A person is famous for good deeds presentation for a social studies lesson (grade 6) on the topic. A person is famous for good deeds Presentation on the topic a person is famous for good deeds

Bad for those who do no good to anyone

  • Who lives in goodness walks in silver
  • In whom there is no good, there is little truth
  • Life is given for good deeds
  • Person
  • famous for good deeds
What will you learn about: What is humanity; How to take care of your loved ones
  • What questions will you answer
  • What is the golden rule of morality?
  • How to learn to do good?
  • Is it easy to do good?
What is good?
  • Kindness is when you do something useful, you help others.
  • Good is a specific thing. Doing good is nice, it warms the soul.
  • poetic word
  • Text p. 192
  • Why was the Prince considered happy?
  • Why was the Prince, whom everyone thought handsome, unhappy?
  • Why didn't the swallow refuse the Prince's request?
  • Why did the swallow become warm, because winter was approaching?
  • good and evil
  • good feelings
  • bad feelings
  • Why do they say that from good feelings one should move on to good deeds?
Beautiful words and beautiful deeds
  • “There is a small hut in the middle of the field. It was built so that in bad weather people could hide and stay warm. Once, in the middle of a summer day, clouds covered the sky, it began to rain. There were three boys in the forest at that time. They hid in time from the rain and watched how streams of water poured from the sky.
  • Suddenly they saw: a boy of ten years old was running towards the hut. They did not know him, the boy was from a neighboring village. He was soaked to the skin and shivering with cold.
  • And now the oldest of those who ran away from the rain and sat in dry clothes said:
  • - How bad it is that you, boy, got caught in the rain. I feel sorry for you…
  • The second boy also uttered beautiful and pitiful words.
  • - It must be scary to find yourself in such weather in the middle of the field. I sympathize with you
  • boy…
  • The third one didn't say a word. He silently took off his shirt and gave it to the boy who was shivering from the cold.
Is it easy to be a kind person?
  • Do good and evil
  • In the power of all people
  • But evil is done without difficulty
  • Doing good is harder
  • Learn good - the bad will come to mind
Art Gallery
  • Rembrandt. Return of the prodigal son
  • What feelings other than
  • the joys of meeting, experiencing
  • father?
  • What feelings other than joy
  • meeting, is experiencing his son?
  • In a biblical parable, it is said that, having met his son, the father exclaimed:
  • "... My son was dead and revived, he was lost and was found..."
  • "Lost and Found"
  • This is clear. But what does it mean
  • "was dead and alive"?
  • Morality
  • rules of good behavior
  • Moral norms are based on people's ideas about good and evil, good and bad, about justice, honor, conscience.
  • Treat others the way you would like them to treat you
Learning to do good
  • Kindness begins with caring for loved ones.
  • Do a good deed.
  • Accumulate experience of good deeds.
  • Say a kind word and smile.
  • Today….
  • Tomorrow….
  • In a week….
  • Make a list of the things you can do for the benefit of others.

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Slides captions:

It doesn't come cheap Happiness on difficult roads... What good have you done? How did you help people? (L. Tatyanicheva)?

A man is famous for his deeds

Lesson plan: 1. What is good. Who is called good. 2. Good means good. Feelings and deeds. 3. The main rule of a kind person. 4. The parable of the prodigal son. Homework: Paragraph number 11 - read and retell. Questions and tasks on page 91. Task number 3 (heading "In the classroom and at home") - prepare a message.

1. “They don’t look for good from good.” 2. "Whoever does good, God will repay him." 3. "It is bad for him who does no good to anyone." 4. "You will spend an hour in goodness, you will forget all the grief." 5. "Wishing for a lot - no good to be seen." 6. "You will go for the worst, you will not find the good." 7. "In whom there is no good, there is little truth in that." 8. "To offend the poor is not to wish yourself well." 9. "A good name is more precious than wealth." ? What are these proverbs about? (Uncover their meaning.)

What is good? Good is something positive, good, useful, the opposite of evil; everything good, positive, everything that brings happiness, well-being, benefit. (Dictionary) ? Name the words - associations to the word "good".

“good afternoon” “good luck” “everyone knows the kindness of this man” “be kind” “good health to you” “good piece of pie” “good weather” “good fellow”? What manifestations of good are referred to in these expressions? - greeting - parting words - character trait - appeal - wish - size of something - state of nature - characteristic of a person

Read a fragment of Oscar Wilde's fairy tale "The Happy Prince" (pp. 86-87, textbook) and answer the questions: Why did the Prince cry, because he was called happy? Why did the Prince decide to help people? What did the Swallow sacrifice when she decided to help the Prince? What made the Swallow feel warm, despite the fact that winter was approaching? What good feelings can you name?

Fill in the table Good feelings Good deeds love, sympathy, compassion, gratitude, cordiality, goodwill, sympathy

What kind of person do we call good? ? Read the text of the textbook on pages 87-88 about Academician Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov and answer the questions: Can A. D. Sakharov be called a kind person? Why was it called the Conscience of the People?

Read the "Parable of the Prodigal Son" from the Gospel of Luke (p. 91, textbook).

Look at the painting by Rembrandt van Rijn (p. 90) and answer the questions: What feelings, besides the joy of meeting, does the father experience? What feelings, besides the joy of meeting, does his son experience?

What rules should a good person follow? Moral - accepted in society ideas about good and bad, right and wrong, good and evil, as well as a set of norms of behavior arising from these ideas. Golden rule of morality: Treat others the way you want people to treat you.

Where does kindness begin? Write down in your notebooks "Three rules for caring for loved ones"

Internet Resources http://fotoshops.org/uploads/taginator/Dec-2012/kalendar-fon-dlya-prezentacij.jpg - checkered notebook sheet Girl and boy at the top of the slide - taken from vector clip art, how to get it, can be found here "Small children in the vector" http://ec.l.thumbs.canstockphoto.com/canstock16404819.jpg - hyperlink girl http://us.cdn4.123rf.com/168nwm/yayayoy/yayayoy1207/yayayoy120700014 /14596006-%D0%A1%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%BF%D0 %B8%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1% 8C%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%B2-%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0% BE%D0%B9-%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8.jpg - hyperlink boy

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Man is glorious for good deeds" social science lesson Grade 6

Development of a social science lesson in the 6th grade according to the textbook by L.N. Bogolyubov "Man is famous for good deeds" with a presentation and applications ...

Man is famous for good deeds

Plan - a summary of the lesson on social science in grade 6. 1. The purpose of the lesson: Educational - to create conditions for the formation of ideas that good and evil are among the most general concepts moral conscience...

Man is famous for good deeds. Social science. 6th grade

Basic textbook: Bogoloyubova L.N. Social science. Grade 6 (Enlightenment, 2008) The purpose of the lesson ( short description): to lead students to an understanding of what it means to be kind ....

"Man is famous for good deeds"

Slide 2: 1. What is a good deed, a good deed? 2. What kind of people in the world are more: good or evil? 3. What is morality? 4. What is the essence of the golden rule of morality?

Slide 3: - “Whoever does good, God will repay him”; - "It is bad for him who does no good to anyone"; - "A good name is more precious than wealth"

Slide 4: Who is a good man?

slide 5

1. Rules of good behavior: 1) law 2) right 3) morality 4) decree 2. What feeling cannot be considered good? 1) sympathy 2) compassion 3) sympathy 4) stinginess 3. The golden rule of morality says: 1) treat all people as if they were yourself 2) divide people into friends and enemies 3) live for yourself 4) learn all the rules of behavior

slide 6

4. The concept of "good" means: a) all the good things in life; b) the ability to show sympathy, help out, sometimes even risking oneself. 1) only a is true 2) only b is true 3) both answers are correct 4) there is no correct answer

Slide 7

5. The golden rule of morality: a) arose in ancient times; b) has lost its meaning today. 1) only a is true 2) only b is true 3) both answers are correct 4) there is no correct answer 6. This outstanding scientist was called the conscience of the people 1) Yu.B. Levitan 2) A.P. Gaidar 3) A.D. Sakharov

Slide 8

IN 1. All the terms below, with the exception of one, are related to the concept of "good feelings". Specify a term that is not related to this concept. 1. Love 2. Mercy 3. Sympathy 4. Despair 5. Compassion 6. Sympathy

Slide 9

IN 2. All the terms below, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "fear". Specify a term that is not related to this concept. 1. Horror 2. Phobia 3. Fright 4. Neatness 5. Anxiety. 6. Fear


Slide 10

Combine the proverbs about good and evil: 1. In whom there is no good, 2. Life is given 3. Good brotherhood A. for good deeds B. more expensive than wealth C. there is little truth in that


The last slide of the presentation: "A person is glorious for good deeds"

the first line is the name of the topic (one noun); the second - a description of the topic in a nutshell, two adjectives; the third line - a description of the action within the framework of this topic with three verbs; the fourth line is a phrase that shows an attitude to the topic (a whole sentence); the fifth line is a synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.

1. What is a good deed, a good deed? 2. What kind of people in the world are more: good or evil? 3. What is morality? 4. What is the essence of gold
moral rules?

- “Whoever does good, God will repay him”; - "It is bad for him who does no good to anyone"; - "A good name is more precious than wealth"

Good man - who is he?

1. Rules of good behavior:
1) law 2) right 3) morality 4) decree
2. What feeling can not be considered
1) sympathy 2) compassion 3) sympathy
4) stinginess
3. The golden rule of morality says:
1) treat all people as if they were your own
yourself 2) divide people into friends and enemies
3) live for yourself 4) learn all the rules

4. Under the concept of "good"
a) all the good things in life;
b) the ability to show empathy,
help out, sometimes even at the risk of themselves.
1) only a is true
2) only b is true
3) both answers are correct
4) there is no correct answer

5. The golden rule of morality:
a) originated in ancient times;
b) has lost its meaning today.
1) only a is true 2) true
only b 3) both answers are correct 4) no
correct answer
6. This outstanding scientist
called the conscience of the people
1) Yu.B. Levitan 2) A.P. Gaidar 3) A.D.

IN 1. All terms below are

concept of "good feelings". Specify
a term that is not related to this concept.
3. Sympathy
4. Despair
5. Compassion
6. Sympathy

IN 2. All terms below are
with the exception of one, associated with
"fear". Specify a term not related to
this concept.
2. Phobia
3. Fright
4. Accuracy
5. Anxiety.
6. Fear

Connect the proverbs about good and evil:
1. In whom there is no good,
2. Life is given
3. Good brotherhood
A. for good deeds
B. more expensive than wealth
V. there is little truth in that

the first line is the title of the topic (one
the second is a description of the topic in two
words, two adjectives;
third line - description of the action in
within the framework of this topic by three verbs;
the fourth line is the phrase which,
shows relevance to the topic
(whole sentence);
the fifth line is a synonym, which
repeats the theme.

If a person commits a bad deed, then his soul becomes heavy. When a person tries to remove the stone from the soul, it becomes easier for him. Kindness helps you and others, it brings happiness.

I think that conscience makes you do a good deed. Goodness lives in everyone, you just need to wake it up in yourself.



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Slides captions:

"Man is famous for good deeds"

when you help someone. If a person commits a bad deed, then his soul becomes heavy. When a person tries to remove the stone from the soul, it becomes easier for him. Kindness helps you and others, it brings happiness. I think that conscience makes you do a good deed. Goodness lives in everyone, you just need to wake it up in yourself. Good is:

Feelings can be good: Love Sympathy Mercy Compassion Gratitude Sympathy

Rules of kindness: 1. Be friendly, polite. 2. Be attentive to people. 3. Do good deeds. 4. Don't repay evil with evil. 5. Forgive others for their mistakes. 6. Pity others, not yourself. 7. Treat people the way you would like them to treat you.

Words with root "good"

Proverbs: A kind word and a cat is pleased. When the sun is warm, when the mother is good. The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out, you won’t catch it. A good word heals, and an evil one cripples.

" Kindness". Being kind is not easy at all. Kindness does not depend on growth, Kindness does not depend on color, Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy. Only it is necessary, it is necessary to be kind And not to forget each other in trouble And the earth will spin faster If we are kinder.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Man is glorious for good deeds" social science lesson Grade 6

Development of a social science lesson in the 6th grade according to the textbook by L.N. Bogolyubov "Man is famous for good deeds" with a presentation and applications ...

Man is famous for good deeds

Plan - a summary of the lesson on social science in grade 6. 1. The purpose of the lesson: Educational - to create conditions for the formation of ideas that good and evil are among the most general concepts of moral conscience ...

Man is famous for good deeds. Social science. 6th grade

Basic textbook: Bogoloyubova L.N. Social science. Grade 6 (Enlightenment, 2008) The purpose of the lesson (brief description): to bring students to an understanding of what it means to be kind ....