Online econometrics tests solve tas. Econometrics test (beginner level)

For a long time, there were two different options definitions of econometrics: from “econometrics in the broad sense of the word” to “econometrics in the narrow sense of the word”. "Econometrics in the broadest sense of the word" refers to the totality of various kinds of economic research carried out using mathematical methods. “Econometrics in the narrow sense of the word” refers mainly to the use of mathematical and statistical methods in economic research: the construction of mathematical and statistical models of economic phenomena, the estimation of parameters in models of any type, etc.

The name "econometrics" was introduced by the founder of this direction in economics in 1926, Ragnar Frisch. Linguistically, the term "econometrics" is of German origin (Okonometrie). For the first time this term appeared in 1910 in a German book on accounting, the author of which understood by it the theory of accounting. Literally translated, econometrics means “measurements in economics” (can be compared with biometrics, scientometrics, astrometrics, sociometrics, psychometrics, political metrics).

However, it is currently possible with complete confidence claim that the definition given by S.A. Ayvazyan and V.S. Mkhitaryan in their latest textbook is the most objective, modern and accurate:

Definition: Econometrics is an independent scientific discipline that combines a set of theoretical results, techniques, methods and models designed to

- economic theory,

- economic statistics,

- mathematical and statistical tools

- to give a specific quantitative expression to the general (quantitative) laws determined by economic theory.

As you can see, this definition is fully consistent with the one introduced by R. Frisch seventy years ago. He believed that econometrics should follow the triune formula, combining theoretical analysis, empirical data and mathematical methods.

Speaking about economic theory within the framework of econometrics, researchers are interested not only in identifying objectively existing (at a qualitative level) economic laws and links between economic indicators, but also in approaches to their formalization. When considering economic statistics as an integral part of econometrics, researchers are only interested in that aspect of this independent discipline that is directly related to information support analyzed econometric model. And, finally, under the mathematical and statistical tools of econometrics is meant, of course, not mathematical statistics in its traditional sense, but only its individual sections (classical and generalized linear models of regression analysis, time series analysis, construction and analysis of systems of simultaneous equations). These sections of mathematical statistics should be supplemented with some information (special types of regression models, approaches to solving problems of specification, identifiability and verifiability of models, etc.).

In all the activities of an econometrician, the use of a model is essential. Therefore, it is very important to trace the entire “chain” of definitions related to this concept.

Mathematical model Is an abstraction of the real world in which the relations between real elements of interest to the researcher are replaced by suitable relations between mathematical categories.

Economic and mathematical model - is any mathematical model that describes the mechanism of functioning of a certain hypothetical economic system or socio-economic system. Sometimes the same model can be called simply economic ... (An example of such a model is the simplest version of the so-called “spider-web model”, which describes the process of formation of demand and supply of a certain product or type of service in a competitive market).

If the definition of an economic and mathematical model is not about any mathematical model, but about a model built using the apparatus of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, then one can already get an idea of ​​the econometric model. But for this, the following definitions should be remembered.

Probability model - it is a mathematical model that simulates the mechanism of functioning hypothetical(not specific) real phenomenon (or system) of stochastic nature.

Probabilistic statistical model - it is a probabilistic model, the values ​​of individual characteristics (parameters) of which are estimated according to the results of observations (initial statistical data) characterizing the functioning of the modeled specific(and not hypothetical) phenomenon (or system).

Finally, we can talk about the econometric model:

Econometric model is called a probabilistic-statistical model that describes the mechanism of functioning of an economic or socio-economic system.

In any econometric model, all variables involved in it, depending on the final applied goals, are subdivided into exogenous, endogenous and predetermined:

exogenous variables(ekzo-outside, genous-origin)- these are variables that are set, as it were, "from the outside", autonomously, and to a certain extent are controllable (planned);

endogenous variables(endo-inside, genous-origin) are variables whose values ​​are formed in the process and inside the functioning of the analyzed socio-economic system to a significant extent under the influence of exogenous variables and, of course, in interaction with each other; in the econometric model, they are the subject of explanation;

predefined variables Are variables that act in the system as factors - arguments, or explaining variables.

A set of predefined variables is formed from all exogenous variables (which can be “tied” to the past, current and future points in time) and the so-called lagged endogenous variables, those. of such endogenous variables, the values ​​of which are included in the equations of the analyzed econometric system measured in past(with respect to the current) moments of time, and therefore are already known, given.

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Econometrics tests

Tests in econometrics, for testing knowledge in the section "Problems with Macroeconomic Models". 10 test questions - correct options, highlighted in red. 1. Below is the macroeconomic model Given: Consumption function: Ct = a0 + a1Yt + a2Yt-1 + u1 Investment function: It = b0 + b1Yt + u2 Income identity: Yt = Ct + It + Gt, where Ct is the final consumption in period t; Yt, Yt-1 - income in years [...]

Tests in econometrics, for testing knowledge in the section "Systems of Simultaneous Equations". 9 test questions - correct options, highlighted in red. 1. The system of simultaneous equations can be written in the form of: structural form of functional form of reduced form of generalized form 2. A set of interrelated regression models in which the same variables can simultaneously be endogenous in some [...]

Tests in econometrics, for testing knowledge in the "Time series" section. 17 test questions - correct options, highlighted in red. 1. The trend (Trend) of the time series characterizes the totality of factors that have a long-term influence and form the general dynamics of the studied indicator, which have a seasonal effect, have a one-time effect that do not affect the level of the series 2. Smoothly changing component of the time series, reflecting [...]

Tests in econometrics, for testing knowledge in the section "Assessing the quality of a regression model." 41 test questions - correct options are highlighted in red. 1. The tightness of the statistical connection between the variable y and the explanatory variables X is measured by: Student's t-criterion, the coefficient of determination, the correlation coefficient, Fisher's F-criterion 2. The coefficient of paired linear correlation characterizes: the tightness of the linear relationship between the two variables,

Tests in econometrics, for testing knowledge in the section "Nonlinear Regression Models". 8 test questions - correct options, highlighted in red. 1. Nonlinear regression equation is nonlinear with respect to the variables (factors) included in it, the results of parameters of random variables 2. An example of nonlinear dependence economic indicators is the classic hyperbolic dependence of demand on the price linear dependence of revenue on the amount of working capital [...]

Tests in econometrics, for testing knowledge in the section "Model of linear multiple regression". 4 test questions - correct options, highlighted in red. 1. The linear multiple regression equation between the dependent variable Y and the independent variable X, where a, b are model parameters, can be as follows: Y = a + bX Y = a + bX2 Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 Y = bX 2. Equation linear multiple regression between dependent [...]

Tests on econometrics, for testing knowledge in the section "Examples of linear paranoid regression". 5 test questions - correct options, highlighted in red. 1. An example of a linear dependence of economic indicators is the classic hyperbolic dependence of demand on price, the dependence of a worker's wages on his output with piecework wages, the dependence of sales volume on the week of implementation. 2. An example of a linear dependence of economic [...]

Tests in econometrics, for testing knowledge in the section "Linear Pair Regression". 4 test questions - correct options, highlighted in red. 1. The linear pairwise regression equation between the dependent variable Y and the independent variable X, where a, b are the model parameters, can be as follows: Y = a + bX Y = a + bX2 Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 2. Linear pair regression equation between the dependent variable Y and [...]

Econometrics Tests - Page # 1/1

Econometrics tests

  1. The econometric model is

    1. y = fx

    2. y = a + b1x + b2x2

    3. y = fx + ε

    4. y = fx
Answer: with

  1. Set correspondence

Answer: a-3, b-2, c-4

  1. Regression is

    1. dependence of the values ​​of the resultant variable on the values ​​of the explanatory variables (factors)

    2. the rule according to which each value of one variable is associated with a single value of another variable

    3. the rule according to which each value of the independent variable is associated with the value of the dependent variable

    4. dependence of the mean value of the effective variable on the values ​​of the explanatory variables (factors)
Answer: d

  1. Least square method …

    1. Allows to obtain estimates of the parameters of linear regression, based on the condition i = 1nyi-yi2 → min

    2. Allows to obtain estimates of the regression parameters based on the condition ln⁡ (i = 1nf (yi, ) → max

    3. Allows you to check the statistical significance of the regression parameters

    4. Allows to obtain estimates of nonlinear regression parameters based on the condition i = 1ny-yi2 → min
Answer: a
Linear multiple regression

  1. Linear multiple regression equation

    1. y = a + bx

    2. y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 +… + bpxp

    3. y = ax1b1x2b2 ... xpbp

    4. yt = Tt + St + Et
Answer: b

  1. For a linear multiple regression equation, match
y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ε

Answer: a-4, b-1, c-6, d-5

  1. Regression model specification problem includes

    1. Selection of factors included in the regression equation

    2. Estimating the parameters of the regression equation

    3. Evaluation of the reliability of the results of regression analysis

    4. Choosing the type of regression equation
Answer: a, d

1. Requirements for factors included in the linear multiple regression model ...

    1. The number of factors should be 6 times less than the volume of the population

    2. Factors should represent time series

    3. Factors must be of the same dimension

    4. There shouldn't be a high correlation between the factors.
Answer: a, d

2 true statements about multicollinearity of factors

    1. It is recommended to include multicollinear factors in the linear multiple regression model

    2. The multicollinearity of factors leads to a decrease in the reliability of estimates of the parameters of the regression equation

    3. The multicollinearity of factors is manifested in the presence of paired interfactor correlation coefficients with values ​​greater than 0.7

    4. The multicollinearity of factors is manifested in the presence of paired interfactor correlation coefficients with values ​​less than 0.3
Answer: b, c

3.Correct statements about the inclusion of factors in the linear multiple regression equation

    1. The inclusion of a factor in the model leads to a noticeable increase in the multiple determination coefficient

    2. The pair correlation coefficient for the factor and the resultant variable is less than 0.3

    3. The value of the Student's t-test for the regression coefficient when the factor is less than the table value

    4. The factor should explain the behavior of the studied indicator according to the accepted provisions of economic theory
Answer: a, d

4. When constructing a multiple regression model by the method of step-by-step inclusion of variables, at the first stage, a model with ...

    1. One explanatory variable that has the lowest correlation coefficient with the dependent variable

    2. One explanatory variable that has the highest correlation coefficient with the dependent variable

    3. Several explanatory variables that have correlation coefficients in modulus greater than 0.5 with the dependent variable

    4. Complete list of explanatory variables
Answer: b

  1. Parameters for factors in linear multiple regression
    y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ... + bpxp characterize

    1. The proportion of the variance of the outcome variable explained by the regression in its total variance

    2. The tightness of the relationship between the resultant variable and the corresponding factor, while eliminating the influence of other factors included in the model

    3. By what percentage on average does the effective variable change with a change in the corresponding factor by 1%
Answer: with

5.Standardization of variables is carried out according to the formula

    1. ty = ymaxy

    2. ty = y-y

    3. ty = yσy

    4. ty = y-yσy
Answer: d

  1. The multiple regression equation on a standardized scale is ty = 20 + 0.9tx1 + 0.5tx2 + ε. The effective trait is greatly influenced by:

    1. x1 and x2

    2. no conclusion can be drawn
Answer: a

  1. The multiple regression equation in natural form is
    y = 20 + 0.7x1 + 0.5x2 + ε. The effective trait is greatly influenced by:

    1. x1 and x2

    2. no conclusion can be drawn
Answer: d

6.The properties of the regression equation in a standardized form include ...

    1. Regression coefficients for explanatory variables are equal to each other

    2. There is no constant parameter (intercept) of the regression

    3. Standardized regression coefficients are incomparable

    4. The variables included in the equation are dimensionless
Answer: b, d

7.The tightness of the joint influence of factors on the result in the linear multiple regression equation is estimated by

    1. Pair correlation coefficient

    2. Partial correlation coefficient

Answer: with

8.Set the match

Answer: a-1, b-4, c-3

9. The coefficient of multiple correlation for a linear relationship can be calculated by the formula

Answer: a, d

10 correct statements about the multiple correlation coefficient

    1. The closer the value is to one Ryx1 ... xp, the closer the relationship of the effective trait with all factors

    2. The closer the value to zero Ryx1 ... xp, the closer the relationship of the effective trait with all factors

    3. Ryx1 ... xp takes values ​​from the interval

    4. Ryx1 ... xp takes values ​​from the interval [- 1, 1]
Answer: a, c

11. The coefficient of multiple determination characterizes

    1. The tightness of the joint influence of factors on the result in the equation of linear multiple regression

    2. The tightness of the relationship between the result and the corresponding factor, while eliminating the influence of other factors included in the model

    3. The proportion of variance of an effective trait explained by regression in its total variance

    4. The average change in the effective variable with a change in the corresponding factor by one, with the same value of other factors fixed at the average level
Answer: with

12. For the total (TSS), regression (RSS) and residual (ESS) sum of squared deviations and the coefficient of determination R2, the equality is fulfilled ...

    1. R2 = RSSTSS

    2. R2 = 1-ESSTSS

    3. R2 = ESSTSS

    4. R2 = 1-RSSTSS

    5. R2 = RSSTSS + ESSTSS
Answer: a, b

13. The ratio of residual variance to total variance is 0.05. It means …

    1. Determination coefficient R2 = 0.95

    2. Determination coefficient R2 = 0.05

    3. Difference (1-R2) = 0.95, where R2 is the coefficient of determination

    4. Difference (1-R2) = 0.05, where R2 is the coefficient of determination
Answer: a, d

14.To eliminate the systematic error of the residual variance, to assess the quality of the linear multiple regression model, we use

    1. Multiple determination coefficient

    2. Multiple correlation coefficient

    3. Adjusted multiple determination coefficient

    4. Adjusted partial correlation coefficient
Answer: with

15. The estimation of the statistical significance of the linear multiple regression equation as a whole is carried out using

    1. Student's criterion

    2. Fisher's criterion

    3. Darbin-Watson criterion

    4. Foster-Stewart criterion
Answer: b

16. Evaluation of the statistical significance of the coefficients of linear multiple regression is carried out using

    1. Student's criterion

    2. Fisher's criterion

    3. Darbin-Watson criterion

    4. Foster-Stewart criterion
Answer: a

17. If the regression coefficient is significant, then the conditions

    1. The actual value of the Student's t-test is less than the critical

    2. The actual value of the Student's t-test is greater than the critical

    3. Confidence interval passes through zero

    4. Standard error is less than half of the parameter value
Answer: b, d

18. If the regression equation is significant, then the actual value of the F-criterion ...

    1. more critical

    2. less critical

    3. close to one

    4. close to zero
Answer: a

19. The prerequisites for MNCs are ...

    1. The variance of random deviations is constant for all observations

    2. The variance of random deviations is not constant for all observations

    3. Random deviations correlate with each other

    4. Random deviations are independent of each other
Answer: a, d

20. Indicate findings that fit the residuals plot

    1. The OLS premise of the independence of the residuals from each other is violated

    2. Autocorrelation of residuals takes place

    3. There is no pattern in the behavior of the residuals

    4. No autocorrelation of residuals
Answer: a, b

21. When the premises of the least squares method (OLS) are fulfilled, the residuals of the regression equation are usually characterized by ...

    1. Zero average

    2. Heteroskedstichnost

    3. Random nature

    4. High degree of autocorrelation
Answer: a, c

22. Methods for detecting heteroscedasticity of residues include

    1. Darbin-Watson criterion

    2. Goldfeld-Quandt test

    3. Graphical analysis of residues

    4. Least square method
Answer: b, c

23 The dummy variables in the multiple regression equation are ...

    1. Qualitative variables converted to quantitative

    2. Variables representing the simplest functions of variables already included in the model

    3. Additional quantitative variables that improve the solution

    4. Combinations of factors included in the regression equation that increase the adequacy of the model
Answer: a

24. To reflect the influence of a qualitative companion variable having m states, usually include in the model ... a dummy variable

    1. m + 12

    2. m-12
Answer: with
Nonlinear regression

25 Regressions that are nonlinear in the explanatory variables, but linear in the estimated parameters

    1. y = a + b1x + b2x2 + ε

    2. y = a ∙ xb ∙ ε

    3. y = a + bx + ε

    4. y = a + bx + ε

    5. y = a ∙ bx ∙ ε

    6. y = ea + bx ∙ ε
Answer: a, c

26 Regression, nonlinear in the estimated parameters

    1. y = a + b1x + b2x2 + ε

    2. y = a ∙ xb ∙ ε

    3. y = a + bx + ε

    4. y = a + bx + ε

    5. y = a ∙ bx ∙ ε

    6. y = ea + bx ∙ ε
Answer: b, e, f

27. Make the correct statements about the model.

y = fx, z ∙ ε = a ∙ bx ∙ cz ∙ ε

    1. Refers to the type of models that are non-linear in explanatory variables, but linear in the estimated parameters

    2. Refers to the type of models that are non-linear in the parameters being estimated.

    3. Refers to the type of linear models

    4. Cannot be reduced to linear form

    5. Can be reduced to linear form
Answer: b, e

28. Make the correct statements about the model

    1. Linear multiple regression model is linearized

    2. Linearized pairwise regression model

    3. Belongs to the class of nonlinear models in explanatory variables, but linear in the estimated parameters

    4. Belongs to the class of linear models
Answer: b, c

29. The model y = a ∙ bx ∙ ε belongs to the class of ... econometric models of nonlinear regression

    1. power-law

    2. reverse

    3. exemplary

    4. linear
Answer: c

30. The model y = a ∙ xb ∙ ε belongs to the class of ... econometric models of nonlinear regression

    1. power-law

    2. reverse

    3. exemplary

    4. linear
Answer: a

31. The model y = a + bx + cx2 + ε belongs to the class ... econometric models of nonlinear regression

    1. power-law

    2. polynomial

    3. exemplary

    4. linear
Answer: b

32. It was noticed that with an increase in the amount of applied fertilizers, the yield also increases, however, upon reaching a certain value of the factor, the modeled indicator begins to decrease. To study this relationship, you can use the specification of the regression equation ...

    1. y = a + bx + cx2 + ε

    2. y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ε

    3. y = a + bx + ε

    4. y = a + xb + ε
Answer: a

33. To obtain estimates of the parameters of the power regression model y = a ∙ xb ...

    1. Least squares not applicable

    2. It is required to find the appropriate substitution

    3. You need to perform a logarithmic transformation

    4. Trigonometric transformation required
Answer: with

34. Using the least squares method, it is impossible to estimate the values ​​of the parameters of the regression equation ...

    1. y = a + bx + ε

    2. y = a + bxc + ε

    3. y = a + bx + cx2 + ε

    4. y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ε
Answer: b
Time series analysis

35. Under the change that determines the general direction of development, the main trend of the time series, is understood ...

    1. Trend

    2. Seasonal component

    3. Cyclic component

    4. Random component
Answer: a

36.The regular components of the time series are

    1. Trend

    2. Seasonal component

    3. Cyclic component

    4. Random component
Answer: a, b, c

37. If the period of cyclical fluctuations in the levels of the time series does not exceed one year, then they are called ...

    1. Yearly

    2. Opportunistic

    3. Seasonal

    4. Perennial
Answer: with

38. Let Yt be a time series, Tt a trend component, St a seasonal component, Et a random component. The additive model of the time series looks like ...

    1. Yt = Tt + St + Et

    2. Yt = Tt ∙ St + Et

    3. Yt = Tt + St ∙ Et

    4. Yt = Tt ∙ St ∙ Et
Answer: a

39. Let Yt be a time series, Tt a trend component, St a seasonal component, Et a random component. The multiplicative model of the time series has the form ...

    1. Yt = Tt + St + Et

    2. Yt = Tt ∙ St + Et

    3. Yt = Tt + St ∙ Et

    4. Yt = Tt ∙ St ∙ Et
Answer: d

40. An additive model of a time series was built, where Yt is a time series, Tt is a trend component, St is a seasonal component, Et is a random component. If Yt = 15, then the values ​​of the components of the series are correctly found ...

    1. Tt = 8, St = 5, Et = 0

    2. Tt = 8, St = 5, Et = 2

    3. Tt = 15, St = 5, Et = 0

    4. Tt = 15, St = -5, Et = 2
Answer: b

41. You can determine the presence of a trend in a time series ...

    1. Time series plot

    2. By the volume of the time series

    3. By the absence of a random component

    4. Using a statistical test of the trend hypothesis
Answer: a, d

42. It is possible to determine the presence of cyclical (seasonal) fluctuations in the time series ...

    1. As a result of the analysis of the autocorrelation function

    2. Time series plot

    3. By the volume of the time series

    4. Using the Foster-Stewart criterion
Answer: a, b

43. Let Yt be a time series with quarterly observations and St an additive seasonal component. The estimates of the seasonal component for the first, second and fourth quarters are S1 = 5, S2 = -1, S4 = 2, respectively. The estimate of the seasonal component for the third quarter is ...

44. As a result of smoothing the time series 6, 2, 7, 5, 12 of a simple three-term moving average, the first smoothed value is equal to ...

45. As a result of smoothing the time series 6, 2, 7, 5, 12 of a simple four-term moving average, the first smoothed value is equal to ...

46. ​​The growth curve with saturation is used to describe the trend of the time series ...

    1. y = a + b1t + b2t2

    2. y = a + b1t + b2t2 + b3t3

    3. y = a ∙ bt, b> 1

    4. y = k + a ∙ bt, a
Answer: d

47 First order autocorrelation coefficient

    1. Partial correlation coefficient between adjacent levels of the time series

    2. Linear coefficient of pair correlation between arbitrary levels of the time series

    3. Linear coefficient of pair correlation between adjacent levels of the time series

    4. Linear coefficient of pairwise correlation between the level of the time series and its number
Answer: with

48. Autocorrelation function ...

    1. Dependence of the autocorrelation coefficient on the first differences in the levels of the time series

    2. Dependence of the time series level on the correlation coefficient with its number

    3. A sequence of autocorrelation coefficients arranged in ascending order of magnitude

    4. A sequence of autocorrelation coefficients arranged in ascending order of their values
Answer: with

49. If the autocorrelation coefficient of the 4th order turned out to be the highest, then the time series has

    1. linear trend

    2. random component

    3. 4th order polynomial trend

    4. cyclical fluctuations with a period of 4
Answer: d

50 The values ​​of the autocorrelation coefficients are known r1 = 0.8, r2 = 0.2, r3 = 0.3, r4 = 0.9. Please state the correct statements ...

    1. The time series contains a trend in the form of a polynomial of the 4th order

Answer: a, d

51. The values ​​of the autocorrelation coefficients are known r1 = 0.1, r2 = 0.8, r3 = 0.3, r4 = 0.9. We can conclude ...

    1. Time series contains a linear trend

    2. Time series is random

    3. The time series contains cyclical fluctuations with a period of 2

    4. The time series contains cyclical fluctuations with a period of 4
Answer: with

52. A time series model is considered adequate if the residual values ​​...

    1. have zero mathematical expectation

    2. the actual value of the F-criterion is less than the table

    3. obey the normal distribution law

    4. obey a uniform distribution law

    5. positive

    6. are casual and independent
Answer: a, c, f

53. The independence of the residuals of the time series model can be checked using

    1. Darbin-Watson criterion

    2. Pearson criterion

    3. Fisher's criterion

Answer: a, d

54 The randomness of the residuals of the time series model can be checked using

    1. Analysis of the autocorrelation function of residuals

    2. Pearson criterion

    3. Testing the hypothesis about the presence of a trend

    4. Calculation of asymmetry and kurtosis
Answer: a, c

55 For exponential smoothing, use the formula

    1. St = αyt + 1-αyt-1

    2. St = αyt + 1-αSt-1

    3. yt = k + a ∙ bt, a

    4. Yt = Tt + St + Et
Answer: b

56.The smoothing constant α in the exponential smoothing model St = αyt + 1-αSt-1 takes the values

    1. 0.2 or 0.3

    2. from 0.7 to 0.9

    3. arbitrary
Answer: with

57. The choice of the optimal value of the smoothing constant α in the exponential smoothing model St = αyt + 1-αSt-1 is carried out

    1. The value α = 0.3 is always used

    2. The value α = 0.7 is always used.

    3. The optimal value of α is considered, at which the smallest variance of the error is obtained

    4. The optimal value of α is considered, at which the largest error variance is obtained
Answer: with

58. Adaptation parameter α = 0.3, y5 = 8, y6 = 7, S4 = 6. The S6 value obtained as a result of exponential smoothing of the time series according to the formula St = αyt + 1-αSt-1 is ...

Answer: 6.72

59.The time series contains a trend and the Holt model is used to smooth it: St = αyt + 1-α (St-1-mt-1), mt = γSt-St-1 + 1-γmt-1. If α = γ = 0.3, y5 = 8, S4 = 5, m4 = 2. The m5 value is ...

Answer: 1.25
Systems of Simultaneous Equations

  1. The agricultural enterprise is engaged in the cultivation of wheat, corn, barley, buckwheat. An econometric model has been built that describes the yield of each crop depending on the applied doses of fertilizers and the amount of moisture. This model belongs to the class of systems ... equations

    1. simultaneous

    2. independent

    3. recursive

    4. normal
Answer: b

  1. The state of a closed economy is described by the following characteristics: Y is the gross domestic product (GDP), C is the level of consumption, I is the amount of investment, G is government spending, T is the amount of taxes, R is the real interest rate. The specification of the model is based on the following provisions of economic theory: 1) consumption is explained by the amount of disposable income (Y-T); 2) the level of investment is determined by the size of GDP and the interest rate; 3) consumption, investment and government spending in the amount equal to GDP. The corresponding system of interrelated equations will look like:

    1. C = a0 + a1 ∙ Y + ε1, I = b0 + b1 ∙ Y + b2 ∙ R + ε2, Y = C + I + G

    2. C = a0 + a1 ∙ Y-T + ε1, I = b0 + b1 ∙ Y + ε2, Y = C + I + G

    3. C = a0 + a1 ∙ Y-T + ε1, I = b0 + b1 ∙ Y + b2 ∙ R + ε2, Y = c0 + c1 ∙ C + c2 ∙ I + c3 ∙ G + ε3

    4. C = a0 + a1 ∙ Y-T + ε1, I = b0 + b1 ∙ Y + b2 ∙ R + ε2, Y = C + I + G
Answer: d

  1. In the structural form of the model, built according to the indicated scheme of relationships between variables, the number of exogenous variables is equal to ...

Answer: 2

    In the structural form of the model, built according to the indicated scheme of relationships between variables, the number of endogenous variables is equal to ...

Answer: 3

    In the system of simultaneous equations, the endogenous variables are
Answer: c, d

  1. In the system of simultaneous equations, the exogenous variables are
y1 = b12y2 + a11x1 + ε1, y2 = b21y1 + a22x2 + ε2 Answer: a, b

  1. The number of equations of the system for the specified scheme of relationships between variables is equal to ...

Answer: 2

60. The number of equations of the system for the specified scheme of relationships between variables is equal to ...
Answer: 3

61. The number of equations of the system for the specified scheme of relationships between variables is ...

Answer: 3

  1. Equations that need to be included in the system for the specified scheme of relationships between variables

    1. Y1 = b12Y2 + a11X1 + a12X2 + ε1

    2. Y2 = b21Y1 + a21X1 + a22X2 + ε2

    3. Y1 = a11X1 + a12X2 + ε1

    4. Y2 = a21X1 + a22X2 + ε2

    5. Y1 = b12Y2 + a11X1 + ε1

    6. Y2 = b21Y1 + a21X1 + ε2
Answer: a, b

  1. The reduced form of the model corresponding to the structural form of the system of simultaneous equations
y1 = b12y2 + a11x1 + ε1, y2 = b21y1 + a22x2 + ε2

includes equations

    1. y1 = a11x1 + ε1

    2. y2 = a22x2 + ε2

    3. y1 = δ11x1 + u1

    4. y2 = δ22x2 + u2

    5. y1 = δ11x1 + δ12x2 + u1

    6. y2 = δ21x1 + δ22x2 + u2
Answer: e, f

  1. The given form of the model is the result of transformation ...

    1. Nonlinear Regression Equations

    2. The structural form of the model

    3. Systems of independent equations

    4. Systems of recursive equations
Answer: b

62. The reduced form for the model of price dynamics and wages

y2 - rate of price change,

x1 - percentage of unemployed,

x3 is the rate of change in prices for imports of raw materials,

looks like ...

    1. y1 = δ11x1 + ε1, y2 = δ22x2 + δ23x3 + ε2

    2. y1 = δ12y2 + δ11x1 + ε1, y2 = δ21y1 + δ22x2 + δ23x3 + ε2

    3. y1 = δ12y2 + ε1, y2 = δ21y1 + ε2

    4. y1 = δ11x1 + δ12x2 + δ13x3 + ε1, y2 = δ21x1 + δ22x2 + δ23x3 + ε2
Answer: d

63. The uniqueness of the correspondence between the reduced and structural forms of the model of a system of simultaneous equations is a problem ...

    1. multicollinearity factors

    2. identification

    3. heteroscedasticity of residues

    4. heterogeneity of data
Answer: b

64. Establish a correspondence between the type of the structural model and the correspondence of the structural and reduced coefficients ...

Answer: a-3, b-1, c-2

65. Using the necessary identification condition for the model of price and wage dynamics, indicate the correct statements ...

y1 = b12y2 + a11x1 + ε1, y2 = b21y1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + ε2,

where y1 is the rate of change in the monthly salary,

y2 - rate of price change,

x1 - percentage of unemployed,

x2 - rate of change of constant capital,

x3 - rate of change in prices for import of raw materials

    1. both equations are exactly identifiable

    2. both equations are not identifiable

    3. both equations are overly identifiable

    4. the first equation is overly identifiable

    5. the second equation are exactly identifiable
Answer: d, e

66. Let D be the number of exogenous variables that are contained in the system, but are not contained in this equation. For the first equation of the model of price and wage dynamics, the value of D is equal to ...

y1 = b12y2 + a11x1 + ε1, y2 = b21y1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + ε2,

Answer: 2

67. Let D be the number of exogenous variables that are contained in the system, but are not contained in this equation. For the second equation of the model of price and wage dynamics, the value of D is equal to ...

y1 = b12y2 + a11x1 + ε1, y2 = b21y1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + ε2,

68. Let H be the number of endogenous variables in the system, D - the number of exogenous variables that are contained in the system, but are not contained in this equation. For the first equation of the model of price and wage dynamics, the value (H - D) is ...

y1 = b12y2 + a11x1 + ε1, y2 = b21y1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + ε2,

Answer: 0

69. Match the counting rule necessary condition identification, if H is the number of endogenous variables in the system, D is the number of exogenous variables that are contained in the system, but are not contained in this equation

a) the equation is identifiable

1) D + 1

2) D + 1 = H

3) D + 1> H

Answer: a-2, b-3

70. Establish a correspondence for the counting rule of the necessary identification condition, if H is the number of endogenous variables in the system, D is the number of exogenous variables that are contained in the system, but are not contained in this equation

a) the equation is not identifiable

1) D + 1

b) the equation is over identifiable

2) D + 1 = H

3) D + 1> H

Answer: a-1, b-3

71. Ordinary OLS has been successfully applied to assess structural coefficients ...

    1. Systems of unidentifiable equations

    2. Systems of recursive equations (triangular models)

    3. Systems of interrelated or simultaneous equations

    4. Systems of Equations-Identities

    5. Systems of independent equations
Answer: c, e

72. For an identifiable structural form of a system of simultaneous equations, when evaluating parameters, it is used ...

Answer: b

73. For an overidentifiable structural form of a system of simultaneous equations, when evaluating parameters, it is used ...

    1. Ordinary least squares method

    2. Indirect least squares

    3. Two-step least squares method

    4. Three-step least squares method
Answer: c

1. which of the regression equations is a power law

Y= A? A?? A

2.the estimates of the regression parameters are unbiased if

The mathematical expectation of the residuals is 0

3.The estimates of the regression parameters are effective if

Estimates have the least variance ………….

(4) the estimates of the regression parameters are consistent if

Increase. accuracy….

5. dummy variables are

Attributive signs….

6.if the quality factor has 3 grades, then the required number of dummy variables

7.correlation coefficient, equal to zero, means that between the variables

Situation not defined

8.correlation coefficient equal to -1 means that between the variables

Functional dependence

9.the econometric analysis of Xj considers

As random variables

10.the regression coefficient varies within

Accepts any value

11.Q = ……… ..min corresponds to

Least squares

12.In what limits does the coefficient of determination change?

13.In a well-fitted model, the residuals should

Have a normal law ... ..

14.the wrong choice of functional form or explanatory variables is called

Specification errors

15.the coefficient of determination is

Doubles square ...

16.value calculated by the formula r = ……………… is an estimate

Paired Correlation Coefficient

17.Sample correlation coefficient r in absolute value

Does not exceed one

18.components of the vector Ei

Have a normal law

19. can we apply the least squares method for calculating the parameters of non-linear models?

We will apply after it ... ..

20.Is the least squares method applicable for calculating the parameters of the exponential dependence?

We will apply after its reduction

21. what the absolute growth rate shows

How many units will y change if x has changed by one

22. if the correlation coefficient is positive, then in the linear model

As x grows, y increases

23. what function is used when modeling models with constant growth

If the relative value is …………………… unlimited

25. elasticity shows

How much% will change …………………………… .. by 1%

26. the student's table value depends on

And on the level of confidence, and on the number of factors included in the model and on the length of the original series

27. the table value of the phisher criterion depends on

Only on the level of confidence and on the number of factors included in the model

28. what is the statistical characteristic expressed by the formula

Rxy = …………

Correlation coefficient

29. formula t = rxy …………. Is used for

Materiality Checks Correlation Coefficient

30. What statistical characteristic is expressed by the formula R? = ……………

Determination coefficient

31. The correlation coefficient is used for

Determination of the tightness of communication .....................

32. elasticity measured

Unit of measurement of the factor ………………… indicator

33. Estimates of paired linear regression parameters are found by the formula

B = Cov (x; y) / Var (x); a = y? bx?

34. for the regression y = a + bx from n observations, the confidence interval (1-a)% for the coefficient b will be

35. suppose that the dependence of expenses on income is described by the function y = a + bx

Average value y = 2 ………………. Equals

36. for paired regression o? B equals

……. (Xi-x?)?)

37. The relationship between the coefficient of multiple determination (D) and correlation (R) is described by the following method

38. Confidence probability

The probability that ……………… ..predicted interval

39. to test the significance of a particular parameter, use

40. number of degrees of freedom for t statistics when checking the significance of regression parameters from 35 observations and 3 independent variables

41. number of degrees of freedom of denominators of f regression statistics from 50 observations and 4 independent variables

42. one of the problems of the cat. May occur in multivariate regression and never in paired regression, is

Correlation between explanatory variables

43 multicollinearity occurs when

Two or more independent ... ... ... ...

44.heteroscedaticity is present when

Dispersion of random….

45.The standardized coefficient of the Regression equation? K shows

How many% will the resulting indicator y change when xi changes by 1% with the same average level of other factors

46. ​​relationship between multiple determination index R? and the corrected multiple determination index RC? (in the formula with R on top)

RC? = R? (n-1) / (n-m-1)

47. Suppose that for the description of one economic process 2 models are suitable. Both are adequate according to the Fisher's f criterion. which one to give an advantage to the one that has:

Greater value of F criterion

48. for a regression of n observations and m independent variables, is there such a relationship between R? and F

………… .. = [(n-m-1) / m] (R? / (1- R?)]

49. The significance of quotients and paired correlation coefficients is checked using

Student's T criterion

50. if there is an insignificant variable in the regression equation, then it reveals itself by a low value

T statistics

51.when is the model considered adequate?

Fcalc> Ftabl

52. What criterion is used to evaluate the significance of the Regression coefficient

Student's T

53. The value of the confidence interval allows you to establish how reliable the assumption that

The interval contains the parameters of the general population

54. the hypothesis of the absence of autocorrelation of residuals is proved if

Уt = a + b0x1 +? Yt-1 +? T

56. choose a model with lags

Уt = a + b0x1 ……. (The longest formula)

57. what points are excluded from the time series by the smoothing procedure

Standing at the beginning and end of the time series

58. What determines the number of points excluded as a result of smoothing

From the number of points ………………

59. Autocorrelation is available when

Each next value of residuals

60. as a result of autocorrelation we have

Ineffective parameter estimates

61. if we are interested in using attribute variables to display the effect of different months we should use

11 attributive methods

62. The additive time series model has the form


64. autocorrelation coefficient

Characterizes the tightness of the linear relationship between the current and previous levels of the series

65. Additive time series model is built

Seasonal Amplitude Increases and Decreases

66. On the basis of quarterly data ……… ..values ​​of 7-1 quarter, 9-2 quarter and 11-3 quarter …………….

67. endogenous variables are

Dependent variables, the number of which is equal to the number of equations …… ..

68. Exogenous Variables

Predefined variables affecting ………… ..

69. lag variables are

The value of the dependent variables for the previous period of time

70. to determine the parameters, the structural form of the model must be transformed into

The reduced form of the model

71. an equation in which H is the number of endogenous variables, D is the number of missing exogenous variables, identifiable if

72. an equation in which H is the number of endogenous variables, D is the number of missing exogenous variables, Unidentifiable if

73. an equation in which H is the number of endogenous variables, D is the number of missing exogenous variables, is overidentifiable if

74. to determine the parameters of an accurately identifiable model

Indirect OLS is applied

75. to determine the parameters of the OVER-identifiable model


76. to determine the parameters of the Unidentified model


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