Lesson on cognitive development in a general developmental group Topic: “Forest stream. Why is the stream bubbling? What the trickle is babbling about

As usual, the simpler the question, the more difficult the answer is. In order to answer the child's question "Why is the stream bubbling?" you should know physics well. Namely, such sections as acoustics and hydrodynamics.

Well, let's start, perhaps!

The murmur of a brook is a sound. What is the source of the murmur? What does it sound like? That's right, water, water flow. This means that the stream is gurgling, because the water in the stream periodically fluctuates and makes the air vibrate.

The first source of periodic oscillations of the water jet is visible, as they say, with the naked eye. The bottom of the stream is strewn with pebbles. A jet of water, striking these stones, vibrates and sounds. If the speed of the water in the stream increases, the frequency of water vibrations arising from impacts against stones also increases. A fast stream will "sing" (all other things being equal) in a different way. The murmur tone will become higher.

The pebbles at the bottom of the stream are an obvious reason, but not the only one. Even in a stream flowing along a gutter with a smooth bottom, above a certain speed of water movement, due to the forces of internal friction, it will begin to swirl. That is, it is not stones that will interfere with the movement of water, but the water itself. The resulting vortices will vibrate the surface of the water, and it will rumble. So, for example, water gurgles, flowing out of the bath through a perfectly smooth pipe.

A flow in which vortices do not arise in the flowing fluid has its own special name, laminar flow. Laminar flow flows through a smooth gutter without swirling or murmuring. Everything is quiet and decorous. The flow rate at which the vortex movement begins is not easy to calculate. It depends on too many parameters. In hydraulics, as a criterion for the onset of vortex motion in the flow of flowing water, a certain difficult-to-calculate number is set, which is called the Reynolds number. The flow begins to swirl if the Reynolds number calculated for it exceeds a certain critical value.

Bursting air bubbles also "orchestrate" the sounds of water flow. The flow captures air bubbles, "melts", but they float up and immediately burst. Merging, the faint sounds of bursting bubbles create noise, which is, as it were, a background for the murmur of a water jet.

In general, the sound of the brook is one of the most soothing melodies in the world. On the Internet, you can find audio tracks on which the murmur of a wide variety of streams is recorded in a wide variety of external conditions: in the rain, accompanied by the chirping of birds. As a pleasant practical exercise, I advise everyone to download one of these natural "melodies", turn it on to play, lie down, close your eyes, relax and listen, trying to isolate all the already mentioned components of the murmur of a stream: water strikes against stones, vibrations arising in the process of swirling water jet, and the noise of bursting air bubbles.

I hope that this will give you a lot of positive emotions and show that in a lot of wisdom there is not only a lot of sadness, but also a lot of joy in it.

The Stream is flowing, the Stream is running ...
- Whose stream are you? Whose are you, Brook ?!

- I'm mother's, Mother Earth!
Look at me like in a mirror! -
Then Brook answered me,
Flowing, it resoundingly between the stones ...

Then he continued, murmuring slightly:
- You will see yourself in me ...
You will smile, I will answer
I'll tell you a secret ...

I was born so happy
To be free and alive!
I was born the world needs
Cheerful and welcoming!

I meet different paths
But I want to find mine!
I'm looking for steep roads
And I could conquer a lot of them!
Motion is life!
Motion is light!
I will stop ... and there is no life ...
That's why running is important to me
Like you - a human friend!

I am friends with the sunbeam,
And with warm rainbow Rain.
A fair breeze is my friend.
There are many more girlfriends -
Sisters: White Winter,
Magnificent Spring.
And I'm friends with Summer red,
And Autumn is so sweet to the heart ...

And at night the stars and the moon
Shine ...

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What are you babbling anxiously and hastily, a talkative trickle, in the November cold?

Louder and louder on the rifts, the closer to the mouth. Not about the fact that a harsh cold is inevitably approaching you. He lays down like a slow tortoise on your upper reaches. The thin crust of ice is getting heavier every day. The chilly wind first polishes it under the daytime sun. Then, it brushes off, then presses against it the snow charges dropped from the sky, building up the ice shell.
And now an even field, as if there is no brook under it that carries life-giving earthly moisture, and only silence from the snowy plains coming from everywhere. Lonely blades of grass, blades of grass (a reminder of life): dried timothy; bewitched by the winter cold, frozen blackbird; dry and in summer, razor-sharp, unfriendly, sedge - only they silently listen to your conversations and nod after.

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The brook murmurs in the spring. For some reason, summer or autumn streams just flow, but spring ones gurgle. It is in the spring that he is joyful, cheerful, because a newborn, because the cold winter has ended, and new life long, interesting, full of energy ...

What is the stream babbling about?

That he is nobody's ...

Intoxicated with freedom

He is looking for a way home.

He is looking for a way there

Where are the distant lands

Where only ships go

And they are always waiting for him.

Run, murmur, stream ...

Forget that you are nobody's ...

Spring has not come in vain ...

Believe, only for you.

Well, what can a stream babble about? Probably rejoicing in the spring and the fact that soon it will become a full-flowing river. And then he will find peace in some kind of sea or even ocean! And someday he will again rain on the ground and start his merry run from the beginning.

He gurgles with joy that he was born. From the fact that he is tickled by the stones in his path. Murmurs from the fact that the sky is reflected in it. He wants to tell ...

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In order to understand why the stream is murmuring, you must first understand what sounds are.
Sounds are vibrations of air that occur when it is compressed or expanded. In a river or stream, air bubbles constantly get into the water. After they float to the surface, they burst, while making faint sounds, which we perceive as gurgling.

When a fast flow of water passes through some obstacles (bending around a bend, stone or twig), then this flow consists of compressed air and water. When the air is free, then at this moment we hear the murmur of water.

tell friends

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Ezotourism. See, hear and understand

What to do on a cold April Sunday, when the sky is covered with rain clouds, a not spring wind blows in at all and the thermometer barely reaches +7? Well, you know what - to fill up with a book on the sofa or stick to the TV. However, it was on this Sunday that I had a planned outing in nature, and I did not cancel it. After all, the season must be opened sometime. Moreover, the trip was not supposed to be simple, but esoteric!

Hiking trips. New genre

Have you heard anything about esotourism? This is a new, very fashionable nowadays direction of recreation. People travel to various picturesque and unusual places on the planet to tune in to "resonate" with the rhythms and laws of the Universe. During such tours, the role of guides is performed not by instructors and guides, but by parapsychologists. They teach how to "refuel" the energy of space and the Earth, "cleanse" the chakras, "correct" karma. And also deal with your spiritual needs ...

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As usual, the simpler the question, the more difficult the answer is. In order to answer the child's question "Why is the stream bubbling?" you should know physics well. Namely, such sections as acoustics and hydrodynamics.

Well, let's start, perhaps!

The murmur of a brook is a sound. What is the source of the murmur? What does it sound like? That's right, water, water flow. This means that the stream is gurgling, because the water in the stream periodically fluctuates and makes the air vibrate.
The first source of periodic oscillations of the water jet is visible, as they say, with the naked eye. The bottom of the stream is strewn with pebbles. A jet of water, striking these stones, vibrates and sounds. If the speed of the water in the stream increases, the frequency of water vibrations arising from impacts against stones also increases. A fast stream will "sing" (all other things being equal) in a different way. The murmur tone will become higher.

The pebbles at the bottom of the stream are an obvious reason, but not the only one. Even in a stream flowing through a flat-bottomed gutter above a certain speed ...

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What Kamenny Ruchey is babbling about: to the 65th anniversary of the special aerodrome

Stone Creek…. No, it is not with the quiet murmur of water that he meets everyone who finds himself in those wonderful places. He greets with the roar of the "Russian bears", the echo of which for many decades did not allow the strategists of the Pentagon and the CIA to sleep peacefully. Half of the planet listened to this terrible echo, and the rulers of neighboring empires humbly bowed their heads at the sight of the monsters majestically floating in the sky - the inhabitants of the Stone Creek.

The history of the Sovetskaya Gavan - Kamenny Ruchey (UHKG) special aerodrome began over 80 years ago. Exhausted by two revolutions and two wars, the country, like a fabulous Phoenix, rose from the ashes. Despite the devastation, the small population beyond Lake Baikal, the complete absence of roads in those parts, the new Moscow autocracy without hesitation decided to carry out the plans, developed even before the revolution and war, to settle their vast eastern possessions. Already in 1923, several complex ...

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Rivers, streams, seas, oceans and even lakes do not exist in silence. They are constantly flowing, worried, renewed, rolling stones.

The sea and the ocean are rustling, and the rivers and streams are murmuring. What sounds do we hear in the flow of water and how do they arise?

The faster a river or stream flows, the more air they take with them in their course. Air enters rivers and streams in the form of bubbles, which first sink, sink under the water, and then emerge and burst.

When a lot of bubbles burst, we hear a peculiar sound, which we call gurgling. The more air bubbles, the louder the stream murmurs.

The river murmurs especially loudly at turns and rifts, since the area of ​​interaction between water and air increases significantly.

You can see the comments or write ...

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Sometimes, the simpler the question, the more difficult the question is. And such a childish question like "Why is the stream bubbling?" makes many parents think.

To understand why there is a murmur of a stream, you need to understand what sounds are.

Sounds are vibrations of air that occur when it is stretched or compressed.

In the direction of travel, the stream constantly has to bypass obstacles - turns, bends, twigs, a lot of stones on the bottom and along the banks. Because of this, the flow of water does not move evenly and air bubbles enter the stream. When these bubbles float to the surface, they burst, making faint sounds. It is these sounds that we perceive as the murmur of a stream.

The entire stream of water consists of compressed air and water. When the air is released, we also hear the murmur. The faster the speed of the stream flow and the more stones at the bottom of the stream, the louder the stream will "sing" ...

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Original taken from What Kamenny Ruchey is babbling about: dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the special aerodrome
The original is taken from In What Kamenny Ruchey Murmurs About: To the 65th Anniversary of the Special Aerodrome
What Kamenny Ruchey murmurs about: to the 65th anniversary of the Kamenny Ruchey special aerodrome…. No, it is not with the quiet murmur of water that he meets everyone who finds himself in those wonderful places. He greets with the roar of the "Russian bears", the echo of which for many decades did not allow the strategists of the Pentagon and the CIA to sleep peacefully. Half of the planet listened to this terrible echo, and the rulers of neighboring empires humbly bowed their heads at the sight of the monsters majestically floating in the sky - the inhabitants of the Stone Creek.

The history of the Sovetskaya Gavan - Kamenny Ruchey (UHKG) special aerodrome began over 80 years ago. Exhausted by two revolutions and two wars, the country, like a fabulous Phoenix, rose from the ashes ...

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A transparent snake trickle
Breaks the road in the grass.
How far is his path
He probably doesn't know himself.
Life starting from the spring
Gaining strength with the rains,
The song of the mischievous person is getting louder
Sounds without stopping for a moment.
Runs unaware of obstacles
Which day does not rest.
Dawn, meeting the sunset,
The beauty of nature multiplies.
Sparkling with pure crystal
Breaking off from the top of the mountain.
Plays with ghostly fire
Turning into a seething stream.
Escaping from the captivity of the formidable rocks
And pushing the shores apart
The brook has become a mighty river
Running away among the fields ...

Streams run

Valentina Skvortsova

Streams run, rush, grumble,
They diverge and converge
They sing, they murmur temptingly,
It’s just that way in nature.
Streams rush to the river,
Diving into the bottom holes,
And the river is somewhere in the distance,
Bored, waiting in the sun.
River, streams, in the spring - mother,
Will pick everyone up and everyone
"Little brooks", you have to ...

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Ezotourism. See, hear and understand

What to do on a cold April Sunday, when the sky is covered with rain clouds, a not spring wind blows in at all and the thermometer barely reaches +7? Well, you know what - to fill up with a book on the sofa or stick to the TV. However, it was on this Sunday that I had a planned outing in nature, and I did not cancel it. After all, the season must be opened sometime. Moreover, the trip was not supposed to be simple, but esoteric!

Hiking trips. New genre

Have you heard anything about esotourism? This is a new, very fashionable nowadays direction of recreation. People travel to various picturesque and unusual places on the planet to tune in to "resonate" with the rhythms and laws of the Universe. During such tours, the role of guides is performed not by instructors and guides, but by parapsychologists. They teach how to "refuel" the energy of space and the Earth, "cleanse" the chakras, "correct" karma. And also deal with your spiritual needs and mental problems. In general, this is a hiking trip combined with esoteric rituals and a psychological workshop. Plus communication with the adherents of the New Era, which, they say, has already come, we just don't want to notice it.

Maybe all this is fiction, but personally I have long been attracted by such tours in Crimea. So far, I have not been honored, but the programs there are tempting - visiting relic groves, karst caves, mountain lakes, ancient monasteries and everyday practices - from meditating at sunrise to walking on hot coals. But it turns out that it is not necessary to go so far for enlightenment - something similar can be experienced here in Latvia.

Places of power

Irina Moiseenko invited me to such a trip. She calls herself a litho-esoteric. This is not a profession - this is the calling of the soul. Maybe a mission. Irina studies the mystical properties of minerals and teaches others to use the power of stones for the good. I recently wrote about this woman in our newspaper. And when she learned that she was taking a group of students to the town of Allazhi, she decided to join. Irina herself traveled and explored the most interesting and mysterious corners of Latvia and now she takes those who wish to “places of power”. Allazhi has something that especially attracts esotericists: giant boulders, age-old oaks and underground springs. Irina loves to come here as soon as the snow has melted. The forest is just beginning to wake up, buds are bursting, violets are blooming, and there are still few idle tourists.

We have gathered a “semi-bohemian” company - designers, photographers, journalists, healers, massage therapists. Among the ten ladies, only one man is the husband of one of the participants.

At the appointed time, we moved in three cars towards Sigulda. The first stop is in Inčukalns, near the Ezernieki farm. Here, a hundred meters from the road, in the depths of a spruce forest, a huge granite stone lay. In the days of paganism, he was an altar, but now his mission, as Irina says, has changed.

Boulder has a special energy, and first the guests need to ask him for permission to be near, to tune in to a "dialogue" with the patriarch. In a quarter of an hour, on command, we mentally begin to "enter" the granite firmament. I taste the stone by touch. Br – rr - icy! I quickly put my hands in my pocket. I look at the neighbors - they, in awe and so and so, are kissing the sides of a pinkish-gray block that has grown into the ground, listening to the rumble of millennia, which must have been imprinted in the memory of a peer of the glacier. I, too, struggle to penetrate his stone womb. Zero emotion. The cold crawls under the jacket, the disgusting squeal of a chainsaw cuts my ears - somewhere they are knocking down centuries-old fir trees. Disgusting thoughts creep into my head: soon there will be only stumps!

All sorts of things go around here ...

Everything. The meditation session is over. The audience shares their experiences. Well, just a movie! What people did not see during the "contact": green valleys, water rapids, shaggy horses, unknown birds ... Someone even "talked" with a boulder. He said: here you all walk, walk, touch me, but think about yourself. It would be better if they asked how I feel.

Christmas trees-sticks, either people have a rich imagination, or I am so insensitive. Briefly speaking? I have not a single "frame"! But I'm not in the least upset. Because it's fun anyway. And I liked my colleagues-esotericists more and more. Very nice and intelligent people. Hot tea from the thermos inside the pickup truck increased mutual sympathy.

The next stop is at a mighty oak tree at the edge of the forest. From the outside, we probably showed a strange sight: the group laid out rugs on last year's withered grass and sat down under the drizzling rain. We received a task from Irina: to relax, close our eyes and imagine a camel in the desert. Not an easy task when shivering from the icy wind. However, we readily strained our imaginations. Then each told his "vision".

Someone had a shabby camel, someone spoke, someone with human eyes, etc. The most interesting thing is the interpretation of images: the goal, the path, the ego, the present and the future. In general, psychotechnics known to me, and in a warm cozy little room, no doubt, it would be more pleasant to carry out it. But here is the magic oak Černausku! The field of its impact, Irina assured, is 50 meters.

Well, and then to say - the mirage of the African desert, caused in the Baltic forest at plus seven Celsius, is unlikely to be forgotten. After energetically waving our arms and legs (for warmth), we went with a chain to the patriarch of the plant kingdom. A tractor driver passed by on the road. “Those city guys are crazy,” the villager must have thought about us.

We surrounded a powerful trunk with a hollow of seven meters in girth - there was enough space for everyone. Having pressed my cheek to the rough bark, I suddenly warmed up and felt absolute security. This happened in childhood when my father took me in his arms. A few minutes of rest - oh god! What is it with me - I am now roaring! Thank God, our instructor switched us to a new assignment in time. Now we had to mentally "travel" through the tree from the roots to the crown and back - along with the tree sap.

Although all this meditation is based on pure imagination, a powerful set of energy occurs. How - God knows. There is a version that consciousness, causing natural images, begins to interact with a natural object.

And the strength really increased!

Take my sorrows!

Well, after close contact with the oak - psychoanalysis again with the help of Irina. Experienced emotions laid bare psychological problems each - broken ties in the family, fear of the future, etc.

For me personally, the hollow giant with bare branches was a turning point in the trip. It was as if I had drunk good wine, but in moderation - my soul felt relieved, it became somehow careless, as if I had left all the bad things in the past and forever.

And the surrounding area has been wonderfully transformed. Wow! The leaves have hatched on the trees. And how the birds are flooded! The sun shone through a gap in the clouds. Long live spring! Puppy joy grew into complete delight when we began to examine the next object - the Kalkyugravas springs. Springs here make their way through the dolomites formed millions of years ago (I counted seven of them, someone more). Uniting in a cascade, they noisily flow down the steep slope and form below a quiet lake of incredible greenish-azure color. Dzirnavuyezerins - a mill lake (there is an abandoned mill below).

Read the book of nature

Walkways are thrown across the stream, which divide the stream into three parts. At first, playful and shallow, below - full-flowing and seething, and at the end - a mirror backwater. Irina suggested choosing the part to which the soul lies more and standing for a few minutes, without speaking, at the water's edge. I ran to the source. I looked at the stones, sand and algae at the bottom and imagined how the water takes away all my sorrows.

Then again debriefing. And this time I was struck by the range of impressions of people contemplating the water element. Someone saw in the brook an analogy of human life - first, a cheerful childhood and joyful youth, then a violent youth full of passions, and behind it - a quiet wise old age. Someone managed to discern many separate streams in the foaming stream, each of which has its own path. And he compared the stream with a walking crowd, where each person has his own feelings, aspirations and his own destiny. And someone felt anxiety - a tectonic fault is hidden behind the channel. This discussion gave food for thought: if you carefully look around, gaze with love at every little thing, at every sign, hear the silence and listen to yourself, then the Universe, and maybe the Creator himself, begins to talk to you, and you understand what.

But how do we go to the bosom of nature? The first thing is a picnic - to have a drink, to have a snack, to chat with friends about all sorts of nonsense, young people invariably turn on Mouzon, and to make it louder, and even fire a firecracker, and leave behind all sorts of rubbish .... We have such a cultural holiday.

Come in love and leave in peace

And so we silently walk along the forest road to our last goal - to the reserved grove. This is the way of comprehending life tasks. The sky cleared, the wind died down, the birds sang louder. The grove is guarded by five oak trees.
Their trunks and powerful branches are covered with green mossy velvet. Stately handsome men look like newcomers from the land of trolls. Rustling with last year's foliage, we stand in a circle on the lawn, listen to ourselves and say goodbye to the Allaj forest, thank his joy and wisdom, which he gave us, and wish each other well. Irina calls this "close the trip." The place is still difficult, mystical. In pagan times, it was believed that in the Allaj forest, spirits from parallel worlds easily enter ours. Jokes with them are bad. So you need to leave here with peace and caution, so as not to be captured by forest spirits.

Ezotourism. Purpose: deep spiritual contact with the Universe and further spiritual growth. What is important: this direction spiritual development does not pretend to capture the consciousness of a person - he remains free to build his worldview and his whole life. Hopefully, esotourism will open a new page in the history of the spiritual evolution of mankind.

"Vesti Segodnya +", no. 16.

What are you babbling anxiously and hastily, a talkative trickle, in the November cold?

Louder and louder on the rifts, the closer to the mouth. Not about the fact that a harsh cold is inevitably approaching you. He lays down like a slow tortoise on your upper reaches. The thin crust of ice is getting heavier every day. The chilly wind first polishes it under the daytime sun. Then, it brushes off, then presses against it the snow charges dropped from the sky, building up the ice shell.
And now an even field, as if there is no brook under it that carries life-giving earthly moisture, and only silence from the snowy plains coming from everywhere. Lonely blades of grass, blades of grass (a reminder of life): dried timothy; bewitched by the winter cold, frozen blackbird; dry and in summer, razor-sharp, unfriendly, sedge - only they silently listen to your conversations and nod after.

At the very last steep doorstep, your voice grows louder, the flow is more turbulent. After speaking out, he calms down, gaining breadth. Transparent and fast, small aquifers spill over the mouth, open to the sky and instantly disappear under the coastal ice floe of a large river.

No, Mother River does not hear the persistent dialect, neither by ear, nor by her movement, does not grasp the worries of a preoccupied stream. Sternly shifting her eyebrows, furrowed and fluffed by erratic snow and ice hummocks, she slowly and detached from the world carries her waters, like a deep sadness. Weighed down by influxes of gray formless sludge, she majestically leads her way, visible only to her alone.

And she doesn’t care about the lamentations of a talkative “trifle” that, merging with the waters of a mighty river, instantly loses its “I”, becoming part of a common, large, no longer belonging to itself, but falling into a single channel and under uniform rules.

What was the stream babbling about?

What was my little Viska * worried about?

Is it not she that flows in my veins and hits my temples in moments of anxiety and joy?

Before hiding under the shell of a white turtle, before hiding under the shell of a white turtle, it was collecting its waters from all the nearby swamps by a living drop.
How carefully he left in them just as much as needed to bloom the dope-rosemary, turn green into a dwarf, flexible birch "Thumbelina", pour honey cloudberries with sunny juice, help cranberries, similar to northern cherries, to crumble over grassy tusks ...

How he collected handfuls of pine forest water, not allowing the roots of overlooked spruces and age-old pines to be poured, how wisely he did not touch the small water windows in the birch forests so that blueberries and lingonberries could be poured - a delicacy for partridge chickens, grouses and wood grouses ...

So what was the stream babbling about?
Maybe about next spring?
About the time when everything around will wake up. A lazy white turtle will swim away under the rays of the sun. And, precisely, he then, with his joyful noise, will wake up Mother River, unapproachable, proud today. Its majestic waters will open towards the brisk, so much knowing and meaningful stream. And he will again begin to give her everything, everything that he has, to the last drop. Brook is a hard worker. Inestimably significant in the nature of the universe and completely invisible in the general flow of life.

So it was, is and will be.

After all, there is no life for the Mother River without small rivers and streams, as well as their vocation - to serve her.

* Temple is the name of the stream.

As usual, the simpler the question, the more difficult the answer is. In order to answer the child's question "Why is the stream bubbling?" you should know physics well. Namely, such sections as acoustics and hydrodynamics.

Well, let's start, perhaps!

The murmur of a brook is a sound. What is the source of the murmur? What does it sound like? That's right, water, water flow. This means that the stream is gurgling, because the water in the stream periodically fluctuates and makes the air vibrate.
The first source of periodic oscillations of the water jet is visible, as they say, with the naked eye. The bottom of the stream is strewn with pebbles. A jet of water, striking these stones, vibrates and sounds. If the speed of the water in the stream increases, the frequency of water vibrations arising from impacts against stones also increases. A fast stream will "sing" (all other things being equal) in a different way. The murmur tone will become higher.

The pebbles at the bottom of the stream are an obvious reason, but not the only one. Even in a stream flowing along a gutter with a smooth bottom, above a certain speed of water movement, due to the forces of internal friction, it will begin to swirl. That is, it is not stones that will interfere with the movement of water, but the water itself. The resulting vortices will vibrate the surface of the water, and it will rumble. So, for example, water gurgles, flowing out of the bath through a perfectly smooth pipe.

A flow in which vortices do not arise in the flowing fluid has its own special name, laminar flow. Laminar flow flows through a smooth gutter without swirling or murmuring. Everything is quiet and decorous. The flow rate at which the vortex movement begins is not easy to calculate. It depends on too many parameters. In hydraulics, as a criterion for the onset of vortex motion in the flow of flowing water, a certain difficult-to-calculate number is set, which is called the Reynolds number. The flow begins to swirl if the Reynolds number calculated for it exceeds a certain critical value.

Bursting air bubbles also "orchestrate" the sounds of water flow. The flow captures air bubbles, "melts", but they float up and immediately burst. Merging, the faint sounds of bursting bubbles create noise, which is, as it were, a background for the murmur of a water jet.

In general, the sound of the brook is one of the most soothing melodies in the world. On the Internet, you can find audio tracks on which the murmur of a wide variety of streams is recorded in a wide variety of external conditions: in the rain, accompanied by the chirping of birds. As a pleasant practical exercise, I advise everyone to download one of these natural "melodies", turn it on to play, lie down, close your eyes, relax and listen, trying to isolate all the already mentioned components of the murmur of a stream: water strikes against stones, vibrations arising in the process of swirling water jet, and the noise of bursting air bubbles.

I hope that this will give you a lot of positive emotions and show that in a lot of wisdom there is not only a lot of sadness, but also a lot of joy in it.