Customs clearance of goods and cargo. Customs clearance: general provisions Proper customs clearance

Customs clearance is a set of activities carried out by the participants foreign economic activity(foreign economic activities) for the purpose of moving goods and Vehicle across the customs border. In a highly professional environment, this term means the following concepts: "customs clearance", "customs clearance", "customs clearance", "declaration", "import or export clearance".

The customs clearance procedure is subject to all goods and goods transported across the customs border of the Customs Union when exported from Russia (export) or imported into Russia (import), regardless of the type of means of international transportation of goods (road, air, sea, rail transport or mixed "combined" way).

We produce customs clearance goods and cargo during import and export throughout the Russian Federation on the basis of a certificate of inclusion in the register of customs brokers. The extensive experience of our company employees and established relations with customs authorities allow us to provide a wide range of services in a short time.

We work with any participants in foreign economic activity:

Terminology used in customs clearance

Customs broker (customs representative) - this is a company entity) providing customs clearance services for the client's goods at the customs on the basis of a brokerage agreement! Read more

Customs declarant - this is a person declaring goods transported by participants in foreign economic activity (individuals and legal entities). According to the legislation of the EurAsEC, they are subject to a written declaration in the customs body of the Russian Federation. Read more

"Customs clearance", "customs clearance" or "customs clearance" is a professional jargon, but nevertheless it has firmly entered the lives of people whose activities are somehow connected with international cargo transportation. It implies - customs clearance with the payment of the necessary payments when importing goods. Read more

"Customs" - is also slang and is necessary for the release of goods for the purpose of subsequent export abroad. Read more

Import clearance is one of the main directions in international transport and is synonymous with "customs clearance". Read more

Export registration - this is a set of procedures for filing and issuing an export declaration for further shipment of cargo to the consignee. Read more

Procedure for customs clearance

The procedure for actions of participants in foreign economic activity when customs clearance cargo and goods has a strict sequence and is regulated by the norms of the Customs Code of the EAEU, decisions of legislative bodies, federal laws of the Russian Federation and orders of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Customs clearance cargo is carried out within the framework of one of the 17 customs procedures (regimes) provided for by law. The right to choose the procedure belongs to the declarant - the owner, by submitting a declaration to the customs authority at the customs clearance point. He needs to register at customs, provide shipping documents for the goods and go through the clearance procedure.

Every day we carry out cargo clearance in all corners of the Russian Federation!

Points and places of customs clearance

Our company customs broker "Universal Cargo Solutions" provides customs clearance services: customs clearance, customs clearance or clearance of any goods and goods at any customs of the Russian Federation daily and around the clock if necessary! The main ones are:

  • Places of customs clearance: airports, automobile cargo terminals and temporary storage warehouses, seaports and railway stations; Read more
  • Customs clearance of goods and services of a customs broker in the cities of the Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg - Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and other cities of the Russian Federation; Read more
  • Russian customs: Moscow, Moscow regional, Smolensk and others; Read more
  • Countries of the world: Germany, China, Turkey and others; Read more
  • Any kind of cargo: excisable, licensed, dual-use and others...

Delivery can be carried out by any mode of transport: road, air, sea, rail, or a combination of them in a mixed mode. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the route, the types of goods transported, their sizes and weights, as well as the urgency of delivery and its cost. The registration itself takes place at the places of delivery by a specific mode of transport, namely:

Also, the declaration of goods is carried out in the centers of electronic declaration - CED.

Need customs clearance? - We will help you!

Our advantages in customs clearance:

  • We work every day and around the clock;
  • Free consultations;
  • Services of a customs broker (representative);
  • Customs clearance of any customs declarations (DT, GTD, passenger, upon application);
  • Professional customs clearance of any goods at any customs of the Russian Federation in the shortest possible time;
  • Assistance in preparing a package of documents for customs clearance;
  • Selection of the TN VED code;
  • Calculation of customs payments (duties, excises, VAT, etc.);
  • Online payment of customs duties using the card of the “Round” and “Customs card” systems;
  • Clearance services in any customs procedures: import (release for domestic consumption), export, temporary import, temporary export, customs transit, re-import, re-export, processing in the customs territory, processing for domestic consumption, processing outside the customs territory, reloading, transshipment and others;
  • “Customs clearance” of international postal items detained by customs;
  • Assistance with customs clearance of personal belongings of individuals during international relocations (for permanent residence).

Entrust us with the search for the most effective solution to customs issues! Thanks to our experience and knowledge, you will be able to build efficient and profitable international logistics. We know that a business should generate income!

The procedure for customs clearance must be divided into customs clearance of legal entities and individuals, since different measures of customs and tariff regulation, prohibitions and restrictions, and legislative acts of states are applied to the goods of legal entities and individuals. For example, according to customs legislation, goods imported by individuals are not subject to certification. Customs legislation applies in the Russian Federation customs union, which also includes Belarus and Kazakhstan. Main regulations, which are used in the regulation of relations related to the importation of goods into Russian Federation and export of goods from the Russian Federation - this is the Customs Code of the Customs Union and the federal law RF No. 311-FZ dated November 27, 2010. At the same time, the said Federal Law is used only in the Russian Federation. Depending on the correct application of certain regulatory documents, such important results as - the amount of customs payments paid (customs clearance fees, duties, taxes) to the state, the terms of customs clearance, the cost of services of a customs broker or the cost of expenses for your employee - specialist for customs clearance.

The procedure for customs clearance of goods for legal entities

Legal entities are required to make a customs declaration in writing or electronic form for all goods and vehicles moved across the customs border of the customs union. Legal entities mainly carry out operations in respect of goods that are intended for entrepreneurial activity. We will focus on the main sequential operations in the independent customs clearance of goods by legal entities. Before import/export, it is necessary to determine under which procedure it is advisable to place goods when moving goods across the border.

The main procedures are the placement of goods under customs procedures:

  • release for domestic consumption (IM40);
  • export (EC 10).

After choosing the procedure, we determine the TNVED code based on the characteristics of the goods, the composition of the material and the purpose. When determining the TNVED code, explanations to TNVED play a very important role, because. in the explanations there is a clarification on the classification of goods. In addition, it is worth looking at the classification decisions of the FCS, which are posted on the official website of the FCS

Then, on the basis of the TNVED code, we determine the amount of payments to the state, the cost of customs clearance services and then find out which ones need to be prepared permits.

The main permits that may be required by the customs authorities upon importation:

  • certificate of conformity (Declaration of Conformity);
  • certificate of state registration;
  • licenses.

If you find that your products are certified, you need to know that samples of goods and / or goods for promotional purposes and / or goods intended for the company's own needs are NOT subject to certification. When importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation by legal entities, it is necessary to indicate this feature of your goods.

Procedure for customs clearance for individuals

Individuals are not required to declare the goods in writing, except in the following cases:

  1. goods for personal use, transported in unaccompanied baggage or delivered by the carrier to the address of an individual;
  2. goods for personal use, moved in any way, for which prohibitions and restrictions are applied, except for measures of non-tariff and technical regulation;
  3. goods for personal use, moved by any means, including temporarily imported goods, the cost and (or) quantity of which exceeds the norms for the movement of such goods with exemption from customs payments, established by an international treaty of the member states of the customs union;
  4. vehicles for personal use, moved by any means, with the exception of vehicles for personal use, registered in the territory of the Member States of the Customs Union, temporarily exported from the customs territory of the Customs Union and imported back into such a territory;
  5. currency of the member states of the customs union, securities and (or) currency values, traveler's checks in cases established by law and (or) an international agreement of the member states of the customs union;
  6. cultural values;
  7. goods for personal use imported in accompanied baggage, if carrying them individual has unaccompanied baggage;
  8. other goods determined by the customs legislation of the customs union.

If your goods are included in the specified list, you need to declare the goods in writing and follow the red corridor. Thus, when moving goods across the border, you must carefully study these requirements of the customs code.

A company that is not a participant in foreign economic activity (hereinafter - FEA), but which plans to become one, must understand the intricacies of customs clearance of goods during import and export. In this section, we will try to reveal the basics of customs, which will help you understand the customs area on your own. When importing or exporting goods, it is necessary to know the basic concepts and terms of customs legislation in order to communicate correctly (in one language) with representatives of the customs authority or with a customs broker.

This article will consider the issue of customs clearance on the territory of the Russian Federation. Necessary stages of the procedure, regulations accompanying the process and other points regarding the interaction of various parties when something arrives on the territory of the state across the borders in order to obtain commercial profit.

The issue arises with the arrival of products, products, property and other things across the country's geographical borders. The procedures for conducting and the responsibility of the parties are established by the articles of the regulatory documents. The main one is the Customs Code (hereinafter referred to as the Code). The direct process of registration as such is all the actions carried out in relation to the items required for verification and declaration. The period of being in the customs control regime ends as soon as all the necessary documents are processed.

Those who officially participate in the event are:

  • a person who is the direct owner of the subject of registration, that is, the declarant;
  • an intermediary hired by the declarant - a customs broker;
  • direct carrier or customs carrier hired by the owner of the goods;
  • a body that carries out inspection, check, passes the declared property or detains it.

The process itself is divided into stages, each of which is a mandatory part of the procedure. Based on regulatory documents, in our country the following gradation of the process of verification and control at the stage is provided:

  1. The beginning of the process - arrival at the place of inspection and control;
  2. moving around the territory;
  3. storage;
  4. declaration;
  5. release;
  6. moving from the territory of inspection, completion of the process.

Each of the stages is determined by the type of the declared goods, its status. For example, temporary storage of goods and its internal transit through the territory of registration are necessary when it comes to goods of foreign production and origin. In general, internal displacement is a process that is applied in various cases and is considered to be carried out if:

  • it is necessary to move the declared goods from the point of arrival to the directly inspecting body;
  • it is necessary to move goods from the place of registration outside the borders of the territory where customs inspection is carried out;
  • transit between own temporary storage warehouses;
  • in the absence of security for the payment of duties, if transportation through state territories is necessary.

If all the necessary checks of the imported goods are completed within one day from the moment the service responsible for checking - storage on the territory of the post enters the register, the control service is not required, even temporary. Such storage does not mean the full period of presence of the goods on the territory. customs authorities, but only the direct placement of the declared in warehouses specially allocated for this.

From the moment the goods pass into the possession of customs officials for inspection, its status must be determined as a matter of priority. If the received is such, the verification of which requires a long stay (read - more than a day), the procedure for moving to temporary storage warehouses with the corresponding accounting actions is immediately turned on.

It is determined in the regulatory documents that storage is a mandatory action, but it can be both actual and formal, as long as the verification and registration of the goods will certainly take place in a relatively short period of time. Then the declared, actually not moved to the warehouses, "on paper" passes this stage.

All registration procedures are carried out strictly on the territory specially designated for this and only by employees with the appropriate authority. Officials, employees customs post, or the customs are not replaced by anyone except other persons of the necessary qualifications and in positions suitable for the occasion.

However, there are a number of points at which the procedure may be territorially moved to another place. If the declarant submits a request and sufficiently motivates it, based on legislative possibilities and compliance with regulatory documents, the place of control actions is changed, and part of the clearance operations may well be carried out outside the described territory.

As for the question of the procedure for carrying out the stages of registration, there are gradations into three methods: general, simplified and special.

General order of registration It is generally accepted to consider the set of standard procedures carried out in most cases of applications for imported goods.

simplified procedure exposed to what crosses the borders of the country, but is necessary for special events (liquidation of catastrophic consequences, major accidents, industrial and natural disasters), or goods of the following:

  • animals (live);
  • goods with limited expiration dates;
  • international mail forwarding;
  • objects of radioactive origin.

Finally, special order clearance is carried out for items that must undergo quarantine, sanitary, veterinary or some other similar control of the relevant official services.

All verification procedures are accompanied by payment mandatory collection determined in accordance with the Code.

The very process of clearance and verification by customs is limited to two points, the period between which does not have a definite and fixed value. The beginning of the procedure indicates the deadline for submitting information to customs.

Legislatively, the applicant must notify the inspection authorities of the imported no later than fifteen days from a certain moment. The starting point is the day on which the imported goods prescribed for declaration are presented to the control services, or the day the transit movement of the goods ends (if its movement is conditional for correct clearance) to places other than verification activities. A period of fifteen days is set for the declared person, who was under the supervision of the inspection service all the time.

For everything that is carried by people in luggage, hand luggage (we are not talking about legal entities), other time frames for declaring are provided. The same applies to items that are required to be presented and described, arriving on the territory of the country in postal shipments not of a domestic, but of an international nature.

Finally, the completion of the entire procedure as a whole is conditioned by the decision of the supervisory authority to release from the territory of the inspection site. This must occur no later than the third day from the moment when the customs officers receive the information transmitted to them, the declaration, etc. mandatory documents and accompanying papers. Naturally, this implies the physical presence of the described goods and the mandatory presentation of it to employees of the customs inspection services.

After the inspection is completed, the product is released. This happens if all accompanying documents have been checked for compliance with customs standards, the inspectors did not find any problems, errors in the information provided. All accompanying documents must be filled out in detail, in accordance with accepted rules.

However, there are a number of points in which the duration of the verification procedure can be legally extended. When the declared goods are to be divided into separate lots, the time spent on this automatically increases the time for the final inspection. Are shifting mandatory regulations the release of goods exactly for the time spent on the division of the goods provided for verification.

Declaration is considered a fundamental step in the clearance process for customs inspection. If something is moved across the border of the country's territory, that is, it is obliged to undergo a customs check, inspection, or there is a change in the storage regime in the territories of control and verification, it is necessary to document what is happening by law.

In view of the fact that Russian is adopted as the main, state language in the country, the filling in of the accompanying documentation for verification services is carried out in Russian. It is used, in special cases, filling in languages ​​other than Russian. For example, control authorities have the right to accept accompanying documents that are duly drawn up and filled out on foreign language, if it is owned by official representatives of customs services.

In the described case, the generally accepted approval of documents filled out in a language other than the state language is applied: either an apostille stamp is placed on the copies and originals of the submitted documents, confirming the legality of the information specified in the documents, or consular legalization is carried out, certifying the officiality of documents in countries that are not members of the Hague convention. The latter certification is more complicated than an apostille and requires a more complex execution procedure.

The word "declaration" itself has Latin roots, meaning a statement about something, a declaration of something. The applicant can either draw up the documentation on his own, or use the services of a customs broker. The Code divides several forms of declaration: oral or written, as well as provided in electronic form, or implicit, when the will is expressed not in the form of an expression orally or in writing, but in a behavioral way.

For example, if a passenger of an international airport passes with luggage, hand luggage along the so-called "green" corridor, by his actions he declares that he does not have any items, goods that are necessary for declaring when crossing the borders of the state. That is, the application is communicated to customs officials implicitly. If at the same time something is found in a citizen, other procedures come into force.

If the goods are moved for commercial purposes, the implicit procedure cannot be carried out, as well as an oral declaration. In this case, a written application is applied or information is provided electronically. Moreover, the latter method in some cases is the only possible one. Cargo declarations for regulatory authorities in most cases can and should be submitted only in electronic form.
The main document of customs clearance is distinguished by four types: complete, incomplete, temporary or periodic declaration. The rules for filling each are prescribed in the corresponding article of the Code.

The applicant has the right to submit the declaration to any customs authority endowed with the appropriate powers of verification. However, there are cases when consideration of the issue can be transferred to another customs control body. This procedure is completely legal, provides for the most effective implementation, without any extra time.

If the customs authority, to which the declaration and accompanying documents for the goods being inspected, cannot be carried out the compliance and verification procedure, all submitted documents are transferred to the most appropriate customs service. The time required for the transfer is no more than two business days. Accordingly, the procedure itself is extended by the period of transfer of documentation to the appropriate customs service.

As soon as the imported goods are presented to the customs authorities, the countdown begins, during which it is necessary to provide correctly executed documents for the imported goods. The deadline for filing is no more than fifteen days from the moment when the imported property enters the place belonging to the customs authorities. If, however, a full inspection requires customs transit to a place more appropriate for the procedure, then all the time necessary for transit is added to the period of fifteen days. There are other points that can extend the period of provision.

  1. Additional time is provided to the applicant if the accepted period is not enough for him to collect all the necessary information established by the customs legislation. In such a case, the declarant must request in writing an extension of the time limit, stating really good reasons.
  2. If the deadline for filing a declaration of fifteen days falls on a calendar holiday or day off, it is increased by the required number of days and the end of the day is taken to be the working days following the weekends and holidays.

The general extension of the required time is not entitled to violate the terms provided for the temporary storage of the declared goods in warehouses and in premises controlled by the inspection service, specially designed for this.

As we remember from the above, for some goods a simplified system of clearance in customs checks is applied.

This applies to:

  • property intended for liquidation of catastrophes, natural and industrial disasters, major accidents;
  • goods with a short shelf life;
  • materials of radioactive origin and nature;
  • live animals;
  • departures postal services international destination;
  • various cargoes transferred in an expedited manner;
  • messages, various materials for news organizations, mass media.

In addition to less complex verification, such goods have a top priority in the clearance of customs control and verification procedures.

There is such a thing as pre-declaration. It is also provided for in the Code. Fifteen days before the arrival of the described goods on the territory of control and inspection by customs, or for the same fifteen days before the completion of their movement through customs transit, the declarant has the right to submit the relevant accompanying documentation.

This occurs if the declarant-applicant requires an expedited verification procedure. Naturally, in fifteen days the described property must be presented for control in the composition that is prescribed in the declaring accompanying documentation, or the whole procedure will be meaningless, and the declaration will not be accepted by the inspection bodies.

If customs requires documents stipulating the use of transport, or other documents, then certified copies of the documentation provided can be used in the preliminary method of filing a declaration. Certification of copies must be carried out in the prescribed manner.

At the same time, the inspection body can check the conformity of the provided copies with the direct originals, after the arrival of the property required for declaration with the accompanying documentation.

A declaration, submitted in advance, accepted and verified, can serve as an official document for all procedures carried out within the control and verification areas until the arrival of the goods required for declaration. It is also necessary to pay all the prescribed fees to the budget. In this case, the inspection body (customs) will only need to verify the actually arrived property with that indicated in the escort, and also, if necessary, verify the copies of the submitted documentation with the arrived originals.

Usually the person who owns the imported property or goods, carries out the procedure for filing a declaration. True, in some cases, the declarant, that is, the person submitting information, may be an intermediary - an organization that will represent the interests of the owner of the goods, property before the customs authority. It is also legally enshrined in the Code.

That is, a customs broker on official grounds can represent someone's interests. The intermediary is a full-fledged person, a participant in the customs procedures necessary for carrying out all operations. In this case, only Russian organization. This legal entity must be registered in the relevant register, which stores information about all organizations officially entitled to deal with someone's interests in the procedures relating to the issue being described. In this case, information is submitted not by the person who directly owns the goods, property, but by a customs broker - an employee of an organization representing the interests of the owner of the goods.

This is usually a qualified customs clearance expert. A person who has certain skills related to customs procedures, who has a full range of necessary knowledge for the correct execution of accompanying documentation. It must be registered in the staff of the brokerage company. All skills, qualification knowledge must be confirmed by a special certificate, which is issued only customs Service Russian Federation at the federal level.

Such specialists are constant checks on the correspondence of skills and the relevance of knowledge, carried out by the relevant official services of national importance.

The fundamental document prepared for the movement of products, goods, products for commercial purposes across the border areas of the country is the cargo customs declaration (CCD).

This is an officially registered and compiled paper, an electronic document used to carry out verification and control procedures. Without a correctly executed customs declaration, it is impossible to move goods, property across the immediate border of the state, as well as any changes in the customs control regime regarding the declared cargo.

The official form of this declaration was approved in the country in the spring of 1989, it fully complies with the accepted documentation used in the territory of the state units that make up the European Union. Naturally, over time, the cargo declaration form itself has changed in order to comply with latest requirements official documentation of customs control. The form adopted in August 2006 is currently in force.

Except directly appearance cargo declaration, there are a number of instructions describing the correct execution and completion of the document. Last changes in such instructions date back to 2007.

The information required to be provided in the customs declaration is entered:

  • directly by the declarant;
  • a representative with appropriate powers and qualifications (if the import is carried out by a legal entity);
  • authorized representative of the intermediary.

For the correct filling of the relevant paragraphs of the declaration, it is necessary to use regulatory documents. In particular, various classifiers approved by the official document flow must be prescribed in accordance with reference books, such as:

  • classifier of normative acts and reference information;
  • classifier of countries, currencies.

All these normative documents are accepted as standards, their use in customs control procedures is strictly mandatory. Filling in without compliance entails a refusal to accept declarations, a refusal to grant the right to import, move goods.

The primary action regarding the declared goods is the determination of the customs control regime applicable to them. After determining the regime, the exact number of cargo declarations to be submitted is determined, corresponding to the number of regimes predetermined for each group of declared goods or property.

The cargo declaration consists of main and additional sheets. If goods of a single name, brand, other identical distinctions are declared, they fall under a single ten-digit classification code - it is enough to indicate information about them on the main sheets of the cargo declaration (TD-1, TD-3). The single regime also applies to goods that have a single country of origin. If the latter is unknown, similar control rules apply to the goods submitted for inspection. The fees and charges paid in this case also have a single rate.

Additional sheets of the cargo declaration (TD-2, TD-4) are used if the applicant needs to indicate detailed data on goods of categories other than the main one (other brands of products, geographical origin, differences in names). On each additional sheet, no more than three items according to the nomenclature can be presented, but total sheets of additional content is not legally limited. Columns in the additional sheets of the declaration, the filling of which is not provided for due to the indication of goods of the same gradation, should be crossed out.

When filling out the described document, you can visually highlight a number of blocks.

Filling is carried out in the following sections:

1. Information about general characteristics of the declared goods is provided in the first column, as well as in columns from the third to the sixth. The customs regime applicable to the goods, its immediate quantity and the required cargo units are indicated.
2. In the second column, from the eighth to the ninth, in the fourteenth and fifty-fourth, detailed information on participants in customs clearance acting on behalf of the declarant. Information about the persons receiving the goods, about the sender, about the persons providing financial support, about those who directly fill out this declaration - the declarant, representative, intermediary.
3. Everything related to the geographical characteristics of the goods, such as the country of origin, receipt, dispatch, or the country of direct destination (if the goods simply pass through the territory of the Russian Federation without delay), is indicated in columns: eleventh, fifteenth to seventeenth with subsection "a" , thirty-fourth.
4. Sections eighteen to nineteen, twenty-one, twenty-five to twenty-six must be completed with information on the use of transport, when moving the declared goods, on the use of transportation in containers, if this happened.
5. The block responsible for the money side. Information about the declared value of the goods, about the conditions accompanying direct delivery, currencies and their rates at the time of declaration, bank information, customs duties paid - all this is contained in the following columns: twelfth, twentieth, twenty-second to twenty-fourth, and twenty-eighth and from forty-seven to forty-eight.

In columns thirty-one to forty-six, an exhaustive description of the goods is given:

  • Name;
  • packaging, number of containers used;
  • all information about excises;
  • weight of goods with and without packaging;
  • duty customs benefits provided for this product;
  • if there is a restriction on the import of this product, the remaining quotas are indicated;
  • if goods use additional units of measurement, their classification code is indicated;
  • the determined cost of goods according to customs price lists, statistical.

7. Column 44 stands apart, because it contains the information needed to describe each individual product:

  • information about licenses when goods, property fall into non-tariffed categories;
  • numbers of documentation required for transportation;
  • data on transactions made when falling under the foreign economic category;
  • information about accompanying accounts;
  • data on permission for the appropriate classification of the declared goods received from the inspection service;
  • comprehensive information accompanying the goods - permits, certified certificates, etc.;
  • data, information about other accompanying documents required to be provided.

It is clear that the list of documents that must be provided at the disposal of the customs inspection authorities is not limited to the declaration alone. The Code clearly defines the responsibilities of all parties to the procedure, with an indispensable indication of the accompanying documentation and information. In turn, the Federal Customs of the State determined the list of documentation and necessary information needed to go through the procedures.

Those who are faced with the procedure for the first time should familiarize themselves with the official normative act accepted by federal customs officers. There, all the information is systematized and put in the proper form, with the exception of one important component - the act does not contain a detailed listing of the documents that will be needed during the customs inspection procedure. This fact is a little strange for an official document, however, you can turn to other reliable sources to get the necessary information.

If the declarant-applicant provides the inspection body (customs) with copies of the accompanying documentation necessary for carrying out verification procedures and proper clearance, customs officers have the right to request the originals to compare and determine the authenticity of the specified information.

After checking the copies with the originals, in the absence of discrepancies, the customs officer responsible for this direction, approves copies of documents, officially confirming that the copies are fully consistent with the original documents. Moreover, in addition to the mandatory seal of verification with the original, copies of documents are certified by the personal imprint of the employee containing his identifier. After the entire procedure, copies of the accompanying documentation and the originals are returned to the applicant or his representative.

In some cases, the customs authority has the right to quite officially demand from the applicant-declarant, or from his representative, to provide additional information confirmations or accompanying documents, if you need to check the compliance of the information provided with reality. The applicant cannot refuse if the request is properly motivated in full compliance with the regulations.

It is clear that the very registration and verification by customs officers are needed not to restrict the movement, import of any goods, objects, property into the territory of the state, but to officially prevent this if illegal actions, falsifications, forgery of accompanying documentation are detected.

It is also the responsibility of customs to resist the appearance of goods prohibited by law.

All actions carried out by inspection bodies are conditioned by the relevant articles of the Code of our country. The same applies to the response actions required to be taken by the declarant, that is, the one who imports something into the state territory, in this case belonging to the Russian Federation, or brings something across the borders by the transit method.

Customs procedures: general provisions

Any cargo crossing the border of Russia, regardless of the direction of travel, is subject to customs clearance.

Customs clearance of goods and goods- this is a rather complicated procedure, despite the seeming simplicity and prevailing subjective opinions.

The number and specifics of documents required for customs clearance depends both on the many characteristics of the cargo and on the frequently changing customs legislation. Incorrectly collected and prepared documents are the cause of violation customs regulations entailing liability under administrative and other legislation.

For the security and stability of business processes, we recommend using the services only.

Full range of services

Customs broker SB CARGO offers customs clearance of cargo at international airports, Pulkovo and other customs authorities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Our company organizes customs clearance of goods, the import or export of which is not prohibited on the customs territory of the Russian Federation. We also undertake the organization of the process of delivery and collection of goods from suppliers to recipients.

Customs clearance services:

  • Representation of your interests in the customs authorities - including in difficult and controversial situations;
  • Drawing up foreign trade contracts, collecting a package of documents necessary for registration customs declaration;
  • Calculation of customs duties and taxes payable to the customs authority;
  • Complex customs services for and (all product categories);
  • Placement in temporary storage warehouses, storage of goods;
  • Preparation of documents for inclusion in the Customs Register of Intellectual Property Objects (TROIP) of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation and OIP registers of the countries of the Customs Union;
  • Receipt.

Cost of customs clearance

for customs clearance range from 12,000 rubles. and depend on the number of deliveries per month and additional services.

Found cheaper?
Send us the calculation and we will offer the best!

our company "SB Cargo" offers comprehensive logistics services, including cargo delivery, customs clearance and product certification. We are included in the Register of Customs Representatives of the Federal Customs Service and have the appropriate license, as well as work closely with accredited certification bodies and help with obtaining permits. Our experts will advise you on customs clearance and related services.

For a free consultation, you can convenient way - by phone, e-mail or through the online application form.

Customs broker QUATRO Logistic is represented in the following regions and is ready to offer its services for customs clearance of goods of various types

Territorial coverage


Saint Petersburg





Nizhny Novgorod






A voluminous package of documents, a lengthy clearance procedure, complex legislation - customs clearance of goods can damage not only time and finances, but also the company's reputation. The correctness of customs clearance of goods and goods determines the timeliness of cargo transportation, and hence the receipt of the expected level of profit. The procedure for customs clearance raises a lot of questions not only for beginners, but also for experienced organizations.

Professional assistance with customs clearance at the border

QUATRO Logistics will help solve the problems of cargo transportation, customs clearance, clearance required documents. The company has the official status of a customs broker, is an international logistics operator, and is included in the register of customs representatives. One of the main areas of work is the organization and conduct of customs declaration (clearance). Assistance QUATTRO Logistics aims to simplify the procedure for importing and exporting goods.

The departments of the company are located in:

  • different Russian regions;
  • in China;
  • in a number of European countries.

QUATRO Logistics handles cargo of any range and complexity, ensures timely delivery and dispatch of goods, analyzes the market for supply and demand. But the most important thing is that the company's specialists independently draw up permits.

In addition to customs clearance services, you can order certification of products from the countries of the customs union, resolve the issue freight traffic from Europe and China, register as a participant in foreign economic activity, reduce the time of communication with customs authorities. QUATTRO Logistics has set up a logistics and customs department. Each representative of the company solves a certain range of issues, which determines high quality work, strict observance of Russian and international legislation, timely customs clearance.

Complex of turnkey services

The customs clearance procedure for goods is carried out taking into account the status of the cargo (import or export). It involves receiving, filling out, and providing a package of documents for passing the stage established by law. When submitting the first customs declaration, the company becomes a participant in foreign economic activity. After providing a package of papers, it is registered at the customs.

QUATRO Logistics carries out customs clearance of the following types of goods:

  • Import. Produced in relation to goods imported into the Russian Federation. Leads in frequency among other similar procedures. Foreign products acquire new status- goods of the EAEU, receives the TNVED code. The selected category of goods determines the type and cost of customs duties and fees. The importing company is registered as a foreign trade participant. QUATTRO Logistics prepares documents for customs administration. The next step is to pay customs duties. The procedure ends with the completion of the customs declaration.
  • Export. It is carried out in relation to products created on the territory of the Russian Federation or the EAEU for their further export, sale outside the Russian Federation and the EAEU. The help of QUATRO Logistics is especially useful when exporting industrial equipment dual and military purpose. It goes through additional customs control, permits are issued FSMTC, FSTEC. A similar provision applies to foreign-made goods, goods with a registered trademark. The first option requires a customs declaration, the second - obtaining permission from the trademark owner.

The procedures described above are considered the most common. The list can be supplemented with another mandatory step - the classification of goods according to TNVED. The correctness of the code definition affects the duty rate. The classification features of products are a guideline for choosing a TNVED code. The wrong category entails a significant loss of time, an increase in costs, and a blow to the company's reputation. Quatro Logistic specialists will help to exclude such a development of events. They work with a different range of goods, including clothing, automotive parts, agricultural products, and utensils.

If we are talking about temporary export, the international document ATA Carnet will help speed up the customs clearance time. It replaces the standard declaration, saves time and reduces costs. QUATTRO Logistics carries out transportation under the ATA Carnet. It is valid when crossing all borders (customs marks are placed on the Carnet sheets). An electronic declaration is not required, permits are still needed. Temporary carriage under the ATA Carnet is limited to a number of categories of goods. The international document is accepted by only a part of the Russian customs authorities. QUATRO Logistics will provide a list of posts along your route that will allow goods to pass through the ATA Carnet.

Another document that simplifies the supply of equipment is the classification decision of the Federal Customs Service. QUATTRO Logistics assists in obtaining it. Complex equipment, disassembled production lines are declared under a single code. The cost of customs clearance, the VAT rate, the list of documents is reduced. QUATRO Logistics prepares the necessary paperwork, draws up a layout of the application, organizes the delivery, and carries out customs clearance.

The work of QUATTRO Logistics is not limited to the services stated in the price list. Mutual cooperation often goes beyond the standard procedure. Specialists use many years of experience to individually solve the issues that have arisen. If your situation deviates from generally accepted rules, professionals will help you find the best solution, reduce customs value goods, reduce the amount of mandatory payments. The price of such works is agreed by the parties.

Advantages of cooperation with QUATRO Logistics

  1. Work without intermediaries. The company is a customs broker. The official status is confirmed by the Certificate of inclusion in the register of customs representatives. The structure of the organization includes specialized departments: logistics, foreign economic activity, customs clearance, certification. Employees have the right to issue permits.
  2. Turnkey services. In addition to customs clearance of goods, the company is engaged in contract manufacturing, foreign trade outsourcing, certification, cargo insurance, international transport (railway, road, sea, air, The container transporting, cargo delivery).
  3. Departments in Russia, Europe, China. Customs clearance in Russia takes place in several regions. There are European and Chinese offices. Thanks to this, the organization of cargo transportation, the search for suppliers takes a minimum of time.
  4. Multilingual communication. A wide territorial coverage determines the need for knowledge of English, Polish, German, Italian, Chinese, Lithuanian. QUATTRO Logistics employees communicate with suppliers in their native language, which simplifies cooperation. Understanding the requirements of counterparties is growing.

Official customs broker at your service

LLC QUATRO Logistic is registered in Moscow. It is represented in other regions of the country and the world. You can find out the address of the office, see its location on the map in the "Contacts" section. If you need to consult on existing issues, use the online chat or request a call back. Experts will provide a free consultation.

The cost of customs clearance starts from 15,000 rubles (including VAT, temporary storage warehouse). The final price is calculated after receiving your request and direct communication with the manager. The cost depends on the category of goods, the number of deliveries, the volume of work, the complexity of the declaration. To find out the cost of shipping, use the online calculator on the website. The conclusion of the contract occurs after the agreement on the cost of work. Activities of QUATRO Logistics are insured for 500,000 euros. Official delivery involves not only the execution of the declaration, but also the payment of customs duties.

Entrust customs clearance to professionals in their field - an official customs representative. Order a free consultation - find out how quickly and without problems to pass customs.