How to sell tires and wheels. How to start your own tire business: we conduct a mini-research on specialized forums

We have collected the questions most often asked by our clients and answered them in one sick article.

- How to choose tires?

There are a huge number of tires on the market from different manufacturers with different characteristics and prices. It is very difficult for an ordinary buyer to choose the right thing for him.

Tire production is a high-tech process. It is impossible to produce tires in the "cellars of the Moscow region".

One price - one quality

Among the manufacturers of tires, as well as other products, there are well-known names - brands. Manufacturers carefully monitor each other's achievements and do not allow the competitor to take a big lead. To say that someone is better and someone is worse is not entirely true. You can say that all tires are the same if you compare tires in the same price range.. Sellers use the following tactics: the best tire is the one that is in stock. Therefore, the question of which manufacturer is better will not help you make the right decision.

Each product has its own price

Tires are very easy to understand - the more expensive the tires, the more famous the brand and the better the quality. All manufacturers offer a range of tires at different prices in order to cover the entire market, which clearly indicates their quality. Not every consumer is ready to buy expensive tires, just as not everyone drives luxury cars.

One manufacturer, different tires

Sometimes you can hear: “I didn’t like this manufacturer so much, I don’t need to offer it.” Believe me, just as Mercedes has an “A” class that you might not like, so there is an S class that you will be delighted with, or maybe the E class will suit you. We all know that everything has its price. It's the same with tires.

A, E and S classes

The current classification of passenger cars was developed in the mid-90s. Each class denotes a body type.

From Wikipedia

You can't cheat on the internet

None of the tire sellers in the age of the Internet will sell you expensively cheap goods and vice versa, since there is a risk of losing a client forever.

Conclusion: the choice of tire should depend on the capabilities of your wallet.

If you're looking for the latest technology in the tire industry, we'd be happy to offer it to you, but you can't get the latest high-end tire model for a penny here or anywhere else. The retail network "ON KOLESACH.RU" is a multi-brand seller. We have everything for every taste and wishes!

- How to choose summer tires?

Is it worth it or not to "change shoes" in the spring of your car? Many people still cannot answer this question and continue to drive on winter tires in the summer. This is especially noticeable when winter tires are not studded, and the car needs to be sold. Worse, when the tires are spiked - you won’t really ride with them, as the gnashing of the spikes on the asphalt will be annoying. Besides that Winter and summer tires have different tread patterns, they are made of rubber with different properties.. Winter tires are made from softer grades of rubber. Therefore, in the summer heat, softening, they lose their performance. Let's just say: all their advantages for the winter disappear on the summer molten asphalt. Summer tires, on the other hand, are more rigid. As a result, in winter frosts, they become too elastic in order to ensure normal grip of the wheels with the road surface.

Frugal drivers change tires in a timely manner, maintaining tire properties, and tire life is increased without sacrificing safety.

In the figure, we see that the most expensive tire costs 9,500 rubles, and the cheapest - 2,201 rubles.

You can move the slider to match tires in different price ranges. The next question, which should be treated with cold calculation: “How much am I willing to pay?”. Just like you decide in a shoe store, cosmetics, clothes and restaurants. The manufacturer, putting the maximum amount of technology into the tire production formula, spends money on it. The more new technologies, expensive additives are invested in the tire, the more expensive it will cost. It is not customary for a manufacturer to sell a low-quality product for a lot of money.

The main parameters of summer tires

    Price-brand ratio

    Road grip performance

    exchange rate stability




    wear resistance


    cornering stability

    Speed ​​mode

None of these parameters can be assessed for yourself until you start using tires. How can you appreciate the level of the restaurant until you try the salad from the menu.

The manufacturer sets a fair price for the product, based on the costs that are invested in the production of a particular model.

A good thing is expensive - this is the rule of the market.

- What are interchangeable tire sizes?

The manufacturer often recommends several sizes of tires of different widths and diameters for one car, prescribing this in the technical documentation.

On the site "On Wheels.RU" in the selection are collected all the recommendations of manufacturers. By specifying the data of your car, you can safely use the information on the interchangeability of tires and, accordingly, rims on the car.

Sometimes professional tuning studios use tire sizes that contradict those prescribed by the car manufacturer. This is done in order to improve the appearance of the car in order to get a more sporty or aggressive look. Ateliers work closely with manufacturers, receiving confirmation from them for changes in the technical parameters of the car, including tires.

The question is often asked: “Can I install the tires that were left from the car that was broken by a neighbor?”. Remember, tires are a very important element of the car, on which, first of all, the safety of the driver depends.

In this case, the selection of tires by size on the site will give you all the information. We recommend relying on two sources - our selection of tires and the technical data sheet of the car. When designing a car, developers calculate, sometimes even empirically, based on operating practice, which tires should be. By changing the parameters of the tire, that is, by installing tires of a larger or smaller size, you violate the technical specifications. The car may be getting prettier, but that could put the safety of you and your loved ones at risk. The company "On Wheels.RU" does not recommend that you do this.

The second case, let's call it tuning. We recommend that you contact a tuning studio for a recommendation specifically for your car. Companies that do this seriously should have patents to improve cars. But if you just "cut your wings with a grinder" and seek to install tires, focusing solely on your taste, we would not want to participate in this life-threatening adventure. By complying with the technical requirements, you will always be safe.

The company's programmers developed the Tire Applicability Calculator. It is available on the app for Android and iOS platforms. Using the calculator, comparing tires, you will get information about the change in technical characteristics when changing the size.

for your phone
or tablet

Selection of tires and wheels by brand of car and motorcycle and registration for installation services

- How to choose winter tires?

There are some basic tips for choosing winter tires.

Don't expect frost or snow. Change tires as soon as the temperature is stable around +5. The sooner you do this, the:

  • Spend less
  • More attention
    the seller will give you
  • Safer you'll be yourself
    feel at the peak of bad weather

Winter tire - a car tire specially designed for use in the cold season at temperatures below +7 °C.

From Wikipedia

Are spikes needed?

In the stores of the On Wheels.RU network, you will be offered a large selection of tires, but it is quite difficult to choose a product when the buyer does not know what he wants. We have prepared a small test for those who cannot decide which tires to choose. Do not take this as a dogma, but it will help you make your own choice based on the operation of your car. Believe me, if you yourself do not know what tires you need, how can the seller know about it? It is not always possible to carry out the test below during the peak sales season.

Answer the questions by choosing "Sh" and "N/S".

The first studded snow tires were created in 1933 by Michelin.

From Wikipedia
  1. Minimum temperatures in your area:
    • Not lower than -15 — N/W
    • −15 and below — W
  2. How public utilities work in the city:
    • The snow is removed, the roads are watered with a non-freezing composition - N/W
    • The roads are snow-covered, the snow is packed and the asphalt is not visible - W
  3. Driving experience:
    • Up to 5 years - W
    • More than 5 years - N/W
  4. Where do you travel most often?
    • Only in the city N/W(but pay attention to point 2)
    • In the city and outside the city - W
  5. Does the car have ABC?
    • Yes - N/W
    • Not - W
  6. Where do you have to park in winter at home and office?
    • Paid guarded parking N/W
    • In the yard or as you like - W
  7. What kind of ride do you prefer?
    • Aggressive, fast, fast W
    • Calm, on a familiar road - N/W
  8. Car drive:
    • Rear - W
    • Front - W
    • Full - N/W
  9. Spikes destroy the road surface:
    • It worries me, but I often move in the snow - W
    • I want to save roads N/W

Count the number of "W" and "N / W". If you scored more "W", then studded tires are preferable for you, if "N / W" - order non-studded tires and you will not be mistaken.

If you passed the test and still decide to buy other tires than the result indicated, we respect your independent choice. The main thing for us is that you know what you need.

You can do it yourself without wasting your time on calls, especially during the peak of seasonal sales.

The seller has sufficient information to answer where the product is located and whether it is available at all. To form a response, he uses software tools, to which the company's website is also connected. We suggest that you use them yourself and do not waste time calling and communicating with sellers who do not have time to answer during the peak sales season.

The item listed on the website is in stock. If the product is sold or reserved, it immediately disappears from the free sale and, as a result, from the site.

If you have selected a brand, model and size, the site will show everything that is in stock.

What to look out for

  • Product availability. The quantity is usually indicated up to 12 pieces. This means that there are 12 or more of these tires in stock. It is better to place an order through an electronic shopping cart to reserve a product for yourself.
  • Quantity of goods. The product may remain 1 unit (this will be indicated on the site). Be careful here. If it says that there is only one item left, you don't have to specify if that's the case or not. It is not in our rules to hide goods from buyers. You should not demand to find 3 more tires or disks, as you need them. It does not depend on the manager. As soon as the tires go on sale, they will immediately appear on the site with an indication of the warehouse or store where they arrived.
  • Where is this product located? You can find out by clicking on the "Availability in stores" link.

This sign marks a product that is in stock.

After selecting the item in stock, determine the desired quantity and add it to the "Basket". That's all you need to do. Then the system will do everything automatically and notify you when the goods will be delivered to you or when you can drive up and pick them up at the store.

If you did not find your tire or rim size on the site

  • Check if you entered the correct tire or rim size.
  • If you selected the size by car, then use the selection by size or vice versa.
  • If you entered all the parameters correctly and the program answered that this size is not available, then we most likely will not be able to help you.

Be sure to leave a comment or write in the "Book of Complaints and Suggestions" about the lack of the size you need.

What is the year of manufacture of the tire?

The seller will not always be able to give you an accurate answer to this question over the phone, since at the time of accepting the order, the tire may be in another warehouse. Let's figure it out on our own. The question is important and often arises from buyers. What is the manufacturer's rule?

Manufacturer's rule: A tire is considered new for 5 years. This means that it can be sold within 5 years from the date of production.

Sometimes this moment is confused, believing that 5 years is the expiration date of the tire, but this is not so. In this regard, there is an official letter from the certification body. There is no one higher than this institution. The courts accept their expert opinions for conducting cases related to road accidents and various types of damages. Very rarely tires do not have time to sell in 2 years, but if you suddenly come across an “older” tire, there is nothing to worry about. Under the Consumer Protection Act, you can return an item you don't like.

The Na company closely monitors its assortment and tire release dates. If you have been sold or offered a tire in our stores that is more than 5 years old, let us know at " Book of complaints and suggestions” located on the site.

- How to view all brands of tires and rims on the site?

There are two possible options for viewing all product brands.


Use the view of all presented brands on the site if you want to get acquainted with the range of tires and wheels that our network sells. To do this, select a product (tyres, wheels, etc.), and the site will present you with a full range of brands presented this season. We warn you: this is a very large amount of information - about 15,000 tire and wheel items. By revealing the brand, you can see all the models presented this season that are on sale. Items in stock are marked with green checkmarks. If you open a model separately, you can get more detailed information: size, characteristics, availability, what warehouse it is in, etc. Use this view only if you want to get acquainted with the range of the company as a whole. Do not match the product to your car in this way, as what you may like in terms of parameters may not suit your car.

Summer, winter or all-season tires are marked with such icons

Icons for cast or
forged wheels

Selection of goods by car

To see the brands of products that fit your car, use the search by car or by size. Specify the parameters of your car or dimensions, and the program will automatically select all the available brands that fit your car. Don't rush to call. It’s better to “play” with the program yourself and choose the best option, which suits you in every way.

- What depends on the country of the tire manufacturer?

Very often, sellers have to answer the same questions of the buyer: “Which is better, Continental or Nokian, Bridgestone or Yokohama?”, “I can’t decide whether to put GoodYear or Michelin?”. This is understandable, as it is usually difficult for a car owner to understand the variety of brands and models. To answer this question, it is necessary to see through the eyes of professionals what the market of tire manufacturers is like, who is the leader and why?

The leader in the tire industry, as in principle in other areas of business, is the company that sells the most.

Bridgestone has long been the world leader and Continental has been the European sales leader. Although I am sure that among the readers there may be motorists who did not like the operation of tires of these brands. And, on the contrary, they liked Nokian or Yokohama tires, the share of sales of which in the world is much lower.

Why is that? In fact, the same situation with any other product. Ask yourself and your friends which refrigerator is the best, which milk is the most delicious, which clock is the most accurate, and you will see: how many people - so many opinions.

The answer lies in three points:

Manufacturers are in fierce competition. In order for a product to sell, you must constantly improve it and sell it as expensive as possible. Accordingly, as soon as a new innovative tire (and the most expensive one) goes on sale, other manufacturers immediately study what's new and try to do it even better or at least at the same level. The manufacturer tightly controls his production, and if he managed to save on production, labor, this will not change the price on the market for this product, since its quality is impeccable. The only thing that can change the price of a product is competition.

2. Personal connection to the brand

An important argument when buying is our personal feeling of comfort from operation. We enjoy using a well-known brand, we are satisfied with its quality and we get moral satisfaction from this. It happens and vice versa - we expect more and remain disappointed.

We constantly receive all sorts of information that affects our attitude towards brands. Some brand organizes races, another - a test drive, the third sponsors a charity evening. We ourselves do not notice how this forms our respectful attitude towards the brand. These are very costly and well thought out marketing techniques.

How do we choose any product in the store

We come to the store and see the goods we need (for example, a refrigerator). The question arises: can we pay for what we liked, because the manufacturer, releasing the most advanced product for sale, sets the maximum price for it. If the price is too high for us, we take the product that is cheaper. The most interesting thing is that the same manufacturer can offer the goods cheaper. It's just that a more affordable model will lack some of the latest features.

Each manufacturer understands that it is impossible to sell only expensive tires, since the company will have a small share in a large market “pie”. Therefore, the manufacturer is trying to get a larger market share, load its production more and sell tires in different price niches. But the cheaper the tire, the less technologically its production.

Let's summarize:

Large corporations have already thought of everything for us, and the maximum that we can do before entering the site is to check the contents of our purse. Answer your question: “How much am I willing to spend on tires for my “swallow”? Choose the size that suits you on the site, and the program will offer several brands and models. At the top there is a "price slider" that will allow you to leave tires only in the price range that suits you. In tires, as in any other product, more expensive means better.

Take what is closer, what you have already heard about, in other words, whose marketing worked better. Remember: tires of different brands at the same price are absolutely the same in operation. If you have experience of personal exploitation, rely on it. Do not be afraid to experiment: if there are many tires of different brands in the same price niche, take one that has not yet been ridden. Don't be discouraged if you can't get the most expensive tire. Not everyone can afford the most expensive phone, but everyone has a phone, and that doesn't make making calls any less fun.

A year of the life of an online store of tires and wheels from the first days: the cost of creation, annual budget, cost per click and some figures regarding the company's turnover.

In March 2014, Pavel Yemelyanov, director of the Protector tire fitting company, approached our studio with a proposal to create a website for them selling tires and wheels.

Tire service was located in a very good location, in the city center, with a convenient entrance, where there are no traffic jams, which is very rare for our city.

location of the tire service “24shina.rf”

Pavel said that he plans to start retailing tires. It is not yet planned to have its own stock of tires, tires will be bought for the client from the warehouses of suppliers (the emphasis is also on the search for rare tire models, and the sale of 1 pc). There are 6 main tire suppliers in Krasnoyarsk, which supply tires to almost all shops in the city.

At the time of the launch of the site, 41 online tire stores were already operating in Krasnoyarsk. Therefore, we had to work hard in order not to remain 42nd.

Scheme of the online store:

  1. Sales will be organized through the online store.
  2. After placing an order, the client must pay for the purchase on the website or at the office (in the tire shop).
  3. After payment, Pavel buys the necessary tires from suppliers and transfers them to the client at the goods distribution center or delivers them to the address convenient for the client. (Mostly, customers pick up goods from the distribution center, where they can immediately change their shoes with a discount of up to 25%, which they do in most cases. This is to attract customers to tire fitting).

The first thing to do was create a website.

To make the site, we considered two options:

  • Creation of an exclusive store - 250 - 400 thousand rubles
  • Using a template - from 31 to 78 thousand rubles

We settled on a template, since at that time the guys could not afford to pay 250-400 thousand rubles for a website, and there was no point in it.

We found a wonderful template on the Bitrix engine: Asporo tire and wheel online store template. It was the highest quality template at that time. You can read about all the features of the template.

The advantage of this template is that it already has a mobile version, which is especially true today. According to our statistics, 16.8% of the beds access the site from mobile phones and tablets. People visit the site from mobile devices not only to buy goods, but also in emergency cases when urgent wheel repair is required (puncture or cut).


*a complete list of works and their cost for the period from April 1, 2014 to May 1, 2015, including the cost of promotion and advertising of the site
