Power of attorney to receive the goods in the sdek sample. An example of a power of attorney to receive a parcel in the sdek

A power of attorney to receive a parcel is a document that authorizes an authorized person to receive postal items on behalf of the trustee.

This document is issued in the case when the addressee, for good reasons, cannot pick up the parcels on his own.

To receive a parcel by proxy, the recipient can choose one of the options most suitable for him:

  • present an identity document, bring a one-time power of attorney and leave it at the post office;
  • present an identity document, bring the original and a photocopy of a long-term power of attorney, leave a copy at the post office. If the recipient refuses to provide a photocopy of the power of attorney, confirmation of the indication of the service will be a note about this power of attorney on the postal document;
  • leave the original of a long-term power of attorney at the post office for storage for a certain fee, then, upon receipt of the parcels, present an identity document or leave a photocopy of it.

How to write a power of attorney to receive a parcel

The form of this document is similar to powers of attorney for receiving mail and cargo and contains the following details:

  • Title of the document;
  • place and date of issue (without indicating the date, the power of attorney is invalid);
  • Full name, year of birth, passport details, place of registration / full name of the organization, TIN, legal and actual address of the principal and authorized representative;
  • list of transferable powers;
  • validity period (optional);
  • signature and decoding of the principal's signature;
  • certification of the document (signature, surname and initials, name and seal of the organization that certified the document).

Validity of the power of attorney to receive the parcel

A power of attorney to receive a parcel can be one-time (for one day) and long-term. The principal has the right to establish any period of validity of the power of attorney (Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If the term is not specified, then this document shall remain valid for one year from the date of issue.

Certificate of power of attorney to receive the parcel

A power of attorney to receive a valuable parcel can be certified by a notary (if it is not available in the locality, by the head of the local administration or a specially authorized official of the local government). The power of attorney to receive other correspondence has the right to certify the head of the organization in which the principal studies or works, the administration of the inpatient medical institution in which the principal is undergoing treatment, the head of the post office, the director of the FPS, CEO Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post or another person authorized by them.

Employees of postal departments do not have the right to certify a power of attorney.

Sample power of attorney to receive a parcel

I, Matyukhina Elena Vladimirovna, passport series 4267, No. 854563, issued by the Nagorny Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow, residing at the address: Moscow, Chernomorsky Boulevard, 52, apt. 14 I authorize Irina Alekseevna Kuznetsova, passport series 4841 No. 524587, issued by the Tsaritsino Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow, residing at the address: Moscow, Kavkazsky Boulevard, 31, apt. 41 to receive in the post office No. 184 of Moscow postal items that come in my name.

The power of attorney is issued for a period of one year.

Matyukhin E. V. Matyukhina

The power of attorney to receive the parcel is issued on a sheet of A4 paper.

How to pick up the parcel and receive the goods by proxy of CDEK?

To date, companies involved in the transportation of goods are in high demand. This is due to simplicity and convenience. Using the services of such organizations, you can save not only time, but also cash. Due to the constantly growing competition, the bar for service and quality is at a very high level. But, unfortunately, unforeseen situations can happen here. In order not to overshadow the mood from the lost money and time, we recommend that you follow the rules described below.

Rules for issuing parcels SDEK

After the cargo arrives at the branch of the company, you will receive a notification in the form of an SMS message, email or phone call committed by an employee of the CDEK call center. A feature of the company is the presence of points of issue.
Thus, you can pick up the parcel by self-delivery, for this you need to specify the address of the office from which it will be most convenient for you to pick up the goods. It is also possible to order courier delivery but, of course, you need to pay for it additionally. To do this, go to the official website of the company and go to the "Application for a courier call" section, then fill out the form and leave a request.

When self-pickup you need to provide a passport of a citizen Russian Federation or foreign passport. In addition, you can pick up the goods by presenting other documents: identity card, driver's license, residence permit, military ID. Before you go to the delivery service to collect the goods, make sure that it has been delivered to the previously indicated point. To do this, you need to either wait for the call of the CDEK employee, or call yourself. You can find out the phone number of the desired pickup point on the company's website, in the "Office Addresses" section, you need to select your city.

You can also track where the parcel is at the moment and change the date, time, address and delivery mode. To do this, enter the departure number in the line located in the upper right corner of the web page.

Receipt of cargo by proxy

If the client belongs to the category of individuals, but is not able to receive the goods on his own, you need to draw up an appropriate document-power of attorney. It is necessary to attach a copy of the client's passport to it, this allows you to compare the passport data and personal signature. The person who receives the cargo is obliged to provide all of the above documents and a personal passport to an employee of the company.
If it is not possible to make a photocopy of the principal's passport, the drawn up power of attorney must be notarized.

If the cargo is issued to a legal entity, then upon receipt it is necessary to have a power of attorney issued on behalf of the recipient (appointment order) and the manager's passport.
A sample power of attorney can be downloaded from the official website of the company.

Delivery Type Selection Widget

CDEK has created a visual interface element with which you can perform the following functions:

Choose a city with the display of points of issue of goods in it; Calculate delivery according to the specified dimensions; To select the point of issue of goods; Display in detail all the information about the point of issue of goods; Customize the display and connection of the interface element;

Memo to the consignee

After you are notified that the cargo has arrived, you must perform the following actions:

  • before receiving, get acquainted with the conditions under which the cargo is stored and issued;
  • at the time of receipt, check whether the product or packaging material is damaged;

If there is damage, you must:

  • draw up an act;
  • write a formal complaint;
  • collect the entire package of documents about the cargo;
  • send documents to the claims department;

Pack power of attorney to receive cargo

How can I issue a power of attorney to receive the goods remotely? I am the sender and the recipient but I will not have time to arrive in order to receive the goods in person.

Contact a notary, draw up a power of attorney and send, for example, courier service There are many, just search the Internet.

Can I make a power of attorney to receive the goods (the recipient is my sister) in transport company on herself, according to her passport, but without her presence at the notary.

Good afternoon, dear visitor! No, of course you can't. The presence of a trustee is required. Good luck to you and all the best, thank you for contacting us!

What kind of power of attorney is needed to apply for Georgian citizenship (a proxy can only be contacted via Skype)

Good afternoon, dear Olya. Notarized power of attorney for the provision of services. With a wish have a good day and great mood. __

Good day, Olya. You need a notarized power of attorney (required documents can be sent by mail).

In the power of attorney to receive the cargo for an individual, the column “document data of the ID. Personality, what to write?

Dear Aleksey, you need to write the data of the passport (identity document): series, number, by whom it was issued and the date of issue of this document.

Hello, in this column it is necessary to fill in all the data of the passport. Thank you for choosing our site, all the best, goodbye.

An individual entrepreneur issued a power of attorney to an individual (driver) to receive the goods. The consignment note was issued by the shipper in the name of this driver. The contract of carriage was not concluded. As a result, the cargo was lost by the driver (the car turned over, the goods (mirrors) were broken. Based on what articles Civil Code collect debt?

Good afternoon! Let's turn to the "standard" of transportation - Charter road transport(hereinafter referred to as UAT RF). 1. The driver is responsible for the cargo (its safety) to the consignor (Clause 5, Article 8 of the UAT of the Russian Federation, the contract for the carriage of goods can be concluded by accepting by the carrier to order execution , and in the presence of an agreement on the organization of transportation of goods - the application of the consignor, clause 1 of Art. 8 the conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods is confirmed by the consignment note). Thus a relationship arose between the shipper and the driver. 2. If there is no contract for the carriage of goods between you and the shipper, then the shipper is not entitled to recover damages from you. Only from the driver in accordance with TTN. Then the consignor is obliged to draw up an Act on the fact of loss or damage to the cargo + photo, video, preferably an examination. Send a claim to the driver, if not satisfied, go to court. But if there is a contractual relationship between you and the shipper, you write a claim to the driver, and the shipper writes you a claim with the above documents (evidence) attached. 3. Norms: According to Articles 309, 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, obligations must be performed properly in accordance with the terms of the obligation and the requirements of the law, and in the absence of such conditions and requirements - in accordance with business practices or other commonly required requirements, unilateral waiver of them performance is not allowed. In accordance with Art. 785 of the Civil Code, under a contract for the carriage of goods, the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods entrusted to him by the sender to the destination and issue it to the person (recipient) authorized to receive the goods, and the sender undertakes to pay the established fee for the carriage of the goods. According to Part 1 of Art. 793 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of transportation obligations, the parties shall be liable under this Code, transport charters and codes, as well as by agreement of the parties. By virtue of paragraph 1 of Article 796 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the carrier shall be liable for the failure of the cargo or baggage that occurred after it was accepted for carriage and prior to release to the consignee, the person authorized by him or the person authorized to receive the baggage, unless he proves that the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of cargo or baggage occurred due to circumstances that the carrier could not prevent and the elimination of which did not depend on him. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 259-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport", the carrier is responsible for the safety of the cargo from the moment it is accepted for transportation and until the moment of delivery to the consignee or a person authorized by him, unless he proves that the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo occurred due to circumstances that the carrier could not prevent or eliminate for reasons beyond his control. By virtue of paragraphs 7 and 8 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 259-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport", the carrier compensates for damage caused during the carriage of cargo, baggage, in the amount of: the cost of lost or missing cargo, luggage in case of loss or shortage of cargo, luggage; the amount by which the value of the cargo, luggage has decreased, in case of damage (spoilage) of the cargo, luggage or the value of the cargo, luggage if it is impossible to restore the damaged (spoiled) cargo, luggage; a share of the declared value of the cargo, baggage, the corresponding missing or damaged (spoiled) part of the cargo, baggage, in case of shortage, damage (spoilage) of the cargo, baggage handed over for transportation with a declared value; declared value in case of loss of cargo, baggage, as well as the impossibility of restoring cargo, baggage handed over for transportation with a declared value and damaged or damaged. The courts often use the following phrase: A professional carrier who has not performed or improperly performed an obligation, being entrepreneurial activity, bears civil liability regardless of the presence or absence of guilt and can be released from it only in the presence of circumstances that he could not prevent and the elimination of which did not depend on him, since he could not reasonably be expected to take these obstacles into account when concluding agreements, as well as their prevention and overcoming the consequences. In your case, an elementary explanation is cargo insurance, and a / s is a source of increased danger, so in fact the driver could foresee possible emergencies on the road, unless it is, of course, force majeure.

A representative by power of attorney from the organization to receive the cargo, he also has the right to sign the MX-3 or he needs an additional power of attorney.

It depends on what powers are granted by the power of attorney. If there is no authority to sign MX-3, then of course another power of attorney is needed

Can you tell me how to write a power of attorney by hand to receive the goods? Tomorrow they deliver the goods to me (husband), and I'm leaving, it's necessary for my wife. Thank you.

Hello! Indicate your full name, passport details of yourself, then write down what exactly you trust - receiving cargo from such and such a company according to such and such a document - whom exactly do you trust (name of spouse, passport, registration address).

How to draw up a power of attorney to receive cargo in a transport company from a natural person. faces.

The internet is full of samples. Take any.

Hello. If you need help in preparing all the necessary documents and resolving your issue, please contact me, I will be happy to help you.

Pak power of attorney to receive the goods.

Ask a question please

What is your question to the lawyers, Guzel? ** A power of attorney to receive cargo is usually issued on behalf of a legal entity - an employee or representative of an organization.. *** An individual issues a power of attorney only if he cannot personally receive the cargo.. The power of attorney is notarized..

Is it necessary to notarize a power of attorney between individuals to receive cargo from a transport company? Where can I download a standard power of attorney form?

Certify only under this article. Article 185.1. Certificate of power of attorney GUARANTOR: See Encyclopedias and other comments to article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation state registration rights or transactions, as well as the disposal of rights registered in state registers, must be notarized, except as otherwise provided by law. 2. The following shall be equated to notarized powers of attorney: 1) powers of attorney of military personnel and other persons who are being treated in hospitals, sanatoriums and other military medical institutions, which are certified by the head of such an institution, his deputy for the medical unit, and in their absence by a senior or duty doctor ; 2) powers of attorney of military personnel, and in the locations of military units, formations, institutions and military educational institutions where there are no notary offices and other bodies performing notarial actions, also powers of attorney of employees, members of their families and members of the families of military personnel, which are certified by the commander (chief ) these parts, formations, establishments or establishments; 3) powers of attorney of persons in places of deprivation of liberty, which are certified by the head of the respective place of deprivation of liberty; 4) powers of attorney of adult capable citizens who are in institutions social protection of the population, which are certified by the administration of this institution or the head (his deputy) of the relevant body of social protection of the population. 3. Power of attorney to receive wages and other payments related to labor relations, to receive remuneration of authors and inventors, pensions, allowances and scholarships or to receive correspondence, with the exception of valuable correspondence, can be certified by the organization in which the principal works or studies, and by the administration of the inpatient medical institution in which he is being treated. Such a power of attorney is certified free of charge. 4. A power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity is issued signed by its head or another person authorized to do so in accordance with the law and founding documents. GARANT system: http://base.garant.ru/10164072/11/#ixzz40ho3c7ee

address this question to the transport company itself - what are its requirements.

I'm a businessman. Issued a notarized power of attorney to his employee to receive the goods. The cargo came to me as to an individual. The transport company did not issue the cargo, arguing that the power of attorney was not properly issued. Is she right?
Issued a power of attorney to receive documents. The court did not issue a court decision on this power of attorney, arguing that it did not specifically specify the receipt of documents from the court.

depending on what is written in the power of attorney.

Is it necessary to certify a power of attorney for a period of 5 years to receive the cargo (goods)

Depending on who the power of attorney is from. If a legal entity, then it is not necessary, if an individual, then it is necessary.

Is the consignor obliged to verify the signatures in the power of attorney to receive the goods with the real signatures of the head who issued the power of attorney to the authorized person? Thank you!

This is not written anywhere. However, if you are interested in issuing it to an authorized person by proxy in the very organization that you signed the contract with, then check the signatures and see the data.

I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, but I live in Georgia. Can I issue a power of attorney for my nephew living in Krasnodar to receive my pension. The region without the participation of local (Georgian) notaries, at least by email. Mail or something else?

If without a Georgian notary, then it means with a Russian one that involves your personal appearance to him to certify your identity when you affix personal signature!

If a citizen of Georgia wants to issue a power of attorney to receive documents in Georgia for a citizen of the corresponding country, is the presence of a proxy obligatory? And what if his personal presence is impossible?

No, attendance is not required.

Hello. Not necessarily according to his data and issue a power of attorney

Sent an employee with a power of attorney to receive the goods. Disappeared with cargo, does not go to work. He answers the phone that he does not know about any cargo and will not work anymore. Labor contract closed, there employment history. The agreement was not signed. a responsibility. Is it possible to attract and under what article, if the contract is not concluded liability? How to fire him?

So contact the police on the fact of the theft of cargo and, based on the results of the check, make a decision. You can dismiss item 6) one-time gross violation employee of labor duties: a) absenteeism, that is, absence from the workplace without good reasons during the entire working day (shift), regardless of its (her) duration, as well as in case of absence from the workplace without good reason for more than four hours in a row during the working day (shift); or wait for a trial d) committing at the place of work theft (including small) of another's property, embezzlement, its deliberate destruction or damage, established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force or a decision of a judge, body, official authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses;

And he definitely received the cargo, did you see his signature in the TTN? If so, then start by contacting the police with a statement about bringing to criminal liability for assignment. But the initiation of the UD may be refused with reference to the existence of civil law relations. In this case, you will need to apply to the court of general jurisdiction. Absence of a mat. liability does not mean that you can appropriate the property of the employer. You can dismiss on the basis of paragraph G, part 6 of Art. 81 TK, or for absenteeism.

There is a notarized power of attorney to receive the goods in transport companies. Upon receipt of the goods, they are required to give the original power of attorney or provide a notarized copy of the power of attorney. Those. Do I need to give a notarized copy of the power of attorney each time I receive a shipment?

In the presence of the original power of attorney and a simple photocopy, the sender of the goods himself has the right to put a “correct copy” on the photocopy and keep this copy for himself.

Please how to write a power of attorney by hand to receive the goods?

Notarization required.

If from an organization, then you need a seal of the organization. if from an individual, then it is necessary to notarize

The client certifies a copy of the passport in 2013 and comes with a power of attorney to receive the cargo in 2015, whether this copy is valid and whether we can accept it as the basis for issuing the goods.

You have every right to claim the original

What is the responsibility of the freight forwarder if the goods are stolen? Our company did not issue a power of attorney to receive the cargo. Provided only data on the driver to the customer.

Federal Law No. 87-FZ of June 30, 2003 “On Freight Forwarding Activities” (as amended and supplemented) Article 7. Grounds and extent of the forwarder’s liability to the client for loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of cargo 1. The forwarder shall be liable before the client in the form of compensation for real damages for the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo after its acceptance by the forwarder and before the delivery of the cargo to the recipient specified in the contract transport expedition , or to a person authorized by him, unless he proves that the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo occurred due to circumstances that the forwarder could not prevent and the elimination of which did not depend on him, in the following amounts: 1) for the loss or shortage of cargo accepted by a freight forwarder for transportation with a declaration of value, in the amount of the declared value or a part of the declared value proportional to the missing part of the cargo; 2) for the loss or shortage of cargo accepted by the forwarder for transportation without declaring value, in the amount of the actual (documented) value of the cargo or the missing part of it; 3) for damage (spoilage) of cargo accepted by the freight forwarder for transportation with a declaration of value, in the amount by which the declared value has decreased, and if it is impossible to restore the damaged cargo, in the amount of the declared value; 4) for damage (spoilage) of cargo accepted by the freight forwarder for transportation without declaring value, in the amount by which the actual (documented) value of the cargo has decreased, and if it is impossible to restore the damaged cargo, in the amount of the actual (documented) value of the cargo. 2. When providing forwarding services related to the carriage of goods in international traffic, the responsibility of the forwarder for the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of the goods provided for in this article may not exceed two units of account per kilogram of the total weight of the lost, missing or damaged (damaged) cargo unless the higher amount is refunded by the person for whom the freight forwarder is responsible. 3. It may be established in the freight forwarding contract that along with compensation for real damage caused by the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo, the forwarder returns to the client the previously paid remuneration, if it is not included in the cost of the cargo, in an amount proportional to the value of the lost, missing or damaged (spoiled) cargo. 4. Along with the compensation of actual damage and the return of the client's remuneration paid by him to the forwarder in the amounts established by this article, the forwarder is obliged to compensate the client for lost profits in connection with the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo that occurred through the fault of the forwarder. 5. When providing forwarding services related to the carriage of goods in international traffic, the lost profit is compensated in full, but not more than in the amount of liability established by this federal law. 6. The actual (documented) value of the cargo is determined on the basis of the price indicated in the contract or the seller's invoice, and in its absence, on the basis of the average price for a similar product that existed in the place where the cargo was to be released, on the day of voluntary satisfaction of such a requirement or, if the claim was not voluntarily satisfied, on the day of the judgment. 7. The cargo is considered lost if it has not been issued after thirty days from the date of the expiration of the delivery period determined by the contract of the transport expedition, or, if such a period is not determined by the contract, within a reasonable period necessary for the delivery of the cargo and calculated from the date of acceptance by the forwarder cargo for transportation. Cargo that was delivered, but was not released to the recipient specified in the transport expedition agreement, or to a person authorized by him due to non-payment of the remuneration due to the forwarder, is not considered lost if the forwarder promptly notified the client about the provision of forwarding services in the manner prescribed by the transport expedition agreement.

We need to look at the documents. The shipment may have been insured. Come with documents, we will help

Hello! Be guided by article 7 of the Federal Law-87

Does a color copy of the power of attorney for receiving goods and materials (cargo) have legal force? Please provide a link to legal document. There are frictions at this point.

Hello! The copy has no effect at all.

Has no power. Only original.

What if there is an error in the date of issue of the passport in the power of attorney to receive the goods?

According to the Civil Code, passport data is not a mandatory requisite for a power of attorney; the full name of the authorized person is sufficient. But, based on established practice, it is better to redo the power of attorney, especially if the error is significant (not an obvious typo (for example, the year of issue is 20001), but a typo that distorts information (for example, 2001 instead of 2002).

Please tell me if the power of attorney scanned and sent by e-mail is legally valid.
Thank you.

It has no legal force. Need an original.

DD the power of attorney to receive the cargo is written there only by the general director, but we don’t have the main account, but is it necessary to write the main account is not provided for in the power of attorney?

no, you don't need to write

How to write a power of attorney by hand to receive the goods in a transport company?

you better find a sample on the net, on the site - a paid service

Tell me, is it necessary to certify a power of attorney, from one physical. person, another individual to receive the goods from a transport company, from a notary?

Yes, you need to notarize

What form of power of attorney is required to receive cargo at customs in Russia?

Dear Olga. Power of Attorney City ____________» » January 2013 By this power of attorney, CJSC (LLC, etc._ "Organization" represented by director Petrov Petr Petrovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, trusts Pavel Pavlovich Sidorov (passport series _______ number _________, issued by the Soviet District Department of Internal Affairs, ____________ 03/04/2007, registered at the address : d.__________, st., d., apt. to perform the following actions in the interests of CJSC "Organization": Represent the interests of CJSC "Organization" in the implementation of the procedure customs clearance and fulfillment of customs formalities related to the dispatch and receipt of goods received by CJSC "Organization", including receiving guarantee certificates from the customs authorities on the deposit of security. Sign and certify with the seal of CJSC "Organization" obligations to customs authority on the provision of documents and information necessary for customs purposes. To fulfill the above instructions Sidorov P.P. granted the right to sign all necessary documents related to this order. Sample signature of Sidorov P.P. __________________ certify. This Power of Attorney is issued without the right of substitution for a period up to 31.12.2013. Director Petrov Petr Petrovich

Documents required to receive the cargo

If the consignee is a legal entity, its representative must present an identity document and (optionally):

  • power of attorney (sample power of attorney in the Documents section) in a simple writing with the seal of the organization;
  • company seal;

The consignee - an individual entrepreneur, receiving the cargo personally, must present an identity document and a seal (if the individual entrepreneur works with a seal).

Representative individual entrepreneur upon receipt of the shipment, must present an identity document and (optionally):

  • IP seal;
  • a power of attorney (sample power of attorney in the Documents section) in a simple written form, certified by the seal of the individual entrepreneur.

The consignee - an individual must present an identity document, the details of which were indicated by the consignor upon shipment. His representative should present an identity document and a notarized power of attorney.

In all cases, the power of attorney must contain the data of the identity document of the recipient's representative, which is presented upon receipt of the goods. The power of attorney is transferred to an employee of Flagman Amur Fuel and Energy Complex LLC and is not subject to return to the recipient.

How to draw up a power of attorney to receive goods and goods and materials (form, sample)?

Power of attorney to receive goods issued to employees of organizations authorized to accept inventory items (inventory and materials) on behalf of enterprises (organizations). and general rules we will give its compilation below, we will also talk about a similar document that is issued to individuals receiving goods on behalf of others.


Authorization to receive goods
, regardless of on whose behalf they are drawn up, have the usual written form that does not require notarization.

For example, a power of attorney to receive goods or goods and materials, issued on behalf of an individual, is drawn up in free form and certified only by the personal signature of the principal. This document, in accordance with Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, can be issued both directly to a third party who will carry out the shipment (delivery, etc.) of the goods, and to a representative for presentation at the place of demand.

Powers of attorney from legal entities are usually drawn up, in accordance with the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 71a dated 10/30/1997, according to unified forms M-2 and M-2a. We will talk more about these forms later. In addition to unified forms, legal entities can also use the usual form of powers of attorney - provided that all the necessary details are indicated - this does not contradict the law.

It should be said that power of attorney to receive merchandise must necessarily contain an indication of specific goods or other valuables, indicating their quantity, which is supposed to be received by a trustee. If the goods are received on the basis of an invoice, specification to a contract or other document containing complete list of those goods to be received, it is permissible not to list all the values ​​\u200b\u200bto be received in the power of attorney itself. But in this case, it must necessarily contain an indication of such a document.

It is also important to note that, regardless of the form in which it is drawn up (free or unified), prerequisite the validity of the power of attorney is an indication of the date of its preparation. If this requirement is not met, the power of attorney is considered void - and therefore does not entail the onset of the rights or obligations of the parties.

Download form of power of attorney to receive goods and materials for free

Find and download power of attorney to receive goods free of charge (forms of unified forms M-2 and M-2a) is not difficult on the Internet - on specialized sites.

Form of power of attorney to receive the goods is a form to fill out containing information about the organization on behalf of which the authorized person receives the goods. AT power of attorney to receive inventory it is reported to whom the power of attorney was issued, the position (if the representative is an employee of the organization), information about the goods to be received, and the personal signature of the representative are indicated. The document is certified with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the head and chief accountant.

Form of power of attorney to receive goods from a legal faces in Word

The company can develop its own form of power of attorney to receive goods. As a rule, the document is developed using the program Microsoft Word. When issuing a power of attorney letterhead of a legal entity, information about the organization is indicated (OGRN, TIN, legal address), the name of the head or other person entitled to issue powers of attorney, and the name of the document on the basis of which the latter acts. Further, the personal data of the representative must be indicated: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, data of an identity document, address of residence.

Then, the order should be described in detail, indicating the list of goods to be received, and the rights of the representative, indicating the right to sign consignment notes or other documents that accompany the acceptance of the goods.

Issuing a power of attorney to receive goods and materials from an individual

In fact power of attorney to receive inventory from legal entities and individuals are almost identical. The difference is only in the person who certifies the power of attorney, and the information about the principal, which must be indicated in the document. The data that is reflected in form of power of attorney to receive the goods from a legal entity, we listed above. When a power of attorney is issued by an individual, its content remains the same, and information about the principal must contain his last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, as well as data on the identity document (number and series, date of issue, name of the issuing authority and subdivision code) and place of residence.

If a citizen is registered as an individual entrepreneur, his TIN should be indicated; in addition, in this situation, the power of attorney is certified by the seal of an individual entrepreneur (if any).

Sample power of attorney to receive goods

February third, two thousand seventeen

City of Moscow, Moscow region

I am a citizen of the Russian Federation Ivanov Semen Vladimirovich, date of birth: 03/12/1987, registered as an individual entrepreneur, TIN 212121212121, passport 2121 212121, issued on April 13, 2007 by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow Region, subdivision code - 111-111, living at address: Moscow, Voronezhskaya street, 12, apartment 12,

citizen of the Russian Federation Semenov Ivan Gennadievich, date of birth: 01/30/1988, passport 3434 343434, issued on February 12, 2008 by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow Region, subdivision code - 222-222, residing at the address: Moscow, Sinelnikova street, house 30, apartment 21,

on my behalf to receive from Mir Techniki LLC the following goods material values:

  1. Printer (printer parameters, its brand and other information about the technique, allowing it to be identified).

At the end of the document, the certifying person makes an appropriate entry, affixes the seal of the organization. Validity period of a one-time power of attorney There is no general validity period of a power of attorney as such in the legislation. However, there is a caveat that if this written authorization does not specify the period of its validity, then the document will be valid for only 1 year. Based on this definition of the situation, it seems possible to issue powers of attorney, indicating in them various periods, even 100-200 years. Of course, the document will not be valid for so long, but will cease to be valid with the death of the principal. Speaking of a one-time power of attorney to receive a parcel, it can be noted that its term is additionally limited by the performance of a certain action - contacting the post office and receiving correspondence.

How to pick up the parcel and receive the cargo by power of attorney sdek?

It is important that the passport data must be written in full.

  • The number of the Russian Post office where the parcel will be received with the full physical address of the office.
  • Date and place of issue of the power of attorney.
  • Original signatures of the principal and representative, as well as a wet seal of a notary or other institution authorized to do so.

The validity period of the power of attorney is prescribed at will, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, this item can be omitted, then it is considered that the power of attorney is valid for a year from the date of signing, but if desired, it can be delivered from several days to several years. An example of filling out a power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail The figure below shows a sample of a completed power of attorney to receive mail.

One-time power of attorney to receive a parcel: sample, form

If a third party (in our case, a post office) performs actions through your representative, but such actions are not directly provided for in the power of attorney, no rights and obligations arise, and the third party will be responsible for such actions. Therefore, it is very important to correctly and completely formulate the order. It should be noted that if a power of attorney is needed to receive mail on behalf of a minor citizen, then, of course, it will not be issued by him personally, but by his legal representative - a parent or adoptive parent.
A power of attorney to receive a parcel, etc., can be issued as an independent (separate) document, or it can follow from the meaning of the agreement concluded between the principal and the representative. This provision is reflected in Part 4 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Power of attorney to receive the parcel

In such cases, a power of attorney may come in handy when the recipient is physically unable to appear at the post office. Moreover, no matter for what reason a person cannot receive the parcel himself, the postal employees will demand this document and will not issue correspondence without it. Another circumstance requiring the issuance of a power of attorney without fail is the situation when a legal entity is indicated as the recipient.

Naturally, the organization itself cannot come to the post office; an employee authorized by the director receives the parcel for it. Registration rules If a citizen knows that in the near future he should receive a postal item, and he himself will not be able to receive it due to various circumstances (a business trip, illness, employment, etc.), then you need to take care of preparing a power of attorney in advance.

Documents to receive


First, you need to determine the person who will be the confidant. This person at least needs to believe that he will not deceive and will not let you down. Secondly, the power of attorney to receive the parcel, a sample of which will be issued at any post office, must be written on paper.

A verbal authorization will not have legal effect. By general rule All powers of attorney are certified by a notary. However, in order to receive postal items and other types of items, it will be enough to certify the document at the housing department at the place of registration (residence).

The head of the service organization must carry out the certification free of charge. If it is difficult to certify a document in the housing department for any reason, you can certify it at your work. In this case, the responsibility for this action lies with the management of the organization.

Power of attorney to receive the parcel: a sample, how to draw up and certify

  • 1 Issue rules parcels sdek
  • 2 Receipt of cargo by proxy
  • 3 Delivery type selection widget
  • 4 Reminder to the consignee

To date, companies involved in the transportation of goods are in high demand. This is due to simplicity and convenience. Using the services of such organizations, you can save not only time, but also money. Due to the constantly growing competition, the bar for service and quality is at a very high level.


But, unfortunately, unforeseen situations can happen here. In order not to overshadow the mood from the lost money and time, we recommend that you follow the rules described below. Rules for the issuance of CDEK parcels After the cargo arrives at the branch of the company, you will receive a notification in the form of an SMS message, an email or a phone call made by an employee of the call center of the company CDEK.

It is quite simple to distinguish a one-time power of attorney from a long-term document - either it directly states that it was issued to receive mail for only 1 time, or instead of the word “receive”, it says “receive”. Invalidity of a power of attorney In order not to get into a difficult situation when postal workers do not accept a power of attorney, it is better to issue it in advance as it should be, avoiding violations of the law. So, this document will be invalid if the date is not indicated when compiling it.

A simple formality, but without it, a power of attorney is not a document. Important nuances about the power of attorney A few more points that you need to know about the document in question. It can be cancelled. There is no statutory provision for such cancellation.
However, it seems that this should be an appropriate notice. post office where the power of attorney must be applied.

Documents for receiving cargo

Sole proprietor Personally By choice:

  • If a specific identification document is indicated on the delivery note, only that document will be required.
  • If the TIN is indicated on the receipt, an identity document is required, and optionally:
    • certificate/notification of registration with the tax authority (original or notarized copy);
    • extract from the Unified State Register of Industrial Property for the period of issue no more than 30 days before the date of issue (original or notarized copy);
    • you can only provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, but on condition that it contains a mark on the TIN.
  • If the cargo is delivered to the address of the recipient and the individual entrepreneur works with a seal, an identity document and an individual entrepreneur seal will be required.

Through a representative Identification document specified in the power of attorney.

Power of attorney to receive for physical. persons

Power of attorney to receive the parcel. In certain life situations, this document may become simply necessary. Some features of its compilation are described in this article. When a power of attorney is needed Over time, the popularity of postal items among ordinary citizens not only does not fall, but, on the contrary, increases.


It is worth noting that the nature of such departures has changed. If in the past years parcels were sent to each other by relatives living in different countries or cities, now organizations and entrepreneurs who trade via the Internet, as well as in other remote ways, act as senders. At the same time, the rules in postal organizations regarding the receipt of correspondence remained the same: it must be picked up directly by those persons who are indicated as the recipient.

The document in certain cases ceases to be valid. This, as mentioned above, is the death of the principal. Cancellation and expiration are also termination. Other grounds for termination: death of a trustee, liquidation of a trusting organization, recognition of a trustee or his counterparty as insane, and others.
Thus, the power of attorney is an important and required document which should be prepared in advance and executed in accordance with legal requirements. The need to draw up a power of attorney can arise quite unexpectedly, therefore it is always better to keep the form of this document at home, so that at the right time it remains only to fill it out and take it to an organization that can certify it.

An example of a power of attorney to receive a parcel in the sdek

You can find out the phone number of the desired pickup point on the company's website, in the "Office Addresses" section, you need to select your city. You can also track where the parcel is at the moment and change the date, time, address and delivery mode. To do this, enter the departure number in the line located in the upper right corner of the web page.
Receipt of cargo by power of attorney If the client belongs to the category of individuals, but is not able to receive the cargo on his own, you need to draw up an appropriate document-power of attorney. It is necessary to attach a copy of the client's passport to it, this allows you to compare the passport data and personal signature. The person who receives the cargo is obliged to provide all of the above documents and a personal passport to an employee of the company. If it is not possible to make a photocopy of the principal's passport, the drawn up power of attorney must be notarized.
Identity document. Optionally:

  • Notarized power of attorney;
  • power of attorney with the seal of the organization, issued according to the model;
  • seal of the organization (only when the cargo is delivered to the address of the recipient);
  • stamp of the organization indicating the legal form, company name and location (only when delivering the goods to the address of the recipient).

Individual Personal Identification document, the details of which were indicated by the consignor at the time of shipment. Through a representative Notarized power of attorney. Identification document specified in the power of attorney. It is allowed to release the cargo by power of attorney, drawn up in a simple written form, provided that it was issued by the consignee indicated in the consignment note personally at the terminal in the presence of an employee Business Lines involved in the delivery of the cargo.

5/5 (2)

Forms of powers of attorney for receiving cargo

ATTENTION! View the completed sample of the general power of attorney to receive the goods:

You can DOWNLOAD the forms of powers of attorney for receiving cargo from the links below:

How to issue a power of attorney to receive cargo in free form

A power of attorney to receive the goods is necessary in situations where the citizen constituting it is not able to receive the thing delivered by the transport organization or another company delivering the parcels.

Most often, companies use uniform forms, but there are also documents in an unspecified form, written arbitrarily, which must comply with the basic requirements of the circulation of documents and accounting.

You can draw up a document on the letterhead of a legal entity, as well as on a plain A4 sheet. It can be designed either by printing on a printer or written by hand. Most importantly, an integral part should be the signature of the principal.

The power of attorney must contain the main data about the principal, personal information about the person who is entrusted with the authority, a list of specific actions that must be performed. These may include issuing invoices, accepting delivery, payment on delivery, etc.

The power of attorney is required to indicate the period of its validity. In the event that they are not observed, and data on the period are not indicated, the power of attorney can have legal force within 12 months from the date of its preparation.

This document is written in most cases by a corporate lawyer within the organization or an authorized secretary, who subsequently gives it to the head for signing.

In the final part, you should certify the document with a seal by affixing an imprint. Legal entities are not required to take this action, but such a requirement still exists in some cases.

At the top of the sheet, the name “Power of Attorney” is indicated, and its internal number corresponding to local numbering is affixed.

Next, the place of compilation is written, and the settlement is indicated, as well as the time of its compilation in words (day, month and year). Subsequently, the details of the legal entity constituting the power of attorney are indicated: the full name of the organization with the disclosure of its organizational and legal form.

Then the position of the employee who transfers authority under the document being drawn up is recorded (more often this is a person in leadership position). Then you should write down information about him, namely the last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the name of the document by which the employee may have authority (they may be the Charter or Regulations).

The next line, respectively, is the list of powers transferred to the representative. They should be specified specifically with the exact indication of the points when listing. Before the last line, the validity period of the power of attorney is prescribed, if such is provided by the principal.

Or, as mentioned above, the power of attorney will be valid for a year in accordance with the provisions of the law. After the above information, the employee who draws up the document puts his signature on it, which must be certified by the head of the organization. He also signs the document and without fail stamps the legal entity.

Note! Notarization is required only in certain situations, but this does not apply to the execution of a power of attorney to receive the goods. It should have simple signature and an imprint of the seal of the trusting person (in the absence of such, it is possible to draw up without it).

How to fill out a document in the M-2 form

The legislator has established uniform forms for powers of attorney of this type. These include No. M-2 and M-2a, which were approved Federal Service state statistics.

The document for receiving the cargo is drawn up in one copy and contains two parts, one of which remains in the accounting department, and the other follows the authorized person. The power of attorney is presented to the representative of the company upon receipt of things transferred under transactions, invoices and waybills.

It is possible to correctly draw up a power of attorney of the M-2 type in order to transfer material values ​​using the established templates. For registration, you can resort to professionals - lawyers.

The first part of the power of attorney contains a table with data on the form number, time of conclusion and validity period, as well as data on the authorized person, confirmed by signature, information about the supplier.

Important! It is mandatory to comply with the requirements for recording the information of a representative of the organization: data on his identity and passport must be displayed.

The next part displays the supplier's data and information on which documents it is planned to transfer the cargo.

The final part includes a table listing inventory items to be transferred, without specifying a price.

The signed document must be the head of the legal entity, a trustee and a representative of the accounting department.

Forms approved by law differ in structure and their application by period. When materials are purchased infrequently, Form M-2 is recommended. If there is a need to make purchases of things and other inventory items quite often, it is worth using the M-2a form.

For whom to issue

A trustee is an organization or a citizen. Legal entities that have a large number of employees in their state can issue a power of attorney for one of them. For example, it could be a driver.

The signed document may contain the right to delegate authority. However, this power of attorney will need to be notarized. More often, organizations do not allow this and draw up documents for different employees, giving them powers of different levels.

Watch the video. Power of attorney to receive goods and materials:

Document Types

Powers of attorney are classified into the following types:

  • general (for all powers);
  • special (created to perform the same type of actions over a certain period);
  • one-time (issued for a single action).


If the period of its validity is not specified in the power of attorney, the rules established by civil law apply to it. It can have legal force for one year from the date of signing by the parties.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

If you need a power of attorney not to receive, but to send

Not so long ago, it was possible to send inventory items without issuing a power of attorney. However, in 2016, carrier companies began to require a power of attorney to ship cargo.

It is also worth mentioning that powers of attorney for sending and receiving are drawn up separately. But this does not greatly complicate their design, since the main difference will be the replacement of the verb “send” with the verb “receive”.

Form accounting rules

A power of attorney in the form established by the legislator or drawn up in a free style refers to official documents that have legal force. With the help of them, you can draw up transactions and resolve disputes that have arisen between the parties.

A power of attorney for the purchase of goods and materials is a document issued by an individual or an institution, with the right to issue goods in any institution on behalf of the enterprise that issued the document. In addition, having a power of attorney, a person can also write out accompanying documents from the sender, draw up invoices for the goods, for its delivery, as well as the issuance of sums of money for transport services.

Upon receipt of the goods, it is required to issue the relevant documents (invoices, an invoice for payment and, possibly, a contract for the supply of goods. This procedure has the right to draw up and sign trusted representatives of the recipient. Their signatures can be certified with seals.

It should be noted that the heads of firms rarely personally deal with this process. To do this, the head, as a rule, sends an employee with a power of attorney, which confirms his authority.

(Video: “Power of attorney to receive goods”)

The power of attorney for the purchase of ITC must contain the following information:

  • Document's name - "POWER OF ATTORNEY"
  • Date and place of issue.
  • Data about the principal (who provides rights and obligations).
  • Complete information about the trusted representative.
  • Text describing the task.
  • The signature of the principal and the seal of the institution that issued the document.

The power of attorney does not contain a photo of the trusted employee, confirming the person who received the authority to receive the cargo. However, it displays passport information. Therefore, before receiving the goods, the transferring agency is obliged to compare the passport data written on the form with the original document. Then check the correctness of the form and the presence of the required signatures and seals.

The form is assigned a serial number and date of registration.

Upon receipt of a power of attorney, the employee signs in the registration log on its receipt. Also, the form displays the date until which the power of attorney is valid.

In the upper left corner of the document, the stamp of the institution is usually placed, displaying its registration information. Then, if the power of attorney is one-time, the name of the cargo, the unit of measurement and the quantity to be received are recorded.

Before issuing invoices, the principal is obliged to inspect the cargo. If comments are found, the principal has the right to refuse to accept the goods.

After paperwork is completed, the principal delivers the goods to the warehouse of his institution and transfers it according to the invoice to the storekeeper of the institution, providing information about the work done to the management and accounting department of the institution.

A power of attorney is required in situations where the principal is not able to personally accept the brought goods in a transport institution or in another company that provides delivery of products.

A trusted representative can be either an institution or an individual. Large companies issue such forms, usually for their employees - forwarders, drivers, etc.

A power of attorney can be issued with the right of substitution, but at the same time it must be notarized. However, companies rarely issue such powers of attorney to their employees. They usually practice instead issuing several powers of attorney to different subordinates, with varying degrees of authority.

It should be noted that a power of attorney is not always required to receive goods. If the transfer of cargo is carried out by employees of the institution and there is an agreement for its transportation, then it is not necessary to draw up a power of attorney, since the contract is considered a document of “higher strength” and all information on the cargo is stated in the agreement. The carrier in such circumstances has a waybill with accompanying shipping documents. This order is displayed in UAT Part 1 Art. 8th and 6th paragraph PPGAT.

When attracting transport from outside, forwarders or other third-party employees exchange powers of attorney, because the listed persons are responsible for the safety of the goods during transportation, as well as for their quantity.

At the same time, all participants in the transaction are interested in the goods being transferred within the agreed time frame and without quality losses.

You can bring an important legal point in the relationship of the parties to the transaction. For example, in the event of disputes, litigation, the fact of the transfer of goods to authorized employees must be proved transport agency. Therefore, the transfer of goods is recorded in the invoice, and it cannot be issued without a power of attorney. That is, without the presence of a power of attorney for the products, the sender will not issue the goods, and if he does, then in case of contentious issues, it will be impossible to prove the fact of its transfer to the consignee.

When issuing a power of attorney, the following rules must be observed:

  • There is no unified form for filling out a power of attorney to accept the ITC. Institutions have the right to independently approve the sample or fill out the form in a simple business style.
  • When filling out the form, it is necessary to follow the generally accepted rules established for the preparation of official business documents.
  • The power of attorney can be filled out both on the letterhead of the institution, and on an ordinary A4 sheet. You can fill out the document, either manually, or, given the modern computer development, print it out on a printer. The main circumstance should be the presence on the form of the personal signature of the principal.
  • The text part of the form displays basic information about the principal, detailed information about the trusted employee, as well as a set of instructions assigned to the trusted employee.

The power of attorney can be:

  1. General (the owner of such a document has unlimited rights).
  2. Special (validity period specified)
  3. One-time (for the execution of one order).

The form must show the dates of its validity. In the absence of a written period of validity of the power of attorney, the form has legal force for a year from the date of signing.

A power of attorney is issued either by the secretary or the lawyer of the institution, who, after filling out the document, submit it for signature to the head. It is better to certify the power of attorney with a seal, although since 2016 legal. persons may not use seals and stamps in their work. However, many firms still want to see a seal imprint on the form.

When performing loading and unloading operations and transportation are used various forms powers of attorney. This is especially expressed when transportation is carried out not directly from the sender to the recipient, but when in the chain of sending - receiving, intermediaries participating in this process are announced.

If in the originally issued document for the receipt of goods only an intermediary (consignor) is recorded, and there is no separate carrier, then when it appears, the power of attorney must be rewritten, adding the changed conditions to the form. Otherwise, a third-party trucking company will not have the right to transport cargo and be responsible for the integrity of the ITC.

As a power of attorney to receive the goods, for example, there may be a “Forwarding receipt” and an Instruction to the forwarder. These documents enable the forwarder to dispose of the products on the way to legal basis, prior to the transfer of the ITC to the consignee. The information of the recipient of the goods must be displayed in the Order.

The list of powers of attorney and other accompanying materials used in the activities of forwarders is displayed in the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Procedure for ... forwarding documents”.

An employee who has a power of attorney to receive goods has the right to demand from the consignor the necessary information about the goods that need to be transported and issue an invoice for it. The trusted employee may also pay for the services provided for the delivery of the goods, which must also be documented. However, if such powers are distributed among different persons, powers of attorney are issued separately for transportation and for making cash payments.

For mutual transportation of goods between the consignee and the consignor, a power of attorney of the sample: M-2 and M-2a, adopted by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation on 10/30/1997, can be used. The number of such a "counter" form can be displayed in the invoice, contracts and in other documents stipulating the terms of the transaction.

A power of attorney to receive goods and materials can be issued to any employee of the company. Of course, a power of attorney can also be issued to a third-party person, however, under such a circumstance, the regulatory authorities may have questions why this person represents the interests of the company free of charge. The fact of absence labor agreement while performing activities in the interests of the company, the regulatory authorities will be interpreted as work with the payment of wages in an envelope.

The power of attorney issued by the company can be filled in manually or printed out on a printer, which is not essential for the company. Another thing is important - the signature of the head of the company, transferring his powers to the employee, is an integral element of the issued form. Without this signature, as well as the seal of the institution, the power of attorney will not be valid.

Powers of attorney issued by the company to employees must be recorded in a log. The form of the registration log is arbitrary, however, it should display the following information:

  • Full name and position of subordinates to whom powers of attorney were issued.
  • Date of issue.
  • The validity period of the document.
  • Purpose of issuing the form.

For the acceptance of goods and materials by the company, a standard model adopted by law can be used. unified form No. M-2.

The general director has the right to represent the interests of the company, acting without additional documents on the basis of the charter. In large institutions, the head of the company is responsible for everything that happens in his institution, but he is not able to physically take part in all areas of production. Therefore, the heads of firms, in such cases, delegate their powers to subordinates, issuing them a power of attorney to receive, for example, goods and materials.

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