What is an ore anomaly in eve online. Digging from here to zeros

Hello to all. As we mentioned in fanfest, this year we are making some significant changes to mining in our April release, mainly focusing on the zeros.

These changes are intended to make the zeros more self-contained than they are now. We still believe that no area in space should be completely independent from others, but there is room for zeros to “roam” in order to make the zeros more self-sufficient and improve the life of the zero miners and production workers.

The changes include 3 stages:

  • increased consumption of Zydrine and Megacyte in production.
  • rebalancing of mineral content in low and zero ores.
  • rebalancing of the ore quantity in the mining anomalies generated in the Ore Prospecting Array.

Increased consumption of Zydrine and Megacyte in production

This is a fairly simple change, but it will have significant implications. As we said at the o7 show, we will double the consumption of Zydrine and Megacyte in almost all of the game's blueprints. This will lead to widespread consumption of Zydrine and Megacyte and will give a very significant boost to the zeroes. We'll have to revise the loot in the zeros (including the heaps) and to a lesser extent in the low.

Rebalancing of the mineral content in low and zero ores.

This is the largest set of changes to improve a nullsec production environment. Each type of ore will be rebalanced and become more highly specialized (it will contain a smaller set of mines, but their content will increase). This will allow us to adjust the amount of each mineral depending on its consumption. It also makes it easier to select ore to mine if the player needs a specific mineral. We will also make a few small changes in low-cut ores - we will decrease the set of minerals in each of them and increase their cost. The following values ​​of the content of minerals in the ore. As before, there will be ores with a 5% and 10% bonus on the amount of minerals. The volume will not change.

Tritanium: 22,000
Mexallon: 2500
Megacyte: 320

Pyerite: 12000
Zydrine: 450
Megacyte: 100

Tritanium: 21,000
Nocxium: 760
Zydrine: 135

Dark Ocher:
Tritanium: 10000
Isogen: 1600
Nocxium: 120

Pyerite: 2200
Mexallon: 2400
Isogen: 300


Tritanium: 56,000
Pyerite: 12050

Mexallon: 2100
Isogen: 450

Morphite: 300

Pyerite: 1000
Isogen: 200
Nocxium: 100
Zydrine: 19

Tritanium: 2200
Isogen: 100
Nocxium: 120
Zydrine: 15

Mexallon: 350
Nocxium: 75
Zydrine: 8

Rebalancing the ore quantity in the mining anomalies generated in the Ore Prospecting Array

Subject to the changes, the Ore Prospecting Array anomaly (excluding small belts) will more closely match the average mineral consumption of Eve. Allowing alliances to easily obtain most of the raw materials for the industry where they are located. The anomalies will differ slightly in the amount of ore so that each corporation or alliance can decide what is best for them to mine.

Arkonor: 13000
Bistot: 19000
Crokite: 38700
Dark Ocher: 30,000
Gneiss: 210,000
Spodumain: 220,000

Arkonor: 28000
Bistot: 38700
Crokite: 84730
Dark Ocher: 25500
Gneiss: 270000
Spodumain: 270000
Mercoxit: 2600

Arkonor: 29900
Bistot: 57650
Crokite: 112600
Dark Ocher: 60,000
Gneiss: 313500
Spodumain: 368100
Mercoxit: 3500

Arkonor: 56000
Bistot: 78000
Crokite: 169500
Dark Ocher: 50,000
Gneiss: 540,000
Spodumain: 542000
Mercoxit: 5200

Arkonor: 60800
Bistot: 114300
Crokite: 225200
Dark Ocher: 115000
Gneiss: 630,000
Spodumain: 736200
Mercoxit: 7000

The amount of ore in other anomalies in lows, zeros and heaps will not change, but these changes will raise the value of these anomalies for miners.

We are very interested in hearing the views of nullsec miners and industrialists. We are waiting for your suggestions in order to meet your needs. Thanks!

Translation © NordOst

So, in the first article on exploration in EVE, we will talk about what it is and what ships are suitable for exploration. The material is made partly on the basis of translations and Russian-language guides, partly on personal experience space exploration EVE, as well as the experience of the guys from The Eastern Cartel corporation. The guide is designed for beginner players and in the first part we will touch on what is generally being explored in New Eden.

The guide was written for the terms of the Vanguard patch, which was released at the end of September 2015.

1.1 EVE Exploration - What to Explore?

Let's start with what the star systems in New Eden are made of. In addition to the local sun, planets, moons, and man-made objects such as stations, customs, and gates, the systems contain anomalies and signatures. You can find out about the presence of signatures and anomalies by opening the scan window (press Alt-P or the icon with spheres to the left of the capacitor image). And if anomalies are visible without special equipment, then in order to find out the exact coordinates of the signatures, you need to use special equipment. The scan will also show you what exactly leaves the signature.

The following space objects leave the signatures in space:

  • wormholes (wormholes, wormholes);
  • plexes (DED Complexes);
  • data sites (Data Sites);
  • religions (Relic Sites, archaeological sites);
  • gas clouds (Gas Sites).

Note: in this guide we will not consider plexorans and the feasibility of gas production. It's about data sites and religions (both unprotected and those inhabited by NPCs).

Through wormholes, you can get into another system of New Eden, and Anokis, also called W-Space. There will be a separate large material about wormhalls, while you just need to know that these systems have everything the same as in New Eden - dates, religions, ore and gas deposits, combat anomalies or plexes.

Plexes are areas inhabited by NPCs such as guristas pirates. Usually they consist of several zones (so-called "pockets"). Having cleared the "pocket", you move to another with the help of a gate. As a result, you can get quite decent money for loot and salvag. The number of claims directly depends on the complexity of the plex, of which there are 10 in total. They are designated accordingly - 1/10, 2/10, etc. Plexes can be found in highsec, lowsec, and zeros. In general, plexes are a completely separate topic, which we will not deal with in detail in this series of guides.

Dates and religions represent space stations, when inhabited, when abandoned, where you can find containers with valuable items - components for production, blueprints and the like. In New Eden, such places are not protected. There are also protected relic and date sites in the wormhalls - they are guarded by local NPCs, sleepers. Sleepers have armor that is resistant to all types of damage, they themselves pour in well, they are able to trim, throw nets, and neutralize. In short, it will not work to pass such places on light ships.

1.2 EVE Exploration - Where to Explore?

Where is the best place to explore in EVE? Let's go in order as the complexity increases.

1.2.1 Highsek

Empire (systems with security level 0.5 - 1.0). If you are a beginner and fly the simplest ships like the T1 research frigates, then stay here until you master the skills of scanning and hacking containers. In principle, it is unprofitable to exploit in highsec. The time / income ratio is the lowest here. With one signature, an average of 1-3kk claims can be removed here, which cannot be compared with how adventurers in other areas of New Eden make money.

Unless, if you decide to travel through the wormholes, then in highsec you can most often find exits to the C1-C3 class systems. Sometimes access is also opened to systems of a higher level of complexity.

1.2.2 Lowsec

Systems with a security level of 0.1-0.4. Here, as well as in highsek, all religions and data sites are not protected. More loot can be removed from them than in highsec. At the same time, the likelihood of getting rid of and waking up in the cloner is high here, if you do not follow the safety rules. Based on this, it is also not recommended to meddle in a lowseck on T1 frigates or larger ships without PVP practice and fit.

In general, exploration in lowsec can bring in quite decent money and be safe if you look at the locale and respond to suspicious pilots in time.

1.2.3 Zeros

The profitability from research activities is more than acceptable here. From one archaeological site, you can remove loot for 30-70 million claims. That being said, the zeros are not a safe place unless you belong to the alliance that controls the system. Otherwise, it's very easy to run into trouble, because in the locale you can see who is who. If you wish, they will find you very quickly and will not leave you alone until they see your corpse.

1.2.4 W-Space

The level of profitability from exploration here is the same as in zeros when it comes to unguarded sites. However, there is one fundamental difference - there is an empty locale. That is, you do not see who is in this system. This is both good and bad. Good, because nobody can see you. And even if there is someone in the system, then observing security measures, you will leave there with loot. On the other hand, if there is already someone in the system, then the appearance of a stranger is determined by him very quickly, because the scanning "traffic jams" are visible on the podscan. Then there can be anything, from a fun hunt for your ass to a sweet conversation in private in the spirit of "you have two religions and I have two religions, we are at odds with the world."

In addition to the unguarded stations, there are objects here that are guarded by sleepers. In fact, "sleepers" are unmanned drones of the sleeper race, but it so happened historically that players call them sleepers. In systems of complexity class C1-C3, such places are cleaned solo if you have pumped up skills, correctly equipped ships and straight arms. You are guaranteed to get loot from sleepers for ~ 15-20kk, salvag and something from containers. However, their content is not always as expensive as on unguarded sites. In addition, cleaning a site alone requires 10-15 minutes, and the same amount can be spent on skinning sleepers and breaking containers. During this time, funny guys can fly into the system and scan the signature you are on. If you manage to make legs, you will lose some of the loot. If you gape, then, most likely, you yourself will become a loot.

In general, exploration in wormholes is the most intense activity. It is necessary to clearly assess the situation when entering the system and constantly look at the podscan (radar) in order to catch unwanted movements in time. Besides, luck decides a lot here. You can spend the evening visiting a dozen systems and not finding anything in them. On the other hand, you can find an untouched system and get 200-250kk out of there, spending just a couple of hours. Once upon a time it is not necessary. However, there are some exploration tactics that allow you to save time and take away loot. They will be discussed in the next issues.

1.3 EVE Exploration - How to Explore?

In fact, exploration should have been called tumbling, because our work is more like the work of "black" archaeologists and hackers. And yet - how should you do exploration? As it was said in one film - "Without noise and dust." We arrive imperceptibly, quickly break down and also quickly unwind. Based on this, decides in exploration not only the correct fit of the ship, but also the observance of safety measures.

1.3.1 Security Fundamentals

First and foremost, the main danger is from other players. The non-script, which is found on signatures in the same W-Space, does not climb out of the limits of its sites. Therefore, if you do not foolishly warp there, then everything will be fine. But other players are a real problem. Therefore, most of the recommendations will relate to how to behave with their own kind, who are not averse to decorating their statistics with one more keel, and picking up all your acquired with back-breaking labor.

Safety rules relate to the following components of the process:

  • Moving between star systems;
  • Moving in a star system;
  • Hacking containers;
  • Andok from the stations. Zeros

Note: The material for this section was prepared by a member of the ComCon Gaming Community, TeddyFear (for which he thanks a lot).

There are two approaches to hunting for religions and dates in zeros.

First simple, but potentially less profitable and more dangerous. It consists in the fact that the pilot enters through WH at random zeros, puts a bookmark on the back exit, and while WH is still flying around the neighborhood, scanning signatures, breaking sites and collecting loot. As soon as there is a suspicion that WH will soon collapse or the ship's cargo is already full enough, the pilot sets off on the return journey. Why is this approach dangerous? You find yourself in a region that you know nothing about. Who lives here? How aggressive are the locals? Are there many competitors here? Potentially low income again stems from the danger of an unknown region - the loss of your favorite asterka is an unplanned expense that we absolutely do not need.

Second the approach is more detailed. First you need to choose a region and a route for yourself. We go to the site http://evemaps.dotlan.net/ and look for a convenient region with parameters: minimal pvp activity, there is a looped route for flights. We put a filter on the ships killed in 24 hours and we see that the ring we want, except for one system, is quite safe.

The next step is to set up overviews and safe spots in the ring systems. To do this, you need to be able to fly around the route without fear of bubbles and camps. The task is to create bookmarks in each route system:

  • overview over each gate (250 km from the gate in a random direction);
  • safe spot not located on the route of movement of ships. In no case should be done between gates. Ideally - a point between two other spots + outside the scan radius (more than 14.3 au from gates and planets).

After the creation of all the spots is completed, you can finally transfer to the aster (or whatever you scan there) and move to the hunting place.

If the interceptor is on another character, then you can transfer the resulting bookmarks to the scanner through a contract.

It is important to have a mobile depot with you, and a spare set of scanning plugs in the fit. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from the sinking of the ship in the sector with a zero security status (in the presence of the above-described safe spots), you need to perform several simple but extremely important actions.

Login to the system:

  • after entering the system, we do not press the buttons and look around;
  • if there is a bubble (gate camp). We find the closest point to exit the bubble and see which object is in that direction (planet, asteroid belt, etc.). We turn on the acceleration in that direction, the ship cracked open from this - we press the Ministry of Internal Affairs and immediately shred. How to get out of the bubble - warp to the object, and then go to the spot;
  • if there is no bubble, but there are pilots in the locale. We look at the available signatures. Let's compare them with your notes (more on that later). If there is a new / unexplored one, then we press the warp to the spot and while the ship has not yet entered the warp, but has already cracked, release the plug and press the clok.

While we are flying in the warp, we pull the podskan and try to understand what the pilots are sitting on. Regardless of the result on the spot, carry out a preliminary signature scan. It is necessary to weed out combat signatures (combat sites) and wormholes.

Let's say you have the signature THZ-057 and you determine that it is a wormhole. Create a bookmark with the signature name and click ignore the result (so as not to interfere). This way you filter out uninteresting ones. Why is this done? Above it says "compare" - the next time you enter the system, you will immediately see whether a new signature has appeared and whether it is worth staying in this system.

Okay, you found out that there is one relic site in the system and scanned it 100%. Is it worth taking on it? It depends on the neighbors in the system and your impudence. We check the scan, see if there are other people's traffic jams, what kind of ships are visible. Checking the pilots on the killboard. If he was recently killed and was sitting on a buzzard without drones and nets, then there is a chance that he is now on the same ship. If it is clear that the pilot is an active hunter, then certain conclusions can be drawn. Trying to break a relic under a similar light bulb or not - the decision is yours.

If the system is empty, there are no camps, bubbles and pilots. Almost everything is the same. We check the list of signatures. We release plugs, go to the spot, scan and break.

Sign Out:

  • if there was a bubble and a camp at the entrance. The chances that they will be waiting for you at the exit is great. Here we need a view of 250 km above the exit gate. We warp in a lock on her, and then on the gate and leave. With a high probability, you will not get into the bubble, since they are usually placed on the warp from another gate - a trap for noobs.
  • if the system is empty. It is still better to leave through the overview, since the bubble can still be, albeit abandoned. There is a certain chance that while you are drowning through the bubble to the gate of the system, someone will come from this side and catch you. Lowsec

Several rules work here:

  • If it is possible to use Covert Ops Cloaking Device II (and the corresponding T2 exploration frigates, or another suitable vessel) - use. This is the safest way to avoid unwanted attention from other players and avoid ambushes at gates. Walked through the gate and see a bunch of evil campers? Just turn on disguise as soon as you start warping and you won't be caught.
  • If you have something very expensive in your hold, do not fly on autopilot between systems, even in highsec. If you are carrying a decent amount of cargo, then for the sake of it you can be knocked down, despite the protection of CONCORD.
  • Before you start scanning, find out who is currently in the locale. Pilots can be pushed through sites like zkillboard.com. If a hunter for researchers is grazing in the system, then it is better to move on. Don't waste your time.
  • Be extremely careful when undocking in lowsec. Especially if you are traveling with a load. When approaching the station, check the scan for the presence of pilots in the vicinity. If there is a camper grazing near the station, then it is better not to undock with the load. W-Space

Everything is more complicated in W-Space. The main difference from lowsec and zeros is that there is no locale. Therefore, there are more rules here:

  • After going through the wormhole and finding yourself on the other side, the first thing to do is to squeeze the podscan, which must be set to the "PvP" preset. If there are ships there, especially warships, then perhaps it is better to return immediately where you came from.
  • Be sure to bookmark the wormhole through which you logged in. Only at the entrance, and not at the place where your ship is. If they start to catch you and you warp to the bookmark 10 km from the wormhole, then it can be fatal - they will catch you when you try to leave the system.
  • It is necessary to warp off the exit. Open the system map and select the planet that is farthest from you. Jump to a distance of 30, 50 or 70 km - it is more difficult to catch you if someone noticed you and warped to the same planet.
  • It is best to make a safe spot - a safe point to which you can escape in case of something. Why do this? Because if you are standing near a planet or on some other object that anyone can dock on. An experienced pilot, especially one with experience in VX, will be able to find and catch you very quickly. If you are at a random point in the middle of open space, you can only be detected with the Combat Scanner Probe I (or the factional variant of the Sisters Combat Scanner Probe). If you also turn on camouflage, it is basically impossible to find you on the safe spot. How to make a safe spot? It's very simple - you need to create a bookmark during the flight from the wormhall to the sun or the planet. The point will spawn in a relatively random location that will be difficult for your pursuer to find.
  • They warp off, released the plugs, squeezed the shred (ie "flew to a safe place, released scanners and went into invisibility"). In addition to the main activity, scanning, be sure to check the podscan. This should be done as often as possible, because ships with a shred that pass through the wormhole are visible on the radar for several seconds. Under certain conditions, an experienced pilot will be able to find you without even releasing the scanning plugs.
  • The most dangerous stage is cracking containers, because you are 1) visible, 2) busy solving the puzzle. Most often, explorer is caught for this activity. Therefore, try not to lose vigilance and look at the podscan. When something suspicious appears, it is best to immediately warp to a safe spot, even if you have not broken the container. And there it is already to decide what to do next - to accept the battle or to throw out of the system.
  • One of the most frustrating moments is when, after passing through the wormhall, you find yourself on the other side of the camp. In this case, there are two ways - either immediately leave the system, or warp to the planet and immediately make a safe logoff (that is, just exit the game and then your ship will disappear from space). Kempyat are usually Aborigines who already know all the exits from the system, so the likelihood that you will be caught trying to leave is also high. Return to the game after a few hours and assess the situation - if it has already become quiet - leave the system.

Also, do not forget that when you re-pass through the wormhole, the CD is hung on the passage, so you won't be able to run back and forth from evil pirates.

These are basic safety rules. Risks can be mitigated by conducting preliminary reconnaissance and evaluating the system. This applies for the most part to the W-Space systems, because in the same zeros it is very easy to understand who controls the system and what to expect from the natives. Therefore, the following recommendations apply to W-Space systems.

  • The first thing to know is the class of the system that the wormhole leads to. To do this, right-click on the BX passage and select Show Info from the menu. If it says that “this wormhole seems to lead to unknown parts of space” then this is a C1-C3 class system. It should be added below what size the ships pass there. If it says that “Medium ships can pass” means that this is a C1 class system. If “Larger ships can pass” - C2 or C3 system. All of these systems have signatures that you can farm on a light frigate.
  • The inscription “this wormhole seems to lead to dangerous unknown parts of space”, then these are C4-C5 class systems, “this wormhole seems to lead to deadly unknown parts of space”, then these are C6 systems. It makes no sense to go there on frigates, since everything valuable (that is, everything in general) is guarded by sleepers.
  • Second important point, to which you should pay attention - this is the mass of BX. The inscription “This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse” with a high probability indicates that there is an active farmer life or a cruel cut on the other side. You shouldn't go there either.
  • It has already been written about checking the scanned entry at the entrance to the system. A small clarification - the ships that are on the podskan are not always active. Someone could leave the ship under the POS field and logoff.
  • See how many anomalies and signatures there are in the system. A small number of signatures - 5-6 - indicates the presence of active natives in the system. And if a few more ships are spinning on the podskan, then it is better not to waste time and leave.
  • The average number of signatures - 6-10 - may indicate that the system has recently been farmed for relics and dates. Subsequent scans often reveal wormhole and sleeper-protected signatures that are not being scanned by research frigates. However, you may be lucky and there are one or two signatures for cracking.
  • A large number of anomalies and signatures - the system is not populated and no one has flown here for two or three days. Although it often happens that gas clouds are hidden under these signatures.
  • If you have a system with an average number of signatures, then before scanning it makes sense to break it through databases such as, for example, http://wh.pasta.gg/ or https://eveeye.com/. Statistics will show you who lives there, how active it is, what time the prime time is expected there. Of course, these data are very indicative, but still. Based on this, make a decision whether to stay here or not. If the system is inhabited by active aborigines, then in best case you will find a couple of dates and relics, at worst - get a ticket to the clone when you try to hack them.

That's all for now. The next installment in this series will cover ships and feats for exploration.

VX - wormholes These are areas of uncharted space that at regular intervals open the way to the populated systems of eve.

On a note.

  • There is no stargate in W-space. Once inside w-space, wormhole the only way to return it is scanning the output with the probe launcher and probes. Or place a beech at the entrance wormhole.
  • No local chat in W-space. You will not see if there is someone on your system.
  • All BX spaces are treated as zero safety areas.
  • No asteroid belt in W-space. The only source of ore is anomalies such as Ore sites
  • VX can have anomalous effects, positively or negatively affecting your ship.
  • No market access. Contracts won't work.
  • There are no ice clouds in VH either.
  • Planets can be developed.


The VX is inhabited by the descendants of the ancient civilization Sleepers (Sleepers) - sleeping.

Sleepers are based in VX anomalies and hidden locations - space signatures. They are much more dangerous and have a more advanced AI than NPCs in regular space. For that, the profit from the destruction of sleepers is greater than from simple NPCs.

Anomalies you need to look for an on-board navigation scanner, and signatures with scanning probes.

All that can be found in VX is required for construction strategic cruisers T3.

NPC sleepers are present in both anomalies and hidden signatures.

The larger the VX class, the stronger the NPCs live in them, have more powerful damage and better protection.

NPC ships are of three classes: BSh, cruisers and frigates, there are also turrets (Sentry Turrets).

Protected by sleeper from all types of damage by equal resist

  • EM: 40min. - 70mah
  • THERMAL: 40min. - 70mah
  • KINETIC: 40min. - 70mah
  • EXPLOSIVE: 40min. - 70mah

With such a tanking of sleepers, you can choose any weapon to destroy them, the most important thing is that it inflicts as much damage as possible.

Sleepers have no shields. And there is armor and structure. So the damaged NPC ship is not restored. The larger the sleeper ship, the better its resistance to resist, thicker armor and structure. And also the signature of the NPC ship is larger.

Sleeper ships actively use electronic countermeasures systems:

  • Warp disruptor- jamming the warp drive of the ship
  • Stasis Webifier- decrease in ship speed
  • Nosferatu- neutralize the energy of the ship
  • Some sleeper ships act as logisticians and restore armor damaged ships of the NPC.

Sleeper ships do damage all types of damage in equal proportion:

  • NPC cannons - EM, THERMAL

Sentry Turrets sleepers damage in two spectra EM, THERMAL

So you need to tank your ship from all types of damage.

Sleeper ships can be salvaged and loot collected from them. Salvaging the wreckage of sleeper ships is possible with the Salvaging skill learned up to level 4 at least.

For the destruction of each NPC, a reward is issued in claims.

Example of NPC ship parameters sleeper type BSh, wormhole class 4.

An example of a ship for passing VX class 4 this is Galentky Dominix, you need to fly in a fleet of at least 6 ships and in a spider tank (lock each other and repair the armor of a damaged ship). The target takes aim at one ship, to which you send drones to help.

An example of a Dominix fit for VX-4kl.

Top slots

2x Drone Link Augmentor II

3x Large "Solace" Remote Armor Repairer

Heavy Diminishing Power System Drain I

Medium slots

5x Cap Recharger II

Bottom slots

2x 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II

Damage Control II

Armor Explosive Hardener II

Armor Kinetic Hardener II

Large Armor Repairer II

Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II


2x Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Large Sentry Damage Augmentor I


5x Hobgoblin II - for frigs

5x Garde II - for close targets

5x Bouncer II - Long Range

The dronebay is not full so you can cram spare or experiment with medium drones.

In principle, two years ago, VX of the 6th class was also held in such a fit (VX was with bonuses for armor), but it is not profitable at the rate of claim / hour.

If you add teams with links to armor to this fleet of 6 ships, it will be even better.

The main nuance such a fleet needs it give all drones to help one ship. It turns out that all your drones will be controlled by one person. Two years ago, in this situation, the slipper very, very rarely aggroed drones.

Ore anomalies and sites.

In addition to the profit from the destroyed NPC sleepers on the anomalies in the input, there is an opportunity to earn money on the development of ore anomalies and archaeological sites, data sites, sites with gas.

Sites by profitability and complexity are roughly divided into three types, which is reflected in their name

"Perimiter"- light complex

"Frontier"- medium complex

"Core"- complex complex

Asteroid belts(Ore sites) - mining of all types of ore. Anomaly - search with an onboard scanner.

  • VX contains exceptionally rich asteroid deposits with various ores, including Mercoxit.
  • The type of ore depends on the type of site. The amount of ore depends on the BX class.
  • Average life span is 3-5 days.
  • New asteroids will appear during the life of the field
  • NPC sleeper ships no longer respawn after the first cleanup.

Gas clouds(Gas sites) - Fullerenes are mined for the production of polymers such as Fullerite-C540. Signature - search with scanning probes.

Gas quantity

  • Barren - 3000 C50 and 1500 C60
  • Token - 3000 C60 and 1500 C70
  • Minor - 3000 C70 and 1500 C72
  • Ordinary - 3000 C72 and 1500 C84
  • Sizeable - 3000 C84 and 1500 C50
  • Bountiful - 5000 C28 and 1000 C32
  • Vast - 5000 C32 and 1000 C28
  • Vital - 500 C320 and 6000 C540
  • Instrumental - 500 C540 and 6000 C320

Do not forget that gas has different volumes.

  • Each site has two types of gas clouds
  • NPC guarding ships or turrets.
  • If there are no NPCs for warp, then they will appear after a while. Activating the respawn of the NPC warp on the site.
  • After the destruction of the NPC, they do not revive.

Gas can be produced on any ship with a large number of turret slots.

As an example, the Galentsky BC Gas can be produced on any ship with a large number of slots for weapons.

As an example, Galentsky BC Myrmidon, Fit 5x Gas Cloud Harvester II (gas production) and 4x ECCM - Magnetometric II (increases the power of the ship's sensor - reduces to almost zero the likelihood of your ship being found by scanning probes).

Such a ship can be used after clearing the site from non-writing.

Archaeological complexes(Relic sites) - Materials for the invention of T3 components, such as Ancient Relic. Signature - search with scanning probes.

Data complexes(Data sites) - data blocks used in T3 inventory, such as Datacore Subsystem. Signature - search with scanning probes.

  • Sleeper ships are more powerful in Relic and Data sites.
  • Several waves to respawn, as a rule the last frigate or cruiser is the trigger.
  • Comts can be opened without completely destroying the NPC
  • There is a possibility of respawning when opening accounts.
  • When you otvarp from the site, it will disappear in a minute.

In all of the above anomalies and complexes, there are NPC ships and sleeper turrets.


If you are going to live in VH for a long time, install big pic and load it with cannons and other protective systems to the maximum. When using hangars of laboratories and production lines, some of the POS weapons can be turned off. Turn on when there is a threat of attack. It is best not to use Caldari rocket poses.

Always use onboard scanner- directional scanning. It is advisable to set up the overview in such a way that plugs - scanning probes - are visible on the podscan. With the help of an on-board scanner, you will see in advance other people's ships and probes, which will help you to warp to a safe place in time.

Use camouflage system on acc. ships - scanning ships.

Good luck!
Best regards, SoldierZD.

After the implementation of the planned innovations, the zeros will become much more self-sufficient than they are at the moment. And even though we still adhere to such a concept in which no region of space can be absolutely independent from others, the zeros, nevertheless, have rather promising prospects.

The upcoming changes are primarily intended to improve the lives of zero miners and production workers. They can be conditionally subdivided into 3 stages:

  • Increased demand for Zydrine and Megacyte in production;
  • Rebalancing the proportion of minerals in zero and low ores;

Let's dwell on each of them separately.

Increased demand for Zydrine and Megacyte in production

Although the innovation itself is quite simple, its consequences promise to be very significant. As you may recall from our O7 Show talk, almost all blueprints will now require 2x the amount of Zydrine and Megacyte. This is intended not only to increase the demand for them, but also to lead to tangible changes in the zeros. Players will have to reconsider their priorities when it comes to mining in the zeros (including the heaps).

Rebalancing the proportion of minerals in zero and low ores

Perhaps, this stage can be safely called the most voluminous and most significant for the recovery of the nullsec production environment. After its implementation, all types of ore will become more highly specialized (the variety of mines in them will decrease, while their content will significantly increase). This will not only allow us to adjust the amount of minerals based on the needs of the players, but it will also make it easier for you to choose which ore to mine.

If we talk about low-cut ores, then here the set of minerals will be reduced, and their cost will be slightly increased. Ores with a 5-10% bonus on the number of minerals will remain, the volume will also not be changed. For greater clarity, we have prepared a special table for you:

Rebalancing the volumes of ore contained in mining anomalies generated by the Ore Prospecting Array.

This phase aims to balance the amount of ore in the Ore Prospecting Array anomaly and the average amount of minerals consumed by Eve Online players. Now alliances will be able to extract most of the necessary raw materials right at their sites. The differences between the anomalies are clearly presented in the table:



A bit of information about wormhole and what you can find there - sleeper NPCs, various anomalies and sites ...

VX - Wormholes are areas of uncharted space that at regular intervals open the way to the populated systems of eve.

These passages are called wormholes. You can find wormholes to enter the VX by scanning space. For more information about the characteristics of VX and wormholes, see the article "Parameters of VX and wormholes ..."

On a note.

  • There is no stargate in W-space. Once inside w-space, the only way for the wormhole to return is to scan the exit with a probe launcher and probes. Or place a beech at the entrance wormhole.
  • No local chat in W-space. You will not see if there is someone on your system.
  • All BX spaces are treated as zero safety areas.
  • No asteroid belt in W-space. The only source of ore is anomalies such as Ore sites
  • VX can have anomalous effects, positively or negatively affecting your ship.
  • No market access. Contracts won't work.
  • There are no ice clouds in VH either.
  • Planets can be developed.


The descendants of the ancient civilization Sleepers live in VX. Sleepers are based in VX anomalies and hidden locations - cosmic signatures. They are much more dangerous and have a more advanced AI than NPCs in regular space. For that, the profit from the destruction of sleepers is greater than from simple NPCs.

You need to look for anomalies with an onboard navigation scanner, and signatures with scanning probes. Everything that can be found in VX is required to build T3 strategic cruisers.

NPC sleepers are present in both anomalies and hidden signatures.

The larger the VX class, the stronger the NPCs live in them, have more powerful damage and better protection.

NPC ships are of three classes: BSh, cruisers and frigates, there are also turrets (Sentry Turrets).

The sleeper is protected from all types of damage by equal resist

  • EM: 40min. - 70mah
  • THERMAL: 40min. - 70mah
  • KINETIC: 40min. - 70mah
  • EXPLOSIVE: 40min. - 70mah

With such a tanking of sleepers, you can choose any weapon to destroy them, the most important thing is that it inflicts as much damage as possible.

Sleepers have no shields. And there is armor and structure. So the damaged NPC ship is not restored. The larger the sleeper ship, the better its resistance to resist, thicker armor and structure. The signature of the NPC ship is also larger. Sleeper ships actively use electronic countermeasures systems:

  • Warp Disruptor - jamming the warp drive of the ship
  • Stasis Webifier - ship speed reduction
  • Nosferatu - neutralize the ship's energy
  • Some sleeper ships act as logisticians and restore armor to damaged NPC ships.
Sleeper ships deal damage with all types of damage in equal proportions:
  • NPC cannons - EM, THERMAL

Sentry Turrets sleepers damage in two spectra EM, THERMAL

So you need to tank your ship from all types of damage.

Sleeper ships can be salvaged and loot collected from them. Salvaging the wreckage of sleeper ships is possible with the Salvaging skill learned up to level 4 at least.

For the destruction of each NPC, a reward is issued in claims.
An example of the parameters of the NPC of a sleeper ship of the BSh type, wormhole class 4.

An example of a ship for passing

ВХ class 4 is the Galentian Dominix, you need to fly in a fleet of at least 6 ships in a spider tank (lock each other and repair the armor of a damaged ship). The target takes aim at one ship, to which you send drones to help.

An example of a Dominix fit for VX-4kl.

Top slots

2x Drone Link Augmentor II 3x Large "Solace" Remote Armor Repairer

Heavy Diminishing Power System Drain I

Medium slots

5x Cap Recharger II

Bottom slots

2x 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II

Damage Control II

Armor Explosive Hardener II

Armor Kinetic Hardener II

Large Armor Repairer II

Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II


2x Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Large Sentry Damage Augmentor I


5x Hobgoblin II - for frigs

5x Garde II - for close targets

5x Bouncer II - Long Range

The dronebay is not full, so you can stuff spare or experiment with medium drones. In principle, two years ago, VX of the 6th class passed in such a fit (VX was with bonuses for armor), but it is not profitable on the basis of claims / hour.

If you add teams with links to armor to this fleet of 6 ships, it will be even better.

The main nuance of such a fleet is to give all drones to help one ship. It turns out that all your drones will be controlled by one person. Two years ago, in this situation, the slipper very, very rarely aggroed drones.

Ore anomalies and sites.

In addition to the profit from the destroyed NPC sleepers on the anomalies in the input, there is an opportunity to earn money on the development of ore anomalies and archaeological sites, data sites, sites with gas.

Sites by profitability and complexity are roughly divided into three types, which is reflected in their name

"Perimiter" - light complex

"Frontier" - medium complex

"Core" is a complex complex

Asteroid belts(Ore sites) - mining of all types of ore. Anomaly - search with an onboard scanner.

  • VX contains exceptionally rich asteroid deposits with various ores, including Mercoxit.
  • The type of ore depends on the type of site. The amount of ore depends on the BX class.
  • Average life span is 3-5 days.
  • New asteroids will appear during the life of the field
  • NPC sleeper ships no longer respawn after the first cleanup.

Gas clouds(Gas sites) - Fullerenes are mined for the production of polymers such as Fullerite-C540. Signature - search with scanning probes.

Gas quantity

  • Barren - 3000 C50 and 1500 C60
  • Token - 3000 C60 and 1500 C70
  • Minor - 3000 C70 and 1500 C72
  • Ordinary - 3000 C72 and 1500 C84
  • Sizeable - 3000 C84 and 1500 C50
  • Bountiful - 5000 C28 and 1000 C32
  • Vast - 5000 C32 and 1000 C28
  • Vital - 500 C320 and 6000 C540
  • Instrumental - 500 C540 and 6000 C320
Do not forget that gas has different volumes.
  • Each site has two types of gas clouds
  • NPC guarding ships or turrets.
  • If there are no NPCs for warp, then they will appear after a while. Activating the respawn of the NPC warp on the site.
  • After the destruction of the NPC, they do not revive.

Gas can be produced on any ship with a large number of turret slots.

As an example, the Galentsky BC Gas can be produced on any ship with a large number of slots for weapons.

As an example of the Myrmidon Galency BC, fit 5x Gas Cloud Harvester II (gas production) and 4x ECCM - Magnetometric II (increases the power of the ship's sensor - reduces the likelihood of your ship being found by scanning probes to almost zero).

Such a ship can be used after clearing the site from non-writing.

Archaeological complexes(Relic sites) - Materials for the invention of T3 components, such as Ancient Relic. Signature - search with scanning probes.

Data sites are data blocks used in the T3 inventory, such as the Datacore Subsystem. Signature - search with scanning probes.

  • Sleeper ships are more powerful in Relic and Data sites.
  • Several waves to respawn, as a rule the last frigate or cruiser is the trigger.
  • You can start to open the accounts without completely destroying the NPC
  • There is a possibility of respawning when opening accounts.
  • When you otvarp from the site, it will disappear in a minute.

In all of the above anomalies and complexes, there are NPC ships and sleepers' turrets. How to open containers in the Relic sites and Data sites complexes, it is written here ...

If you are going to dwell in VX for a long time, install a large POS and load it with cannons and other protective systems to the maximum. When using hangars of laboratories and production lines, some of the POS weapons can be turned off. Turn on when there is a threat of attack. It is best not to use Caldari rocket poses.

Always use an onboard scanner - directional scanning. It is advisable to set up the overview in such a way that plugs - scanning probes - are visible on the podscan. With the help of an on-board scanner, you will see in advance other people's ships and probes, which will help you to warp to a safe place in time.

Use a masking system for acc. ships - scanning ships.