How is the staff of the organization recruited? Mass call

Hello! In this article we will talk about the selection of personnel. Today you will learn what stages of recruitment exist. What system is selected necessary company staff. What to look for when recruiting employees.

How to search for employees

As any employee wants to find a decent job, so the employer wants to find employees who would not just sit work time but also were qualified, responsible and purposeful. This is completely normal, since the staff is the “face” of any company. Employees can lift a company to a high level, or they can ruin it.

From time to time, any company needs new employees, regardless of the field of activity. If there are HR employees or recruitment managers in the state, then they take on this task. They work, as a rule, with proven sites, where there is always a sufficient number of candidates for almost any vacancy.

Such sites include:

  • Websites for job search;
  • Social media;
  • Recruitment agencies.

But there are many more search options, they just need to be used wisely. Let's consider them in more detail. We will not include the classic options here, since we have already mentioned them above.

Consider options that are not used so often:

  1. The official website of the company itself. To search for employees, they usually open the “Wanted” or “Company vacancies” section on it. This is very convenient, since any candidate can leave his response to the vacancy he is interested in, not only post a resume, but also fill out questionnaires, pass tests, and so on.
  2. Websites with vacancies. The most common option for finding employees.
  3. Television use. This possibility depends, first of all, on the budget of the company. You can create a whole promotional video about a specific vacancy, or you can simply place an ad in a running line.
  4. Placement of information about the vacancy on the electronic maps of your city. These are Double-GIS, Yandex-maps and more.
  5. Use of the talent pool. This is great, but first you need to create it (we'll talk about this later);
  6. Search for employees among freelancers. A great option if the vacancy does not involve a permanent presence in the office;
  7. People who have already worked in the company before, who left without scandals for objective reasons;
  8. Hiring people from other companies(not entirely honest, but as an option);
  9. Placement of data on vacancies in beauty salons, cafes, shops;
  10. Announce vacancies at institutes and colleges in your city;
  11. Organizing an Open Day at the company– a great opportunity to show the company from the good side and close the vacancy.

These are options that are available to the vast majority of companies, looking for employees. You just need to apply them correctly. All these sources of search, in turn, can be divided into internal and external.

Returning to the classics of searching for employees, let's focus on the option of contacting recruitment agencies . Let's see what are the pros and cons of this method.

Before contacting an agency, you need to consider the following important nuances:

  • How long does the agency carry out its activities;
  • How well known is it in your city;
  • Whether or not there are negative rumors about him;
  • Take into account the reviews of colleagues and acquaintances about this agency.


  • Opportunity not to search personally;
  • A serious recruitment agency has an extensive database of applicants, which will speed up the search for a suitable candidate;
  • The employer communicates personally only with the best and most suitable candidates;
  • Saving the employer's time.


  • Serious financial costs;
  • There is no 100% guarantee that the candidate will still be found;
  • Before with the candidates, the manager needs to communicate with the representative of the agency and explain to him what kind of person is needed for this position.

So, what is the best way to select employees? Someone decides to seek help from an agency, someone is looking for himself. There are pros and cons to both options. Usually the help of professionals in this matter is used large companies with significant financial resources.

In the next part of our conversation, we will move on to more serious aspects of recruitment and recruitment.

Recruitment system

In a company of any size, an effective and complete recruitment system should be developed. But often this issue is not given due attention, managers mistakenly believe that the development of such a system will require a lot of financial and time costs.

The problem is also that in most companies recruitment is carried out chaotically.

To create a full-fledged selection system that will work, you need to perform a number of complex actions:

  • Set goals. That is, to find out why a selection system is needed at all. The most common goal is to select the most suitable candidates and weed out the rest. These objectives should generally be in line with overall strategy companies;
  • Create job structure. All positions in a company or organization are divided into groups, according to the principle of difficulty of selection for them;
  • Define initial data. The initial data is the calculation of the need for employees, the general state of the labor market, and so on;
  • Develop a mechanism by which staff will be selected. It often happens that people who come to the company are not at all the people who were originally intended. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to clearly formulate the criteria and requirements for candidates for each position;
  • Adapt the created selection system to the activity specific company . That is, you need to understand how the system will interact with the existing personnel policy companies;
  • Determine those responsible for the operation of the entire system, organize their training if necessary;
  • Develop feedback with employees;
  • Analyze and, if necessary, correct the system;
  • Test the system in those positions that do not have a serious impact on the workflow;
  • Re-adjust the system if necessary;
  • Implement the system at all levels finally.

The recruitment system should ultimately be an algorithm that will allow not only to select the right employees but also facilitate the assessment of existing employees.

Stages of recruitment

Recruitment - this is one of the stages of work with personnel in any enterprise, in any company.

This concept contains several more:

  • Calculation of what is the company's need for certain employees;
  • Selection of personnel at a professional level;
  • Creation of a personnel reserve;
  • Development of a workplace model.

Key part of recruitment - this is the formation of the requirements that will be presented to potential candidates for the position. They are formed, usually based on job descriptions.

Personnel selection consists of several stages. At each of them, some of the candidates will be weeded out or will refuse the vacancy for personal reasons. We will analyze the main stages now.

Stage 1. Conversation with candidates

This stage can be carried out various methods. Some positions require the candidate to be present at the interview in person, for others a phone call is sufficient. The purpose of this stage is to determine how communicative the applicant is, how prepared for communication in general.

But it is worth remembering that only personal communication can give the maximum idea of ​​the personality of the candidate. Therefore, now it is not uncommon to talk on Skype.

Stage 2. Interviewing

Employee personnel service conducts an extended conversation with the candidate. During such a conversation, you should try to get as much information about the candidate as possible, as well as give him the opportunity to get acquainted with future official duties, corporate culture of the future place of work.

At this stage, the personnel service specialist cannot base his choice on sympathy or antipathy for a particular candidate. Yes, a person can be close to you in thoughts, behavior and manners, but this does not mean that he will do his job perfectly. And also if you suddenly do not like the color of his suit, it does not mean that the person is a bad specialist.

A potential colleague needs to be tested on all aspects important for work and draw conclusions based on the test results.

Interviews can be divided into several types:

  • Solution of a specific practical situation (situational);
  • Identification of the past experience of the applicant (biographical);
  • Checking the candidate's resistance to stress (stress).

Stage 3. Carrying out tests and trials

This stage is carried out in order to obtain information about the skills of a potential employee.

All test questions must be relevant and comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Stage 4. Professional history check

As you know, often an employee is asked to leave the place of work, and an entry in work book says he is. To avoid hiring an irresponsible person, it is worth contacting and talking with former colleagues and the applicant's management.

At least during such communication, it will be quite possible to find out the real reason for leaving a person from a previous job.

Stage 5. final decision

According to the results comparative analysis applicants are determined by the one who best meets all the requirements. When the final decision is made, the candidate is informed about it. The applicant is fully acquainted with the upcoming work, duties, mode of operation, rules for which accrued wage and premium.

Stage 6. Filling out an application

A candidate who has successfully completed the previous stages fills out a job application form, a questionnaire,.

Personnel assessment methods

Personnel evaluation they call the procedure during which it is established how much the candidate corresponds to the position or job for which he is applying.

Assessment objectives:

  • For administrative purposes: so that management can make an informed and balanced decision, for example, about promotion, transfer to another position, and so on;
  • For information purposes: employees must have complete information about their activities;
  • To motivate employees.

And now let's look at the most famous methods by which personnel officers evaluate staff. There are quite a lot of them, they all play their important role.

  1. Conducting a survey. The questionnaire includes a certain set of questions and descriptions. The evaluator analyzes them and notes those that characterize the respondent;
  2. description method. The specialist who evaluates the personnel identifies and describes the positive and negative features of the respondents. Most often, this technique is used in combination with a number of others;
  3. Classification. All employees undergoing certification are ranked according to one criterion, according to the principle from best to worst;
  4. Comparison. Usually, this is how the employee’s compliance with the position he occupies is assessed. An important component here will be the tasks that are assigned to the employee to complete. After the list of tasks is compiled, they study how much time the employee spends to complete these tasks. Then, on a 7-point scale, their activities are evaluated. In this technique, the results can be analyzed according to the principle of correspondence of the received points to the ideal ones, or to compare the results of different employees (but occupying the same position);
  5. Assessment according to the situation. In this method, specialists compile a list of descriptions of the "right" and "wrong" behavior of employees in common situations. Descriptions are tailored to the nature of the work to be performed. This technique is usually used by managers to make any decisions;
  6. Conducting testing. Tests are compiled, divided into several groups (qualification, psychological or physiological). The advantages of this method are that the results can be processed by a computer, as well as the ability to identify the potential of any employee;
  7. Business games. Developed business game. It is evaluated not only by participants, but also by observers. They conduct such games to determine how ready employees are for solving common tasks, as well as to consider the personal contribution to the game of each participant. That is, it evaluates how effectively people work in a team.

It can be concluded that personnel assessment is necessary in order to evaluate professional qualification employees, their competence, as well as their potential to solve various problems and situations.

Personnel reserve of the organization

At the very beginning of our conversation, we mentioned the formation of the company's personnel reserve. Its presence is a great opportunity to “close” vacancies. The problem is that not every company or organization has it. How to form it, we will talk further.

So, which employees are included in the personnel reserve:

  • Having higher education;
  • Easy learning;
  • Young professionals with a lack of experience, but with good opportunities to become leaders in the future.

The actual process of creating a reserve is as follows:

  1. Candidates are nominated based on predetermined criteria;
  2. Employees of the personnel service or the personnel department form a general list of all candidates;
  3. Diagnostic activities are carried out in order to determine the capabilities of candidates;
  4. Based on the results of the previous stage, the final lists are formed and approved.

Of course, the process of formation in each organization may contain other stages, but one thing can be said: personnel reserve allows you to increase the intangible assets of the company, one of which is the staff, and also allows you to achieve your goals in a short time .

What to look for when recruiting

At present, it is not at all easy to find an employee who would fully meet all the requirements.

Let's analyze this situation using the example of recruiting employees for a company engaged in trade.

  1. The personnel officer must take into account the specifics of the previous place of work and the position offered to the candidate. After all, it is far from a fact that a cashier in the past can now work as a sales assistant. Or so: to offer to buy a product is one thing, but to find a market is quite another. Of course, a person can be taught everything (gradually), but there is not always time for this training. Imagine how long it would take to train a former cosmetics salesman to sell home appliances?
  2. There is a category of people who do not know how to sell at all. The seller must be active, easy to get in touch with potential buyer be able to offer a product, talk about its positive aspects.
  3. Work stability. Not experience, namely stability. Agree, if a person worked as a seller in all the stores of the city for 2 months, it is unlikely that he will work for a long time in your company.
  4. Candidate's story about himself. The personnel officer must analyze how clearly and informatively the candidate talks about himself, how convincing he is.
  5. Candidate education. This is certainly an important indicator. But higher education is not a fundamental criterion for all vacancies. Many questions can be raised by a graduate of a major university who is applying for a job as a salesperson.
  6. The presence of incentives at the previous place of work. Candidates often list achievements in their resumes: someone was the “Salesperson of the Month”, someone was the “Best Salesperson of the Year”, this is worth paying attention to.
  7. The appearance of the applicant. Of course, it is more pleasant to communicate with a person neatly and cleanly dressed. The seller, dressed “to the point”, leaves the buyers with a positive impression of the store as a whole. Although - a slightly wrinkled suit does not mean that a person will perform his duties poorly.
  8. Excessive gestures, nervousness. People who are unsure of themselves fidget in a chair, gesticulate too much, cross their arms and legs, as if closing themselves off from communication.
  9. How the applicant behaves when irritating factors are applied. For example, it is worth trying to conduct an interview in this way: seat the applicant in the center of the room, on an unusually high chair and ask questions. Thanks to this method of conducting a conversation, you can find out the candidate's ability to work under pressure, stress resistance.
  10. To what extent the applicant clearly represents his future activities. As a rule, such people leave quickly, disappointed in work. In addition, their far from positive attitude can provoke the dismissal of other employees, and this is definitely not necessary for the employer.

Who should be hired

Many large businessmen are now guided by the following rule when hiring employees: Will this person bring benefit and profit to my business, or not.

  • People who are able to learn quickly and assimilate a large amount of information;
  • Able to make decisions on their own during an emergency situation;
  • People who can take responsibility for their actions and the consequences of their decisions;
  • Real experts in their field (and it doesn't matter if it's a simple seller or a high-class programmer);
  • Promising newcomers, the so-called "blank sheet" on which you can write anything. Teach the standards of your company, convey your vision of work;
  • Former employees who left good reason. If a person left due to difficult family circumstances, after solving problems he decided to return, it is worth giving him a second chance.

Signs that a candidate should not be hired

It is not uncommon for cases when, already at the first stage of a conversation with an applicant, it becomes clear that a person does not correspond to the position that he wants to receive. Perhaps he just lacks skills or he is not very sociable. How can an HR officer make the right choice?

Serious businessmen and recruiters with extensive experience in hiring personnel list categories of people who are undesirable to hire.

So, let's take a closer look at them:

  1. Victim people. Typically, such applicants complain that the former management did not give them opportunities for development and growth, “cut off the oxygen”. Such a candidate shifts responsibility for his failures and even laziness to others, which means that in general he treats everything in a similar way.
  2. A candidate who changes jobs frequently. Often - a loose concept, saying plain language. But if in 6 months he changes his 3rd place of work, this indicator speaks for itself.
  3. Applicants who are interested only in the material side of the position. It is clear that we all need work to support our families, help relatives, save some money. Money plays an important role. But when a person ultimately reduces all questions to the amount of wages, it is worth thinking twice before hiring him.
  4. Applicants showing too ideal behavior. Most recruiters avoid such candidates, because a person cannot be perfect all the time, he must show emotions and serious hiring specialists understand this.
  5. Candidates who do not ask questions about future work. If a person does not ask any questions during the interview, this alarms an experienced HR officer, first of all, he asks himself: is this person interested in the job?
  6. Job seekers talking about other interviews. Thus, they try to give weight to their own person, but they evoke completely different emotions. If you don’t want this person to quit at the most inopportune moment, because somewhere he was offered a salary of 1000 rubles more, just don’t hire him.
  7. Candidates who consider themselves omniscient. Don't hire someone who claims to know everything. People who do not recognize the lack of knowledge can spoil a serious project, so it is better not to bring it to this.
  8. The candidate lives too far from the office. The hiring of such candidates usually ends with their dismissal in the near future.
  9. Candidates who don't listen. People who ignore or skip HR questions will not listen to both colleagues and the manager. And without this, productive cooperation is hardly possible.

Dan Babinski, the owner of a large American training company, has compiled a series of recommendations for managers and owners of organizations.

He believes that exactly 5 categories of applicants should not be hired:

  1. close relatives. By hiring them, the manager automatically puts on his shoulders even more obligations to the family. What happens if the wife's brother cannot cope with the workload? By firing him, you set the whole family against yourself, and by ignoring him, prof. mismatch, you can lose profits and business.
  2. Friends. A friend in any case will require a special relationship. Friends usually start to think that general rules behavior is not for them. Familiarity appears, and then friction begins. Who needs it?
  3. Close relatives and friends of existing employees. Just because manager I. and accountant D. did great, doesn't mean that their siblings will do just as well.
  4. Do not hire anyone on emotions. When selecting employees, a sober calculation is needed, a swoop will give deplorable results.
  5. Don't hire anyone out of pity. It may be harsh, even soulless, but no one is obliged to hire a person who has problems in life. Yes, he was unlucky, but often we create problems for ourselves. The only exceptions are real specialists who find themselves in a difficult situation.

It is worth remembering for any HR employee and manager that each employee hired will ultimately have an impact on financial condition companies. Carefully plan the reception of workers so as not to add unnecessary problems and worries to yourself.

Recruitment for an organization: the most common mistakes

The personnel officer, as well as the manager, should focus on the following common mistakes:

  • Understatement of wages for a knowingly qualified specialist. If you are forced to save money, simply lower the requirements for the candidate;
  • Limiting employee time for adaptation. This period must be taken into account, especially if the team is large;
  • Search for people who are committed to the interests of the company from the first day. Such a search does not make any sense at all. A competent approach will gradually form this devotion;
  • Excessive reliance on what is stated in the resume. Do not be lazy to check the information, it is your right. It is better to spend time clarifying some of the points indicated in than to think later how to get rid of a negligent employee;
  • Unclear requirements for the candidate. If you yourself do not know what you want, how can the applicant know?
  • Job related requirements. For example: hire employees under the age of 35. If you want to get knowledge and experience from a person, this requirement cannot be called reasonable.

It is possible to list such omissions and errors for a long time, we do not have such a goal. It is enough just to take them into account and not allow them in your work. A narrow approach to specialists and non-compliance with the simplest rules for selecting employees can end up costing dearly.

Summarizing everything that we have said today, I would like to note that all the requirements that employers place on candidates must be relevant, real and practical. Why hire a person who owns three foreign languages if the sense of his work is minimal? Any employee must be in the interests of the company, his employment must be justified.

If the manager is not sure what he can find right person on his own, he should contact recruitment agency rather than wasting time on unsuccessful searches.

Hello my dear friend. Very soon, already in March, we will start the next stream of our training "", when the participants in the flash mob mode build their sales departments.

I often talk to entrepreneurs and I'm interested in the challenges they have when building a sales force. I have highlighted the top three problems that I will talk about in. Today we will look at one of them.

1. Lack of quality staff

The problem with the staff excites absolutely everyone. 99% of business owners say: "We can't find good shots, we would love to build a sales department, but we are not able to find them. People come who are not suitable for us.”

At IPS, we solve this problem simply: we use flash recruiting technology to recruit staff. This is a very cool technology that allows us to find 15 new candidates literally in a month - successful future salespeople who become real leaders of the company.

How does this technology work?

Technology in the funnel analysis mode - the funnel for hiring and attracting personnel - brings a potential candidate to the final interview and to being hired. What does our funnel look like?

Profile - let's call it Avatar

The first task of flash recruiting technology is to create the right avatar of your candidate, the profile of the ideal employee that you need.


Once you've compiled your candidate's avatar, the next task is to write a very clear, tasty, interesting and attractive job posting that you post on job search portals. Now is the time that it is not enough just to write a job offer. The vacancy should be clear to such an extent that the candidate, having seen it on the site, will want to come to you, and fall in love with your company at first sight. But your search work doesn't end there.


An obligatory element of flash recruiting technology is writing and using scripts for your HR manager or secretary, who will be engaged in the selection of candidates who have responded to an invitation for an interview. Your hired manager, HR, or secretary invites people to you for an interview using a special script. If the script is inefficient, the conversion at this stage will fall.

Many entrepreneurs say: “20-30 people respond to me, we call, invite them for an interview, 3-5 come. Why is there such a situation?” Because the script doesn't work. It's not tested, it's wrong.

Screening Summary

There is one more important element, which I now specifically missed, it is called a screening resume. This is a special technology that allows huge amount, (when hundreds of resumes come in) select those candidates who fit your avatar.

Meeting and interview

The guys come to you for an interview. Flash recruiting technology allows you to conduct interviews with a large number of candidates at the same time, when you spend not an hour or two, but a maximum of 15 minutes each, communicating with a person.

How to conduct? In these 15 minutes there is a specially painted plan:

  • what the candidate should tell you,
  • what questions you should ask him in order to fully understand during this time whether the person is right for you or not.

Everything must end role play or simulation of the sales process - this is the most important part. If the candidate completed it successfully, then with a high degree of probability we can say that he suits you. But that's not all.

Interview #2

After the initial interview, you determine those leaders-candidates that suit you the most and invite them to the final interview, after which you make a decision on the job and employment of this person.

Offer (offer)

The last element of the flash recruiting funnel is a well-formed offer to get a person to come to work for you.

If you recruit staff according to this scheme, then it is absolutely realistic to recruit the number of people that you need. You drive traffic from candidates, and at the end you get successful people that will work for your business.

If you are interested in learning how to really launch this funnel in your business, with scripts, with job samples, with avatars, with interview scripts, come to my training "", which starts very soon. And I'll teach you how to do it right and fast. See you!

If you analyze the texts of resumes and what people write in autobiographies, it becomes clear that the majority are focused on production. They write what they have done, what they have achieved, what education and training degrees they have received, what positions they have held before, and just a little about what they are: whether they are respected, they can disagree so as not to offend anyone, and at the same time time to influence others, do they know how to disagree, maybe they should not be trusted? All this is not reflected in the summary.

In this case, it remains to call himself to his former place of work in order to find out if this person can be trusted, his colleagues respected him, he participated in disputes about what kind of person he is in general. Although such information is always very difficult to obtain, it helps us to recruit the people we need. Finding a person is the ability to inspire and inspire confidence with a full set of all abilities for a manager.

When meeting, it will be more efficient to ask candidates in which areas they are weak, in which they are strong. It must be borne in mind that a person who claims that he has no weaknesses or talks about them as if his weakness is his strongest side is better not to hire. People who don't know their weaknesses don't know who they really are.

How to identify your weaknesses and strengths where to get this knowledge, how to find out who you really are?

Many say that they can determine who they are in contact with, who their boss is, who their subordinates are, but it is difficult for them to determine who they are, to determine their own self. This phenomenon is very common, because in order to know yourself, you need an interlocutor. No one can know himself in a vacuum, we know ourselves through the eyes of other people.

You must find out who you are and do it through your influence on others. If you know what other people are. This means that they have an idea of ​​who you are. And if you want to know who you really are, ask your subordinates, they certainly know who you are.

So, a good manager must be with a set of abilities, well packaged, because he cannot achieve perfection in all areas. But can achieve more of its strengths and weaknesses. A good manager knows himself, his strengths and weak sides, a the only way learn about it - understand, feel what you are doing.

A person who hears, listens and feels what he hears, keeps in touch with what is happening, understands the impact he has on others.

You need to learn to see your strengths and weaknesses, because the way to perceive the strengths and weaknesses of other people lies through the perception of your own strengths and weaknesses. If you cannot understand yourself, how can you understand others? A manager who knows his strengths and weaknesses creates an atmosphere of respect and trust around him, he knows how to lose and knows how to get the support of his colleagues.

Everyone has a problem with personnel. It is very difficult to find a real working team, especially good salespeople or a sales manager.

Recently, we have changed the head of the sales department, a programmer, a marketer and even one technical specialist. Almost simultaneously. The reason is simple - unwillingness to take responsibility for the result and misunderstanding of one's place in the company.

Within just three days, we closed all vacancies.

Whatever the size of your business, the mentality of each employee and the collective mentality of the staff as a whole determines the sustainability of your business. Therefore, first of all, you should make it a rule that all participants in the business - co-owners, management and staff up to the cleaning lady - should, to one degree or another, be involved in corporate culture business. See and understand strategic objectives business and their role in achieving this goal.

If this is not the case, then the employee works for himself, and not for you.

And for this, the company must develop an atmosphere in which any employee freely asks a question and admits to a lack of understanding.
Frankness must be encouraged in all business matters, and in the problems connected with risks including.
For example, I periodically brainstorm and discuss not only current specific issues, but the policy of the company as a whole. . I am involved in decision making and implementation.

Thus creating the participation of everyone in management and increasing the importance of the employee in his own eyes. That gives a very strong motivation to employees.

This is how employee loyalty is formed, corporate value is formed in him and you are recognized as the undisputed leader.

But this alone is not enough.

A clear control and understanding of the main processes of each employee's activity is necessary.
So that you can ask the right questions and get the answers you need. And do not expect to delegate these issues to the next hired manager.

This is how I hire people and this is how I decide to quit. All key employees were recruited according to this scheme and 90% of them have been working for a long time and stably.

So, the main points of any conversation.

1. First, you present the strategic goal of the company and the role of the employee.
2. Secondly, you explain ALL the rules of the game at once.

If you are thinking about quitting - ask the employee about strategic goal company, its role and rules of the game.

I will highlight the third point in particular. This is from a series of psychological aikido. We were told about it in America, a year ago, when we attended one of the trainings on managing a fast-growing company.

3. Questions.

It doesn't matter what you are doing - hiring, reviewing a problem, or you need to make a decision to quit.

Politely ask clear, specific, direct questions. If you don't get direct answers, keep asking until you fully understand what's what. In small things. This is your right as an owner and employer.


The reaction of normal people who have sufficient qualifications, who own their business or situation, who have no reason to cheat, is always positive! They are always happy to explain what and why they are doing, will do or have done. And for what!

But if in the answers you catch an excess of professional jargon, hidden mockery of your misunderstanding in the problem area, confused explanations, fuss, change in body position, eye movement in the upper plane, increased hand movement - you must conclude that something is not right here. it's okay that your interlocutor has a problem.

This is a sign of high risk. And in one case, it is impossible to hire such a person, and in the other, it is necessary to think about the person’s compliance with the position held and the ability to solve the tasks and get out of problems.

The reasons for such nervousness lie in the unconscious of your interlocutor, which knows for sure whether the level of tasks corresponds to the capabilities of a person (if this is an interview) or whether there are problems in the current activity that the person wants to hide.

The main task will be to confuse you and try to get you to stop asking questions and get you to just listen.

I have been using this device for a year now. After the third such conversation, you will gain invaluable experience and mistakes will be minimized.

By the way, how are you doing on your way to becoming the No. 1 selling electric cornices and electric roller blinds in your city?

I will not reveal secrets if I say that the sales volume of many of our dealers (who took this issue seriously and used our help) is already on average about 500,000 thousand per month.

Want also? - request information in a return letter.

Sincerely, the head of the company AZ MOTOR
Alexander Zapletin

How chatbots recruit Revision 2018-09-25 http://site/upload/resize_cache/iblock/392/2560_1200_1/392d37bc68f862c53c857268272b201f.jpg

About how IKEA, Hoff, L'Etoile, Magnit, X5 Retail Group and other large companies began to recruit employees 100 times faster.

Artificial intelligence penetrates deeper and deeper not only into our daily life, but also into work. Amazon robots cope with their tasks 4 times faster than a human, thanks to them, instead of 600 traders, Goldman Sachs has only two. However, artificial intelligence does not so much threaten human work as it helps to find it. If 2 years ago, chatbots that review and select resumes, call back suitable candidates and make appointments were a curiosity, today they have moved from the category of HR fiction to reality. This is a daily practice in Ikea, Heineken, Hoff, Nissan, L'Etoile, Magnet, X5 Retail Group and other companies facing the need for mass recruitment.

Hundred interviews per hour
The growing popularity of chatbots is due to several factors. First, the technology itself, which automates the routine, repetitive actions of a recruiter. The main difficulty of mass hiring is that an HR specialist needs to perform many of the same actions in order to find staff: find relevant candidates in the database, view resumes, call selected applicants, asking them, in general, the same thing, and invite the right people for an interview. This is a large amount of work that researchers go through every day. It takes an average of 2 weeks for one specialist to call 100 candidates alone, and a chatbot can do all the work in 1 hour.

At IKEA, an adapted version of the employment questionnaire was "sewn up" into a job kiosk with chatbot technology. Anyone wishing to work for the company can apply for a job without leaving the store.

Automated solutions allow you to analyze the audience, select candidates according to the required parameters, send invitations, conduct preliminary interviews, filter the results and, based on this data, invite screened applicants to the first meeting with an HR specialist in the company. What is important - all this affects the speed of hiring, and hence the reduction of costs. Different industries have different standards.

For example, in some companies, a candidate's response needs to be processed within a week, in others - in 3 days, and in the most advanced companies, 1 day is allotted for this. That is, no more than 24 hours should pass from the moment a candidate's response to a vacancy is received to the processing of a resume and a response from the HR department. A chatbot can do all this in an instant. In fact, a job that used to take a week is now reduced to a few minutes, which makes life easier for HR in the face of a shortage of quality staff.

For an interview via QR code
There are many ways to use a chatbot. So, a potential employee can receive an invitation to an interview through a billboard posted, say, in mall: the candidate scans a QR code from the phone and gets into a chat, where a bot is talking to him instead of a recruiter. At Ikea, an adapted version of the employment questionnaire was "sewn up" into a job kiosk with chatbot technology. Anyone wishing to work for the company can apply for a job without leaving the store. Heineken uses a chatbot as a tool for recruiting communications with young professionals.

The main difficulty in mass hiring is that an HR specialist needs to perform many of the same steps in order to find staff. This is a big amount of work. It takes an average of 2 weeks for one specialist to call 100 candidates alone. And a chatbot can do all the work in 1 hour.

Given the current trends in the labor market, the issue of attracting the younger generation is becoming increasingly problematic. The company decided that it was most effective to speak the same language with the audience today using modern digital solutions: the chatbot talked about the Heineken management training program to novice specialists and collected data from those who wanted to try themselves as company employees. In other words, a potential candidate received an SMS message or a letter with an invitation to go through the selection process, those interested followed the link and passed the initial interview with the chatbot, and recruiters eventually received ready-made candidates who met the key selection criteria for further work.

If you give specific numbers: every tenth person followed the link, 38% of them started a conversation with the bot, more than half answered all the questions and completely completed the survey, and 4% completed test and were invited for an interview. In the future, the company plans to adapt chatbots to other business processes, such as collecting feedback from events.