Plan of marketing and advertising activities for the year. Advertising Campaign Planning Promotion Plan Sample

The new year has begun and it's time to think about what we can and should expect from online advertising over the next 12 months.

In this case, there is no time to waste, you need to start developing it right now.

To create a successful plan, you need to analyze the results of past advertising, evaluate the positions of competitors, work out your proposal in detail and do much more.

Such a plan will allow you to develop and show you how to achieve your business goals.

So, here are 10 steps to creating an effective plan to drive paid traffic to your website:

1. Examine last year's results

The base or starting point for creating a good plan should be the results of the advertising campaigns already carried out. Study the data for the last year, or better even for several years.

Pay attention to the successes and failures that have occurred during the year and answer the questions:

    Have you achieved your goal?

    What conclusions did you draw from successes and failures?

    Did it make sense to do something differently than you did: run different tests, allocate budget, use different types of advertising campaigns, etc.?

    Is it possible to identify any patterns on the basis of the collected statistics?

    What techniques that have worked well in the past are now no longer working?

    Are there seasonal trends?

    Are there any at first glance unexplained spikes in efficiency? Can you find an explanation for them and, if so, can you re-generate them?

2. Define your goals

Simply put, without predicting the desired results, it will be impossible to say whether an advertisement has performed well or badly.

Work out goals for different periods: short-term and long-term. Think about which goals you will communicate to the advertising professionals.

Draw a diagram to illustrate how small local goals can help you meet global business metrics.

And be sure to schedule intermediate assessment sessions in order to quickly track the implementation of the set goals and, if something happens, make adjustments to the work in a timely manner.

3. Assess your competitors

Now let's take a look at your competitors

Try to collect information on rates for several months. Find out who has consistently aggressive betting policies.

Are there any surprises? Are there brands that you expected to see but did not see? Why are they not in advertising? Are they using other channels to drive traffic? They may not appear in the auction because they use different terms for displaying their ads.

List your main competitors and try to collect the following information about them:

    What kind of betting strategy are they pursuing?

    What do their ads look like?

    How do they use other channels to drive traffic?

Based on the answers you received, try to highlight something useful for yourself.

4. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses

After evaluating your competitors, analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

Answer the following questions:

    How does your offer compare to competitors' offerings? Where do you win and where do you lose? Do all employees of your company understand this?

    Are you communicating your benefits to the end consumer?

    Can your proposal be strengthened?

    Are you targeting the right audience in your promotional messages?

Focus on further enhancing your positive qualities, explore and try to incorporate the strengths of your competitors into your product.

Of course, such marketing research and subsequent implementations are not a quick process. But to be successful, you need to do it all the time.

5. Determine what to change in the settings of advertising campaigns

But it might be worth auditing your campaigns with a second glance to see if they can be improved on?

Take a close look at your existing campaigns, get outside help. Now there are many offers on the market for free ad audit. It is clear that the purpose of these audits is to make you a client of the agency. But nevertheless, there is a chance to get some useful tips, and for free. Is it bad?

More specifically, it makes sense to think about the following points:

    Can you boost conversions to increase cost efficiency across multiple destinations?

    Can you work on improving the efficiency of processing traffic from different devices?

6. Review alternative channels

Based on your goals, you've probably already identified the main channels and campaign types that will help you achieve them.

However, it will not be at all superfluous to think about other channels that could potentially be useful to you as well.

Consider using other ad systems, niche portals, or working with an audience of influencers on your topic. Which of the received options makes sense to test in the near future.

There is no need to grab onto everything at once. But you should have a complete list for a potential test and assessment. You will find your klondike sooner or later.

Set aside a certain constant budget and time for tests. This will significantly increase the chances of finding effective advertising platforms.

7. Consider how advertising campaigns should influence the buying process

After determining the priority advertising directions and the advertising campaigns used, develop a detailed scenario of the user's buying behavior and the impact of each advertising campaign on this process.

Make sure that you have thought through the entire movement of a potential customer to a purchase, from the first viewing of an advertisement to a convenient delivery service for the purchased product.

8. Allocate and allocate a budget

Now that you know what metrics you need to achieve and how to do it, it's time to plan your budget.

Determine the financial limits that you will adhere to for each ad campaign. Perhaps it will not be a constant value, but it will depend on the advertising performance indicators: cost per lead, number of clicks, etc.

Again, don't forget to set aside a little extra budget to test different channels and hypotheses.

You have done a great job: you conducted a market analysis, analyzed and designed your marketing activities, allocated money. And almost ready to start.

But there is one more piece of advice.

Show your plans and calculations to colleagues who are also involved in the work to achieve success: your salespeople, marketers, customer service specialists, and so on. Any of them may unexpectedly come up with a quality solution that you might have overlooked.

Do not give up this opportunity.

10. Be prepared to make changes

Be prepared to respond quickly to changes. Then everything will be all right for you!

PR and advertising (marketing communications) plan

A marketing communications plan is a section of an overall marketing plan that describes:

  • marketing tactics that the company will use to establish contact with the target audience;
  • Expected results,
  • plans of work with potential clients;
  • plan of promotional activities (consolidated advertising budget).

Marketing communications are the means by which you

you can acquaint potential customers with your product / service; convey to them the necessary information about the product / service.

Marketing tactics involves the use of the following activities to establish contact with the target audience:

  • direct sales - promotion techniques in direct sales involve the use of individual calls, bulk telemarketing, direct mail, loyalty programs, viral marketing as tools for creating relationships with customers and motivating them to make a purchase;
  • advertising (ATL) - paid messages of a persuasive nature in the media, the Internet, on radio and television, in outdoor advertising, SMM, etc. The most effective means of brand building and customer brand loyalty;
  • sales promotion (BTL) - involves the use of various types of coupons, offering samples of goods as samples, gifts when purchasing goods / services, promotions, e & eEvents, etc .;
  • PR activities (from English, public relations - public relations) - informal communication with a potential client audience in order to create a positive image of the company in the external environment and promote the opinion of satisfied consumers on a large scale;
  • a website is a comprehensive tool for interacting with customers.

When developing a media plan, tasks are solved aimed at fulfilling the set marketing goals.

The effectiveness of a media strategy is determined by a complex choice of advertising media that allow you to reach the required number of target audience, the frequency and intensity of advertising campaigns and the time of advertising.

Financing marketing communications requires the preparation of an advertising budget: determining its total size and distribution by the main directions of marketing expenses and periods of advertising events.

The following methods are used to determine the total amount of the consolidated advertising budget:

  • by percentage of turnover (revenue);
  • evaluation of own planned advertising means;
  • according to the principle of similarity (assessment of funds spent by competitors).

Any activity included in the plan requires a justification for its inclusion in the plan of promotional activities and drawing up its own cost estimate. Such work requires knowledge of the basics of media planning. Therefore, advertising agencies are often involved in drawing up a media plan.

We will calculate marketing costs for a business plan for the opening of a new car

lera center in the premium segment as part of a group of companies. 1. Marketing strategy and action plan

Target group of buyers

80% men, 20% women, 40 years old, 3 cars in the family, 2 properties

Positioning of the product and brand in relation to the main competitors

Creative copywriting, increased advertising, emphasis on “best in class”. Marketing programs for each model. Providing an emotional process for buying and maintaining a car

Public relations

Press contacts available: 210 media in the pool, over 600 contacts

Marketing (ATL)

Promotional Activities Suitable for the Brand: The Internet is the primary tool. Optional: outdoor advertising, press, radio

Direct marketing. What programs are you planning to launch in order for potential clients to know about the new center? Which customer database are you planning to use?

We have a database of one dealer and a combined database of a group of companies, which includes databases of competing brands

From RM system

To work with databases, we have our own high-tech CRM-system, including a complaint processing system with automatic control of the review period. At the same time, we are ready to install and actively work with a centralized database

Targeted marketing

To master new data of potential customers and support the loyalty of existing ones, it is planned to use the following tools: segment-oriented customer service; improvement of indicators "price - quality of service"; highlighting customer success stories in non-media advertising; improving the training and motivation of staff

Marketing Events (BTL)

Brand promotion activities: test drives, emotionally organized launches, co-branding events

Customer contact / complaint handling

It is planned: to organize a contact center, a hot line with clients; maintain contacts with clients through a personal manager

After-sales service / customer care

Overall satisfaction with the work of the service station is made up of such indicators (and programs developed for them), such as: flexibility in adjusting to the client's schedule when registering for service (round-the-clock service program, remote vehicle acceptance program); courtesy, friendliness and attentiveness of the staff to the wishes of the client (actively informing clients about the details and schedule of the service process); punctuality when accepting and issuing a car, the validity of the work performed and the adequacy of the services provided to the money paid (personnel KPI program based on the NPS index); the look and feel of the dealership and waiting areas

Information materials

To inform customers, it is planned to publish a digest of special offers, seasonal brochures for the after-sales service program, co-branding catalogs

Other marketing materials and activities

Sensory marketing, service quality research, customer gifts, etc.

2. Forecast for the 1st year

Individual client or group events

Dealer forecast,

Dealer forecast,

POS materials

Posters, banners, stickers, etc.


Catalogs, brochures, other materials

Client Database Management

Software license, attraction of consultants and contractors, etc.

Direct marketing

Acquisition and operation of databases, follow-up

Customer Relations and Promotions

Test drives, VIP presentations, clinic service (Service Clinic), etc.

Brand lovers club support

Club member events, financial support, etc.

3. Total forecast for 1-3 years

The expected results of the marketing communications plan reflect the efforts of the business to build a customer base and increase sales.

Further reading on the topic

  • 1. Nazaikin, A. N. Media planning 100% / A. N. Nazaikin. - M .: Alpina Business Books, 2005.
  • 2. Buzin, V.N. Media planning for practitioners / V. N. Buzin, T. S. Buzina. - M .: Vershina, 2006.
  • 3. Advertising business. Activities of advertising agencies, advertising creation, media planning, integrated communications / ed. J.F. Jones. - M.: Williams, 2005.
  • Launch - marketing management of the launch of a new product, even before the appearance of this product on sale and ensuring the maximum demand for the product at the time of the start of sales. It is accompanied by an active marketing campaign, during which communication with the target audience is carried out to inform about the main properties, quality characteristics, and brand values.
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A lot of special knowledge is required, which cannot be acquired in one day, much less expounded on four magazine pages. Operating with the acronyms GRP, NRP, CPT or OTS, unnamed gurus prepare an intricate salad called the "media plan". Maybe not trying to delve into these wisdom, leaving everything at the mercy of real professionals?

We would venture to suggest that understanding the essence of the phenomenon is necessary for any entrepreneur. To the extent that each of us imagines the device of a car and is unlikely to confuse a brand new Mercedes with a used Opel. To advertise is to spend a lot of money. Agree, I don't want to waste them in vain, taking on faith the recommendations of media planners. Moreover, it is not difficult to hire such a specialist bypassing an advertising agency today. It seems that all people who make decisions about money asked themselves the question: how to make the invested funds work most efficiently? Or at least they were used up without errors. Yes, many private entrepreneurs are swimming in this topic. And advertisers, to be honest, are in no hurry to pull them out of troubled waters.

Moscow routes

Media planning is the most formalized, and therefore the most logical and transparent part of the advertising industry. Common sense, nothing more. This is perhaps the only area of ​​the advertising industry that is subject to rigorous quantification. All other things being equal (the quality of advertising creativity, the presence of a developed distribution), a good media plan can make an advertising campaign successful, and a bad one may not bring any return.

"An advertising campaign plan is akin to a tourist map. It allows you to find the right road and, once you find it, not lose it," advertiser Richard Stanfield defines media planning in the Advertising Manager's Handbook. However, in the absence of an advertising plan, even the strongest creative, one hundred percent worked in focus groups or supported by the experience and intuition of the creator, will be useless. The goal of media planning is effective human contact with advertising. Therefore, this very contact is most often the unit of measurement. Strictly speaking, the task of media planning is to ensure the very existence of contact, to make it a fact. But how fruitful this contact will be depends on the creative performance. In the same way, the converse is also true: the correct creative, shown to the wrong address, in the wrong place or at the wrong time, loses its commercial meaning. This is the starting point from which we can begin our short excursion.

A meaningful choice

The two main questions, despite the abundance of special terms and know-how in media planning, are simply formulated. First, how best to choose a place for advertising (TV program, area or magazine). Secondly, how can you more accurately understand how many ads you need to mark up in order to still encourage the viewer to buy?

Rating is the first thing that the compiler of an advertising plan (media planner) looks at. This is the size of the audience of a specific program, magazine, newspaper in a given period of time. For example, if the program was watched by 25% of the TV audience, then its rating will be 25 points. If the newspaper is read by 15% of the townspeople, then its rating is 15 points. Nowadays, almost all publications have their own ratings, and there are several independent research firms that annually publish ratings of TV programs, TV channels, magazines and newspapers. The most famous are TNS Gallup and Telerating. If a third-party specialist or agency is involved in the work on the media plan, then, as a rule, the advertiser has ratings at hand.

The cost of contacts (cost per thousand, CPT) is the cost of reaching a real (determined by research) thousands of readers, viewers or listeners. In other words, the price of contact with a client is the amount that must be paid to an advertising agency (TV channel, newspaper, radio) in order to convey a message. It is the CPT that is the "conditional currency" in which it is customary all over the world to compare a newspaper, magazine or TV program when purchasing it as an advertisement carrier. We take a specific medium, for example, a newspaper, and calculate the average number of readers per issue (it is better to take the numbers from research, because the net circulation does not reflect the phenomenon of several people reading one newspaper). If we advertise once in one issue of one newspaper, then CPT is equal to the ratio of all our money invested in this placement to the average number of readers of one issue of this newspaper (in thousands), for example, 10,000 dollars: 2,500 = 4 dollars.

The higher the rating of a channel, program or publication, the higher the cost of advertising in it. At first glance, it seems that our advertising contacts are correspondingly more expensive. However, this is not entirely true - in reality, expensive media have a much wider audience. Accordingly, special magazines and programs popular in their "get-together" are more expensive, but also more effective than their less interesting competitors. It turns out that the difference in advertising prices, of course, increases the cost of contacts, but this does not mean at all that, for example, advertising in morning or afternoon programs on a weekday costs much less than on Saturday evening. Let's say it's half the price of prime time. But even fewer people watch such programs. Usually the difference in the audience reaches 3-5 times - the rating programs are watched by 10-20% of TV viewers, and not the rating 2-3%. It turns out that, despite the attractive price, the cost of a thousand contacts will turn out to be higher. In other words, a decrease in costs in absolute terms does not at all mean a decrease in the cost of engaging each individual person in an advertising campaign. The same thing works in the press, outdoor advertisements or radio.

Affinity - in relation to the plan of an advertising campaign, this means that your target audience matches the target group of the selected advertising medium. Actually, on this basis, the advertising campaign adjusts the choice of advertising carriers for the given audience parameters. In other words, it targets.

Exact calculation

Media planning essentially boils down to choosing the best advertising sites. It is logical to ask the question: what are the criteria for optimality? There are two approaches to advertising calculations: you can count people (reach), or you can count ad impressions (contacts). Considering people, we have the following picture: one person who has seen your ad 10 times will remain one person. Considering advertising contacts, we get the following alignment: if one person saw the ad 10 times, and the second 1 time, then the number of advertising contacts that was reached is eleven. And here we are concerned about the average number of contacts within one campaign.

In terms of people, the key concept in media planning is “reach,” that is, the portion of the population or target group that you have contacted through a single ad message. The higher the achievement, the greater the broadcast power of the advertising message. The next step in the calculation is the "accumulated reach". This is the part of the population (target group) that you have come into contact with through several advertising messages in one media or one advertising message during the month. There are two methods that are usually combined with one another. Summing up the audience of a specific medium (for example, a program) during repeated broadcasts and combining the audience of several programs used as a package in an advertising campaign.

The number of times a given ad message can potentially be seen. For example, television requires measuring the number of people who have watched a program in which they plan to advertise. It is customary to measure an advertising campaign in general in GRP.

GRP (gross rating points, the total rating of an advertising campaign) is the percentage of the population exposed to advertising exposure, or, in other words, the total mass of this exposure. For example, in a week you showed four TV spots, each of which was seen by 10% of the channel's viewers. So your overall rating is 40. GRP is also called "media weight". For example, on the cosmetics market, the advertising weight of L'Oreal is about 40%, Faberlic and Oriflame - about 15%. This means not only that L'Oreal ads are seen by 40% of Russians, while Faberlic or Oriflame ads are seen by only 15%, but also the fact that L'Oreal ads dominate in this product category, and the rest of the brands are in relative parity. Within the framework of this strategy, it is enough to purchase a certain percentage of advertising space (TV, radio, posters) - and the campaign is guaranteed to have an effect. It is only important to choose the right specific advertising sites. With equal "media weight" or close to equal, the creative decision plays a decisive role. If unequal, a company with less weight has a chance to attract attention and win the sympathy of people only due to a brilliant find. It is clear that a lightweight can only win at heavy weight by using some unusual hook or by improvising a series of unexpected blows. For example, they will start talking about it, passing advertising by word of mouth.

TRP (target rating point) is the total rating, but not for the entire audience, like GRP, but only for the target group. It can be calculated based on the indicator of compliance of the advertising audience with the audience of the advertising medium. Here, in fact, is the point - the bulls eye (bull's eye), which we should get to with the help of the media plan.

The main thing is the details

Why do some companies fail in the competition? There are a great many reasons - most likely, there will be a complex complex of different factors or a combination of unfortunate circumstances. Of course, there are things and events that cannot be estimated in numbers and statistical summaries.

One compelling reason can be inappropriate spending of advertising budgets. In particular, ignoring the psychological characteristics of the perception of advertising. After all, it is not enough to choose an advertising medium, it is also important to correctly establish the volume of advertising - the duration of the video or the size of the advertisement in the newspaper. Newspaper ads use the term "Sq = X" to indicate the likelihood of a reader of the issue's contact with the first ad you place. Sq = 1 means that everyone who picks up the issue of the newspaper will see the ad. Such ads take up a whole page. Sq = 0 means that no one will see the ad - if the ad area is less than 1/64 of the page.

Naturally, formal knowledge is not enough for good planning. But there are questions that need to be answered exactly:

When? (timing of the campaign).

And, of course, the final question: how much does it cost? As a rule, he is the one who worries the most. As for advertising campaign budgeting, there is one interesting nuance. Many people spend on advertising as much as they do not mind or how much they can spend. “Our budget is twenty thousand,” says the business owner. However, the correct and, if you prefer, more strategically justified, budget determination can be associated with an estimate of the advertising costs of the closest competitors and the necessary advertising pressure. It is on this basis that we will be able to identify the optimal minimum costs for an advertising campaign. Naturally, the creative level makes interesting ads more noticeable than boring ones, but all the same, if its physical volume is less than necessary, it will go unnoticed. And then it is better to think not about advertising, but about other methods of influencing consumers (PR, promotions or guerrilla marketing). A media strategy will help you to correctly determine the optimal minimum.

Ready recipes

A certain knowledge of media planning will help, rather, to estimate the plan of an advertising campaign and, most importantly, to correctly understand the proposals of specialists. Obviously, behind any media plan there must be a meaningful system - a well-grounded approach to the use of all elements of media planning.

You can independently form a media strategy if you use ready-made templates.

The effective frequency strategy deals with the key concept of the frequency of the ad contact. Strictly speaking, frequency is the number of contacts a person has with an advertisement. In the strategy of "effective frequency" the frequency of human contacts with advertising is of key importance. It is based on a series of scientific experiments at the end of the 19th century to study the relationship between the frequency of repetition, the length and the degree of memorability of a message. The essence of the experiment was as follows. Every day, the researcher read aloud a set of advertising texts, and then tried to reproduce them from memory. (To minimize possible associative influences, sets of letter combinations that have no meaning were used as a message model.) As a result, it was found that with an increase in the number of days of the experiment, the number of repetitions required to recall an advertisement decreases. The strategy is based on the assumption that three or more advertising contacts are necessary to remember the brand and influence the purchasing decision. It is argued that exactly three contacts with a TV commercial are the necessary minimum to ensure the attention and awareness of potential buyers about the brand. A clear psychological explanation of the concept of three contacts is offered: the first contact provides the initial attention of the addressee to the message and presupposes the answer to the question: "What is it?" The second contact has a more personal character, during which the answer is formed to the question: "What exactly does this advertisement mean to me?" The third contact serves as a reminder.

At the same time, it is the beginning of the process of "removing" attention from the subject of interest earlier.

When planning, the required level of effective frequency is set based on the goals of the advertising campaign. To launch new brands, 5–7 contacts are recommended per advertising campaign (the period used in this strategy as a unit of time is a month). For advertising support for already promoted brands, the recommended value is 3-4 contacts. And most often, the effective frequency of contact is determined in each case and for each stage of the advertising campaign. In other words, the optimal number of impressions. The required quantity (frequency level) depends on many factors - the advertising activity of competitors, the presence of stereotypes of perception of a given product or product group, the novelty of a product or the entire product category that a trademark represents. These factors are collectively referred to as "noise". Based on the "noise volume", calculate the level of advertising pressure and - the value of the required effective frequency. For example, when promoting a brand that opens up a new product category to consumers, in order to achieve efficiency, we must increase the number of contacts with advertising so that people simultaneously remember a whole bunch of new opportunities and a new brand.

Sometimes stereotypes prevailing in the market interfere with advertising and can "blur" its effect even with the right frequency. For example, when the sanitary napkin brand Cotex launched a TV campaign in the 1950s, the ads didn’t work. Studies have shown that women are simply embarrassed to ask them at pharmacies. The simple solution - to place branded racks with spacers in pharmacies that you can take yourself and put on the checkout, gave a dramatic increase in sales. In parallel, advertising efforts focused on the message that “it's natural to ask Cotex”. Ultimately, in a number of regions of the United States, with the help of strong advertising pressure at the beginning and dense support during a year's advertising campaign, it was possible to achieve high brand awareness among not only customers, but also pharmacy workers. As a result, a woman, coming to the pharmacy, did not have to blush and ask about "sanitary napkins", but could simply call Cotex. Since then, naturally, morals have become freer, but this example remains one of the classic success stories based on the correct planning of advertising and the selection of advertising media. An ad campaign planned with an "effective frequency" strategy looks "pulsating in time and volume." The distribution of the level of advertising pressure over time is determined by the stage of the advertising campaign, seasonality, and competitive strategies. Often, the campaign is built on a “circles on the water” principle, gradually increasing the ad-served percentage of the population (GRP).

Another strategy is called "recency" (from the English "recent" - recent, last), in the Russian version you can apply the definition of the "last contact" strategy. This strategy is tailored for the launch of new brands and explosive effects. It is based on research showing that the most recent pre-purchase ad contact has the greatest influence on purchasing decisions. The ad campaign created under the "last contact" strategy is continuous and maintains an equal degree of pressure (number of contacts) throughout its duration. The more ad releases during each time interval, the greater the likelihood of impact on a potential consumer at the time of making a decision. Thus, the concept of recency requires continuous placement rather than wave-like ad pressure. The fading factor of the advertising effect speaks in favor of continuity - people forget advertising very quickly. Continuity of the campaign is justified by the fact that brand purchases are made on a daily basis. Therefore, from the point of view of the "last contact" strategy, it is better to pack the ad campaign in a shorter time frame, but at the same time maintain a constant force of pressure. The main thing is to get the person to make the first purchase within a short time and then maintain the advertising pressure for several more weeks. After such pressure, he, most likely, will periodically buy goods on his own. As for advertising support, it is better not to spread it out over the months, but to focus on periodic "hits" on correctly selected advertising sites.

According to plan

  • What audience should you reach?
  • Where to post?
  • How often should you post?
  • When to post?
  • How much to spend on it ?,

The document itself is usually divided into several related sections:

  • Targets and goals
  • The target audience
  • Communication channels
  • Target and channel matrix
  • Audience and channel matrix
  • Accommodation plan
  • Schedule
  • Time schedule
  • Budget

Vladimir Lyaporov, "Business Journal"