Basov N.f. Social teacher

Oliferenko L.Ya. Socio-pedagogical support for children at risk: Textbook. textbook for universities / L. Ya. Oliferenko, T. I. Shulga, I. F. Dementieva. - M .: Academy, 2002 .-- 254 p.

  • Popova O.V. From the experience of child neglect prevention in St. Petersburg // Domestic magazine social work... - 2010. - N 4. - S. 69-76.

  • Social rehabilitation of families and children in difficult life situations: (experience of the Tambov regional complex institution social service population Center social assistance family and children "Pearl of the forest") // Social services. - 2011. - N 8. - S. 40-45.

  • Serruto Diaz T.I. Improving work with families with children // Domestic journal of social work. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 116-119.
  • Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuilov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of the development of personality and small groups. - M., Publishing house of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2002. - 490 p.

  • Forms and methods of work with children and parents in the center of social assistance to the family: Scientific-method. allowance / LS Alekseeva [and others]. - M .: [b. and.], 1999. - 191 p.


    Individual consultations with a psychologist

    (carried out as needed)
    Counseling for young parents on the following topics:

    • "The world through the eyes of a child";

    • “Such different feelings”;

    • "I love. Understand. I hear. "

    • “Children's whims. What should parents do? ";

    • "Thorny Thorn: Childish Aggressiveness";

    • "No one in the world better than mom no".

    "Free talk":- for difficult teenagers under the "Teenager" program:

    • "My dignity";

    • "Self-control";

    • "Uncertainty";

    • "Resisting influence"

    • "Overcoming stress";

    • "Goals and Values";

    • "Movement towards goals";

    • “Confident and uncertain behavior”;

    • "Creative problem solving".

    ... Monitoring (performance evaluation) and criteria for evaluating the implementation of an additional general education program

    The additional education of children, although it does not have uniform standards according to which it would be possible to check the level of education of children, is subject to general requirements pedagogical activity (it has goals and objectives, the content determined by them, the interaction of the teacher with children, the result of training, upbringing and development of the child).

    All this actualizes the need for systematic identification of performance and evaluation criteria educational activities... Monitoring the performance in the collectives of the CDT is a process of internal examination of the results of the activities of the teacher and his pupils, the purpose and content of which coincides with the general educational program.

    CDT has adopted a unified monitoring system and developed general criteria assessments of the implementation of the general education program:

    1. Map "Monitoring of student learning outcomes in the general education program";

    2. Map "Monitoring the personal development of students in the process of mastering the general education program";

    Educational activity in the system of additional education for children involves not only teaching children certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the development of diverse personal qualities of students - therefore, the results of educational activities must be judged by three groups of indicators:

    1. Educational - which record the subject and general educational knowledge, abilities and skills acquired by the child in the process of mastering the additional educational program;

    2. Personal - which express changes in the child's personal qualities under the influence of classes in a given association for a given educational program;

    3. Creative - which fix the level of realization of the creative potential of pupils, and, consequently, the level of implementation of the educational program.

    Work on the proposed technology allows you to promote personal growth child: to identify how he came to the association, what he learned in the process of mastering the general education program, what he became after a while.

    Testing, polls, quizzes, exhibitions, creative assignments, works, sports standards, competitions, concerts, performances, can be used as methods for diagnosing learning outcomes. creative reports etc.

    Learning outcomes of students are recorded in Card No. 1 "Monitoring learning outcomes" in four main areas: theoretical training, practical training, general educational skills and abilities, educational and organizational skills. These areas are considered according to the following parameters: assessed indicators, assessment criteria, the severity of the assessed quality and diagnostic methods that the teacher chooses in accordance with his educational program. The first column - assessed indicators - the teacher also fills in in accordance with his educational program

    Observation, questioning, testing, diagnostic conversation, the method of reflection, the method of an unfinished sentence, etc. can be used as methods for diagnosing a child's personality changes.

    The results of the personal development of students are recorded in the Card

    No. 2 "Monitoring personal development"

    (1 group of indicators - organizational and volitional qualities: patience, will, self-control.

    2 group of indicators - orientation qualities: interest in classes, self-esteem.

    3 group of indicators - behavioral qualities: conflict, type of cooperation.

    Taken together, given in the table, personal qualities(properties) reflect the multidimensionality of the personality; identify the main individual characteristics child; easily observable, accessible for analysis by any teacher and not requiring the involvement of other specialists.

    The list of qualities offered in the table can be supplemented by the teacher in accordance with the target settings of his program.

    Control over the implementation of the general education program is carried out twice a year (at the end of the 1st half of the year - intermediate; at the end school year- final). In the groups of the first year of study, a 0-cut is carried out at the beginning of the school year to fix the level of training of newly admitted children.

    Work according to the approved in the CDT unified system monitoring allows you to track the progress of each student (in learning activities, in personal development, in the realization of creative potential) during the period of mastering the general educational program, as well as to monitor the work of the teacher on the implementation of an additional general educational program.

    Educational-methodical complex of the additional general educational program "Make your choice"

    FULL NAME. teacher of additional education

    The name of the program

    Type, duration of the program

    Methodological support

    Information Support

    Activity algorithms

    Control and measuring materials

    Soshnikova T.Z.

    Khudyakova P.E.

    Boyko N.V.

    Make your choice


    1 year

    1. Buyanov M.I. A child from a dysfunctional family. Notes of a child psychiatrist: book. for teachers and parents. - M .: Education, 1988.

    2. Vasilchikova L. A. On the experience of the center for social assistance to families and children in the prevention of family trouble, cruelty and violence towards children // Social services. - 2011. - N 1. - S. 70-73. 3. Volkova L.P. Let's keep the child in the family and the family for the child // Social work. - 2012. - No. 3.

    1. Mednikova S. There is no limit for improvement // Social protection. - 2012. - No. 1 (235); Socionomy (social work). - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 6-10.

    1. Program 2. "Grandmothers and grandchildren" Social services. - 2011. - N 3.
    3.Pankova N. V. Service "Trust" as efficient technology social services for families in difficult life situations // Social service worker. - 2010. - N 10. - S. 37-41.

    4. Zaitseva N.M. First steps // Social work. - 2007. - N 3. - S.

    Tests, questionnaires, questionnaires,

    conversations, didactic games

    Initial control:

    Questionnaire, survey.

    Current informative

    control: classes-

    contests, puzzle games, didactic games.

    Final control:


    half-year results, year

    Monitoring of student learning outcomes, monitoring of student's personal development.

  • To narrow your search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For instance:

    You can search by several fields at the same time:

    Logical operators

    The default operator is AND.
    Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

    research development

    Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

    study OR development

    Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

    study NOT development

    Search type

    When writing a request, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
    By default, the search is performed taking into account the morphology.
    To search without morphology, just put a dollar sign in front of the words in the phrase:

    $ study $ development

    To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the request:

    study *

    To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

    " research and development "

    Search by synonyms

    To include the word synonyms in the search results, put a hash " # "before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
    When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
    When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be appended to each word if found.
    Cannot be combined with non-morphology search, prefix search, or phrase search.

    # study


    In order to group search phrases, you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
    For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

    Approximate word search

    For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

    bromine ~

    The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
    You can additionally specify maximum amount possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

    bromine ~1

    By default, 2 edits are allowed.

    Proximity criterion

    To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

    " research development "~2

    Expression Relevance

    Use the " ^ "at the end of the expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
    The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
    For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

    study ^4 development

    By default, the level is 1. Allowed values ​​are a positive real number.

    Interval search

    To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be, specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
    Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

    Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
    To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to exclude a value.

    According to F.A. Mustaeva, there are three types of young families F.A. Mustaev. Fundamentals of Social Pedagogy: Textbook. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Academic project, 2001. - P.109-110 ..

    The first type is traditional. A family of this type is characterized by the spouses' orientation exclusively towards family values, towards a two-child (or more) family. The leader in the family, at least formally, is the husband. Leisure is often shared, closed.

    The second type - the spouses are focused mainly on personal development, have a focus on a small family. There is a social and role balance (if possible, the help of the parents of the spouses is used).

    The third type - young spouses are mainly focused on entertainment. At the same time, the husband and wife have both common friends and each of his own from among, as a rule, the former environment. Reproductive attitudes presuppose a childless or small family.

    The question of the stages of development of a young family seems to be very interesting. For example, according to N. Ackerman, Ackerman N. Family as a social and emotional unit. - SPb .: Peter, 2000. - P.96., A young family goes through three stages in its development.

    The first stage - the stage of the monad - is when a single young man or girl, financially independent, lives separately from the parental family, independently realizing their needs, developing some experience of independent life, testing the rules learned in the parental family through experience. At this stage, the rules of their own existence, which are very important for the development of the future family, are formed, which are realized and tested in practice.

    In Russian families, the monad stage is very rare; its absence is solely due to the impossibility of acquiring separate housing for financially dependent young people. Accordingly, young people do not have the opportunity to “look from the outside” at the family rules that exist in their parental families.

    Dyad - a search for a compromise, when the newlyweds establish the rules for their life together, go through a period of adaptation, get used to new family roles. The stage of the dyad is extremely difficult and important for the newlyweds, and on how and in what environment the rules of coexistence will be developed, whether these rules will really be accepted by the spouses, or one of them will dominate, and the other will simply obey the rules imposed on him due to the weaker character or under the influence of some other circumstances, the life style of the development of the family depends: will problems accumulate there or the spouses from the position of cooperation will solve problem situations at the stage of their occurrence.

    Over time, the young family, often regardless of how successfully they solved the problems of the dyad, enters the next stage. life cycle- the triad: the newlyweds have a child. This is a time of serious crisis for any family. The couple think that everything will get better with the birth of a child, because traditionally it is customary to idealize motherhood. There is almost a conspiracy of silence about how heavy it really is. Indeed, relationships in a young family are undergoing serious trials, such as the structural crisis of the family. Often people have the feeling that they have become farther apart. It is at this stage that the peak of male infidelity falls, which is rather associated with the difficulty of revising family rules and responsibilities. These difficulties are the main cause of conflicts, possible emotional "divorce", which can provoke a real divorce. And how the family will actually develop when a newborn appears will largely depend on what base, not only emotional, but also material, the spouses have laid, realizing what a difficult period they will have to go through.

    If dad cannot fully provide for the family while mom is not working and taking care of the baby, then it often happens that young spouses invite grandmothers. While mom and dad are looking for an opportunity to earn money, and the grandmother is raising the baby. At this stage of the life cycle, it is generally not clear whose child this is, because the grandmother becomes his functional mother, and the mother can be considered his functional sister. From such confusion of roles, violations of maternal behavior, specific contact between mother and child begin. As a result, the family cannot cope with the most important educational function.

    V modern Russia the birth of a child is postponed for a longer period (more three years from the moment of marriage). Accordingly, the age of young parents turns out to be greater than 30 years. For this reason, many young families do not have time to reach the triad stage at the time when they are legally considered a young family.

    This three-stage model of N. Ackerman is built on the basis of a study of American young families, but the specificity of the Russian situation requires a different approach to identifying the stages of development of a young family.

    When creating an alternative classification, it is necessary to put substantive aspects at the fore interpersonal relationships... The dynamics of the development of these deeply personal, intimate relationships of a young couple usually involves stages, with a gradual transition from one stage to another. The following stages can be distinguished in the development of a young family:

    1. The stage of mutual interest, which arises both at the first acquaintance and in situations when people already familiar before find themselves in circumstances that presuppose closer personal contact. At this stage, relationships are characterized by the emergence of mutual sympathy and interest.

    2. Phase of trial, when personal contacts become deeper and more permanent. The young couple proceeds to test the relationship (the study of coincidences of tastes, preferences, opinions). At this stage of the development of relations, the first sexual contacts usually occur, which are also a specific test, all the more important if young people already have sexual experience. At these stages, the formation of relations usually occurs without advertising them, on the contrary, sometimes measures are taken to hide the fact of their existence.

    3. Stage of public relations, when the couple demonstrates the relationship to the people around. A period of more prolonged contacts (including sexual) begins, which take place, so to speak, "in different territories": young people meet, and sometimes live together for a short time either in the apartments of their parents or acquaintances, or in dorm rooms, or in hotels. ... However, at this stage in the development of relations cash each has its own, no, "common cash". This period of relationship is characterized by the fact that acquaintances and relatives perceive young people as a stable couple. It is important for young people how their relationship "fits" into the system of already existing relationships and connections. At this stage, there is an acquaintance with parents and relatives, with friends. In this regard, those assessments that are given by others play a special role.

    4. The stage of civil marriage is not mandatory, since it necessarily implies the economic independence of young people, or at least their "territorial autonomy" - living separately from their parents. Civil marriage, involving joint management households and cohabitation is the next stage in the development of a young family, which becomes possible due to and depending on the economic independence of the young.

    5. The stage of an official, registered marriage - the stage at which the relationship is formalized to give them a status that is significant from the point of view of legal consequences. The moment of registration of marriage can be considered the day of the official birth of a young family. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a young couple can consider themselves a family at earlier stages of the development of relations. In this case, we can talk about the existence of a family in the sociological sense.

    It should be noted that such a consistent, gradual development of relations is a theoretical model. In reality, relationships at any stage can be interrupted, and regression of relationships is also possible, with their return to earlier stages of development.

  • Social Pedagogy Cheat Sheet (Cheat Sheet)
  • Golovanova N.F. General Pedagogy (Document)
  • Abstract - The subject and tasks of social pedagogy (Abstract)
  • Spurs on Social Pedagogy (Cheat Sheet)
  • Galaguzova M.A. History of Social Pedagogy (Document)
  • Kagarmanova A.I. Uch.pos. on the History of Social Pedagogy (Document)
  • (Document)
  • Family Dictionary. From the course Family as Subject (Reference)
  • L.V. Mardakhaev Social Pedagogy (Document)
  • Skrinnik A. (comp). Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy (Document)
  • Kravchenko A.I. Social Work (Document)
  • n1.doc

    Tutorial for



    F. Mustaeva


    as a tutorial for

    students of higher pedagogical

    educational institutions studying

    in the specialty "Social Pedagogy"
    publishing house

    "Academic Project"

    UDC 316

    B.Z. Wolf

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,

    Head of the Department of Pedagogy of the University

    Russian Academy of Education

    V.A. Fokine

    Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy

    and social work of the Tula State

    pedagogical university
    S.N. Krygina

    PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor,

    head Department of Personality Development Psychology

    Magnitogorsk State University

    Mustaeva F.A.

    Ml Fundamentals of Social Pedagogy: A Textbook for Students of Higher Pedagogical Educational Institutions - 2nd ed., Revised. and add. - M .: Academic project, 2001 .-- 416 p. - (Series "Gaudeamus")

    ISBN 5-8291-0103-3

    The theoretical, methodological and practical problems of social pedagogy in Russia and abroad are considered.

    The textbook can be used both at the faculties of social pedagogy and at the faculties of social work in the study of a number of disciplines. It is intended for teachers of graduate students in the specialties "Social pedagogy", "Social work".

    UDC 316

    BBK 60.5

    © Mustaeva F.A., 2001

    © Academic Project,

    layout layout, 2001

    ISBN 5-8291-0103-3


    In 1991, the institution of social educators was officially introduced in Russia. Social pedagogy as a science began to develop actively.

    In the history of pedagogical thought, the ideas of social pedagogy are reflected in the works and practical activities of many classics of pedagogy (I.G. Pestalozzi, R. Owen, G. Spencer, P. Natorp, etc.). For the first time, the concept of "social pedagogy" was used by A. Disterweg in his work "A Guide for German Teachers" (1850). The German teacher and philosopher P. Natorp in 1899 published the book "Social Pedagogy", in which he tried to define the essence of social pedagogy and its main categories.

    In our country, social pedagogy actively developed in the 1920s based on the development of the idea of ​​the connection between the school and life and the social environment. An example of the implementation of the idea was the theoretical and practical activities of S.T. Shatsky.

    Social pedagogy has been developing especially actively in recent decades. In this development, three stages can be designated. First - the 60s. This is a period of empirical search, the appearance in social and pedagogical practice of categories of workers specifically focused on organizing educational work in society (organizers of extracurricular and extracurricular work of the school, employees of out-of-school institutions, teacher-organizers and educators working in institutions of other departments). This stage can be called organizational-empirical.

    The second stage - 70-80s, when social need, the achievement of advanced experience in social and pedagogical work brought the problem to a qualitatively new level. Various complexes were actively developed: socio-pedagogical, cultural and sports, rural schools-complexes, etc. In pedagogical science, this period was characterized by increased attention of researchers to the problems of social pedagogy, an attempt to comprehend and consider the ideas of pedagogy of the environment, problems and contradictions of its development in a new socio-economic situation.

    At the third stage, by the end of the 80s, all the prerequisites for the transition from individual addresses of the advanced experience of social pedagogy to the state level of solving the problem, to the creation of a system social services with an extensive infrastructure of their staffing.

    In scientific terms, social pedagogy is actively developed by V.G. Bocharova, B.Z. Wulfov, M.A. Galaguzova, S.I. Grigoriev, A.V. Mudrik, V.D. Semenov, B.C. Torokhtiy, N. Filonov and others.

    With the introduction of the institution of social teachers in the country, it became necessary to compile the qualification characteristics of a specialist, determine his rights, duties, main functions, etc., as well as to create an educational and methodological base for the training of qualified social teachers.


    In 1992, the Magnitogorsk State Pedagogical Institute (currently - Magnitogorsk State University), among other universities in the country, began training specialists in the field of social pedagogy. The shortage of textbooks on social and pedagogical disciplines was one of the reasons for the creation of this textbook.

    According to the State Educational Standard of Higher vocational education, the curricula of pedagogical universities providing training in the specialty "Social Pedagogy" provides for the study of a number of disciplines that make up the system of knowledge and skills in social pedagogy.

    The objectives of the textbook are to help future social educators acquire knowledge of the theoretical foundations of social pedagogy and the skills necessary for effective organization practical activities; to lay the foundations of students' pedagogical thinking; develop the ability to make optimal decisions in various pedagogical situations.

    The offered course "Fundamentals of Social Pedagogy" includes three sections.

    The first section introduces the profession of a social teacher, its purpose, functions, rights, duties, code of ethics, the main areas of activity, contains recommendations for planning and organizing work social educator, highlights the criteria for its effectiveness.

    In the second section, social pedagogy is considered as a science and an area of ​​practical activity. The main categories of social pedagogy, its methods, historical aspects of development, key problems are revealed: socialization and its factors, deviant behavior of adolescents, social protection of childhood and youth, social and pedagogical victimology.

    The third section highlights some of the problems of social pedagogy and the experience of social work in a number of foreign countries.

    To secure teaching material and revitalizing independent work students in the textbook offers a list control questions and assignments.

    A list of references is given at the end of the textbook. The sources included in it were used when writing the textbook and are recommended to students for in-depth study of chapters and paragraphs. Chapters 1 and 2 of the textbook are largely based on the results of the work of V.G. Bocharova and employees of the Institute for Pedagogy of Social Work of the Russian Academy of Education; the content of chapters 4.11 is based on materials from the works of A.V. Mudrik, chapters 7, 8 - I.S. Cohn, chapters 4, 7, 10 - V.T. Lisovsky and his colleagues, chapters 8 - S.A. Belicheva.

    The textbook "Fundamentals of Social Pedagogy" can be used by students of the Faculty of Social Pedagogy in the study of pedagogy (section "Introduction to the profession") and subject training disciplines: social pedagogy, history of social pedagogy, system management social protection childhood, foundations of social work, methodology and technology of work of a social teacher, methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research; .and also by students of the Faculty of Social Work in the study of general disciplines: the history of social work, research methods in social work; special disciplines: family studies, problems of social work with youth, content and methods of pedagogical activity in the system of social work (social pedagogy).