Business in the style of "trash" - we make money on unnecessary things. Step-by-step instructions on how to start a trading business

How and where to sell ready business?

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Being an entrepreneur is hard, especially in Russia. Not everyone is able to work hard all their lives. Even the creator of Magnit, Sergei Galitsky, recently admitted that he no longer receives the same emotions from his work. But he is not going to leave - there is no one to transfer his empire to. This is easier for owners of small and medium-sized companies. Usually than less business the easier it is to part with it.

Every year, tens of thousands of ready-made businesses are sold and bought in Russia. They are sold by entrepreneurs who:

Got carried away by another niche;
- decided to get rid of a non-core asset;
- cannot cope with problems;
- decided to move to another country;
- just tired of business.

If at least one of these points suits you, then this article is for you.

Where to look for a buyer

To sell a business, you need either connections or intermediaries, or better, both. You can try to find a buyer through friends or offer your company to competitors who want to expand their business.

In this case, you should take care of confidentiality: a competitor can find out the state of the company and all your "chips", and then refuse to buy. With acquaintances, you also need to be more careful - rumors about the sale will damage the reputation of the enterprise. “An open sale of a business can cause great harm,” warns Elena Sharova, legal adviser at Jurisprudence Finance Personnel. - This will cause concern to staff, suppliers and creditors. Ill-considered actions can lead to labor conflicts, lower sales prices and even the collapse of the business.”

Sometimes firms post ads for sale on specialized forums where there is a chance to find a savvy and interested buyer. Avito has become a fairly popular channel for selling a ready-made business. Now more than 28 thousand such ads are posted on this site. Their main categories are services, trade, catering, manufacturing, online shopping, entertainment, Agriculture and construction. The effectiveness of Avito is evidenced by the fact that even business brokers, intermediaries between sellers and buyers of a ready-made business, place ads there.

If there is no way you can sell the company on your own, business brokers are a good option. They select objects, evaluate them and accompany the sale and purchase transaction, receiving a percentage for this. This is a big market with its own leaders. In 2015, Mergers and Acquisitions magazine released a rating of Russian business brokers, the first lines of which were occupied by Altera Invest, Scania Invest, ReSale Expert, Your Firm and Bank of Ready Business.

The choice of channel and the time it takes to find a buyer is highly dependent on the profile of the company. According to the observations of business brokers, in Russia the greatest demand is for outlets(accounting for a quarter of transactions), public catering, hotels, beauty salons and car washes. Least of all they buy business abroad, media and deposits. So if your company operates in a complex or unpopular industry, you will have to manually find a buyer.

Personal experience:

In 2009, I opened a flower shop in one of the towns of Primorye. A year later, it became necessary to move to the central part of the country. By that time, my point had long gone into profit and began to attract those who wanted to buy it. But more often the mood was to “squeeze out”. They told me: “Well, you’re leaving anyway, if you don’t sell it, you’ll leave it, and the place is already fed, we won’t let it disappear. The store was a rented place inside a large store (22 sqm). I did not understand how to sell this business - the place is rented, not owned. But I started looking for a buyer among competitors and right person found quickly. The sale took place under an agreement-between, a kind of receipt, where we prescribed all the conditions for the transfer of my business and the buyer's money. I handed over all the documents, the customer base, introduced me to the suppliers and helped the new owner get up to speed for another two months. In the end, we were both satisfied.

Common Mistakes When Selling a Business

Experts interviewed by Rusbase list the following mistakes of inexperienced sellers:

Insufficient preparation for the sale;
- loss of time on false buyers;
- inability to justify and defend the price;
- delay in selling or selling hastily;
- non-observance of confidentiality.

“Very often, the seller neglects the pre-sale preparation of the business,” notes Lyudmila Kharitonova, managing partner of Zartsyn and Partners. - It seems that your business is already good, so there is nothing to check there. And then it turns out that the company has no assets, the concluded contracts are not profitable or can be terminated at one moment, and the accounting department has not been put in order for a very long time. All this threatens to disrupt the negotiations.”

“The company must present a business ready for transfer to third parties - with a strong team and clear development prospects,” says Anton Poletaev, partner at RB Partners and M&A expert. - You only have one chance to make a first impression, so not paying attention to the “packaging” of a business can be fatal. The investor should not be under the impression that a sale is the only option for the company's survival."

Personal experience:

In December 2014, we acquired Centavr investment company and renamed it A Finance. We also created an IT platform for investments in securities. We wanted to give clients a return higher than the Sberbank deposit, but with less risk, and achieved 15-17% per annum.

It was a big project for us - at the start we invested about 40 million rubles. It seemed to us that there would be an explosion in this market and everyone would run to open these accounts. But the forecasts of analysts did not come true. The maintenance of the investment company turned out to be too expensive due to the requirements of the Central Bank for personnel and volume own funds. In September 2015, we decided to sell the company. The value of the company, in our opinion, was the license and the IT platform.

We were placed on dozens of sites, constantly updating ads, but only intermediaries called. The main stream was biztorg and February left only him. Our main asset was the IT platform, so we made a detailed presentation: we described its advantages, attached a video and a manual. In April, we found a buyer and quickly closed the deal. The contact was with Biztorg, but the deal was handled by an intermediary.

For those wishing to sell their business, I recommend placing on all sites on the Internet, not sparing 5-10 thousand rubles for paid placement, not giving up intermediaries - in my experience, they really manage to successfully close deals.

How to prepare a business for sale

The buyer needs to be convinced of the profitability of the enterprise and the legal purity of the transaction, and the seller needs to understand and eliminate the shortcomings of the company, which reduce its value. As you know, ideal enterprises do not exist. According to Nikolai Patskov, General Director of FreshDoc, pre-sale preparation includes:

Analysis financial condition;
- expertise legal registration business;
- analysis of management and accounting;
- asset inventory;
- assessment of business prospects;
- elimination of defects.

“When selling, you need to put yourself in the place of the buyer and understand what is his benefit from the acquisition,” advises RB Partners partner and M&A expert Anton Poletaev. - You can find a buyer for almost any asset. Strategic investors are interested in the potential for synergy with existing assets, for investors in distressed assets - the potential to increase the value of the company, for the rest - profit. A very good impression on buyers is made by vendor due diligence - a pre-sale assessment of the company's risks by an independent consultant. It shows the good faith of the seller and gives him the understanding that he can lower the price during the negotiations.

The Zartsyn and Partners company gives the following instructions for putting things in order:

1. Conduct an audit and make sure that all taxes are correctly calculated and paid. Get a tax certificate of no debt.
2. Check to whom all assets are registered. Often they are “scattered” among several individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, which is inconvenient for sale. “Collect” everything on one company that you will sell. Also, do not forget to register the rights to intangible assets - the site, software, content. The buyer will definitely ask this question.
3. If there are several founders in the company, make sure that they are all ready to sell the business and sign Required documents.
4. Check if paid authorized capital and shares of the founders.

Screenshot from Avito website

Ways to sell a business

There are three main ways: the sale of a company's share, the sale of an enterprise as a property complex, and the sale of assets separately with their re-registration to a new legal entity. For small and medium businesses, the first method is most suitable. It is the fastest, simplest and cheapest, accounting for about 80% of transactions on the market.

“Usually, a company simply changes its owner,” says Lyudmila Kharitonova, managing partner of Zartsyn & Partners. “But if you ran your business from an individual entrepreneur, then you cannot change the owner and you will have to transfer contracts and assets to the buyer.”

What documents are needed

The minimum package for selling a business includes founding documents, registration certificates, internal regulations and labor documents, privatization documents, balance sheets, contracts with counterparties, a list of creditors and debtors.

Elena Sharova, legal adviser of the Jurisprudence Finance Personnel Group, provides an exhaustive list of documents that can be used as a checklist:

Legal Documents:

Charter, memorandum of association or a copy of the entrepreneur's certificate;
- certificate of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
- land lease agreement;
- lease agreement for real estate;
- if the premises are owned: a contract for the sale of non-residential property, --- - - certificate of registration of the right to real estate, BTI certificates;
- geodetic plan of the leased land plot;
- explication of premises.

Financial documents:

Auditor's report on financial reporting(if there's);
- business valuation report (if any);
- certificate of no debt from tax office;
- acts of reconciliation with contractors;
- a certificate from the bank on the absence of debts and credit obligations;
- a list of fixed assets indicating their value, year of manufacture, manufacturer and model;
- list of intangible assets and their value;
- a list of commodity balances indicating their value (raw materials and finished products);
- substantiation of additional investments (purpose of investments, items of expenditure);
- Report on financial results companies (at least for the last year);
- a list of the main suppliers and assortment of the company;
- staffing indicating the number of employees by position and fund wages;
- Company details;
- passport data and address of registration of business owners.

And also:

Presentation of the company;
- commercial proposal.

How is the procedure

Competitive advantages there may be patents, an effective personnel management system, an impeccable reputation (helps win tenders), and an attractive business strategy. “In my practice, there was a case when the owner of the plant had many patents for the manufactured designs of commercial equipment,” recalls Alexey Koryagin. “By doing this, he made it harder for competitors to enter the market, who needed to invest a lot in the development of the product line.”

The value of the company may also increase if the buyer sees synergy prospects. “Once we evaluated the crushed stone business,” a representative of the association gives an example. - He brought the owner a very good income, but they could not be compared with the benefits of a potential buyer. The inclusion of this enterprise in its production chain allowed it to significantly save on raw materials. The identified synergy effect increased the transaction price by an order of magnitude.”

According to Elena Muratova, legal adviser of Intercession, independent auditors and lawyers are involved in the sale of the business. Auditors identify violations in accounting, lawyers prevent the risks of litigation and administrative liability.

Business owners fail even at such basic things as calculating taxes and registration costs when different ways sales, notes the legal adviser of the Jurisprudence Finance Personnel Group of Companies Elena Sharova. She advises immediately contacting business sales specialists who will be able to competently prepare the company for sale, check the integrity of the buyer and evaluate the terms of the contract.

Minimum legal support The transaction will cost about 15 thousand rubles. The participation of a lawyer in pre-sale preparation and negotiations will cost 100-150 thousand rubles. Of course, it all depends on the specific deal.

“It's okay to be frivolous, especially if you're selling what people want, not what they need,” says marketing guru Seth Godin. He himself wears socks of different colors, thus supporting the business of Little Miss Matched.

Its founder, John Stowe, once heard a phrase at a party that sunk into his soul: “After all the crazy projects that have become a reality, mismatched socks may be the next great business idea.” John listened to the prophecy, and now his company, which sells sets of three different socks in crazy colors, is now turning over $20 million a year.

In many ways, the size of the market depends on the cost of communication. As long as it remained high, the markets needed to swell and swell. But the cheaper the communication, the smaller the environment it serves can be. Today it is not difficult for the seller to establish communication with the buyer. This is how tiny markets are created where bizarre products are created. What is important, many people are really ready to buy the most amazing things. Any strange and at first glance unnecessary thing will definitely be in demand by someone.

"Be patient. The market will find you,” Seth Godin addresses the business reader. Cheap communication has made it possible to identify needs that were previously ridiculous to think about. With pleasure I studied the most "unnecessary" goods and markets.

Forgotten Treasures

In August, a participant in the St. Petersburg forum, who goes by the nickname Alison, got excited about the idea of ​​ridding the inhabitants of her area of ​​rubbish and invited them to write what three superfluous things and why they want to part, and which items, broken or outdated, they are ready to take away. The Citycat user decided to use a teapot without a spout as a vase, an old cast-iron iron replaced a weight for someone, and unpaired socks were taken to the country. It is not known whether this will grow into a business like the one organized by John Stowe. Perhaps soon Alison will bring three-pronged forks or beaded cat slippers into fashion: her Junk Shop has a lot of amazing items in the assortment. business idea for unnecessary things although it seems absurd, it promises a big profit to a person with a creative streak.

“My job is like a treasure hunt, every day is like Christmas for us,” says Brian Owens, owner of the Unclaimed Baggage Centre, who inherited the lost luggage store from his father. Suitcases and bags that have been waiting for owners at the airport longer than the due date are not sent to a landfill. Brian works with several major airlines and takes everything that's left for himself for a nominal fee. After sorting, ownerless belongings end up on the shelves. To store a great many things, Owens had to create a huge warehouse, on the shelves of which there are a lot of all sorts of things (moreover, 60% are clothes). But finds in suitcases are very different - from household appliances and sports equipment to jewelry and antiques. Such a peculiar second-hand shop is popular: more than a million people come here every year.

Any strange and unnecessary thing will definitely have an audience.

Landfill money

“Things are not unnecessary. It’s just that people don’t know how to sell them,” a user under the nickname Conny writes on his blog. She made money on a small car by auctioning off what her neighbors were throwing away. Austrian Werner Tippel, chairman of the waste disposal association, together with the OneTwoSold project, set up a collection of suitable, but for some reason discarded items in his area, thereby not only reducing the cost of destroying end-of-life products, but also extracting several dozen thousand euros for their former owners.

In European countries, it is forbidden to throw away electronics with ordinary garbage, so our western neighbors either have to pay for its disposal or spend time delivering broken devices to collection points. The idea to make money on unnecessary hardware came from the forum. Its participants began to put up the failed equipment for auction, and the buyers did not take long to wait. Soon, the "scavengers" began to unite in communities that collect old equipment and sell it. The clients of such businessmen are small service centers and private entrepreneurs who revive broken appliances or take them apart for parts.

Interactive shot glass

“No USB glass can replace real communication. What to do when the soul unfolds and demands USB songs, USB fraternities and other disgrace, which is impossible in the USB format? - a girl under the nickname leticya asks in the LJ diary, criticizing the invention of the E-generator company expert Sergey Mikheev, namely the concept of a virtual feast: a special glass with a built-in microchip and a USB sensor is connected to the computer, transmitting information about the amount of liquid poured into it to the Internet . As the author of the project suggests, interactive holidays can be held in special communities and social networks.

Sergey's idea has not yet been implemented, and it is completely in vain. Much more strange projects find an audience. “A crumpled can is like a new family member. You should take it with you on vacation, take a picture and send it to us, - the creators of the site CrushedCans write, - and we will place it in the gallery. What can you use an ordinary aluminum can, cleaned of inscriptions and "artfully crumpled"? This question is not answered by the "manufacturers" themselves, and yet in the first months of the site's existence, they managed to sell 34 strange objects at a price of $4.95 each.

Hammered DNA

The futurist James Canton paints a fantastic picture in his book The Extreme Future: competition, the pace of life and the demands of the era will be so high that people will stop reproducing in the usual way. Canton's auction, where DNA is put up on the Web, is still a mental construct. But already now there are both people without prejudices, ready to sell their genetic material, and those who want to buy such unusual goods. The most famous and expensive donor is the adult film star, musician and artist Vincent Gallo. On his personal merchandising page, the 43-year-old actor offers not only clothes from his shoulder and motorcycles dear to his heart: for $ 1 million he is literally ready to become a father, and he promises to provide his genetic material as many times as necessary to achieve a positive result. Gallo describes in detail the advantages of such a service: in his opinion, the child should turn out to be healthy and beautiful, since the potential father is absolutely healthy, never took drugs, never drank alcohol, and even at the age he retained lush hair without pronounced gray hair, and in his relatives there were no persons with genetic abnormalities. Blondes get a discount.

Sale of conscience

Recently, a real scandal erupted on eBay: it became necessary to prematurely stop the auction and remove the item from the auction. For the first time in the history of the service, a lot was put up for sale, listed as "20 points collected in the Weight Watchers system" - the world-famous association of people struggling with being overweight. By and large, there was no point in buying. By indicating on the Weight Watchers website how many points are scored per day (each product eaten has its own indicator), a person is responsible only to himself. An enterprising resident of Germany offered to use his points to clear his conscience, so that the buyer could not think about counting calories for at least one day, but eat the harmful and forbidden, writing down a fake number in the diet diary. Oddly enough, there were a lot of people who wanted it, and it is not known to what heights the price would have soared if the organizers had not considered such an offer fraudulent. But there were also those who considered the idea successful. “I wonder if it is possible to auction off your conscience or friends? - writes blogger jonny. - I would find something to offer: faith, good manners and soul. It is not yet clear how to organize the shipment, but I am ready.”

toy service

In the film "Amelie", the main character, in order to please and surprise her father, sent a garden gnome to travel. What looked like a funny joke was turned into a business. Two years ago, a married couple - Christopher Böhm and Elke Verheugen - launched the Teddy in Munich project. Plush lovers decided to "give pets the opportunity to get to know Bavarian culture and sights." The bear cub is sent on a real week-long trip, during which he is provided with accommodation in a family and walks around the city, visiting museums. A plush tourist brings home a photo album, DVD and his travel notes. For guests from Germany and Europe, the trip costs 129 euros, for those arriving from distant countries - 149 euros. Travel agency owners for toys promise "full board" and " individual program according to the wishes of the client. You can book a golf course, paragliding, fishing or horseback riding. The demand for an unexpected service is not only in Europe: thus, hundreds of bears visited Munich, including from Canada, the USA and Japan. Polyglott has recently responded to the demand and published a special city guide "for all plush animal owners" and it can be bought in almost any bookstore for 9.95 euros.

Weird goods and services win the hearts of consumers. The audience of the market of crumpled beer cans is 34 people, the audience of the market of genetic material of the porn actor Gallo is only a few ladies. The audience for teddy bear tours is several hundred people. But together, the “anti-product” markets are becoming an impressive phenomenon. And most importantly, there is a place here for any goods and services.

Per last years managed to get to know several dozens of successful businessmen who decided to start their own business from scratch.
These are people who turn to us for building a sales system or developing sales. Why do entrepreneurs I consider successful contact us? Everything is very simple! They are successful because they have their own business, even if it does not go very well - this is their experience, they can make mistakes, learn from them and become better. This is what distinguishes people with whom you have to communicate from those who only dream of starting a business.

Each person who has opened his own, albeit small, but business, has his own merits, on each project I became better by communicating with such people. And when the number of people exceeded 50, it seemed to me that I could designate general principles start your business. So, how to open your business from scratch, which will bring regular income? Answers to all questions about the opening own business you will find in this article!

How to open your business from scratch?

1) Action

This is what the most dynamic companies had. The most interesting case was when we talked on the phone with a person about a sales system and identified the need to implement a call recording system. When we arrived the next day for the meeting, the recording system had already been set up. In my opinion, ability to act quickly and not putting off important things indefinitely is one of the most important factors starting a successful business.

2) Creating the perfect product from the customer's point of view

The best results are shown by us on projects where the owners took the place of the client and created a unique product that meets all the needs of the client. A striking example is a company supplying materials for housing and communal services (housing and communal services).

What conditions are created for clients?

  • It is convenient for companies to buy the entire range in one company, which means we will supply more than 7,000 items of goods that may be required in the maintenance of housing and communal services.
  • Do you need everything yesterday? This means that we will provide free next day delivery, even if you order 1 nail.
  • Do not always have money in the account or wait a long time until they come to the account? Delivery without prepayment and automatic delay for 7 days.
  • Etc.

As a result, the company is one of the leaders in a small but significant niche. You do not need to have super knowledge or super capabilities, you just need to follow the path of the client and make it pleasant.

3) Starting a business with sales

It is customary to start a business with a logo, trademark registration, renting an office, and God knows what else. You need to start with sales. Even if the product is not yet in nature, but there is only an idea. How to sell what is not? Very simple. We decided to sell super chairs with super design. No problem! Create a business card site on your knee, order a drawing of this chair from a freelancer, if it has not yet been produced, or take a photo if it has not yet been brought to our country. Run Yandex Direct on the request of a superchair and count the number of calls per day or week. Estimate the volume of possible sales.

I know one entrepreneur who made this approach the beginning of his business, when he received a client, he didn’t run to buy goods, but simply looked for a seller :), brought them together, and without risking anything, received a commission on sales. Over time, finding a profitable niche, he settled on one product.

4) Interest!

Practice shows that best success reach those who burn with their work - the opening of their business. When a person is passionate about something, he carries people along with him. Moreover, the interest may not be in the product or service itself, but in building a system or monetizing a project.

How to understand whether activities in a particular niche will be profitable?

I do this: I imagine a situation in the future, when I have achieved what I plan, created an interesting service, customers are satisfied with me. If I get goosebumps from thinking about this achievement, I get down to business, if everyone around says that this direction is promising, but it doesn’t turn me on, I won’t do it.

In any case, there are difficulties. And at the startup stage, they are “above the roof”, if there is no interest in the business, then there is no motivation to overcome these difficulties, and the person quickly gives up without making an attempt to open his own business.

5) Recruitment

Startups are different for everyone. Someone has investments, someone creates everything from scratch. But there is one rule that I paid attention to: if the owner started from the very beginning, for example, with sales, then the business has a chance of success.

Before hiring staff, go through the path that the hired person must go through. With very rare exceptions, an employee will look for the best path for the company. Therefore, in order to control an employee, the manager must clearly understand the work that he controls, he must understand the work algorithm of this person, the optimal process for performing work and the key points of control of this employee.

When setting any task, any employee or contractor needs to understand not only the result to which a person must come, but also the specific steps that he must take every day. Only then can the performer be controlled before the deadlines are broken.

6) Where to get investments?

Suppose a niche is found, a unique selling proposition is clear, there is a readiness for action, but there is no money to implement ideas. You don't need money for a good idea :). To implement the idea, you must follow two rules:

  • Do not be afraid to do everything on your knee;
  • Exchange investments for partners.

I'll give an example:

Don't be afraid to do everything on your knees

You had an idea to develop a revolutionary stool. Business must be started from scratch, there are no great financial opportunities. For minimal money, you order a model of this stool from a freelancer, make a simple website on your knee, send minimal money to the Yandex market, and start selling in a passive mode. You print out the layout of the stool, you pass all the places where they can sell it. You find buyers, understand the volume that you can sell.

Exchange investments for partners

Next, you find a manufacturer who will make your stool. Yes, even if you have to share most of the profit with the manufacturer, yes, at least sell it to zero, the main thing is you understand the market, find sales channels. And having reached decent sales volumes, you will already be able to open your own production, either to reduce the price of this manufacturer for volumes, or to find another one on more favorable terms.

7) Analyze it

How to start a clothing business?

The business of selling clothes has long proven its profitability. Things have always been bought, and will be bought, no matter what kind of business it is: the business of selling women's clothing, men's or children's. Many aspiring entrepreneurs often face the question: “Which business format is better?”, “Where is it more profitable to start?”. The questions are really difficult, because you can open a wholesale organization and become a supplier, you can open a standard retail store, or you can start with a simple online store. The choice is sufficient, so you need to analyze this question “from and to”, so that later it does not turn out that the choice made is a big mistake.

Clothing business formats

There are three business options for selling children's clothing, men's and women's.

  1. Wholesale trade.
  2. Retail across general store.
  3. Sale through an online store.

Wholesale clothing- this is a kind of store, the purpose of which is still the same: the sale of goods. Only the target audience not customers, but retail stores. That is, the process is as follows: a wholesale store buys goods in large quantities, becomes a supplier and begins to look for options for selling products. These options are retail stores. Thus, a small chain is obtained: manufacturers, from which the wholesale company is purchased, - the wholesale company, from which retail stores are purchased, - retail stores that sell their goods to customers.

Retail- This is a regular store, in this case, specializing in clothing. The target audience is consumers. The main characteristics that are inherent in all retail stores are:

  1. square trading floor,
  2. level customer service,
  3. number of commodity items,
  4. product placement technology.

These characteristics are both distinctive and, thanks to them, the stores have their own identity.

Selling through an online store- a popular method today. It involves organizing and doing business online. Customers can shop without leaving home. To do this, they just need to choose the right thing and pay for the goods either with a card or using a payment system. The main condition for organizing an online store is to make the process of making a purchase as comfortable as possible for customers, so that they want to return to shopping.

The process of opening a wholesale company

Opening a wholesale company, regardless of the type of clothing and the target buyer (mono-brand or multi-brand store, stock, second-hand, boutique), has common components:

  1. a detailed business plan for a wholesale warehouse;
  2. building;
  3. storage equipment;
  4. suppliers;
  5. employees (usually from 5 to 10 people);
  6. set of permits.

The first step is to get acquainted with competitors, collect maximum information on sales in this region to reveal its dynamics. It will not be superfluous to talk with dealers. Before opening a wholesale store, it is necessary to make the maximum detailed business plan, which will reflect all financial information.

Finding a location is not the most important step. When opening a wholesale company, an advantageous or good location is not required at all, since retail stores will either come to pick up the goods themselves, or even provide all the work to the wholesale company. Therefore, the optimal location will be the most important. The building can be found ready-made or built under specific goals(subject to available funds). Before renting or buying finished premises you need to make sure that it is suitable for the warehouse.

After the building is rented or purchased (built), you need to start arranging the premises: it is worth dividing it into sections (loading, unloading, receiving, picking, storing goods). Equipment will also be needed, depending on the range, weight and dimensions.

The supplier selection stage is different for each store type. If the target audience is stock stores, then you need to buy clothes either from manufacturers or from stores that have leftovers. Secondhand stores are the most economical option (purchasing clothes is cheap, unlike others). Suppliers are companies that collect things. Multi- and mono-brand items, as well as expensive and elite ones for a boutique, are purchased directly from manufacturers.

The wholesale store will need employees.

  1. Boss.
  2. Additional workers, in the amount of 5-10 people.

To make it easier for retail stores, you need to make access roads convenient and free. A good option is a building on the outskirts of the city, where you can easily and without traffic jams.

Store opening process

Opening a store begins with drawing up a business plan for selling clothes. After that, registration (LLC or IP) begins. Next, the most important step is finding a location. It should be in a passable place where there is a large flow of people every day. It could be shopping center or a stand-alone store in the city center on a busy street. It all depends on the type of clothing sold and its target audience.

The size of the premises also varies depending on the type of clothing sold. For example, a second-hand store does not require a large room. After the premises are rented, the search for suppliers, the purchase of equipment and the hiring of personnel begins.

Suppliers by and large will be wholesale companies. You can search for them either through friends or through ads on the Internet. Equipment also depends on the store. If this is a boutique, then everything should be expensive, and if it is second-hand, then a lot of equipment will not be needed and, in principle, they will not pay attention to it.

Hiring staff is another crucial moment, since the profitability of the business (its profitability) depends on the employees. And the last step is advertising. More about opening retail store(its stages, main advantages and disadvantages regarding each type of clothing) can be found in previous articles.

Opening an online store

The business of selling clothes online is as follows. The first is the search for suppliers. It is very important for an online store to have a quality product. You can create your own warehouse where the clothes will be stored, or you can agree with the supplier that the clothes will be picked up from his warehouse for each order. The second option is cheaper regardless of the clothes, their quality and brand.

To open an online store, you need a website. For the site - hosting and domain, which can be found low prices. Hosting is paid every month. You will also need to register entity(LLC or individual entrepreneur), so as not to have problems with the tax office.

It is important to provide for payment and delivery methods, there must be a choice so that the buyer finds something suitable for himself.

When suppliers are found, the site is created, you need to attract buyers. To do this, you need to start active promotion: contextual advertising ordered in Google or Yandex. It will attract to the store those who see this advertisement and follow the link. There is another option - advertising in boxes. You can create your own affiliate program so that buyers bring their friends and acquaintances and receive interest on their purchases.

Promotion is a means to form a base regular customers. It is aimed at sales (20% of regular customers = 80% of sales). In order to keep customers, you need to hold constant promotions and discounts, give coupons and send out messages with great deals.

Online shopping has its pros and cons. Of the advantages, it is worth highlighting simplicity and minimal costs, and of the minuses, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve high incomes (of the three options, this one has the minimum profitability), unlike retail or wholesale stores. There are also limitations on target audiences.

Any business selling clothes can make a profit. All this will happen only for different periods of time. Retail store has the fastest payback period.

And the easiest method of organization is an online store. A wholesale company, on a par with an online store, is not characterized by such high costs. But the profit retail above. Each business option has its pros and cons. Therefore, each entrepreneur must independently make a choice based on their experience, capabilities (including financial ones) and desires.

A lot of talk these days is about how to build profitable business, organize your own business, create a certain enterprise that generates income. In fact, as practice shows, there are a lot of people who want to do business. Even those who are far from the world of business would like to try themselves as the head of a company. However, today we will not talk about that.

The article is devoted to a slightly different topic. It will be useful for people who, on the contrary, want to get rid of their enterprise, want to find a way to sell the business and at the same time remain in a fairly profitable economic situation. In it we will discuss whole line aspects of such a sale. It is not only about the direct search for a buyer, but also about the various measures that should be taken before the sale. In general, we will talk more extensively about how to sell a business, offering our advice on a particular issue.

Cooking the reason

First of all, if you decide to get rid of your enterprise, we would recommend that you clearly define what is the reason for the sale and whether it can be called to the buyer. It's one thing - it's yours. An example is the situation when you wanted to change the vector of your activity and, say, start organizing a completely different company. Or, say, you are basically tired of entrepreneurship and want to take a break. Then you can honestly say this to the buyer, who will certainly ask this question.

A completely different situation is when you are looking for information on how to sell a business because of its unprofitability, the risk of collapse, or the difficulties that threaten the enterprise in the future. Of course, it is undesirable to talk about this, because, depending on the nature of the difficulties, not every person will take on the management of your enterprise and, accordingly, its purchase. The same applies to profits: the obvious fact is that the more an enterprise earns, the more expensive it is sold. If your business scheme is unprofitable, it will be bought from you, most likely for next to nothing. In this case, we recommend that you either agree to a lower cost, or go through a difficult period in the life of the enterprise, reach some kind of profitability, and then prepare for its sale. Then you can earn much more.

Plans for the future

We are all human, including your customer. And man is a creature that simply has to plan his future. We try to make plans, sort out possible scenarios and do everything to look ahead. In the case of business activities, the situation is absolutely similar. And a buyer who is interested in your offer will also want to know what he can achieve, where he should go in the future, what profits he will receive. All this must be included in a business plan for your project and provided to the future buyer. This way you will not only be able to find someone willing to pay for your case faster, but also get the most out of the deal.

If the state of your business is such that it has no prospects for the future, we advise you to consider selling in parts, that is, getting rid of the assets that make up your enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a correct assessment in order to understand their market value.


Since you are looking for information on how to sell a business, the time is yours. best friend. After all, the older a particular enterprise, the more expensive it can be estimated by the buyer. This is especially true if your business is successful and paying off.

There are exceptions to this rule, of course. A person who wants to enter a particular business niche is ready to acquire an already functioning (and perhaps even unprofitable) enterprise operating in this area. And for you personally, this is the best option on how to sell a business quickly. The buyer wants to start work as soon as possible, but you, on the contrary, want to get rid of the rights to your enterprise and receive compensation for this. For everyone who is looking for information on how to sell a business (this is an IP or any other organizational form- doesn't matter), finding people willing to try your niche is the best strategy successful sale and a good deal. And using time as a factor that adds value to your enterprise is a good tactic.

Documentation and legal support

This advice, although very obvious, is of great importance. Turn to professionals when it comes to selling your business. Fix all the rights and obligations of the parties, write down every little thing, if you want everything to work out in at its best. Otherwise, how to sell a ready-made business (IP) and be sure that you will not be deceived?

When it comes to monetary relationships (and even more so about such large ones, as in the case of the sale of a company, for example), you should not abuse the honesty of other people. It is better to try to use all the tools that will protect you in the sales process. This is - the answer to the question of whether the business (IP or LLC, no difference).

Look for your buyer, do not wait for him

One interesting tip on how to sell a business quickly is to find someone willing to pay for your business. The mistake of many businessmen can be called personal expectations. They are waiting for the buyer to come to them and pay the money. They believe it will happen very soon. However, this approach cannot be called correct.

If you want to know how to sell a ready-made business quickly, think about who can really buy it from you. We are now talking about such a specific product that a simple visitor "from the street" will not be able to pay you for your enterprise. A real buyer can be either someone who is just starting in this area (unlikely), or someone who already has experience in this business niche and knows what can be squeezed out of it. Most often, such people are the owners of a network of some points for the provision of services, the sale of goods, and so on.

Let's take the simplest example: you own a restaurant and you are looking for how to sell the business in order to earn the maximum for it. In this case, it is best to write to the owners of restaurant chains, mostly similar in theme to your establishment. It is possible that a person will seriously consider expanding his business by acquiring yours. So selling your business may not take so much time, the main thing is to look for a buyer, and not passively wait for him.

No, in fact, if you advertise for sale on various business forums and message boards, some people will be interested in you anyway. Only one of them can actually contribute the entire required amount and who plans to develop your business further, no one knows. Therefore, in order to understand this, make suggestions. Chat with potential buyers, offer them your business - and who knows, you might interest someone enough to continue discussing a future deal.

Hear the buyer

Another tip I would like to give to a business seller is to develop the ability to listen to a person who wants to buy your business. You must find out why he wants to buy your business, what he is going to do with it, what plans he has for the enterprise. You need this information to help you prepare for how to properly submit your project. After all, you can do it in different ways, changing approaches to describing and characterizing a business, changing your outlook on prospects. This technique will make it possible to meet the expectations of a person who wants to buy your company. Applying it is the best key to how to profitably sell a business. Just convince the buyer that he can achieve the desired results by owning your company (customers, employees, assets). How to do this, you will see after you understand the goals of this person.


Another crucial point The one thing anyone who wants to know how to sell a business the right way to look at is protecting your business. At first glance, this is not so obvious, but in practice there are different situations. Including there are cases when, under the guise of a buyer, a person comes who in the future will simply steal your business. How does this happen? Read carefully so as not to lose your case.

So, this paragraph is addressed, rather, not to some owner of a particular enterprise or institution, but to the owners of a business operating in the service sector. For example, this may concern the owner travel agency. After all, as we know, the most valuable tool of such enterprises is not a rented office with office equipment, but also managers working with it. And how many different stories there are that the company's employees stole its base, after which they started their own business! The same goes for selling a business.

There are stories when, under the guise of a buyer, a person came to the company, learning certain facts about it. Later he contacted key managers this company, offering them a solid fee for starting work with their base in favor of another enterprise. Having lured people away, such pseudo-buyers actually destroyed the entire business of the real owner of the base, creating their own structure in return. At one time, this became a real problem in the market: it is quite difficult to protect your database from theft, given that other people have to work with it. Plus, the same situation can be repeated in relation to the technologies used in production, as well as other not so obvious innovations and solutions that apply to your business.

Protection mechanisms exist. Moreover, they are actively used by many companies. The customer base, for example, is tied to the enterprise itself, without giving full access to her managers and salespeople working on the phone. With technologies and different know-how, the situation is similar: you can tell the buyer that there are some ways to improve the financial performance of the business, “secrets of production”, which, alas, you cannot reveal to the buyer at the acquaintance stage. Thus, the results of your work will be safe.

“Training” on competitors

Are you not sure if everything is included in your business description? Has all information been published that may be of interest to the buyer and will be the best guidelines for him? You don’t know how the negotiations will go, what you need to answer some of the questions and what to do if you do get a call? The solution to all these and many other problems is very simple. It consists in "training" on your competitors. What is meant?

If you want to know how to sell a business with debt or how to make the most out of your business, you can simply find competitors selling a similar type of business and write to them as a buyer. Believe me, they will provide you with maximum information regarding their company (since the seller will most likely be interested in selling).

This "training" is very useful. You immediately see the line of behavior of the buyer from the side, notice the questions that your buyer wants to ask, mark the best answers that should be given.


Today there are a lot of companies helping to get rid of their business. If you do not want to do everything yourself, you can ask for help from one of them, describing the essence of the task. There are no difficulties in finding a company that will help sell a business. Exists great amount contact details, you can also easily find feedback on the work of intermediaries. True, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be charged a commission for the services rendered. On the other hand, professional business sellers may have their own appraiser, who will help you, in turn, earn more for the individual resources used in your business.


In fact, such an important stage in the life of any entrepreneur and businessman as the sale of a business can be treated differently. For some, this situation can mean a serious loss and carry some kind of negative connotation: they say, they gave away what they tried and worked on for so long. On the other hand, this same procedure can also be seen as the next stage in your business career, as an opportunity to create new project and earn more from it.

In any case, you will be able to earn some money for your enterprise, the further mood of the seller will also depend on the amount of which. After all, someone understands that his offspring should be valued much higher, while someone, on the contrary, is very pleased with the deal and is glad that he finally got off the hook with this project. Each of the business sale stories is unique, they happen to people, and there is nothing terrible or reprehensible in this. On the contrary, perhaps in new hands your project will bring more value, become more profitable and create new jobs.