Project "Miracle Water" in the second junior group. Research and creative project "Droplet" (junior group)

Akhmedova Nailya Sirajaddinovna, educator, MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 22, Stavropol Territory, village of Nadezhda

Relevance of the project: Today everyone more people become supporters healthy lifestyle life. There are many young people among them who want to stay healthy and beautiful all their lives, raise healthy children. The issue of health is, first of all, the issue of quality of life. The first substance that a child is happy to get acquainted with is water. It gives the child pleasant sensations, develops various receptors and provides almost unlimited opportunities to learn about the world and oneself in it. Water games are one of the most enjoyable ways to learn. The child gets a lot of useful impressions from them. Water for children is a useful medicine.

Project type: pedagogical

Type of project: Cognitive research.

Project participants: children of the 2nd junior group

- educator of the younger group: Akhmedova N.S.

Project implementation period: long-term (from September 2016 to May 2017)

Integration of educational areas: Cognitive - speech, social - communicative, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.

Objective of the project:

1. To develop in children an idea of ​​​​a natural object-water, to form observation through games with water.

2. Lay the foundations of the ecological culture of the individual, cultivate a careful attitude to water.

3. Encourage the manifestation of initiative and curiosity in order to gain new knowledge.

Project objectives:

1) Introduce younger children preschool age with water, its meaning and properties.

2) Develop observation skills with water games.

3) Teach children to perform simple experiments, consistently following the instructions of the teacher

Expected results:

1. Formation of ideas about the natural object of water, its properties, types of existence in environment, aggregate states.

  1. Formation of cognitive interest, enrichment of vocabulary.
  2. Raising a careful, consciously correct attitude to water as a source of life on earth.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1 - preparatory

Problem Shaping

Discussion of the purpose, objectives of the project with children and parents.

Select methodological, educational and fiction literature on the topic of the project.

To enrich the ecological and developing environment in the group, the center of water and sand with the necessary material and equipment for playing with water.

Make a card file of games - experiments to familiarize yourself with the properties of water.

Pick up didactic material, visual aids (albums for viewing, paintings, illustrations, panels (water in natural phenomena, where there is water in nature, how a person uses water, who lives in the sea, in a swamp), arrange an album "Poems and nursery rhymes about water",

make a layout "Aquarium".

Make a rough annual observation plan, game tasks, experiments and final lessons related to the topic of the project.

To carry out psychological and pedagogical diagnostics on the observation of children of primary preschool age.

Stage 2 - main (practical)

Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and forms for the formation of ideas about the natural object of water, its properties, types of existence in the environment, aggregate states.

Cognitive - speech development:

Conversations: "What role does water play in human life?" ;

"Water cycle in nature";

"What role does water play in the life of animals, fish and birds?";

"What do we know about water";

"Visiting a drop."

Search activity:

“Water has no smell and taste”, “Water can be absorbed”, “Water can be cold, warm, hot”, “What dissolves in water?”, “Ice is water”, “Snow is water”, “Hoarfrost - This is water"

Experiments and experiences:

“Turning snow into water”, “Colored ice floes”, “Sinking - not sinking”, “How plants drink water”, “Water can be dyed a different color or made dirty”

Practical activities and labor assignments:

Walking observations of clouds, autumn sky, rain, first snow, ice, hoarfrost, snowfall.

Work in a corner of nature: watering indoor plants, helping the caregiver (changing the water in the aquarium, washing flower trays, washing toys, washing doll linen)

Social and communicative development: “Bathing the doll”, “Washing doll linen”, “Snowflake visiting the guys”, “Where did the fish hide?”

Fun games: "Blowing soap bubbles", "We are captains", "Ducks swim"; "Caught a fish!"

Games in the center of sand and water: "Pies for Katya's doll", "Building a tower"

Learning nursery rhymes "Vodichka, Vodichka ...", reading the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", A. Barto "The grimy girl", K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Fedorino's grief", reading poems about water.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Drawing with water (water coloring);

Drawing "Snow falls quietly on a clearing, on a meadow";

Modeling "We rolled up a snowball";

Application "Snowman".

Physical development:

Outdoor games: Sun and rain, "Snowballs", "Earth and water", "Droplets walk in a circle", "Umbrellas", "I am a cloud, cloud, cloud ...", "Cloud and droplets", "Fisherman and fish", finger games - exercises with water.

Show children at home where water can be used. What dissolves in water?

Tell about the different states of aggregation of water in nature (ice, snow, hoarfrost)

Caring for indoor plants and animals at home.

Prepare diaries of water observations.

Making books - babies "Who needs water?"

Memorizing poems and nursery rhymes about water.

Reading fiction: "Zayushkina's hut", poems by A. Barto "Ship". "Girl grimy", K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Fedorino grief", ""

Participation in the preparation for the New Year holiday (making snowflakes)

Advice for parents: "Caution, ice!"

Stage 3 - final


Analysis and generalization of the results obtained in the process of working on the project. Diagnostics.

Stage 4 - presentation

Making a wall newspaper based on the results of the project: “Now we know what water is!”

Leisure "Holiday of soap bubbles"

Project Implementation Work Plan

Work planning


Walk target on the territory of the kindergarten.

- Acquaintance with water.

- Learning the nursery rhyme "Vodichka ..."

A conversation about what needs to be done to grow in the garden vegetables; Introduce children to the properties of water.

"Katya's Doll Bathing"

— Observation that water tends to be absorbed.

— Observation of rain, puddles.

- Reading the work of K. I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

- Experiment with water (absorbing water into a sponge)

With the help of the lesson, give an idea that it is necessary to bathe, wash and water is needed for this.

Conversations that water is necessary for animals, birds, fish, plants and people, one cannot survive without it.

- Observation of how water is absorbed into the soil when watering flowers. At home, how pets drink.

Let the children understand that water is the source of life, and all life on earth drinks water.

Experiment (water - ice - water)

- Conversations

- Reading the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"

To give an idea that water can be not only liquid, but also solid. And that under the influence of heat, water turns from a solid state into a liquid, and vice versa.

Water evaporation monitoring

- Experiment "Does not sink in water"

- The game "Let's launch the boats"

Introduce children to the property of water - evaporation. And also with the fact that wood and polystyrene do not sink in water.

Experiment of turning snow into water

- Conversations "what animals and birds drink in winter"

Continue to develop children's knowledge of the properties of water and the world around them.

Watching the ripples in the water

- Classes "We wash the doll's dress"; "Care for indoor plants"; "Sun, sun, look out the window"

- Watching where all the snow on the street disappears.

To acquaint children with the phenomenon of "ripples", that it occurs when the wind on the water. Expand and clarify children's knowledge of what water is needed for. And also about the fact that water has the property of being absorbed.

Conversations about the inhabitants of the water, that a person cannot breathe underwater.

— Experiment "Air under water"

Introduce children to the inhabitants of the water. Observe what happens to water when air enters it (experiment with tubes)

Experiment "Coloring water"

- Generalized conversations about the properties of water, about its purpose and significance in the life of all living things

Lesson "Ecological fairy tale" About a small droplet "

To acquaint with such property of water as ability to be painted. Consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about water.

Expected results: From my project, I expect children to learn more about water, its properties, meaning and purpose. And it will be more interesting to find out, because everything happens while playing with water. The child will perceive the information with pleasure.


  1. Baranova E.V. "Developing activities and games with water in kindergarten and at home."
  2. Gorkova L.G. "Scenarios for classes on environmental education of children."
  3. Prokofieva A.G. "100 educational games for kids".
  4. A selection of magazines "Preschool education" for 2010.
  5. materials, collected by parents(poems, fairy tales, nursery rhymes about water)
  6. V. T. Lobodin, A. D. Fedorenko, G. V. Alexandrova “In the country of health” M., Mosaic-Synthesis. 2011 - 75s.
  7. V. Sotnikova. The smallest in kindergarten (From the experience of Moscow teachers). M., LINKA - PRESS. 2005.- 136p.
  8. V. Sotnikova. Classes with kids in kindergarten (Model of early childhood education) - M., LINKA-PRESS, 2002.-216 p.
  9. O. Solomennikova. Ecological education in kindergarten. program and guidelines. For classes with children 2-7 years old. 2009

Project "Sorceress Water"

second junior group

Project type: cognitive-search.

Relevance. In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the world around. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education. Therefore, the formation of the basis of a culture of rational environmental management in children must begin from an early age.

In order to form a culture of nature management, in particular, to cultivate a careful attitude to water, the kindergarten developed the Vodichka, Vodichka project for children of primary preschool age.

Project participants : children of the second younger group, their parents, educators, music director, junior educator.

Project implementation timeline : 3 months (February, March, April).

Objective of the project:

1. To develop in children ideas about a natural object - water.

2. Lay the foundations of the ecological culture of the individual, cultivate a careful attitude to water.

3. Encourage the manifestation of initiative and curiosity in order to gain new knowledge.

Project objectives:

1. Lead the children to understand:

    water can be in liquid and solid states: when freezing, water turns into ice, ice melts in heat (turns into water), it rains in summer, snow in winter, snow melts in heat (turns into water);

    salt, sugar, gouache, sand dissolve in water - it does not dissolve;

    water is clear, odorless, tasteless;

    the role of water in the life of humans, plants and animals.

2. Fix children's ideas:

    water is cold, warm, hot;

    water flows, murmurs, spills, it can be drunk, poured, poured.

3. To teach children to perform the simplest experiments, consistently following the instructions of the teacher.

Expected results :


    the formation of children's ideas about the natural object of water;

    formation of cognitive interest;

    vocabulary enrichment;

    formation of some exploratory activities.


    fostering respect for water;

    bringing the results of group work into the home.

Project Development Perspective :

    in this group, observations of a natural object of water associated with spring and summer changes in nature;

    in summer period spending leisure time on the street “Clean water is needed by everyone and always”;

Preliminary work.

1. Definition of the topic, purpose, tasks of the project.

2. Definition of project participants.

3. Determining the time in mode for the group to implement the project.

4. Making an album of nursery rhymes, poems for children and parents on the topic.

5. Preparation of the necessary equipment.

6. Search, study of available literature on the topic of the project.

7. Determination of the amount of knowledge of children about water, in accordance with the age of the children of the group, taking into account the requirements of the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

8. Determination of the issues of diagnosing children on the topic, forms of fixing the results.

9. Determination of the content, methods, forms of work with children, parents on the project.


1. “The program of education and training in kindergarten”, edited by M. A. Vasiliev, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

2. S. N. Nikolaeva "Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood." Moscow "Enlightenment" 2005

3. G. P. Tugusheva, A. E. Chistyakova “Experimental activity of children of middle and senior preschool age”. Saint Petersburg Childhood - Press 2007

4. "Environmental education of preschoolers" (based on developing forms of education) Development of classes, ed. T. V. Babynina - Naberezhnye Chelny, 2009.

5. Internet resources.

Material and equipment:

bucket, basin, glasses, cups, jars, glasses, plates, pipettes, napkins, toys: a hare, a squirrel, a bear, treats for animals: cabbage, carrots, cones, colored ice, snow, ice, sugar, sand, salt, gouache , soap bubbles, rope, doll, diaper, oilcloth, aprons, umbrella, soap, doll clothes, paper and plastic boats.

Scheme of project implementation through different types of activities.

Stages of project implementation.

I stage. Preparatory.


1. Drawing up a project.

2. Preparation for project implementation.

3. Carrying out diagnostics of children on the topic of the project.

Stage 2. Basic.

February March .

Week 1.


Examination of illustrations depicting swimming in reservoirs, a pool, a bath, under a shower.

Purpose: to continue to form children's ideas about the role of water in human life, to cultivate a careful attitude to water.

2 half a day.

Search activity: "We make colored ice cubes to decorate snowy buildings, live spruce on the site."

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the properties of water: water can be colored if gouache is added to it, in the cold, colored water freezes, turns into colored ice.

2 weeks.

1 half day.

Observations on snow walks "Snow - what is it like?"

Purpose: to continue to clarify children's ideas about the properties of snow: white, cold, crumbly, soft; snow must not be taken into the mouth.

Application with drawing elements "Snowflake".

II half of the day.

Search activity.

"Snow is water."

Purpose: to show that when warm, snow becomes water, it is white, but there is dirt in it - it is clearly visible in melt water.

3 weeks.


Games-fun "Blowing soap bubbles".

Integrated lesson "About a small drop".

II half of the day.

Observations of the work of the educator: washing doll linen.

Purpose: to continue to form children's ideas about the role of water in human life: needed for washing clothes; soap is washed in water, and dirt is washed off.

Leisure "Holiday of soap bubbles".

4 weeks.

I half of the day.

Observations on walks "Ice in the puddles".

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the properties of water: in the cold, water freezes, turns into ice; ice is cold, hard, slippery, smooth, does not flow, brittle - it can be broken if hit with something hard.

II half of the day.

Search activity "Ice is water".

Purpose: To show that when warm, ice becomes water.

Entertainment: "Forest wonders".


Week 1.

I half of the day.

Mobile game "Sunshine Rain"

Drawing with paints with elements of the application "Rain".

Walking observations of puddles formed after the snow melted.

Didactic game "Bathing dolls".

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children: who needs water and why, the properties of water: clean, warm, cold, hot, pouring.

2 half a day.

Topic: “Water and its properties”, “What floats in water”.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of water and various objects:

light toys float in water, heavy ones sink.

The game "Captains" (launching paper boats).

Working with parents.

Advice for parents: “Water! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life - you are life itself”, “The Tale “How People Offended the River””.

2 weeks


While washing, reading nursery rhymes about water.


1. What are the children doing?

2. What do they wash with?

3. What kind of water?

4. What does water do? (flowing from faucet)

5. Why do we wash ourselves?

Generalization of the educator: a person needs water for washing, in order to be clean, not to get sick, water must be protected.

Supervision of the work of the educator and the implementation of labor assignments: washing toys.

Purpose: to show children that soap is washed in water, after washing the toys become clean.

2 half a day.

Search activity.

Watching the water in the fountain.

Purpose: to continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of water: it flows, murmurs, splashes fly, droplets drip.

3 weeks.


Supervision of the work of the educator in the care of indoor plants and the fulfillment of the labor assignments of the educator.

Objectives: to continue to form the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren that without water, all living things die, plants dry out, lose leaves; after the earth is watered, it changes color, becomes darker; all living things love clean water, it should not be polluted.


1. What do I do?

2. What do I water with?

3. What kind of water?

4. Why water indoor plants?

Generalizations of the educator: indoor plants need water, if we do not water them with water, then indoor plants will die.

2 half a day.

Working with parents: show children at home that cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the apartment, watering indoor plants, bathing people need water.

Search activity: “Cold, warm, hot water”, “What dissolves in water”

Purpose: to clarify the idea of ​​​​children that water is cold, warm and hot (this can be found out if you touch the water with your hands), show children the solubility and insolubility of various substances in water: sugar, salt, gouache, sand.

4 weeks.


Observation of the work of an assistant teacher: how Lyudmila Nikolaevna washes the dishes.

1. What does Lyudmila Nikolaevna do?

2. How does he wash dishes?

3. What kind of water?

4. What does water do? (pouring from a faucet)

Generalization of the educator: a person needs water to wash dishes, water must be protected.

2 half a day.

Search activity: "Clear water", "Water has no smell and taste."

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the properties of water: transparent, to give children knowledge: water has no taste and smell.

Logarithmic lesson "Journey of a small drop."

Stage 3. Final.


1. Diagnosis of children on the topic of the project.

2. Presentation of the project at the Ministry of Education of educators.

Application to the project:

Summary of the lesson in the second junior group on the topic:

"Magic Water"

Target : To introduce children to the techniques of elementary experimentation. Develop knowledge of the properties of water. Learn to cooperate with each other when performing joint actions.

Materials and equipment : 3 tables, 5 water containers, matches, 7 - 8 wooden and metal objects; bowls with salt, sugar, sand; 3 spoons, drop-shaped cardboard figures with sad and cheerful faces, magnetic board.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads the poem:

Water works wonders

We are not tired of marveling -

Help the ships to sail

She will put the fish to sleep.

And desired every hour.

Water is our magic.

Guys, what is this poem about? (children answer)

Why is water magical? (children answer)

Want to learn more about water? Imagine that you and I are in a magical room in which various miracles with water will take place.

The first miracle is that I will set fire to the water. There is a container of water and matches on the table, the teacher is trying to set fire to the water.

Did you manage to set fire to the water? (No).

Why did the fire go out? (children answer)

Fire is afraid of the sorceress - water. Guys, do you want to become wizards?

Children move to the next table, on it is a container of water, metal and wooden objects.

Look, there are objects on the table. (draws attention to wooden objects).

What are they made of? (made of wood, wooden)

Do you think they float or sink in water? (children answer)

Want to test the second miracle? Dear wizards, take one item and put it in the water.

What happened to them? (they float, they don't sink).

Why? (they are wooden, light, do not sink).

There are objects on the table.

What are they made of? What are they? (metal.)

Do you think they will sink in water or float? (children answer.)

Let's check out the third miracle. Take items and lower them into the water.

What happened to them? (they drowned.)

Why? (objects are heavy, metal, so they drowned.)

Children go to the next table, there are three small transparent containers with water, bowls with sugar, salt, and sand on it.

Dear wizards, what do you think is in the bowls? (The children are looking and trying. Sugar, salt, sand.)

What happens to them if they are thrown into the water? (children answer.)

Do you want to check what miracles will happen to them?

Find yourself a friend, agree which of you will check the salt, who will check the sugar, and who will sand.

Put sugar in one container with water, stir.

What happened to sugar? Has he disappeared? (children answer.)

Try water. What does she taste like? (sweet.)

The water dissolved the sugar, it became invisible, but remained in the water.

Check the salt.

Tell me what happened? (water dissolved the salt, it became invisible, but remained in the water.)

Check the sand.

What happened to him? (children answer.)

Did he disappear from the water? (No.)

Why? (sand is small pebbles that water cannot dissolve.)

Sit on chairs. (The chairs stand in a semicircle in front of the magnetic board.)

Tell us what new things did you learn in the magic room about the sorceress - water? (fire is afraid of water. Wooden objects float in water, they do not sink. Metal objects sink in water. Water dissolves sugar and salt, but does not dissolve sand.

Remember what you learned about the sorceress - water, and she gives you a piece of herself - droplets. For those who found it difficult or uninteresting today, take a sad drop, and for those who liked everything, take a cheerful one. Thanks guys.

Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Water Sorceress"

(experimenting with children 3-4 years old)

Purpose: To form in children ideas about the qualitative changes in water and its properties.


1. Create conditions for identifying the properties and qualities of water: clear, muddy, dirty, pouring, warm, cold, hot.

2. Encourage the use of research and search activities.

3. Fix the idea that water can be cold, hot, warm, dirty.

4. Develop sensory sensitivity of tactile sensations (cold, warm, hot water) and mental activity.

5. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Dictionary: hot, warm, cold, transparent, dirty, strong, dripping, flowing, pouring, gurgling, boiling, washes, washes, drink, sorceress, magician.

Integration of educational areas Keywords: cognition, reading fiction, communication.

preliminary work : games-experiments with water; game "Wonderful bag", listening to music CD - "Sounds of nature", reading A. Barto "Girl grimy".

Teaching aids: glasses for each child with cold and hot water t ~ 45-55, a basin with clean water, foam rubber on the bottom of the basin, pebbles, a basin, soap, cloth napkins, a “wonderful bag” - small items for playing with it (dental brush, washcloth, soap, comb, towel), splasher, fragment from the cartoon "Queen Toothbrush". Child preparatory group- "the girl is dirty."

Event type : cognitive research.

Activities : game, research, practical (experiment).

Form of organization : game "Wizards"

Course progress.

I part.

Surprise moment. The teacher tells the children that in the morning the postman brought a bag to the garden, he is interested in the children with a new subject. Reports the name of the bag - "Wonderful bag".

This bag is magical, and whoever plays with it becomes a magician too. A magician is one who knows how to perform various transformations, for example: to guess an object with closed eyes. Do you want to become wizards? Offers to play.

Name each item, talk with the children about its purpose with the help of leading questions.

Game - "Wonderful bag" -guess by touch.

How did you know what was in the bag?

Who helped you identify the item in the bag? (arms)

What magical hands you have.

Do you want to visit a magical land? Let's all close our eyes and clap our hands. We open our eyes. Now we will see a cartoon about the kingdom "Umyvayka". And in a magical land, we will take with us items from a wonderful bag.

Viewing a fragment of the cartoon "Queen Toothbrush"

Discuss with the children what happened to the girl.

A knock is heard on the door - the arrival of the guest "Dirty Girl", the children meet the girl, get to know each other.

Educator: - Oh, you dirty girl.

Where are you hands

So messed up?

Black palms;

On the elbows - tracks!

Girl: - I was lying in the sun

Holding hands up

Here they are on fire.

Educator: Oh, you dirty girl,

Where did you smear your face like that?

Nose tip black

Like smoked.

Girl: - I was lying in the sun

I kept my nose up

Here it is on fire.

Educator: - Oh, right?

Was it so?

A. Barto

We need to wash you, and turn you into a cleaner!

Who can help us?

The riddle tells:

They drink me

They pour me

Everyone needs me

Who am I. (Water)

And here she is! The teacher sprinkles the children from the sprinkler (a situation of surprise, stress relief), beats the appearance of the sprinkler.

How can water help our girl? (children's statements)

Water always helps a dirty person, and turns into a clean one.

The teacher informs the children that the group has hot and cold water. Shows glasses of cold and hot water. Who will tell you how to find out which glass is cold water and which is hot, because they are the same? (children's suggestions).

Correctly you need to carefully touch the glass, putting your hands on for a short while so as not to burn yourself. Who will help me?

What water will we wash the girl with? (Children think about why it is impossible to wash with cold and hot water, come to the decision that the girl should be washed with warm water.)

Where to get warm water? How can you make warm water? (Mix cold and hot).

Game - experiment "Hot or cold"

Children determine the water in the mug cold and hot, denoted by symbols.

Now let's prepare a basin for washing our girl.

Experience: "Mixing cold and hot water" - the teacher suggests that first all the children pour out hot water, then cold, determine the water by touch.

They come to the decision that in such water you can wash the girl. Note that the water in the basin is clean and clear.

A grimy girl washes her face over a basin. The teacher informs the children that the best assistant to the sorceress in the fight against dirt is soap and a sponge.

They lather the hands of the girl, choose a towel for wiping.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the water changed color, was transparent, became cloudy, dirty. Why?

Educator: - Now you are white, not tanned at all. It was dirt.

Thanks to the sorceress water and us wizards.

The teacher invites the girl to play and informs the children that water can not only wash away dirt, but also has power, and can even move pebbles in the sea.

Physical education - relaxation "Pebbles in the water" - music "Sounds of nature" Children, standing in a circle, listen to music, recognize the sound of water in music. The teacher invites the children to turn into pebbles - to perform movements to the rhythm of the music, the movement of pebbles - sitting on the carpet.

II part.

And water can make different sounds.

Articulation gymnastics.

When water flows from the faucet, we hear sound S-S-S-S

In a boiling kettle we hear the sound of water - Shhhhhh.

Also, water can come out of the faucet, and we hear the sound FR-FR-FR-FR.

When it's raining outside - CAP-CAP-CAP-CAP. (children pronounce sounds together with the teacher).

What happens if you throw a pebble into water? What will we hear? Do you want to know?

Go to the basin of water. To hear what the water will tell you, you need to throw a pebble into the water and listen carefully to the answer in silence.

Experiment-experiment “What did the water say? »

Children throw pebbles into a basin of water, listen to the sound.


Who is our most attentive wizard?

What did the vodka tell you? (BOOL)

Educator. - The water sorceress can make different sounds.

III part.

Educator: - What wonderful wizards you were today with the sorceress water! Well done! They helped the girl wash off the dirt, learned to identify hot and cold water. What else did you learn about the sorceress water? (children's answers). (She can make sounds, has power)

And for the fact that you helped the dirty girl to become clean, the girl will give you gifts! (surprise moment)

Did you enjoy being wizards and playing with water sorceress? And now let's find toys in our group that we can wash and put them in order!




To acquaint children with the properties of water (clean, dirty, tasteless, odorless).

To consolidate children's knowledge about the use of water in people's lives.

Cultivate love for nature, respect for water.


sun (from colored cardboard);

cloud (from colored cardboard);

drop (from colored cardboard);

cups of water: 2 large and small;

brushes with paint typed on them (on a tray);

cotton buds; sheets of white paper (for drawing);
blue (blue) paint.


1. The teacher and the children are seated in a semicircle on the carpet.

The sun is in the teacher's hands.

Children, look what we have: bright, warm, radiant? (children are the sun)

This is how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher.

(Raise your hands up. Stretch)

By night the sun will set

Down, down, down.

(Squat down. Lower your hands to the floor)

Good good,

The sun laughs.

And under the sun we

having fun

(Clap your hands. Smile)

But then a big cloud appeared in the sky! (the teacher closes part of the sun.) She almost closed our sun! And someone jumped out of the cloud! (Show the drop.)

Look who came to visit us? (A drop of water).

This drop lived in a cloud. Tell me, where else can droplets live? (children in a stream, in a river, in a puddle, in a tap).

Yes, where there is water, there are very, very many such droplets.

Guys, a droplet whispered in my ear that she wants to drink some water to grow up. Let's help her.

Children, look, and we have two large glasses of water here.

(1 glass of clean water and 2 glasses of dirty water)

See what kind of water is in the glass? (children - clean, transparent). Guys, where is clean water? (children - in a tap, in a bottle, in a spring). They drink this water, prepare soup, compote, tea.

What kind of water is in this glass? (children - dirty). Where do we get dirty water? (In a puddle, on the street). Is the water drinkable? (children's answers: no, you can't)

Right. What kind of water can you drink? (children's answers: only clean)

Let's drink some water together, shall we? (children drink water from small glasses.) Did you like clean water? (children: yes.) It's not sweet like tea. It's not salty like soup.

Conclusion: Guys, it means that pure water has no taste, but it is very pleasant to drink it. (kids: yes)

Now smell the water, what does it smell like? (children: nothing).

Conclusion: That's right, guys, the water is odorless.

The teacher distributes the paint brushes to the children.

And clean water can be painted in different colors. Dip each of your brushes into your own glass of water. What do you see? (children: the water was stained, became colored.) That's right. Droplet really liked it, what a beautiful water you have turned out to be! Now put the brushes back on the tray.

Conclusion: What can be done with water? (children: paint over). Yes, paint can dissolve in water.

Guys, come here, look, a cloud has appeared in the sky again. What happens when there are a lot of clouds in the sky? What's dripping from the sky? (children: rain.)

That's right, it's raining, lots and lots of droplets are falling from the sky. Show how drops drip on the palm of your hand? (The index finger strikes the open palm.)

(turn on the music "sounds of rain")

Drop one, Drop two, Jumping on toes, hands on the belt.

Very slowly at first.

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

We opened our umbrellas, spread our arms to the sides.

Sheltered from the rain. Close your arms above your head in a semicircle

Guys, the little girl really enjoyed playing with us, but look, she got bored. She is alone and bored without her girlfriends; you are many, but she is one. Let us draw her girlfriends, the same droplets. When there are many droplets? (children: when it rains).

Here we are with you now and draw the rain. Let's move on to the drawing table. I give you signed pieces of paper so that you do not mix up your drawings. To draw rain, you need to dip the stick into a socket with blue paint, gently attach it to a sheet of paper (accompany with actions). It turned out here is such a drop. Guys take cotton buds and draw a lot of droplets. Children draw, the teacher helps whoever needs it.

--Well done! We got torrential rain!

Let's give our drawings to a droplet. Now she is not bored, she has many, many girlfriends. Let's say goodbye to her! A cloud appears. A droplet and drawings are hidden behind a cloud. Look, children, a droplet with girlfriends hid in a cloud. But she will come back to us again when it rains.

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Research project "Sorceress Water" Drozdova I.N. kindergarten teacher №125 Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg

Aims and objectives of the project The purpose of the project: to consolidate children's knowledge about water, its properties, conditions. The influence of water on all living things. Project objectives: to give children knowledge about the transition of water from one state to another. to teach children to draw conclusions based on experiences; participate in all possible practical activities; education of careful attitude to water resources; replenish the corner with demonstration material, create a card file of experiments, photographic materials.

Project participants: children of the second younger group, educator, parents. Project type: research, informational and practical. Project products: a file of experiments and experiments, a file of riddles, artistic words about water; collective work "Aquarium", collage "Inhabitants underwater world". Project duration: 2 weeks Final event: integrated lesson “Trip of a droplet”

Preparatory work During the conversation, a problematic question is posed to the children: “Do you think people could live without water?” Making a "portrait" of a droplet.

Cognition A series of games-experiments to get acquainted with the properties of water; Experiments with snow and ice; "Hide and Seek" - games with water; Observations for natural phenomena: behind falling snowflakes, behind the formation of icicles, behind ice floes; Observation of indoor plants; fish; Acquaintance in an accessible form with the water cycle in nature.

Communication Conversations: “Water and its transformations”, “Does water have a color?”, “Drops”, “What is water for?”. Examination of illustrations: "Water in nature", "Using water by man." D / game "Guess where the water is" (by color, taste, smell); Solving riddles about water. Learning by heart nursery rhymes and poems about water. Finger gymnastics "Drops", "Rain". Game-drafting "Two hours of washing with a washcloth."

Socialization. Role-playing games: "Bathing the doll", "Let's cook dinner for the doll", "We wash the clothes for the doll." Dramatization of "Dirty Girl"

Reading fiction Reading poems "Spring water", "Snowflake - ballerina", "Rain", "Dewdrop", nursery rhymes about rain, stream, water. K. I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Fedorino grief"; Fairy tales by S. Prokofiev “About a gray cloud”, “Magic basket”; A. Barto "Girl grimy"; Slovak folk tale"The sun is visiting"

Artistic creativity Drawing a "portrait" of a droplet; Drawing in an unconventional way "Spring rain"; Collage "Inhabitants of the underwater kingdom"; Teamwork"A stream flows"; Collaboration"Aquarium".

Project Implementation Have you heard of water? They say it's everywhere! In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean, And in a faucet. As an icicle freezes, It creeps into the forest with fog, It boils on your stove, The steam of the kettle hisses. You can't wash without it! Don't eat, don't drink! I dare to report to you: We cannot live without water!

Experimentation is fun In the group, the children learned …that water is clear and you can see other objects in it; ... water has no taste and smell; … snow and ice are also water; … if you take ice in warm hands, it will melt and turn back into water.

“Trip of a droplet” Droplet came to visit the children, whom the guys helped to find their lost girlfriends - droplets in a group, in snow, in icicles. Familiarize yourself with the concept of the water cycle in nature.

We can't live without water! We help the girl "grimy" to become clean and beautiful. Ah, water, water, water! Let's always be clean!

"Real Gardeners" We planted flowers and watered them. We learned what would happen if you forget and do not water the flowers. We saw how the onion drinks water, that the water in the jar is running out.

Relevance :

In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the world around. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education. Therefore, the formation of the basis of a culture of rational environmental management in children must begin from an early age. In order to form a culture of nature management, in particular, to cultivate a careful attitude to water, in group No. 6 of the kindergarten "Fairy tale" project was developed "Water is magical" for preschool children. This topic has always been relevant and still can and should be explored.

Taking this topic, I want my children to understand that water is very important for all living on Earth. I would also like to show them how it can change under the influence of a person, to awaken their curiosity, the desire to learn as much as possible. To implement this, it is necessary to begin to interest children from the early preschool age.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 27 "Fairy Tale"

The project "Water is a sorceress" in the second junior group

Made by educator I qualification category– Chuchkova Ekaterina Ivanovna

G.o.g. Vyksa 2018

Project " Water is magic» in second junior group

Relevance :

In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the world around. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education. Therefore, the formation of the basis of a culture of rational environmental management in children must begin from an early age. In order to form a culture of nature management, in particular, to cultivate a careful attitude to water, in group No. 6 Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" project was developed"Water is magical"for preschool children. This topic has always been relevant and still can and should be explored.

Taking this topic, I want my children to understand that water is very important for all living on Earth. I would also like to show them how it can change under the influence of a person, to awaken their curiosity, the desire to learn as much as possible. To implement this, it is necessary to begin to interest children from the early preschool age.

Objective of the project :

Introduce children to the properties of water. To develop the social - emotional and cognitive spheres of children. To create conditions for the formation in children of knowledge about nature, elements of environmental literacy.

Project objectives:

1. To form elementary ideas for children about the importance of water in human life, enrich the vocabulary and activate the vocabulary;

2. Encourage the manifestation of initiative and curiosity in order to gain new knowledge;

3. To educate children in respect for water;

4. Develop in children search activity, intellectual activity.

Project type : short-term (July), cognitive and exploratory.

IN the project involved: children second junior group, their parents, teacher Ekaterina Ivanovna Chuchkova.

Expected results:

1. Expansion in children of an elementary idea of ​​​​water, the ability to determine the various states of water;

2. Increasing the level of speech development, enriching vocabulary in children;

3. Formation of parents' interest in the problem of environmental education of children;

4. Education of respect for water.

Project product :

  1. Photo report;
  2. Card file of nursery rhymes, riddles, poems about water.

Stages of implementation of project activities:

Ι. Preparatory

  • Selection of the necessary fiction;
  • Involving parents to enrich the laboratory for experiments;
  • Purchasing and making soap bubbles

ΙΙ. Basic

  • Reading nursery rhymes, riddles, poems about water;
  • Development of knowledge for what water is needed during regime moments, labor, hardening;

Game "Clean hands";

Wet your palms and put them on a white towel: if the handles are dirty, then traces will certainly remain on the towel, and if the handles are clean, then the towel remains clean, that is, there are no traces of dirty hands on it. In order for children's hands to be clean, it is necessary to wash them with water.

From this we can conclude: A person needs water for washing, in order to be clean and not get sick.

Water is needed not only for people to wash themselves. Plants also need water, because without water they will die. Watering plants in the garden and in the flower bed.

We also swim in the summer, i.e. water is needed to temper.

  • Experiments with water;

First experience

A spoon is dipped into a glass of clear water. Why is the spoon visible?

Conclusion: Water is clear

Second experience

Gouache is added to a glass of clear water. Children dip a spoon into colored water. What's happening? The spoon is not visible. The water turned opaque and became opaque, and the spoon disappeared from sight.

Conclusion: In transparent water, objects are clearly visible, and in opaque water, objects are not visible.

Search activity:

"Water is made up of drops"

An experience :

Invite children to draw water with a pear and drop it into a cup

"Water is liquid and has no shape"

Children pour water from one form to another. The water takes the shape of the container into which it is poured.

“Water has no smell and taste”

Goal: To give children knowledge : water has no taste and smell.

Offer the children a glass of water. Smell the water. What does water smell like?

No smell / water has no smell /

Let the children taste the water. What does she taste like?

Tasteless / water has no taste /

Teach children to perform simple experiments consistently following the instructions of the teacher. To lead to an understanding of the properties of water.

The water is clear, it has no color

Water is made up of droplets

Water is liquid, has no shape

Water has no smell or taste

  • Enrichment of the laboratory for experimenting with water;
  • Fairy tale show about a little drop»

Fairy tale "About a little drop"

The guys and I turn into droplets of water and tryrepeat the path of the water: we visited a cloud, descended to the ground with rain, murmured in a stream, swayed on the waves of the sea, and then the sun warmed us and we again returned to the sky to our mother - a cloud

  • Offer children games - fun"Bubble"

Soap bubble games are impossible without water

  • Working with parents:

Invite parents to show at home why water is needed / for cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the apartment, washing in the bathroom /

ΙΙΙ. Final

Photo report of the project;

Card file of nursery rhymes, riddles, poems about water.

Conclusions and practical significance of the project

Children have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge about water, which they can apply in life. The children were surprised by their knowledge about water. The project provided an opportunity for the development of observation. Ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

This project brought positive emotions to children..

Parents and teachers, having joined forces, created an interesting environment for children, allowing them to play, relax, and engage in cognitive and experimental activities.


  1. Organization of experimental activities for children aged 2-7 years, thematic planning, recommendations, summaries. / comp. Martynova E.A., Suchkova I.M. - Volgograd. 2012 - 333 p.
  2. Project activities in the preschool educational institution. / comp. V.N. Zhuravlev. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 202 p.
  3. Sultanova M. "Simple experiments with water"

When choosing topics for our projects, we always rely on the interests and needs of children that arise at the moment. One of the first natural materials children encounter in everyday life is sand and water. Watching children play with water, as well as during washing, hardening procedures, caring for plants, we were convinced of the relevance of the chosen topic, namely the need to gain knowledge and ideas of children about the properties and importance of water in the life of living beings and for people's health.

Result project activities is largely determined by a well-organized, diverse and meaningful preliminary work. Every day during walks, together with the children, they observed natural phenomena (clouds, rain, snow, ice, icicles, drops, puddles, streams), noted the change in the state of water depending on the season.

Invaluable assistance in equipping the water and sand center was provided by the parents of the pupils. Thanks to this, the children in the group could spend research work(experiments and games - experiments) ( applications 1-6).

  • Water is cold and hot;
  • Multi-colored water;
  • Colored ice cubes;
  • Snow melting;
  • Icicle droplets;
  • Games - experiments with sinking and floating objects;
  • With soluble and insoluble substances;
  • Formation of vapor droplets.

To try and experience is peculiar to small children. And the fabulous form and rational observation helped to complement and enrich each other. The children made friends with the didactic doll "Droplet", which helped us make amazing discoveries in the world of simple things.

A large role in the implementation of the tasks was assigned specifically organized classes on the cognitive and speech development of children. In our work, we used different types of classes - educational, integrated, correctional: “Water - water”, “Everyone needs to wash”, “Rain has passed barefoot on the ground”, “Be careful with water, close the tap properly”.

A cycle of targeted excursions “Water is needed by everyone” was organized and conducted in a very interesting way. The children visited the catering unit, where they met our wonderful chefs, and they, in turn, told about their work and the first assistant - water. The kids visited the laundry, where they watched different types work, comparing with the labor of mothers in the process of washing clothes.

In the winter garden, together with an environmentalist teacher, the children looked after plants, aquarium fish, turtles, rabbits, making sure that living beings cannot do without water.

By creating game problem situations, we encouraged children to use the acquired knowledge and apply it in solving the problem, and then consolidate it through story games, dramatization games, and dramatization games.

The children displayed the impressions received in the works under the general name “Transformations of the Droplet”. As a result of this, an exhibition of creative works of our pupils was organized in the group.

The presentation of the project "Kapelka" became the highest peak of this project activity. The children made an exciting journey with the Water Sorceress and helped her find the lost drops of water in snowflakes, snowballs, and icicles. The game - the journey was accompanied by reading poetry, singing, dancing.

The culmination was the creation of the collage "The Adventures of Kapitoshka". Children, using various art materials, displayed the variety of states of water, and then presented their work. As a gift, the kids received from the Sorceress of Water a map called “Travel of a Droplet”, which depicts the water cycle in nature at an accessible level for a given age.

The activity approach underlying the project method implies full and active cooperation between teachers and the child. We believe that the content joint activities has a significant impact on the cognitive development of children. There is a deepening and enrichment of the knowledge of the pupils, the identification of patterns and mutual relations between the object under consideration and the seasonal phenomenon, and the enrichment of the active vocabulary.

Passport of the project "Kapelka", dedicated to the Day of Water Protection

Project Manager: teachers of the 2nd junior group

Basic component: The work on the project is carried out within the framework of the sections of the program "Childhood" (cognitive, social, physical development).

Age of project participants A: Children 3 to 4 years old.

Composition project team : Educators and pupils of the group, PDO on environmental education, catering and laundry workers, parents of pupils.

Project type: Medium-term, group, research - creative, interdisciplinary.

Project problem: Children's awareness of the importance of water in the lives of people, animals and plants.

Objective of the project: Familiarization of younger preschoolers with the importance of water in the life of living beings and for human health.

Project objectives:

  1. Development of cognitive abilities of children in the process of joint research activities, practical experiences with water;
  2. Formation in children of conscious ideas about the need to take care of their health;
  3. Supporting the desire of children to actively engage in cognitive communication, express their opinion;
  4. Education of respect for water.

Project relevance: The need to expand knowledge and ideas in children of primary preschool age about the properties and importance of water in the life of living beings and for the health of children.

Necessary equipment:

Literary series:

  • small folklore, fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky “Moydodyr”, “Fedorino grief”,
  • fairy tales by S. Prokofiev “About a gray cloud”, “Magic basket”, a poem by A. Barto “A grimy girl”, a Slovak folk tale “Visiting the sun”;

Music line:

  • audio recordings "Sounds of water in nature",
  • video - cartoon "Kapitoshka";

Demo Row: Didactic doll "Droplet", albums, postcards, illustrations on the topics "Water in nature", "Use of water by man"; equipment of the Water and Sand Center; toys, attributes, substitute items for didactic and story games, dramatization games.

Project products:

  • Ecological stand "Journey of Droplets" (water cycle in nature).
  • Collage "The Adventures of Kapitoshka" (the importance of water in the life of people, animals, plants).
  • Exhibition of drawings "Transformation of a Drop".
  • Release of posters "Let's save the blue planet".

Preliminary work:

  1. Conversation "What is water for?";
  2. Lesson on cognitive development"Everyone loves to swim."
  3. Lesson on speech development "Vodichka, vodichka ..."
  4. Classes in fine arts "Rain on the ground passed barefoot ..." (drawing), "Be careful with water, close the tap well!" (application), art - co-creation "The Transformation of a Drop".
  5. Daily observations of natural phenomena.
  6. All possible help for the inhabitants of the Winter Garden.
  7. Equipment of the Water and Sand Center.
  8. A series of games - experiments to get acquainted with the properties of water.
  9. Reading fiction (K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Fedorino grief", S. Prokofiev "About a gray cloud", "Magic basket", A. Barto "Girl - grimy", Slovak folk tale "Visiting the sun" ).
  10. Learning by heart poems, nursery rhymes, songs about water.
  11. The dramatization game "We washed with a washcloth for two hours", "We observe and play."
  12. The plot games “Bathing the doll”, “Let's cook dinner for the doll”, “Wash the clothes for the doll”.
  13. Drawing up a system "web".

Distribution of activities by project stages.

Stages of workover the project Children activities Activities of teachers
1. Modeling the situation. Identification of the problem. 1. Get used to the plot-game situation.

2. Recognize and personally perceive the problem.

Introduces to the game situation: help the Water Sorceress find the lost droplets.
2. Allocation of tasks. Acceptance of the task - to make a journey and find the droplets. 1. Leads to problem solving.

2. Plans activities (find a solution to a problem through experimentation)

3. Organizes activities

3. Productive activity. 1. Read poetry.

2. Perform the dance of "droplets";

3. Experiments with snow;

4. Playing with snowballs;

5. Experiments with ice;

6. Draw a "portrait" of water.

1. Organizes work on the project,

3. During the dance, children tell a fairy tale about the movement of water drops;

4. Activates the initiative of children in game actions;

5. Draws the attention of children to their drawings, emphasizing. That they depict water in its various states.

4. Presentation. They tell and show on the collage the state of water (drops, rain, river, water in the aquarium, snowflakes, clouds). 1. Organizes the presentation of the collage;

2. Sorceress Water presents a gift and thanks for the help.