An integrated lesson on getting to know the environment in the second junior group “Wintering Birds of Timashevsk. Synopsis of an open lesson on the basics of ecology in the second junior group "Wintering Birds"

Publication date: 02/27/17

Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the second junior group

« wintering birds»

Target: Consolidate knowledge of the characteristic distinctive features birds. Tasks:

To form knowledge about wintering birds.

Develop speech activity, form coherent speech skills.

Teach the ability to guess riddles, develop figurative thinking.

Develop visual attention, memory.

To cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards nature, to develop an interest in the life of birds.

preliminary work : Birdwatching while walking; reading fiction: T. Nuzhina "Sparrows", "Swallow", etc.; viewing illustrations; didactic games “Name the bird that is gone”, “Guess what our house is”, “Guess from the description; mobile games "Sparrows and car".

Material: bear mask, chest, pictures of birds, soundtrack, bird food, feeder.

Lesson progress:

Children: Birds are singing.

Will bring up: Right. There are a lot of birds here and they all sing at the same time. Let's try to find out some of them. I have a magic chest. I will give you riddles, and you will try to guess who I am talking about. If you correctly guess riddles from the chest, a bird will fly out.

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat worms.

I do not fly to a warm land,

I live here under the roof

Chick-chirp! Don't be shy

I am experienced ... (sparrow)

Children: answers

(The teacher pulls out a picture of a bird sparrow and attaches it to a branch)

Will bring up:

All day without a break -


Screaming grumpily ... (crow)

Children: answers

(The teacher pulls out a picture of a crow bird and attaches it to a branch)

Will bring up:

This bird is blue-winged

Likes to eat seeds

And whisper softly. (pigeon)

Children: answers

(The teacher pulls out a picture of a dove bird and attaches it to a branch)

Will bring up:

Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is ... (bullfinches)

Children: answers

(The teacher pulls out a picture of a bullfinch bird and attaches it to a branch)

Will bring up:

White cheeks, blue bird.

A sharp beak, a small one,

Yellow breast is ... (titmouse)

Children: answers

(The teacher pulls out a picture of a bird's tit and attaches it to a branch)

V asleep: Where do you think these birds live?

Children: outside

Will bring up: That's right, these birds live on the street. Are these poultry?

Children: No

Bring up: Why do you think so?

Children: These birds take care of themselves - they build nests, find food for themselves.

Bring up: What do we call these birds, in one word?

Children: Wild.

Will bring up: Let's repeat together - wild birds

Tell me, have we seen these birds in winter?

Children: Yes!

Bring up: So, how else can you call these birds with one word?

Children: wintering

Bring up: That's right, wintering.

(A bear cub appears at the door)

Will bring up: Oh, and who came to us?

Bear cub: Hello guys. I heard how well you solve riddles, answer questions, and I thought: “Such smart children will surely help me.” Explain to me, please, why birds fly, but I don’t know how? I also want to fly like a bird!”

Will bring up: Let's help Bear cub figure it out.

Guys, look carefully at the birds and tell me how they all look alike?

Children: all birds have legs, wings, beak, tail, head, torso

Will bring up: Bear cub, do you agree? And now, let's see how birds differ from animals? Let's compare the paws of our teddy bear and the paws of birds?

Children: Their paws are completely different, and there are only two of them.

Bring up: And the birds, what else do they have?

children: wings

Raise: Why do birds need wings?

Children: to fly

Bring up: Bear cub, do you have wings?

Bear cub: No. So I can't fly.

(Show picture of paws and wings)

Will bring up: Let's compare the nose, shall we?

Children: Instead of a nose - a beak.

(show picture)

Will bring up: Are the coats of the bear cub and our birds the same or not?

Children: Birds have feathers instead of wool.

(Show picture of feathers)

Will bring up: Let's now compare the tail.

Children: And the tail is another fan.

Will bring up: Why do birds need wings?

Children: fly
Bring up: Why do birds need paws?

Children: move on the ground, cling to branches

Will bring up: Why do birds need beaks?

Bring up: eat, drink

Bring up: Bear cub, you are completely different. Now you understand why you can't fly like a bird. But don't worry, now we'll play birdies.


Paw, one! ( put one leg forward).

Paw, two! (Push out the other leg.)

Hop-hop-hop! (jumping on both legs).

Wing, one! (one hand to the side).

Wing, two! (other hand to the side).

Clap, clap, clap! (flapping their wings).

Eyeball, one! (close one eye).

Eye, two! (close other eye).

They opened their eyes and run, flap their wings and fly away to their places.

Raise: Well done! So that our teddy bear does not feel sad, let's read him a poem.


Feed the birds in winter
Let from all over
They will flock to us, like home,
A flock on the porch.
Their food is not rich!
A handful of grain is needed.
A handful of grain
And not scary
They will have winter.

Will bring up: What is this poem about?

Children: About birds, they need to be fed.

Will bring up: How can you help the birds?

Children: make feeders.

(Show feeder)

Will bring up: Correctly, we can hang a feeder in our area and pour grains into it. Now let's each come up, take some grains and pour them into the feeder. And we will make sure that there are always grains in the feeders.

(Children pour grain into the feeder)

Will bring up: Let's remind the bear cub again how it differs from a bird.

Children: The bear cub has paws, and the birds have wings.

Beak instead of nose

Feathers instead of wool

The tail is completely different - a fan.

Bring up: The bear cub will go to his forest and tell everyone what he learned from us.

preschool educational institution

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Abstract of the lesson in the second junior group "Birds in winter"

Purpose: formation of the foundations of interaction with nature (observation and assistance to birds in winter conditions without harming them)

To expand the knowledge of children about wintering birds, about their habits, nutrition; to give children an idea about the types of food wintering birds.

Develop oral speech children, free communication with adults and children, stimulate their own statements of children. Practice answering questions. To form the ability to guess riddles by ear and find a clue.

To develop artistic activity, to fix and correctly name colors, the desire to draw in an unconventional way.

To develop motor activity, coordination of movement during the physical minute "Titmouse Bird".

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

To cultivate empathy, sympathy, a desire to help birds in difficult winter conditions.

Materials and equipment: Multimedia system, slides depicting wintering birds, easels, feeders, food jars (seeds, millet), illustration of a titmouse, landscape sheet with the image of a feeder and birds, yellow gouache, cotton buds, napkins.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading works of art M. Gorky "Sparrow"

2. Conversation "Birds in winter"

3. Observation on a walk for birds on the site. 4. Consideration of natural grains and seeds.

5. Feeding and looking at birds for a walk.

Organizing time:

(Children greet guests, sit on chairs standing in a semicircle.)

Educator: Guys, look who flew to us?

Children: Bird.

Educator: And what is it, a bird?

Children: Titmouse.

Educator: That's right, titmouse. And how did you understand that this bird is a titmouse?

Children: She has a yellow chest and tummy.

Educator: Right. Guys, what other birds do you know?

Children: Crow, bullfinch, sparrow, dove.

Educator: Well done! How many birds do you know?

Guys, look at the titmouse that some kind of sad flew to us. Why do you think she is so sad?

Children: It's cold outside.

Educator: That's right, it's winter outside, the bird is cold and she wants to eat. Guys, can we help the bird with something?

Children: Yes, feed.

Educator: Right. In winter, birds must be fed so that they are not hungry and cold.

I will now guess riddles for you, and you will guess, and we will remember which birds we fed on a walk:

Apples on the branches in winter! Collect them quickly! But suddenly apples fluttered, After all, these are ... (bullfinches) / Slide show "Bullfinches"

He sits on a tree, Chik-chirik tells everyone, He loves treats very much, Millet, grains, cookies. Guess as soon as possible, Who is it? ... (sparrow) / Slide show "Sparrow"

Wears a gray vest, But the wings are black. You see, twenty couples are circling, And they shout: "Kar-kar, kar-kar." (crow) / Slide show "Crow"

He loves seeds and lard, A bird flew in the yard in the morning With a yellow breast. Is it called?

Let's now become birds for a minute and jump, together with our titmouse bird.


Jumping nimble tit

She can't sit still - jumping in place

Jump - jump, jump - jump - jump to the side

Spinning like a top - spinning in place

Here I sat down for a minute - sit down

She scratched her breast with her beak - stood up, tilted left - right

And from the track to the fence

Tili-tili shadow-shadow-shadow. Jumping in place on two legs.

Educator: Titmouse jumped with us and wanted to eat. What do birds eat in winter? Can someone help them?

Children: We will help.

Educator: How can we help the birds?

Children: We will feed them.

Educator: Well done! What can we feed the birds with?

Children: Bread crumbs, seeds.

Educator: Yes, guys, in winter people feed birds with bread crumbs, seeds, millet (I show jars of food).

Educator: Guys, look at these feeders, your dads and moms made them.

We already have several feeders on the site and today we will hang two more feeders.

And now let's call the birds to our feeder.


Fly birds - calling finger movements

Sala ladies titmouse - 4 times "cut" one palm on the other

I'll cook the crumbs

A little bread - a pinch of fingers, “pour crumbs”

These crumbs to the pigeons - stretch out your right hand with an open palm

These crumbs to the sparrows - stretch out your left hand

Educator: Guys, look, the birds have arrived, and our titmouse bird is also flying near the feeder. (we approach the easels with the image of birds and feeders).

And there is no food in the feeders. Let's treat the birds and draw millet in the feeders. We will draw with cotton swabs.

What color is wheat?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: So what kind of paint we will paint.

Children: Yellow.

Educator: (Showing a drawing method) We take a cotton swab, dip it in paint and apply it to paper, draw millet in the feeders.

Children draw, the teacher provides individual assistance.

Educator: Guys, you have prepared a lot of treats for the birds. Titmouse says thank you very much.

It is very important to feed the birds in winter so that they do not freeze.

Educator: Will you and I help the birds in winter?

Teacher: How can we help them?

Children: Let's feed the birds.

And now let's pour food into the feeders and, when we go for a walk, feed the birds in our area.

Educational area: "Communication" , "Knowledge" , "Socialization" , "Artistic Creativity" , "Reading Fiction" , "Music" , "Physical education" .

Type of project: information and creative

Relevance of the topic: a large number of birds die in the winter cold. In winter, food is not available to birds under snow and ice. Birds need people's help. Children's lack of ideas about the life of birds in winter.

The purpose of the project: to reveal children's knowledge about wintering birds. To evoke an emotional response and sympathy for starving and freezing birds in winter. Encourage the children to help the birds.

Project objectives:

Educational: -to form children's ecological ideas about the world around them, maintain interest in wildlife, consolidate and generalize children's ideas about sympathy, empathy, kindness.

Educational: - to educate spiritual and moral qualities in children: love for the native land; help to realize the main ethical laws of human life - love, kindness, beauty, justice to the world around.

Developing: - give initial ideas about wintering birds, their life in winter. Develop the ability to count within 5 in direct order, navigate in space. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Project participants: children of the 2nd junior group, parents, educators.

Project duration: 1 week

The main directions of the project implementation:

  • Equipment of the subject-developing environment
  • Working with parents

Expected result: children will expand their elementary ideas about the life of birds in winter. Development of curiosity, cognitive activity, communication skills. Parents will become more interested in taking care of birds together with their children, the desire to help them in winter period (manufacturing of feeders, feeding birds).

Product project activities: final lesson, folder-slider for parents, feeders.

Project presentation: report-message about the project.

Long-term plan:

1. Creation of conditions for project implementation

  • revealing knowledge in children
  • bird watching calendar
  • bird watching ("Birds big and small" , "Bird Footprints in the Snow" )

2. Reading poems: (Annex 1)

V. Stoyanov "Sparrow"

M. Pozharova "In the garden"

A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches"

R. Bukharev "Feeder"

4. Making a sliding folder for parents on the topic "Wintering Birds" (appendix 2)

  • consultation, recommendations
  • d/i and exercises

5. Homework: making feeders with parents. Exhibition of feeders.

6. Hanging the feeders Feeding the birds

7. Watching the birds at the feeder. Recording observations in a corner of nature (Appendix 3)

8. D / i "What bird has flown"

  • "Feed the bird"
  • "What is missing?"
  • "Birds big and small"

9. Finger game "Flock"

10. P/s "Birds in the nest"

  • "Sparrows and a cat"

11. Modeling "Birds" (Annex 4)

12. Drawing "The Birds Have Arrived" (Annex 5)

13. Final lesson "Feed the Birds in Winter" (Annex 6)

The result of the project: the children's ideas about the life of birds in the winter expanded, they watched the birds with interest in the kindergarten area.

Parents took part: they made bird feeders, brought food. Thus, the tasks and goals of the project are realized.

Project "Wintering Birds"

in the second junior group

Compiled by educator:

Mastyukova Svetlana Valerievna

Type of project by dominant activity– research

Project type by subject area- interdisciplinary.

Type of project by nature of coordination– open coordination.

Project type by number of participants- collective.

Project type by duration– short-term (1 week).

Type of project by nature of contacts- intragroup.

Objective of the project: replenishment and enrichment of children's knowledge of lexical topic: "Wintering Birds", by means of cognitive research activities, coherent speech, thinking and creative abilities of children.

Project objectives:

To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds, their lifestyle, habits, connection with environment, the role of man in the life of birds
Expand existing knowledge with new information
Teach children how to properly feed birds.

Promote the development of cognitive and creative activity, curiosity
Expand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech.

To form a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult winter conditions
To instill a love for nature and cultivate a careful attitude towards it.
Strengthen parent-child relationships

Stage 1 of the project - problematization.

Due to their age, children have a lack of knowledge about wintering birds. There are no skills in the ability to feed birds in the winter season.

Stage 2 - goal setting.

The goal of the children is to expand their knowledge of wintering birds.

Children's assumptions: all birds or fly away to warmer climes or stay for the winter.

Solution: learn about the birds that stay with us for the winter.

Observe which birds stayed for the winter, what kind of food they prefer.

Together with parents, find illustrations and information about unfamiliar birds.

Stage 3 - activity planning.

Find out which birds stay for the winter, what they eat, how to feed the birds in winter.

Stage 4 - project implementation.

Day of the week

Directly educational activities of a teacher with children

Educational activities in regime moments

Independent activity of children

Interaction with family


I p.d. Visual activity (sculpting) Theme: "Sparrows and a cat"

Conversation "What do we know about wintering birds?"

Viewing the presentation "Wintering Birds"

DI. "Name the Bird"

Observation of birds that have arrived at the site.

P.I. "Sparrows and a cat"

Learning finger gymnastics "Birds"

Muz.D.I. "Bird and chicks"

N.I. "Cut Pictures"

Examination of wintering birds in illustrations, photographs, in magazines ...

Offer to repeat with the children the words of finger gymnastics "Birds"


I p.d. PID (FEMP) Topic: "Birds in the yard"

Conversation "Bird Menu"

Observation "Footprints in the snow"

DI. "Who lives where?"

P.I. "Birds and Chicks"

Reading A. Prokofiev's poem "Bullfinches"

Consideration of the plot pictures "Feeding the Birds"

Observation “What sparrows? What crows?

D.W. "What, what, what"

DI. "Collect the Bird"

Bird stencil drawing

Place a consultation on the topic: “Wintering Birds” in the parenting corner

Speech activity Topic: "Compilation of a descriptive story about a bird"

Conversation "Why help the birds in winter?"

DI. "When does it happen?"

DI. "What bird flew away"

Riddles about wintering birds.

Observation "Pigeons fly to the feeder"

DI. "Come up with an offer"

Learning the nursery rhyme "Oh, you owl - owl"

S.R. game "Invite a titmouse to visit"

Coloring pages on the topic "Wintering Birds"

DI. "Whose shadow?"

Place a consultation on the topic: “Bird feeders” in the parenting corner


Cognitive and research activity "Feed the birds in winter"

Musical control "birds fly"

DI. "Who is screaming?"

DI. "Who has who?"

Learning speech gymnastics "Sparrows"

Job assignment: "Feeding the birds"

Reading the nursery rhyme "Titmouse - titmouse"

DI. "Whose trace"

N.I. "Cut Pictures"

Place a consultation on the topic: “How to feed the birds” in the parenting corner


Visual activity (drawing) Topic: "Large and small birds on the feeder"

DI. "Who's gone?"

P.I. "Birds and Chicks"

D.W. "What, what, what"

DI. "Who eats what?"

Examination of the illustrations "Wintering Birds"

Conversation "Wintering birds, how to help them" "Bird Hospital"

DI. “What did Dunno forget to draw?”

DI. "Feed the Birds"

Invite parents to make the simplest feeders together with their children, place them on their window, in the yard, in the park and feed them.

Final event- NOD "Feed the birds in winter"

Product shape: Exhibition of children's works on the theme of the project.

The form of presentation of the project to the methodological council for project work : project passport with an attachment (photos of the progress of the project and children's work).

Stage 5 - reflection.

Children use their knowledge and skills in independent activity.

To interest children together with their parents in caring for birds, the desire to help them in the winter (making feeders, feeding birds in winter).
- Team work will help strengthen parent-child relationships.
- Development of children's curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills.

Stage 6 - perspectives.

Continue to expand and enrich children's knowledge on the topic.

Abstract of an open lesson on the basics of ecology in the second junior group "Wintering Birds".

Target: Ecological education with elements of speech development.

Program tasks: To teach children to distinguish and name wintering birds; introduce characteristic features appearance, behavior, lifestyle of wintering birds. Contribute to the activation of speech, understand the content of poems, answer the questions of the teacher.

To form a kind and caring attitude, emotional responsiveness to the world around, the development of attention, thinking. Cultivate a caring attitude towards wintering birds.

Vocabulary work: wintering birds, feeder.

Bilingual component: bird-kis, sparrow-trade.

Equipment: tree, bird model, feeder, plasticine, boards, napkins, recording of birds singing.

Course progress.


Circle of joy.

Hello friend, here I am.

We Good friends.

Join hands and say together: selemetsez be- Hello.

Look, guys, what kind of tree is in our group. And a bird is sitting on a tree, let's quietly come up and see what kind of bird it is.

Who knows what this bird is called? (Magpie.)

In the people it is also called forty-white-sided. Why do you think? (Children's answers.)

And who knows the nursery rhyme about the white-sided magpie?

Finger game:"Magpie-white-sided, where have you been?"

Another bird flew to us, who is it? (Sparrow.)

What color is his chest? Which bird is big and which is small? (children's answers)

Oh, look, children, a bullfinch has flown to us. (Showing a model of the bird "Bullfinch".)

The snowman came to us.

The snowman sat on a branch,

It's snowing - it's wet.

Wind blow a little

Discuss the snowman for us. (Breathing exercises.)

Guys, look at how a bullfinch differs from a sparrow? (Children's answers.)

Another small bird flew to us (a model of a bird is hung on a tree branch.)

Guess what bird?

Lively, perky, agile, agile.

Loudly shadows: "Shadow, shadow."

What a nice cold day. What is this bird? (children's answers.)

What color is the titmouse's breast? Is the titmouse a big bird or a small bird?

What do birds have? How do they differ from each other? (Children's answers.)

In winter, these birds do not fly away to warm lands, they stay with us, they are wintering birds. (Children repeat.)

Vocabulary work: wintering birds.

Bilingual component: kys is a bird, trade is a sparrow.

It's cold outside and the birds have flown in to bask in our tree. In our group it is good, warm, light and our birds are warm, they want to play with us.

Physical education minute: " Bird times."

Guys, what do birds eat? (children's answers.)

Our birds are cold, there is no food outside. How can we help the birds? What need to do? (children's answers.)

I have a feeder, only it is empty, there are no grains.

And let's now blind the grains for the birds and feed them.

(Children come to the tables, take plasticine and mold grains, put them in a feeder.)

Guys, what good fellows you are, how many grains we have in the feeder.

Now we will hang the feeder on a branch and feed our birds. (Hang the feeder on a branch.)

Our birds pecked at the grains and sang their songs merrily, listen. (Listening to the voices of birds.)

And there are still many hungry birds on the street. We also have a feeder on the site, when we go for a walk we will give the birds real grains.

(During the walk, continue bird watching, feed the birds.)

Summary of the lesson:

Guys, what birds flew to us today to warm up? (children's answers.)

How do adults and children help birds in winter? How do you help the birds? (children's answers.)