Breeding and selling Chinchillas is a highly profitable business. Business offers Where to sell chinchilla skins

Profitability from household from 300%. In cooperation with us you will always have a guaranteed sale. Business is not subject to any crises.

Earn your million on breeding chinchillas - it's real!

Elite nurseries from the USA, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and other countries offer to become the owner of cute furry animals for home, as well as breeding and amateur breeding. The farms sell wholesale chinchillas of all ages and colors. A furry animal, if desired, can be not only a cute pet, but also a source of good income.


We offer young animals at the age of 2 - 4 months, as well as adult mated pairs, ready to organize mini-farms. One young family of chinchillas can bring up to 3 litters and up to 15 puppies per year. The cost of a two-month-old animal (the most suitable age for weaning from the mother) varies from 2,500 to 50,000 rubles, depending on gender and color. The female chinchilla, getting older, brings more puppies in 1 litter. A mother under the age of 1.5 years gives birth to 1-3 cubs in a litter, from 1.5 to 6 years 2-5 puppies are born.

Chinchillas eat well with budgetary food, which can always be bought in any quantity on our farm. To ensure the longevity and health of your pet, you need to follow a few simple rules of care. For each chinchilla, we attach detailed instructions for keeping, as well as a pedigree of origin. In addition, each of our clients receives balanced food for the first month of keeping and sand for bathing the animals. On our farm, you can buy chinchillas in bulk, as well as order a cage for a couple or breeding animals at low prices.

Prices for breeding chinchillas

About 400 fur animals are kept on our farm, their number is constantly growing, thanks to the effective operation of the partnership program for the sale of young animals and our own increase in the number of animals. There are always puppies, young chinchillas, adult animals, planted couples and polygamous families of any color. Orders are accepted for families of any configuration and color. You can buy chinchillas for breeding at the following prices, subject to the conclusion of a sales contract.

Chinchilla "Grey standard": age 6-10 months.

  • Pair (male and female of reproductive age) - 13,000 rubles;
  • From 3 to 5 pairs - 13,000 rubles per pair (with the possibility of delivery within the Moscow Ring Road);
  • From 5 to 10 pairs - 13,000 rubles per pair (with free delivery within the Moscow Ring Road);
  • About 10 to 20 pairs - 13,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 300 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • From 20 to 30 pairs - 12,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 600 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • From 30 to 50 pairs - 12,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 1,000 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • Over 50 pairs - the cost is 12,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 2,000 km from the Moscow Ring Road).

A colored pair of chinchillas, depending on the color, costs from 15,000 rubles.

You can buy a family of chinchillas or several pairs depending on the breed with a discount of 10% to 50%.

Transport services

  • Pick up or drop off within the Moscow Ring Road: 1000 rubles for 1-5 animals, 1500 rubles for 5-10 animals.
  • Pick up or drop off outside the Moscow Ring Road: up to 100 km - 30 rubles / 1 km;

from 100 to 500 km - 25 rubles / 1 km,

from 500 to 800 km - 20 rubles / 1 km.

* The distance from the Moscow Ring Road and back is taken into account.

Special affiliate program

Our farm has a special partnership program for the redemption of young chinchillas, subject to the purchase of 5 pairs for the organization of a breeding farm. Young animals are bought at the age of 4 months at a price of 1000 - 3000 thousand rubles, depending on the sex and color of the cubs. The program is valid only if an agreement is concluded between the parties at the time of sale. A special affiliate program allows you to buy chinchillas in bulk, while providing a start-up business with a constant source of sales.

Terms of sale

The only condition for the purchase of animals is the physical integrity of the chinchilla: the presence of 4 paws, 2 ears, a tail, all fingers, and the absence of damage to the fur. The breeder is insured against the appearance of these defects until the chinchilla reaches sexual maturity (2-4 months). As a rule, conflicts arise precisely from 4 months between animals of both the same sex and different ones. Before reaching this age, in 99% of cases, cubs can be kept both with their parents and separately from the family. When weaned from the mother, cubs from one litter are placed in a cage separate from other puppies.

By joining our affiliate program, you get:

  • Constant information support on the conditions of detention, treatment of diseases and breeding issues.
  • Individual prices with up to 30% discount on balanced food, bathing sand, treats, accessories and other pet products.
  • Stable income and guaranteed sales, secured by a bilateral agreement.
  • Confidence in buying a healthy animal. Our farm is constantly working on the breeding quality of chinchillas.

Cost and Profit Calculation Example

We present the calculation of the maximum cost of maintaining 1 family of 2 breeding chinchillas of the Gray Standard breed:

  1. Balanced food 22-24 kg - 450 rubles.

Feeding with natural feed is possible: hay 3-5 kg ​​50 rubles.

With self-harvesting of hay - zero costs.

  1. Top dressing (hercules, milk powder) 1 kg. - 100 rubles
  2. Vitamin complex (liquid) 50 ml / l - 100 rubles.
  3. Treats (raisins, rose hips, dried apples, etc.) 2 kg - 50 rubles.

Do-it-yourself production costs zero.

Mineral stone for teeth 4pcs. - 200 rub.

It is possible to use other materials - zero costs.

Sand for bathing fur animals 3-5 kg. - 300 rubles

Do-it-yourself costs are minimal.

Toys for rodents (wooden bars, branches, etc.) 3 kg - 50 rubles.

With self-production - zero costs.

Total: Commercial costs for the maintenance of chinchillas: 1300 rubles.

If desired, the cost of maintaining chinchillas is reduced to: 650 rubles.

Minimum annual profit calculation:

One pair of breeding animals brings 2-3 litters a year on average 8 puppies - 3300 rubles. for one animal.

In general, for offspring per year - 26,400 rubles.

Total: Net profit when keeping one pair of breeding chinchillas of the Gray Standard breed is 25,750 rubles.

The profitability of breeding chinchillas, everyone evaluates for himself!

Every year, the Chinchilla Club Chinchilla Farm pleases its partners and new customers with New Year's prices. And this year is no exception. If you want to increase your livestock or just start your journey in breeding chinchillas, then this offer is especially for you. Until January 15, 2020, a pair of breeding chinchillas at a festive price - 9,000 rubles! (This promotion does not apply to )

Chinchilla breeding farm: 4500 rubles. for a skin, 450,000 rubles. for 100 pieces.
Profitable sale of young animals up to 300,000 rubles. for 100 pieces.
, which are known to have the most valuable fur of all the animals that inhabit our planet.
The advantages of these animals are that they are 2-3 times smaller than rabbits in size, they are herbivores - they eat everything the same as rabbits, but much less (20 times, 35 grams each): vegetables, grains, herbs, hay, leaves, branches, seeds, etc. Chinchillas do not shed seasonally, and unlike other animals, they are odorless. Chinchillas do not need any vaccinations as they are all raised in captivity. Sexual maturity is reached at 6-7 months. At the same time, their main advantage is simple maintenance and breeding.

They usually say about chinchillas: “You feed like a rabbit - you sell like a sable!”
Whether to get chinchillas just for the soul or seriously engage in their breeding - everyone decides for himself. But in any case, the pleasure of communicating with these cute animals will be guaranteed to you.

Breeding chinchillas is a very interesting activity, which, with the right approach, calculation and well-established marketing, can bring considerable profit. After all, animal skins can be profitably sold or you can sew a fur coat, a fur collar, a hat yourself. How much time, money and effort you need to spend in Russia in order for the cultivation of chinchillas to start making a profit - this is the subject of today's conversation. We will also find out how much a chinchilla skin costs in our country and where to contact for the sale of goods. But first things first.

Breeding chinchillas in Russia is a very promising business and a very decent business that can be based on the cultivation and sale of the animals themselves, as well as the sale of skins for a fur coat. How much is a breeding animal for sale? The price can vary within 100 USD. However, today we will talk about the sale of chinchilla skins, business features and risks.

To begin with, all beginners need to draw up a small business plan, which will include the main organizational, legal, and business expenses. It outlines the prospect of doing business, describes the sale of the final product.

Fur characteristic

In addition to dietary meat, chinchilla is very valuable due to its fluffy skin. They can make a fur coat, hats, fur products and much more. This direction, among others, is the most profitable and promising in our country. Fur is valuable due to the presence of a huge number of hairs (on average, there are about 25 thousand hairs per 1 cm2) and incredible beauty and silkiness. However, you can combine several lines of business and simultaneously sell meat, donate skins and sell live animals.

How much does a chinchilla skin cost? This is a very important question for those new to chinchilla breeding. Much in the pricing policy depends on the quality of the skins and the appearance of the product. But on average, the price of a finished product varies from 250 to 300 USD. The cost of the highest quality skins can increase several times on the market.

Business Benefits

  • Financial benefit. With a small investment of capital, you get a net income in a short time;
  • Availability. Absolutely anyone who has a small space and a great desire to start their own business from scratch can engage in this type of business. This does not require special in-depth knowledge, the presence of a veterinary education, a lot of money. You need to have desire and strength;
  • Simplicity. In fact, it is not very difficult to start breeding chinchillas and organize the work properly.

It is not difficult to make an approximate calculation of the future business, and for this you do not need financial education. The first thing you should pay attention to is that it is quite possible to breed chinchillas in an apartment or a private house. The thing is that these animals do not have an unpleasant odor, due to their lack of sweat glands. Therefore, they can be safely grown in an apartment without fear that a bad aroma will come from them. In addition, they are very friendly, unlike, for example, muskrats, which constantly bite. Chinchillas are very cute and kind creatures that can even bite their own claws! Cages for animals are a separate topic, but they can be made by yourself, or purchased in special zoological stores.

Conditions of detention

Chinchillas have some characteristic features on which their breeding depends. This:

  • Compliance with the temperature regime, which varies from 15 to 20 degrees. It is very important to prevent a decrease in performance, as well as an increase in it more than 25 degrees. This can lead to the death of the animal. Therefore, if hot days are possible in your climate zone, it is better to immediately equip the room with air conditioning;
  • Location. Try not to put cages with chinchillas near the window, because. animals do not like sunlight. Also avoid any players with loud music or other sound;
  • Cages should be roomy, but not high, so that the animal could not break. There must be at least one square meter of cage territory per individual;
  • Sawdust is laid inside the cage, which must be changed at least once a week. In addition, in each cage there should be a bather with special ash, a feeder and a drinker;
  • Animals eat hay, tree branches, grasses, granulated feed, grains, nuts and much more;
  • Chinchilla is nocturnal. So she eats at night. As well as fulfilling all other needs, it is worth paying special attention to this. And do not place cages near children, as well as feed before nightfall.


In order to start a chinchilla business, you must:

  • Buy 3-4 females and one male. It is desirable that these animals are from different families.
  • Set cells. About 10-15 animals can freely fit on an area of ​​​​2 square meters. To save space, you can install cages on top of each other. You can save on the purchase of equipment for keeping chinchillas, and do everything yourself. This is not difficult.
  • Buy food. Approximately, one healthy individual consumes about 1 kg of granular feed per month. Here you can also save money and prepare dry food for the winter. It can be hay, twigs of trees and bushes, wild rose, hawthorn, etc.


One female per year, on average, can bring about 5-9 puppies. Her childbearing period, with proper feeding and maintenance, can last up to 15 years. Accordingly, a family of 4 females and a male can bring up to 30 young animals for fattening per year. They can be grown for later reproduction or left on the skin. A one-room apartment can fit about 2-3 families.

As you can see, breeding chinchillas is a very profitable and profitable business. Keeping animals is not troublesome and simple, they do no harm, do not have an unpleasant smell, do not scream, eat well and breed well. In order to start a business, you should not immediately buy 2-3 families and spend a lot of money. We advise you to purchase 2-3 individuals and watch them for a couple of months, get used to their way of life, follow the breeding process. And only if everything suits you, and you like the animals, it is worth starting their mass breeding.

If you are very interested in this type of activity, and you want to expand its scope, then we advise you to open a small farm. What might be required for this?

First of all, this is a room. Its dimensions should be relative to the number of animals that you are going to breed there. Ensure that the room is always dry and clean. For hot days, it is better to put air conditioning.

Secondly, you will need to legalize your activities. To do this, you will need to open a business and pay taxes to the treasury every month.

Thirdly, it will require spending some amount on the purchase of breeding animals for breeding and feed.

And fourth is the staff. For starters, you may need just one assistant to monitor the behavior of the animals, clean their cages, feed them, etc.

Implementation Issues

So you have already equipped a large room with cages, bought animals, mated, got the first young, which has grown to a year. What's next? Where can the product be sold?

Here is a list of possible buyers:

  • Farmers at the fur market. These can be already experienced business executives, novice buyers, as well as those involved in the resale of goods, intermediaries. It won't be hard to find them. You will need to carry out advertising work, exhibit samples of your products on all kinds of thematic sites and portals. Sell, as we have said, you can live individuals, skins, meat;
  • All kinds of pet stores, zoos, exhibition centers, nurseries that need a live animal;
  • Ordinary residents of cities and villages who buy animals for their homes;
  • Factories for tailoring fur products;
  • All kinds of catering establishments for the sale of meat (restaurants, cafes, canteens, etc.).

As you can see, chinchilla breeding is not a very troublesome and promising business, if everything is calculated correctly. Do what you love and expand the scale of production.

The "chinchilla breeding" business is quite attractive by many criteria and guarantees high profits.

Such a business is based on the breeding of animals and the sale of both themselves and the most precious fur in the world. A breeding animal can be sold for approximately $100.

To organize a business, you will need to answer certain questions. How much do chinchilla skins cost? What are the initial investments and possible profit? We will talk about this and much more below.

To organize activities, you will need to draw up a project that considers all the nuances of the work of the upcoming company. The business plan for breeding chinchillas includes the main areas: organizational, financial, legal and others.

Product features

The features of the material are very attractive. Chinchilla meat is a dietary product. Its fur is rightfully one of the most valuable, which is the reason for the initiative development of business in this area. It is distinguished by its high cost due to heat and the presence of a large number of hairs on the skins (up to 25 thousand hairs per 1 cm 2 square).

Price for skins

How much does a chinchilla skin cost? This question worries most businessmen. The price of the skin of the highest grade reaches $ 300 and more. Fur of lesser quality costs 2 times cheaper.

Business Benefits

  • Profitability. The chinchilla business brings a high income with low organization costs.
  • Availability. Anyone can start a business. In fact, neither expensive equipment, nor special education, nor large investments are required.
  • Simplicity. Ease in the organization and breeding of animals.

Business plan for breeding chinchillas at home

It is quite possible to breed these animals in small quantities at home in a one-room apartment, or in private households. Keeping chinchillas at home for business purposes does not require large areas and special conditions.

Animals do not emit an unpleasant odor due to the absence of sweat and sebaceous glands, and the fur does not shed, as in other animals. They are very friendly, do not bite or scratch, even their claws gnaw on their own. As for the equipment, it includes cages that can be easily made on your own or purchased at zoo outlets.

  • The temperature regime in the cages is 15-25 degrees, the humidity is by the standards of home conditions.
  • The cells are filled with sawdust. They are changed once a week.
  • Chinchillas feed on hay and special top dressing.
  • In the daytime, the animals sleep, so feeding is done in the evenings (once a day).


1. Purchase of chinchillas. The price of one individual is about 6-9 thousand rubles. For 3-4 females, one male is needed.

2. Equipment. Cell acquisition. The site for maintenance requires a small size. On an area of ​​​​2 square meters, up to 20 animals are freely placed.

The cells are placed on top of each other, and therefore little space is required.

A 30x40 cm cage is enough for one animal. They are made independently, to order, and purchased in stores. The cost of a cell can be from 1500 to 10 thousand rubles.

3. Nutrition. For one month, one individual consumes up to 0.7-1 kg of dry food, at a cost of up to 20 rubles per kilogram. It is possible to prepare food yourself, which will significantly reduce costs (hay, dried dandelion leaves).


One female produces about 5-9 puppies per year. At a price of 1 individual of 6-10 thousand rubles, the profit from one chinchilla is 50-90 thousand rubles. The life expectancy of the beast at home is from 12 to 17 years with annual fecundity.


Breeding chinchillas at home is very profitable and not troublesome. In addition to the fact that they bring a very high income, these animals look very nice and complement any home. It is more convenient to keep chinchillas in garages or special rooms at your own dacha or farm, but at home they, although they take root, will create a smell and gnaw everything. However, some even cats behave more aggressively.

In order to delve into the intricacies of the content, estimate expenses and real incomes, it is advised to take a couple of chinchillas to a city apartment and watch them for several months. Many of these animals have problems with breeding at home when they do not want to breed.

But not with chinchillas - they perfectly produce babies and, depending on luck, can bring not 3-5 newborns, but up to a dozen. This increases the profit and payback of the business in almost the first six months of owning such a farm.

Chinchilla Farm Business Plan

A chinchilla breeding farm involves the most ambitious activity. However, it will also be more profitable. The business plan for breeding chinchillas on your own farm implies the presence of 200 females and 50 males.

Business Benefits

No need for licensing and special education, as well as certain skills. No special equipment required. Large areas are not required.

The profitability of the product is 500-800% per annum. The first release is in 4 months.

What you need to open a mini-farm

1. Premises.

2. Registration of IP.

4. Feed costs.

5. Purchase of breeding chinchillas.

6. Staff - no more than 1 person.

The list of documents that must be provided for legal registration

  1. Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001.
  2. State payment receipt duties.
  3. Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system in the form No. 26. 2-1.
  4. Copy of the passport.

Content Features

Lighting chinchilla mini-farm is carried out using conventional light bulbs. Heating in winter is electric. Air conditioners are used for cooling in summer. You can buy animals using an affiliate program provided by the owners of special farms. There you can order cells, get information on the content. Actually, what the animal needs: 14-18 degrees, 60% humidity, sand for bathing, several hundred grams of food a day and a tree with a stone to sharpen its teeth.