Lego construction project in the dow preparatory group. Lego construction project "Terenty - Teterev

Design in the Federal State Educational Standard is defined as a component of the mandatory part of the program, a type of activity that contributes to the development of research and creative activity of children, as well as the ability to observe and experiment.

GEF emphasize the need to ensure the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of preschool education, involves the development of new educational models, which should be based on educational technologies that comply with the principles:

Variability and diversity of the content of educational programs;

The unity of developing, educational and educational goals and objectives in the joint and independent activities of an adult and a child;

Accounting for the leading activity of a preschooler - games.



Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Pyshminsky urban district

"Chernyshovsky Kindergarten"


Pedagogical Council Head of MBDOU PGO

MBDOU PGO "Chernyshovsky Kindergarten"

"Chernyshovsky Kindergarten" ____________ A.V. Evdokimova/

"___" __________________ 2015 "___" _________________ 2015

Protocol No.


Lego construction as a means of developmentcreative activity of children" on this topic:

"Ural courtyard"

Performer: Pecherkina A. A. Position: educator 1 KK


parent committee

Protocol #__

from "__" ______________ 2015

With. Chernyshovo, 2015

Explanatory note

Today, society needs socially active, independent and creative people capable of self-development. Innovative processes in the education system require a new organization of the system as a whole. Particular importance is attached to preschool education.

V last years social status preschool childhood has changed significantly. Due to the requirements of the new time, this period became the most important stage public education no less significant than the school stage. One of the primary tasks of modern preschool education is the development of the personality of the child, his cognitive and creative abilities, which form the basis of active knowledge of the world around him.

The formation of motivation for the development and learning of preschoolers, as well as creative cognitive activity, are the main tasks that the teacher faces today within the framework of educational standards. These difficult tasks, first of all, require the creation special conditions learning. In this regard, special importance is given to design.

Design in the Federal State Educational Standard is defined as a component of the mandatory part of the program, a type of activity that contributes to the development of research and creative activity of children, as well as the ability to observe and experiment.

GEF emphasize the need to ensure the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of preschool education, involves the development of new educational models, which should be based on educational technologies that comply with the principles:

Variability and diversity of the content of educational programs;

The unity of developing, educational and educational goals and objectives in the joint and independent activities of an adult and a child;

Accounting for the leading activity of a preschooler - games.

At its core, Lego construction refers to innovative technologies, has a wide educational potential. Activity with the Lego constructor, as with didactic material, is so attractive and emotionally colored for the child that it is often considered as a constructive and play activity, which does not contradict the age characteristics of children.

The game is the most important companion of childhood, the leading activity of a preschooler. Lego construction allows children to learn by playing and learning through play. During educational activities children become builders, architects and creators, playing, they come up with and implement their ideas.

Lego construction is a unique tool for the exciting, comprehensive development of children, revealing the potential of each child and, due to its pedagogical versatility, serves as the most important means of developmental education.

The use of the Lego constructor allows children to develop:

Creative potential;

Cogitative and communicative abilities;


Knowledge about the surrounding world;

Attention, memory, thinking, ability to concentrate;

Elementary mathematical representations.

Starting with the construction of simple figures, the child improves his skills, seeing his successes, becomes more self-confident and moves on to a more complex stage of learning. Games with "Lego-constructors" act as a way of research and orientation of the child in the real world, space and time. The constructor helps to bring your ideas to life, build and fantasize, working with enthusiasm and seeing the final result, expanding your ideas about the world around you. The experience gained by a child in the course of Lego construction is indispensable in terms of the formation and skills of exploratory behavior.

It is important to offer children more often such design tasks that would make them think and invent. And if the child's activity is creative, it makes him think, become attractive and allows him to discover new possibilities in himself, and this is a strong and effective incentive for Lego-designing classes.

Project passport

Objective of the project:

Objective of the project:

Creation of a modern educational environment for the formation of the child's potential, ensuring the creation of a situation of success through the use of lego-design technology in the integration of educational areas of preschool education.

Creation of a mechanism for the mental and creative development of preschoolers, teachers and parents through the use of technologyLego constructionin the educational process of preschool educational institutions in the integration of educational areas.

Project objectives:

  1. To create psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to the integration of educational areas and ensuring the continuity of the educational process aimed at developing the abilities, competencies and creativity of pupils by means of LEGO design technology.
  1. To create a single social and educational space, including a preschool educational institution and a family, aimed at supporting and developing cognitive initiative, social and creative activity of children preschool age.
  1. Contribute to the formation of engineering thinking of the younger generation through the implementation of the project "Ural Compound».

Methodological support

Perspective-thematic plans (Appendix 1)

Lesson notes (Appendix 2)

Card file of educational and didactic games (Appendix 3)

Model sample file (Appendix 4)

Advice for parents (Appendix 5)

Project type

educational and playful

Project implementation timeline

Long term ( 1.10.2015 - 31.03.206)

Project participants

Children (6-7 years old), teacher, parents of preschoolers

Stages of project implementation

The first stage is preparatory

1.10.15 - 31.10.15

Study, generalization of methodological literature on Lego design

Development of long-term planning on the subject of the project

Creation - "Lego Center" in the group for the implementation of the project

Development of a card file of samples, schemes from the LEGO constructor

Second stage main

1.11.15 - 29.02.16

Acquaintance of children with terminology, features of the parts of the Lego constructor

Implementation of the project, in accordance with the long-term plan

Organization of independent and joint play activities of children

Informing and involving parents in joint project activities

Development of diagnostic tools

The third stage is creative

03/01/16 - 03/31/16

Summarizing the experience of working on the project

Participation in competitions

Open events for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions

Project resources


In the daily routine of kindergarten and at home for children


Educational literature, Internet resources, children's literature


Audio recordings, video recordings, computer, digital camera

Artistic and visual means

Photos of samples, illustrations, images of schematic drawings

Product of children's activity

Exhibition of creative works of children from the lego constructor "Ural Compound".

The result of the teacher's activity

Systematization of work on Lego design with children within the framework of the preschool educational institution

The development of creative activity in preschool children and during joint activities with parents

The activity of parents in the implementation of the project

The social orientation of the project lies in the close interaction of children, parents and teachers of a preschool educational institution.

perspective further development project.

In the future, it is planned to continue to introduce and improve the system of work on the project, to promote the development and implementation of new technologies and techniques in working with pupils. Develop long-term planning for work with children on legoconstruction for senior preschool age, continue to acquaint children with the varieties of the Lego constructor, and develop interaction with social partners. Continue work on self-education, share experience with colleagues and publish materials on this topic, take an active part in various competitions and exhibitions.

Project work technology

Implementation period project activities 1.11.2015 – 31.03.2016

Lego construction work is carried out in direct and joint educational activities with children. The topics of direct educational activities are developed in accordance with the age of children, the calendar and thematic plan.

In work with children of senior preschool age, mainly game, plot and integrated forms of educational activity are used. Learning takes place indirectly, in the process of activities that are exciting for pupils. In the group of senior preschool age are applicable:

Types of GCD

According to the scheme

Modeled after

By my own design

On cards with models

Forms of work with children

Creation of joint buildings


Various games

Production of items for games, educational and research activities

Creating layouts

Project activity

Cognitive research activity


Exhibition design

productive activity

Applied methods

Visual and practical


Problem situations

Sample analysis


Game tricks

Didactic games for the development of attention, thinking, memory

surprise moments

game plot

Basic principles of teaching children



Individual approach to each child

The effectiveness of forms of interaction

Directly educational activities on Lego design are carried out in a playful way:

Children during the game examine the details of the designer, highlighting sensory features;

In accordance with the idea and theme, crafts are made from details;

Use buildings to organize games in joint activities.

This project systematizes and presents the work on organizing educational activities with the Lego constructor.

The presented project is technological, as it traces purposeful systematic work with children in close cooperation with all participants in the educational process. This project is promising both for working with gifted children and children with weak constructive skills in productive activities.

Working with parents and social partners

family and preschool- the two most important institutions for the upbringing and development of the child. Their functions are different, but for a full-fledged meaningful course of childhood, it is necessary to unite the efforts of parents and educators.

Effectively organized cooperation will give impetus to building interaction with the family on a qualitatively new basis, which implies not just joint participation in the upbringing of the child, but also an awareness of common goals, a trusting attitude and a desire for mutual understanding, will form the prerequisites for joint activities of children and parents, will make them real partners. At the same time, this will allow the teacher to adjust his own work based on the interests of the family, without experiencing difficulties in contact with parents.

Involving parents in joint activities plays an important role in the upbringing of the younger generation.

The kindergarten and the family should strive to create a single space for the development of the child.

This project involves the rallying of parent-child relationships. Very often, the whole family joins children's activities with pleasure, a real business cooperation children with parents. During the implementation of the project, it is planned to build new buildings together, design albums, organize photo shoots, as well as use joint games of children and parents as a means of communication, and much more. Project work gives them new topics for conversation and joint activities.

As a result of project activities, children learn to work according to the model, analyze and read schematic drawings. Children share their achievements in a group, and parents certainly have confidence in their children - active creators who are able to achieve their goals. As a result of joint activities, children have become more independent, enrichment of ideas about the world around them is being formed, observation and curiosity of preschoolers have increased.

Expected outcomes of child-parent relationships:

Growth in attendance at events within the walls of a preschool institution,

Trusting relationship,

The growth of pedagogical competence of parents,

Full communication with the child in the family circle.

Main steps of project implementation

The first stage "Preparatory"


To identify the initial level of development of constructive abilities of preschoolers at the beginning of the project

Studying the opinions of parents, generalization and analysis of the data obtained; setting goals and objectives of the project

Diagnostics includes

Systematic monitoring of free activity children, its focus on independent design

Observation and evaluation individual features, manifestations of constructive activity of preschoolers


Complex development teaching materials on the implementation of the project in the educational process.

Acquaintance of children with the Lego constructor, enrichment of knowledge about this type of constructor, parents' interest and active interaction.

In the process of acquaintance, the level of parents' awareness of the benefits of the constructor in the development of the child, the need to include Lego construction in the educational process, its educational versatility, and attractiveness for the child was revealed.

In the course of communication with parents, a trusting relationship was established. (Appendix)

The second stage is the main"Project implementation"


To test the effectiveness of the developed content of the project within the framework of the program "From Birth to School" aimed at developing the constructive abilities of preschool children

Types of project implementation activities

Organization of directly educational activities in accordance with the developed calendar and thematic plan

Organization of regime moments using the Lego constructor and literary material

Active involvement of parents, specialists of preschool educational institutions and social partners within the framework of the project theme

The third stage "Assessment"

Stage 3 creative - final


To identify the level of development of constructive abilities of children of senior preschool age, to show the dynamics at the end of the project

Conduct a reflection of the work done, outline development prospects

Diagnostics includes

Systematic monitoring of the free activity of children, its focus on independent action

Observation and evaluation of individual characteristics of the manifestation of constructive activity of preschoolers

Individual conversations with children

Data analysis by complex criteria

Showing your child's interest in building

Features of the design process

The attitude of the child to the help of an adult (educator, parents) in the process of construction

The attitude of the child to the result of construction and its assessment

Expected results of the project:

  • accumulation of positive experience of interaction between the family of teachers of preschool educational institutions;
  • increasing the pedagogical competence of parents;
  • formation of interest in children's Lego design;
  • active participation of parents in the life of their child.

Intermediate results:significantly increased the interest of parents to participate in various projects, exhibitions within the framework of preschool educational institutions. The parents of the group purchased Lego construction sets for their children, which influenced the creation of new creative works in the family circle and in the presentation of their work at kindergarten exhibitions: “The whole family loves Lego - mom, dad, me!”.


  1. E.V. Feshin "Lego - design in kindergarten» Sphere 2012
  2. Emelyanova I.E, Maksaeva Yu.A. “Development of giftedness of preschool children by means of legoconstruction and computer-game complexes” Linka - Press Moscow 2011 p.131.
  3. M.S. Ishmakova "Construction in preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard" "Mask" 2013
  4. L.G. Komarov "Building from LEGO" Link - Press Moscow 2001
  5. Scientific and methodological journal "Preschool education" No. 12 2014
  6. Scientific and methodological journal "Preschool education" No. 5 2014
  7. Scientific and methodical journal "Kindergarten from A to Z" No. 1 2014
  8. Scientific and methodological journal "Preschooler" methodology and practice of education and training No. 5 2014, pp. 48 - 50.

Internet resources:








Annex 1. Perspective-thematic planning.





1. Introductory lesson “History of Lego. Lego blocks»

Give an introduction to Lego. Briefing on the rules of conduct when working with Lego-constructor.

2. Design by design.

3. "Bridge over the river Pyshma"

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give general description. Develop creativity and independence.

4. Design by design.

To learn how to build a bridge, accurately connect building parts, superimpose them on top of each other.


5. "Farmer's House"

Form generalized ideas about houses. Learn to create buildings with ceilings, make them durable. Develop the ability to highlight parts (walls, floor, roof, window, door). To acquaint children with the life of the inhabitants of the village. Introduce the concept of foundation.

6. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

7. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

8. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.


9. "Truck"

Learn to create the simplest model of a truck. Highlight the main parts and details

10. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

11. "Water transport"

Teaching children to build water transport according to the scheme. Develop fine motor skills of hands, design skills.

12. Free design on the theme "Gifts for friends"

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.


13. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

14. "Sea animals"

Teach build children according to the proposed schemes, instructions, taking into account the methods of attaching parts; convey the features of objects using the LEGO constructor.

15. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.


16. Zoo

Learn to complete assignments. Develop an eye, design skills, fine motor skills of hands. Teach children to build all one craft.

17. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

18. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.


19. "Let's fly to the moon"

Continue to learn how to work with the LEGO constructor, create buildings according to your own design and certain conditions. Repeat the rules for working with the constructor.

20. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

21. Final lesson "Fantasy"

Develop children's fantasy and imagination. To develop the ability to transfer the form of an object by means of a constructor. Strengthen bonding skills. Learn how to plan work.

Appendix 2


Appendix 3. Card file of educational and didactic games

Children of this age are already engaged in cards, building more complex buildings.

The purpose of games is to develop speech, be able to work in a team, help a friend, develop thinking and memory.

Name of the game

Purpose of the game


Game progress

name and build

Fix the names of the parts of the LEGO constructor; learn to work in a team

Lego set

The teacher gives each child in turn a part of the designer. The child names it and keeps it. When each child collects two parts, the teacher gives the task to build one building from all the parts, come up with a name for it and tell about it.

LEGO gifts

Develop interest in the game and attention

The playing field, little men by the number of players, a dice (one side with the number 1, the second with the number 2, the third with the number 3, the fourth - a cross (we skip the move)), LEGO gifts

Children distribute little men among themselves. Put them on the playing field. Roll the die one by one and move the little men clockwise. The first person to go through the whole circle wins, and the child chooses a gift for himself. The game continues until all the gifts have been sorted.

Don't take the last die

Develop attention, thinking

Tower board

Two children are playing, who take turns removing one or two bricks from the tower. Whoever shoots the last one loses.

Remember the location

Develop attention, memory

Lego-constructor set, boards for all players

The teacher builds some kind of building from eight (no more) parts. For a short time, the children memorize the design, then the teacher removes it, and the children try to build the same one from memory. Whoever does it right wins and becomes the leader.

Build without opening your eyes

Learn to build with your eyes closed, develop fine motor skills, endurance

Board, designer kits

In front of the children are the board and the designer. Children close their eyes and try to build something. Whoever gets the building more interesting is encouraged.

fish, animal, bird

Develop memory, attention

Lego brick

The teacher holds a Lego brick in his hands. Children stand in a circle. The teacher walks in a circle, gives all the children in turn a brick and says: "Fish." The child must say the name of any fish, then gives another and says: “Bird” or “Beast”. Anyone who makes a mistake or repeats is out of the game.

Appendix 4

Model Sample File

Appendix 5

Diagnostic card in the preparatory group


Names all the details of the designers

Build more complex buildings

Builds according to the pattern

Builds according to instructions


Builds with creativity

Works in a team

Uses substitute items

Project work

Indicators of children at the beginning of the project

Children's performance at the end of the project

Child 1

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 6"

City of Kalachinsk, Omsk Region

Pedagogical project

"An Amazing Lego Journey"



Kilennikova M.N.


Lego is the most popular board game on the planet. The word "LEGO", translated from Latin, has two meanings "I study" and "I add". The British Toy Dealers Association named LEGO the Toy of the Century.


Introduction of "Federal state standards preschool education" involves the development of new educational models, which should be based on educational technologies that comply with the principles:

developmental education;

scientific validity and practical applicability;

Compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency;

unity of educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives of the process of education of preschool children;

integration of educational areas;

solving program educational problems in joint activities and independent activities of an adult and children;

Accounting for the leading activity of a preschooler - games.

The child does not consume, he creates: he creates objects, the world and life.
Why do we in our kindergarten began to turn more often to LEGO construction in the educational process?
The most important distinguishing feature of the Federal State Educational Standards is the system-activity approach, which involves the alternation of practical and mental actions of the child. This approach is easy to implement in the LEGO educational environment, as LEGO sets allow the child to think, fantasize and act without fear of making a mistake.
The second main requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard is integrative links between educational areas. Integration can be easily implemented by introducing LEGO technology into the educational process.

LEGO is one of the most famous and widespread pedagogical systems. Play is the most important childhood companion. LEGO allows children to learn by playing and learning through play.

Objective of the project: development of creative abilities, design skills, all aspects of children's speech; education of a person who is able to independently set tasks for himself and solve them.

Project objectives:
1. To develop in preschoolers an interest in modeling and design, to stimulate children's scientific and technical creativity.
2. Learn to see the design of an object, analyze its main parts, their functional purpose.
3. Develop a sense of symmetry and aesthetic color scheme of buildings.
4. Consolidate children's knowledge about the world around them.
5. Improve the communication skills of children when working in pairs, teams, distribution of responsibilities.
6. To identify gifted, talented children with non-standard creative thinking, abilities in constructive activities and ensure further development.

Project participants: children, teachers, parents.

Type of project: long-term from September 2015 to May 2016

Stage 1 preparatory:

Study and selection of methodological literature on the topic of the project.

Development of advanced planning.

Creation of conditions for the implementation of the project (design of Lego centers in groups, selection of an illustration scheme depicting buildings from Lego constructors.)

To track the effectiveness of the use of Lego construction, criteria have been developed and parameters have been determined according to the levels of development of constructive activity.

Stage 2 - practical :

Daily planning of work with Lego-constructor.

Organization of weekly exhibitions of Lego buildings in accordance with the theme of the week.

3. Replenishment of the design zone in the groups of preschool educational institutions with Lego constructors for classes and free constructive activities of children, new schemes and samples;
4. Informing parents about the work on Lego design in the preschool educational institution, involving parents in participating in joint activities with children on Lego design.

Stage 3 - final:

Organization of an exhibition in the preschool educational institution "The most amazing Lego buildings";

Creation of the album "We and Lego";

Conducting a master class for parents and teachers on getting to know Lego technology;

Presentation for parents "Young Builders".

Forms of organization of teaching children to design:

Sample design;

Design by design;

Joint design with a teacher;

Design by imagination;

Design according to the model;

Design according to the conditions;

Design according to drawings and visual diagrams;

Thematic design.

Forms of work with teachers on the introduction of Lego design in preschool educational institutions:

An elementary introduction to the variety of Lego constructors,

The study of literature on the topic,

Creation of corners in groups.

Planning goals and objectives of activities,

Compilation of a card file of buildings.

Replenishment of the database with materials on Lego technologies,

Holding open events within the kindergarten

Carrying out exhibitions of children's works, LEGO-festival.

Forms of work with parents on the introduction of Lego design in a preschool educational institution:

Public events
- exhibitions of joint works;

Participation in an online competition;
- creation of a game library;
- design of poster material;
- consultations;
- replenishment of LEGO corners in groups

Methodological support of the project:
Methodological recommendations have been developed for organizing work with children of the middle, senior and preparatory groups.
2. Long-term planning for LEGO construction for all age groups has been drawn up.
3. On the basis of the long-term plan, summaries of directly educational activities in LEGO design for all age groups were developed.
4. Diagnosis of the constructive activity of children was compiled
^ 2 block. Working with teachers.
In the preschool educational institution, on the basis of the order of the head, works creative Group, there is a circle "Young Builder"

3 block. Interaction with parents.
A long-term plan for interaction with parents for the academic year has been drawn up

The following forms of interaction with parents are used

open events;

exhibitions of joint works;

participation in an online competition;

Game libraries;

design of poster material;


replenishment of LEGO corners in groups.

Difficulties encountered at work:

Not enough constructors.

There are no scientific and methodological manuals for teachers

It is necessary to conduct training seminars for teachers.

With the help of a Lego constructor, kids can create their own unique world, simultaneously mastering the most complex mathematical knowledge, developing motor coordination, fine motor skills, and training the eye. Design classes stimulate curiosity, develop figurative and spatial thinking, activate fantasy and imagination, awaken initiative and independence, as well as interest in invention and creativity. The most important task for the teacher is to create the necessary conditions to involve children in an exciting activity that allows them to reveal the potential abilities of their pupils.

The goals of teaching Lego design in kindergarten, specific tasks and techniques

Lego construction is a productive activity based on creative modeling () using a wide range of universal Lego elements. The use of Lego constructors helps to realize serious educational tasks, since in the process of an exciting creative and cognitive game, favorable conditions are created that stimulate the comprehensive development of a preschooler in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In the design process, favorable conditions are created that contribute to the comprehensive development of preschoolers

Lego technology is an example of the integration of all educational areas both in organized educational activities and in the independent activities of children. Let us give an example of the intersection of educational and educational areas in the process children's design:

  • - the child selects, counts the parts necessary in size, color, configuration.
  • The development of speech and communication skills - the child replenishes the dictionary with new words, communicates with adults in the process of construction, asks specific questions about various objects, clarifies their properties.
  • Correctional work - has a beneficial effect on the development of the child as a whole (fine motor skills, memory, attention, logical and spatial thinking, creativity, etc. develop).
  • Educational work - playing together with other children and adults helps the baby become more organized, disciplined, purposeful, emotionally stable and efficient, thus playing a positive role in the process of preparing the child for school.

Video: speech therapy lesson using Lego

Tasks of the Lego methodology

Junior preschool age (2–4 years):

  • learn to distinguish and correctly name the details of the Lego constructor "Hollow" (brick, beak, bridge, machine base, semicircle, oval, etc.);
  • introduce elementary mental operations of analyzing buildings according to the following parameters: shape, size, color of parts, learn to compare objects;
  • create the simplest design according to the model and the agreed conditions, for example, a fence for a farm, a garage for a car;
  • replenish the dictionary with new phrases: long (short), wide (narrow) blue path;
  • develop fine motor skills and visual coordination in the process of fastening the details of the designer.

With kids 3-4 years old, Lego sets with large elements and simple connections of parts are used.

Middle preschool age (4–5 years):

  • to form knowledge about symmetry, proportions, the concept of part and whole;
  • learn to design using Lego cards;
  • memorize and freely use the names of Lego parts in speech.

In the middle group, elements of a medium-sized constructor are used, schemes, photos and pictures with images of models are used

Senior and preparatory groups:

  • stimulate children's technical creativity;
  • teach modeling according to the drawing and your own plan;
  • to form the ability to independently solve technical problems;
  • introduce the basics of computer modeling.

In working with older preschoolers, you can use complicated models from small parts.

Basic ideas of Lego technology:

  • from simple to complex;
  • taking into account age and individual characteristics;
  • creativity and efficiency;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • an integrated approach that provides for the synthesis of teaching, playing, developing activities.

Features of practical use, taking into account the age of children:

  • With kids 3-4 years old, Lego sets with large elements and simple connections of parts are used.
  • With children 4–5 years old, design becomes more complicated, medium-sized elements are used, more complex options connection of parts. In the middle group, color photos and pictures with images of models are used, according to which children must complete the construction. Creative activity is carried out according to the theme, model, design and the simplest conditions.
  • At 6–7 years old, for technical creativity, a variety of different types Lego-constructors, from large with simple connections of elements to the smallest with complex technique of execution. In working with older preschoolers, you can use tasks in the form of graphic diagrams, complicated models of future buildings, work according to the plan, conditions, various thematic tasks.

One of the forms of implementation of the Lego technique is the festival

Forms of implementation of the Lego methodology in kindergarten:

  • Planned classes (10-15 minutes per junior group, 20 minutes in the middle, 25–30 minutes in the senior and preparatory).
  • Individual work of a teacher in a pair with a child or with a subgroup of children (once a week, no more than 40 minutes):
    • preparing the child for the competition;
    • work with gifted or lagging children.
  • Long-term and short-term projects, the participants of which may be:
    • educator;
    • children and parents.
  • Everyday self-construction, construction game in free time from planned activities.
  • Festivals, contests, quizzes.
  • Circle work, which is carried out by teachers of a preschool institution.

Theatrical game develops imagination and creativity

Methods of working with children in the classroom for designing from a block constructor

The following teaching methods are used in the learning process:

  • Introductory conversation, with the help of which the teacher draws attention to the topic of the lesson. For example, at the beginning of a lesson in a preparatory group, the teacher tells a fascinating tale about a kind bird that no one wanted to be friends with because of its large beak. The bird was sad for a long time, but then she found out that there is an amazing country in the world called Lego, in which all animals and birds live very friendly. In this wonderful country, all objects and even inhabitants are made of small details. There is only one way to get there - you need to go through a magical bridge that turns anyone who steps on it into a handful of small cubes and bricks. If the children correctly assemble the bird figurine according to the scheme, they will help her come to life and overcome all the trials on the way to the land of friendship and happiness, in which she can make friends with a crocodile and a monkey.
  • A problem situation that will interest, activate thinking and involve children in active constructive activity. For example, to the sound of music hot-air balloon the Lego astronaut descends, he greets the children and tells his amazing story. Children learn that he came from a distant Lego planet. While landing on Earth, his spaceship crashed, and now he cannot return home. Lego Man asks the guys to help him model a new rocket that will take him to his home planet.
  • Role-playing game. As a rule, Lego construction turns into a game activity: children use the models of railway stations, ships, cars, etc. built by them in role-playing games, as well as theater games, when the guys first build scenery, create fairy-tale characters from the designer. Playing mini-performances on the Lego stage helps the child to understand the storyline more deeply, develop retelling or communication skills.

    Lego construction often turns into a play activity: children use the models they have built in role-playing games

  • Didactic game. An example of exercises aimed at mastering sensory and spatial concepts using Lego technology:
    • "Find a detail like mine";
    • "Build with your eyes closed";
    • "Find the same building as on the card";
    • "Decompose by color";
    • "Assemble the figurine from memory" (from 4-6 parts).
  • Assignment according to the model, accompanied by a demonstration and explanations of the teacher. Example: Guys, look, I have a frog on my table, constructed from Lego parts. Let's take a closer look and see how it's done. The eyes are made of green cubes, the mouth is a red brick, and the paws are made of green bricks.
  • Design using technological maps and instructions. You can offer children work according to the schemes in a playful way, for example, the teacher tells the children that today they will become shipbuilders. The designers of the shipbuilding plant sent the drawings of the ship, the children need to build models of ships according to these schemes. To get into design department, you need to overcome a small test: find the part in the bag by touch and say what it is called.

Work according to schemes can be offered to preschoolers in a playful way

  • Creative design from a concept or from a drawn model. Such classes are practiced in work with older preschoolers who have already mastered the basic techniques, and they can be offered work on pictures, photographs depicting an object on a favorite topic.

Video: Lego technology in work with preschoolers

Design methods relevant for preschoolers

Ways to teach preschoolers to design:

  • according to the sample;
  • by model;
  • according to the conditions;
  • according to cards-schemes;
  • by free will;
  • thematic design.

Photo gallery: examples of cards, diagrams, instructions and models for Lego construction

Scheme of a column and a fence Variants of schemes for constructing figures Schemes of columns Instructions for constructing a Lego flower Models of Lego animals Models of boats Models of little men Models of official vehicles Instructions for assembling a conveyor An example of a drawn scheme Models of Lego structures Instructions for constructing a helicopter The simplest schemes of Lego crafts

What are Lego building classes?

  • Introductory - the teacher conducts a theoretical acquaintance of preschoolers with new Lego parts and design techniques, depending on the configuration of the set (in the younger and middle groups- set "Duplo", from senior preschool age - set "Dacta").
  • Schematic Lesson - Learn the basics of schematic modeling step by step algorithm. First, the guys create the simplest designs of boats, bridges, airplanes, cars, little men according to the model, and then they begin to invent their own models.
  • Memory lesson - helps to consolidate and improve the acquired basic skills, provides an opportunity to train visual memory.
  • Thematic - designing on a specific topic, stimulating the development of creative imagination. Examples of topics: Multi-storey building, Fire truck, Bridge over the river, Doll furniture, Roofs and awnings, Man, Boat, Magic fish, Lego mosaic.
  • Occupation within the framework of the theme of the project is a collective free creative activity of a search character. Each child participates in the planning of the future building, is responsible for his own area of ​​work (bridge, traffic light, car, etc.), has the opportunity to express his opinion about the content and goals of this project. As part of the project, children can also receive an interesting homework task, which parents will help them complete. An example of topics for creative projects: “Village house”, “Gifts for the holidays”, “Journey to Africa”, “Zoo”, “Lego Olympics”, “Robocity”. In the senior group, you can conduct a comprehensive project on the theme "Terenty-grouse":
  • Control - allows the teacher, after studying a complex topic, to monitor the knowledge and skills of pupils and identify children who need individual help.
  • Competitive - a competition that is held in the form of a game. Children, by lot or at will, are divided into 3 teams, choose the chief designer or architect and start creating. The results of the competition are summed up by the jury, which includes an educator, a speech therapist, a psychologist, and two or three children. The topics of the competitive lesson can be: “New sports complex”, “Visiting a fairy tale”, “City of the future”, etc.
  • Combined - solves several diverse educational tasks, for example, "The world of fairy tales", "One, two, three or build numbers", "Geometric dominoes", "Pets", " Underwater world", "Urban transport".
  • Final - summarizes the results of a certain educational period (six months, a year), most often takes place in the form of a presentation of creative works.

A competitive lesson is a competition that is held in the form of a game.

Table: card file of topics for Lego construction classes

Topic of the lesson Class type Program tasks
"Kindergarten is happy for children"Lesson by design in the middle group
  • activate the productive imagination of children;
  • encourage children to create their own versions of buildings mastered in the classroom, introducing elements of novelty into familiar buildings;
  • to consolidate knowledge of the structural properties of the material and the skills of the correct connection of parts.
"My favorite toys"
  • consolidate the knowledge gained in the senior group;
  • learn to name the topic and give a general description.
"Autumn forest"Introductory lesson in the younger group
  • formation of a concept about the structure of a tree (trunk, crown, leaves, fruits);
  • learn to distinguish trees from each other;
  • fix the names of parts and color.
  • continue to acquaint children with the design possibilities of various parts used to shape different objects (oval part, semicircle, etc.);
  • to form a sense of symmetry and the ability to correctly alternate colors in their buildings;
  • develop the ability to analyze a sample - to highlight functionally significant parts in it (edges, base), name and show the details of the designer from which these parts are built.
"cargo van"
  • to acquaint children with the purpose of trucks - vans;
  • determine the design features of cars - vans;
  • to teach the allocation of internal space;
  • develop the ability to follow the instructions of the teacher, place the building on the board;
  • develop imagination and creativity.
"Building a house"Introductory lesson in the senior group
  • to form the ability to build three-dimensional structures using new building elements (roofs, windows);
  • develop the ability to compose riddles.
"Flowering Plants"Complex lesson in the middle group
  • repeat the names of indoor flowering plants;
  • remember the basic rules for caring for indoor plants;
  • repeat the structure of the flower;
  • learn to select parts by color corresponding to a particular flower.
"Bird feeders"Lesson according to the scheme in the middle group
  • to consolidate the skills to build according to the schemes;
  • learn how to build a feeder from a Lego constructor;
  • distribute Lego parts correctly.
"Forest dwellers"Complex lesson in the preparatory group
  • enrich children's knowledge about animals of their native region;
  • update knowledge about the structure of animals and changes in life in the autumn;
  • learn to build according to the selected photo samples, using the Lego file cabinet;
  • continue to develop speech creativity, making descriptive riddles.
"There lived one man in the world"Thematic lesson in the middle groupThis is a unique list.
  • develop the skills of sample analysis and modeling in accordance with the model of a human figure;
  • develop creative and communication skills.
"Lego-sport"Project in senior and preparatory groups
  • continue to introduce children to the variety of Lego constructors;
  • develop communication skills, cognitive interest;
  • to cultivate interest in modeling the figure of a human athlete.
"My street"Project in the middle group
  • give children the basic concepts of the urban landscape, recall the features of urban buildings;
  • develop the ability to transfer the shape of an object by means of a constructor;
  • consolidate the skill of fastening parts.
"I will always be considerate"Complex lesson in the middle group
  • repeat the rules of the road;
  • consolidate the ability to build different types of urban transport;
  • to teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to give it a description;
  • develop creativity and independence.
"Transport"Thematic lesson in the senior group
  • learn to build structures according to plan;
  • consolidate knowledge about modes of transport;
  • continue to learn to write riddles.
"Drawbridge"Thematic lesson in the middle group
  • to cultivate interest in the construction of buildings, teamwork skills.
"Spaceship"Lesson according to the scheme in the preparatory group
  • to consolidate the ability of children to design on a given topic using reference schemes;
  • activate attention, thinking;
  • educate interest in the construction of buildings;
  • develop teamwork skills.
"Doggy House"Introductory lesson in the middle group
  • formation of the ability to follow the proposed instructions, taking into account the methods of fastening parts;
  • transfer the features of objects using the LEGO constructor;
  • to consolidate the idea of ​​building details, their properties;
  • determine the purpose of parts of objects, their spatial arrangement;
  • choose the correct sequence of actions.
  • consolidate knowledge about pets;
  • consolidate the ability to analyze the sample, highlight the main parts of animals;
  • continue to develop children's imagination;
  • to form in children a steady interest in constructive activities;
  • desire to experiment, create, invent.
"New Year card"Thematic lesson in the preparatory group
  • learn to build three-dimensional planar images;
  • implement your idea, based on a sample;
  • continue to learn to compose riddles about the New Year;
  • continue to combine details in various compositions;
  • learn to work in a team.
"Farm Animals"Complex lesson in the middle group
  • consolidate knowledge about domestic animals;
  • learn to analyze a sample, highlight the main parts of animals;
  • develop the constructive imagination of children.
"Space"Complex lesson in the senior group
  • to teach in advance to think about the content of the future building;
  • develop creative initiative, independence;
  • develop speech: riddles about space, reading poetry;
  • formation of the concept of the structure of aircraft.
"Sunny city"Complex lesson in the senior group
  • to expand pupils' knowledge about gender;
  • promote awareness of someone else's and one's own individuality;
  • improve the ability to work according to the proposed algorithm;
  • to consolidate the ability to understand and follow the verbal instructions of an adult;
  • exercise children in the construction of various buildings from the Lego constructor;
  • learn to design from photography.
"Military equipment"Complex lesson according to the scheme in the preparatory group
  • remember the concepts of the army, military equipment;
  • consolidate the ability to build military equipment according to the scheme, using existing design skills.
Quest "Together with dad"Participants: pupils of middle and senior preschool age, parents, teachers
  • to give children knowledge about the army, to form their first ideas about the types of troops, to acquaint them with military equipment;
  • to consolidate the ability to build an aircraft according to the scheme, using existing design skills.
"Favorite fairy tale characters"Complex lesson in the middle group
  • develop fantasy and imagination;
  • develop the ability to plan work based on the analysis of the features of the images of fairy-tale characters;
  • convey characteristics.
Project "Flower - seven-flower"Participants: pupils of middle and senior preschool age, parents
  • repeat the structure of the bird;
  • continue to teach how to create a design by design;
  • learn to convey the features of a particular bird by selecting colors and details.
"We invite you to the museum"Final lesson in the form of an exhibition of works for parents and teachers
  • develop attention, ability to concentrate, memory, thinking, imagination, creativity;
  • mastering the ability to mentally divide an object into its component parts and assemble the whole from the parts;
  • learns to communicate with each other, arrange joint games, respect their own and other people's work.

Video: Lego construction lesson in the senior group on the topic "Space travel"

Photo gallery: examples of completed crafts-designs

Crafts on the theme "Sea Voyage" Crafts on the theme "Journey to Africa" ​​Flower in mosaic technique Helicopter in mosaic technique Crocodile in mosaic technique Collective project "City of the Future" Exhibition of creative works Collective project " Fairy tale» Collective project "Geese-Swans" Collective project "Playground" Collective project "Kindergarten of the Future" Decorations for role play"Kolobok" Collective project "Summer Olympic Games"

Organization and conduct of classes with Lego in kindergarten

A lesson in kindergarten has its own logical structure:

  1. Organizational stage - a motivating start in a game form (up to 5 minutes).
  2. The main stage (from 10 minutes in the younger group to 25 minutes in the preparatory one) is the most active practical part of the lesson, which includes the following activities:
    • showing a sample, explanation by the teacher step by step instructions, analysis of the card scheme;
    • independent work of children according to a model, scheme or creative plan, preschoolers can work individually, in pairs or as part of a small subgroup;
    • physical education, video exercises with Lego men, outdoor games, finger or breathing exercises that will help you relax, and then return to exciting construction with fresh energy.
  3. The final, final stage (up to 5 minutes) - reflection, cleaning of workplaces, organization of an exhibition of children's works. The analysis is carried out taking into account the following criteria:
    • neatness, symmetry, integrity and attractive appearance constructions;
    • technical skills and abilities;
    • the degree of independence of the work done;
    • purposefulness, discipline, diligence, a sense of camaraderie and emotional responsiveness, shown during the work on the project.

Where to begin

It is important to conduct the organizational part of the lesson in an unusual, interesting, exciting and creative way. A bright, intriguing beginning will help to form a positive attitude towards the lesson and the teacher, create a favorable emotional mood, liberate the children and awaken the desire to experiment and create. To stimulate curiosity, search activity and the attention of preschoolers, the educator in the introductory part of the lesson usually uses rich and varied motivating material in combination with pedagogical techniques:

  • a moment of surprise - the introduction of a toy character into a dialogue with children, a beloved fairy-tale hero who will ask for help, puzzle and please, invite children on an exciting journey to a fairy-tale land;
  • video message of a fairy-tale or fictional character;
  • poems and riddles;
  • reading a fragment of a work of fiction;
  • didactic and outdoor games;
  • informative conversation and discussion of questions;
  • problem situation;
  • musical accompaniment, viewing pictures, demonstrating presentations, videos or animated films.

It is important to conduct the organizational part of the lesson in an unusual, interesting, exciting and creative way.

Table: examples of the motivational part of the lesson

Topic of the lesson Description of the motivating part
"Journey to Lego Country" (problem situation)Video message from Lego country residents:
"Hello guys! The insidious wizard broke all the rides in our favorite park fun games and entertainment. Now our residents have stopped smiling and become very sad. We ask you to visit our country, help us renovate the amusement park and bring back smiles to all Lego people.”
"Circus" (problem situation)An impromptu circus consists of high chairs arranged in a semicircle. Children take places in four multi-colored sectors, according to the tickets, which are Lego pieces in red, blue, green and yellow. On the screen is the plot of a circus performance, a teacher dressed as a clown devotes the children to the problem: “Guys, a misfortune happened in the circus, all our trained animals disappeared. The show will be cancelled. Will you help bring back our top artists?"
The children agree, and the happy clown offers to show some tricks with Lego parts (didactic games).
Didactic fairy tale on the theme "Traffic light"Such an activity will help not only to master the basics of design, but also to get acquainted with the rules of behavior on the road.
Once upon a time there were three friends: the hare Mitya, the bear cub Fedya and the fox Lizonka. They decided one day to play ball in the playground, and the playground was across the road. Friends stopped near the road and began to think about how to cross to the other side. The bunny's dad noticed their confusion and told them how to safely and correctly cross the road. The pedestrian crossing is drawn with white stripes (zebra). It turns out that the crossing has its own important boss named Traffic Light, who commands pedestrians and cars. You can recognize it by three circles that light up in turn. If the red eye is on, then you need to stand still. A yellow eye means "attention" - cars begin to slow down, and pedestrians prepare to move. When the green light turns on, you can safely cross the road.
“We are building a gate” (discussion of issues in the younger group)Let's see what construction parts our trucks brought.
What's this? (bricks)
What can be built with bricks? (gates, steps, houses)
What are our gates? Are they durable, comfortable and beautiful? (picture display)
What is the gate for? (so cars can get in and out)
What kind of gates need to be built so that large cars can pass through? (wide and high)
Do you want to build a gate? Think about what cars your gate will be for.
“Dunno came to visit us” (moment of surprise)Dunno came to visit the guys with a suitcase, but it turns out that the “key” will help to open it, which will be the guessed riddle. After completing the task and opening the suitcase, the children find a set of constructor and diagram cards. Dunno sees the mysterious details for the first time and does not understand at all what can be made of them. The teacher asks the children to come up with and design interesting and beautiful models, and then tell Dunno about them.

Fascinating didactic games will create a favorable emotional mood

Table: games for classes according to the Lego method

Name of the game Description
"Magic Dictation"A geometric mosaic that helps to consolidate the concepts of spatial perception: top - bottom, right - left. According to the verbal instructions, the kids independently place the Lego parts on the plate.
"Pick up the chain"The game develops the ability to compose the simplest logical chains of alternating parts, selected by color, shape, size.
The game reinforces the names of the details, develops attention and memory.
Drawing up various symmetrical patterns.
"Mystery Guest"Construction of a simple model according to verbal instructions in the form of a dictation.
"Magic Path"When building a path, you must follow the rules, for example, each player continues the logical chain by placing a brick of the same color or size.
"Gather the Parts" (mobile game)Children are divided into two teams of players, each of which has its own part of a certain color, for example: two by two blue and two by four red. Players take turns transferring parts from one box to another, the team that completed the task faster wins.
"Lego little men"The little men in red suits symbolize vowel sounds, and those in blue suits - consonants. By changing the “little men” in places, the child receives new sound combinations and new syllables. In the future, Lego-men will be replaced by red and blue bricks, with which you can make word and sentence patterns.
Role-playing game "Space Journey"The game is aimed at developing cognitive interest, interaction skills and constructive abilities.
The teacher invites the children to prepare for the flight to the orbital station, along the way explaining that this is such a space house for scientific research. Before the flight, astronauts receive assignments from engineers, doctors, biologists, and astronomers. Children, together with the teacher, choose a team of astronauts, a group of doctors who will prepare the astronauts for the flight. Then engineers, designers and builders are appointed who will create aircraft according to the drawn pattern. Designers plan the sequence of their actions: they build a platform from plates, fuel sections from bricks, a rocket body and nose from cylinders and a cone. The astronauts are given a task: to draw oncoming planets, stars, to study the behavior of plants in space. The rocket goes on a journey, doctors, engineers and designers are watching the flight, the radio operator is responsible for uninterrupted communication.
"Equilibrium" (mobile game)The child puts a Lego brick on his head, the other children give him tasks, for example, sit down twice, take three steps forward, turn right, circle. If the child completes three tasks and does not drop the part, then he won and is awarded a prize.
"Jump to the toy"Pre-designed and prepared toys (houses, bridges, towers, cars, etc.) are placed around the playroom. On a signal, the children begin to move towards the toys. The first child to reach the goal wins.
"Continue the story"Children, together with the teacher, determine who they will compose a story about, choose figures from a set. The teacher starts the phrase, the children select or design the right toy, then everyone comes up with a continuation and end of the phrase.
"Toy Room"Children choose cards with furniture design schemes, discuss with the teacher each option and the purpose of the piece of furniture, the sequence of actions.
"Who Can Do What"Children consider an animal figurine from a set and name its actions, for example, a mouse runs, jumps, gnaws; a kitten - purrs, somersaults, drinks milk, scratches, plays with a ball; puppy - barks, plays, wags its tail, runs, etc.
"Find a toy"The teacher lays out pre-prepared crafts, then asks the children to answer questions and find the constructed toy, for example, which toy is on the left? What's below? What's more right?
"One-Many"The purpose of the game is to consolidate the skills of forming the forms of the genitive plural of nouns. The teacher lays out simple buildings made by children (houses, flowers, cars, etc.) on the table and builds a conversation on this topic.
The teacher lays out small structures on two plates (fish, chickens, cubes, etc.) and asks the children to put the required number of figures on the plates.
"Teremok" (director's play)The teacher invites children to construct figures of heroes of a fairy tale story and beat a fairy tale. During the performance of the task, children characterize the hero, think over and create an image, pronounce words on his behalf, the teacher directs the work of the children, if necessary, asks leading questions.
"Yard" (to the fairy tale "Chicken" by K. Chukovsky)The teacher invites the children to go to the poultry yard. Children remember who they can meet there, create heroes together and come up with their own fairy tale plot.

Video: Lego fairy tale "Teremok"

Photo gallery: examples of Lego games

The game "Draw a detail" develops sensory skills and logical thinking The game "Magic Patterns" is aimed at compiling a variety of symmetrical patterns Designing according to the scheme develops color perception and spatial thinking The game "Colorful columns" reinforces knowledge of colors Adding numbers develops spatial thinking and counting skills When building paths, you must follow the conditions on the card according to the conditions shown in the table, develops logical thinking Solving mathematical examples strengthens counting skills "Logical chain" develops thinking "Assemble according to the picture" teaches to think spatially "Collect a number slide" develops counting skills

Video: cartoon about Lego cars

Poems about Lego

  • Lego is a smart game
    Attractive, smart.
    It's fun to play here
    Build, compose, search!
    I invite all friends
    "Lego" to collect soon.
    It is also interesting for adults:
    It's good to play with Lego!
  • One, two, three - add the details,
    So that they become a machine.
    Get a garage. Later
    Don't forget to build a house.
    Can be right on the doorstep
    Paving another road
    Choose a place for the bridge -
    That will be beauty!
    From a constructor like this
    Whatever you do - everything is sensible!
  • Cars, robots, animals,
    Your friends, your girlfriends.
    Pirates, castles and miners
    And trains, and the whole city!
    Your favorite heroes
    On land, in the air, at sea.
    You are with them the whole world open -
    Ride, fly, build...
    And in this world - cheerful, bright,
    Where there are magical gifts
    You plunge, as in the sea from the shore:
    Welcome to the world of LEGO!
  • Lego is a fantasy world!
    The world of ideas, diversity.
    Studying the schemes in it,
    Could be a house.
    Or we'll build a castle
    Where does the big dragon live?
    He takes care of the princess
    And growls at everyone with fire.
    Lego hands develops
    And it doesn't stop us from dreaming.
    And I'll tell you about Lego
    This is the best game!
  • There are millions of spare parts!
    We are Lego champions!
    Do you want to lift your spirits?
    Start playing Lego.
    From Lego you can collect everything,
    The main thing is to turn on the fantasy.
    We have Lego
    You can't get bored with him
    We build cars and houses
    And we advise everyone to play.
    Lego is beautiful!
    We build different houses from cubes
    Both the car and the garage
    House, ship, even school.
    Lego is simply "super" class!
    We don't run at all now.
    We don't want at all
    Because in "super" Lego
    We play as a group!
  • The boy was, oh, mischievous!
    And now it's completely different.
    When they bought him Lego,
    Do not recognize Oleg now.
    He doesn't look like himself
    Barely looks at the drawing,
    And the robot is already walking,
    Long trunk instead of a nose
    Color pattern on the sleeves.
    Our designer is a dreamer,
    Plays for hours
    How calm was my mother.
    She is happy for Oleg!
    Buy Lego for kids!

Table: an example of a summary of a lesson-project on Lego design in the preparatory group "Let's build an amusement park"

authorR.R. Bodanova
TargetCreate a children's park using LEGO-DUPLO.
  • find out what a park, children's park is;
  • discuss and approve the objects of the park;
  • create a plan - a diagram of a children's park;
  • arrange objects according to the plan;
  • submit a project for defense.
Preparatory stagePreliminary work (motivation to collect information).
Last week we reminisced about how we spent the summer. Many children visited different children's amusement parks. Share your impressions.
- There are parks in every city. People walk there, trees, flowers grow, there are fountains. In the summer, I was in Luna Park with my family. This is a children's amusement park. There were roller coasters, children's Railway, ferris wheel, attractions. In a cafe in the park, we ate ice cream and drank cola. Have any of you been to the children's park yet?
- I was in the children's park "Fairy Island". There was also a Ferris wheel, various carousels, you can ride a Japanese bicycle, ATV, scooter. There was also a pond in which swans swam. We fed them. We also ate ice cream at the cafe.
- Children's parks are visited by all children with great pleasure and this topic is very interesting to us. Each city park has its own name, its own history of creation, for example: one of the "ancestors" of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating the Wonderland park in Moscow is the landscape architect V.I. Ivanov (Explains the meaning of the word landscape). What is a park? Why are children's parks called children's parks? (homework assignment).
Organizational partWork rules
1. During work, do not shout, do not interfere or push each other;
2. Make changes to the buildings under an agreement with the architect.
- When creating a model of a supermarket from a LEGO constructor, we got acquainted with such professions as an architect, an engineer. In order to start construction, it is necessary, as before, to distribute the roles in our project.
We decided to choose a chief architect, and then engineers responsible for each object in the park.
Main architector
- Let's discuss what will happen in our park. I propose to create a playground with carousels and swings in the Children's Park.
Vitaliy: We need to make a roller coaster.
Svetlana: Let there be a zoo in our park. It's so interesting!
Victor: Let's also make a pond. I saw how beautiful it is. It will have swans and a bridge.
Alena: We need to make an Ice Cream Cafe and toy shops.
Stepan: A car park also needs to be created.
Lyudmila: And decorate our park with flowers, flower beds, beautiful trees.
Ivanna: Let's make a scene with benches.
Main architector
- Let's summarize: playground with carousels and swings; sandbox with slides zoo; pond cafe "Ice cream"; car park; toy store, landscaping, putting benches.
Main architector
- Before proceeding with the construction of the park, a plan-scheme is needed. Let the entire territory of the park be this sheet of paper (whatman paper, A1). Let's agree on a color for our buildings.
They discuss which building - what color and put it on the plan (attach). Pink - swing; yellow - slide; blue - attractions; blue - a bridge over a pond; gray - zoo cages; red - cafe; beige - benches; brown - toy stores. The result was a layout of the Children's Park.
Main architector
- Now we will determine on the diagram where the trees and flowers will be located. A landscape designer is responsible for the landscaping of our park. The children are discussing.
- Everyone will make a proposal where his object will be located on the plan-scheme. Beat using symbols. The chief architect compares with the plan, approves.
Execution of buildings. Discussion within groups. The architect enforces the rules.
Main partIndependent work of children.
Final partMain architector
- All the guys finished the construction and placed according to the plan. Landscape architects get to work. We present the project of the jury.
They can distribute parts of the speech between engineers, the chief architect can represent everything.
- In order to answer the question of what a park is, my parents and I looked at a children's encyclopedia, the book "Why," in the group we watched films about a car park, a technology park, about Disneyland park. We learned that parks are different, but it is important for whom they are. If for cars - this is a car park, if cars come for a while - this is parking; there may be technoparks, which means that the park has a variety of equipment.
The children's park is called children's because there are many entertainments for children. In such parks, there are necessarily carousels, car parks, a Ferris wheel, that is, attractions. We present to your attention the project of the children's park of our group. The park has toy shops, cafes, carousels, a pond with a bridge, a car park. Whoever wants can go to admire the swans in the park, someone will swing on a swing.
Thus, we answered main question: the children's park is called children's, because all the parks have entertainment for children, children come there to have fun. There you can jump, run, shoot, ride, eat ice cream. We also built our own park for children. It contains the following objects (listed). Thus, we believe that the goal has been achieved. During the construction of the park, all proposals can be taken into account.
Thank you for your attention!
The jury asks no more than two clarifying questions.
The jury consists of pupils of the preparatory group No. 2.
The chairman of the jury is an educator.

Lego is not just a fun toy, it is a great tool that helps to enrich the inner world of a child, revealing his personal characteristics, showing creativity and realizing opportunities. A variety of activities using Lego technology provide a real chance for every kid to develop logical and spatial thinking, imagination, independence and interaction skills with peers, and teachers to captivate children with technical creativity. A creative game will help to understand the child more deeply, therefore, to develop an effective tool for solving the problems of both the child and the teacher.

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Elena Kozhina
Lego construction project in a preschool group on the topic "Transport"

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten №12 "Firefly" the city of Galich, Kostroma region

Construction project

from LEGO to preparatory school group.

Topic: « Transport» .


Elena Mikhailovna Kozhina

The game gives rise to joy, freedom,

contentment, peace in oneself and around oneself,

peace with the world.

Friedrich Fröbel.

A type project: creative, short-term, group.

Implementation period project: 2 weeks.

Members project: pupils preparatory group, educators, parents.

Problem project: form in children constructive skills.


Lego construction- one of the most modern trends development of children.

LEGO allows children to learn by playing and learning through play. The most important thing is to give children the opportunity "residence" material of interest to them. Learning new things, children learn to express their attitude to what is happening. Designing, they are immersed in a situation organized by adults. In the course of educational activities, children become builders, architects and creators, while playing, they come up with and implement their ideas. In the process of activity, a variety of tasks are solved.

While traveling, children help their friends, help heroes out of trouble, learn Interesting Facts, construct, teach poetry, work according to schemes. At the same time, children develop creative imagination, communication skills, curiosity. The main thing is that there are no spectators, there are only participants, and everyone participates with great desire. The knowledge acquired by children is relevant and necessary for them. A meaningful, interesting material is absorbed easily and forever.

Target project:

Create conditions for development constructive activities using lego constructor.

Tasks project:

To develop in children the ability to build from Lego - constructor, choosing the right sequence of actions, connection techniques, a combination of shapes and colors.

Expand your understanding of transport. Fix the views transport: ground, air, water, railway, special purpose.

Build a sustainable interest in constructive activity desire to create, to invent.

To form the ability to mentally divide an object into its component parts and assemble a whole from parts.

develop fantasy, constructive imagination and the ability to creatively use acquired skills.

Contribute to the formation of mathematical knowledge about the account, form, proportion, symmetry.

Develop independence in working with diagrams.

Contribute to the development of attention, memory, thinking, ability to concentrate.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands, stimulating general speech development and mental abilities in the future.

Build respect for Lego - constructor.

To cultivate perseverance, endurance, friendly relations, respect for one's own and other people's work.

Implementation forms:

1. Conversation with children

2. Consideration of illustrations, diagrams

3. Reading poetry about transport

4. constructive activity

5. Interaction with parents:

Collaboration with children

- consultations

Implementation plan

Stages project implementation Activities Implementation timeline

Preparatory stage

With parents A selection of necessary methodological and fiction literature about transport.

Preparing Lego sets, their consideration.

Make a folder - move

« Lego - designer - the best buildings» .

Consultation: « Lego - construction» .

December - 1 week.

main stage

With parents Examining illustrations, an album, photographs with views transport.

Watching a cartoon based on « Lego fairy tales» .

Didactic games: "Name it right",

Conversations: "What kind transport more like» , "What do people ride".

OOD OO "R". Speech development

"Composing stories about transport»

OOD OO "HE". Painting "We draw planes and helicopters".

Joint and independent activities

(set selection constructor and partner if desired).

Consideration of schemes, distribution between children who and what will do.

Exhibition of joint drawings topic: « Transport» .


"Meaning Lego - construction in the development of preschool children»,

December - 2 weeks.

Final stage Exhibition transport from lego.

Children's stories about Lego - constructor.

Photo album "Our Best Buildings".

December - 2 weeks.

Logistics project:

Schemes for construction.

Sets constructor.

Expected results project and how to evaluate them (children)

Expected results project Tracking methods

Children show cognitive interest and desire to learn all about the species. transport.

Children develop an interest in construction from lego.

Communicative communication skills, positive habits and moral qualities are formed. Conversations with children.

Supervision of children.

Organization of gaming activities.

As a result of the observation, the children learn to:

- design according to plans;

Mentally divide an object into its component parts and assemble the whole from the parts;

Build from lego various vehicles.


About the set various types transport;

How can cars and planes be built from Lego - constructor.

Do it with the teacher conclusions:

It is easier to build according to schemes;

Building with a partner is more fun;

The children had a feeling of self-confidence;

Enriched creative imagination;

There was an interest, a positive emotional attitude to the construction game.

Expected results project and how to evaluate them (parents)

Expected results project Tracking methods

Parents are ready and able to actively interact with teachers on the issues of children's play activities (building games).

Take an active part in life groups.

They show interest in the results of the child's achievements in building games. Questioning.

Participate in design:

Exhibition "Our Best Buildings".

Album "Views transport from constructor« Lego» ,

Delivery methods "end result" project activities:

Exhibition transport from constructor« Lego» .

Children's stories about constructor« Lego» .

Photo album "Our Best Buildings".

Creative project on LEGO design "Electric snowmobile"

Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education
Place of work: GBPOU SO Northern Pedagogical College, kindergarten "Solnyshko"
Material include theoretical basis design technologies and an example of a project using LEGO construction, made by a child of senior preschool age.

The development of children's cognitive interests largely depends on how much the child is involved in their own creative search, the discovery of new knowledge, and research activities.
The project method is creativity to the organization of education, in which knowledge is based not on memorizing selected information, but on an independent search and development of the interests of the child.
Classification of projects used in the practice of preschool educational institutions:
By composition of participants (children, parents, employees);
By implementation period: short-term; average duration; long-term;
By target setting;
By topic.

Main types of projects used in the practice of preschool educational institutions:
group ("Jam Day");
individual ("My furry friend");
complex (“Let's help nature”).
Project types:
role-playing, gaming;
information - practice-oriented;
Pedagogical significance of projects
In the process of project activities, the teacher acts as an organizer of the cognitive activity of children, and not just a carrier of ready-made knowledge.
The design method allows active, creative teacher effectively integrate the content of educational areas, successfully solve program tasks in the process of diverse, interesting, rich activities.
Features of project activities in the preschool educational institution
The peculiarities of project activities in kindergarten are that the child cannot yet independently formulate the problem, determine the idea, therefore, in the educational process of the preschool educational institution, project activity is in the nature of cooperation, in which children, teachers, parents take part.
A preschooler cannot be an author, organizer of project activities. He needs the help of adults who are able to understand his interests. In the course of solving the tasks set, the adult helps the child find means and ways to achieve the goal. Relying on the help of adults, children are looking for a solution to the problem through questions to parents, joint analysis of Internet resources, reading educational literature, and observations. Together they are engaged in productive activities: they draw, make, compose, design.
Conditions required for successful implementation project activities
Taking into account the interests of the child.
Activities without coercion.
Themes from the immediate environment. The problem situation should be understandable.
Providing independence and supporting children's initiative.
Unobtrusive involvement of parents in joint work on the project, creating an atmosphere of joint creativity with the child.
Compliance with the principle of consistency in the work on the project.
Achievement of the goal jointly with the teacher.

Educational areas in preschool educational institutions do not exist in a "pure form". They are always integrated, and with the help of LEGO construction, it is easy to integrate cognitive development, which includes technical design with artistic and aesthetic development (when we talk about creative design), with social and communicative development and with other educational areas.
In pedagogy, LEGO technology is interesting because, based on integrated principles, it combines elements of play and experimentation. LEGO games are a way of exploring and orienting a child in the real world, space and time.

Kindergarten pupils took part in the development of projects on environmental theme"Environmental engineer" through design.

Objective of the project:
Creation of a modern educational environment for the formation of the child's potential, ensuring the creation of a situation of success through the use of lego-design technology in the integration of educational areas of preschool education.
1. Create psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the integration of educational areas and ensure the continuity of the educational process aimed at developing the abilities, competencies and creativity of pupils using LEGO technology - design;
2. To create a single social and educational space, including a preschool educational institution and a family, aimed at supporting and developing cognitive initiative, social and creative activity of preschool children;
3. Contribute to the formation of engineering thinking of the younger generation;
4. Identify opportunities in the development of children;
5. To form an active parental position on the basis of productive cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Stages of project implementation.

Stage I - value-oriented.
Identification of problematic situations in the immediate environment. Brainstorming to find ways, ways to solve a problem.

Stage II - constructive.
Conducting master classes for children on the use of Lego technology, Acquaintance with models already created by mankind on the identified problem, analysis of their acceptability and effectiveness.

Stage III - practical.
Team work teachers and children. Independent design according to the plan, schemes, drawings. Discussion, testing, reflection, transformation.

Stage IV - presentation.
Holding presentation events, Lego exhibitions, exchange of experience between preschoolers.
The presentation of the project took place on the basis of a kindergarten for children of 3 age groups.

Stage V - rewarding participants and winners.

I present the project "Electrosnowmobile", designed jointly with the teacher.

The creator of this project became the winner at the regional robotics festival:

Thus, technical design is the embodiment of an idea from the details of a Lego constructor. With its help, the formation of primary ideas about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world is ensured. And the method of projects is the first step for immersion in the environment of creativity and knowledge; early diagnosis of the child's abilities; experimentation and early inventions.