Business idea: shoe repair shop. How to open a shoe repair shop Profitability of shoe repair

Shoe repair as a business is attractive due to stable demand. It grew out of the traditional shoemaker's craft thanks to increased labor productivity and the introduction of technological consumables.

Yet, macroeconomically speaking, the demand for his services is constant but inelastic. However, different categories of the population (this will be discussed below) use its services with varying intensity. While not a highly profitable business, it is well structured. Almost all city blocks are covered by various types of workshops.

You can register them as an individual entrepreneur or in the form of an LLC (which is less common). Licensing for such activities is not required. According to various data, the market capacity is determined by different figures. In particular, the Russian shoe repair market is officially estimated by specialists at about $400 million a year. According to unofficial information, its turnover is one and a half to two times higher.

There is a positive trend: over the past decade and a half, it has shown good dynamics, giving rise to new organizational forms.

Demand and shoe wear cycles

How to measure such an intangible category as the demand for shoe repair, related to the macroeconomic situation of pure competition?

However, this is worth doing, since opening a shoe repair without assessing the demand for it is at least reckless. Let's start from the statistics of the need for shoes to be repaired in the process of wearing them.

It is characteristic that a small part of footwear requires repair already in the first year of its operation by citizens (in our reasoning, we are guided by well-known statistics). Every 10th pair of footwear produced in the CIS suffers from this to the same extent as imported economy class footwear. With expensive shoes, the situation is better, only one of 30 pairs “gives slack” in the first year of wearing it.

However, after 2 years of operation, the probability of minor shoe repair (meaning both Russian and imported) will be 20-30%. 2.5 years after the purchase of shoes, more than 50% of its owners turn to repair.

In a word, the demand for shoe repair, like entropy in physics, does not objectively decrease. However, the entrepreneur-shoemaker has yet to learn how to use this factor. This does not mean that, having entered the business, he will immediately receive a non-decreasing market situation. Because if there is a defect in his work, the demand of buyers for his services will, of course, "fall below the waterline."

Demand and social groups

The main consumer of shoemakers' services is the middle class. These people, buying shoes for themselves, are not subject to purely price competition. That is, they do not run around dubious outlets in search of what will be cheaper. They have a different selection criterion - price / quality ratio. The motivation to take shoes for repair is simple: shoes costing $150 or more, if they are faulty, it is more profitable to repair them than to buy a new one.

Shoe repair as a business has not bypassed rich Russians. According to the same statistics, the common myth that wealthy people do not repair expensive shoes in principle, but immediately rush to buy a replacement, has nothing to do with the truth. Nothing like that, if the cost of shoes exceeds $500, then in 75% of cases, its owners resort to high-tech elite repair services to eliminate defects received during operation.

As you can see, shoes are repaired in different ways: handicraft, standard and elite. Moreover, each repair has its own market value. Accordingly, the shoe repair business plan will be different depending on the type of shoemaker, the range of services it provides, and the objective cost of client applications. The basics of business planning for an economical, medium and elite shoemaker format will be discussed below.

However, it should be recognized that some citizens stubbornly do not become clients of entrepreneurs-shoemakers. No matter how shoemakers develop their business, such clients will not go to them. This is typical of citizens who prefer to wear economy-class shoes worth about 300 rubles. Repairing it is unprofitable in principle. After all, the purchase of a new pair will cost them about the same price.

Forms of business and its profitability

As we have already had the opportunity to make sure, modern shoe repair as a business has given rise to three forms of workshop organization: traditional (economy class), medium type and elite format. This is not abstract information. Invariably, an entrepreneur who decides to enter the shoe business will face a dilemma: what type of store should he open?

It is logical that the criterion for his choice will objectively be the amount of initial investment that he is ready to make as the founder of the business. $10,000 will be required for the economy format, about $100,000 for the medium format, and, finally, more than $200,000 for the premium format (repair of elite shoes).

If the economy level is in the field of handicraft and provides only a living wage, then the next two already reach a certain level of profitability. Based on the most common medium format workshop, it is able to demonstrate a profitability of 15%, which will ensure the return on investment of the founder in 3 years.

The premium class has a small share in the Russian shoe market (less than 1%). However, if it is possible to establish such an enterprise, then a 10% profitability will provide the entrepreneur with a return on investment in 5 years with the proper level of administration. The reason for the lag in profitability from the average type of workshop is obvious: to open a premium class workshop, you should invest twice as much money as in the average one. Elite craftsmen will have to support technologies of a higher order than their counterparts in the middle segment.

During the economic crisis, people are not able to often buy new shoes, so they resort to the services of repair shops. The services of shoemakers are now in demand, and the services of good craftsmen are especially in great demand. Therefore, the creation of a shoe repair business is a promising direction, in demand, which will bring payback in about 2-3 years.

First steps when opening a shoe shop

So, we open the workshop "Horseshoe". To conquer the market, we will offer our clients: express repair, stretching, dry cleaning, restoration and painting of shoes. To improve customer service, we will offer zoning of the premises: one for the workshop itself, the second for receiving and issuing shoes. The next feature will be the issuance of shoes in branded packages and with a guarantee, for example, for 2 weeks. The employee issuing and accepting shoes will work in a corporate suit and gloves of the appropriate color. This will increase the reputation of the workshop and will attract additional visitors.

What documents will be needed?

First, register as an individual entrepreneur. Next, we register with the tax office, the pension fund and other authorities. It is also necessary to obtain permission from the SES, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

Choosing a place for a shoe repair shop

We are looking for a room. Of course, it would be nice to open a workshop in the city center, where business centers are located and there is a large flow of people. But in most cases, "bread places" are already occupied. Do not be upset, you can get a stable income in another microdistrict by finding the right room. You need to look for a place in a residential area where the main flows of people heading to the metro or to the main transport stops pass. The workshop may look like this: a stand-alone kiosk or a room located in the basement or on the 1st floor of the building. Consider the option of renting a room in a building. The area of ​​such a room must be at least 30 sq.m.

What else to pay attention to?

The mode of operation is also important for the development of its customers. The shoe shop should work at a time convenient for the client, for example, from 8.00, when the customer can bring shoes for repair before work, and until 20.00, so that he can pick them up. Also, the workshop should work on weekends, for example, on Saturday and the first half of Sunday, when customers solve their domestic issues.

How much money do you need to start a shoe repair business?

Setting up the workshop room

The next step is the arrangement of the premises. We do cosmetic repairs, change the wiring diagram, purchase hoods, ceiling lamps. All this will require approximately 75,000 rubles.

Choosing equipment and consumables

We buy equipment, we try to buy European equipment, it is of better quality than domestic equipment. At the initial stage, you will need: shelves where shoes will be stored, 2 fans, special. clothing, machine tools, sewing machine, drills, hand tools. We will spend about 200,000 rubles on this.

We purchase consumables necessary for work: locks, heels, prevention, heels, polyurethane, glue, paint, leather, etc. We will spend approximately 15,000 rubles on this.

We create and promote the site

There is also another expense part - the site: you will need money to develop your business cards and support it throughout the year, it will cost 14,000 rubles.

Total: a little over 300,000 rubles.

Shoe workshop running costs

For current expenses, we include the rent, which will be 18,750 rubles and utility bills, burglar alarms and the Internet will amount to 7,500 rubles. Total: 26,250 rubles.

Salary of employees: the owner of the business and the second shoemaker will work in the shoe shop, their salary will be 7,500 rubles each, their motivation depends on the amount of work performed by each master. In addition to the masters, a shoe receiver will work (it is desirable that it be one of the relatives to reduce costs), who will simultaneously monitor the site, prepare reports for the fiscal authorities and clean the workshop. His salary will be 12,500 rubles. Total 27,500 rubles.

We are laying another 12,500 rubles for detergents, stationery, and other consumables.

Total: 66,250 rubles.

Marketing and Advertising

We will sell services via the Internet, offer customers various promotions and discounts. For the successful development of a business, it is not random visitors that are important, but regular customers.

During the holidays and vacations (winter and summer), in order for the business not to be idle, it is recommended to offer related services to customers: repair bags, replace zippers and buttons on leather products, and others. If the client wishes to receive an express repair, he will receive it within the agreed time frame, but he will have to pay 2 times more for urgency. In the future, it is possible to offer customers the acceptance of online orders, shoes are brought and taken away by a courier, their service is paid additionally. You also need to order branded packages, business cards and flyers. And most importantly, make a good sign.

Total: 25,000 rubles at the start and 12,500 rubles monthly.

How much can you earn from shoe repair?

If 10 clients visit the workshop every day with an average check of 375 rubles, then you can earn an income of 112,500 rubles per month. We subtract from this amount the current (66,250 rubles) and marketing (12,500 rubles) expenses and get 33,750 rubles. If you take into account the start-up and marketing costs (25,000 rubles), then the project will begin to pay off in 18-25 months.

As in any business, there are also risks here: currency fluctuations and a decrease in orders in summer and winter. You can protect yourself from a decrease in orders, for example, by repairing bags and leather goods. But from fluctuations in the exchange rate - no. Shoemakers are directly dependent on the currency, as they buy consumables mainly abroad. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the risks to a minimum: buy consumables in the off season or when the national currency is strengthened.

It is necessary to open a shoe repair shop if a businessman understands how to repair shoes in general. Currently, the lineup is constantly changing, and breakdowns are changing accordingly. To repair shoes, you need to apply all the knowledge, in general, you need to be a professional in your field. The shoe shop in our time will not be a loser, shoes will wear out, which means that good craftsmen will always be with work.

What OKVED must be indicated for a shoe repair shop

Any business entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form, when submitting the necessary documents for registration, indicates the OKVED code of the type of activity that is going to be carried out. To repair shoes, go to chapter S and here select code 95.23, which corresponds not only to the repair of shoes, but also to other products made from leather.

Which taxation system to choose for a shoe repair shop

To pay taxes when providing the above service, we choose a single tax on sane income. As an alternative, a businessman has the opportunity to use the patent taxation system or simplified taxation. The latter allows you to choose one of two options for paying taxes:

  1. pay 6% income tax;
  2. pay 15% of net profit, i.e. the difference between total income and expenses incurred. In this case, for payment, you will need to provide documents that confirm the costs associated with the provision of shoe repair services.

Do I need permission to open

Opening a shoe shop will require the businessman to obtain some permits. In particular, they will need to contact:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • fire inspection.

business technology

When choosing a location, the best option would be the location of the shoe workshop in crowded places. These can be large retail facilities, close to parks and squares, large enterprises, etc.

Advertising company. There is no need to cut costs here. The number of customers will also depend on how high-quality and extensive the advertising of a new shoe repair shop will be. To do this, it is necessary to place advertisements at public transport stops, on the doors of entrances and shopping facilities, in public transport, etc.

In addition, do not forget about outdoor advertising: a signboard, advertising billing, etc. The Internet will provide a huge help in advertising. It will allow you to declare yourself to a huge number of interested customers. You can place an ad on various city sites, with the expansion of activities - create your own website, where you can place all the necessary information.

The need for repair services among people arose with the advent of the first shoes. Nowadays, shoe repair as a business is a field of activity that brings entrepreneurs a good, stable income. Therefore, in today's publication, we will touch upon topical issues related to organizing a shoe repair business at home.

Shoe repair business plan

Experienced entrepreneurs clearly understand that pre-planned actions will help them achieve the desired result in a short time. Therefore, take an example from successful businessmen and, before starting your own business, be sure to draw up a detailed business plan.

Business profitability. It is very important to analyze the level of competition and demand for a shoe repair service. This business area is quite competitive, because the demand for services is quite high. But you can always get around competitors by correctly analyzing the pricing policy and the quality of the services provided.

Benefits of a Shoe Repair Business

  • Minimum investment. Most people do not have a large start-up capital for starting a business, so you have to look for suitable low-budget areas of activity where you can really realize yourself. Shoe repair at home is a great business option that can bring a good steady income;
  • Fast payback. Small investments and a huge demand for services will allow you to quickly recoup all costs and make a profit. Agree, this is a pretty good advantage;
  • Fixed salary. Properly constructed pricing policy and the provision of a wide range of quality services will attract people. Over time, having received regular customers, you will provide yourself with a stable, high income.

Business registration

First of all, you need to legally formalize your type of activity. It is most advantageous to choose individual entrepreneurship as a substantive form of activity. After receiving a certificate of registration, you need to select the form of taxation (in this case, UTII).

In addition, it is required to obtain permits for activities from the sanitary, fire services and Rospotrbnadzor.

Room selection

The premises of your repair shop must comply with the requirements of the sanitary and fire services.

Shoe repair at home. Alternatively, you can start your business from home. If the property has a garage, then it can be equipped as a workshop and thus significantly save on rent.

The location of the workshop is of great importance, because the number of customers and, accordingly, the profit will depend on it. Therefore, you should be wise in choosing a place to open a workshop.

You can open a shoe repair shop in the private sector or near high-rise buildings. High traffic and a large congestion of living people will allow you to get your first customers in a short time and a guaranteed stable income.

Room rental. The rental price will depend on the location and area.


The cheapest way is to rent a land plot and place a shoe repair kiosk there. This budget option is suitable for novice entrepreneurs with a small starting capital. Consider the nuance that your visitors will be middle-class people, so the prices for services should be objective.

Renting premises in a shopping center

This option is more expensive, because the cost of renting in a large shopping center is quite high, but there are quite a lot of visitors there, and the cost of services is much higher.

Elite shoe repair shop

Alternatively, you can rent a separate room to provide a wide range of shoe repair services. But here it is worth considering that your clients will be rich people, so the quality of services should be high. Accordingly, you will have to spend a lot of money on the purchase of professional equipment for shoe repair.

Shoe repair equipment

Opening a workshop involves the purchase of the necessary equipment for the provision of shoe repair services. As mentioned above, its cost will depend on the format of your business. An elite salon requires special equipment, and for a small workshop, standard tools will suffice.

Necessary equipment:

  • Shoe needles, awl - price from 500 rubles;
  • Glue - from 50 rubles;
  • Hammer, nails, pliers - from 1500 rubles;
  • Shoe gun - about 300 rubles;
  • Shoe paw, rasp - about 1000 rubles;
  • Electric stove (for heating glue) from 1000;
  • Abrasive skins - 50 rubles;
  • Sewing machine - from 5000;
  • Compressor - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Machine tool - about 40 thousand;
  • Components: pieces of leather, soles, heel rubber, soles, insoles, polyurethane, threads. The cost is about 5-8 thousand rubles.

When buying clothes and shoes, every time you involuntarily think: “How long will these things be worn without losing their presentation?”. And it is sometimes very difficult to answer objectively. The problem is especially acute with the wear of shoes. And here it is impossible to guess what is better: to buy expensive shoes in the hope of their quality, or cheap ones - to take a month, and it was not a pity to throw them away. But even with expensive shoes, breakdowns are not ruled out. Snakes, heels, arch supports, heels - all this sometimes requires repair. And here again the problem arises - where to find a good shoemaker? In which workshop should I take it so that I don’t have to go there again in a week?

This is where the business idea is born - the provision of shoe repair services. And a good master will not remain without income. Moreover, to expand the client base, you do not need to resort to large-scale promotions. The quality of work will say everything for you, and the rumor will spread by itself - word of mouth in this case works flawlessly.

So how do you start a shoe repair business? Here we can offer two options.

1. Provision of services at home. Such a business can be classified as a home business. Do you repair shoes at home in your spare time from your main job? Of course, with this option, the circle of potential customers is slightly narrowed. Still, outdoor advertising and a workshop standing in a crowded place will attract more attention.

But, on the other hand, your income will be absolutely pure, not burdened with taxes. You will not have to pay for rent and maintenance of premises. The cost consists only of the cost of consumables and the purchase of tools. The purchase of the simplest equipment for shoe repair can cost about 15-30 thousand rubles. And if you search, you can find used machines in working condition. In addition, you will have full control over your time and independently determine the number of orders and set deadlines for their implementation.

The only downside to running this business from home may be complaints from other household members. Not everyone will like the smell of glue or the sound of a sewing machine from the next room.
But these are costs. We consider the essence of the business. And if you add another 10-20 thousand rubles of monthly income to your basic salary, then the option is quite worthy of attention.

2. Opening a shoe repair shop. The range of services that a professional workshop can provide is expanding significantly. From simple repairs to design changes and tailoring of shoes to order. Naturally, the client base will be much larger.

The organizational activities of the workshop business plan include:

activity registration . Usually, to provide services, entrepreneurs register as individuals and choose the legal form of an individual entrepreneur or SPD. With this form, the amount of the monthly tax is fixed, and the reporting is quarterly. The only condition is the limitation on annual turnover. The cost of registration will be from 2000 to 6000 rubles. Terms of paperwork up to 10 days. No license is required to provide shoe repair services. But it will be necessary to obtain permission from the fire authorities, SES and local government to ensure that the conditions of the premises comply with the necessary standards. Registration of these documents will cost at least 500 rubles.

room rental . It is desirable to have a repair shop in a busy place, with good traffic. These can be stand-alone pavilions at bus stops, rented space in shopping centers or premises on the first floors of residential buildings. Good results are shown by reception centers located in the courtyards of residential areas. Monthly rent on average will be from 200 to 1000 rubles. per sq.m. The cost of renting will have to be added to the cost of maintaining the premises (electricity, telephone, utility bills).

purchase of equipment . The standard set of equipment and shoemaker's tools include:

* sewing machine - from 22,000 rubles.
* streamers for shoes complete with blocks - from 9600 rubles.
* machine for turning shoes - from 6000 rubles.
* press for gluing soles - from 6000 rubles.
* electric drill - from 920 rubles.
* machine for polishing shoes - from 6600 rubles.
* electric stove (for heating the glue) - from 500 rubles.
* shoe paw - from 800 rubles.
* hand tools (awl, wire cutters, hammers, needles, scissors, hooks) - from 500 rubles.

The number of machines is determined depending on the scope of the proposed work. The price may vary depending on the model, manufacturer, completeness and functions performed. Also, the cost of equipment should include the cost of delivery.

purchase of consumables . Consumables include:

* glue - from 120 rubles / kg
* heel rubber - from 1100 rubles / sq.m.
* prevention - from 480 rubles / sq.m. or 40 rubles / pair
* polyurethane - from 3000 rubles / sq.m.
* heels - from 25 to 180 rubles / pair
* arch supports - from 5 rubles / pair
* snakes - from 6 rubles / piece
* soles - from 150 rubles / pair
* threads - from 300 rubles / kg

The cost of materials for repairs will cost 5-8 thousand rubles. per month. But, depending on the quality of the feedstock, the amount may increase.

staff . The number of workers in a shoe repair shop can in principle be limited to one shoemaker. Its functions will include receiving orders, their execution, and record keeping. But, if the workshop is going to provide a full range of services for the repair and restoration of shoes, as well as gain a reputation as an elite one, then the staff will have to be expanded. At a minimum, the staff should include two masters and an administrator. The salary of workers is determined on the basis of the average salary in the region.

Of course, these are just the main points of the business project. A lot of effort and time will have to be spent on finding and retaining your customers. And in this matter, in addition to advertising, due attention should be paid to the work schedule of the workshop. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that the delivery of shoes for repair usually occurs during a morning trip to work or an evening return home. And this fact must be taken into account when drawing up a work schedule. And, analyzing the experience gained by successful craftsmen, we can say that weekends are the most effective in terms of receiving orders.

Winning a reputation, along with quality, you need to set the time for the execution of work. Of course, some operations require additional time to set the glue, stretch, it is possible to purchase individual consumables. But the agreed deadlines must be exactly met, with the appropriate quality of work.

It is impossible to say with confidence that the shoe repair business will pay off in a matter of days and begin to bring huge income. However, given that the quality of today's shoes leaves much to be desired, we can safely say that a good shoemaker will not be left without work. And if there is a permanent job, then there is a stable income.



Date of birth: d

home address: Torzhoksky district,

Education - secondary

Qualification - accountant

From 1998-2002 worked as an accountant later transferred to the chief accountant.

From 2008-2011 worked as an accountant.

Currently I am studying at the correspondence department of the TSAA in Tver in the direction of economics

I achieve my goal, I am principled, sociable, I take a responsible attitude to the task assigned

I can get along with people

I own a computer

Project Summary

The shoe repair shop is a winning business. After all, shoes are one of the indispensable things of everyday life, but, like any thing, shoes tend to wear out and tear. The quality of production, even at eminent shoe factories, leaves much to be desired. One season is the average lifespan of a pair of shoes. She needs repairs after that. Consequently, shoe shops have no problems with customers. This type of business does not require the investment of huge amounts of money and is at the same time very attractive and profitable. It is worth noting that the most appropriate, cost-effective and profitable format is an ordinary workshop offering a standard set of services. Opening a shoe repair shop does not require a license. To organize this type of business, you just need to register as an entrepreneur - a legal entity or an individual. A shoe repair shop can offer a wide variety of services, including: repair of heels, their replacement, replacement of shoe heels, sole repair, shoe stretching, replacement of insoles and instep supports, accessories (buckles, locks, snakes, rivets, Velcro), professional shoe cleaning etc. Different types of services offered require different equipment.

Explanatory note


Yarkova Anna Nikolaevna

Organizational and legal form.


UTII - Single tax on imputed income

1. Project summary

1 Project goal

This project is the opening of an ordinary workshop, where a standard set of services is provided.

The main goal of the project is to provide the population with quality shoe repair services designed for the middle class.

1.2 Production base of the project

To accommodate such a workshop, you will need either a stand-alone kiosk or a small room.

3 Project performance indicator

billing period - one year, at the end of the billing period is expected:

Net income - 817672.00 rubles

Return on equity - 13%

Profitability of the sale of services - 57%

Profitability of production - 461%

2. Marketing plan

2.1 Description of the market

Opening a shoe repair shop, especially in the light of global economic problems and high risks in other areas of business, is a completely justified and logical decision. It is worth paying attention to the lack of competition in this area, the client chooses a master whose quality he is satisfied with and chooses for sure and for a long time. Therefore, when opening a shoe repair business, the main criterion in the work should be the quality of work.

2.2 Description of clients

Everyone wears shoes, women do not need to explain how often heels, heels break off, noses and rolls wear out, almost the overwhelming number of women in a certain radius from the workshop are our regular customers. We must not forget men and children, especially now, when the industry is going through hard times and the quality of products from many manufacturers, including shoes, leaves much to be desired. The question arises, what is more profitable, fixing the heel or buying new shoes?

2.3 Description of works, services

Opening hours: from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. Day off - Sunday, Monday.

On weekends I will carry out the purchase of components at the bases. Preparing for my project in advance, I found out their locations in Moscow, where you can buy high-quality, sought-after goods (components), and found out how the goods are purchased so that I can officially confirm my expenses for their purchase.

2.4 Planned public services. (Appendix No. 1)

3.Production plan

3.1 Preparation period

In the preparatory period it is necessary: ​​The area for the workshop is 20 m 2(rent) - 15,000 rubles.


-column sewing machine - 10,000 rubles.

-sewing machine "bottle" - 12000 rubles.

-electric sharpener - 3000 rubles.

-accessories - 39720 rubles.

-transport costs - 7000 rubles.

-electricity - 6000 rubles.

-other expenses - 3000 rubles.

-IP registration costs - 1080 rubles.

-state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

Total: 117600 rubles.

For the preparatory period, own funds are available:

-special sewing machine - 20,000 rubles.

-column sewing machine - 10,000 rubles.

In total, 15,000 + 12,000 + 39,720 + 7,000 + 6,000 + 3,000 + 1,080 + 800 = 84,600 rubles should go to the preparatory stage.

Financial assistance in the form of a subsidy from the Employment Center in Torzhok will be spent on components, on a bottle machine.

workshop service profitability income

organizational plan

4.1 Legal form

This project is planned to be implemented in the form of individual entrepreneurship without forming a legal entity, in order to reduce taxation and simplify financial reporting.

4.2 Organizational structure

The implementation of services will be carried out by the Entrepreneur and the hired person accepted through the employment center. Management of the sale of services, accounting and reporting is under the jurisdiction of the Individual Entrepreneur.

5. Financial plan

1 To calculate financial indicators, it is necessary to determine the total amount of initial costs

General organizational costs of the project

№ p / p Name of costs for organization Amount in rubles 1. Funds for the preparatory stage: - rent 1 month - purchase of goods (components) - registration of IP (state duty) - purchase of special-purpose machines - transportation costs 84600 rubles.

Sources of financing

1. Own funds 58,800 rubles. 2. Subsidies from the employment center 58,800 rubles.

Yearly spending plan

January February March 2nd quarter 2012 3rd quarter 2012 4th quarter 2012 пошлина800,00хххххЗакупка машинх12000,00ххххЗакупка комплектующих20000,0020000,0015000,0040000,0035000,0035000,00Транспортные расходы2600,002400,002000,007000,007000,007000,00Налог ПФР3434,003434,003434,0010302,0010302,0010302,00ЕНВДхх6120,006120,006120, 006120.00ARANDA15000,0015000,0015000,0045000,0045000.0045000.00EEL Energy6000,006000,006000,0018000.0018000.0018000.00.006100.006100.006100.0018300.00183V 003000.003000.00TOTAL:55114.0065034.0053754.00147722.00142722.00142722.00

Fulfillment of 18 orders per day at an average price of 300 rubles = 5400 rubles per day. Total earnings per month at the rate of 22 working days - 118,800 rubles. (per year 1425600.00)

Plan of income and expenses for the year

Indicators Amount RUB Proceeds from the sale of services RUB 1,425,600.00 Costs for the purchase of goods RUB 177,000.00 Gross income RUB 1,248,600.00 Employee wages RUB 73,200.00 UTII RUB 24,480.00 Tax from an entrepreneur (PFR, FFOMS, TFOMS) 16,200.00 RUB Employee tax (PFR, FSS, TFOMS, FFOMS) RUB 25,048.00 Rent of premises RUB 180,000.00 Electricity RUB 72,000.00 Transportation expenses RUB 28,000.00 Other expenses RUB 12,000.00

Profitability of production.

RP 817672/177000*100%=461%

Return on equity.

ROE 817672/58800*100%=13%

Profitability of the implementation of services.

RP 817672/1425600*100%=57%

The planned payback period for the total investment is 12 months. Guided by the data and settings, the working goals, criteria for the goals and objectives of this business plan were formulated.


And since it is already clear that a shoe repair shop is a source of permanent income, little influenced by external factors, and the enterprise is sufficiently profitable.

According to statistics, about 10% of shoes are repaired within three months of wearing them. Seasonality in this business, although traceable, is not the main factor. The most important will be the speed of work. The level of income will depend on how quickly we manage to change heels, glue soles, etc.. In the future, I plan to expand the business to open several more points, including one workshop for the repair of elite shoes. The more expensive the shoes, the more expensive the work will naturally be. The network of workshops will bring more income. Now 70% of the population resorts to repairing shoes that have lost their types and more than once, which allows us to consider this type of business as stable and in demand.

We will always have clients regardless of the economic situation in the country. Everyone needs shoes, but they are not eternal, and they need, though preventive, but repair.

Application No. 1

Name of service Change Price, rub Minor shoe repair1Sew the upper of the shoe (for one stitching) or make a piece for one place up to 5 cm. 003Installing an external or internal patch in shoes without filling under the sole up to 5cm, over 5cm, the cost increases in proportion to the increase in the size of the patchpc 100-004 005 Replace the eyelet in shoes or make and attach a buckle strap in sandals and children's shoes pcs 55-006 Attach buckles, buttons, bows or strengthen straps (without changing the buckle strap) pcs 40-007 Attach new buckles (with replacing the buckle strap), decorations in shoes pcs 70-008 Insert curly hook, block, holniten with a complete replacement or partial replacement of the subblock kasht20-009Shorten the heel strap in summer shoespc40-0010Make and sew on a new genuine leather strappair160-0011Make and sew through the lifting strap around the leg with a buckle strappair250-0012Replace the “contact” clasp (strap)pc70-0013Make and attach new jewelry made of genuine leather and other materialspair 160-0014 Replace: (lengthen) "elastic band" with insertion of a buckle (hook) with one stitching or buckle belt in women's shoes piece 90-0015 Replace or lengthen the "elastic band" with two stitching pieces 110-0016 0017Replace zipper in shoes up to 25cm/pair130-0018Replace zipper in shoes up to 36cm/pair140-0019Replace zipper in shoes up to 40cm/pair180-0020Replace zipper in shoes up to 40cm/pair shafts up to 40.1 cm/pair240-0021Replace the zipper in shoes with artificial shafts, with outer or inner braces, or in boots - "stockings", tops height up to 30 cm (without the cost of a "zipper") piece 280-0022 zipper) pcs. simple zipper pcs 55-0026 Replace the lock (slider) of the zipper decorative pcs 65-0027 Surcharge for a decorative slider lock when replacing the zipper pcs 10-0028 Surcharge for sewing products with colored threads (zippers, patches) pcs 30-0029 Replace the edging of the shoe upper pair 220-0030 p / boots, sneakers, boots pair 430-0031 Expand the tops with tops from all types of materials on a fur or insulated lining by inserting a wedge rials on a fur or insulated lining by inserting an elastic band with a depth of up to 19 cm. or prophylacticpair220-002Place soles with adhesive fastening from wear-resistant rubberpair240-003Place soles with glue fastening from microporous rubber over size 44pair250-004Put soles with glue fastening from wear-resistant rubber over size 44pair260-005Place one rib up to ¼ sole area or joint up to 1/3 of the heel area made of microporous rubber piece 70-006 Put one rib up to ¼ soles or joint up to 1/3 of the area of ​​the heel of wear-resistant rubber, leather-like piece 80-007 Place heels of microporous rubber pair 140-008 Place heels of wear-resistant rubber up to 100 cm2 pair 170-009 Place heels of wear-resistant rubber larger than 100.1 cm2 pair 200-0010 -0011Place polyurethane heels from 8.1 to 80cm2pair180-0012Place polyurethane heels from 80.1 to 140cm2pair220-0013Place polyurethane heels from 140.1 to 300cm2pair260-0014Place felt heels or leather heel padspair220-0015Place heels of any configuration (simple, curly) pair 230-0016 Supply heels from all types of materials (except metal) or soles made of m / porous rubber, wear-resistant rubber and prevention from the material of the customer pair 120-0017 Replace molded heels from the material of the customer pair 70-0018 oekpara30-0019Addition for the installation of curly heels of all types of materials, except for metal (to retail prices for heels)pair40-0020Shoe cleaning with shoe polish or dressing shoes, partial heel tinting glue fastening in felted shoes with heels without side gluing pair 430-0023 Replace rubber soles with glue fastening in felted shoes with heels with side pasting pair 450-0024 Replace rubber soles with glue fastening in leather shoes with ordinary heels pair 380-0025 Replace rubber soles with glue fastening in leather shoes with pair 400-0026 Replace rubber soles with glue fastening in leather shoes with a two-layer wedge heel pair 430-0027 Replace rubber soles with glue fastening in high boots with heels pair 490-0029 Replace TEP soles with instep reinforcement: styles 911264, 911L462, 84227N, 842242, 1528pair 500-0030 insoles, instep support all stylespair980-0032Replace TEP soles with replacement of p / insole, instep support all stylespair910-0033Replace soles made of genuine leather or leather fiber, without replacing the heelpair470-0034Replace genuine leather soles style 131 with a heel and heelpair90-0035Repair synthetic soles in case of a fracture with setting soles made of microporous rubber, prevention of steam molded outsoles made of durable rubber over size 44pair430-0039Cutting or leveling soles made of synthetic materials and gluing solespair430-0040Replacing the crocule part of the sole in shoes with high and medium heelspair60-0041Riding natural leather on the bottom of insulated shoes on a molded sole with a rimpair380-0042Install a decorative rubber rand when replacing rubber solespair 80-0043Insert special cardboard insoles in women's shoes n/a and men's shoes with molded soles (without insoles) with the replacement of the arch supportpair270-0044Glue soles (with partial re-gluing of soles, the price is applied at a discount in proportion to the area of ​​gluing)pair220-0045Sew old soles according to shoes up to size 40 around the entire perimeter by hand pair 220-0046 Sew old soles around the entire perimeter manually shoes over size 40 pair 240-0047 Sew on and completely sew the soles and heels in felted shoes or textile shoes or a patch for shoes with uppers made of synthetic materials an inner patch up to 5 cm around the perimeter over 5 cm the cost increases in proportion to the increase in the size of the patch piece 1cm180-00 36-0049Put a patch with filling under the sole with adhesive fastening method in leather or textile shoes or a patch on shoes with uppers made of synthetic materials external patch up to 5 cm around the perimeter over 5 cm the cost increases in proportion to the increase in the size of the patch 1 cm platespair440-0051Install monolithic, single-layer microporous heelspair260-0052Install low stacked heels with leather heelspair320-0053Install medium, high stacked heels with leather heelspair410-0054Replace heels with genuine leather wraps or replace wraps on heels, or