How to open a children's clothing store from scratch: a proven way to create a successful business. Children's clothing as a stable business

  • Children's clothing store format
  • Assortment of children's clothing store
  • Store registration, OKVED, taxation
  • Choosing a place for the sale of children's things
  • Design and shop for children's things
  • Advertising
  • Children's Clothing Suppliers
  • Children's clothing store staff

Selling clothes for children is a sought-after business, because children's clothes are always in demand. Business is suitable not only for megacities, but also for small towns.

In the article we will give step-by-step instructions on how to start this business, what difficulties and pitfalls can be.

Children's clothing store format

First of all, you need to decide on the format - an online store or a regular store. In the article, we will analyze the plan for opening an offline store.

You can sell things for children from 0 to 16 years old or stop at a certain age and direction:

  • things for newborns and children up to 3 years;
  • clothes for preschool and primary school age;
  • school uniform;
  • elegant things, carnival costumes;
  • sports items for children;
  • things only for girls / only for boys;
  • teenagers clothes.

You can also sell baby shoes, food, toys, stationery and some other baby accessories. The range can be very different.

Assortment of children's clothing store

Whichever direction you choose to start a business from scratch, it is important to ensure that all sizes in that category are available. One of the most promising options is a store with clothes for newborns and children up to a year old. The range of goods for the little ones has not changed much for many years.

Natural fabrics, high-quality tailoring, pleasant design and reasonable price are the main requirements. As a rule, in addition to clothes, such stores also sell diapers, bedding, baby food, toys, etc.

As for children's clothing for preschool and primary school age, here the parent will give preference to durable and high-quality things that will survive more than one fall or swimming in a puddle.

The most difficult thing is to choose an assortment of things for teenagers. At this age, parental opinion loses its authority, children try to be independent and want to imitate adults.

You can also open a thrift store, a second-hand store, or a children's clothing store - places where you can find very cheap but high-quality used and new clothes for children whose parents cannot afford too much. Such a business idea is also quite interesting, especially in times of crisis.

Store registration, OKVED, taxation

Owners of small retail establishments most often choose to register IP (Individual Entrepreneurship). You can open an IP in a week, the cost is within 1000 rubles.

OKVED code 47.71.1 - Retail sale of men's, women's and children's clothing in specialized stores

The taxation system is simplified. Possible different options are STS income (15% of net profit), STS income minus expenses (6% of total revenue), UTII (a fixed amount of tax does not depend on actual profit). The tax authorities will also need to register the cash register. In addition, the opening must be coordinated with the city administration, as well as obtaining permission to trade from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters.

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If you are going to open a business on the territory of a shopping center, then landlords will take on some of the worries.

Choosing a place for the sale of children's things

You can open a small children's clothing store with an area of ​​​​about 20 sq.m., but it is better to rent a room from 50 sq.m. There should be enough space for all merchandise, fitting rooms, display cases, shelving, and a department store for the salesperson.

The choice of location depends on which target audience you are targeting. A budget store with popular goods can also be opened in a residential area. It is advisable to open a store of a more expensive price category in the central area of ​​the city, in a place with good traffic. Considered a good option starting a business in a popular shopping mall. If you want to rent a room in a residential building, it is possible on the ground floor or first floor.

A good idea for a children's clothing business is to open a store near schools, kindergartens and other institutions designed for children.

It is important to assess your competitors. There is no point in starting a business if there are already several similar stores nearby. Look at what competitors are selling, analyze their pricing policy, see how many customers they have. Do not copy their assortment, but try to occupy an empty niche.

Design and shop for children's things

When the premises are selected, you need to make repairs there and buy equipment. Come up with a catchy sign with a catchy name, buy accessories, and set up a little corner for the kids with coloring books, books, and crayons.

Hang pictures or posters on the walls. Any clothing store should have mirrors, showcases and racks for goods, fitting rooms. Their number and specific models depend on your assortment. Furniture should also be bright, comfortable and soft. Remember that after all, your institution is designed for children and their parents, so the design of the room plays a very important role. You can see an example of the original design of the room in the photo:


To open a successful children's clothing store and make the first customers permanent, you need to take care of advertising. Most buyers are attracted by discount cards, various promotions and sales. Be sure to develop a system of discounts and holiday offers.

In addition, do not forget about standard advertising - distribute leaflets, arrange a festive opening, think about publications in the media, outdoor advertising - on transport, billboards.

Children's Clothing Suppliers

In Russia, China remains the main supplier of children's clothes - these goods have good quality combined with a low price and a huge assortment. In addition to the well-known Aliexpress, there are TaoBao and stores.

Nowadays, more and more young entrepreneurs order clothes from China in bulk in online stores and then resell them at a large markup. This is a convenient and popular option for starting and developing a business. The downside is that it takes a long time for delivery.

You can also cooperate with domestic suppliers, especially since all their products are made in accordance with GOST. The advantages of Russian manufacturers include an adequate price and fast delivery. More expensive options are Turkey, Italy. Clothing from these countries is more expensive, so you need to immediately assess whether there is effective demand.

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You can experiment and combine different providers. Some time after the opening, you yourself will evaluate what is more profitable to sell and which suppliers are better to cooperate with.

You can open a branded children's clothing store through a franchise program. This option is especially popular among new entrepreneurs. In this case, there are much fewer risks, but there are many restrictions (special design, a ban on the sale of things from other brands). The franchise is offered by Zara, Gulliver and other companies

Children's clothing store staff

To open a good children's clothing store from scratch, you need to hire 2-4 salespeople who will work in shifts. These should be experienced specialists, and the ability to communicate with children is also important. This is a very important rule to keep in mind when looking for employees. In addition, the seller must always be polite, tidy, smiling and sociable. Make sure that he communicates with customers correctly and is in no way intrusive. You can hire a store manager or perform his duties yourself. You will also need an outsourced accountant and a cleaner.

Professional business plans

You can start your own business on your own or with the support of a franchise agreement. In the first case, you will have to rely on yourself; in the second, you can share responsibility, but at the same time take on new obligations (location, area, design of the trading floor, etc.).

In connection with the improvement in the quality of life and the demographic situation, the children's clothing store is becoming one of the promising business areas. But this case has many specific features.

Is there a demand?

In the early 1990s, the birth rate in Russia began to decline, and the death rate began to rise. The demographic crisis of this period was called the "Russian Cross".

However, by 2010 the situation improved, and now the country as a whole is experiencing population growth.

Thus, the environment for business is favorable, against the backdrop of state support under the Maternity Capital program, the birth rate is increasing.

Market in numbers

Some statistics:

In 2015, there is a significant increase in prices for children's clothing, the reason is that most companies conduct settlements in dollars. This affects the cost of goods.

In 2014, the share of clothing in the structure of the children's goods market was 32%. The choice of places to buy from parents is now great (from an online store to a hypermarket).

Prospects & Risks

The sphere is promising, choosing it, it is worth taking into account that:

  • the dynamics of the birth rate is generally positive, but specific data depend on the region and locality;
  • children grow up quickly, they need to buy things at least once a season, or even more often;
  • Parents are less likely to save on the quality of clothing for their child than for themselves.

Pitfalls are also available:

  • children's clothing is a seasonal product; at the end of the season, the value of things decreases;
  • more paper work (repricing goods according to seasonality);
  • if you simultaneously sell goods remotely, there are risks of frequent returns and non-receipt of parcels;
  • possible damage to goods during fitting.

Who is your customer

The main clients are parents. Most of the shopping for children is done by women. Newborns and young children do not participate in the selection. Senior kindergarteners and schoolchildren are already expressing preferences. It is important to understand this when forming the assortment and designing the trading floor.

Opening stages

Opening a store is a time-consuming process. From the emergence of an idea to its implementation can take from several days to several months. It all depends on how clearly you imagine what exactly, where and how you will do. And where will the goods be shipped from? Where to start when opening a children's clothing store?


Will it be a self-service store in which all the presented models are hung on the trading floor, or will it be trade through the counter? Or maybe you want to open a specialty store for newborns? You can even delve into one product group: sell street overalls for newly appeared babies.


The store can sell clothes for children from birth to 15 years. No need to strive to cover all ages of children and from the first days try to expand the range. It is important to find and occupy your niche.

Inspecting authorities pay more attention to the quality of the product and the availability of certificates.

Specialization may depend on age:

  • a general store that presents clothes for all ages and all directions;
  • for newborns;
  • for preschool children;
  • for schoolchildren;
  • for teenagers.

Or cases:

  • casual wear;
  • school uniform;
  • sports uniforms;
  • carnival costumes.

Traditionally, clothes are presented in collections. This stimulates cross-selling, as it is easier to combine items from the same collection with each other. Subsorting will increase the average bill. Hang the trousers along with the belts and it's more likely that the buyer will choose the set.

Finding a place

Children's clothing can be sold:

  • in shopping centers (boutiques);
  • in the market (own pavilion);
  • in a separate building.

It is advisable to locate the store in a well-traversed area. A good option - sleeping areas, close to kindergartens, schools, parks.

There are no specific requirements for the premises. It must meet fire safety requirements and Rospotrebnadzor standards.

What should be the area? Small, as a rule. Enough and 20 sq. m. But it all depends on the range and size of investments.

Supplier search

At this stage, you need to find suppliers who are willing to cooperate, get acquainted with their applications, prices and conditions. This information will be required to draw up a business plan. It is impossible to open a children's clothing store without it.

Options may be different:

Drawing up a business plan

This must be done as soon as you have a clear idea of ​​what and where you will sell, where to bring from. The document reflects all items of income and expenses, calculates economic performance, return on investment, and general prospects.


You can draw up documents before the start of work, but it is better to do this before the first expenses and attracting investments (required for a loan).

Search for investments

If own funds are not enough, borrowed funds should be attracted. An affordable solution for an entrepreneur: a bank loan for business development. In this case, the start of payments will be delayed for a certain time.

Purchase of premises / lease agreement

There are funds, it's time to draw up documents for the premises.

Purchase of equipment

For a children's clothing store, you need to equip a trading floor, a warehouse, a fitting room, a cash register, a place to relax (optional). A children's corner will not be superfluous. You will definitely need racks, hangers, mannequins, mirrors, stands, a cash register, ottomans, fitting booths. In the same paragraph, you can include the purchase of a sign.

Contracts with suppliers, purchase of products

Suppliers are in mind, now it is worth concluding an agreement with them and taking products for sale.


You can also sell on your own. However, at least one seller is needed at the beginning of the activity. It is advisable to exclude yourself from the sales process from the very beginning, to do this when necessary or in your free time.


To attract the attention of buyers, you can arrange a children's party (an example in the video:

At this stage, it is important to declare yourself, your store, and your products. And it is desirable to do this publicly, "word of mouth" has not been canceled.

Children's clothing store formats

Store formats are established by the GOST R 51773-2009 standard dated 12/15/2009.

Tab. 1. Popular formats of children's clothing stores


Area, sq. m


Service Form



Self-service, sample service

Special shop

According to specialization group

Self-service, over the counter, by samples

Trading house

Wardrobe items

Products for children

Combined assortment for a specific contingent

Self-service, by samples, through the counter, by order

Manufactured goods

Narrow assortment, incl. clothes

Over the counter

Commission shop

A narrow range of goods sold under a commission agreement

Self service, over the counter

Second Hand

Narrow assortment

Self service

stock store

A narrow range of obsolete goods

Self service

Limited range

Self service

Individual service


Limited range of clothes with high margins

Individual service

* The department store assumes a wide range of non-food products, among which there will be children's clothing.

Popular formats:

  • special shop;
  • Products for children;
  • boutique;
  • stock store.

Specialty store - it sells only clothes for children. It is located in a separate building or premises outside the mall. You can limit yourself to one product group, then it will be a highly specialized store.

Goods for children - a place where, along with children's clothing, cribs, strollers, toys and more are sold. The minimum area is 650 sq. m.

The boutique is located in the mall.

Stock store - selling clothes of past seasons, vintage items. Also, this group includes the enterprises of the distribution network, which bring the balances from other points.


You can open a children's clothing store from scratch under a franchise. It is easier. The conditions of each company are different, but despite this, it is easy to highlight the general advantages and disadvantages of this way of working.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of franchises (products for children)

Franchise Benefits

Franchise Disadvantages

Assistance in business organization

The premises must meet the requirements


There is a minimum investment threshold

Ready-made range

Less flexibility in the formation of the product range

In most cases, there is no down payment and no royalties.

Significant (and sometimes minor) changes require approval

Fast start

The obligation to promote the brand in your region

Brand recognition, less effort and money for promotion

The contract is concluded for a fixed period

You need to choose franchising not only for investments, but also for the proposed range of products.


VITACCI Kids offers to open a boutique of fashionable children's clothing and footwear. It can be located both in the shopping center and in a separate building. . The place must be passable, accessible. To start, you need to register an LLC or IP, as well as the required amount of investment.

  • The volume of investments - from 1,000 thousand rubles.
  • The minimum area is 50 sq. m
  • Royalties - no

Jerry Joy

Under the Jerry Joy brand, you can open a clothing store from scratch for children aged 2-12. A distinctive feature of the product is the use of the characters of the popular cartoon Tom and Jerry. Collections are updated seasonally. The clothes are made from natural fabrics. Can be opened in a shopping center or a separate building.

  • The volume of investments - from 500 thousand rubles.
  • The minimum area is 50 sq. m
  • Royalties - no


5.10.15. - boutique of children's clothing from 0 to 12 years. Franchisees receive a 10% discount on wholesale prices. The contract is for 2 years. The trade enterprise should be located in a passable place and designed in a conceptual style, the design project is developed by the company free of charge.

  • The volume of investments - from 2,500 thousand rubles.
  • The minimum area is 70 sq. m
  • Royalties - no

JS Kids

JS Kids offers to open a fashionable children's clothing store for boys and girls from 1 month to 18 years old. The company provides assistance in opening - the development of a design project, staff training, business plan development.

  • Investment volume - no general requirements
  • The minimum area is 25 sq. m
  • Royalties - no


Gulliver is a multi-brand children's clothing store. Designed for the price segment above average. When using a franchise, assistance is provided in the preparation of a business plan and staff training is provided. The trading floor is designed in a single brand concept. The place must be crowded, away from competitors.

  • The volume of investments - from 3,000 thousand rubles.
  • Minimum area - no strict criteria
  • Royalties - no

Addition: Familiarize yourself with the terms of another franchise of a children's store -"Stilnyashka" (designer clothes for children from 2 to 12 years old).


Opening a children's clothing store is a completely feasible task for an entrepreneur with the necessary level of investment. The hardest part begins after launch: you need to attract customers. This can be done in different ways. One of the directions is holding children's holidays, seasonal promotions, giving gifts to customers in the form of discounts and discount cards.

A surge in the birth rate after the early 2000s led to an increased demand for children's clothing. This area of ​​business activity is special: since children's wardrobe needs to be updated annually, even in times of crisis, this business area will be promising and profitable.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when organizing a business in the field of selling children's clothing is format of the future enterprise. There are a number of possible commercial projects, and which one will be more profitable in this case, you need to take into account by conducting a certain marketing research and finding out the current supply and demand ratio.

The most budget option would be to open second-hand children's clothes. Many low-income families turn to secondary market stores. There is always a demand for such things, however, the issue of proper sanitation of the goods will be important. But, this issue is solved quite simply, now there are large enterprises on the market that deal with such wholesale, the cleanliness of things for them is an important condition for working with partners. Therefore, they strictly monitor and perform sanitization of all things.

popular today and sale (stock) hall format. In such a store, you can buy new, but high-quality stock or confiscated items at affordable prices.

Citizens with incomes above average are happy to buy clothes for their children in brand stores and even boutiques. Their prices are much higher than average, while customers are offered not only high-quality, but also exclusive goods. The relevance of such stores will help to find out a preliminary marketing study of the market.

If there is little finance, you can consider the possibility of opening a business on children's things in the format online store of children's clothing or organize Joint purchases specializing in children's products. Moms are the ideal target audience, the easiest to work with, as they are already prepared.

Stages of starting a children's clothing business

Regardless of the sales format chosen, one of the main conditions for establishing a clothing store will be tax business registration. There will be two main options: to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur and open a legal entity - LLC.

Both organizational forms have individual advantages and disadvantages. An individual entrepreneur will be an easier option in registering a business and conducting regular reporting, however, an LLC provides more opportunities. The term for registering an individual entrepreneur is minimal, it is no more than three working days, an LLC will have to be registered a little longer.

For most clothing stores, no more licenses or permits are required. The only thing the owner needs to do before opening a children's clothing store is to notify Rospotrebnazdor by submitting a notification to this body.

  • UTII, which allows you to pay tax once a quarter, regardless of the company's profits. The size of the tax determines the area of ​​the store;
  • STS, in which the tax is determined by the level of income of the enterprise and is usually 6%;
  • PSN - suitable for individual entrepreneurs and provides for the payment of the cost of a patent.

Since the clothing trade is a risky type of business, you should consider methods for accounting for goods. Documentation of all incoming and outgoing transactions will allow not only to compile statistics and understand the level of demand, but also to control the assortment. To do this, you need to keep records of invoices, waybills received upon delivery of goods, conduct a regular inventory, counting the entire range.

To avoid theft among employees, you need to conclude an agreement with the seller, who acts as a cashier, on the liability that he will bear and pay for the shortage if it is allowed.

An important point in the future business of renting will be the equipment of the retail space. The store must be equipped with all the necessary furniture for placing goods, a buyer's corner, as well as appliances, including a cash register, a payment card terminal and an alarm system. It is better to entrust the drafting of such an agreement to a lawyer in order to prevent its possible contestation by an employee.

Even at the stage of preparing the store for opening, it is imperative to obtain permission from the fire and sanitary services, you should also conclude an agreement with specialized companies for garbage collection.

Thus, the question of how to open a children's clothing store is solved in several aspects at once: economic, legal and some others. With a comprehensive approach to the establishment of such an enterprise, significant success can be achieved in this business.

The choice of product content for a business on children's clothing

After organizational moments, a natural question arises - what kind of goods will fill your store? This issue is easily solved if you have experience. If not, then here are some tips to help you organize your business the right way.

  • Do not try to cover all age groups of products. You will not be able to satisfy the entire volume of demand and will lose customers, including due to distrust - the store format is "goods for all ages". Focus on products that are in demand by specific age groups. For example, offer products for children from 1 to 3 years old. So you will provide a wider selection of goods, and customer loyalty to your store will be higher.
  • There are three groups of goods - cheap, medium price segment and expensive. Ideally, you should focus on one product group. But, in reality, you usually have to cover two neighboring directions. Cheap and average. Average and expensive. This way you offer an alternative choice to your customers and increase sales. Buyers usually buy cheap goods incidentally and spontaneously, seduced by the price. But, do not make a strong price contrast, the price should attract, not scare away. So a very high price against the background of cheap goods will be a deterrent. And vice versa. Having bought expensive things, the client is “afraid” to buy extremely cheap ones.

The first thing you need to open a children's clothing store is to decide on its format. Children's outlets are those selling things from 0 to 15 years old.

Several types of outlets:

  • Clothing for all ages.
  • Clothes and accessories for newborns, children of the first year of life (from 0 to 1 year).
  • Shop for toddlers (from 1 to 3 years).
  • Clothing for preschool children (from 3 to 7 years).
  • Shop for children of school age (from 7 to 15 years). It makes sense to separate by gender in order to offer a quality assortment in sufficient quantity.
  • Specialized children's stores: school uniforms, sports, festive or carnival clothes.

When deciding on the format, it is not at all necessary to immediately open an enterprise with a full range for all ages - this will require a larger area, large financial costs. Initially, you can focus on narrow groups of consumers, improve as the business develops.

Professional automation of goods accounting in retail. Tidy up your store

Take control of sales and track the performance of cashiers, outlets and organizations in real time from any convenient place with an Internet connection. Form the needs of outlets and purchase goods in 3 clicks, print labels and price tags with a barcode, making life easier for yourself and your employees. Build a customer base with a ready-made loyalty system, use a flexible discount system to attract customers during off-peak hours. Operate like a big store, but without the cost of specialists and server hardware today, start earning more tomorrow.

Market analysis

In order for the store to become successful, it is necessary to conduct market analysis of children's clothing focusing on key aspects such as:

  • E capacity and dynamics of the market, the level of demand.
  • Main competitors: their shares in total sales, strengths and weaknesses, prices and quality of goods, advertising.
  • The target segment is determined by several criteria: age, income, social status, place of residence, number and age of children in the family.
  • Analysis of consumer actions: motivation, identification of needs and expectations, reasons for dissatisfaction, the process of making purchase decisions.
  • External factors: economic (inflation rate, bank rates, customs duties, VAT rate), social (number, standard of living of people living near the future store, fashion), legal (changes in legislation, current regulations regarding the future business).

A good step to take before starting your own business is to work for a while in a children's clothing store as a salesperson or administrator. This will allow you to see the business from the inside, understand the nuances, collect reliable information, and make sure that the right choice of the direction of work has been made.

Comprehensive trade automation at a minimum cost

We take a regular computer, connect any fiscal registrar and install the Business Ru Kassa application. As a result, we get an economical analogue of a POS-terminal as in a large store with all its functions. We enter goods with prices in the Business.Ru cloud service and start working. For everything about everything - a maximum of 1 hour and 15-20 thousand rubles. for the fiscal registrar.

By planning the assortment of the outlet by age segments, you will get the opportunity to get by with a small start-up capital, avoid a loan, organize a convenient display, regularly update goods on a limited retail space, and meet the expectations of customers.

It is worth considering that parents with 2 or more children tend to shop in one place, choosing a common store for children of different ages, of different sexes.

When forming an assortment, pay attention to the quality of materials, the content of natural fibers, good design, matching price and quality. It is necessary to take care of the variety, the availability of a size range for each type of product.

Registration of a children's clothing store

When starting a business from scratch, you should decide on the legal form. Most often, young businessmen choose between sole proprietorship or opening a limited liability company. Each of them has pros and cons:

  • The registration procedure is simple for both individual entrepreneurs and LLC, it takes no more than 5 working days.
  • There are also no special differences in tax obligations: you can choose to work with VAT, pay taxes according to a simplified system, or an imputed percentage of profits.
  • The state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles, for an LLC - 4000 rubles. (2017).
  • Opening an LLC will require additional costs: creating a charter, registering a legal, actual address, ordering a seal, opening a current account, contributing authorized capital (minimum 10,000 rubles).
  • An individual entrepreneur pays contributions to the Pension Fund, regardless of his work, making a profit, and an LLC is exempt from such payments, subject to the provision of the relevant "zero" documents.
  • If lending is needed, banks are more loyal to LLCs, but a private entrepreneur may face additional difficulties.
  • We should not forget about stereotypical thinking: an organization is a more reliable partner than an individual entrepreneur.

In the event of bankruptcy or repayment of obligations to creditors, an individual entrepreneur risks losing all his property, regardless of whether it is connected with entrepreneurial activity or not, and an LLC is liable only within the authorized capital or property of the organization (unless otherwise ordered by the court).

A clear understanding of how an individual entrepreneur differs from an LLC will allow you to make a reasonable decision.

Boost your store performance in 1 month

The service will improve the efficiency of the store by reducing the loss of product balances, significantly speed up the process of revaluation, printing price tags / labels, strictly discipline the work of the cashier and limit his opportunities when working with discounts / sales at a free price.

Choosing a location for a children's clothing store

Where to open a children's clothing store in order to quickly create your own customer base and achieve success? It would be very good to open such a retail outlet in the immediate vicinity of children's institutions: a clinic, a kindergarten, a school, a center for additional development.

It is convenient if the store is located in a shopping center, malls with high traffic and the presence of similar departments in the neighborhood, in order to be in the field of view of potential buyers from the first days of work.

The choice of a place should be approached with all care, because attendance depends on it, and, accordingly, profit, the rate of return on investment.

Premises for a children's clothing store

The size of the room can be any, the main thing is that there is enough space for fitting rooms, displaying goods, customers do not have a feeling of crowding if several buyers come at the same time. The store should be interesting for children, convenient for parents!

In the design, it is recommended to use bright juicy colors of yellow, orange, red, green shades, but avoid acidic, “eye-cutting” colors. The interior can be supplemented with images (drawings, figures) of fairy-tale characters or cartoon characters.

The presence of a children's corner in which the child can draw, play, will provide additional benefits.

How to get the most out of your store

You can increase sales with the help of loyalty systems, they allow you to motivate the buyer to come back again, as well as attraction tools in the form of creating sales or promotions for certain groups of goods, analytics that will allow you to see profit, profitability, revenue and other indicators that will help you see the picture of current sales and will influence the growth of these indicators.

Equipment for a children's clothing store

To open a children's clothing store, you can get by with a minimum set of commercial equipment. Initially, it will be enough to organize a seller's workplace, a small service room with a bathroom, fitting rooms with mirrors and curtains, hangers, racks, racks and shelves, mannequins, a cash register and a children's corner.

Regularly update the appearance of mannequins - this attracts the attention of potential buyers to a greater extent.

It is good if there are at least two spacious fitting rooms that can accommodate a parent and a child.

Buy a laptop - useful for managing a store group in social networks, communicating with customers; printer (preferably in color) for leaflets, ads and price tags.

Make a workplace for a director or an accountant.

In addition, by hanging screens in fitting rooms with the ability to broadcast your favorite cartoons, you can entertain even the most capricious little customers during fitting.

Name and photo of equipment The required amount for the premises is not more than 50 sq.m., pcs. Approximate cost per unit, rub. Total cost, rub.
Reception desk (seller's workplace) 1 4 000-15 000 4 000-15 000
Service room (locker, chair, table) 1 10 000-20 000 10 000-20 000
bathroom 1 5 000-10 000 5 000-10 000
Fitting room with a curtain and a mirror, fasteners for things 2 9 000-15 000 18 000-30 000
Rack, shelf 2 7 000-15 000 14 000-30 000
Hanger, rack 4 4 000-15 000 16 000-60 000
Shopping cart for sales 2 2 000-4 000 4 000-8 000
Coat hanger 100 20-100 2 000-10 000
Dummy 2 5 000-17 000 10 000-34 000
Cash register (check printing machine) 1 9 000-20 000 9 000-20 000
Sofa (ottoman) 1 5 000-15 000 5 000-15 000
Children's corner, toys 1 10 000-15 000 10 000-15 000
Total: 107 000-267 000

Approximate equipment costs will range from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.

They will depend on the chosen format of the outlet, the price category of goods. Things of the premium segment require appropriate design; in a thrift store, you can get by with the simplest showcases.

Advertising for a children's clothing store

Be sure to organize a loud festive opening with the issuance of discount cards, business cards and booklets.

When issuing discount cards, ask customers to fill out a short questionnaire with an email address and phone number. So you can inform them about promotions, discounts, new arrivals of goods.

How can a small shop compete with a supermarket?

The Business.Ru service will help with this, which will allow you to form a customer base through a loyalty system, which in turn will allow you to attract them to purchases again and again in pursuit of bonuses and special discounts for cardholders. Create happy hours to energize off-peak sales. Work with the rest of the goods correctly, the system itself will show what minimum you need to order and place an order with the supplier in 3 clicks. Small stores can compete with chains, this has been proven by customers of the business accounting service Business.Ru

Suppliers for children's clothing store

Every person wants the thing he bought to be beautiful, safe for the child. Therefore, the choice of suppliers should be approached with great care.

It is possible to work with foreign companies that have already proven themselves in the market, with newly emerging domestic manufacturers offering cost-effective prices.

The main thing to pay attention to is the quality of products, the stability of supplies, the renewal of the assortment, the availability of the necessary certificates.

Staff for a children's clothing store

Finding good sellers is not easy, but you need to try. It depends on the employees whether visitors want to make purchases on their first visit and come back again.

Service should be kind and polite, but unobtrusive.

Sellers must be patient, be able to find a common language with both children and parents. The high professionalism of employees is important: knowledge of the assortment, the ability to determine the size of the child by eye, navigate in the directions of children's fashion.

For maximum profit, the store must work seven days a week. You can hire 2-4 sales assistants, set a shift schedule, go to the hall yourself, participate in customer service. This will give important information about customers, employees. Cleaning lady, auxiliary workers can be hired for 2-3 hours a day.

As a business owner, you can leave administrative issues to yourself, but it is better to entrust bookkeeping to a professional.

Minimum staff salary costs:

The level of salary depends on the average for the region.

How much does it cost to open a children's clothing store

To draw up a business plan, you need to include in it all the upcoming expenses for the purchase of equipment, goods, monthly mandatory expenses.

One-time expenses will include:

  • registration of a legal entity;
  • decoration of the premises;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of goods;
  • advertising costs.

High margins make the children's clothing trade a very attractive business. The average markup on children's clothes is 100 - 500%.

According to the estimates of entrepreneurs already working in this market, the business is considered highly profitable, with a payback period of about a year.

For example, with an initial investment in a business of 900 thousand rubles, a net income of 200 thousand, a net profit of 100 thousand rubles, the payback period for the store will be about 10-12 months.

Control the work of the store using a mobile application and an online service

Track online revenue, store opening/closing and shifts, as well as the dynamics of checks breaking in the mobile application. Set up the cashier's rights, set the sales ban to minus and generate online sales reports. Try the Business.Ru service and online cash desk with free technical support.

Franchise Clothing Stores

Statistics show that the proportion of children in the total population of Russia is currently about 16%. And according to forecasts, this figure will grow annually thanks to government programs to support families with children.

Thus, children's retail trade, with proper organization, is not threatened with bankruptcy. However, one should not discount the crisis that hit all areas of business. Opening a retail outlet under a franchise of a well-known partner, selling goods of a well-known brand that has won the hearts of buyers, will help a novice entrepreneur to protect himself from financial failure.

Benefits of retailing children's clothing franchise:

  • well-known brand, promoted name, reputation of the franchisor;
  • providing a quality product;
  • support of the company during the opening and operation of the store;
  • training;
  • advertising campaigns at the expense of the franchisor, incl. and in the federal media;
  • reducing risks to zero;
  • low purchase prices;
  • ensuring constant profit.

Using a franchise has several disadvantages:

  • Mandatory thorough observance of the franchisor's standards in all matters: from the mode of operation to a strictly regulated assortment.
  • Franchise purchase costs.
  • In case of bankruptcy of the franchisor, the sale or cancellation of the franchise is possible.

You can open a clothing outlet for children under the franchise of companies: Next, Shark, Stilnyashka, Orby, Ivashka, PlayToday, Born, Button Blue, Gulliver, etc.

When choosing a company that sells franchises, you should pay attention to companies that invest their ideas, experience and skills in partners, and do not consider franchisees only as an additional way to sell goods.

Franchise your own children's clothing store or fill your own bumps - the choice is yours. Children are the most precious thing we have. And we will always strive to give them the best - development, toys and of course clothes. In any case, children's clothing is always in demand, and a children's goods store is a profitable enterprise, regardless of the change of seasons or the size of the settlement where it is planned to open.

It often happens that parents are even ready to save on themselves in order to buy high quality food, toys and clothes for their children. The sale of products for babies is one of the most promising areas of trade, so it will be interesting for young entrepreneurs to draw up a business plan for a children's store.

The trade margin for children's products is much higher than for adult products. This allows children's stores to have a large income even in times of economic crisis.

Today, various groups of goods for children are sold in separate stores. For example, baby food and hygiene items can be bought in pharmacies, and toys can be bought in stores selling children's toys. It is worth noting that this is somewhat inconvenient for parents. Most often, adults are forced to buy the necessary things in the retail premises that are nearby, while the choice of stores that sell goods of the necessary group is small. Accordingly, it can take a whole day to buy a complete list of what you need. Therefore, it makes sense to open a general children's store where all kinds of trade items for babies will be sold. Resourceful businessmen know this, because they have already drawn up a business plan for a children's store.

It is important to open a retail space in which all the necessary goods for children will be sold in the sleeping areas of large Russian cities. The business plan under consideration can be used as a guide for organizing the work of a general children's store, which will sell hygiene items, food, strollers and child seats for cars, clothes, and more.

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What actions implies a business plan for a successful children's store

In order to organize a profitable operation of the trading premises, it is necessary:

  • perform an analysis of the market in which the store expects to operate;
  • determine the product that potential customers of the children's store can get;
  • to consider methods of marketing of the enterprise;
  • assess the need for resources that are needed to get started;
  • draw up a budget that will be needed to ensure the operation of the store in the first month and year.

The business plan contains the points that are needed for the successful opening of a retail space for children.

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Performing Market Analysis for Trade Items for Children

An analysis of the market for the sale of goods for children includes the following components:

  • determination of the target audience of this business;
  • market segmentation;
  • assessment of the competitive environment.

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Who is the target audience in the business of selling children's goods

Baby products that are needed every day (food, diapers, and so on) are usually bought by mothers. Larger items (car child seats, strollers) are most often purchased by both parents. Accordingly, the target audience of the retail premises, the business plan of which is described, are young families with children.

It is important to remember that potential buyers can also be friends of parents and relatives who may want to please the child with a small present (if they are visiting) or a full-fledged gift (on the occasion of a birthday).

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Segmentation of the market for the sale of goods for children

A department store that sells children's goods can have a fairly large number of competitors, so it can count on success if it can accurately focus on target market segments. It may be convenient for an entrepreneur to use segmentation by income level, consumption method and consumer attitude to the goods offered.

Buyers can be divided into three segments according to income level:

  • low income clients
  • average income;
  • high income buyers.

Low-income customers can make up a significant part of the target audience of a children's store. Representatives of this segment can be attracted with the help of special offers and discounts, discount programs, the possibility of buying some items (for example, diapers) by the piece.

Middle-income shoppers are the main customers of the children's goods store. High quality service, a wide range of goods provided, the ability to purchase everything you need in one place - these are all the main methods to attract this category of people.

As for attracting buyers with a high level of income, it is worth saying that the level of service provided, the quality of the products offered and the wide range of products play an important role for them.

Speaking about segmentation by the way of consumption, it is worth mentioning that all parents who live in residential areas of the city can be combined into the following segments:

  1. Moms who are on vacation. They are the main buyers. In this case, the business must create conditions for such customers to purchase all consumer goods in the store. This can be affected by high speed and quality of service, a wide range of products.
  2. Grandmothers who help mothers look after their children. Such customers will be concerned about the cost, so it is worth making sure that they have the opportunity to purchase everything they need at affordable prices. In addition, people in this segment are only interested in natural products.
  3. Parents who work in the city center, but often buy necessary goods for children on their way home from work. Since representatives of this segment have the opportunity to buy everything they need in the central regions, it is worth making sure that they have a desire to buy baby products in their area.

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Benefits of the General Store for Children's Goods and Required Business Registration

This business plan for a children's store selling all possible types of goods for babies makes it possible to purchase everything you need in one place. All products that are put up for sale in the store can be divided into 2 groups:

  • a group that consists of everyday items (diapers, food, wipes, and so on);
  • a group that contains such goods as clothes, children's toys, strollers, car seats and other similar products.

The retail space whose business plan is being considered must be able to provide a high quality of customer service and have many advantages over toys or children's clothing stores.

List of advantages of the general children's store:

  • the opportunity to purchase all the items that the child will need;
  • it is possible to buy such large goods as strollers or car seats without leaving your area;
  • good prices, discount programs and promotions;
  • guarantee of the quality of baby food products, compliance with all necessary standards for the storage of perishable goods.

A businessman must register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In addition, you need to obtain a license to be able to trade in food products and a permit to retail.

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Calculation of the amount of money that will be needed to open and maintain a children's goods store

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Rental of premises for a children's store

To start a children's supermarket, you need a room with an area of ​​​​80-90 square meters. m. Of these, about 40-50 square meters. m should be allocated for the trading floor, and the rest of the area - for storage rooms. The cost of renting commercial space in large cities of Russia (the business plan does not include Moscow and St. Petersburg) varies significantly, but the average price in residential areas is 600 rubles per sq. m. m. Accordingly, renting the necessary space will cost the business owner approximately 48,000 rubles. monthly or 576,000 rubles. annually.