Lovebird birds. Medicinal plants and human health

For more than one century, people living in different parts of our planet have been happy to breed parrots. There are also such amateurs in Russia. People of different professions in their free time from work teach these birds to "talk" and various tricks. For the townspeople, such leisure activities serve as a kind of substitute for close communication with nature, bringing genuine joy.

Particularly popular among lovers of feathered pets are lovebirds, whose care and maintenance (see photos of birds below) does not require much effort.

These parrots are a real decoration of the room. They are cheerful and very mobile. And their breeding, in addition to tremendous emotional pleasure, expands the volume of knowledge about wildlife.

Characteristics of the genus

Lovebirds, or Agapornis, are very popular house birds. In the order of parrots, they form a separate genus.

Each of the representatives of the nine species of inseparable parrots has a stocky body, decorated with plumage, mainly of bright grassy color. However, some subspecies of feathers have a blue, pink, green, red or yellow color scheme. The beak of these birds is thick and strongly curved. It, depending on the species, can be straw or bright red. Lovebirds are similar in size to sparrows or bullfinches.

Their very name confirms that the birds that form one pair are distinguished by a special affection for each other. These parrots are always next to each other, but the opinion that one of them dies after the death of his partner is wrong.


For those who wish to decorate their leisure time with such birds as lovebirds, it is recommended to study the care and maintenance of these birds in advance. You need to know what the lifestyle of these birds is in wildlife.

In their homeland, which is the territory of Madagascar and Africa, lovebirds keep in small flocks, living near the water. Such parrots fly quickly, uttering sharp cries in the air. Lovebirds eat small seeds and a variety of berries that they find on trees, bushes, or right on the ground. They feed on birds and animal feed in the form of insects and larvae, which allows them to be fed when kept at home by pupae of a flour beetle and

Lovebirds prefer forests and savannahs, on the territory of which they settle between the roots of trees or in hollows, as well as in the bases of nests large birds(storks, herons, etc.), arranging "separate apartments" there. The female is engaged in the construction of the dwelling. She is also responsible for hatching eggs. Males take care of feeding females and chicks. A clutch of parrots contains from 4 to 6 eggs. After 19-21 days of incubation, chicks are born.

Parrots at home

Caged lovebirds can live for 20 years. Their maintenance and care is not difficult. Birds are undemanding not only to the conditions created for them, but also to the composition of feed. Lovebirds living in cages or aviaries can be successfully bred. The best seasons for this are autumn and spring, when there is still no heat, but the daylight hours are already quite long.

If lovebirds live in your cage (we are considering care and maintenance), keep in mind that these birds do not get along with other birds. This one is aggressive and capable of killing even those birds that are larger in size.

Lovebird species

From the genus of these parrots, two subgroups are distinguished. The first of them includes lovebirds with a white periobital ring. The second group includes birds that do not have a similar color.

In total, nine are distinguished. Among them are Fisher's lovebird and gray-headed, black-cheeked and strawberry-headed, orange-headed and masked, green-winged, pink-cheeked and black-winged.

Parrot cages

If you like lovebirds, the maintenance and care of which you decide to carry out in your home, then a number of questions will certainly arise, the answers to which you can find in this article. First of all, you need to think about the room in which the cage with the birds will be. It should be borne in mind that this should be a room with good ventilation, light, warm and dry, in which there are no drafts.

City dwellers most often keep lovebirds in their apartments or build aviaries for them in the attic. The one who has a personal plot, in the warm season, places the birds directly in the open air, and in the winter transfers them to a warm room.

Where else can lovebirds be placed? The maintenance and care of these parrots is carried out in cages made of synthetic materials (getinax, organic glass etc.). Such structures are hygienic, beautiful and unaffected by chemical substances... However, they are flammable and also afraid of high temperatures and hot water. But in general, they are quite comfortable in order to take care of the birds, which are lovebirds, care and maintenance. Reviews from the owners of these birds confirm that their strong beaks are not capable of destroying such materials.

Cage equipment

What should be foreseen in a facility where lovebirds are kept? Care and maintenance must be carried out in cages with pallets (pull-out bottom). This design will greatly facilitate the cleaning of the home for birds. It is best if the pallet is made of iron or sheet aluminum. The plywood bottom will quickly rot from the water scattered by the parrots.

There should also be a feeder and a drinking bowl in the cage. They should not be placed side by side to avoid wetting the feed, as well as under the perches, as in this case bird droppings can get into the contents of the containers. For drinkers and feeders can be used various containers(jars, salt shakers, photo cuvettes, etc.).

At the bottom of the cage, there must be sawdust or a layer of clean river sand. Don't put newspapers on top of it, because ink is bad for birds. Not suitable for these purposes and the usual lovebirds will very quickly tear it into small pieces.

Cell location

Where in the room should there be a structure in which lovebirds will live? Care and maintenance will be optimal if the cage is placed at eye level. This should be near the wall. Only in this case will the birds have a sense of security. The cage should be installed away from batteries, refrigerators, monitors and televisions, computers and microwave ovens. All these devices are capable of causing harm to the bird.

Ensuring healthy sleep

If there are lovebirds in your apartment, care and maintenance at home will require creating comfortable conditions for them in the dark. To do this, cover the cage with parrots. This will prevent lovebirds from shying away from sudden light, for example, from the headlights of a passing car under the windows.

Owners of parrots should know that birds need to sleep 10 hours in summer and 12 hours in winter. People need less time to rest at night, therefore, having covered the cage, you can safely continue watching TV.

If, despite all the precautions, something frightened the lovebirds at night, then you need to turn on the light, open the coverlet and wait until the bird calms down.


What steps should be taken to keep the lovebirds in your home healthy? Care and maintenance (see photo below) must be carried out by taking the cage with them on the balcony or outside in good weather.

The sun's rays, falling on the bird, contribute to the production of vitamin D in its body. During this procedure, part of the cage should be covered with a blanket. This will give your feathered friend the opportunity to hide in the shade if desired. When parrots take sun baths, it is necessary to protect them from contact with wild birds, which can become sources of infectious infections for pets.


Accept water treatments lovebirds can do as much as they want. It is only necessary to ensure that while bathing the birds, the room is warm and there are no drafts. Parrots can also be carried to the bathroom. They will gladly run under a gentle shower pressure.


The usual food for lovebirds is 2-3 teaspoons of the grain mixture, which is given to the birds throughout the day. It is worth remembering that young parrots eat more, but you need to make sure that they do not overeat. Their serving should not exceed four teaspoons per day. To feed the birds in the cage, you can hang spikelets of millet or honey crackers. In this case, the volume of the mixture will need to be reduced.
In addition to the main grain feed, lovebirds are encouraged to give fruits and vegetables. They are rubbed on coarse graters, hung in the form of garlands, attached to the cage on a clothespin, etc.

It is recommended to offer the lovebirds porridge made from millet and buckwheat, barley and rice. They are boiled in water without added sugar and salt. You can add a little grated carrots, honey, vegetable or fruit puree to the porridge. Legumes are useful for birds because of their rich protein content. However, they must be pre-soaked in several waters and cooked for an hour.

Parrots can get all the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber from fresh herbs, which should also be present in the diet. Birds enjoy spinach leaves and young nettle, dandelion and lettuce. Lovebirds can also be given shoots of woodlice, which grows in damp places. Parrots need only high-quality food, which is free of dust and foreign matter.


Lovebird parrots (we describe the care and maintenance, breeding of these birds) are amazingly beautiful birds. Experienced and persistent amateurs can even try to breed new varieties of them, featuring unusual feather coloring.

The rosy-cheeked species of parrots reproduce most successfully in cages. It is more difficult to achieve this from masked parrots and According to bird lovers, it is most difficult to get offspring from other species of these parrots. But in any case, the owner of the bird needs to know what care and maintenance the lovebirds require.

The reproduction of birds occurs under certain conditions:

Thorough preparation for the nesting period;
- the correct selection of a pair;
- ensuring nesting;
- showing attention and care to parrots while incubating eggs and feeding chicks;
- compliance with all rules for caring for offspring.

Lovebird diseases

It is quite difficult to save a parrot from an ailment. The treatment of birds is also complicated by the fact that the symptoms of pathology do not appear immediately, but when it is already too late. Due to the fact that lovebirds' illnesses are fleeting, the bird dies. This is why it is so important to ensure proper care and content, which will be the prevention of many pathologies.

Parrots lovebirds photos, maintenance, breeding, Fisher's lovebirds, rosy-cheeked - 4.0 out of 5 based on 34 votes

Lovebirds parrots

Lovebird parrots got their name thanks to the legend that a male and a female cannot live without each other: when one dies, the other dies after him from grief. But this is not the case. There is indeed a strong bond between male and female. They do everything together: get food, fly to water, play, rest. However, lovebirds live in flocks, which often leads to conflicts between neighbors. In such cases, the weaker bird flies away for a while, and then, as if nothing had happened, flies back. Lovebird parrots live in the tropical forests of Africa, Madagascar and the adjacent islands.

Varieties of lovebird parrots

Today there are eight types of lovebirds:

Black-winged (or taranta),




Green-headed, or collar,


Fischer's lovebird is strawberry-headed, or Nyassky,

Gray-headed, or Madagascar.

There is a significant external similarity between these species: the size is approximately the same as that of a large sparrow, i.e. less than average, dense build, rather large head, strong, hooked beak. The tail is very short - its size is less than half the wing of a bird. The color of the feathers is mostly green.

These parrots mainly arrange their nests in hollows, in rock crevices, termite mounds. Although there are species that weave a round nest. The female is engaged in weaving the nest (with the exception of the spectacled lovebird). Males only accompany the female in her search building material... The process of transferring material (branches, grass, pieces of bark) for the nest is very interesting: the lovebird places the material along its back, between the tail feathers. When a bird flies, it feels like this is how they build up their tail.

It is possible to keep lovebirds one by one, provided that the bird is raised in captivity. Such content will not work for an untamed bird.

Lovebird parrots have many advantages for home keeping: they are small, bright, have a funny look and breed well at home. An adult bird is difficult to train - it will never become completely tame; but small chicks are very attached to the new owner.

The size of the cage, of course, the larger the better. Lovebirds should spread their wings freely. Minimum size cages - 100x50x50 cm. Keep the cage clean. Unsanitary conditions, in addition to an unpleasant smell, can lead to various diseases of the bird. Wash food and water dishes daily, cage once a week, perches as they become dirty. Use disinfectants when cleaning the cage weekly.

Lovebird parrots are very fond of water treatments, so give them water treatments 2 times a week, in the heat every day. In order for your pets not to be bored, decorate their cage (aviary) with various toys (ropes, stairs, mirror, sleeping house, bell, perches (at least two). One of the perches should be near the water and the feeder, but not above it so that the parrot does not contaminate them with feces.

Feeding lovebirds parrots

One of the most important conditions for keeping parrots is competent organization nutrition.

The food for lovebirds is mainly grain. At home, they use grain mixtures, greens, fruits, nuts, etc. Cereals are given both in the form of dry food and in the form of boiled cereals or germinated grains. The diet depends on the variety, size, age of the bird, on the conditions of its keeping, the season. But it must contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as various mineral supplements.

Do not feed salty, sweet, spicy, fatty foods. Watch the condition of the drinking water: it must be constantly fresh.

Breeding lovebirds

An amateur intending to engage in breeding lovebirds should first of all strive to ensure that his parrots give good, strong offspring. As a rule, absolutely healthy, energetic, mobile and sexually mature lovebirds at the age of 12-15 months and up to 3-4 years of age are selected for breeding. Too old parrots give offspring of poor quality or are generally sterile.

Lovebirds who start breeding should be well-fed, but not fat. It is very good if birds have a thin layer of subcutaneous fat on their abdomen, which can be seen if you look at the belly of a lovebird. Weak and thin parrots do not sit well on eggs and often underfeed chicks. Too young, physiologically underdeveloped birds should not be allowed to breed either.

Mating parrots know each other well, and are constantly together. Unlike most birds, in which the male and female can connect with any partner for procreation, in parrots “sympathy” and “antipathy” play a decisive role. In this regard, when selecting breeders from young stock, it is necessary to take this factor into account and notice in the flock individuals that independently pair up. In artificially created pairs, partners sometimes do not breed for several years, although there are all the conditions for this.

Lovebirds are monogamous and a pair of these parrots enters into a marriage alliance for life. But the formation of a pair is not always easy and quick, as it was just described.

Two cute little parrots clung to each other and gently touch the feathers. Of course, you probably saw this picture, if not in a pet store or in a poultry market, then at your friends' place. Interest in lovebirds is growing every day, but few people know the peculiarities of keeping these birds, and indeed they have information. Unscrupulous sellers assure many that at home they differ little from ordinary ones. budgerigars and thus mislead people. If you want to find out the whole truth about these birds, then take an exciting journey into the world of Lovebirds with us.



Lovebirds are small parrots that are similar in size to a bullfinch. They live en masse in the nature of Africa and on the island of Madagascar. They got their beautiful name due to a very rare feature in the world of feathered - to choose a pair of one for life. These are very loyal parrots, so even about them they make up such a legend that they cannot live without their mate. They say that in the event of the death of one, the second bird also dies of melancholy.

In the wild, as well as at home, you can often see lovebirds sitting in the nest, huddled together. Males are very attentive "husbands", so they often clean their wife's feathers, feed them from their beak.

In the wild, these birds live in tropical forests, but there are also mountain and even steppe species. They prefer to live in large flocks, they often conflict with other groups for territorial possessions. In nature, quite a few species are distinguished, however, in captivity, as a rule, only three main species are bred: Rosy-cheeked, Masked and Black-cheeked. These parrots are easy to tame.


Lovebirds have an attractive appearance, they are small, on average about 12-15 cm long, their weight rarely exceeds 50 grams. They have a fairly large head and a compact body, the tail is short and slightly rounded. The beak is very strong and strong and can cause serious wounds. The legs, although short, are also strong, so the parrots run well and climb trees. The main color of the feathers is green, but some parts of the body, for example, the head, neck, chest, may have a different color depending on the species.

  • the fact that Lovebirds die after the death of a couple is only partly true; it has been proven that many species can live alone or create a good family a second time;
  • nests are made in tree hollows, therefore, for breeding birds at home, you need to make artificial hollows;
  • in some species the nests are built by males, and in some by females;
  • some types of lovebirds carry nest material in their beaks, like all birds, and some stick branches and blades of grass under feathers, for example, on the chest or under wing feathers;
  • Lovebirds are easy to tame if you handle them carefully and carefully.

Species features of exotic birds

Today, many species of these parrots have been artificially bred. They all differ both in color and in the presence of certain decorations (tuft), feathers. When choosing a type, you need to consider not only external features, but also the subtleties of care and maintenance. Many species are different individual requirements and character.

In total, the genus of these birds includes nine species. In our country, the most popular were the Masked lovebird, Fischer and Pink-cheeked. The rest are still found only among breeders and special connoisseurs of exotic parrots.


NamePhotoa brief description of
The most unpretentious to care for, therefore, it is the rosy-cheeked Lovebird who is most often bred in captivity. His homeland is Southwest Africa. In Europe, it was possible to breed the species for the first time in 1869. They are distinguished by some red markings on the forehead, as well as orange-pink on the cheeks and throat. Judging by the reviews, they are very conflicting and pugnacious birds, so only one or a couple can be kept in a separate cage.
The Masked Lovebird is also very popular for its coloration. They live in Mozambique and Zambia, settle in the steppes. They got to Europe late - only in 1927, but to Russia only in the 50s. As you can see in the photo, the color of their feathers is different, there are dark brown markings. And around the eyes there are some areas without feathers, which creates the illusion of a mask. The female and male are practically the same.
Fisher's lovebird
Fisher's lovebird is one of the subspecies of Maskovy, brought from Tanzania in 1927. In captivity, breeding is difficult, poorly building a nest. They are distinguished by dark green plumage with colored markings. Around the eyes, like the masked Lovebird, these birds have white rings. Females are slightly larger than males.
This species lives in Madagascar, as well as in Africa. It has been known in Europe since 1872. This is the smallest species of all Lovebirds, the body length does not exceed 14 cm. As you can see in the photo, their head, neck and chest are gray, for which the birds got their name. In captivity, they hardly breed and do not build a nest.
Black winged
Black-winged Lovebird lives in the high-mountainous forests of Ethiopia, easily tolerates the harsh climate. In our country, the species is known recently and is not very popular. Differs in restrained color. Of all the species, the Black-winged Lovebird is the largest.
Another subspecies of Maskovy that lives in Zambia. In captivity, they live well and reproduce. They have dark plumage and bright markings, as well as glasses around the eyes.
Strawberry head
Also, a subspecies of the Masked Lovebird, does not reproduce well in captivity, although it is popular. They differ in their small size and red markings on the head and neck. They also have wide white rings around the eyes.
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Maintenance and breeding at home

Lovebirds, although unpretentious parrots, also require certain knowledge in the care and maintenance at home. An inept approach can lead to many bird diseases and death. Perhaps the most important rule will be the correct selection of the bird and the choice of housing for it.


The main rule in keeping Lovebirds at home is to provide them with the necessary space. Many people mistakenly think that a small cage is quite suitable for a small bird. However, it is not. Despite their size, Lovebirds are very mobile and active birds, so they need space. It can be kept both in a cage and an aviary, but the minimum size of a house for one couple should be at least 60x40x50 cm.

The lack of space causes obesity in parrots and causes many diseases. Even being on a diet, as the reviews say, it does not help improve the condition of the birds.

Another very important point Is the right lighting. It is worth remembering that Lovebirds come from warm countries, where daylight hours are very long. Therefore, they need to be kept in open enclosures or open mesh cages with additional artificial lighting. A regular 15-25 W lamp is perfect. You can put the cage near a window with a curtain, just make sure that there are no drafts. However, if you are interested in breeding Lovebirds, then necessary condition successful rearing of chicks will be the presence of an ultraviolet lamp.

As for the cage itself, an all-metal version of a rectangular shape with a retractable bottom would be ideal. However, it is important to remember that Lovebirds should not be locked up all the time, they need to move enough. Several times a day you can let them fly around the room without closing the cage door. From the inventory you will need a bath for bathing, a drinker, two bowl-shaped feeders (for dry and wet food), and perches for sitting. Bring cones, young twigs, pieces of tree bark to the birds as toys, you can hang a swing or a bell.


Lovebirds, judging by the reviews, are very vociferous birds, and their singing fascinates with musicality. If you want to see for yourself, then feel free to enjoy our audio recordings. Many say that the singing of these parrots is like being in a tropical jungle. If you tame the birds by hand, then they can sing at the sight of the owner.


Digestion in parrots is quite intense, so lovebirds need to be fed all the time. Even not prolonged fasting can lead to the death of a bird. However, birds are prone to obesity, so it is necessary to choose the right diet and its balance.

Vegetable feed

Plant food is the basis of the lovebirds' diet. This group can be divided into two components: juicy and cereal. Up to 70% of the entire diet should be grain, while it is mandatory and necessary simply, without which the parrots will get sick. You can also feed with millet without shell, oats, corn, wheat, peas, sunflower seeds. Succulent foods include leaves, herbs, roots and fruits.

It is important not only to choose the right diet and properly prepare the food. For example, it is good to cook crumbly porridge with carrots and beets from millet. Wheat is best germinated, corn is crushed and added to the grain mixture in an amount of 20%, peas are steamed or boiled. Of the delicacies, Lovebirds are very fond of hemp and flax seeds, boiled potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, apples.

All juicy fruits and vegetables are given either grated or in small slices. It can also be puree from a different mixture. Additional ingredients in the diet can be greens, cottage cheese, eggs, mineral dressings. The birds should be fed according to the time, however, the grain mixture and mineral feed should always be in the cage.


For successful breeding, birds are allowed at the age of one year and older. It is very important to prepare a couple in order to produce healthy offspring. It is important to create all conditions for the birds to build a nest, the female will lay eggs. As a rule, with the correct procedure, 5-6 eggs appear in the nest, the female sits on the clutch for 19 to 22 days, incubates well. Read more about breeding parrots and preparing the nest in our next publications.

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Video " Parrots lovebirds»

In this video we invite you to find out more information about the feathered friends from the zoological program.

Lovebirds are small parrots whose body length reaches 17 centimeters, and they weigh no more than 60 grams.

They have small short legs and a small, rounded tail. The color of the feathers can be very diverse. Their small but strong beak can injure not only animals and birds, but also humans.

The parrots got their name due to their loyalty. There is an opinion that parrots of this species choose their companion once and for life. They can often be found snuggling against each other.

Lovebird species

The masked one is distinguished by a particularly bright color of feathers; around the eyes there are bare areas of white skin, which is very unusual. And even more brightness is given by a beautiful red beak;

Rosy-cheeked are the most common parrots among amateurs. Their females are slightly larger than their partners and have a less bright color;

Fisher is another common domesticated species. Like masked ones, they have a bright color and a red beak;

The red-faced one has a bright orange head;

The black-cheeked one is slightly smaller than the mask one in size, but has a similarity in color;

Gray-headed has a predominantly green feather color. Light gray on the neck, chest and head;

Black-winged has the largest size among the members of the lovebird genus. Its body length reaches 17 centimeters;

Liliana's lovebirds bear a resemblance to pink-cheeked parrots. The red beak and white areas of the skin around the eyes were borrowed from the mask;

The collar has a black beak and a black neck, on which an orange collar stands out brightly, which is why this name deserves.

Life in nature

The homeland of these birds is the coast of Africa, but they are also found on the islands close to Southeast Africa. They feed on berries, grass seeds, fruits of trees and shrubs. They rest in the thickets of trees.

They came to Russia in the 1970s and very quickly became popular among fans of birds and tailed beasts.

In their natural habitat, the birds live in small flocks. Nests are built in the hollows of trees.

The female builds a nest.

The female is engaged in arranging the nest. She, unlike other birds, carries material not in her beak, but in feathers.

Lovebird at home

It is better to tame lovebirds at an age when they have not yet had time to leave the nest. Adults are more difficult to contact. You can keep this species in pairs, but you can also singly, but then the bird is less tamed.

Before purchasing, you should know how long lovebirds live at home in order to calculate how long you live under one roof. Everything, of course, is very individual. Life expectancy is influenced by:

  • care and maintenance;
  • feeding;
  • genetics.

Life expectancy.

On average, lovebirds live 12-15 years. But with good care, they can live for 20 years.

The lovebird parrot is not very talkative. His vocabulary will not exceed 10 words. At home, taming this bird is not difficult, but you need to be willing to do it. This is done in an elementary way when the chick was artificially fed and met the owner at the age of the chick. But, despite small flaws, these birds are very funny, interesting and bright.

The most domesticated species are: Fisher's lovebirds, rosy-cheeked and masked lovebirds. The rest of the species rarely fall into the hands of amateurs.

Cell selection

Do not buy a cage that is too small, these birds love space. The minimum size is a parrot's wingspan plus at least a couple of tens of centimeters.

This is for one bird, two need more space. It is better if the cage is rectangular with a flat roof.

Do not overload the cage with unnecessary toys and perches. First of all, it should contain: a feeder and a drinking bowl. Choose a ceramic food cup, about 5 centimeters high. The same cup can be used to dispense water, or you can use an automatic drinker.

One or a pair

If you decide to have a lovebird parrot, then it is better to buy a pair at once, at home it will be easier for them to adapt, and living together will bring pleasure to both the birds and you. And leaving will not require more time, since one bird or two, you still need to clean it every day and feed it too.

Movement is life!

Do not forget to release them from the cage, otherwise, it threatens obesity for the birds, which adversely affects their health.

Lovebird parrots do well at home. But for a healthy existence it is necessary to create some conditions. The cage with them should be in a well-lit place, but at the same time, direct sunlight should not fall on the birds.

Also, do not install the cage in a draft, as the birds can get sick about this.

But, at the same time, do not forget to ventilate the room to create the most comfortable conditions. At this time, it is better to take the bird out to the next room or cover it from a draft.

Lovebirds love freedom very much, so the cage with them should always be open. Birds will spend little time in it, basically, there they only eat and sleep. The rest of the time they fly around the room, studying it and their owners.

It is important to ensure that the window is closed when doing this, otherwise they may fly away. Don't you want to release the birds? Then you definitely need a large aviary.

Do not like smoke!

You cannot smoke in the room where lovebirds live. This can cause them to become poisoned, leading to depression and quick death.

Don't put your pet crate in a room with bright walls or aggressive patterns on them. It is better to choose something warm, calm and discreet. If it is, of course, possible.

Lovebirds love water procedures, so you need to periodically put a bath in their cage. They often wash their feathers, which gives them vitality and energy. They can also swim under the tap.

Swimming is a pleasure!

But this should only be at their request. You should not forcefully bathe the birds.

Filling the cage

The location of the perches plays an important role. They should not be close to the rods, otherwise the tail will touch them, and the plumage will look very sloppy. And the distance between the perches should be calculated so that the bird can flutter between them. This is to make the birds move more.

Consider positioning perches and feeders in advance to avoid dropping into feed or water. As a rule, some toys for parrots are placed in the cages to make them more fun.

Lovebirds also need entertainment, but you shouldn't hang the cage with a lot of toys so as not to take up a lot of space.

And mirrors in the cage should be avoided. There is an opinion that they have a bad effect on the psyche of parrots, as a result we get an aggressive feathered one.

The cage should be cleaned regularly. You need to clean not only the bottom, but also rods, poles, toys. Pay particular attention to cleaning the feeders and drinkers. Make sure there are no pieces of old food or droppings left in there.


They feed the lovebirds with grain mixtures, adding greens and some other products. To make up correct diet for poultry, you need to know the characteristics of her body, preferences and prevailing character traits.

Therefore, study the biology and physiology of your lovebird, observe his preferences and habits, study the composition and energy value of foods, the vitamins they contain. Only after studying all these factors, you will be able to provide your parrot with a correct and healthy diet.

The benefits of products!

Products should contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other essential elements.

The flight of a bird is associated with a large expenditure of energy, which is replenished due to the increased body temperature. In birds, it can reach 43.5 degrees. Heat provides a fast metabolism. It takes no more than 3 hours to digest food. Therefore, birds must always have access to food, otherwise starvation can lead to a breakdown and even death.


Lovebirds pay special attention to the choice of a partner, since they usually choose him for life. Pay your attention to the fact that the birds are not close relatives. This will not be reflected in the best way on future offspring.

When creating a pair, do not "mix" the parrots the way you want. Leave it to the lovebirds. Since for this species of ptah, choosing a partner is an important stage in life. They choose a mate for themselves for life, so their preferences should be taken into account.

Couples that are created artificially, as a rule, do not have offspring for a long time, and birds that have independently chosen a partner do not have problems with mating. In such pairs, the male shows attention to the female and takes care of her in every possible way. Courtship is manifested in the form of plucking feathers or feeding each other.

Bird unions are created once and for life. But even in such couples, quarrels occur. Parrots chase each other, do not allow to eat. In such cases, placing the birds in different cages can help. After parting, the relationship between lovebirds should improve. Otherwise, one of the partners is changed, since the pair simply did not work out.

Should I buy or not?

When choosing a lovebird, you should really evaluate your capabilities.

Although they are not very whimsical parrots, they have their own characteristics and character traits that are not suitable for everyone. They need good care and proper nutrition, cannot stand loneliness and require an active lifestyle. Their main advantage is loyalty to their partner, which is rare among birds and animals.

Lovebirds (lat. Agarnis) are birds from the Parrot family and the Parrot-like order. The genus Lovebirds is represented by several subspecies and is one of the most popular among numerous fans of domestic feathered exotic species.

Description of the lovebird parrot

In accordance with the modern classification, the Lovebird genus is represented by nine main subspecies, which differ in appearance. For a long time, such parrots have traditionally been called lovebirds, because it was believed that after the death of one bird, the second soon dies of sadness and melancholy.


Lovebirds belong to the category of medium-sized parrots, the average body length of which varies between 10-17 cm. The size of the wing of an adult does not exceed 40 mm, and the tail section is about 60 mm. Maximum weight an adult bird - within 40-60 g. The head of this species of parrots is relatively large.

It is interesting! The color of the plumage is usually dominated by green or greenish shades, but for certain areas of the body, upper tail and chest, head and neck, as well as the throat, other coloration is characteristic, including pink, red, blue, yellow and some other colors.

Beak budgerigar relatively thick and very strong, with pronounced curvature. If necessary, with its beak, an adult bird is capable of inflicting quite severe injuries and injuries even to people and large animals. The color of the beak in some subspecies is bright red, while in others it is straw-yellow. The tail is short and rounded. The bird's legs are short, but this does not at all prevent the parrots from being very agile and not only running well on the ground, but also quickly climbing trees.

Lifestyle and behavior

Under natural conditions, lovebirds prefer to settle in tropical forest zones and in subtropical forests, but mountain and steppe subspecies are also known. Parrots are accustomed to a gregarious lifestyle, and in their natural environment they are incredibly mobile, fast and fly well. At night, birds settle in trees, where they rest on branches or sleep, catching on relatively small branches. In some situations, fights and even conflicts arise between several packs.

Important! Teach colloquial speech Lovebird should be started at the age of one month, and adult birds are practically unlearned. Among other things, unlike the budgerigar, the lovebird takes much longer to memorize words.

To the great regret of lovers of domestic parrots, lovebirds are quite difficult to train, therefore a talking bird of this species is a rarity. When keeping lovebirds in pairs or groups, it will not work at all to teach the birds to talk.

Nevertheless, some lovebirds have the ability to speak, therefore, with the perseverance and patience of the owner, they may well learn about ten or fifteen words. Lovebirds are very sociable, are characterized by devotion and can become very bored when alone.

How long do parrots lovebirds live

Lovebirds are small parrots, so the average life span of such birds is quite short. If the pet is provided with proper care, as well as good maintenance, then the lovebird can live from ten to fifteen years.

Lovebird parrot species

Lovebirds of different subspecies have a certain similarity in size, behavior and appearance, but also have some differences:

  • Collared lovebirds(Agarnis swindérniаnus). A small bird with a body up to 13 cm in size and a tail up to 3 cm long. The color of the main plumage is green with the presence of an orange “necklace” on the neck of black. The chest area is yellowish, and the upper tail is ultramarine or blue in color. The beak of such a bird is blackish;
  • Liliana's lovebirds(Agarnis lilianae). The body size does not exceed 13-15 cm, and the general color resembles pink-cheeked lovebirds, but with a brighter coloration on the head and throat. The significant upper part of the body is green, and the lower one is in fairly light colors. The beak is red. Sexual dimorphism is practically absent;
  • Masked lovebirds(Agarnis personatus). The body length of the parrot is 15 cm, and the tail is 40 mm. The subspecies is very beautiful and bright in color. The area of ​​the back, abdomen, wings and tail is green, the head is black or with a brownish tint. The main plumage is orange-yellow. The beak is red, and there is practically no sexual dimorphism;
  • Red-faced lovebirds(Agarnis pullarius). An adult is not more than 15 cm long with a tail size within 5 cm. The main color is grassy green, and the throat and cheeks, occipital and frontal parts have a bright orange coloration. Females are distinguished by an orange head and a yellowish-green general color;
  • Pink-cheeked lovebirds(Agarnis roseicollis). The total body length does not exceed 17 cm with a wing size of 10 cm and a weight of 40-60 g. The color is very beautiful, in intense green tones with a bluish tinge. The cheeks and throat are pink and the forehead is bright red. The beak is characterized by a straw-yellow coloration. The female is slightly larger than the male, but not so brightly colored;
  • Gray-headed lovebirds(Agapornis canus). Small parrots no more than 14 cm long. The color of the plumage is predominantly green, and the upper chest, head and neck of males are light gray. The bird's iris is dark brown. The beak is light gray. The female's head is gray-green or green;
  • Fisher's lovebirds(Agarnis fischeri). The bird is no more than 15 cm in size and weighs 42-58 g. The color of the plumage is predominantly green, with a blue uppertail and a yellowish-orange head. The beak is red. Sexual dimorphism is almost completely absent;
  • Black winged lovebirds(Agarnis taranta). The largest subspecies. The size of an adult representative of the genus is 17 cm. The color is grassy green. The beak, forehead and border around the eyes are bright red. The head of the female is green;
  • Black-cheeked lovebirds(Agarornis nigrigenis). Very graceful appearance a bird up to 14 cm in size. There is an external similarity with the masked lovebird, and the difference is represented by gray coloration of feathers on the head and the presence of a reddish-orange coloration in the upper part of the chest.

In addition to external differences, all subspecies that are representatives of the genus Lovebirds differ in their area of ​​distribution and habitats.

Habitat, habitats

Red-faced lovebirds live in Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and Tanzania, as well as on the island of Sao Tome, where they often settle in small colonies in clearings and forest edges. The pink-faced lovebird lives in Angola and South Africa, as well as in Namibia. Gray-headed lovebirds inhabit woodlands, palm plantations and date groves in the islands of Madagascar and the Seychelles, as well as Zanzibar and Mauritius.

Fisher's lovebird lives in the savannah in Northern Tanzania, as well as near Lake Victoria. Black-winged lovebirds live in Eritrea and Ethiopia, where they settle in the mountainous rainforests.

Representatives of the subspecies Black-faced lovebird live in the southwestern part of Zambia, and Collared lovebirds live in West and Central Africa. The subspecies Lovebird Liliana inhabits the acacia savannas in eastern Zambia, northern Mozambique and southern Tanzania. Masked lovebirds are found in large numbers in Kenya and Tanzania.

Caring for lovebirds at home is easy enough to learn... Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of the cell and its filling, as well as preventive measures and correct drafting diet for a feathered pet.

When choosing a lovebird, it should be borne in mind that in the process of approaching people, even very sick birds are able to acquire activity for a while, therefore they can give the impression of quite healthy individuals. It is advisable for inexperienced connoisseurs of exotic birds to enlist the help of bird watchers when choosing. A lovebird purchased for home keeping must be cheerful and cheerful, as well as have a shiny and even plumage. In addition, the characteristics of a healthy pet are presented:

  • feathers that fit tightly to the body;
  • neat, non-sticky feathers around the cloaca;
  • thin, but quite noticeable subcutaneous fat in the abdominal region;
  • sonorous, without hoarseness voice;
  • strongly curved and strong, symmetrical beak;
  • uniform color of the legs;
  • the absence of spots and growths, as well as peeling on the paws;
  • glossy claws;
  • sparkling and clear eyes.

Young birds, up to the age of six months, are not very bright and intensely colored. Only by six months old lovebirds shed for the first time and acquire a beautiful color. It is categorically undesirable to purchase birds in markets or in dubious zoological stores, where sick and old, as well as weak individuals are often sold.

Competent experts advise purchasing a bird exclusively from proven and well-proven breeders who have been breeding exotic birds for a long time.

Cell device, filling

A cage for lovebirds must be selected spacious, which will allow the parrot to straighten its wings. The best option there will be a nickel-plated cage, which is complemented by synthetic elements in the form of plastic and organic glass. It is advisable to avoid purchasing zinc and copper cages with lead, bamboo and wood inserts. These metals are poisonous to lovebirds, and wood and bamboo are poorly hygienic and short-lived materials.

It is desirable to give preference to rectangular structures with a flat roof and a retractable bottom, which facilitates the maintenance of the cage. The standard distance between the bars should not exceed one and a half centimeters. The minimum permissible dimensions for a cage for one parrot are 80x30x40 cm, and for a pair of lovebirds - 100x40x50 cm.The room should be provided with sufficient lighting power, but without direct sunlight on the bird, and also with no drafts. The cage should be placed at a height of 160-170 cm from the floor.

Important! Experts recommend keeping the cage door open at all times, which will allow the bird to fly out of his house and return to it without hindrance. However, in this case, it is absolutely impossible to keep any predatory pets in the same room with the lovebird.

The bottom of the cage must be lined with sawdust, which is pre-sieved, washed and processed in the oven at high temperature conditions... The use of sifted and clean sand is also allowed.

A pair of feeders, an autodrinker and a shallow bath for the parrot to take hygienic baths are installed in the bird's dwelling. At a height of 100 mm from the bottom, a pair of willow, birch or cherry perches are placed, which are periodically renewed. Additionally, you can install special rings, ladders, as well as ropes or swings for birds.

The correct diet of a lovebird parrot

The best food ration for a lovebird is ready-made feed mixtures, preferably produced by foreign manufacturers. In the greenery of parrots, you can completely not limit, and supplement the diet with dandelions, carrot tops or clover.

The lovebird's diet should contain fruits and berries, as well as vegetables. It is not recommended to use mango, papaya, persimmon and avocado in feeding lovebirds, which are harmful to domestic parrots. Young branches of fruit trees can be given to the birds to grind their beak.

Lovebird care

The rules for regular care of lovebirds are quite simple and consist in observing the following recommendations:

  • dry food is poured into the trough even in the evening and in an amount sufficient to feed the parrot during the day;
  • wet food is poured into the trough in the morning, but must be removed from the cage at night;
  • the feeder must be washed daily and wiped dry with a clean cloth before refilling with a new portion of feed;
  • fresh water should only be poured into a clean drinking bowl, the body of which is washed twice a week.

The parrot's cage should be thoroughly washed with hot, soapy water on a weekly basis, and then dried or wiped well. When washing the cage, the litter must also be replaced.

Health, disease and prevention

As well as some infectious diseases, which include:

It is very important to observe preventive measures, including mandatory quarantine conditions for all newly purchased specimens, regular and thorough disinfection of the cage, settling water for the auto drinker, as well as cleaning the pallet and right choice stern.

Reproduction at home

Parrots are able to mate throughout the year, but the ideal time for breeding is considered to be summer and early autumn, which is due to a sufficient amount of fortified food and long daylight hours.

To get healthy offspring, in the room where lovebirds are kept, it is necessary to maintain humidity levels at 50-60% at a temperature of 18-20 o C.

It is interesting! A nesting house is installed in the cage, but the female lovebird builds the nest on her own, using for this purpose all kinds of materials, including twigs.

A week after mating, the female lays the first egg, and their maximum number does not exceed eight pieces. The incubation period is approximately three weeks. At the stage of feeding the chicks, the diet of lovebirds should be represented by high-protein food, as well as crumbly cereals, sprouted wheat and oats.