Letter from Santa Claus to a child print templates. Letter from Santa Claus (free generator)

You can choose any of our options and edit it if you wish.

First there are Russian versions, and then Ukrainian ones.

Also the letter may be from Saint Nicholas

Option 1 (for babies)

Hello, Nastenka!

Santa Claus is writing to you. I live in a fabulous northern country. I have a whole bunch of things to do here: scatter snowflakes, help forest dwellers. And also, with my helpers, funny animals and snowmen, we have been preparing gifts for children and adults from all over the world for a whole year.

Today I took out my magic pen and decided to write you a congratulation. The stars that often look into your window tell me a lot about you. Every day you learn so many interesting things - everything you need to consider, touch and try!

You have already learned so much! Out of joy for you, my granddaughter Snegurochka and the snowmen and I joined hands and spun in a merry round dance around our elegant Christmas tree! Nastenka, grow up a beautiful, obedient and kind girl! After all, for your parents you are the most best gift in the world! Smile more often, don't be capricious and, of course, believe in miracles! And I will try to give them to you every day! And in order for me to have something to remember - leave your drawing under the New Year tree. I'll tell you a secret: draw what you really want, and Your wish sure to come true, because in my hands your drawing will gain magical power!

Happy New Year to you, Nastenka! Be sure to congratulate your parents for me!

Your friend, Santa Claus

Option 2 (for children of any age)

Hello Masha!

Santa Claus is writing to you from the far North. For 4 years now, my assistants have been telling me about you. The cheerful little sparrows you see on the street come to me in the North and bring news from your city.

I am very happy with your success this year! You have grown up and become like a real princess. You have learned a lot and done a lot of good deeds. Mom and dad are very proud of you.

Under New Year of all the children on Earth, I choose a few of the most obedient and kind, who deserve not only a gift, but also a personal letter from me. This year I chose you, Mashenka!

So I hastened to write a letter to wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you a lot of happiness and joy in the New Year. Stay the same responsive, honest and kind girl. Please your parents, share with your friends and help those who are weaker! AT next year I will be creating a list of good kids again, so try to get there. Today, when the clock strikes twelve times, be sure to make a wish, and I will certainly fulfill it!

Don't forget to congratulate mom and dad. Say hi to them for me! Happy New Year 2018!

Your Santa Claus

Option 3 (universal)

Hello Sonya!

Santa Claus is writing to you from the far North. The stars that shine all over the world look into your window too. They told me that such a wonderful girl lives in the beautiful city of Kyiv! You are very smart! I was very happy to hear about your successes and good deeds. So I hastened to write you a letter

to wish you a Happy New Year 2018! Not everyone gets the opportunity

but I thought you really deserved it! I'll tell you a secret: I look after boys and girls to make little wizards out of them. I think you are perfect for this! Let this be our secret. I give you the first task: learn to count, write, and every day read a few pages of a good book. Without this, one cannot become a wizard. All good wizards started out by studying well, obeying their parents, helping their loved ones, and of course, believing in miracles! I'm definitely looking forward to next New Year's letter with a story about all your successes!

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, real friends, joy and fun! Be always responsive and friendly to people who are nearby.

Be sure to say hi to your parents for me!

On New Year's Eve, do not forget to make a wish, say it in a whisper - and then a breeze will fly into the window, pick it up and take it to me to the North. And I will definitely do it.

Your friend, Santa Claus

Option 4 (for older children)

Hello Katya!

Santa Claus is writing to you. Are you surprised, of course? I understand you - at your age, many people stop believing in miracles. But, nevertheless, I exist, although I live far from your city, in the North, in my ice house. This year, I finally got the Internet connected, and I can watch all the children from my room.

You have become quite big, Katya! Just think, for seven years now you have been pleasing everyone around! I also enjoy watching your progress. Therefore, I decided to write you a letter and personally congratulate you on the New Year. I'm already old and rarely write letters, but you definitely deserve it!

Today is the night when miracles happen, and I want to give you a New Year's prediction: be persistent in achieving your goals, do not back down in the face of difficulties, and your dreams will definitely come true! And amazing adventures are waiting for you! The world is so big and interesting, try to learn something new every day!

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, real friends and fulfillment of desires! Be always responsive and friendly to people who are nearby. Behave with dignity throughout the next year, and I will be happy to watch your progress!

Don't forget to congratulate mom and dad. Say hi to them for me!

Your friend, Santa Claus

Option 5 (suitable when ordering with the Letter of the Book of Fairy Tales)

(Start any) ...

And my granddaughter Snegurochka found out that there is a magic book about you! I searched for it for a long time and found it. And now we want to present this extraordinary book to you!

Let this book open a fabulous world for you, in which there will be a lot of magic, beautiful, kind and amazing stories!

Let these fairy tales fill you with sunshine and warmth, just as you fill the lives of your relatives and friends! Happy New Year!

With love, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Option 1 (for babies)

Hello, Nastya!

Write to you Didus Frost. I live in a Kazakh pivnichniy country. I have a bunch of right things here: get some discounts, help the fox bags. And I also with my helpers, cheerful animals and snowmen, I prepare gifts for children and grown-ups in the whole world.

Today, I took out my charming pen and wrote a message to you in regards. Zirochki, as they often look at your end, tell me a lot about you. Leather day you know the style of the whole flower - everything needs to be looked at, touched and tried!

You already learned so much! In the joy of you, I, and my onuka Snіguronka, and the snowmen joined hands, they spun around the cheerful round dance around our elegant yalinka! Nastyusho, grow up beautiful, hearing and kind girl! Aje for your fathers is the best present in the world! Smile more often, do not believe, and, of course, believe in miracles! And I will pray to give you a leather day! And I’ve lost my mind for a riddle - I’ve lost my little ones under the new yalinka. Let me tell you a secret: draw on the little one those that you really want, and your bajannya will "clearly dream, even in my hands your little mother will have enchanting power!

New rock to you, Nastyusho!

Obov "lingoly greet me with your fathers!

Your friend, Didus Frost

Option 2 (for children, no matter what)

Hello, Masho!

Write to you Didus Frost from distant Pivnochi. For 4 years now my assistants have been telling me about you. Cheerful gorobchiks, like ty bachish on the street, fly to me on Pivnich and bring food from the place, in which you live.

I’m happy for your success in every fate! You grew up and became similar to the right princess. You learned a lot of things and made hundreds of good vchinkivs. Mom and dad write about you.

On the eve of Novy Rik among the children on the Earth, I rob the kіlka of the most heard and the best, as they deserve not only a gift, but also a special sheet for me. What fate I have robbed you, Mashenko!

That's why I hesitated to write a sheet to welcome you with New Rock! I thank you in a new circle of rich, rich happiness and joy. Get rid of such a strange, honest and kind girl. Rejoice the fathers, share with friends and help them who are weak! In the coming fate, I am writing a list of good children, so try to eat there. At Novorichnu's night, if the anniversary is beaten twelve times, obov "clearly guess the bazhannya - and I won't miss it again!

Іz Novim 2018 Rock!

Your Didus Frost

Option 3 (universal)

Hello Sofiiko!

Write to you Didus Frost from distant Pivnochi. Zirochki, like to shine in the whole world, look down and in your end. The stench of me rose, that such a miracle girl lives in the beautiful city of Kiev! You are very intelligent! I am glad, hearing about your successes and good things. That's why I hesitated to write you a sheet to welcome you with New 2018 Rock! It’s not a skin child who sees such a possibility, but I have seen what you really deserve! I'll tell you a secret: I'll pick up the lads and the girls so that they can make right little charms from them. I’m wondering what you’re coming for! Let it be our hiding place with you. I give you a task ahead of time: start to praise, write and read a few pages of a good book every day. Without which you cannot become a charmer. Mustaches of good enchanters started from the one who had learned well, listened to the fathers, helped their loved ones and, of course, believed in miracles! On the onset of the New Rock of Obov, "I clearly check the sheet with a message about all your successes and good things!

I want to thank you for a happy Christmas, good friends, joy and fun! Be smart and kind to people, like a charge.

Don't forget to say hello to my fathers!

At Novorichnu, don’t forget to make a wish, say some whispers - and then at the end the wind will fly in, drink yoga and carry it to me on Pivnich. And I yogo obov "I sing loudly.

Your friend, Didus Frost

Option 4 (for older children)

Hello Katya!

Write to you Didus Frost. You, zvіsno, zdivovana? I will tell you - in your country there is a lot of people who stop believing in miracles. And yet I am still clear, even though I live far from your place, on Pivnochi, near my krizhan house. What fate did they connect me to the Internet, and I can, in my own way, watch over all the children.

You have already become so big, Katya! Just think, already this rock makes you happy all the time! I can also watch over your successes. Therefore, I have written to write you a sheet and especially welcome you with New Rock. I'm already old and rarely write leaves, but you definitely deserve it!

Today, when miracles happen, I want to give you a new prophecy: be easy-going in reaching your goals, do not face difficulties - and your dreams of obov "clearly strike! skin day to know new things!

I want to indulge you a merry Christmas, right friends and happy birthday! Be smart and kind to people, like a charge. Lead by a good stretch of the advancing fate, and I will gladly watch over your successes!

Don't forget to welcome your mom and dad. Give them hello to me!

Your friend, Didus Frost!

Option 5

(Cob be-yaky) ...

And my granddaughter Sniguronka recognized that she had a charming book about you! For a long time I was joking and knew. And now I want to give you an unbelievable book to you!

Let this collection of verses be a fairy world for you, who will have a lot of enchantment, beautiful, kind and wondrous stories!

Let these fairy tales remind you with warmth and warmth, as you remind the life of your relatives and close people! From New Rock!

With love, Did Frost and Snіguronka!

It is enough to pick up a beautiful envelope, paper and write a few lines on behalf of the wizard. What should these lines be so that the child does not doubt the existence of Santa Claus?

How to write a letter from Santa Claus: appeal

A letter from Santa Claus (2018 can be downloaded for free in word format) must necessarily begin with an appeal to the child. To start the letter successfully, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

1. You should not name the child in a letter as parents usually do at home. Otherwise, the kid will immediately understand that the letter he is holding in his hands is the work of his parents, and not a real wizard, so the “cookie” or “sweet owlet” should be left for later.

2. The child should be called by name and surname. Name and surname - the ideal address for a child in a congratulatory letter. It is best to indicate them at the beginning of your letter. And then - to call the child, if necessary, abbreviated. For example, not Andrei, but Andryusha.

3. Affectionate names should be kept to a minimum. It is not necessary to call the child “Andryushenka” or “Nastya” every two sentences. That's what parents are for. And Santa Claus should be a little stingy with affectionate names. He's still too serious for that.

The significance of the holiday

The fourth part of the letter from Santa Claus should be given to the significance of the holiday. For example, you can talk in a few words about traditions, celebrate the New Year in other countries. It will be very interesting for the baby to know. In addition, Santa Claus should give the child some recommendations on how to spend their New Year holidays, indicating that this the best time to spend as much time as possible with friends outside (weather permitting) and to pay attention to parents.

Templates can be downloaded from the link!

congratulatory part

This is the most significant part of the letter from Santa Claus (the 2018 template can be downloaded on the Internet for free). It is better not to use the poetic form. Otherwise, the child may doubt whether this letter was really sent by the real Santa Claus. It is much better to write, wishing the child success in school, hobbies and behavior. Do not focus too much on the last point.

Important Details

You can also write that Grandfather Frost always follows all the children and knows how they behave throughout the year. In addition to the small victories of the child, he sees his defeats. However, Grandfather Frost knows that in the future the baby will be able to correct his shortcomings, which means that he will be able to become even better than before.

At the same time, you can indicate for what specific advantages the child deserved his gift this year:

1. For excellent academic achievement.
2. For good behavior and helping parents.
3. For the victory in any competition or sports relay race.
4. For something else (what else the parents know about).

In addition, it is worth saying that Grandfather Frost will closely monitor the behavior of the child in the future. To receive a gift next year, like other children, the baby will have to try hard. After all, Grandfather Frost does not like those who want to receive a gift not deservedly - without doing anything good for this.

Be sure to give a few words to the Snow Maiden. It will be especially important for girls to receive valuable recommendations from the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Parents, like no one else, know about the shortcomings of their baby. On behalf of the wizard, it is worth writing about what should definitely be corrected in the coming year:

1. Try to cry less over trifles.
2. Don't fight girls.
3. Read more.
4. Less time to spend at the computer.
5. Put away your toys.
6. Obey your grandparents and more.

How to choose a gift for a boy

In addition to a letter from Santa Claus 2016 (a template for a boy can be downloaded for free on the Internet), a child must be waiting for some. There are many options for what to give a boy for the New Year:

Collectible model cars

One machine can be presented for a less significant holiday. And the New Year is a time of miracles. Collectible model cars - of course, the pleasure is not cheap. But your baby will be incredibly happy with such a “new thing”. The cost of the set depends on the number of machines included in it, as well as the material of manufacture.

Sport equipment

A man must be athletic. It's almost innate in him. In order for the process of familiarization with sports to go more actively, the task of parents is to push the child in every possible way to engage in sports clubs. To do this, you can give him a set for boxing, football or any other sport that interests him. As an alternative - several subscriptions to different circles, so that the child has the opportunity to independently choose what he wants to do, and possibly what he will connect his future with.

Creator's Kit

It all depends solely on the hobbies of the baby and on their knowledge of his parents.

Choosing a New Year's gift for a girl

Write a letter from Santa Claus 2016 (a template for a girl can be downloaded for free on the Internet) - this is not enough for the child to be 100% satisfied with Grandfather's attention to his person. You should also be sure to prepare a gift that the child asked for in his letter. If the baby did not indicate what she wanted to receive for the New Year, parents will have to think for themselves what their child would be delighted with. Below are top New Year's gift ideas for girls under the age of ten.

Sweet Barbie

This is original gift for a first-grader girl and a little older ladies (under the age of ten). If a young lady loves sweets and still plays with dolls, a sweet Barbie doll is sure to please her.

It's very easy to make one. To do this, you need to buy a doll that the girl dreams of, and a kilogram of her favorite sweets. Next, double-sided tape is glued onto the box with the doll, on which candies are glued in turn. It is important that the silhouette of the doll is not sealed (as a rule, the box should be transparent in this place). The gift is ready.

Suit for classes

Dancing, sports, gymnastics - all this requires special costumes, both for performances and for ordinary everyday activities. Why not treat your little one to a brand new costume. In one fell swoop, adults will kill two birds with one stone - in the near future, the child will not have to buy clothes for classes separately, and the baby herself will certainly be satisfied with such a New Year's gift. Especially if the gift is exactly the one she has long dreamed of.

Illuminated mirror for nursery

An excellent gift in addition to a letter from Santa Claus 2016 (the template can be downloaded on the Internet for free) for a girl will be an illuminated mirror for the children's room. This is the gift that all ladies, young and old, dream of. If now the girl will not look at him so often, then in a few years the young fashionista will not be torn off from him.

Letter from Santa Claus: Santa Claus tasks for kids

Letter from Santa Claus No. 1: what is a magic shelf, or how a baby will become a Good Wizard - Lord of the Birds

Letter from Santa Claus No. 2: what is a magic wand, or we get the Santa Claus medal "For creative ideas"

Letter from Santa Claus No. 3: Helping Santa Claus get out of a snow storm and find his way

Letter from Santa Claus No. 4: Personal letter of Santa Claus for a child

The child receives a Diploma of Santa Claus and becomes his good wizard. We discuss with the baby what good deeds he can do by helping Santa Claus and relatives and friends.

There is a place on the letter to enter the name of the child and his photo.

Letter from Santa Claus: pages in memory of the New Year holiday

Letter from Santa Claus: photo memory page No. 1 - 3

Three photo pages for your family New Year's photos. Allow your child to take pictures of various New Year's events (what he wants to capture) and insert your own and his photos on the sheets. You can not take pictures, but sketch with your child the most vivid New Year's impressions and make captions for the baby's drawings right in the colored frames.

Letter from Santa Claus: my New Year's wishes and plans

Letter from Santa Claus: a page for a joint discussion between an adult and a child

Letter from Santa Claus: New Year's interview with a child

Letter from Santa Claus: Santa Claus medals for a child

Free download letters of Santa Claus, diplomas and medals

The article above presents compressed versions of the sheets of the folder with letters from Santa Claus

Do you want to receive letters from Santa Claus for free in high quality for printing on a printer?

Note: each sheet from the folder "School of Santa Claus" by subscription can be printed in high quality on a sheet of landscape format (A4 format). If you could not receive the Father Frost folder by subscription (you didn’t receive a letter, there was no confirmation letter in the mail), write to the site’s mail: valasina@site or in personal messages on Vkontakte Asya Valasina, the author of the Rodnaya Path website and the author of this folder.

What you need to know when composing the text of a letter or letter from Santa Claus for a child

In the texts of the letters of Santa Claus. given in this article, many psychological requirements are taken into account. If you yourself want to compose the text of a letter to a child from Santa Claus, then you need to take into account the following important nuances in it.

Santa Claus is a very important character for a child. Therefore, he is the figure and personality whose assessments directly affect the baby. A child's self-esteem and hierarchy moral values in preschool age is still being formed.

Let's see what the numerous certificates for a child from Santa Claus, presented in abundance now on the network, bring up.

Option 1. Diplomas with the text "The smartest boy of all" or "The best boy". I do not recommend giving a child such a letter for one reason. We raise a child so that he can live among people, knows how to get along with them. And if we ourselves bring up pride in the baby with these letters? It's one thing if we award such certificates to a group of children, and someone in this group will receive a diploma as "the most cheerful", someone as "the most dexterous", someone as "the fastest", etc. Everyone will be the best in something! And if we give a child such a letter outside the children's group and from year to year with one inscription? What can we expect from him? After all, it is very important for a baby to understand that each person is unique, each person is talented in some way and better than others. Someone is kinder, someone is the best swimmer, someone is the best at drawing, and someone is just the most cheerful or very good friend! And therefore it is necessary to appreciate and respect all people and each of us. The letter of Santa Claus with the inscription “to the best boy” destroys this important idea of ​​​​the world and about oneself, about other people among preschoolers.

Option 2. Diplomas and medals for the "most obedient child." I also do not recommend giving the child certificates with an inscription from Santa Claus "To the most obedient child." Why? Can you imagine an obedient Creator? Obedient artist, conductor, composer or director? Not? Because the main thing for us is not obedience (“I listened and did as I was told, without even understanding why it was necessary to do so”), but the culture of the child’s behavior. Culture is a conscious creative choice of how to behave in life, and not just obedience. These are completely different concepts and completely different approaches to raising a child!

Our version of Santa Claus's letter is educative letters and letters. It is for these reasons that we made our unique letter from Santa Claus, which brings up universal human values ​​in children. The child receives a letter of assistant to Santa Claus in good deeds, medals for sensitivity, help and care!

We also introduced special sheets into the sheets of the folder for joint discussions between adults and children and general conversations, which are also based on the education of universal human moral values ​​in children:

- a task for joint discussion (gratitude for the outgoing year), which the whole family does together. All important events in the life of EVERY family member fit into the sheet: dad switched to a new more interesting work, the grandmother recovered, the mother gave birth to a sister, the baby learned to swim, etc. In this task, it is important for the child to see and hear a joint discussion of adults, to feel like a part of an integral family and clan.

- an interview to monitor the development of the child from year to year,

- task - New Year's wishes: what will the child wish? Wish only to yourself or loved ones too? what will he wish Santa Claus - just a new gift for himself or will he be able to wish something for the joy of Santa Claus? It is with these little things that the upbringing of a Man begins.

I wish you all a Happy New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve! I would be glad if our letters from Santa Claus in the folder "School of Santa Claus" will help you in raising your kids!

I would be grateful for the feedback on the folder in this article in the comments below.

And in conclusion, I want to thank the designer of these letters, Anna Novyarchikova. She designed all the letters and medals. letters of Santa Claus. Anna is a web designer, author of photo scrapbooking courses on various sites, including Native Path.

Until we meet again on the "Native Path"! And a merry New Year's fabulous mood!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Handling: Expensive...!

You may be surprised, but Santa Claus also sometimes writes letters. And the most kind, diligent, hardworking boys and girls get them. I am very pleased that you are one of them.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the New Year! I am sure that this is your favorite holiday, for which you have been preparing for a long time: you studied diligently, actively participated in olympiads and competitions, helped adults. During the year you learned a lot of new things, did a lot of useful and good deeds. That is why I wish you to have fun from the bottom of your heart, and to relax properly during the holidays: walk more (even if I pinch your nose), make snowmen, ski, skate, sled, play with friends, read interesting books and watch funny cartoons.

May all your dreams come true in the New Year!

good girl

Handling: Expensive...!

You may be surprised, but Santa Claus also sometimes writes letters. And the most kind, diligent, hardworking girls and boys get them. I am very pleased that you are one of them.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the New Year! I am sure that this is your favorite holiday, for which you have been preparing for a long time: you studied diligently, actively participated in olympiads and competitions, helped adults. That is why I wish you to have fun from the bottom of your heart, and to relax properly during the holidays: walk more (even if I pinch your nose), make snowmen, ski, skate, sled, play with friends, read interesting books and watch funny cartoons.

Let beautiful snowflakes take you to a fairy tale where all your wishes will come true!

To the strongest

Handling: Hello dear friend!

Thanks to my many assistants, I learned about your successes. You're a big lad! During the year you achieved incredible results in studies and sports, you tried to overcome difficulties, you were brave and dexterous. I am very glad that you have many friends, that classmates love and respect you, that adults are proud of you.

Only such strong, purposeful and sympathetic guys I give the Most Important New Year's Order: to find and protect people who need help. I am sure that you will cope with this task best of all!

I know that you have many glorious victories ahead of you, that a brilliant New Year and excellent gifts await you. But your main success (trust me!) will be the gratitude of those you helped!

Creative personality

Handling: Hello dear friend!

The real Santa Claus is writing to you from the real Russian North. Even though you live very far from my home, I keep a close eye on your progress. I really like your creative work. So much imagination, effort, soul and talent you put into them, which turns out unusually well. When I sometimes feel sad, I look at your work, and my heart becomes light and joyful.

Develop your talent, compose, create, give joy to your family and friends! And you will see: the upcoming New Year will bring you many pleasant surprises, give you attention and love, fulfill your most cherished dreams. I wish you creative inspiration and great happiness!!!

To the young wizard

Handling: Hello baby!

Let me call you that, even though you have matured a lot in a year and have become quite an adult. But for Santa Claus, all the guys remain kids, no matter how adults they become. Once upon a time, your mom and dad, like you, wrote letters to me and expected a miracle from me, and then they learned to do miracles themselves. So you are already a magician - you just need to believe in it very strongly! And then you will succeed in everything that you have in mind - to study well, win competitions, travel the world and discover new things ... What are you saying? Is it already working? You see!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the coming New Year! Be always healthy, successful, cheerful! Convey my congratulations to your parents and by all means tell them that I believe in them.

Soon New Year and Christmas. All children write letters to Santa Claus and then look forward to gifts. Along with the gift comes a letter from Santa Claus.

Here are examples of letters of congratulations from the very residence of Grandfather Frost! With wishes of a good holiday from the bottom of my heart.

Letter to Santa Claus - texts and templates

Hello Emil.

I have received your letter and am sending you a gift. I also found out that you will go to school next year. I wish you excellent and good grades, good friends. Now all the kids play a lot on the phone. I advise you to take more walks in nature. Go sledding, skating, skiing. I will try to have a lot of snow and ice. I wish you and your parents good health and success in all your endeavors. Happy New Year. Your Santa Claus.

Hello my most obedient boy! On this magical night, when all dreams come true, I wish you a Happy New Year. Be always obedient and joyful. Smart and handsome. Help mom and dad. Grow big and strong. Be sure to listen to your elders. Don't hurt the little ones. Be an example in everything and always. And then, every year on New Year's Eve, I will definitely come to you with gifts. I travel the earth in my sleigh. I distribute gifts to all the obedient children of the world. Happy New Year to you and your family. With new happiness! Smiles, happiness and a happy holiday.

Hello my dear babies. Santa Claus is writing to you!
I want to wish you well and happiness. Congratulations to our smallest friends. Our sweet and obedient kids. Every year, I sit on a sled and fly around the globe. To congratulate all the guys. I give out gifts that are waiting for you under the New Year tree. Be happy and healthy. May you also be well behaved this New Year. I wish you a successful and happy new year. Congratulations, your Santa Claus!

With wishes of good and happiness from Grandfather Frost.
My dear guys! Happy New Year. I have been watching you closely. You have comforted and delighted me. My granddaughter and I prepared toys and gifts. I sent gifts to everyone that are under the tree. And in this New Year's Eve I wish everyone good and happiness. Congratulations and I wish you success. Grow big and strong. Be healthy and obedient. My gifts for those who have behaved well this year. I know that all of you were great! And I wish each of you happiness and health. Happy New Year.

Letter from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden from the North Pole.
Hello Alena! I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year! I've been watching you all year. I rejoiced in all your successes. You were very obedient. Well behaved. I ate porridge, listened to mom and dad. Helped grandma and grandpa around the house. I know that you expected gifts from me. I sent you gifts by mail. You probably already found them under the tree. I will keep an eye on you as always. I know that you will definitely be good next year. Help the elders. Be a good girl. I wish you a happy new year.

Hello dear kids! Santa Claus is writing to you!
I sent you gifts from my residence. All year long, my granddaughter Snegurochka and I have been watching you. You were obedient children. You listened to your parents and grandparents. You were well behaved. Therefore, I want to wish you a Happy New Year. I want to give each of you my special gifts. Be just as obedient. Help loved ones. Don't play pranks. My granddaughter and I will keep an eye on you just like this year. All the kids in the world that are well behaved will receive my gifts. Those who listen to adults. Be healthy. Happy new year. Good and happiness. With Best wishes Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

A congratulatory letter from Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden himself!
Dear Baby, I've been watching you all year. I am very glad that you were a very smart and well-mannered boy. Every day, until next year, I prepare toys to please all the kids in the world. I hasten to wish Happy New Year to such a wonderful child like you! I wish you to continue to be the same baby. Be good next year too. My granddaughter and I have already sent your gift. Our gifts for you and your granddaughter are waiting for you under the tree. I really hope that you will also please me with your behavior. Happy New Year! Joy, happiness and smiles! Congratulations to your Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Hello Angelina!
Santa Claus is writing to you! I congratulate you on the most joyful and long-awaited holiday of the year. You were the most intelligent, kind and cheerful girl this year. We will definitely meet at the Christmas tree. My congratulatory letters are waiting in all corners of the world. I write a letter to every child every year. And I read all the letters that I receive from children. My granddaughter and I are preparing special gifts. You behaved well. It makes me very happy. Well done! Stay smart as you are. Listen to your parents. Grow big and healthy. My magical gifts are waiting for you under the decorated Christmas tree. Happy New Year! Happiness, happy holiday and fulfillment of desires! With best wishes Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!