A lesson in reading and the development of oral speech by N. Ladonshchikov "Does not peck" an outline of a lesson in reading (Grade 3) on the topic

Grade 3 Reading

Subject: Our friends. G. Ladonshchikov.
Purpose: to familiarize students with the work of G. Ladonshchikov “Our Friends”.
1. Introduce the work “Our Friends”; deepen children's knowledge about birds - feathered friends; repeat the days of the week; to develop in students the skills of correct, fluent, conscious, expressive reading; develop the ability to navigate in the text: find, read out and retell the necessary points from the text, form your own opinion and confirm your conclusions with the text.

2. Develop oral speech; auditory memory based on memorization exercises; thinking correction; develop auditory-visual perception, figurative representation based on reading the text of the poem.
3. To bring up positive motivation for learning; educate a sensitive attitude towards birds.

Lesson type: a lesson on improving and developing knowledge, skills and
ways of action.

The main method of conducting the lesson: verbal, practical, visual.

Forms of work in the lesson: collective, individual, group.

Equipment: plates with words and pictures “Sea”, “ winter feeder”, pictures of birds, plates with the names of the days of the week, a sound recording with the voices of birds, envelopes with cut pictures, a TV, a presentation.

During the classes

Organizing time.
a) A cheerful bell rang,
He called the children to the class.
Is everyone ready?
We have a reading lesson on schedule.
- Guys, how beautiful you are today! Smile at each other and at me.

b) The game "Remember".
- The one who calls the birds will take his place at his desk (the children say the names of the birds in order and sit down in their places).
- And now let's pronounce the motto for our today's lesson.
We will respond actively
To behave.
So that dear guests,
They wanted to come back.

II. Introduction to the topic.
(Enable recording of the voices of different birds - bird trills)

2 1 4 3


We will read G. Ladonshchikov's poem “Our Friends” and remember the names of the days of the week and their order.
Why do you think the poem is called that? (children's answers)
- Let's remember the birds: migratory and wintering.
- Guys, what do you think, which birds are called migratory, and which are wintering?

2. Teacher's conclusion: Migratory birds are birds that feed on insects and therefore fly to warmer climes. Wintering birds are those birds that feed on seeds, berries, bread crumbs, can find food in winter period.

3. Exercise in the exact selection of words.
Pictures on the board:
“Winter feeder”

[Download the file to see the picture]

The student goes to the table, takes a card with the name of the bird, reads it, says what it is (migratory or wintering), attaches to the picture “feeder” or to the picture “sea”. (Bullfinch, tit, sparrow, crow, swallow, dove, swan, starling, stork).

4. Exercise "Find wintering and migratory birds."
- Find wintering birds, circle them in blue.
migratory birds find it, circle it in red.

Good-bad game.
1. Question: “What good is it that birds fly away from us to warmer climes? »
Answer: In winter it is cold in our area, they have nowhere to hide from the wind and snow, and in the south it is warm; hungry, birds have nothing to eat, since all insects sleep in winter, and insects are found in warm regions all year round.
2. Question: What's wrong with birds flying away from us?
Answer: We do not see birds, we do not hear their singing; many birds die during the flight, unable to withstand the difficult road.

III. Exploring a new topic.
Memory exercise "They are sitting on a branch."
The adult starts the game and says: "A crow is sitting on a branch." The next player repeats what was said and adds something of his own: “A crow, a tit are sitting on a branch.” The third player repeats the whole phrase and adds something from himself. Etc.

IV. Physical moment.
We walk, we walk. We raise our hands higher. Suddenly we see: a chick has fallen out of the nest by the bush.
Quietly we take the chick and put it back in the nest.

Work with the text of the poem.
- The poem that we will now read is dedicated to wintering birds.

Before we start reading the poem, we need to know what page it is on.
Tell me what date is today? (eighteen)
- What numbers does it consist of? (from numbers 1 and 8)
- The first digit of our page is 1 digit of today's date (1).
- The second digit of the page is the highest mark in the school. (5)
- The third digit is the number that comes before the number 5. (4)
- Name the page on which you want to open the book. Page 154

1) - Do you think birds can be called our friends? Why?
That's right, they destroy harmful insects. And the birds decorate our lives with their songs, their sonorous voices. No wonder composers and poets compose music and poems about birds. I will read one of these poems to you now. Listen carefully!
Primary reading of the poem (read by the teacher).
2) Independent reading of the poem. (Children are reading - buzzing reading)
How should we treat birds? (to care about them)
What are the benefits of birds? (they save our nature, heal nature).
They protect our forests, orchards, orchards. They need to be protected and fed. If we save one bird, we will save dozens of trees.
3) Students read the poem aloud (as directed by the teacher). - Reading the text of the poem (in quatrains).
4) Work on the content of the work.
What birds flew to the feeder?
- Look at the pictures. Have you ever seen a tit, a bullfinch, a crow, a dove, a magpie? Describe them.

Fizminutka for the eyes

What did the guys feed the birds that arrived?
- On what days of the week did the guys feed the birds arriving at the feeder?

3) An exercise to correlate the names of birds by the days of the week (frontal survey).

On the board are the days of the week and pictures of birds and one extra bird (it is not in the content of the poem).


Instruction: Determine which birds and when flew to the feeder.
[Download the file to see the picture]

And now, let's check if you correctly correlated the birds with the days of the week? (Children read excerpts from the poem).
- Were all these birds at the feeder?
- What kind of bird is not at the feeder? (Klesta)

Teacher's Conclusion: Well done guys! The task was completed!

Problem situations
1. Once we put bread crumbs, lard, seeds and a sprig of mountain ash in the feeder.
The birds flew in, pecked at all the crumbs and seeds, but did not touch the mountain ash. Who flew in?
(The child goes out and chooses a picture of a sparrow).
2. The next day, birds with yellow breasts flew in, they also didn’t touch the mountain ash, but they pecked the fat and seeds. Who are they?
(The child chooses a picture of a titmouse bird and puts it on the board)
3. And on the third day, some strange birds flew in, the breast was red, the wings were black, and not a single mountain ash was left. Who are they?
(The child exposes a bullfinch).

V. Generalization.

An exercise to correct thinking (work with fragmented pictures). (Distribute envelopes to each student).
Instruction: “In your envelope you have cut pictures with the image of birds.
Put them right. Then name that bird."
The work of students at the blackboard (2 students individually make fragmented pictures).
[Download the file to see the picture]

(The rest of the students work independently in their places).
- What kind of birds did you get? (Stork, starling)
- Did you do the same as the guys? (Correction of possible errors).

The game is the opposite
the crow is big, and the sparrow is (small),
doves walk, and sparrows (jump),
sparrows chirp and doves (coo) and crows (croak).

VII. Outcome.
What is the name of the poem you read in class?
- Who is its author?
Why are birds our friends?
How should we treat our bird friends?
- Take care of them! Feed them! Love them!
In the spring, all sorts of miracles happen - snow turns into water, primroses appear - snowdrops, buds burst and small leaves appear, the earth begins to turn green from breaking grass. But the most important miracle is that it is in spring that our feathered friends fly to us and bring spring on their wings.

Well done.
Evaluation of the work of all students in the lesson. Putting marks with comments to them.

Fidget, small
Almost the entire bird is yellow.
He loves lard and wheat,
Who recognized her? .. (titmouse)

Apples on the branches in winter
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered
After all, this is? .. (bullfinches)

You saw him more than once
He jumps 2 steps from us.
“Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp”, -
Who is used to this song?
(Sparrow) .

He collects nimbly
A handful of thrown grains,
And nests under the eaves
Our favorite
(Dove gray).

Gray and black
cunning, nimble,
Screams kar-kar-kar.
(Crow) .

µђHeading 1Heading 2Heading 415

Topic: Our friends. G. Ladonshchikov.

Purpose: To introduce students to the work of G. Ladonshchikov “Our Friends”.

1. Introduce the work “Our Friends”, deepen the knowledge of children about birds - feathered friends, repeat the days of the week;

2. Develop oral speech; auditory memory based on memorization exercises; thinking correction;

3. Cultivate positive motivation for learning.

Equipment: tablets with the words “Sea”, “Winter feeder”, pictures of birds, plates with the names of the days of the week, sound recordings with bird voices, envelopes with split pictures.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited call is given,

The lesson starts.

Game "Remember".

The one who names the birds will take his place at his desk (children pronounce the name of the birds in order and sit down in their seats).

II. Introduction to the topic.

Today you will get acquainted with the work of birds. We will read G. Ladonshchikov's poem “Our Friends” and remember the names of the days of the week and their order.

Why do you think the poem is called that? (children's answers)

Let's remember the birds: migratory and wintering.

Guys, what do you think, which birds are called migratory, and which are wintering?

2. Teacher's conclusion: Migratory birds are birds that feed on insects and therefore fly to warmer climes. Wintering birds are those birds that feed on seeds, berries, bread crumbs, and can find food for themselves in the winter.

3. Exercise in the exact selection of words.

Pictures on the board:

“Winter feeder”

The student goes to the table, takes a card with the name of the bird, reads it, says what it is (migratory or wintering), attaches to the picture “feeder” or to the picture “sea”. (Bullfinch, tit, sparrow, crow, swallow, dove, swan, starling, stork)

The poem that we will now read is dedicated to wintering birds.

III. Exploring a new topic.

1) Memory exercise “They are sitting on a branch”.

The adult starts the game and says: "A crow is sitting on a branch." The next player repeats what was said and adds something of his own: “A crow, a tit are sitting on a branch.” The third player repeats the whole phrase and adds something from himself. Etc.

IV. Physical moment.

We are walking, we are walking.
We raise our hands higher.
Suddenly we see: by the bush
The chick fell out of the nest.
Quietly we take a chick
And put it back in the nest.

2) Work with the text of the poem.

1) Primary reading of the poem (read by the teacher).

2) Independent reading of the poem. (Children are reading - buzzing reading)

3) Students read the poem aloud (as directed by the teacher).

Reading the text of the poem (in quatrains).

4) Work on the content of the work.

What birds flew to the feeder?

What did the guys feed the birds that arrived?

On what days of the week did the children feed the birds arriving at the feeder?

3) An exercise to correlate the names of birds by the days of the week (frontal survey).

On the board are the days of the week and pictures of birds and one extra bird (it is not in the content of the poem).

Instruction: Determine which birds and when flew to the feeder.

Were all these birds at the feeder?

What bird is not at the feeder? (Crossbill)

And now, let's check if you correctly correlated the birds with the days of the week? (Children read excerpts from the poem).

Teacher's Conclusion: Well done guys! The task was completed!

V. Generalization.

An exercise to correct thinking (work with fragmented pictures).

(Distribute envelopes to each student).

Instruction: “In your envelope you have cut pictures with the image of birds.

Put them right. Then name that bird."

The work of students at the blackboard (2 students individually make fragmented pictures).

(The rest of the students work independently in their places).

What kind of birds did you get? (Stork, starling)

Did you do the same as the guys? (Correction of possible errors)

Do you feed birds in winter? How do you do it?

VI. Homework.

P.155, question 4.

What is the name of the poem you read in class?

How would you title this poem?

Why are birds our friends?

How should we treat our bird friends?

Well done.

Evaluation of the work of all students in the lesson. Putting marks with comments to them.

READING AND SPEECH DEVELOPMENT CLASS 2 TOPIC: G. Ladonshchikov "Our Friends" Purpose: Familiarize students with the content of G. Ladonshchikov's poem "Our Friends" Tasks: 1. To develop students' skills of correct, conscious, expressive reading. 2. Develop oral speech; auditory memory based on memorization exercises; thinking correction; develop visual-auditory perception, figurative representation based on reading the text of the poem. 3. To bring up positive motivation for learning; educate a sensitive attitude towards birds. LESSON PROCESS 1. ORGMOMENT A cheerful bell rang, He called the guys all to class. Is everyone ready? We have a reading lesson on schedule. 2. ARTICULATION GYMNASTICS In order for us to read better, It is necessary to knead the tongues. There lived a Merry Tongue in his house, his mouth opened wide. The tongue woke up and did exercises - tongue up, down, to the sides, brushed his teeth - tongue along the edge of his teeth, drank tea - "cup", whitewashed the ceiling - tongue swept the floor across the palate - tongue "sweeps" garbage and rode a horse tsoktsoktsok to school helping kids learn - blah blah blah. os os severe frost. Frost crackles in the yard. The ososos froze us frost. The sucker froze his cheeks and nose.

Take care of your nose in severe frost. Severe frost grips the nose. I'm not afraid of you, frost, I rub my nose with snow! What season was it? (Winter) 3. CHECKING THE HOMEWORK 4. Working on new material. a) Introduction to the topic. What are the most characteristics winter you know? Which animal has the hardest time in winter? Why? Today in the lesson we will read a poem by Georgy Ladonshchikov “Our Friends” and think about how we can help the birds. Or maybe you already know the answer to this question? Work on the text: b) Vocabulary work. What do we need to help the birds? Feeder Where do we get it? Where can you hang a feeder? And in the countryside? On the porch How else can you call a feeder? Dining room. (words are read from the blackboard) About - ny ry - stubborn, cunning and dexterous c) Reading the text by the teacher What kind of birds are we talking about? e) Primary reading of the poem by students 5. Physical education minute. We are walking, we are walking. We raise our hands higher. Suddenly we see: a chick fell out of the nest near the bush. Quietly take the chick And put it back in the nest.

6. Consolidation of what has been passed a) Re-reading the poem (Reading in a chain) b) Performing tasks according to the content of the text - question. With. 115 c) Dramatization about birds Guys, I know that you also care about birds, tell me how? Have you ever heard bird talk? Magpie. Tratatata. What I saw, what I heard. The guys made wonderful canteens for the birds, and they, ungrateful, write complaints about them on a nearby snowdrift, are picky and capricious. Goldfinch. Seeds and grains in the canteen are unpressed. Beak will go crazy while you bite them. We have corns on the tongue from such food. Sparrow. Ugliness! Arrived to have a bite, and the dining room was covered with snow! Until evening, I dug up millet. At least they would have made a canopy, or something. Tit. Salo salu strife! We could hang out unsalted, our stomachs hurt from salty. Crossbill. Left hungry, lunch was blown away by the wind. Who made a feeder without sides? The wind is in his head! Bullfinch. Where are the weed seeds? Where are the mountain ash, viburnum, elderberry, where are the watermelon and melon seeds? Calm down, birds! Everything will be OK. As you can see, guys, it’s not enough to make a feeder, pour food into it, you also need to think about whether the feeder is good and whether birds can eat your food. d) Final reading of the poem What do you feed the birds with? And what did the children from the poem feed the birds? (children read excerpts from the text) Final reading of the poem in quatrains. 8. The result of the lesson. Why do people help birds? What happens if this is not done? I hope that you will not forget about it. (children's work is evaluated)

Target: acquaintance with the work of the Soviet writer G. Ladonshchikov


1) Deepen students' knowledge about the season - summer
2) Develop the ability to express your thoughts in speech, coherent speech; the ability to compose a syncwine, write an essay, evaluate your actions
3) To educate in children the ability to work in a group, listen to the opinion of comrades, educate a multicultural personality

Lesson type: learning new material

Forms: group, individual, frontal-collective

Methods: verbal, visual, practical, partially exploratory, independent work

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, subject pictures (berries, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms) and pictures depicting clouds, snowflakes and the sun, signs with group names, crossword puzzles, audio recording (relaxation)

I Challenge

1. Dividing students into groups. The basket contains various subject pictures depicting berries, fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. Students choose a picture and sit down at tables on which there is an inscription with the name of the group: "Berries", "Fruits", "Vegetables", "Mushrooms". After the formation of groups, the distribution of responsibilities occurs: speaker, secretary, time manager.

After the students are divided into groups and form groups according to certain subject pictures, they need to name the group not only in Russian, but also in Kazakh.

"Berries" - jidekter
"Fruits" - zhemіster
"Vegetables" - kokonister
"Mushrooms" - sangyrauқұlaқtar

2. Psychological attitude. Repetition of the rules of work in groups. After that, the children are invited to choose one of the subject pictures: a cloud, a snowflake and the sun; justify your choice. Voicing of the choice by the speaker.

3. Solving a crossword puzzle with keyword"summer"

1 group - riddles about berries
Group 2 - riddles about fruits
Group 3 - riddles about vegetables
Group 4 - riddles about mushrooms

Riddles for the crossword of the Berries group

1) Red beads hang
They look at us from the bushes
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears (raspberries)
2) Black berry - but not blueberries,
Prickly bush - but not raspberries (blackberries)
3) I bought one at the market,
I opened it at home - it turned out to be a thousand (garnets)
4) Sometimes red and sometimes black.
When not ripe - green (currant)

Riddles for the crossword group "Fruits"

1) He is almost like an orange,
Thick skinned, juicy
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour (lemon)
2) It contains a useful vitamin
It's ripe... (orange)
3) We all know him from childhood -
The most amazing fruit
Orange reminds, is called ... (grapefruit)
4) Round, ruddy
And grows on a branch.
They love him very much
Both adults and children (apple)

Riddles for the crossword group "Vegetables":

1) Who undresses me,
He sheds tears (bow)
2) No windows, no doors
The upper room is full of people (cucumber)
3) One hundred clothes and all without fasteners (cabbage)
4) A girl is sitting in a dungeon,
A braid on the street (carrots)

Riddles for the crossword group "Mushrooms"

1) They wear red-haired berets -
Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.
Very friendly sisters
They are called ... (chanterelles)
2) I do not argue - not white.
I, brothers, are simpler.
I usually grow up in a birch grove (boletus)
3) They grow on stumps in the forest
Like freckles on the nose (honey mushrooms)
4) But someone important
On a white leg.
He has a red hat
Peas on the hat (fly agaric)

4. Conversation with students

What is summer?
- What seasons do you know?
- Name the main signs of the seasons.
- What is the word for summer in Kazakh?

Summer is hot(in Kazakh)

The teacher introduces students to the word summer in English.

summer(in English)

5. Acquaintance with the name of the new section "Summer - the blush of the year"

The teacher introduces students to the English sound of the word "summer". Summer - summer (simultaneous pronunciation of the word by students several times in chorus)

II. Making sense

1. Determination of patterns in the division of students into groups

Think about why we used fruits, berries, mushrooms, vegetables to divide into groups?

2. Drawing up a syncwine (five lines) for the word "summer" and its presentation by each group separately.

3. Selection of synonyms - words that are the answer to the question: How is it in summer? Spelling of adverbs (good, great, interesting, fun, great, great, etc.)

4. Reading a poem by a well-read student. After reading the poem, the teacher introduces the students to the translation of its title into English language, the sound of it in the Kazakh language, the guys know

Good - jacks - weel(words repeated several times)

5. Detailed analysis of the poem

What mood does the poem evoke and why?

To what does the poet compare the water in the pond?

If you were to draw a picture for a poem, what colors would you use?

6. Relax. Children are invited to close their eyes, listen to the melody and imagine the picture "Summer"

7. Word drawing of the picture "Summer" (one picture from each group)

8. Game exercise "We are artists"

What colors do you need to take to paint the picture "Summer"? (students list colors).

yellow - sary - yellow
Blue - cogіlder - blue
Green - zhasyl - green
Red - kyzyl - red

(All words are repeated several times for their best memorization)

III. Reflection

1. Writing a mini-essay on the topic "Summer Day" selectively listen to students using the "Author's Chair" technique

2. Self-assessment of students according to the criteria. The criteria are projected on the interactive whiteboard:

  • knew all the answers
  • knew how to listen to his comrades, did not interrupt (a)
  • diligently completed tasks
  • did not know all the answers
  • did not know how to listen to his comrades, did not listen to them
  • diligently completed all tasks

For a mark of "5" the child takes an asterisk, for "4" - a square, for "3" - a triangle

3. Writing reviews about the lesson on the rays of the sun.

Note: during a series of lessons, students will create a picture-application "Summer"

4. Repetition of learned words in three languages

Summer - zhas - summer
Good - jacks - weel
yellow - sary - yellow
Blue - cogіlder - blue
Green - zhasyl - green
Red - kyzyl - red

5. Homework: learn the poem by heart

MBOU secondary school №19


G. Ladonshchikov "Does not peck"

Teacher primary school Madyarova R.Ch.

Tobolsk, May 18, 2016

A lesson in reading and speech development.

Lesson form: combined lesson.

Theme of the lesson: G. Ladonshchikov "Does not bite."

Lesson objectives:

- to acquaint with G. Ladonshchikov’s poem “Does not bite”, to consolidate the ability to read in whole words expressively;

Correction and development of thinking, memory, oral coherent speech, vocabulary enrichment;

Raising interest in reading safe behavior while fishing;

Equipment: computer, monitor, presentation, fish pictures, textbook.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.

Let's get ready for work. Let's smile at each other.

  1. Articulation gymnastics. Speech workout.

- Since today in the lesson we will read a lot, we will prepare our speech apparatus for work (exercises for lips, tongue, cheeks).


The tongue was naughty, naughty

And I decided to become a watch.

Right, left he walked

And like a pendulum, he walked.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

The clock goes like this.


You have a tongue

Another birthday

Lick tongue

Sweet jam.


How the horse runs

Our tongue also knows:

Tsok-tsok, tsok yes tsok-

Jumping, jumping tongue.

And now let's talk fluff.

The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.

The parrot says to the parrot

I'll scare you, parrot, parrot.

Lion caught a mosquito

He broke his forehead with his paw.

The bull is stupid, stupid bull.

The bull's lip was blunt.

  1. Lesson topic message.

And now exercise for the mind. We solve riddles. Answers on the board. Let's look at the pictures and read the captions under them.

How to call these objects, in one word?

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,
A mustachioed log lies.(catfish)

tail wags,
Toothy, not barking.

Is it winter, autumn,

In the depths of the native river

We proudly wear vests,

Like dashing sailors.(Perches.)

Brawler and bully
lives in the water
Bones on the back
And the pike will not swallow.(Ruff)

We went fishing
Everyone fished together.
How can you paint your story,
But I only caught...(carp)

- Right. It was not in vain that we guessed riddles, they are related to the topic of the lesson, we will get acquainted with the poem “Does not bite” by Georgy Afanasyevich Ladoshnikov. slide 2

4. Checking homework.

I pull the network

I catch fish

Got a lot:

seven perch,

fifty carp,

One brush -

And that in a pot.

I'll cook the soup

I will feed all the kids!


The fish splashed merrily Let's slam so many times

In clean fresh water. How many perches do we have.

They bend, they bend. Let's jump so many times

They will bury themselves in the sand. How many carp do we have.

We squat so many times we stomp so many times

How many fish do we have here. How many pikes do we have.

5. Vocabulary work.

Before listening to a poem, I propose to parse an expression that may cause difficulty.

This "squatting somehow" -sit down, settle down, settle down, settle down. slide 3

"sitting without breathing" - holding his breath, very quietly, does not make any sounds. slide 4

6. Listening and reading a poem.

Reading the poem aloud by the teacher. The students follow the textbook.

Reading a poem for the teacher in chorus.

7. Working with text.Identification of primary perception.

Where did the fisherman go to fish? slide 5

What time of day did the young fisherman go fishing?

Was there a fish in the river?

How did the fisherman behave? Why does a fisherman need to sit very still?

Could the fisherman catch a fish?

8. Work on the expressive reading of the poem.

Independent reading of a poem in a whisper.

Expressive reading of the poem, well read in its entirety, poorly read in verses.

9. The results of the lesson.

What work did you meet?

What is required to catch fish? (rod, worm) slides 5,6

What is the mood of the poem? (funny, funny)

Who should boys go fishing with? (with adults)

How should you behave on the river bank while fishing? (do not go deep into the water, do not come close to the steep bank).

10. Homework.

Prepare an expressive reading of the poem.

Draw fish.