Composition of flowers on the theme of the year of ecology. Ecological project "Flowers

Justification of the need to develop an environmental project

"Flowers Around Us"

Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it should carefully and carefully treat it, preserving all its values ​​and wealth.

Kindergarten today is educational institution providing sports and recreation, cognitive - speech, artistic - aesthetic, social and personal development of children. Education in preschoolers of a conscious - careful attitude to the natural world, a sense of mutual assistance, co-creation, innovative approaches to the environmental education of preschoolers. Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program establish the fundamental principle of the integration of educational areas. If we talk about a fundamentally new in the content of preschool education, then this is the obligation of its compliance with the principles stated in the FGT. Therefore, the project is basedintegrated approach,suggesting the relationship of research activities, music, visual activity, physical education, games, theatrical activities, literature, modeling, i.e. greening various kinds activities child

The environmentally oriented direction can be singled out separately, and at the same time it is integrated into each of the above directions, as it has a huge impact on intellectual, creative and moral education, which forms a modern educated personality. landscaping is a unique opportunity for children and parents to express themselves, to benefit the surrounding nature of their native land. environmental education- one of the main directions in the education system, it is a way of influencing the feelings of children, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants, as they not only help us breathe, but also treat diseases. Flowers are not only beauty, but also part of wildlife. Most effective method implementation of the tasks of environmental education is an organization project activities.

Everything good in people comes from childhood!
How to awaken the origins of goodness? Touch nature with all your heart:
Surprise, learn, love!
We want the earth to flourish
And grew like flowers, kids, So that for them the ecology would become

Not science, but part of the soul!

Project relevance

Familiarization of preschoolers with nature is one of the most important tasks in working with children. At the same time, it is very important that the acquired knowledge is not presented in isolation, without reference to the whole complex of phenomena surrounding the subject of study. Children should always see the connection separate species With environment, its effect on this environment, they must understand that plants depend on each other and on the environment.

Environmental education is one of the main directions in the education system, it is a way of influencing the feelings of children, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants, as they not only help us breathe, but also treat diseases.

Flowers are not only beauty, but also a part of wildlife that must be protected and protected, and, of course, known. Know the structure of a flower appearance, features, healing properties.

Flowers are life itself.

How poor we would be if there were no flowers on earth. When introducing children to nature, we, adults, strive to give an example of a humane attitude towards all living things, so that the child understands that each object has its own place in nature and its purpose. Everyone can pick a flower, but not everyone can say which flower they picked.

Taking into account the fact that children need "live" communication with nature, observations and practical activities in nature, a cognitive-research- creative project Flowers around us.

Target: Acquaintance with the diversity of flowering plants, their connection with the environment, the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards representatives of the plant world, the development of ecological and aesthetic education of children, their creative abilities.


    give an idea of ​​what a flower is;

    teach children to classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field, house).

    to introduce children to the professions of people associated with floriculture;

    teach children how to properly plant and grow flowers;

    note the importance, the role of flowers for the life and activities of humans, animals, insects;

    to develop the constructive, visual abilities of children in the manufacture of flowers, using different materials and technical means;

    develop the ability to compare and analyze;

    develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, study of natural objects;

    to develop the ability to convey their feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts, to replenish and enrich the vocabulary of children and their knowledge of meadow, garden, indoor flowers;

    to cultivate a careful attitude to flowers, the ability to take care of them;

    to cultivate communication skills, independence, diligence, observation and curiosity towards all living things;

Educational area– optimization of mental activity of children through the cooperation of teachers and parents.

Project type: cognitive-creative-research.

Project type: short-term, group, creative individual (together with parents).

Project participants:


    children of the preparatory group for school from 6 to 7 years;


Problem question:"Why are there flowers on Earth?"

Project methods:

    research: experiments, problematic issues, observations;


    collective observation;

    visual: theatrical performance, verbal: conversations, reading literature, consultations for parents, explanations, verbal instructions;

    simulation technology;



    listening to music.

Project organization forms:

    cognitive activities(application, drawing, modeling, music, speech development, natural and social world);


    didactic games;

    labor activity of children;

    environmental quiz.

Resource support of the project:

    a corner of nature in a group, a flower garden on the site kindergarten;

    methodological tools;

Material and technical project support:




    music library;

    utensils for experiments (flasks, pots, jars, individual saucers for experiments);

    hourglass calendar;

    plastic knives for experiments;


    horticultural equipment;


    Sports Equipment.

visual material:

a) live flowers, in illustrations, made from different materials;

b) board games;

c) didactic games on ecology;

d) a library of a young florist watch;

e) the album "Legends of Flowers";

Project implementation timeline: March, April

Expected Result: development of cognitive interest of children, expansion of ideas about colors. Positive-emotional and conscious attitude to nature, to the colors that surround the child. Flowers are not only a decoration of the Earth, but also healers. Willingness to participate in practical activities to improve the natural environment (planting, caring for flowers, collecting seeds). The skills of cultural behavior in nature, the ability to protect and take care of it were formed.

Novelty environmental project is that for the implementation of this project, the educator uses the integration of educational areas, according to the requirements of the FGT, the use of information computer technology. The main fact that ensures the effectiveness of the educational process is the personal involvement of children and parents in eventful life. Using new technologies that are exciting for a new generation, this inclusion can be ensured. The project allows children and parents to do what they love and at the same time benefit the world around them.

Stages of project implementation




I . Preparatory stage


1 Week

    Collection and analysis of literature on the topic;

    Development of a project implementation plan;

    Development of didactic games, manuals;

    A selection of illustrative material;

    A selection of poems, riddles, songs, fairy tales, myths, legends on the topic;

    A selection of mobile, finger, didactic games, fun questions and exercises on the topic;

    Preparation of recycled material, material for visual activity;

    Selection of fiction and educational literature for reading to children;

    Purchase of flower seeds;

    Tasks for parents to prepare mini-projects about flowers;

    Diagnostics-determination of the level of skills and knowledge of children on the topic of the project.

caregiver parents

II. main stage


2-4 weeks


1 Week

2 weeks

    Conversation "Flowers - the beauty of the earth", "Why they were called that", "Flower dreams", "Flowers - talismans";

    Lesson "Journey to the kingdom of indoor plants", "The Red Book of Mordovia plants"

    Excursion to the park, flower shop;

    Purpose: acquaintance with the colors of my region;

    Riddles, puzzles;

    memorization and reading of poems;

    Reading fiction, cognitive literature;

    Conversations: “Flowers in legends, poems, riddles, songs”, “Professions of people involved in floriculture”;

    Lesson "Plants heal" (give an idea of medicinal plants; teach to identify them by description; find a connection between flowering plants and; enrich vocabulary)

    Examination of illustrations, postcards depicting flowers;

    Didactic game "Flower Shop" (to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find desired flower among the others; teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets);

    Didactic game "Fold a flower" (clarification of knowledge about the structure of a flower - stem, flower leaves);

    Didactic game "find a plant by description" (clarification of knowledge about the structure of a flower, fixing the names of indoor plants);

    Lesson "indoor plants of a corner of nature" (to consolidate the knowledge of children about indoor plants; continue to teach how to compare plants, find similarities and differences in external signs; consolidate knowledge about the growth conditions of indoor plants; develop a desire to care for plants);

    Conversation “beauty will save the world”, (in an accessible form to explain to children why it is necessary to protect nature; to enrich and expand ideas about the world around us);

    Lesson "Dandelion and meadow plants"

    Outdoor games;

    Listening to music. Purpose: formation of the foundations of the musical culture of children. Works: Yu. Antonov “Do not pick flowers”, W. Mozart “Flowers”, P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Cycle of the Seasons”, “Waltz of the Flowers”, Y. Chichkov “Magic Flower”, “It's called Nature”, M. Protasov “Dandelions”.

Experiments and research - search activity:

    If you do not water the flowers for a long time, the leaves wither, and the flower falls;

    Where the seeds will quickly sprout (in the sun, in a dark place or away from sunlight);

    Collect a collection: flowers made from different materials, flowers on fabric, postcards "bouquets of flowers";

    Children's stories about flower beds at home, how they take care of flowers with their parents;

    On what occasions are flowers given at home?

Labor activity on the site, in the group - planting flowers, caring for them.

Working with parents:

    Consultation "Child and nature (the basics of child safety preschool age)».

    Consultation "Flowers for Mom" ​​from the series "Together with children".

    Consultation “Nature is the source huge amount discoveries and finds, a source of happiness and labor (what can you do in the fall?).

Artistic and creative activity:

a) Active participation in events related to the theme "Flowers";

b) Making flowers from paper;

c) Drawing flowers with paints, pencils, crayons, using different techniques:

d) Take part in exhibitions in kindergarten;

e) Collective drawing in unconventional technique“Bouquets for mothers” (consolidating knowledge about the structure of a flower, developing an emotional and value attitude to artistic images);

f) Portrait “The plant is smiling”;

g) Sculpting a bas-relief “A flower is a miracle”;

Card file of didactic games:

    "The flower is your talisman";

    "Guess the flower from the description";

    "Guess the flower from the riddle, from the illustration";

    "Assemble a flower from geometric shapes";

    "Decorate the carpet with flowers";

    “Plant meadow and garden flowers”;

    "Name an extra flower";

    Poetry Day "Beautiful Flower" (development of emotional and value attitude to artistic images);

    Evening of riddles "Mysteries of the forest fairy";

    Work in a corner of nature (caring for indoor plants - watering, cleaning dust from leaves);

Working with parents:

    Advice for parents "How to grow gardens and kitchen gardens on the windowsill."

    Consultation "Chamomile" from the series "Together with children".


3 week

    Protection of mini-projects by children (together with parents);

    Making a photo album "Children and flowers";

    Design of the exhibition of crafts and drawings "Flowers around us";

III. The final stage

4 week

    Open lesson"Flowers around us";

    Quiz with children and parents "Connoisseurs of flowers";


Directly organized activity. Journey into the kingdom of indoor plants.

Goals: consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; continue to teach children to describe plants, noting the differences and similarities between them, characteristics; develop speech, thinking; maintain interest in indoor plants, the desire to observe and care for them.

Corner of nature. Plant care.

Goals: summarize children's ideas about caring for indoor plants; consolidate knowledge about the basic needs of indoor plants, provide information about signal signs of unmet needs; generalize knowledge about how to care for plants (watering, removing dust, loosening); develop coherent monologue speech through the ability to talk about the structural features of plants, about performing their actions, taking into account the structure labor process; develop labor skills corresponding to the content of knowledge; introduce a new type of flower care - top dressing; to cultivate love for plants, the desire to care for them, the ability to communicate with nature as a living organism.

Morning exercises "Magic flowers".

The fairy tells the children that they have grown from a seed and become beautiful flowers around which butterflies fly. Dragonflies. Children are unusual flowers. who know how to move.

Offers to stand in a circle, weave a wreath of flowers.

Didactic games

“Find a plant”, “Find what I will describe”, “Guess what kind of plant”, “Run to the named plant”, “Collect a flower”, “Find the same plant”, “What flower is gone?”, Guess the riddle ”, “Collect a bouquet”, “The fourth extra”, “Decorate the room”, “Find the same”

“What has changed?”, “Where did the matryoshka hide?”, “Find a plant by name”, “Sell what I will name”, “Where is the plant hidden?”, “Recognize the plant”, “Flowers” ​​shop, “Find a flower by its description"

word games

Target: Develop the ability to describe plants and find them according to the description.

"I was born a gardener"

"Describe a flower"

"Guess, we'll guess."


Target: Develop figurative and associative thinking, imagination, memory; increase observation and interest in the native language, enrich the speech of children with images.

Collection of riddles about flowers

And now my friends guys

Guess the riddles

All poems are about flowers

I know them, how about you?

He grows under a snowdrift, He is a stepmother and mother,

Drinking snow water. Like a flower, this one is called

(Snowdrop) (coltsfoot)

Hiding a flower White flower

Sweet honey. sour flower

And in the name of honey lurk ... Useful in the soup,

Do you recognize? His name is...?

(Lungwort) (Sour)

Productive activities

Collage "Flower Kingdom"

Target. To continue to arouse in children an interest in collective artistic and decorative activities, to exercise in the ability to create a collage.

Application "Magic flowers".

Target. Learn to engage in collective activities; to consolidate the skills of cutting and gluing; develop aesthetic taste. Ability to compose a composition, navigate on a sheet of paper; develop imagination, creative thinking.

Ecological project "World of Flowers"

Type of project: research, educational and creative.

Participants: children 5-6 years old.

Interaction of teachers: educators, music director, parents, additional education teacher.

Project duration: short term (2 weeks).

Game motivation: "Journey to the Land of Flowers" .

Formation active position "protector and friend" the world of nature is the basis in the education of ecological culture of preschoolers. Children are especially impressionable and responsive, therefore they are actively involved in all measures to protect those who need it. It is important to show children that people take a stronger position in relation to the natural world. (for example, plants will wither without watering and care).


  • To consolidate ideas about the diversity of the world of flowers;
  • Continue to develop environmentally literate behavior skills in nature (in particular, when communicating with the world of flowers);
  • Develop children's creativity.


  • To deepen children's knowledge of colors and their diversity.
  • Learn to compare plants, draw conclusions based on comparison.
  • Practice classifying colors (garden, meadow, forest flowers).
  • To consolidate the ability to reflect the impressions received in drawings, creative works.
  • To form a caring attitude towards flowers, to develop a desire to care for flowers.
  • Cultivate love for the beauty of the world.

Project forms:

  • Conversations;
  • plant observations;
  • Ecological leisure and holidays;
  • Participation in an environmental action;
  • Labor activity in the flower garden;
  • Competition of drawings on environmental topics;

Expected results of the project.

  • Children understand the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans.
  • Mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them in practical activities and in everyday life.
  • Manifestation active relationship to natural objects (effective care, the ability to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature).

Project stages:

  1. stage. Preparatory.
  2. stage. Project development.
  3. stage. Project implementation (organization joint work children and teachers on the project).
  4. stage. Summarizing (presentation).

Conversation on the topic: "Such different flowers" (Garden flowers. Meadow flowers. Forest flowers).

Entertainment "Ball of Flowers" .

Exhibition of drawings "Flower Kaleidoscope" .

Project implementation

Practical lesson "Kingdom in the flowerbed"

Objectives: Continue to introduce the world of plants; give an idea about cultivated plants, about the special attitude of man towards them; cultivate diligence and love for wildlife; develop attention and coherent speech

Team work:

Didactic games.

  • "Find a Plant"
  • "Find what I'll describe"
  • "Collect a Flower"
  • "Find the same plant"
  • "What flower is missing?"
  • "Collect a bouquet"
  • "The Fourth Extra"

Word games.

Target. Develop the ability to describe plants and find them according to the description.

"I was born a gardener"

"Describe a flower"


"Evening of Riddles"

Target. Develop figurative and associative thinking, imagination, memory; increase observation and interest in the native language, enrich the speech of children with images.

Collective artistic and aesthetic activity:

Collage "Flower Kingdom" . Target. To continue to arouse in children an interest in collective artistic and decorative activities. exercise in the ability to create a collage.

Collective application .

Purpose: to encourage children to engage in collective activities; to consolidate the skills of cutting and gluing; develop aesthetic taste. Ability to compose a composition, navigate on a sheet of paper; develop imagination, creative thinking.

Painting "My favorite flower"

Target. Encourage children to draw their favorite flowers. Develop imagination, a sense of color, the ability to convey the color of flowers. Strengthen the ability to hold the brush correctly.

Outdoor games.

Target. Develop the ability to act on a signal, restrain oneself, expressively perform movements; develop imagination.

  • "Sun and Rain"
  • "Flowers and wind"

Labor activity.

Planting seedlings of flowers.

Target. To give an idea about the life of a plant, to teach some methods of growing seedlings.


Watching flowers in the flower garden

Target. Fix the names of flowers, their color; form an aesthetic taste. Develop observation; cultivate respect for plants; consolidate knowledge about flowers, the color of their petals; develop a sense of beauty, speech.

Recitation competition "We love and protect nature"

Target. Develop interest in literature, poetry; develop speech, attention.

Poems about flowers.

Dmitriev Yu. Round dance of petals.

Sokolov-Mikitov I. Colors of the forest. Flower legends.

Poem "Bell flower" and etc.

  • Independent play activities of children.
  • Examination of books, illustrations, albums, postcards with flowers.
  • Coloring flowers in coloring books.
  • Board games: "Lay out the flowers" (mosaic); "Collect a houseplant" ; "Collect a bouquet" ; "Flower Lotto"
  • Participation of parents in the exhibition "Flower Kaleidoscope" .

The final stage:

Participation in an environmental action “We plant rose hips - we welcome summer” with the library A. Peshkova

Leisure "Flower Day"

Expand and generalize knowledge about plants (colors) Develop cognitive abilities; cultivate a humane attitude towards all living things

Riddles about flowers

Competition "Who will collect the flower faster" .

Competition "Who will quickly make an arrangement of flowers" .

Reading poems about flowers.

improvisation under "Waltz of the Flowers" P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Nutcracker" .

Performing songs about flowers.

Competition "Who will plant meadow and garden flowers faster" .

The game "Flower auction"

The result of the project: Children are happy to join in the search and research activities of learning about nature, both together with adults and on their own, using various search actions.

Responds to the suggestions of an adult to take care of the plants in the flower garden, willingly, together with the teacher, provides all possible assistance in loosening and weeding the flower garden. A sufficiently large number of flowering plants are distinguished and correctly named.


  • Alyabyeva, E. A. Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten. Planning and notes [Text]/ E. A. Alyabyeva.: - M .: Sphere, 2005. - 160 p.
  • Bondarenko, T. M. Ecological classes with children aged 5-6 years. [Text]/ T. M. Bondarenko. - Voronezh: Teacher, 2007. - 159 p.
  • Children's encyclopedia. Flowers from A to Z. [Text]/ M.: Arguments and facts, 1996. - 40 p.
  • Magazine "Pedagogical creativity" №6 1999; №6 2000; №3 2003; №3 2004.
  • Magazine "Preschool Pedagogy" No. 5 2008.
  • Makhaneva, M. D. Ecological development of children of preschool and primary school age. Methodological guide for preschool educators and teachers * elementary school [Text]/ M. D. Makhaneva. - M.: Arkti, 2004. - 320 p.
  • Shorygina, T.A. Flowers: what are they? Book for educators [Text]/ T.A. Shorygin. - M.: GNOMID, 2002. - 64 p.
  • Nikolaeva S.N. The program of ecological education of preschoolers M. New school 1993
  • Nikolaeva S.N. Communication with nature begins from childhood. Perm 1992
  • Podyakova N.N. Intellectual education of preschoolers.
  • Vinogradova N.F. Nature and the world around us. M. 1992

Photo report of the project "World of Flowers"

  • Exhibition of joint creativity "Flower Kaleidoscope"
  • Collective application "Flower Fairy"
  • Collective application "Put on the lawn colored shirts"
  • Recitation competition "We love and protect nature"
  • Participation in the action "We plant rose hips, we welcome summer"
  • Leisure "Flower Day"
  • Participation in the drawing competition and work in the flower garden for children

Amazing bouquet for the planet Earth

Sl.1 header

Sl.2 2017 can rightfully bear the title of the most natural year, since all the events taking place will be dedicated to nature. Man is somehow connected with nature. Although with the development of cities they began to forget about it, however, all the events of 2017 will remind the ecology of this...

We all have one planet -

There is no other like it in the world!

Don't destroy the Earth, people!

We will not have another Earth!

Transport, factories, plants

Poison the air, poison the water.

If we destroy the earth,

Where do we live, tell me, will we?

Loving the earth in words

Man, start with yourself!

Do not throw garbage on the Earth:

You yourself said: Earth is our mother!

Animals, trees, herbs -

All were born from Mother Earth.

And everyone has the right to life

Just like you and me!

If you are not an enemy:

The earth will live without us

And we can't do without her!

Let everyone understand this

Sl. 3 Person! Created terrible poisons that kill insects and animals.

Sl.4 Person! He created cars, plants and factories that poison the air with harmful substances.

Sl. 5 Person! Covers the Earth with a huge layer of garbage.

Sl.6 Person! Contaminated the earth with sediment!

Sl.7 People! Come to your senses! Take care of your native nature!

Sl.8 Millions of years working for the good,

Giving life to everyone around.

And while the Earth-planet is spinning,

Will serve humanity!

Trouble may fall from space

And life on the planet will be interrupted then.

Like a crystal ball, the planet is fragile.

Keep her good God hand!

Sl.9 Slowly spinning in space, the blue planet Earth remains the most beautiful planet in the world. solar system. Most often, the Earth talks with the red-faced Mars, its closest neighbor in time and space.

LAND : A long time ago, bipedal beings arrived in spaceships from another galaxy. Not only did people - as they called themselves - ruthlessly burned and cut down forests, exterminated thousands of animal species, polluted the seas and rivers, poisoned the air, they also exploded bombs, trying to push me out of orbit.

MARS : I am familiar with this. I was the same as you, with a blue atmosphere. Dense forests encircled me, strange animals ran on the lawns, clear water flowed through the canals. And then spaceships with three-legged creatures also flew from the constellation Pleiades. And for thousands of years they brought me to the same state in which you are now.

LAND: Tell me how did you get rid of them?

MARS: In a nuclear war, they killed each other, but my atmosphere was destroyed, and I turned into a lifeless red planet. Maybe you can help get rid of your problems? Let me send you a giant meteorite.

LAND (thoughtfully): It’s not worth it yet, I still have friends: they are scientists, environmentalists, writers who write about me with love.

DC 10 And today, in honor of the Year of Ecology, we will give the Earth an unusual bouquet. Unusual, because it will be a bouquet of flowers from the legends.

Bouquets are different. It can be: bouquets of flowers, words, moods, or even a bouquet of sharpened pencils. They are everywhere and always colorful. We just don't notice them sometimes.

After all, as Andersen wrote in his fairy tale "Thumbelina": "To live, you need the sun, freedom and a small flower"

And stays with us

Everything related to flowers

They dissolved the colors of the stars,

And the world of love without pain and tears!

and it will also be a bouquet of our words ... that we love our planet very much, and we will keep it clean, beautiful and fragrant!

We are talking about

That the whole Earth is our common home -

Our good house, spacious house,

We all live in it from birth.

Also, we are talking about

That we must protect our home!


In flowers - the soul, and life, and inspiration,

They are the source of victories and joy!

Accept, as a sign of love and respect,

Flowers from us and this bouquet.

Sl.11 Legends and myths about flowers.

Flowers - poems of the earth ...

Is it possible better

Can you tell me about this earthly beauty?

d.12 A long time ago, when life was just beginning on earth and everything around was covered with snow.

One snowflake, they say, as if risked turning into a flower in order to warm the earth with its warmth.

There was no one else to do it. And she became a flower - a snowdrop, and the delicate flower warmed the earth, and life appeared on it.

There are many legends and legends about flowers. How did the legends about flowers, plants and herbs come about? Why are some plants attributed supernatural properties? The amazing features of plants are one of the main reasons for the emergence of legends and fairy tales. Each flower had its own story, and very ancient history turned into a legend...

Sl.13 Snowdrop. Snowdrops have medicinal properties and can be used to treat diseases of the nervous system, joint inflammation and muscle pathology.

That's what a legend, and not even a legend, but quite real story associated with snowdrops and CatherineII.

Case described by Otto von Bismarck. During his visit to Russia, while walking through the Summer Garden, he noticed that a certain sentry was guarding absolutely empty place. No one could explain the strange tradition, except for the old minister. He said that once, even under his father, Ekaterina II , seeing the first snowdrop on the lawn of the Summer Garden, she posted a sentry to guard the spring miracle. The snowdrop faded, but the soldiers continued to fulfill the imperial decree for many more years! ..

Sl.14 Snowdrops, snowdrops

Forest colored days

Green candlesticks

And white lights...

d.15 The water lily is the queen of the waters.

This plant is indicated for headaches and swellings. Water lily root in the form of a decoction will help get rid of diarrhea, as well as relieve pain in the bladder. A healing decoction of flowers is prescribed for insomnia and jaundice. A unique wine tincture from the roots of the plant relieves severe lacrimation and abundant purulent discharge. The water lily is also effective in severe neurosis, neuralgia and rheumatism. It should also be noted that this plant has a powerful antipyretic effect.

The white water lily is protected by law, as there are very few of them left in the reservoirs of rivers and lakes.

The Italian legend tells that water lilies are the children of the beautiful blond Countess Melinda and the ugly, terrible swamp king who kidnapped her.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Melinda. And the swamp king followed her all the time. The king's eyes twinkled as he looked at beautiful girl, and although he was scary as hell, he nevertheless became Melinda's husband, and a yellow egg-cap, which has long symbolized treason and deceit, helped him get the beauty. Walking with her friends by the swampy lake, Melinda admired the golden floating flowers, reached for one of them, stepped on the coastal stump, in which the lord of the bog hid, and he carried the girl to the bottom. At the place of her death, snow-white flowers with a yellow core surfaced. These flowers turned out to be water lilies.

Sl.16 She straightened her petals languidly.

And suddenly your flowers began to play,

The queen of the waters is a beautiful water lily.

Sl.17 Iris. The world's first irises appeared on earth more than one million years ago. The amazing beauty of this plant attracted not only birds and animals, but also the elements - water and wind, which carried the seeds of a beautiful flower all over the planet. And the image of a blooming iris flaunts on the Florentine coat of arms.

Essential oil is obtained from iris flowers, which is extremely highly valued and used in the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumery products.

The inhabitants of Armenia often use iris petals when preparing a very tasty and healthy jam. Dried toffee seeds can be added to make a drink that can replace coffee. Dried orris root is actively used in folk medicine. The benefits of iris in this case are due to its effective expectorant, blood-purifying and diuretic effects.

The name of this flower is associated with the name of Irida, the goddess of the rainbow in Greek mythology. The flower has leaves that are flat like swords, and therefore the Germans call it the sword-lily, and the Russians for its beauty gave it the tender name "killer whale". When the titan Prometheus stole heavenly fire on Olympus and gave it to people, a rainbow flared up on earth with a marvelous seven-color rainbow - so great was the joy of all life in the world. Already the sunset has faded, and the day has faded, and the sun has gone, and the rainbow - it still shone over the world, giving people hope. It did not go out until dawn, and when in the morning the sun returned to its place again, where the magic rainbow burned and shimmered with colors, irises bloomed ...

Here it is, this rainbow flower, given by Prometheus to mankind along with fire.

Sl.18 Slim shadows, strange shadows,

blue, fragrant,

Illuminated by moonlight,

Pure iris flowers.

Sl.19 Lilies of the valley. This flower is the most fragrant, the most mysterious. Be careful, because lily of the valley is a poisonous plant, its fruits can cause poisoning.

You can not eat the flowers and fruits of the lily of the valley, as this will lead to poisoning, which means that nausea, tinnitus, vomiting will appear, the heartbeat will become very frequent, etc. In case of poisoning, gastric lavage should be done immediately.

Lily of the valley preparations should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. It is found in the Crimea, Siberia, the Caucasus and Far East. Lily of the valley - a plant listed in the Red Book!

Lily of the valley contains many glycosides that have a positive effect on the heart. Lily of the valley lowers blood pressure, thanks to it, cardiac edema decreases and even disappears. Lily of the valley preparations have a sedative property. The plant is used for heart defects, pain in the abdomen, fever and colic in the abdomen. Medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the lily of the valley.

According to an old Russian legend, the sea princess Volkhova fell in love with Sadko, and he gave his heart to the favorite of the fields and forests, Lyubava. Saddened Volkhova went ashore and began to cry. And where the tears of the princess fell, flowers grew - a symbol of purity, love and sadness.

DC 20 In the legends, the lily of the valley is a symbol of sadness,

Sad suffering, thoughts at night.

Where the girl's tears fell

Lily of the valley bloomed, not bright roses.

Sl.21 Poppy. Poppy is widely used in folk medicine. With the help of a decoction of the roots of the plant, you can eliminate the headache and cure inflammation of the sciatic nerve. In ancient times, healers prepared sleeping pills from the seeds of the fruit, which helped to relieve fatigue well. On the basis of poppy, many medicines with a wide spectrum of action are made:

Hypnotic, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, oncological.

Poppy is extremely useful for the human body. Our grandmothers knew about the benefits of poppy, mixing it with honey and treating their grandchildren with this delicacy, they helped their children grow up strong and healthy. So they struggled with the hyperactivity of babies, protected from diseases and evil spirits. Grandmothers knew the measure, knew its sacred properties. Only those who abuse its properties receive harm from the poppy. The harm of poppy applies only to those who use its narcotic properties, preventing everyone else from receiving from the plant the healing power of its capabilities given to poppy by nature.

In our time, it is impossible to plant poppies, since 2004 there has been a ban on poppy cultivation. Moreover, you can not bring it as a raw material from abroad

The legend says that the goddess Flora created a poppy to somehow please a lonely and sad night.

When the Lord created the earth, animals and plants, everyone was happy, except for the Night. No matter how hard she tried to dispel her deep darkness with the help of stars and luminous bugs, she hid too many beauties of nature, which pushed everyone away from her. Then the Lord created Sleep, dreams and dreams, and together with the Night they became welcome guests. Over time, passions awakened in people, one of the people even planned to kill his brother. Sleep wanted to stop him, but the sins of this man prevented him from approaching. Then the Dream, in anger, stuck his magic wand into the ground, and the Night breathed life into it. The wand took root, turned green, and, retaining its sleep-inducing power, became a poppy.

And the life of a flower is less than two days. This is a magical mystery flower that symbolizes both the beauty of life and the horror of death. A scarlet star that blossomed in the world to separate good and evil.

Sl. 22 I inhaled the intoxicating aroma

And drowned headlong in scarlet poppies,

On the petals reading at random

Mysterious fire signs.

Sl.23 Lilac is a messenger of hope.

In folk medicine, lilac flowers were brewed as tea, they drank such tea for colds, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney stones, flu, cough, diarrhea, lilac tea was drunk at elevated body temperature, since lilac has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. Lilac also contributes to the discharge of sand, stones in urolithiasis.

The god of forests and fields, Pan, was ugly from birth - horned and bearded, and even with goat hooves. But, as they say, you can't command your heart. The young pan fell in love with the forest nymph Syringa, as beautiful as a May morning. Pan wandered everywhere, chasing the beauty. Once he saw Syringa from a distance in a dense forest and wanted to catch up with her. Then the nymph prayed to Artemis in horror: "Save me from shame!" She turned the nymph into a fragrant lilac bush that blooms every spring. And the inconsolable pan broke off a lilac branch, made a flute (syrinx) out of it, and never parted with it. When, in the hours of quiet sadness or wild fun, Pan began to play the flute, the birds fell silent in the forest, and the breeze died down in the field. And it seemed that at that moment one could hear the quivering breath of the earth itself, when it is pure, tender, still virgin, waking up under the rays of the sun.

Sl. 24 How festively the garden blossomed lilac

Lilac, white.

Today is a special - lilac day,

Beginning of blooming summer.

DC 25 Hyacinth. Dried hyacinth petals are sewn into gauze bags and put underwear for aromatization. It is known that the smell of hyacinth drives away depression, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and relieves insomnia. Our great-grandmothers ground dry hyacinth petals into powder, set fire to it and fumigated the room to get rid of mosquitoes, which immediately disappeared. Cockroaches don't like hyacinth smoke either. Hyacinth has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, bactericidal, astringent, antiseptic and soothing properties. From its flowers and leaves, an essential oil is obtained, which is added to perfumes and creams. Hyacinth cleanses and rejuvenates the skin.

Once, a Genoese ship sank in a storm off the coast of Holland. Its wreckage washed ashore. And, a few weeks later, the children playing on the sandbar noticed a flower that had never been seen before almost at the very edge of the surf. It had the same leaves as a tulip, only the stem was completely planted with many beautiful flowers, similar to small lilies. The flowers smelled unusually, and no one could understand where such an outlandish miracle came from.

Flowers, accidentally brought to Holland by sea, began to be called hyacinths, which is translated as “flower of the rains”, apparently because the flowering of hyacinths fell on the rainy season. Hyacinth was also considered a symbol of dying and resurrecting nature, because, withering, a beautiful flower was reborn a few months later. Hyacinth is a flower of love, happiness, fidelity and ... sorrow.

Sl.26 Oh Hyacinth!

In the spring you decorate the vaults of the sky,

And in Greece you

Symbol of the rebirth of nature

Sl.27 Aster. A star that fell from the sky. All parts of the plant are taken for treatment. Due to the content of biologically active ingredients- flavonoids, coumarin, saponin - astra has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, is able to prevent the action of pathogenic microorganisms, is considered a powerful mucolytic agent, astra recipes are also used for pulmonary tuberculosis, but only as an additional treatment. Some types of plants can be used in the treatment of the digestive tract. Astra is taken externally for the treatment of certain skin diseases, sometimes it helps with mild vision pathologies.

The Oneida Indians tell such a legend about this flower. The young hunter fell in love with the girl, but she remained indifferent to him.

If I knock down a star from the sky, will you be mine? he asked the proud beauty. No one else from the tribe could make the bride happy with such a gift, and the girl, thinking that the hunter was just a braggart, agreed. When the Indians from the neighboring wigwams found out about this, they began to laugh at the young man. But the hunter stood his ground.

come to the big meadow in the evening,” he said.

When in the evening they flashed in the sky bright stars, all the men from the Oneida tribe gathered to see if the young hunter could fulfill his promise. The young man raised his bow, pulled the string and sent an arrow up. And a moment later, high in the sky, a silver star shattered into small sparks - it was struck by a well-aimed arrow of a hunter. Only the desired happiness bypassed the young man. God got angry at a mere mortal who dared to shoot down the stars from the sky. After all, if other lovers follow his example, then there will be no stars left in the sky at all, and the moon is unlikely to survive ... He sent a terrible storm to the earth. For three days and three nights a fierce hurricane raged. Everything on earth was shrouded in thick darkness. The sea overflowed its shores, and where there used to be an ocean, land was formed ... When the storm subsided, no one could find the daredevil who knocked a star from the sky. He turned into a small flower, which the Indians gave the name "shooting star."

Sl.28 The sun in the sky was surprised:

What a miracle happened

Maybe the stars were lit?

The asters are blooming!

Sl.29 Rose is the queen of flowers. According to archaeological data, the rose has existed on Earth for about 25 million years.

And finally, one more legend - the riddle of the rose.

Once, in the evening, a prince was walking in a palace park. He was surprised when he met a very beautiful stranger. They walked in the park all night, but at dawn she told him that she had to leave because she was a princess who had been turned into a rose by an evil sorcerer. Only for one summer night she becomes a girl again. There is only one way to disenchant it - from the first attempt to recognize it among thousands of other roses. If the choice is wrong, the girl will die. The princess disappeared, and the prince, with the first rays of the sun, went to that part of the park where hundreds of roses grew and immediately found her. The question is, how did he recognize her? Answer: there was no dew on it ...

Sl. thirty Roses came to the Russian land to bloom in our gardens.

Aromas, color, exotic they brought with them

Young and old are delighted with unearthly beauty.

They seem to be updated every day and every hour,

These roses, like sorceresses, fascinate us.

Since ancient times, they have been considered an ornament of the earth,

Only angels could create such charms.

Sl.31 Why are flowers needed?

First, aesthetic;

Second, air purification;

Thirdly, the improvement of the human body;

Fourth, they have a beneficial effect on the emotional and psychological background

Many people of all countries and peoples are accustomed to believe that flowers are one of the eternal symbols of goodness.

Flowers are life, beauty. Perhaps all nature is a mosaic of flowers? Perhaps all nature is a desire for beauty? (Konstantin Balmont ).

Flowers accompany us throughout our lives.

Flowers help a person: they heal, predict the weather, specify the time ... The famous Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (XVIII century) for a long time surprised his acquaintances by the fact that without looking at his watch, he always called the exact time. The key to the trick is that a flower clock "grew" under Carl Linnaeus's window! The clock face was divided into a number of sectors, each of which landed strictly certain kind plants, selected according to the time of their disclosure. During the sunny day, the botanical clock ran flawlessly: every hour one plant opened its flowers, followed by another, and so on until dusk.

Another property of flowers is known: they are included in the menu. There are many flower-bearing peoples in the world!

Sl.32 They say that a person should raise a son in his life, build a house, plant a tree...

Sl.33 And if everyone plants and grows at least one flower, the earth will turn into a beautiful garden...

Sl.34 And finally, one parable for you ... The fly and the bee.

Sl.35 Once a mosquito asked a fly:

Are there flowers in the neighborhood?

I don’t know anything about flowers, the fly answered him. - But there are plenty of cans, manure, sewage in the ditches.

And the fly began to list to the mosquito all the surrounding garbage dumps, which he definitely needs to visit.

Sl.36 A mosquito flew in the indicated direction and met a bee along the way.

Have you seen any garbage cans in the area? he asked her.

Dumps? Impurities? No, I haven’t seen it anywhere, - the bee was surprised. “But there are so many fragrant flowers everywhere.

Sl.37 Appreciate and take care of the nature around you.

I love this colorful world

The sky is starry, the winds are gentle.

Maybe I'll be funny

Singing the boundless fields.

I look to the sky when

A clear heart is filled with happiness.

Even if trouble bends

Rise to find beauty.

I want it to be better

Today is a mysterious moment.

Everyone to discover for themselves

Bright joy, the only way.

From above to rain.

The most iridescent, the most affectionate.

How good is this world.

It is painted with earth colors.

@ Svetlana Krasnova

Anna Korsakova
Ecological project "Flowers"

Type of project: cognitive-research.

Project participants: children, educators, parents.

Project implementation period: September - November.

Relevance of the chosen topic

Today, environmental education in the world is considered a priority in the education and upbringing of preschool children. Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it should carefully and carefully treat it, preserving all its values ​​and riches.

Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants, as they not only help us breathe, but also treat diseases.

Flowers are not only beauty, but also a part of wildlife that must be protected and protected, and, of course, known. To know the structure of a flower, its appearance, features, healing properties.

Everyone can pick a flower, but to say which flower he picked,

Not everyone.

Objective of the project

Introduce children to the magical world of flowers;

Tell about where the flowers grow, how


Expand the horizons of children;

Develop memory, vocabulary;

to instill love for nature, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and the world around us;

Develop the ability to compare and analyze;

Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observing and studying natural phenomena.

Tasks of environmental education

Define what a flower is.

To teach children to classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field, house).

Introduce children to the professions of people associated with floriculture.

Teach children how to plant and grow flowers.

Note the importance, the role of flowers for the life and activities of humans, animals, insects.

Develop constructive, visual abilities of children in

production of flowers, using different materials and technical means.

Develop the ability to compare and analyze.

Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, study of natural objects.

Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts. Replenishment and enrich the vocabulary of children and their knowledge of meadow, garden, indoor flowers.

Development of ecological consciousness.

Aesthetic education

Tasks of ecological education:

To cultivate a caring attitude towards flowers, the ability to take care of them.

Cultivate communication skills, independence,

diligence, observation and curiosity to all living things.

Man's understanding of the intrinsic value of nature.

Awareness of oneself as part of nature.

Understanding relationships and interdependence in nature.

Education of an active life position.

Teaching the basics of environmental safety.

Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around.

Leading to an understanding of the uniqueness and beauty of the world around.

Forms and methods of work.

Ecological classes.

Ecological excursions.

Kindness lessons.

Discussing and playing situations.

Labor landing.

Laboratory of the young ecologist "Evrika".

Ecological games.

Story - role-playing games.

Game situations, songs, nursery rhymes.

Ecological quiz.

Cognitive activities (application, drawing, modeling, music, speech development, natural and social world)

Resource support of the project

"Living Corner", indoor flowers, a flower garden on the site of the kindergarten.

Methodological tools:

Material and technical (computer, camera, stationery, music library, glassware for experiments, flasks, pots, jars, hourglasses, clocks, magnifying glass, plastic knives for experiments, individual saucers for experiments, napkins, gardening equipment, nurseries, sports equipment)

visual material:

a) live flowers, in illustrations, made from different materials;

b) board games;

c) didactic games on ecology;

d) a library of a young florist.

e) album "Legends of Flowers";

Equipped with natural and waste material.

Stages of project implementation

I. Preparatory stage


Formation of the project idea, selection of the project topic.

The study of psychological and pedagogical literature.

Search and study of methodological literature on ecology: information, use of Internet resources, materials from libraries, encyclopedias, literature.

Analysis of the collected material.

Selection of fiction on the topic: "For children about nature", "Flowers". For acquaintance, reading, studying.

II. main stage

Conversation “Flowers are the beauty of the earth”, “Why they were called that”, “Flower dreams”, “Flowers are talismans”,

Lesson "Flowers and Time", "The Red Book of Russia", "Visiting primroses" (give an idea about primroses; teach them to identify them by description; find a connection between flowering plants and insects; enrich the dictionary, "Indoor plants of a corner of nature" (fix children's knowledge of indoor plants; continue to learn to compare plants, find similarities and differences in external signs; consolidate knowledge about the growth conditions of indoor plants; develop a desire to care for plants).

Excursions to neighboring sites, a flower shop.

Riddles, puzzles. Learning and reading poetry.

Reading fiction, educational literature.

Conversations: "Flowers in legends, poems, riddles, songs", "Professions of people involved in floriculture", "Beauty will save the world", dedicated to "Earth Day" (in an accessible form to explain to children why nature should be protected; enrich and expand ideas about the environment).

Examination of illustrations, postcards with the image of flowers.

Didactic games: “Flower shop” (to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the right flower among others; teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets, “Fold a flower” (clarification of knowledge about the structure of a flower - stem, leaves, flower, "Find a plant by description" (clarification of knowledge about the structure of a flower, fixing the names of indoor plants).

Observations of the awakening of the earth, the appearance of thawed patches, the first sprouts, primroses.

Outdoor games.

Listening to music: goal: Formation of the foundations of musical culture for children.

Yu. Antonov “Do not pick flowers”, W. Mozart “Flowers”, P. I. Tchaikovsky “The cycle of seasons”, “Waltz of flowers”.

Yu. Chichkov “Magic flower” “It is called nature”, M. Protasov “Dandelions”

Experiences and research and search activities:

if the flowers are not watered for a long time, the leaf-points wither, and the flower falls. Where the seeds will sprout quickly (in the sun, in a dark place or away from the sun's rays);

Labor activity on the site, in the group - planting flowers, caring for them.

Collect a collection: flowers made from different materials, flowers on fabric, postcards "Bouquets of flowers".

Children's stories about flower beds at home, how they take care of flowers with their parents. On what occasions are flowers given at home?

Artistic and creative activity:

a) active participation in events related to the theme "Flowers";

b) making paper flowers;

c) drawing flowers with paints, pencils, crayons, using different techniques:

d) take part in exhibitions in kindergarten:

- "Autumn palette"

Portrait “The plant is smiling”

Card file of didactic games:

"The flower is your talisman";

"Guess the flower from the description";

"Guess the flower from the riddle, from the illustration";

"Assemble a flower from geometric shapes";

"Decorate the carpet with flowers."

"Plant meadow and garden flowers"

"Name an extra flower"

Observations of autumn flowers on the site

Evening of riddles "Mysteries of the Forest Fairy".

Work in a corner of nature (caring for indoor plants - watering, dusting leaves

Purpose: to use the family's ability to form children's love and respect for nature, to involve parents in interaction. Creative tasks for children together with their parents (albums, collages, visiting museums, making crafts for the "Gifts of Nature" contest, designing the exhibition "Together with Mom and Dad". Creation and design (creation of illustrations) of the ecological fairy tale "Golden Sun".

Vasilyeva Olga Evgenievna
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 127, Danilov, Yaroslavl region
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-04-20 Ecology project on the theme “Flowers of magical beauty” Vasilyeva Olga Evgenievna MBDOU kindergarten No. 127, Danilov, Yaroslavl region This project is recommended for children middle group kindergarten and is aimed at a deep study of the diversity of the plant world.

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Ecology project on the theme “Flowers of magical beauty”

Prepared by:Vasilyeva Olga Evgenievna - teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 127, Danilova, Yaroslavl region.

Project idea:Creation of a flower bed on the territory of the site for a walk.
Project type: Cognitive - research, creative, long-term.
Project participants: children senior group, educators, parents.
Project implementation timeline: February - August 2017

environmental education - one of the main directions in the education system, it is a way of influencing the feelings of children, their consciousness, views and ideas.
Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants.
Flowers are not only beauty, but a part of wildlife that must be protected and protected, but also multiplied.

Target: To generalize and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about what flowers are and how to care for them.
1) Educational:
To acquaint with the diversity of the plant world, with its significance for all life on the planet.
Learn about the structure and function of plants.
Give the concept of garden, meadow flowers.
Get to know the world around you.
Build research skills.
2) Developing:
Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, study of natural objects.
Enrich children's vocabulary.
Develop a creative and exploratory interest in flowers.
Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.
3) Educational:
Instilling labor skills, mutual assistance.
Organization of joint creativity of parents and children.
Respect for nature.

Project methods:
1. Conversation
2. Educational games
3. Observations
4. Experiments, research activities
5. Labor

6. Tour

7. Presentation

Resource support:
Informational resources(scientific-methodical, journalistic and fiction literature on this issue);
Material resources(experimental plot, planting material (seeds of garden flowers, flower seedlings, care products (packed soil, water, containers for seedlings, buckets, scoops, shovel, rakes, watering cans), material for decorating creative works.

Stages of work:
Organizational and preparatory stage.
The goal is set, the main tasks are defined. Selected literature, illustrations. Necessary materials developed: abstracts educational activities, an algorithm for compiling a descriptive story, a work plan on the topic of the Project. As part of the interaction, work was carried out with parents.
main stage - research. Direct implementation of the project. Introduction to garden flowers. Planting indoors, growing seedlings, caring for seedlings. Work on the garden plot: planting in the ground, caring for plants, monitoring growth, collecting seeds.
Final final. Exhibition of creative works on the topic, drawing up a herbarium, presentation of the results of the Project.

Expected results.
1. Children independently observe and notice the beauty of the plant world.
2. Children have a cognitive interest in nature, they are able to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
3. Formed labor skills and habits for caring for plants, respect for the work of people, the desire to communicate with nature.
4. In direct educational activities (sculpting, drawing, appliqué) they try to depict objects of nature - flowers.

Project implementation:
Stage 1 - preparatory

– selected and studied methodological, scientific and fiction literature on the topic of the Project;
- selected didactic games of natural history content, aimed at the development of cognitive activity, the formation of the principles of ecological culture;
– adapted and systematized outdoor games aimed at the development of motor activity, attention and observation in nature;
– targeted walks around the territory of the kindergarten, an excursion to the “Summer Garden” of the city of Danilov was developed;
- conversations about flowers, compiling descriptive stories;
- looking at photographs and pictures of flowers;
- preparation of containers with earth, seeds.

Stage 2 - exploratory
In the kindergarten group, they examined and sowed seeds of garden flowers, signed containers with the names of plants. Sketched in a notebook of observations. Plant care and watering.
Reading fiction: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles about flowers.
Children watched the growth of plants, conducted experiments, experiments. Sketched in a notebook of observations. They established connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - people. Conducted classes, didactic games, conversations.
- "What are the flowers?"

“How are flowers born?”

- "Primroses"

- “What should be a flower bed”

Why do flowers wither in autumn?

Experimental activities:

– Experience “Can a plant breathe?”

Target: Find out if the plant absorbs oxygen.

– Experience “How does a plant look for light?”

Target: Find out how light and shadow affect the plant.

- Experience "Influence of Sunlight on Plant Growth"

Target:determine the role of the sun in plant life.

2 containers with earth and sprouts (children water one container, loosen the earth, choose a sunny place, do not water the other, do not loosen the earth, put in a dark place)

Experience “Plants “drink” water”

Target:prove that plants absorb water.

Put two bouquets of flowers in tinted water. After a while, the stems of the flowers will also be colored. Conclusion: plants "drink" water.

- "Plants of our site."
Inspection of the site, finding plants, determining their names.

“What kind of plants are they? » Inspection of plants in order to determine their structure (find the stem, leaves, flowers, roots). Comparison of different plants in height, shape, color of leaves, flowers, stems, smell.

“Who helps the plants grow?” Children discuss why the plants have grown. The purpose of all parts of the plant is determined: the root absorbs moisture and nutrients from the ground; the stem carries them to the leaves, flowers, seeds; leaves absorb light; flowers will then become seeds. Plants have grown because our site is a good “home” for them, in which there is nutritious soil, water, heat, and light. Flowers grow "help": the sun, rain, earth and people.

Is it necessary to collect seeds wild plants Children find seeds of ripening grasses on the site (plantain, loach, etc., they establish that they themselves fall off, are carried by the wind, cling to clothes, animal hair, that seeds can be collected for winter feeding of birds.

- "We will collect the seeds of garden flowers" Inspection of flowers, identification of mature seeds, collecting them in boxes or bags. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that there is only one flower, but there are many seeds. So, next year you can grow a lot of flowering plants.

Ecology games:
"Earth, water, fire, air"

The players stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one of four words: earth, water, fire, air. If the driver said "land", the one who caught the ball must quickly name the one who lives in this environment; the player answers the word “water” with the name of fish, the word air with the name of birds. At the word “fire,” everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their hands. Then the ball is returned to the driver. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the games, “settle” at home, showing the card to the teacher.
What plant is missing? »
Four or five plants are placed on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time.

Stage 3 - final
– Presentation “How we grew flowers”
– Exhibition of creative works “Flowers of magical beauty”
– Collection of flower seeds

- Drawing up a herbarium

– Lapbook on ecology “Flowers”
– Analysis and generalization of the results obtained in the process of research activities of children

Calendar-thematic plan



Targets and goals

Forms of work

with kids

with parents


What are the flowers?

To acquaint with the diversity of the plant world, with its significance for all life on the planet.

- Conversation "What are the flowers?";

- GCD Drawing from life "Indoor plant in a pot";

- Experience "Can a plant breathe?";

- Quiz game "My green friends".

Advice for parents "Unpretentious indoor plants"


The birth of a flower is a real miracle!

Learn about the structure and function of plants.

Give the concept - garden, meadow flowers.

– Conversation “How are flowers born?”;

– Planting flower seeds in room conditions, growing seedlings, watering and loosening;

– NOD Application “Bouquet for Mom”

– Experience “How does a plant look for light?”;

- D / game "Flower meadow".

- Conversation "What garden flowers do you grow in your flower bed?"


The first flowers

Formation of cognitive interest in nature, develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

- Conversation "Primroses";

- NOD Sculpting "Snowdrops"

– Experience “Influence of sunlight on plant growth”;

- watering and loosening flower seedlings, monitoring growth;
- P / game "Earth, water, fire and air."

Consultation for parents "Secrets of floristry"

Magic flower bed

Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, study of natural objects.

- Conversation "What should be a flower bed?"

- Observation "Plants of our site";

– Creation of a flower bed on the territory of the site for a walk

(planting seedlings in the ground, caring for plants, monitoring growth);

- GCD Drawing "Wildflowers";

– Experience “Plants “drink” water”;

- D / game "What plant is gone."


flower helpers

Develop a creative and exploratory interest in flowers.

– Observation “What kind of plants are they?”, “Who helps plants grow?”;

– Care of flowers, observation of growth and flowering;

- GCD Application "Tray with flowers";

- Riddles about flowers.

Conversation "Do children help you in the garden"


Plants in our area

Instilling labor skills, mutual assistance.

Inculcating respect for nature.

– Observation “Is it necessary to collect seeds of wild plants?” ;

- Making a LEPBOOK on the topic;

– Excursion to the Summer Garden;

- GCD Drawing "Favorite flowers";

- Quiz "What do we know about flowers";

- Caring for flowers, monitoring growth and flowering.

Questionnaire "What kind of flower grower am I"


Garden flowers of magical beauty

To form labor skills and skills for caring for flowers.

- Conversation "Why do flowers fade in autumn?";

- Observation "Let's collect the seeds of garden flowers";

– Collection of seeds and plants for the herbarium;

- Drawing up a herbarium of flowers;

- D / game "The fourth extra";

– Exhibition of creative works;

– Presentation on the results of joint work.

Assistance in compiling a herbarium

, . .