Quiz for children of the preparatory group “Migratory birds. Outline of the lesson on the world around (senior group) on the topic: Quiz game "Bird Experts"

Hello guys! Guess the riddle:
Dreaming of a spider at night
Miracle - Yudo on a bitch.
Long beak and two wings...
Arrives - things are bad.
And who is the spider afraid of?
Guessed? This is ... (Bird)
Today we have gathered here to take part in the game - the quiz "Bird Experts". There are two teams in the quiz. Each team chooses a team captain and comes up with a bird-related team name.
Rules of the game: I will tell you about the rules of the game. One minute is given to discuss the answer. If the team is ready to respond earlier, then they ring the bell. After a minute, the team that gave the beep first answers. For each correct answer, the team is given a token. At the end of the game, the number of tokens is counted. The team with the most tokens wins. So let's start our quiz. 1 competition "Warm-up". You need to take turns answering the questions quickly. 1. What bird is called "white-sided"? 2. What do birds suffer more from: cold or hunger? (From hunger.) 3. Name a bird with a red breast that can be seen in winter? 4. Why does a bird have a tail? (Keep in the trees, control the flight.) 5. Which bird throws eggs into other people's nests? Is it possible to treat this bird badly because of this? (Cuckoo.) 6. What bird is called “ forest doctor? (Woodpecker). 7. Why was the bullfinch given a snowy name? (Bullfinches come to us with the first snow, and in the spring they fly north to their native lands. 8. How can we help the wintering birds? Based on the results of the warm-up, each team receives one token. 2 Migratory and wintering birds competition Divide the pictures of birds on wintering birds and migratory ones. The rival team checks the correctness of the task (the token is given to the team that completed the task correctly.) 3 competition “Whose beak is better” Now we will check if you can determine which birds the beaks belong to from the drawings. why the beak has such a shape. Name whose beaks they are (a crossbill - it takes seeds from spruce cones with its beak; crows - a very powerful and strong beak, eats various foods; an eagle - a sharp curved beak, this is a bird of prey; a swan - waterfowl, eats animal and vegetable food). 4th competition: "Riddles about birds." In this category, each team is asked to answer 3 riddles.
1. Who heals trees in the forest,
Spare no head?
His work is hard
Hollow trunks all day long (Woodpecker).
And in the forest, mind you, children,
There are night watchmen.
The watchmen are afraid of these,
The mice are hiding, trembling!
Very very harsh
Owls and .... (Owls)
2 In winter, there are apples on the branches!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered
After all, this is…..
He builds a house on the rock.
Isn't it scary to live there?
Though beauty is all around
But such height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Roll down a steep cliff -
Two huge wings
The owner……. (Orla)
3. Who is without notes and without a flute
Trills best?
Louder, softer?
Who is this? (Nightingale) Cuckoo, count,
How long will you know to live!
Bird, gray girlfriend,
And her name is ... (Cuckoo))
The game "Feeder" The course and rules of the game. In the center of the hall there is a large hoop - a "feeding trough", in which there are small identical objects. Small hoops - "nests", "birdhouses", "hollows" - form a large circle, there are children - "birds" in them, one in each. While the music is playing, the children carry one object into their hoop, at the end of the music, we consider which bird “gained food” more. Repeat 3-4 times. 5 Competition: “Who flies how” Based on the drawings, determine the name of the bird in flight. (Children complete tasks on cards). Name who flies (duck, swallow, magpie, heron, crow, goose). 6 Competition "Recognize the bird by voice" (Audio recording of bird voices) 7 Competition "What fairy tale are we from?" Birds are a source of inspiration for writers, poets, musicians. Many writers and poets have works dedicated to our feathered friends. We will now recall some of them. Guys, you need to remember the name of the fairy tale, and the bird that it says. 1. What birds did the traveling frog fly with? (With wild ducks; V. Garshin "The Traveling Frog"). 2. What bird did Thumbelina save? (Swallow; G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina"). 3. What was the name of the bird that could not fly into warmer climes, because the fox damaged her wing in childhood (Grey neck, duck) 4. What kind of bird, when they knocked on the door, asked: “Who is there?”. (Galchonok; E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat"). 5. Say the name of the crow from the program "Good night, kids!". (Karkusha). 6. What kind of bird did the ugly duckling become when it grew up? (Lebed; G. H. Andersen " Ugly duck"). 8 Recitation Contest: For each poem or bird riddle recited, an additional token is awarded. The game "I catch birds on the fly." One of the players is a birder, he stands facing the wall. The players are divided into groups of several people and agree on which birds they will portray. Then they approach the birder and ask: “We are magpies, where is our home?”; "We are jackdaws, where is our home?". The birder names the place where the birds should live, and the children take their houses. To the words of the bird-catcher: “I catch birds on the fly!” - birds fly in different directions around the playground, shouting merrily. The bird catcher catches them. The caught player becomes a birder, the birds fly to their homes. The game is repeated. Rules:
Birds should fly out of their house only after the words of the birder and fly all over the site
Each group occupies only its own house.
Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.
The players can imitate the cry of the birds they represent. The game can be made more difficult if each new birder changes the place of the bird houses. (Counting tokens. Presentation of medallions "Connoisseurs of birds")
Well done guys, today you showed that you are real experts on birds. I wish you not only to know the birds, but also take care of them in winter, and protect nature - because nature is a home for birds.

Quiz for younger students "International Bird Day"

Chelysheva Irina Vasilievna, educator of the educational institution "S (K) O boarding school of the VIII type No. 5" in Kursk.

Correctional and educational:
-generalize and consolidate children's knowledge about birds;
- develop interest, observation, broaden the horizons of children, arouse interest in the natural world;
Correctional and educational:
- Cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends.
Equipment: recording of bird voices, presentation, multimedia projector, chips, certificates for awarding the winners.
Quiz progress:
Educator: Today we will talk about our friends. About what? Listen to the recording and you will understand. (Soundtrack of bird singing sounds).
There are a lot of birds in the world - about 9000 species. There are very large birds, there are tiny ones, no larger than a butterfly or dragonfly, and weighing several grams. There are birds that can fly above the clouds, and there are those that cannot fly, such as penguins.
Some birds live in the forest, others in the steppe. But there are also birds that cannot live either in the forest or in the steppe. They live only in the desert or mountains, while others live only on the seashore.
Some feed on fish, others on insects. There is predator birds who eat animals. And there are those who eat only plant foods: Mostly berries and seeds (woodpecker, goldfinch).
Some settle in hollows, others make nests on the ground or on the branches of trees and bushes.
Today we will hold a quiz on the topic: "What do we know about birds." Let's split into two teams. Each team must come up with a name. Our quiz will consist of four contests. For each correct answer, the team receives one chip. If the team does not have an answer, the opposing team has the right to answer.
- Before starting the quiz, we will warm up a little with you.
The first competition "Warm-up"
Educator:- The first team to give the correct answer earns a chip.
me gray-winged
Everyone has been calling since childhood.
as a symbol of peace
They love and honor. (Pigeon.)

This bird loves the sea.
I'm used to living in the open.
Dive into the blue sea -
He will bring a fish in his beak.
What kind of bird? Guess what!
Everyone knows what it is. (Gull.)

Flying all night
Gets mice.
And it will become light
Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl.)

The brothers got up on stilts,
Looking for food along the way.
On the run, on the go
They can't get off their stilts. (Cranes.)

Sitting in a cage all day
And under his breath he repeats,
But hearing the door creak,
He screams "Philip-Philip"
Let Kesha drink faster
Who is this - (Parrot.)

Feathers black and shiny
Can be pretty cheeky
That's it - the end of the pests!

The name of that bird is ... (Starling.)

She lives under roofs
He builds his nest out of clay,
Busy all day long
Doesn't sit on the ground
Flying high in the clouds
Midges eat on the fly,
In a black tailcoat, honey,
What is the name? ... .. (Swallow.)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! -
That's the whole repertoire.
Announces the crown of the maple
With his singing ... (Crow.)

crest on the head,
In the swamp, as in the canteen:
Thinking about food
Walks-wanders on the water,
Where fry teem on the shallows.
Catches fish, frogs.
Capture, frog throw, a la.
Juggler, apparently ... (Heron).

This white-winged bird
Do not sit in the zoo.
To make people smile
It flies to them with a bundle ... (Stork.)

The second contest "Do not yawn, answer questions!"

Educator:- Each team must quickly answer ten questions, if you do not know the answer, say “next. The second team is silent, does not prompt. For this contest, you will receive as many chips as you give correct answers.
Questions for the first team:
1. Which birds do not sit on the ground, or on the water, or on the branches (Swifts)
2. The smallest bird (Korolek)
3. Which bird breeds chicks in winter (Klest)
4. Which bird barks like a dog (Male of white partridge)
5. What bird bears the name of the writer (Gogol)
6. Where starlings nest except for birdhouses (in the Hollow)
7. Where penguins are found (in Antarctica)
8. Which birds are the fastest (Swifts)
9. Most large bird in Russia (Drofa)
10. What bird is drumming (Woodpecker)
Questions for the second team:
1. Which bird makes the longest flight (Arctic Tern)
2. Does the chick breathe in the egg (Yes)
3. Which birds sing females and males (Bullfinches)
4. What bird is called an insect (Flycatcher)
5. Do our migratory birds nest in the south (No)
6. A bird that sings only high in the sky (lark)
7. What bird is named the same as the boy? (Slavka)
8. Which bird's name is associated with a horse? (Horse)
9. What bird runs underwater? (Dipper)
10. What bird is the name of the dance? (Tap dance)
The third competition "Live Synonyms"

Educator:- It is necessary to choose the names of birds in order to get expressions used in comparison with people. For example, "wet" (helpless), like a chicken (wet chicken).
Task for the first team:
1. Wise, like ... (owl)
2. Badass as ... (rooster)
3. Thievish, like ... (magpie)
4. Important, inflated, like ... (turkey)
5. Leggy, like ... (heron)
6. Big-eyed, like ... (eagle owl)
7. Predatory look, like that of ... (hawk)
8. A sharp look, like that of ... (falcon)
9. Nose with a hump, like ... (eagle)
10. The neck is tender, long, like that of ... (swan)
Task for the second team:
1. Loyalty ... (swan).
2. Love and tenderness ... (pigeon).
3. Big-eyed, like ... (eagle owl).
4. Yellow-mouthed, like ... (chick, chicken).
5. Chat or crack like ... (magpie).
6. Twitter, have fun talking like ... (sparrow, bird)
7. Coo like ... (pigeon).
8. Crack (call trouble), like ... (crow).
9. Peck (say the same thing) like ... (woodpecker).
10. Stately gait, like that of ... (peacock) (acts like a peahen).
The fourth competition "Proverbs about birds".

Educator:- I start and you finish.
1. That bird is bad (whose nest is not nice).
2. The word is not a sparrow, (it will fly out, you won’t catch it).
3. Better a titmouse in the hands (than a crane in the sky).
4. Goose to a pig (not a friend).
5. An old sparrow (you can’t cheat on chaff).
6. On someone else's side, (happy with my funnel).
7. Raven to crow, (eye will not peck out).
8. Every sandpiper, (praises his swamp).
9. For forty martyrs (forty birds fly).
10. Annunciation - (let the birds go free).
Awarding of the winners and the most active players (diplomas).
Educator:- I would like to finish our quiz with the poem "Request" by N. A. Zabolotsky.
The wounded bird was not given into hands,
A wounded bird remained a bird.
I still have this dream from a long time ago:
A bird shuddered on the bloody grass.
Birds, fish, animals look into the soul of people.
Pity them, people! Do not kill in vain!
After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,
A sea without fish is not a sea,
And land without animals is not land.
giant people, giant people
You have rifles, nets and traps.
You have fearlessness, you have strength forever.
And there must be a heart. Human heart!
People-people, countries and peoples,
We are now forever debtors of nature!
Gotta pay off this debt somehow.
Let the wounded bird spread its wings!

Quiz "Birds" with answers for children of middle and senior preschool age in riddles.

Vedeneeva Vera Petrovna, educator of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 77", Miass city, Chelyabinsk region
Description: This quiz is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age. The material can be useful as teachers preschool as well as parents. Can be used in classes on the theme of the week "Animal World". Riddles will help expand knowledge about the world of birds, allow you to develop thinking, curiosity.

Target: consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about the world of birds.
- to expand children's knowledge and understanding of the features appearance, life manifestations, habits of birds and their adaptation to their habitat;
- to develop cognitive and creative activity, ingenuity, curiosity, horizons;
- to cultivate a feeling of love for the native nature, for all living things.
Equipment: pictures of birds.
1. I catch bugs all day,
I eat insects, worms.
I don't fly away for the winter
I live under the ledge.

2. Coloring - grayish,
Habit - thieving.
hoarse screamer
- Famous person.
Who is she?

3. He is in his forest chamber
Wears a frilly robe
He heals trees
Knock - and easier.

4. Who is jumping there, rustling,
Gutting cones with a beak?
Voice clear, clear
- Cle! glue! glue! - sings with a whistle.

5. Greenish back,
yellowish belly,
little black cap
And a strip of scarf.

6. Let me be a small bird,
My friends have a habit
- When the cold starts
Directly from the north here.

7. In the summer he goes to the plowman,
And before winter
He leaves with a cry.

8. Wants - will fly straight,
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And in the fields sings, sings.

9. Not a crow, not a tit
- What is the name of this bird?
Perched on a bitch
- There was a "ku-ku" in the forest.

10. Comes to us with warmth,
The path, having done a long one.
Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay.

11. He arrives every year
Where the house is waiting.
Knows how to sing other people's songs
And yet it has its own voice.

12. Flew to us at last
Our best singer.
Days and nights through
He sings, sings, sings.

Quiz on the theme "Birds"

1. Bird, a symbol of purity and nobility. (Swan.)

2. Fidget bird. (Wagtail.)

3. Stupid handsome men. (Pheasants.)

4. Who has a bag under his beak? (At the pelican.)

5. Which bird brings out chicks in the rain? (Swan.)

6. Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle.)

7. Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift.)

8. What is the favorite treat of storks? (Frogs.)

9. Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

10. What is the smallest bird in our country? (King.)

11. What bird is called a forest doctor? (Woodpecker.)

12. What bird on a summer evening reminds people that it's time to sleep? (Quail.)

13. What bird is called a gossip? (Forty.)

14. What birds are said to be “messengers of young spring”? (About larks.)

15. Who sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by (Owl.)

16. Who flies to us earlier - swifts or swallows (Swallows.)

17. Why can't you touch the eggs in the nests with your hands? (Because the birds then leave their nests.)

18. What is more terrible for birds - the cold or the hunger of winter? (Hunger.)

19. With the arrival of what birds does spring begin? (With the arrival of the rooks.)

20. What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Black grouse, partridges, hazel grouse.)

21. Which bird, returning from the south, walks part of the way (corncrake, or dergach.)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of development of children No. 39 (MBDOU No. 39)

426063, Izhevsk, st. Ordzhonikidze, 28A, tel. 8 (3412) 68-10-92

Educator: Dudina Natalya Ivanovna.

Goals and objectives:

Summarize children's knowledge about animals, plants, seasons, nature conservation; develop logical thinking, speech; activate attention, memory; teach children to follow the rules of the game; to cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, to develop the ability to work in a team. Cultivate respect for nature.

Children are divided into two teams. Selected by the jury. Children come up with names for their teams.

Competition No. 1 "Warm-up"

Choose wintering birds;

Choose migratory birds

Contest №2 "Forest Stories"

Owl and squirrel enter (children in owl and squirrel hats)

Squirrel: Aunt Owl, Aunt Owl!

Owl: Wow. What happened?

Squirrel: There are such miracles in our forest! Winter in the yard is blizzard and cold, and on our Christmas tree a bird has made a nest!

Owl: There are no miracles! These birds always breed chicks in the most severe frosts!

Squirrel: And what do they feed their chicks? After all, all the insects hid!

Owl: And they feed the chicks with seeds and fruits of coniferous trees. They are just about ripe!

Belka: Wow! What brave birds!

Owl: Did you guys guess who we were talking about? (answer on screen)

Squirrel: And I want guys to make more riddles about birds! Want to? (the squirrel makes riddles, the answers appear on the projector screen)

This bird is afraid of everyone, sits all day on spruce and eats pine needles, and in the most severe frost it burrows into the snow (grouse)

This bird lives in the forest in summer and moves closer to people in winter. Loves fat very much. (tit)

This bird with a long tail, cracks a lot, spreads forest news


This bird was given a snowy name. She comes to us for the winter to eat sweet rowan (bullfinch)

Owl: Well done guys! All squirrel riddles have been guessed. Well, what a squirrel, it's time for us to go back to the forest! Goodbye, guys!

Competition No. 3 "The Fourth Extra"

Guess who's missing (images)

Bullfinch nightingale, waxwing, nuthatch;

lark, rook, titmouse, swallow;

crow owl sparrow dove;

capercaillie crossbill sparrow woodpecker

Competition No. 4 "Bird Gatherings"

met in winter forest once a woodpecker, an owl, a crossbill and a bullfinch were eating on a branch and began to tell each other about their forest life. Listen to the story and say what is true and what is not.

Woodpecker: I live well in the winter in the forest. They call me "forest doctor" because I save trees from pests, and I also like to hunt mice and hares.

Klest: And I like to feast on fir cones in winter, I'm not afraid of frost, and I also like to gnaw nuts in a hollow.

Owl: And in winter I like to fly through the forest, hunt mice and foxes, and I also love my house - a nest where little owlets are waiting for me there.

Bullfinch: And in winter I fly through the forests and look for different berries, I especially like to collect mountain ash and raspberries, they are painfully tasty! And spring will come, I will fly to warm countries!

Competition No. 5 "Stories about birds"

I want to tell you a story. Tanya, together with her grandmother, hung a feeder in the yard at the beginning of winter. Every day, Tanya went down to the yard and poured food into the feeder. Frosts came, but Tanya went out to the birds every day. Once in one of frosty days Tanya forgot to fill in the feed, when the next day she went out into the yard with feed - the feeder was empty. The birds did not arrive the next day either. Why? (discussion of the situation with children)

Task for the second team: Once upon a time there was a girl Masha. Once Masha was walking in the woods and met a magician. The wizard said that to fulfill one Machine's wish. I want, - said Masha, - all mosquitoes to disappear from the forest, because they are evil and annoying. The wizard waved his wand and the mosquitoes disappeared. What do you think, did Masha do the right thing? (results on screen)

Contest No. 6 Arrange the pictures according to the seasons (four magnetic boards with symbols seasons). Teams lay out pictures.

The jury sums up the quiz.


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