Tips for girls on how to take a beautiful selfie. Learning to take selfies from Asians Selfies of cute Korean brunettes

Hello! Now I want to please you a little with exotic erotica and show pictures of absolutely naked Korean women.
Slim Korean Asian Tits Look Impressive!

Private photo of naked Korean women

Today, stunning young beauties will appear on your screens, who decided to show off their perfect bodies and show how generous Mother Nature can be. When you see pictures with these young ladies, you will literally be speechless. It seems that girls are like girls and they don’t do anything special, well, they showed boobs, asses, caps. But here, personality traits come into play, who likes Asian girls. And these pretty people are just a sex gap.

Photos of naked girls and women of Korean women

They are extremely attractive, and to such an extent that looking at them you begin to experience a strong influence of natural instincts. Here they stand and smile sweetly with their pretty faces. And dirty thoughts are spinning in your head, in which these girls are already on their knees, unzip their fly and start doing what you could only dream of. Oh those Asian boobs, it's hard to stay calm when you see them.

What do naked Korean women look like?

Just look how they show us their sharp breasts and attractive mouth-watering asses without hesitation. These perky girls boast slender bodies and a fiery temperament that cannot be hidden. So don't waste your time and go on watching to make sure of my words. Private photos are waiting for you!

Selfies are a global craze. But nowhere has the popularity of “self-photos” reached such proportions as in Asia. Case in point: A girl named Mortao from Thailand has over 29,000 Instagram photos, most of them selfies. For comparison: Kim Kardashian with millions of subscribers has 2,500 publications - "modestly".

The Asian region is the epicenter of selfie culture. Time magazine has compiled a ranking of cities where selfies are most often taken. As a result, Makati, the Philippines, has become the world's selfie capital. In total, four of the top 10 cities are in Asia.

They really love self-portraits. People download and install thousands of selfie apps. Widen your eyes, make your skin white and smooth like porcelain - a standard set of functions of such apps. But in Lately A Japanese application is gaining popularity that allows you to remove retouching and see the true face of a person - Primo. The results are impressive.

Primo rips off masks

Asians dictate fashion in selfies. In protest against glamorous #toiletlooks and #duckface, Chinese women launched a wave of selfies with unshaven armpits. Hairy "selfies" quickly became popular. So much so that after the Asians, world stars began to take such photographs.

Another trend is head-down selfies to hide the face or draw attention to the hair and nails. It was invented by Japanese gyaru fashionistas.

The selfie craze in the Asian region is affecting the local technology market. Smartphone manufacturers compete to see which front camera is better. The Chinese company Huawei even registered trademark Groufie (from group selfie - group selfie), and the South Korean Samsung introduced the term wefie (group selfie with a 120 ° view) to advertise its new smart camera.

Another proof of the Asian selfie boom is marketing. Advertisers immediately felt the mood of society and began to promote products using selfies.

The Chinese company Lenovo produces external flashes for selfie lovers and emphasizes its marketing on selfies.

The love for selfies in Asia is so pervasive that governments are gradually starting to introduce restrictive measures. For example, in Japan it is forbidden to do "yourself" in museums and galleries, and in South Korea want to control the sale of selfie monopods (there are so many of them that Bluetooth sensors interfere with other technology).

What is the secret of this passion? According to experts, one of the reasons is the overpopulation of the Asian region. More than a billion people live in China alone. Selfie is a way of self-expression, an attempt to express yourself. “Hey, I am! I live next to you!”

How to take a great selfie

Whatever the true reason for the Asian selfie boom, one thing is clear: these guys know a lot about self-portraits and can turn a photo on a phone into a real masterpiece. Therefore, we present to your attention selfie lessons from Asians.

Rule 1. Take care of the lighting

Avoid light sources behind your back.

The best time to take outdoor selfies is sunrise or sunset when the light is soft and beautiful. There is nothing worse than when shadows fall on the face in intense natural light.

If shooting indoors, stand in front of a window. Better photographed in daylight: artificial lights (especially dim ones) can add age.

life hack: Place a piece of white paper under your chin. It reflects light well and will help hide the double chin.

Rule 2. Find your angle

Each person has an angle in which he looks the most attractive. Practice will help you find it. Tilt your head at different angles (most look good at a three-quarter angle), look at different points. Eventually you will find a pose that makes you photogenic.

life hack: do not take pictures strictly full-face, if you do not want to get a selfie a la passport photo. Turn your head slightly in profile - this will add cuteness.

Rule 3. Hold your hand correctly

Do you remember the Korean woman who turned from a scarecrow into a beauty in a matter of moments, just by raising her hand with the phone to the desired level?

Hold your smartphone with a straight, outstretched hand at eye level. But remember: if you raise your hand a little higher and look at the camera from the bottom up, the look will be more open and seductive.

life hack: Use the self-timer to reduce the risk of blurry photos, and also when shooting with a selfie stick without a remote camera activation function.

Rule 4. Pay attention to the background

There are a lot of fakes on the Internet when people took selfies without looking back ( big selection). Don't repeat their mistakes. Make sure that there are no strangers in the background, and most importantly, tidy up the room.

life hack: a mirror in the background can be an interesting author's move and demonstrate the beauty of the figure.

Rule 5: Use Filters and Apps

Some modern smartphones (for example, Samsung Galaxy S5 and LG G3) have special beauty features. These are camera modes that create photos with the retouching effect.

If your phone does not support such functions, you can resort to applications. B612, MeituPic, BeautyPlus, Photo wonder - there are many options.

But remember: do not abuse photo editing. There is a thin line between cute and funny selfies.

life hack: Asian women love to brighten their face and enlarge their eyes. Think carefully before going down this path. Such a transformation may not suit the European type.

Rule 6. Arm yourself with accessories

Selfies are fun, but boring. If you want to diversify "yourself" and collect more hearts, use accessories. Fashionable glasses or a stylish hat can transform your look.

Technology does not stand still and, finally, there is an opportunity to freely engage in such an exciting business for anyone. What are we photographing? Yes all! Including ourselves, especially after the emergence of the Instagram network. For those who are not familiar with the main principles, we dedicate this review! We will tell you how to take cool pictures, for example, on avu. The main thing is that we will tell you in detail and give advice on how to take selfies for girls (lessons, description).

How to take a selfie correctly and beautifully with your own hands

It is not always possible to ask the master to make a photo session for you, and is it necessary? The main thing is to have at hand, let's say, a smartphone or a camera, ideally with a good resolution, so it's better to use an android. The most successful in this regard are the iPhone, Zenphone and Samsung Galaxy. Gopro is the best choice for camera. And it will be absolutely great if you have a selfie stick.

However, sometimes you can do without it. Some manage to hold the phone or camera with the help of improvised means, for example, with a wooden mop. By the way, many people take selfies using a laptop, tablet (take a screenshot on a computer), etc. The company does not really matter, Asus, Lenovo and everything that is at hand will do.

The right to be called the pioneers of the invention of the monopod (selfie stick) belongs to the Koreans, who appreciated the idea in time, adding a little convenience in the form of a button to the original version. This method allows you to take photos from a distance.

Basic rules for girls

There are two essential ingredients for a good photo:

good camera - in most cases, frontal is used, i.e. front (again, if we are talking about the phone). This is very convenient in all respects, for example, it allows you to immediately see the future image and evaluate (albeit approximately) its quality. Its only drawback is that most often it has a worse resolution, unlike the main one, which produces high-quality pictures;

the right background- you must have seen the perfect shots that you nullified the background(a naked man in a mirror, for example, or some kind of ugly person), so we recommend that you exclude strangers from getting into the picture if possible. Please note that if the photo is taken against the background of some sight, it is important that it stands out well against the background, but does not overshadow the poseur, also make sure that the picture is not covered by the palm of your hand.

Successful selfie at home - the best poses

And now the most important thing - poses for a beautiful picture. You have probably noticed that there are both successful shots and vice versa. The whole secret is in the right pose, and if the picture is taken in a company (regardless of the number of people), you should take care of each character. We will reveal some secrets. The instruction is:

1. good angle. For an inexperienced photographer, this can be a difficult test. But we'll fix it. Learn to "feel" the lens. Take pictures of yourself from different angles and, as they say, feel the difference. Experiment with head tilts, choose the most advantageous option. You can also practice in front of a mirror.

2. The camera feels false, so try to be sincere: a smile, laughter, joy, delight or grief - everything should be extremely natural, otherwise the most basic thing will go away - naturalness.

3. Makeup or disguise. We recommend using small tricks that will add zest to the image. These can be illuminating bases, meteorites, shimmers, illuminators, etc. If a disease prevents you from creating a cool picture (puffiness appeared in the morning, for example), mask it with sunglasses and you will definitely get normal shots.

4. Use celebrities. It's no secret that the coolest pictures with the participation of stars. This will add charm and immediately raise the rating, especially if among them there are such as Brian Spielberg, Casey, Cage, or actors from the movie "San Andreas", fashion model Kim Kardashian, etc. It's not bad if Russian stars / supermodels get into the lens, for example , participants of "Comedy Vumen".

5. Take pictures with animals. Animals (no matter what) are always cute, and studies have shown that such photos are liked by the vast majority of people. These ideas are very common in the advertising business, you can use them too.

6. Use your imagination and sense of humor. Yes, don't be surprised, this is a great move. This way you will attract more viewers to your Instagram account or other network. Take pictures against the background of computer games, such as GTA, MTA, RP, Draenor or Minecraft (for boys) or pictures where you can depict yourself on paper, for example, on a tank or on a rover. Add jokes, for example, draw pictures of a doll or fold your lips into a bank (for girls), in a word, do not be afraid to fantasize and do not be shy. For girls, photos with a friend are suitable, for example, in the dark under an umbrella and with flowers. In a word, look for interesting and unusual options.

7. Add extreme but make sure it's safe. Now it is considered mainstream (fashion trend) fatality shots - riding on the roof of a train or on the hood of a car. Take a few shots, capture a cool moment of euphoria in stages. You can make a panoramic video and put it on YouTube for watching online. However, these options are more suitable for boys and boys a little older.