suitable for advertising and design agencies, as well as companies focused on multimedia and information technology, programming. But if there are enough financial resources, it is better to buy a business after all. There are at least two reasons for this:

  • you don’t have to depend on the mood of the landlord, who can suddenly raise the rent or arrange another, no less unpleasant surprise
  • own real estate can increase the attractiveness of a business in the eyes of lenders and investors.

What ready business to choose for purchase? It depends on many factors, ranging from financial capabilities to the degree of understanding of various types of business. Here it is worth considering a few specific examples before making a final choice.

A good option would be an alpine chalet-style guest house. Location - ski base Vogel. The last overhaul of the building took place in 2016, at the moment the object is in excellent condition. This ski house has 3 floors and an attic. The room is designed for a maximum of 40 guests, rooms with a capacity of double to rooms for 14 people.

Or another option - an object for farm tourism, a tavern or a small hotel. On the ground floor there is a dining room, a kitchen and a bar counter, on the second floor there is another dining room, toilets and a bathroom, a staff room, an office and several more rooms that can be converted into anything. Outside the building, too, everything looks great: there are benches and wooden tables for guests, a playground for children. All infrastructure is nearby.

In addition, a good option would be to buy a catering establishment. A restaurant near the river Ljubljanica is perfect for this purpose. The main attractions of the city are close to this stylish and sophisticated establishment. The last renovation was carried out quite recently - in 2016. Truly, this object is a good purchase, both for an experienced and for a novice businessman.

So, the options for buying or renting a ready-made business are considered. But what if you start from scratch?

Purchase of land for business

Earth is a resource from which resources can be extracted in a variety of ways. Which of these methods can be used for doing business in Slovenia?

  • Renting out a plot
  • use of the site as a place for buying, storing and reselling goods
  • creation of a place for recreation and ecotourism
  • trade on site
  • organization of own production
  • raising animals or growing crops.

Take for example the creation of a place to relax. A good option for this would be a building plot with a beautiful view of Savudrija and the sea. The surface is perfectly flat, the shape of the site is in the form of a rectangle. The entrance is covered with asphalt, there are all necessary communications.

Another place is suitable for the construction of sports and tourist facilities, as well as recreation. A detailed municipal territorial planning is currently being developed, which will cover such facilities as gyms and lecture halls, catering, beauty and medical centers, and much more.

As for agriculture, it is possible to purchase a plot with crops already planted. For example, land with a fertile olive grove (250 liters of oil per year) and a vineyard (200 liters of wine per year). The site has a basement with an outbuilding above it. The city of Koper is a few km away from the site, the highway is 1 km away.

Where to stop in the end?

Slovenia is a fertile place, both for starting a business and for continuing an already finished business. It's hard to say which is better and which is worse. It all depends on your wishes and financial capabilities.

Opening your business in Slovenia has good prospects, given the country's slowly but steadily growing GDP and its general economic condition. which can be rated as high. Slovenia is one of the most developed countries in Eastern Europe, and despite the fact that the market for goods and services there is filled with local entrepreneurs, an immigrant who has enough money for business immigration has every chance to grab his place in the sun. Perhaps this is the best way to immigrate to Slovenia, since a professional one in this country is quite complicated, and only the presence of a profession in demand or can facilitate it.

Promising business areas in Slovenia are mainly small service-oriented firms. It should be borne in mind that the cost of renting real estate in Slovenia is quite high, especially in tourist areas. But, for example, a small tire shop near a busy highway or a car service have every chance to “shoot” and become a good business. Transport services, for example, the transportation of various goods, are also in high demand.

In the field of tourism, too, there is where to wedge. True, renting a room for a hotel or at least a cafe will cost a lot of money, not to mention the purchase of this very property. Not every business immigrant has such amounts, but services in the field of tourism are by no means limited to housing and food. For example, a small bicycle or camera rental point will require significantly lower costs, and at the same time will allow you to enter the tourism business. Perhaps this is one of the best options.

Also, at the moment, various technological innovations such as personal electronics - smartphones, laptops and other innovations - are not very widely represented on the Slovenian market. No, of course, all this is there, but there is also space to take its place in this niche. True, there are more and more firms in this area from year to year, so the situation, of course, can change at any time. But now the high-tech business in Slovenia is quite a promising area.

However, the high-tech market is not limited to gadgets alone. Slovenia still does not have such a huge number of online stores as in Russia. In the Russian Federation, this niche is overcrowded, the giants of the network business are crowding out start-up entrepreneurs, and it is very difficult to break through to financial well-being. In Slovenia, opening an online store or, for example, an outsourcing IT office has the right to life.

Due to the high Slovenian prices for commercial real estate, both for its purchase and for rent, only a business immigrant with a large budget can start a serious business in this country. Most entrepreneurs, alas, do not fall into this category, so the best solution would be to focus on a small business, which, with the proper approach, is quite capable of providing an immigrant with a comfortable life. Yes, the money is different here, but there are less costs and risks. Small business in Slovenia is thriving and you can become one of the full-fledged Slovenian entrepreneurs. In addition, opening a company in Slovenia is an occasion to obtain a residence permit for yourself and your family members.