How to sculpt marine animals from plasticine. Synopsis of GCD on modeling in the senior speech therapy group "Sea inhabitants

Good day everyone!

Didn't you want to have your own little ocean as a child? Of course, it is interesting to look at a live aquarium, but you can’t play with it, you can’t touch the fish. For a month and a half, Yasnochka has been playing with this miracle, but I still can’t bring myself to reveal it to the world. While I photographed everything, while I prepared ...

So about everything in order.

Initially, there was an idea to make such an ocean so that my daughter could play with it for a long time, and not just 30 minutes, as is the case with a jelly ocean or just with blue water in a basin. The thing is that Jasna loves the cartoon "Finding Nemo", we have almost all of his characters at home. And we just fell in love with Julia Donaldson's book "Tulka - a small fish and a big inventor." What illustrations!

I really wanted our ocean to have many interesting little things, so that every time Jasna would find something new. I also wanted the bottom to look like a real coral reef, full of different colors and living creatures. So, armed with a rough sketch and a bunch of plasticine, Yasnaya and I began to create.

At first I decided to make all the details with which I would then decorate the bottom.

Several colorful anemones on shells were given to us by my mother, I showed them in the previous post, remember? The rest had to be searched for in the bottom of the barrel, and something to be done by myself from baked plastic.

Bottom decorations:


I used inexpensive baked plasticine "Flower":

Plastic twigs from cheap kits I just cut into pieces.

Even in the bins, I found a loofah (vegetable washcloth) and made several corals from it - gorgonians.

But these corals, similar to horns, I made from wire and hot glue according to the master class from here, replacing the paper mass with hot glue. Then I just painted them with acrylic paint.

But my special pride is the watch. I tried to make them as similar as possible to the clock in the book.

For scale:

In the book:

The chest, like the clock, blinded in one breath, I even forgot to photograph the process. But if you are very interested, write in the comments, I will try to make a separate master class on the chest and clock.

For scale:

Of course, I had to mold the main character of the book - a little Tulka and one of the missing characters - a flounder. The rest of the heroes were found in various inexpensive marine sets.

The last, already as entertainment, were the kids living in a barrel and a jug and a fragment of a wooden ship.

Jasnochka still couldn't wait for the moment when we would start making the ocean and start without me.

Now we will lay out the bottom. I used black (or olive) sculptural clay, and to save money and fill the space, I decided to lay chestnuts inside. (Round containers from kinder surprises or something else are quite suitable for this, as long as it is light and hard) I fastened them together with hot glue. Again, to save plasticine. To make it interesting for Jasna to play, I made a lot of fish houses on each side.

When the plasticine bottom was ready, the most pleasant part began. Here, everything that was found in the apartment went into action. Decorative buttons, accessories from homemade jewelry, small toys, shells, sea pebbles. I even stuck on bits of moss that Yasna and I had collected in the park.

The bottom turned out well, very colorful and saturated, as intended. Therefore, a lot of photos :)

And at school, Mr. Skat is doing roll call...

Even a fishing net was found :) There she is, lurking at the very wall behind the algae. Yasna now throws all the fish at her one by one and shouts: "Oh, save me, help me, I'm caught in the net!" One of the other fish is sure to rush to the rescue and rescue the captive from trouble.

For the photo, I put all the available details at once. It turned out probably too intense, but Yasnochka was not at a loss. She has long been accustomed to such things and immediately began to put things in order there and settle the fish in houses and sea anemones. As for Tyulka, she is already quoting almost the entire book by heart during the game. It is so touching to watch that my heart skips a beat with delight! :)))

To disassemble such creations probably the hand will not rise. Moreover, each time you can come up with different versions of the game. You can even pour water into it! Sculptural plasticine is good because it does not deteriorate from water, unlike modern soft plasticine for kids. By the way, here it is:

Before work, it must be well warmed up in hot water or on a battery. But when it cools down, even sticking a toothpick into it will not be easy.

Happy crafting to you and your lovely kids!

P.S. When copying material, please make a link to my blog.

Another craft for maritime theme we decided to devote to the creation of a seahorse from plasticine. If you look closely at the photographs of these aquatic inhabitants, you can really see some resemblance to horses, in particular, this is the head and neck. But saddling a seahorse, of course, will not work. Although children can see such a phenomenon in cartoons or fairy tales. Our skate can be colorful, because it is such a figurine of a marine life that will cheer you up.

1. Decide on the color of the future craft and select the desired colors from the box.

2. Roll up an oblong part from pink plasticine. This is a blank for the future seahorse.

3. Make the upper part of the blank flatter, and pull the lower part down, gradually narrowing. Should be a ponytail.

4. Set the outlines of the marine life. To do this, bend the tail part slightly back, and then twist the tip into a ring.

5. Spend some more pink plasticine on the creation of the head. Remember that its outlines should resemble the muzzle of a horse, so pull the bow forward in a characteristic way, as shown in the photo.

6. Let the creature see everything around, for this you need small eyes made of white and blue grains. Also make a decoration of blue dots along the sides from the head to the tail.

7. From the purple mass, make small scales and place them in a row along the back.

8. And the last distinguishing feature of the seahorse is its small wings-fins. They can be made brighter. The first step is the formation of small triangular-shaped cakes.

9. Then define the shape of the fins and the striped relief with a plastic spatula.

10. Attach flying fins to the seahorse's back so it can surf the water.

The final look of the craft.

Here is such an easy-to-perform colorful craft turned out. Taking into account this master class, engage the whole family in interesting creativity and create each your own unique plasticine toy.

Galina Shinayeva

The purpose of the lessons.Ecological education. Formation in children of the average preschool age ecological ideas about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.



To teach children to sculpt a starfish from plasticine using a constructive method, to convey its characteristic features.

Clarify children's ideas about appearance starfish, her way of life.

Improve modeling techniques: rolling and rolling between the palms, flattening with fingers, lubrication of individual parts.

Learn to respect the proportions between the parts.

Develop imagination, attention, fine motor skills of hands.

Cultivate creativity, perseverance.

"Miracle Yuda fish - whale"

Tasks. To teach children to sculpt a whale from a single piece of plasticine - in a sculptural way.

To consolidate the ability to roll a plasticine ball between the palms, then stretch and flatten the plasticine with two fingers to give a characteristic shape (whale tail, add details (eyes, fountain, use a stack.

Clarify children's ideas about the appearance of a whale.

Develop eye, imagination, thinking.

Cultivate creativity.



Clarify children's ideas about the diversity of the appearance and structure of fish.

Continue learning to sculpt objects from one piece of plasticine.

Improve modeling techniques: rolling plasticine in circular and direct movements, pulling and flattening techniques.

Develop imagination, creativity, independence.

Continue to cultivate interest in modeling.

"Sea turtle"


To teach children to create an image of a sea turtle from plasticine and shells.

Clarify children's ideas about the appearance and lifestyle of sea turtles.

Develop a sense of proportion and symmetry.

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Cultivate perseverance, purposefulness and the desire to bring the matter to the end.


Modeling using shells


To teach children to create an image of a crab from plasticine and shells.

To consolidate the ability to roll plasticine between the palms, cut the resulting plasticine columns into equal parts in a stack.

Clarify children's ideas about the appearance, about the features of the movement of crabs.

To develop aesthetic perception, the ability to use additional natural material - shells.

Raise interest in fine arts.

Related publications:

World Day of the Seas and Oceans (collective plasticine drawing “Ocean from plasticine) Collective modeling Kindergarten is always busy.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on ecology Topic: "Inhabitants of the seas" Purpose: 1. To acquaint with the diversity of marine life, to develop.

Summary of directly educational activities in the preparatory group "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans" Topic: Inhabitants of the seas and oceans Purpose: To introduce children to the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Tasks: 1. Educational: to expand the ideas of children.

Synopsis of OOD on artistic and creative development. Modeling soap from plasticine in the second junior group. Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children.

Summary of the lesson on the topic "Sea inhabitants" for children of the second youngest and middle group. Educational areas: “Development of speech and culture.

Group: secondary Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development (modeling) Integration: music, cognition, speech development Theme.

Clay modeling from plasticine senior group"A flower in a pot" Tasks: To develop the ability to conceive the content of one's work and bring it to fruition.

GCD in the senior group "Animal world of the seas and oceans" OBJECTIVES: EDUCATIONAL: Refine and activate vocabulary

Good old plasticine will help solve the question of what is useful and interesting to do with your child. Sculpting animals from plasticine is a pleasant pastime that will benefit the development of children. Decide with your child what animal you want to sculpt, and get down to business.

How to choose the right clay

Psychologists say that working with plasticine has a positive effect on the development of the child. These activities have a positive effect on thinking, improve memory, attention. They also develop fine motor skills of the hands, as a result of which the child quickly masters speech, uses imagination during creative games.

In order for the work process to be productive and enjoyable, parents need to choose the right plasticine.

It should be bought in accordance with the age of the child, the purpose of using plasticine.

Modern manufacturers have created new types of plasticine:

  • you can cook and get an eraser;
  • plasticine that changes color when exposed to sun rays;
  • modeling material is similar to a rubber jumper;
  • fluorescent plastic;
  • plasticine as a magnet.

For sculpting animals, plasticine is better to choose two types: soft (it is more convenient to use it in drawing) and hard (hard figures will be obtained from it).

When choosing plasticine, it is necessary to take into account some criteria:

  • plasticine should not be brittle and stick to the skin;
  • it is necessary that it be plastic and pliable to soften with children's fingers;
  • oily colored spots do not remain after using plasticine good quality;
  • it is necessary to choose plant-based products (traditionally, the composition includes clay powder with the addition of wax, petroleum jelly, and fatty components);
  • should be avoided chemical substances such as a thickener and solvent, as well as artificial colors and flavors;
  • plasticine on a latex basis, gluten and petroleum products causes allergies in children;
  • high-quality plasticine of a sharp smell, acid colors, it is pleasant to the touch.

What you need to work

In order for the sculpting process to bring joy and not cause any discomfort, it is necessary to have all the necessary tools and components at hand.

In addition, you need to choose a comfortable place for such work:

For the process of modeling animals from plasticine, children will need:

  • Plasticine set.
  • Special board for modeling.
  • Several blank A4 sheets.
  • A special stick - a stack, for more comfortable use of plasticine.
  • Pictures depicting an animal, or step-by-step instructions before your eyes.
  • Wet wipes or a bowl of warm water and a towel to clean your hands.

Plasticine modeling: getting started

If a child encounters this material for the first time, first you need to acquaint the child with the properties of plasticine, show how to interact with it, what can come of it. Depending on age, a child can hold attention to the same thing for a different amount of time. For the first time, the optimal time for sculpting or getting to know the material will be 10-20 minutes.

To generate and maintain interest, it is better to end the process a little earlier, when the child experiences positive emotions and passion for the activity, rather than later, when he is no longer interested and he is tired. Indeed, in this case, the child will have an unpleasant aftertaste, and the very process of this creative pleasant activity will be associated with fatigue and boredom.

Show the child the following manipulations with plasticine, and then offer repeat them yourself under your supervision and readiness to help if necessary:

  • Heat the plasticine in your hands, demonstrate that then it becomes softer and more pliable, it is easier to work with it.
  • Remember it in your hands, roll it into a ball, flatten it, connect different colors together, tear parts of the same color into different components, fold different shapes consisting of one and several colors.
  • Show that the plasticine sticks to your hands and that it needs to be washed off after the robot with water or at least a damp cloth. Demonstrate that if you take such a hand, for example, on a dry napkin or sheet of paper, they will stick. Explain that to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to wash off the remnants of plasticine from the skin.
  • Invite the child to do the same manipulations under your supervision.

What animals can be made from plasticine with your own hands

In fact, you can choose any animal from plasticine, even an imaginary one, if you only have enough imagination, diligence, time and, of course, plasticine. To facilitate the manufacturing process, the best option there will be step-by-step instructions before your eyes, especially if each new stage described with detailed instructions and shown in a separate photo.

Plasticine animals for children are an entertaining option for modeling that will captivate both the parent and the child.

In addition, it will help develop the child's fine motor skills, while simultaneously involving his cognitive, cognitive processes, because while making this or that little animal, the baby will simultaneously study how this animal works. Choose your favorite animal, bird, fish and start making.

Plasticine zoo how to mold any animal in 15 minutes

There is nothing difficult in modeling plasticine animals. It is enough to blind the first few figures, then the hand will fill up, and the process will go much faster. A good helper in modeling plasticine with a child can be Marya Novatskaya's book "Plasticine Zoo: How to mold any animal in 15 minutes."

The book presents sixteen animals from different continents, which the child could see with his own eyes when visiting a real zoo with his parents or on an excursion. Fascinated by the knowledge of the new, the child, of course, will want to meet the animals he has seen again, and parents can give him such an opportunity by creating their own plasticine zoo at home.

Unlike a real prototype, in a home zoo there are no cages and prohibitions to feed or pet an animal, a kid can play with animals and study them absolutely freely, which will give a range of positive emotions and captivate for a long time.

Plasticine pets

If a child loves and adores the animal that lives in your home, then he will definitely be delighted with the idea of ​​molding his pet from plasticine. In addition, for children, the process of creativity itself is much more important than the result. With a little practice, you can mold any animal from plasticine: a cat, a dog, a mouse, a chicken, a goose, a goat, a cow, a pig, any animal that lives next to you.

How to mold a mouse:

  1. Warm up the plasticine in your hands.
  2. Roll into 2 medium-sized balls for the body and head.
  3. Next, roll up 4 small balls-paws, connect the parts together.
  4. Make a protrusion ball on the muzzle, a small nose ball, 2 ear discs by flattening 2 rolled balls.
  5. Make eyes by connecting 2 small balls with 2 smaller balls.
  6. Connect the eyes, ears, ledge with a nose with the whole structure.
  7. Roll up a ponytail and attach to the body.
  8. The mouse is ready.

Master class on making a cat

A cat is an animal that walks by itself, which does not prevent such a freedom-loving creature from being a favorite of most children. Invite your child to make a cat out of plasticine, he will definitely like this activity.


  1. Warm the plasticine (in different colors chosen) in your hands to make it soft.
  2. Roll out the oval body and use the stack to divide the ends of the oval into 4 paws, as shown in the picture.
  3. Bend the resulting figure so that it stands on its paws.
  4. Roll up a ball-muzzle, from a different color roll a round ledge onto the muzzle, a small ball-nose and 2 ball-eyes of a different color, triangles-ears and 6 thin mustache sausages. Connect all the details of the head one by one.
  5. Connect the head and torso, draw a mouth on the muzzle using the stack.
  6. Roll up a sausage-tail, thickened towards the end, and attach it to the cat's body.
  7. Make 5 sausage strips and attach 3 to the cat's back and 2 to the tail.
  8. The cat is ready!

How to sculpt ponies and horses from plasticine


Plasticine wild animals

Children are naturally curious and eager to explore. the world, for sure, their attention will be attracted not only by those animals that you can see every day next to you, but also by representatives wildlife. Modeling from plasticine will help to satisfy the need for knowledge and brighten up the evening. Sculpt whatever your heart desires: even a tiger, even a lion, even a giraffe.

A large elephant will require the most plasticine!

Plastic lion. Step by step sculpting lesson

The king of all animals, the plasticine lion is a great opportunity for children to stretch their fingers with creative work.

To make a lion, you will need the following:

Sea animals from plasticine

Plasticine sea animals - for children this is an opportunity to learn underwater inhabitants. The water world is diverse and interesting: not only fish live there, but also octopuses, fur seals, crayfish, turtles and dolphins.

Sculpting an octopus: step by step instructions

To mold an octopus, you must follow the step-by-step instructions:

How to mold a hedgehog from plasticine

Blinding a cute hedgehog is quite simple:

How older child, the more complex and detailed the hedgehog will be.

Making a plasticine turtle

To get a turtle, just follow the 5 following steps:

And to make it look like a real one, you can decorate its shell with small shells instead of plasticine parts.

Plasticine Peppa Pig

Often children are fascinated not only by real animals, but also by cartoon characters. The reason to tear yourself away from the screen may be an offer to make your favorite hero out of plasticine with your own hands.

Plasticine animals for children are molded very simply, while perfectly developing the child's motor skills.

To create Peppa Pig, follow these steps:

  1. Make 2 balls: pink and red.
  2. Form the hem of the dress by attaching a red ball to the board and stretching the flat side with your fingers.
  3. Make a small hole in the top.
  4. In a pink ball, draw out a wide nose, glue the eyes on top.
  5. Piglet and mouth are made using thin red plasticine ambassadors.
  6. Attach the ears to the crown.
  7. Connect the head to the body.
  8. Make handles and attach them to the body.

Snake: modeling in stages


Basic secrets and techniques for working with plasticine

Plasticine is not cunning in its use, but still, there are a few secrets that will play a good service while working with it:

  • Before starting the process, make sure that all the necessary ingredients are at hand, including warm water or wet wipes for cleaning hands. This will also help not to mix different colors with each other while sculpting from different pieces of plasticine.
  • Having chosen to sculpt this or that plasticine animal, find a photo of how the final result should look like and a step-by-step detailed instructions.
  • Warm up the plasticine in your hands before sculpting - so it will be softer and more pliable.
  • At the end of the work, be sure to fold different colors apart, since the plasticine is warm after hands, and in the box it will harden and it will be difficult to separate it from another color without tearing a separate piece.

There are many options for which animal can be molded from plasticine with children.

The main thing is that everyone likes the process: both the parent and the child. To do this, you should ask the child who exactly he would like to fashion and provide a choice, for example, by showing different pictures of finished crafts. Such a free and exciting creative process will bring joy and benefit to all its participants.

Video: plasticine animals for children

Simon's cat from plasticine, master class:

How to mold a caterpillar from plasticine, see the video clip: