Mini bakery as a business from personal experience. Business plan for a mini-bakery with calculations - how to open a mini-bakery

No business project can be implemented without a clear action plan. Compared to building a house, it's like starting to lay the foundation without a project and calculations. The same is true in business. A business plan allows you to correctly assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business idea, analyze the market, the competitive environment, calculate the profitability and payback of the project.

Especially writing a business plan is necessary when attracting investments from outside. For investors, business partners and creditors, such a document is the basis for considering an application.

In this article, we present a detailed mini-bakery business plan that will allow you to correctly assess your strengths, calculate initial costs and build a competent marketing strategy.

The relevance of the idea

The bakery business is characterized by a wide and stable demand. Regardless of the time of year and the economic crisis, people are equally good at purchasing these products. Moreover, as statistics show, the increasing number of private bakeries does not fully satisfy the demand of buyers for quality products.

Depending on the business model, you can reach a monthly income of 100-200 thousand rubles per month. But, given the small investment, this article will focus on mini-bakery, where the main focus will be on branded products.

But, despite the visible advantages of this activity, there are also weaknesses that should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

One of the disadvantages of the business is the short implementation period. This necessitates the construction of clear forecasts, otherwise most of the production will be disposed of. Advertising, creation of a loyalty program, quality service and a wide range of additional services will help mitigate these risks and reach a good stable income.

We determine the business format

Before starting to develop a business plan, you should determine the model of the bakery, and what exactly you plan to produce.

You can develop entrepreneurial activity in two directions:

  • Full-fledged production, which includes all stages of the full cycle: from dough preparation, baking and sale.
  • The second option may include baking products and selling them to wholesale buyers.

Speaking about the first option, it will be necessary to think over not only the production part, but also distribution channels. Products will be sold through their own points of sale.

In this case, in order to increase customer flow and expand service, it will be possible to include drinks and other products in the assortment, except for our own pastries.

The format of the business will determine the target audience of the bakery and the direction of the assortment.

You can implement a business idea in two directions:

  • independent opening of a bakery;
  • buying a franchise.

Entering the market on your own entails many difficulties, ranging from the development of the concept, the style of the bakery, the name and the search for the target audience. The advantage is the freedom of action in the design of the premises, the development of the range, setting prices, etc.

The advantage of a franchise is the ability to attract a large audience from the first day due to the promoted name of the company. On the other hand, this format also has disadvantages: tight control by the franchisor. You will be deprived of the opportunity to independently determine the style of the premises, prices, assortment and recipes of bakery products.

Great emphasis should be placed on the correct definition of the target audience, the formation of a pricing policy and the development of marketing activities to increase sales.

Project Summary

This chapter of the plan reflects the relevance of the business idea and the feasibility of doing business.

The aim of the project is to open a mini-bakery in a city with a population of about 500,000 people.

The advantage of a mini-bakery is a very wide target audience and an increased demand for products.

The main advantages of a mini bakery are:

  • wide demand for the product;
  • demand stability;
  • wide target audience;
  • high profits in the long term;
  • opportunity to develop business and offer related services;
  • business profitability of 20-30%.


  • high competition;
  • dependence on external factors;
  • a large number of permits;
  • high requirements for manufacturability of production;
  • large investments;
  • perishable goods.

Market analysis

As mentioned above, one of the significant disadvantages of this business is high competition. It should be understood that you are not the only participant in the market, so you need to focus on the main players.

Serious competition will be made by state-owned bakeries, whose products are available on the shelves of all stores.

If you plan to focus on fresh pastries and branded products, then the main competitors will be private mini-bakeries that are ready to offer hot buns and croissants to city residents by the start of the working day.

These factors must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan, as this will allow you to correctly perform pricing and determine the target audience.

In order to firmly establish themselves in the market, they need to take their own niche, it is necessary to qualitatively approach the production of bread and offer customers products made according to the original recipe.

Banal bread will not allow you to enter the market and attract regular customers. There are a huge number of such bakeries in the city.

To analyze the competitive environment and determine your own strengths and weaknesses, it is advisable to conduct a SWOT analysis and identify the pros and cons of the bakery, threats and development opportunities.

SWOT analysis


  • business development and opening of additional confectioneries;
  • high profitability;
  • a possible increase in demand in general;
  • the possibility of providing additional services.
  • high competition;
  • short shelf life of products;
  • possible problems with suppliers of raw materials.


  • high qualification of personnel;
  • wide demand;
  • lack of seasonality;
  • availability of services;
  • quality service;
  • effective advertising.

Weak sides:

  • possible miscalculations in relation to demand for products;
  • lack of experience in this area of ​​business.

One of the key points in developing a business plan is a thorough study of the competitive environment. Of course, in every city there are enough regular suppliers of bread and bakery products, but not all of them will be direct competitors for you.

Basically, they focus on the standard range. If you find your own chip, you will quickly conquer your target audience. Such a “highlight” can be the production of products for people who follow proper nutrition and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Or, you can bet on the national recipe by offering homemade bread according to old recipes.

Having worked out the quality assortment and investing a lot of money in advertising, you can compete with serious bakeries.

Setting the price

Developing a pricing policy is an important step in writing a business plan. It should be started after a thorough study of the competitive environment, the range of local bakeries, prices and demand for competitors' products.

Given the high competition in this segment, you can not set too high a price tag. An exception may be only those products that are developed for the premium category, for example, fitness bread with cereals, nuts, etc. That is, we are talking about branded products, the demand for which will be among people with high incomes.

To determine the assortment of a bakery, it is not necessary to carry out complex marketing research. It is enough to immediately decide on the place where the outlet will be located (if you have chosen this business format) and go around the nearby bakeries of this type.

A feature of this business is that people purchase bakery products near their main places of work, housing, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to count on the fact that even a very good assortment of a bakery will make a client go for fresh pastries to the other end of the city. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on those competitors who are within walking distance from you.

It is enough to visit such bread shops several times a day to determine which products use millet and which ones lie on the shelf for a long time. Analyzing this parameter, you should pay attention to the implementation time. As a rule, fresh buns are well sorted for breakfast and at lunchtime. But for bread, mostly people go at the end of the working day. This should be taken into account when planning the work schedule of the outlet with the bakery.

When designing a bakery assortment, make it versatile. The basis should be bread of three or four types from different types of flour, loaves. We should not forget about sweet pastries, which customers are happy to buy for tea, for children, for visiting. You can make a referral for people with diabetes or on a diet. In this case, you should adhere to special recipes and purchase special raw materials: durum wheat fly, fructose, seeds, nuts, etc.

The product range of a mini-bakery can be quite wide:

  • croissants and donuts;
  • bread with various additives;
  • pies and buns;
  • diet bread and crackers.

organizational plan

This chapter is a step-by-step guide that allows you to competently start an entrepreneurial activity.

  1. Registration of entrepreneurial activity.
  2. Finding a room.
  3. Purchase of equipment and raw materials.
  4. Personnel search, registration.
  5. Marketing strategy development, advertising.

Registration and paperwork

When starting a bakery, a businessman needs not only to register with the Tax Inspectorate and the Pension Fund, but also to obtain permits from other authorities.

This area of ​​business is characterized by strict requirements from the SES. Before launching the project, it is necessary to obtain two licenses: for production and bakery products.

Also, a mandatory requirement for doing business is a certificate of conformity from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

The last stage of this stage of business organization is the issuance of a document from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Supervision

It is impossible to open a mini-bakery without these legal documents. Expenses must be included in the financial plan. Obtaining all permits and registering a business itself will cost you 50 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to correctly register the codes in the registration documents. If you plan, in addition to the production of bakery products, to organize their sale, then you need to register code 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”.

This code defines activities related to the production of food products and their sale directly at the place of manufacture. After registering an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to resolve the issue of taxation. The best solution would be to choose UTII, but it is not available in every region.

Also from additional documentation you will need:

  1. Conclusion of the SES on compliance (sanitary and epidemiological expertise);
  2. Book of complaints and suggestions;
  3. Waybills (TORG-12);
  4. Lease agreement.

To start a bakery, you will need to purchase a cash register and keep a cash register.

As you can see, one of the main disadvantages of this business is a large number of permits, without which it will not be possible to implement the project.

We select a room

The choice of premises for a mini-bakery should be approached very carefully if you plan to sell products at the place of production. If the business format involves only production activities and its sale by a large wholesale buyer, then the production workshop can be located in the industrial zone of the city, outside it. This will help you to minimize the cost of rent and find an inexpensive room that meets your requirements.

A completely different thing is a bakery, whose products are sold immediately on the spot. Here, the success of the business will largely depend on the location of the bakery.

The following factors must be taken into account when choosing a location:

  • patency;
  • transport accessibility;
  • rental price;
  • long-term lease;
  • permission to repair and redevelop the premises;
  • permission to place outdoor advertising.

When buying a franchise, the franchisor company will help with the choice of premises. If you have chosen a business option with the purchase of a franchise, then a consultant from the franchisor company will help you choose the right premises and arrange it. This is one of the benefits of running a franchise.

It is not entirely correct to locate a bakery near a fitness center or gym, but the proximity to children's and educational institutions, business centers, on the contrary, will increase the client flow and develop a permanent base.

The size of the bakery and the interior of the premises largely depend on the chosen business model. In no case should it be a basement, water should be brought into the room, a ventilation system should be equipped.

The best choice would be a spacious bright room with large windows that can be used as a showcase. Given the fact that this purchase is most often impulsive, the buyer should be attracted by a beautiful sign and showcase.

To increase income and expand the target audience, you can equip a small cafe area at the outlet, where visitors can drink a cup of tea and taste products.

In addition to the client room and sales counter, it is necessary to think over the production part. Depending on the chosen business concept, this zone can be open or closed.

When choosing a room, consider which side the working transport will call in to unload raw materials or load finished products. The presence of a back entrance would be optimal.

As for the location of the bakery with the outlet, then select the points where the highest traffic of people. In a big city, consider options near the metro, educational institutions, large shopping centers.

Repair costs depend on the chosen style and concept of the project. For minimal repairs, it will be necessary to whitewash the walls, install fresh windows and doors. If you plan to immediately create the atmosphere of a stylish mini-bakery with a cafe, then you will have to think of an original interior that will attract customers.

This item will become the largest expense item, but in this case you should not save on equipment, since the quality of baking and manufacturability directly depend on this factor.

In order to minimize investment costs, you can consider buying used equipment.

Considering that we are considering the option of a mini-bakery with the sale of finished products on the spot, it is necessary to purchase equipment for both production and the trading floor.

This necessitates the purchase of two types of equipment:

The production type of equipment includes:

  • bake;
  • mixer;
  • cupboard;
  • hearth leaf;
  • high-quality auxiliary utensils;
  • forms for bread;
  • table for cutting dough;
  • baking trolley;
  • flour sifter.

The cost of purchasing equipment will amount to about 1 million rubles.

To sell products, you will need:

  • cooling chamber;
  • safe or cash box;
  • seller's table;
  • thermal showcase;
  • cash register;
  • racks for product storage.

After acquiring the equipment, the stage of searching for suppliers begins, from which you will purchase raw materials.

Do not forget that your profitability and the level of the bakery directly depend on their reliability, quality and cost of goods. Therefore, you should not immediately bet on one supplier, even if it offers a good price. Experienced businessmen start cooperation with 2-3 suppliers and then, in the process of work, they choose one, from which you can get a discount on products.

It is necessary to conclude a verbal agreement on deliveries with suppliers at the planning stage, so that there are no time delays later. From the moment the production is launched, it is necessary to draw up a supply contract in order to clearly define the terms of delivery, terms and prices.

If you plan to offer branded products to customers, then at the same stage it is necessary to develop packaging products that should be ordered. Despite the additional costs, this will serve as good advertising and attract additional customers.

The staff in the mini-bakery plays one of the key roles. Without a conscientious and qualified staff, it is hardly worth counting on the prosperity of a business. Therefore, pay a lot of attention to the stage of searching for employees and immediately make a list of requirements necessary for selection.

The staff must include:

  • confectioner;
  • baker (2 people per shift)
  • technologist;
  • seller (2 people);
  • director (accountant);
  • sales manager;
  • cleaning woman.

Many businesses cut payroll costs by bundling services. For example, for a small business format where products are sold directly in a bakery, sellers can combine their direct job duties with the function of a cleaner.

And an accountant can be involved from outside for reporting.

Marketing plan

When production issues are resolved and the issue of finding premises and hiring personnel is closed, you should begin to develop a marketing strategy that will correctly determine the distribution channels for products.

In accordance with the business format and target audience, it is necessary to develop competitive advantages and a marketing strategy for the bakery.

Think over your own corporate identity, which will advantageously distinguish the bakery from competitors. This can be branded packaging, sellers uniform, interior style, etc.

Pay close attention to the sign and window display. The name should be euphonious, causing pleasant associations. At the same time, take into account the general concept of the bakery and the "corporate handwriting". Let's say, if you decide to focus on baking national bread, then the name should emphasize the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bproduction.

Try to be original and not use words like "homemade muffin", "donut", etc. in the titles. Look to the future. Who knows, perhaps in a few years this brand will become recognizable in the city and you will think about expanding your business, opening new branches. In this case, the name cannot be changed.

As for the promotion of services, they are facilitated by:

  • holding shares;
  • loyalty program and issuance of discount, accumulation cards;
  • sale of products at certain hours.

To increase demand, you can make a promotion for morning and evening baking. Or create sets that will include the daily norm of bakery products for an average family. This will create a base of regular customers and increase sales.

Promotion of services and goods

To establish direct distribution channels, it is necessary to conclude agreements with wholesalers. To do this, you need to have a clear range of products and preferably test samples. It is better to entrust the work on expanding sales channels to an experienced manager who will be able to demonstrate the best product characteristics of your products and conclude contracts.

In order to organize the delivery of products to wholesalers, you need to conclude an agreement with private carriers. In some cases, these issues fall to the firm of the wholesale buyer. Do not forget to include the costs in the overall estimate, calculating the cost of production.

Financial plan

Depending on the business format, from 50 to 100 kg of products can be sold daily. It is difficult to talk about the exact amount of daily revenue, as much depends on the product range.

Even the most careful planning will not allow you to clearly determine the cost of production until the moment when the first loaf of bread is baked. The cost of production is made up of various factors: the purchase of raw materials, utilities, transport services, etc. Therefore, it is very important to determine the pricing on the first batches of baking in order to clearly calculate the break-even point.

An approximate calculation of the cost of production:

To produce 1,000 kg of white bread, you need:

  • 740 kg of premium white flour;
  • 9.6 kg of salt;
  • 1.2 kg of sunflower oil;
  • 7.4 kg of yeast.

Having calculated the price of these products from suppliers, you will receive an approximate cost of production. Now here you need to add such costs as salaries to staff, utilities and transport costs.



  • repair - 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 900 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 3 thousand;
  • advertising for the opening - 10 thousand;
  • purchase of goods - 50 thousand

TOTAL: 1063 thousand rubles


  • staff salary - 70 thousand;
  • rent of premises - 20 thousand;
  • utilities - 15 thousand;
  • purchase of goods - 60 thousand;
  • additional expenses - 30 thousand.

TOTAL: 195 thousand rubles

The average payback period, with a properly developed plan and its strict adherence, is 4-5 months.

The main advantage will be the direct sale of their own products. In addition, you can develop your business by establishing partnerships, entering into an agreement for wholesale deliveries to supermarkets, confectionery cities, etc.


In order to minimize risks at the first stage of project launch, follow these simple tips:

  • think over the assortment and highlight branded positions;
  • start with baking 8-10 positions;
  • focus on the target audience;
  • do not start production with large batches.

The figures given in this business plan are only approximate. A clear calculation of the cost of production and payback can only be done for a specific type of business, indicating regional characteristics.

But this business plan is suitable as a base that will allow you to correctly draw up a document.

In this article, we told you in as much detail as possible how to start your business from scratch. As you can see, with the right organization of production and qualified personnel, payback can be reached within six months. Set long-term and short-term goals that will serve as a kind of guideline for determining the vector. According to experienced businessmen who have bakeries, this type of business has great prospects and is very stable.

Video. Opening a mini bakery

A mini-bakery is an enterprise that manufactures bakery products and carries out retail sales.

The concept of the mini-bakery is baking fresh bread according to unique recipes, as well as creating a homely and warm atmosphere in which visitors can eat without leaving the cash register.

The target audience of the bakery is residents of neighboring houses, as well as people who take care of their health and prefer bread without artificial additives.

The main competitive advantage of the bakery is its favorable location, which allows it to cover two residential areas with a population of about 30,000 people.

The assortment of the mini-bakery includes three main areas: standard products, exclusive bread, as well as French croissants. Each direction consists of three product names. This structure allows you to meet the demand of the entire target audience, as well as get by with a minimum amount of production equipment.

The average check of a mini-bakery is 100 rubles. Permeability during the day can be up to 1000 people, which guarantees reaching full production capacity within 3 months of work.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The obvious advantage of opening a bakery is that despite the general decline in household spending on goods and services, the demand for bread remains stable. In addition, similar imported products increase in price, and products of domestic bakeries are not able to compete with bakery products in terms of taste.

In the production of baked goods, we focus on the quality of the products used and the preservation of the unique recipe of each product.

Bread sold in large stores is usually tasteless and contains a lot of vegetable fat and sugar. As for similar bakeries, they focus on making pies and practically do not have dietary products in their assortment.

The assortment is presented in three areas of baking: French pastries, branded bread for those who adhere to a healthy diet, Russian bread. In each direction, we produce three types of products.

3. Description of the market

The target audience of the project is divided into two segments:

  • residents of nearby houses who find it convenient to buy fresh pastries in our bakery;
  • people who follow a healthy diet, watch their figure and are interested in buying branded bread according to unique recipes.

The bakery competes with similar companies in the following ways:

  • Product quality: it is necessary to use high-quality ingredients and a unique recipe for cooking.
  • Price of products: typical products are sold at the average market price.
  • The assortment is presented in three areas of baking: French pastries, branded bread for those who adhere to a healthy diet, native Russian bread.
  • Location: residential quarter (yard type bakery), convenient parking (possible access from the main street).
  • The presence of a window in the workshop, which allows the consumer to observe the process of preparing products

SWOT analysis of a mini-bakery

Strengths of the project

Vulnerabilities of the project

  • Product quality
  • Range
  • Package
  • Location
  • The ability to change the product range, respond flexibly to demand
  • Single dot, unrecognizable brand
  • Lack of wholesale discounts from suppliers due to low production volumes
  • Lack of mature supply channels

Opportunities and prospects

Threats of the external environment

  • The settlement of the area will provide an increase in the level of demand
  • The size of the rented premises allows in the future to increase production volume, purchase additional equipment, and also introduce a tasting room.
  • Lack of sustainable relationships with regulatory authorities
  • Increase in prices for raw materials and primary products

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

The sale of goods is carried out in the trading floor. Delivery of goods at the project launch stage is not provided.

6. Organizational structure

At the stage of launching a bakery, as well as at the initial stage of operation, you can get by with a minimum number of staff.

Manager monitors the organization of the process of production and sale of products, is responsible for the continuous operation of the bakery and timely troubleshooting. In addition, he performs the functions of a freight forwarder, maintains document management, accepts cash every day, and determines the company's development strategy. Since the turnover of the bakery at the initial stage will be relatively small, it can be assumed that the combination of these duties is possible within the same position. This position assumes a 6-day work schedule from 10.00 - 19.00 with a lunch break of 1 hour.

Seller-cashier in charge of customer service and cash handling. Every evening, the salesperson-cashier fills out a special journal in which he registers cash, and also keeps a record of all transactions supported by the presence of checks. In addition, the seller-cashier accepts finished products from the workshop, puts the goods on the shelves, and keeps order on the trading floor. The working day of the seller-cashier coincides with the opening hours of the bakery and lasts from 8.00 - 20.00. Lunch break in the work of the seller-cashier is not provided, but since the flow of customers is not uniform, he has time to rest. Work schedule - 2 days of work alternate with 2 days of rest.

Baker starts at 6:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm. The baker fully controls the production cycle: from keeping records of raw materials in stock to the production of finished products. His responsibilities also include maintaining cleanliness in the workshop, timely write-off of spoiled products, as well as keeping logs for cleaning the hood. The baker's work schedule is 2 days of work alternating with 2 days of rest.

The salary of each employee consists of two parts: salary (a fixed amount) and piecework (percentage of revenue).

In the future, the possibility of introducing additional non-financial motivation for key personnel is being considered - additional training for cooks.

For reporting, we intend to use the services of an accountant on outsourcing.

With an increase in production, as well as the expansion of services provided, new vacancies will appear in the company: a driver, a cleaner, an administrator, a pastry chef.

A detailed payroll calculation, taking into account the bonus part and insurance contributions, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

Calculate the initial investment required to start a bakery. They amount to 1,589,811 rubles. Let's take a closer look at their composition.


Name Quantity Price for 1 piece total amount
Cash register1 15 000 15 000
glass showcase1 25 000 25 000
Cabinets for GPU1 15 000 15 000
Safe1 3 000 3 000
Bake1 250 000 250 000
Fridge1 40 000 40 000
dough mixer1 50 000 50 000
proofing cabinet1 40 000 40 000
flour sifter1 25 000 25 000
Dough cutting table1 35 000 35 000
dough sheeter1 45 000 45 000
Baking trolley1 40 000 40 000
Table for visitors2 10 000 20 000
Chairs for visitors6 2 500 15 000
Fire-fighting equipment1 50 000 50 000
Other equipment1 50 000 50 000

718 000

People have always known a lot about food. A bakery is the production of bakery products, pies, etc. Bakeries have always been and always will be. This production can exist independently, maybe at some hyper and supermarket, mini-bakeries can be at various cafes and grocery stores.

When opening a mini-bakery, a business plan should include all the costs associated with the implementation of the project: investments in the purchase of equipment, operating costs for production and rental of premises. Also, the business plan of the bakery should contain a marketing strategy for business development: without this, it will be difficult to establish a stable sales of products.

A bakery business plan includes a financial and organizational plan, as well as advice on choosing a business marketing strategy. The obvious advantage of food production is that bread is a product that will always be in demand, regardless of the political situation, fashion trends and income levels of the population: you just need to find a niche for your company.

How to open a mini bakery from scratch?

A bread bakery, whose business plan includes financial calculations, project implementation stages and recommendations for choosing a marketing strategy, will allow you to open a mini-bakery from scratch without any extra effort, bypass all the "pitfalls" and receive stable profits in the future.

Stage 1. Search for investments for the implementation of the bakery project

Significant costs for the purchase of equipment for a mini-bakery suggest the need to seek investment in the project. Attracting a bank loan will increase the payback period of the project due to the need to pay interest. Another option is to attract investment funds. In this case, you will have to give part of the profit from the project to the investor.

At the stage of searching for investments, you should pay attention to the possibility of buying a ready-made bakery business. This will avoid the cost of purchasing, installing and commissioning equipment, as well as the search for personnel employed in production. In addition, the operating mini-bakery has well-established ways to sell products, which means stable revenue.

Stage 2. Company registration

Registration of a company engaged in the manufacture of bakery products can be carried out independently, or by contacting the services of a specialized law firm engaged in the registration of firms. The latter option will be more expensive than self-registration, but it will save time for more important matters related to setting up a business. If there is no desire to fill out an application for registration of a company and stand in lines at the Federal Tax Service, then it would be a reasonable step to entrust this work to specialists.

Another important point is the choice of legal form for the bakery. The most common options are individual entrepreneurs or limited liability companies. In the first case, the business owner will be liable for the obligations of the company with all his property, in the second case, his liability will be limited to a contribution to the authorized capital of the company.

Stage 3. Registration of permits.

In order for the possibility of food production to be present, it is necessary that the products and the production facility comply with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire safety.
To start production, the following documents must be issued:

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production;

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products;

Certificate of conformity;

Conclusions from the fire inspectorate.

The costs associated with the execution of permits are included in our registration costs.

Stage 4. Search for a production facility

Bread bakery is a business, the premises for which must meet certain requirements. In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, the bakery cannot be located in the basement of the building or in the basement; all utilities are required: hot and cold water supply, sewerage and ventilation. In addition, the requirements relate to the interior decoration of the premises: the walls must be tiled, and the ceiling must be whitewashed.

The business plan of the bakery store involves finding premises in an accessible and “passable” place for buyers. To organize a bakery, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​at least 80 square meters, if in addition to the bakery you plan to sell products in a retail store, you will have to rent an additional 30-40 square meters.

Stage 5. Acquisition and installation of equipment

A mini bakery is a business in which a lot depends on the quality of baking equipment. What does it take to open a bakery? The business plan presented here assumes the purchase of only the most necessary equipment. A mini-bakery project cannot be implemented without a bread maker, a dough mixing device, a table for cutting and shaping dough, trolleys for finished products, and a flour sifter. A real business plan for a bakery involves the purchase of the most inexpensive domestic equipment. Foreign analogues are much more expensive, but they have better performance characteristics.

As a rule, those companies that sell equipment for baking bakery products also offer customers installation of this equipment. For this reason, installation difficulties should not arise. When choosing an equipment supplier, you should pay attention to the reviews of the company's customers who have already purchased and ordered the installation of equipment, as well as the warranty obligations provided by the supplier.

If you need to save on the purchase of equipment, you can refuse to buy a dough kneader and a flour sifter, and buy ready-made dough instead of flour and other ingredients. Partial cycle production will save both on the purchase of equipment and on the wages of workers employed in production. The disadvantage is the impossibility of complete control of the technical process, and hence the quality of the product produced.

Step 6: Recruitment costs

Workers employed in food production must have a sanitary book without fail. In addition, the quality of products directly depends on the experience and qualifications of bakers. Therefore, the logical solution would be to hire employees with work experience. It is unreasonable to assume that an unskilled worker who claims at an interview that he bakes excellent rolls at home in his kitchen will cope with the equipment of a mini-bakery is unreasonable.

Contacting a recruiting agency will greatly simplify the recruitment process. Yes, you will have to overpay for the services of the agency, but the owner will be confident in the qualifications and experience of his employees. As you know, time is money, if the future business owner has no experience in conducting interviews, if he is not eager to check the entries in the work book with the data presented in the applicant's resume, it will be easiest to entrust the search for employees to the agency, and spend the free time more rationally.

Based on the current staffing table, we calculate tax deductions.

Cleaning woman



Bakery marketing plan

The specifics of the business requires you to occupy a certain niche. No matter how hard the owner of a mini-bakery tries to optimize his expenses, he will never be able to compete on the price of products with a bakery that produces hundreds of thousands of rolls a day. Therefore, when creating a mini-bakery, you need to pay attention to product quality. Without a marketing plan, a business is doomed to failure. Before the implementation of the project, the owner must answer the following questions: how can the product be of interest to the buyer? Why would he prefer my baked goods over cheaper mass-produced or competitive products? Based on this, you should create a marketing strategy and start implementing it.

bakery shop

If possible, part of the bakery premises should be equipped with a retail store. The incomparable smell of fresh baked goods will attract visitors better than any other advertisement. Relatively small costs for commercial equipment will quickly pay off through retail sales. Another direction of sales is the sale of products in small retail stores. As practice shows, at the initial stage it is useless to try to offer their products to large retail chains: an unknown bakery has little chance of placing its products on the shelves of large hypermarkets, so you should focus on working with small stores.

Product specifics

In our time, no one can surprise anyone with just delicious rolls. The mini-bakery business plan involves the development of a marketing strategy, taking into account the specifics of baking, which can interest the buyer. The business owner should pay attention to popular and relevant areas of baking that are in demand.

Yeast-free bread - the current trend

Bakery products made without the use of yeast are considered healthier. A mini bakery, the business plan of which provides for the production of such bread, has a better chance of being successfully implemented compared to a project for the production of yeast products. On the other hand, yeast-free products involve the use of a special technical process, as well as the appropriate qualifications of workers employed in production.

National cuisine is a great option for a bakery shop: a business plan

Another "highlight" may be the use of national recipes for baking. The culinary habits of different peoples of the world suggest original, original and unique baking recipes: Armenian lavash, American flatbread, Indian chapatis - this list is endless. The national character of the bakery guarantees that it will have regular customers and therefore it will be a serious competitive advantage.

Costs, profits and payback of the project.

For calculations, we accept that we will register an individual entrepreneur for organizing a business, taxation is a simplified reporting system. Also, in organizational expenses, we will take into account the costs of certificates of conformity for products. The initial investment in the project will be:

Purchase of equipment

working capital

Organizational expenses

Total expenses

To simplify, we believe that in our calculations we consider only the production and sale of products in small batches to grocery stores, cafes, restaurants, etc. Additional investments may be required as working capital to start a business. Total investments for equipment and registration actions from 500 thousand rubles.

The main costs associated with production in a bakery.

  • Rent of the premises - 64 thousand rubles (the area of ​​the required premises is 80 m2, the rent is 800 rubles / m2);
  • Utility expenses - 16 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of raw materials for production - depending on the volume of products;
  • Staff salary - 90 thousand rubles (bakers - 4 people, cleaner - 1 person, accounting - outsourcing);
  • Other expenses (disinfection, deratization, garbage collection, maintenance of equipment and account) - 10 thousand rubles.

Let's summarize the main costs in the table.

fixed costs


Payroll taxes



Accountant services

Variable costs

Raw material cost

Communal expenses


Insurance IP

Other variable expenses

Total cost

Bakery income.

To calculate the revenue, you need to decide on the list of products. The profitability of bakeries that produce buns, various gingerbread is 30-40%, the profitability of bakeries that produce bread, loaves is 10-20%. In our calculations, we will consider the production of a French baguette.

A standard baguette is cylindrical and weighs 250 grams. Ingredients: flour, water, rye and salt. For 1 kg. flour will require 0.62-0.65 liters of water (it is recommended to replace water with whey in whole or in part), the weight of the dough will be 1.62 kg. Salt and sugar 1% by volume, yeast 2% by volume.

The productivity and sales of our bakery is 15 kg/hour. The bakery's revenue with existing equipment can increase due to an increase in the volume and range of products.

Revenue from the sale of baguettes

Total revenue

Based on the costs and planned revenue, we will calculate the net profit.

Enterprise revenue

Production cost

Gross profit

Loan interest

Profit before tax

Net profit

Cumulative net profit

The final calculation will be the determination of the profitability and payback of the business.

Bread is the head of everything. And if it is also very tasty, then the success of your business is guaranteed. Today we looked at how to open your own mini-bakery, how much it will cost and what needs to be done for this, we hope the material presented was useful from a practical point of view.

  • Product Description
  • Room selection
  • Recruitment
  • Bakery marketing plan
  • Business risks
  • Financial plan

Business plan for opening a bakery for the production of bread and bakery products with a production volume of 400 kg of finished products per shift.

How much money do you need to open a bakery

according to the preliminary plan, to open a bakery in a rented premises, you will need to invest about 970,000 rubles:

  • Cosmetic repairs of the premises - 150,000 rubles.
  • Acquisition and delivery of a turnkey bakery - 350,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials - 70,000 rubles.
  • Approvals and permits, obtaining declarations of conformity for products - 150,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Step by step plan to open a bakery

At the start of the bakery business, the plan provides for the following actions:

  1. Conduct marketing research of the intracity market of bread and bakery products;
  2. Find sources of project financing;
  3. Search for a suitable premises for a bakery;
  4. Work out preliminary sales channels for products;
  5. Register business activity;
  6. Conclude a lease agreement for the premises;
  7. Make appropriate repairs;
  8. Purchase the main and auxiliary equipment;
  9. Hire staff;
  10. Work out the recipe for bread and bakery products;
  11. Launch an enterprise.

Product Description

Our bakery plans to produce the following types of products:

  • Shaped bread (0.5 kg) - 150 pcs.
  • Sliced ​​loaf (0.3 kg) - 180 pcs.
  • Bagels (0.3 kg) - 100 pcs.
  • Pies with filling (0.2 kg) - 1200 pcs.

The production volume will be 400 kg per shift (8 hours). The main part of the products will be baked during the night shift in order to ship hot bread to retail outlets by morning. The bakery will work seven days a week in shifts (2/2). The average selling price for bread and bakery products will be 44 rubles per kilogram. Thus, the daily turnover will be 17,600 rubles, and the monthly turnover will be 528,000 rubles. For all types of manufactured products, a declaration of conformity will be received, indicating that the product is prepared in accordance with all norms and rules, does not contain GMOs and other prohibited additives. Without this document, it will not be possible to sell products to stores.

Download bakery business plan with our partners, with a guarantee of quality.

Room selection

For organizing a business, it is planned to rent a room with an area of ​​115 square meters. Lease payments will amount to 60 thousand rubles per month. The high rental price is due to the good condition of the premises. All conditions for the production of food products have been created here, and the layout and composition of the equipment comply with the requirements of the SES and fire safety. There is hot and cold water supply, ventilation and sewerage system, walls and ceiling are painted with non-toxic paint and partially tiled. The dimensions of the room allow it to be divided into a production workshop, a warehouse for finished products and a warehouse for raw materials (flour), a staff room, a toilet with a bath and a utility room.

What equipment to choose for a bakery

For baking bread and bakery products, the business plan provides for the purchase of a set of equipment with a capacity of 50 kg of finished products per hour. It is planned to spend about 350 thousand rubles for these purposes. The kit will include:

  • Baking oven HPE-500 (40 thousand rubles)
  • Proofer ShRE 2.1 (22 thousand rubles)
  • Flour sifter PVG-600M (24 thousand rubles)
  • Dough mixer MTM-65MNA 1.5 (63 thousand rubles)
  • Ventilation umbrella ZVP 10*8 (9 thousand rubles)
  • Single-section washing bath (3.5 thousand rubles)
  • Confectionery table SP-311/2008 (17 thousand rubles)
  • Wall table SPP 15/6 ots - 2 pcs. (9 thousand rubles)
  • Scales CAS SW-1-20 (4 thousand rubles)
  • Rack SK 1200/400 - 2 pcs. (17 thousand rubles)
  • Trolley for HPE TS-R-16 - 2 pcs. (45 thousand rubles)
  • Hearth sheet for HPE - 12 pcs. (7 thousand rubles)
  • Bread form 3L10 - 72 pcs. (41 thousand rubles)

This equipment is placed on an area of ​​30 square meters. m. and is intended for baking wheat bread, rye-wheat hearth and tin bread, bakery products from yeast dough. This equipment will allow you to perform all the necessary operations for the preparation of raw materials and direct baking products:

  • Sifting and loosening flour;
  • dough kneading;
  • Cutting and shaping dough pieces;
  • Proofing of blanks in a proofing cabinet;
  • Baking bread and bakery products in the oven.


As a bakery staff, it is planned to employ an experienced technologist, bakers (5 people), drivers (2 people), a handyman (1 person), a sales representative (2 people) and a cleaner. The accountant will be employed on a part-time basis (under an outsourcing agreement). The wage fund will amount to 135 thousand rubles per month.

Which taxation system to choose for a bakery

The organizational form of the enterprise will be an ordinary individual entrepreneurship registered with the local tax service. As a taxation system, it is planned to use the simplified taxation system (“simplified”). This is one of the most profitable taxation systems for a bakery. The tax will be 15% of the organization's profit.

Bakery marketing plan

Sales of products are planned to be carried out in trade enterprises and public catering points of our city. There are about 300 such organizations in the city. More precisely, wholesale buyers will be:

  • Specialized trade kiosks and pavilions for the sale of bread, pastries and confectionery products;
  • Intracity retail chains (grocery stores);
  • Cafes and restaurants;
  • Municipal institutions (hospitals, schools, kindergartens).

A sales representative will be hired to conclude contracts with potential buyers. In the future, with the development of production, it is planned to open its own retail outlets for the sale of freshly baked bread and bakery products.

Business risks

The risks of doing such a business are as follows:

  • Increasing competition in the market
  • Lack of government support for the industry
  • Growth of requirements for production, complication of state price regulation (maximum trade margin)

Financial plan

Let's move on to the calculation of the main business performance indicators. Business monthly expenses

Total - 408,000 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a bakery

According to the business plan, the net profit per month will be 102,000 rubles. The profitability of the bakery is 25%. Such indicators can be achieved only if 100% of the sale of all manufactured products. In practice, the situation may be different (returns, deferred payments, etc. are possible), so the final profit can be safely reduced by 25 - 30%. But even with this calculation, you can count on a return on investment already in the 13th - 15th month of the operation of the enterprise.

Recommended download bakery business plan for only (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What OKVED to indicate when registering a bakery

When registering a business for the manufacture and sale of bread and bakery products, the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities provides for codes 15.81, 15.82, 52.24, 55.30 - depending on the intended range of products and methods of implementation. In addition, you should select codes such as 52.24 - Retail sale of bakery products; 51.36.3 - Wholesale of bread and bakery products.

What documents are needed to open a bakery

First you need to register as an individual entrepreneur, select the form of taxation and provide Rospotrebnadzor with a certificate of commencement of activity with a certificate of registration. You can use an LLC as a legal form, but an individual entrepreneur will be cheaper and easier to register and list the necessary documents. In addition, it is necessary to conclude agreements on disinfection, disposal of industrial waste, develop a production control program, documents confirming the maintenance of ventilation systems, medical examination of personnel with the issuance of sanitary books.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Bakery business plan (22 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Confectionery business plan (16 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Business plan for a dumpling shop (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Do I need permits to open a bakery?

The following permits are required for the production and sale of bakery products:

  1. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for all products.
  3. Approval of the declaration of conformity of products to the requirements of TR CU 021/2011.
  4. Development of specifications or acquisition of the rights of technical conditions of other manufacturers.
  5. Production control program.
  6. Permission from the State Supervisor.

Technology of production of bakery products

The process of making bread and bakery products primarily depends on the choice of recipe. Depending on this, the necessary equipment is selected - an oven and a dough mixer. The production stage can be conditionally divided into three steps:

  1. Test batch.
  2. Product molding.
  3. Baking process.

Depending on the capacity of your production, kneading can be either manual or automatic. After kneading, the dough must “ripen”, for this special containers are used. After the dough has matured, it is sent to the molding shop, where dough is selected from the entire mass by weight for each product and placed in baking molds. The last stage is the baking itself in ovens at a temperature of 240-280 degrees for 25 minutes, depending on the product.